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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 68, NO. 5 (SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2003); P. 16951707, 19 FIGS.

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Reduced-time migration of transmitted PS waves

David Sheley and Gerard T. Schuster

ABSTRACT the data, decreases the focusing error due to an incor-

We develop the novel theory of transmitted PS migra- rect migration velocity model, and relocates reection
tion and show that PS transmitted arrivals in a Gulf of or PS transmission events to be closer to their true
Mexico vertical seismic prole (VSP) data set can be mi- positions. Although limited to crosswell and VSP ge-
grated to accurately image a salt sheet even though the ometries, synthetic- and eld-data examples show that
receiver array is below the transmitting boundary. We reduced-time migration is noticeably more accurate than
also show that migrating transmitted arrivals is effective conventional migration in the presence of static shifts
in illuminating the base of an orebody invisible to PP and/or migration velocity errors. The main assumption
reections. In general, interfaces that bisect wavepath of reduced-time migration is that the direct wave samples
propagation (i.e., the source and receiver are on oppo- errors which are representative of errors in the migration
site sides of the interface and therefore invisible to PP aperture. Transmission wavepaths, in general, are sub-
reections) can be imaged by migration of PS transmit- parallel to the direct wave and therefore the two modes
ted waves. These results suggest that migration of PS encounter similar errors and, hence, reduced-time mi-
transmitted waves opens new opportunities in imaging gration is effective in improving the focusing of migra-
nearly vertical impedance boundaries that are typically tion energy. For the PP reection case, the direct wave
invisible to conventional reection imaging of crosswell and the reected waves often traverse different parts of
and VSP data. the earth, therefore, reduced-time migration will remove
We also present a new interferometric method, static shifts but it is not expected to mitigate velocity er-
denoted as reduced-time migration, which uses the rors if the errors are spatially variant. However, if there
arrival-time difference between the direct P-wave and is a general and consistent bias in the velocity model,
subsequent events to increase migration accuracy. reduced-time migration is expected to deliver improved
Reduced-time migration removes static time shifts in results over conventional Kirchhoff migration.

INTRODUCTION aries. To solve the steep boundary problem we propose migrat-

ing the forward-scattered PS-waves to locate the transmitting
Seismic migration is a powerful imaging method (Gardner, boundary. Previous work on forward-scattering by Balch et al.
1985) used to reconstruct the reectivity distribution from seis- (1991) showed that reverse-time migration of converted waves
mic reection data. Originally developed for common-depth- could image point diffractors in a physical model. This led to
point (CDP) data, it was extended in the 1980s and 1990s to the further development of PS-reection migration of cross-
image the reectivity distribution from both vertical seismic well data, but the imaging of PS transmitted waves remained
prole (VSP) (Amundsen et al., 1993; Payne, 1994) and cross- unexplored.
well data (Hu et al., 1988; Qin, 1994). Although migration of The earthquake community also uses PS arrivals to im-
PP reections is effective in imaging horizontal or obliquely- age certain layer boundaries. Using a layered model assump-
dipping boundaries, it is notoriously ineffective in delineat- tion, earthquake seismologists use P and S transmitted waves
ing near-vertical interfaces such as salt anks or orebody from earthquakes to image the Moho, denoting the method
boundaries. as the receiver-function technique (Langston, 1977). Later,
The inability to image steep anks is a serious economic lia- Chavez-P
(1997) and Chavez-P
and Louie (1996, 1998)
bility because oil or minerals are often adjacent to such bound- used forward-scattered P-waves from recorded earthquakes to

Manuscript received by the Editor September 4, 2001; revised manuscript received July 5, 2002.

University of Utah, Department of Geology and Geophysics, WBB Room 719, 1460 East 135 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0111. E-mail:;
c 2003 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

1696 Sheley and Schuster

infer the presence of deep fault-zone diffractors. Chavez-P

eral migration isochrons, the curves along which PP reection
(1997) proposed using either forward-scattered S-waves or PS (Figure 2a) and converted PS (Figure 2b) amplitudes will be
events to image diffractors, but results with earthquake data smeared by Kirchhoff migration. Each technique is suitable
were arguably ambiguous. for imaging boundaries tangent to the migration isochrons.
Although these previous researchers used PS transmission For a single trace and a homogeneous medium, PP reection
data, they did not exploit its most useful feature: namely, imag- migration smears reection amplitudes along isochrons that
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ing vertical interfaces with VSP or crosswell data. We expand form concentric ellipses, whereas, PS migration smears trans-
on this previous work and dene a Kirchhoff migration oper- mission amplitudes along isochrons that form oblate ellipsoids.
ator for transmitted converted waves and use it to successfully The region near the tip of the oblate ellipsoids (dashed lines
image transmitting boundaries in both synthetic and eld data. in Figure 2b) is where the P-waves convert to transmitted S-
This overcomes, to a large degree, the inability of seismic meth- waves, which is the event we exploit in imaging vertical bound-
ods to image vertical boundaries. aries. Note, there are no vertical tangents between the wells for
Other major problems in migration include an incorrect mi- the PP reection isochrons, meaning that such boundaries are
gration velocity model and static shifts in the data. Since such invisible to PP reection imaging. Contrast this with the many
high frequencies are used, static shift problems are particularly vertical or near-vertical tangents for the transmitted PS-wave
acute in the mining industry, where errors in source initiation isochrons.
time or indeterminate well locations lead to defocusing of the Similar to PP-reection migration, the migration algorithm
migration image. To mitigate these problems, we introduce a for transmitted PS arrivals, in a single trace of crosswell or VSP
new interferometric technique that decreases the sensitivity of data, consists of three steps: (1) calculate the traveltime srP for
migration to velocity model errors and removes static errors. P-waves to propagate from the source to an image point using
We denote this method as reduced-time migration. Reduced- the P-wave velocity, (2) calculate the traveltime rgS for S-waves
time migration is validated with both synthetic and eld data, to propagate from an image point to the receiver using the
and we show that it can be applied to both transmission and re- S-wave velocity, and (3) smear the PS transmission amplitude
ection arrivals to improve image quality. By combining these from the trace at time equal to srP + rgS to the image point
two tools, transmission migration and reduced-time migration, denoted by r:

