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Lo3-Task 1 & 2

The Hypodermic Needle Theory Suggest the Mass media could influence a
large group of people. They do this by Injecting the mass amount of people with
certain massagers that would trigger a desired response. For example, in 1938,
the science fiction novel war of the worlds by HG Wells was performed on the
radio in a dramatic way and heightened realism to make people believe in what
they heard. The broadcast occurred every 40 minutes and people thought it was
an invasion from mars and took defensive actions in order to protect them. The
main positive from the hypodermic needle is that statistics are seen as an
effective way of seeing trends and also large amounts of people are involved
over a long period of time. However the main downside in todays world is the
fact that people are aware of the media industry and how messages are
constructed therefore not so many people are affected.
Uses and Gratifications
This theory has a larger focus on its consumer rather than messages that are
broadcasted to the audience, which in other words is the opposite to the
hypodermic needle theory. Therefore the audience uses the media to meet their
needs and reach those gratifications, whether it would be for the use of
relaxation, socializing or entertainment. This is still used today however it was
originated by Bulmer and Katz in the 1940s. The fact that its still being
continued today means the theory has had been successful.
Reception theory is the way in which a text is read and understood by
audiences. The people who analyse these texts are focused on investigating how
these media texts influence the experience which a viewer has when interacting
with the medium, and what message is delivered to them.
An important ideal in this theory is that the text itself has no meaning but that
the meaning comes from the interaction between the media and the viewer.
Therefore, contextual factors play more of an important role in the spectators
viewing, and thus each individual viewer may receive a different message from
the same programme. These factors include an individuals personal social,
historical and political status.
Thus, overall, reception theory accounts for the viewers viewing circumstances,
which have a big influence over how the viewer will perceive meaning from the
Active consumption is when the audience will engage with messages which
they hear, via the media. They may agree with such messages, or sometimes
question the information which they are faced with. For example, TV shows such
as Question Time invite foreign leaders onto the show to discuss worldly issues,
and audiences have the opportunity to question leaders, in a close proximity,
which they wouldnt be able to do at home.
Contrastingly, passive consumption is when an audience does not engage or
question the media regarding the messages which they communicate. Instead,
they just accept the messages which they are delivered, and are passive
followers of societys norms.
Do Violent Games brainwash
18 rated games are seen Another you?
report mentioned There are some theories
to contain violence, gun how a 14-year old boy that have been discussed
crime, blood and sexual killed his Father and along with these events
content. People who play brother inspired by and theories. For example,
these games are said to be violent character Trevor in The Hypodermic Needle
okay to play them if they the game GTA 5. GTA 5 is Theory Suggest the Mass
are bought with an adult, an 18 Rated video game media could influence a
however, if a kid wanted to and includes extreme large group of people. They
play a game, the age violence with all sorts of do this by Injecting the
rating will not stop them. It weapons. The fact the mass amount of people
almost does the opposite game appears realistic, like with certain massagers
and makes it more the real world, the kid took that would trigger a
tempting for the kid to the violent actions desired response. Thus,
play. This is why young mirroring the character this would account of the
teens that play video Trevor. During the crime, multiple accounts of young
games have been and after he had shot his people whom offer their
influenced to do the dad, he called 911, and exposure to video games
certain things that you get then stabbed his brother. as the reasoning behind
away with in a computer His supposed motive their vicious and violent
game. behind the crime was the actions.
abuse he had often
Evan Ramsey played a first Moreover, the Reception
received from his brother.
person shooter game theory is the way in which
The 14 year old boy has
called Doom where in the a text is read and
been charged on two
game you can shoot understood by audiences.
counts of adult first-degree
someone and they will get As stated in the theory,
murder in the deaths of his
back up fine. Therefore, everyone understands and
farther and younger
with the loose gun Laws in interprets media in
America, he was able to different ways. A fully
get his hands on a shotgun functioning normal
and brought it to school. member of society would
After sneaking the weapon not fall victim to being
into school he put his influenced to mimic and
knowledge from the game copy such violent actions,
to the test and shot a however, young people are
student. He said not fully developed and
afterwards I did not therefore can sometimes
understand that if I pull out act in ways they wouldnt if
However, The Telegraph
a gun and shoot you ... they were older.
has found no evidence that
youre not getting back
violent video games make The worldwide response to
up ... you have to shoot
children aggressive. these games is therefore
the things eight or nine
Instead, it is the length of varied: it depends solely
times before it dies. He
time which these young on personal preference. For
claims that the video game
people spend playing such some, the idea of a game
Doom, distorted his
games. Therefore, it is a enabling mass murder is
version of reality.
somewhat limited disgusting, but for others it

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