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Two-Nation Theory, Pakistan Resolution & the Partition of

India: Brainchildren of the Rulers of British India

On March 24, 1940 (not March 23rd as commonly reported), the All-India Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution
demanding a separate homeland for Muslims. In 1947, on the basis of the Two-Nation Theory, India was partitioned.
Partition resulted in human suffering and destroyed peace in South Asia. The Two-Nation Theory, the Pakistan Resolution
and the partition of India were all brainchildren of the rulers of India. Consider this: had the Muslim League (under the
leadership of Mr. Jinnah) promoted the Two-Nation Theory, the
Resolution or partition without consent from the rulers, he and his
lieutenants would have been imprisoned on charges of inciting treason or
inflaming hatred and communalism. Furthermore, had Mr. Jinnahs
policies not been in line with the rulers schemes, they would not have
accepted him as the sole leader of the Muslim community; some other
Muslim leader would have been given Jinnahs slot.

Because Mr. Jinnahs policies were in line with the British agenda, not a
single Muslim leader of any other political party (including Allama
Mashriqi and his Khaksar Movement in British India) supported the Two-
Nation Theory, the Pakistan Resolution, or the partitioning of India. For
more information, read my published works.

- Nasim Yousaf (Author & Researcher), March 23, 2017

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