several of the major problems that have long plagued crosswell  
and VSP migration are now mitigated. m(r) = h(s, r, g)s z g , srP + rg
dz g , (1)
The rst two sections of this paper describe respectively the
theory of PS transmission migration and the theory of reduced-
time migration; following this, we present some numerical and
eld data results. The last section offers some conclusions.


Converted-wave migration migrates either reected or

transmitted mode-converted events to their place of conver-
sion at the reecting or transmitting boundary. Compared to PP
reection migration, the advantage of migrating transmitted
converted waves in crosswell and VSP surveys is that bound-
aries roughly parallel to the wells can be imaged, as illustrated
in Figure 1. To demonstrate this capability, Figure 2 shows sev-

FIG. 2. Comparison of (a) PP reection migration isochrons

and (b) PS converted-wave isochrons in seconds. The PP
isochrons form ellipses with the source and receiver as foci,
whereas the PS converted-wave isochrons form oblate ellip-
soid (egg-shaped) isochrons. The tangents to the dashed por-
tions of the isochrons denote the interfaces that can give rise to
FIG. 1. Division of energy from an incident P-wave. The trans- transmitted PS arrivals; solid lines indicate those for reected
mitted arrivals are extant in the receiver well, no reections waves. A transmission ray is shown in green and reections in
can be recorded. red.
Migration of transmission PS waves 1697

where m(r) is the migration image at r, s(z g , t) is the seismic els. Figure 2b shows the isochrons for srP + rgS , the imaging
trace recorded at the depth denoted by z g , and condition for both PS reection (solid lines) and transmis-
 sion PS-waves (dashed lines). If rgS rgP , then equation (1)
1 if sr and rg form a transmitted ray, is appropriate for PP reection migration, with the associated
h(s, r, g) =
0 otherwise, isochrons shown in the Figure 2a.
The importance of Figure 2 is that the tangents to the
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is the threshold lter that distinguishes transmitted rays transmission PS-wave isochrons are vertical or nearly vertical,
from reected rays. Migrating the data in this manner re- whereas those for PS reected waves or PP reections have
quires knowledge of both the P- and S-wave velocity mod- less dip between the wells. This means that PS transmission

FIG. 3. (a) Homogeneous velocity model with source-receiver spacing of 1000 m and a depth of 200 m. The depth
of reectors R1 and R2 is 759 m and 1066 m, respectively. (b) Isochrons are governed by srP + rgP . The direct wave
(D) migrates to the line connecting the source and receiver. (c) Migration isochrons for (a) but the traces have
been shifted by 0.2 s prior to migration. (d) Same as for (c) but reduced-time migration was used. (e) Migration
isochrons for a 110% velocity model. (f) Same as for (e) but reduced-time migration was used.
1698 Sheley and Schuster

migration is appropriate for imaging steep dips compared to is now given an erroneous static shift tsg , the direct wave D
the limitation of imaging only shallower dips by PP and PS is now incorrectly smeared along the jagged ellipse shown in
reection migration. A resolution analysis of PS transmission Figure 3c, and the reections are also smeared along incorrect
migration is given in Appendix A, which shows that resolution ellipses. However, reduced-time migration eliminates this er-
increases as the P- to S-velocity contrast increases. ror as shown in Figure 3d because the term sg obs
= tsg
compensates for the unknown static shift.
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REDUCED-TIME MIGRATION THEORY Reduced-time migration also mitigates errors due to erro-
Reduced-time migration is dened as temporally shifting the neous migration velocities. In the case of a migration velocity
traces by the traveltime of the observed direct arrival sg
, and error, the erroneous time shift to the data is in the traveltime
then migrating the reduced data, i.e., calculation of the imaging condition, where

  sr + rg = srcorr ect + rg
corr ect
+ tsrg . (3)
m(r) = s z g , sr + rg + sg
dz g , (2)
Here, the correct superscript refers to the calculated travel-
where sgcalc
is the direct traveltime computed from the velocity times in the correct model, and tsrg is the error in comput-
model. This sg calc
term is used to adjust the migration operator ing sr + rg with an incorrect velocity model. Note, if r is a
to account for reduced-time data. If the exact velocity model is point on the direct wave ray, then sg obs
= tsrg in equa-
known, then sg obs
= sg
, and this equation does not differ from tion (2) and the direct wave is migrated correctly along the di-
the conventional Kirchhoff migration equation. However, if rect ray. However, if r is elsewhere, then sgobs
 = tsrg , so
there is an unknown source static time shift tsg in the traces, the reectors are still migrated incorrectly. But, the associated
then sg
= tsg , which is the negative value of the un- static shift error is reduced because |sg
| < |tsrg |. This
known static shift. Thus, equation (2) eliminates this static error is illustrated in Figure 3, where the correct migration image is
by reshifting the traces by tsg . given in Figure 3b, whereas migration with an incorrect velocity
The focusing error due to a static shift in the trace is illus- model results in Figure 3e. Note, the direct wave is now incor-
trated in Figure 3. Figure 3a shows the model where a single rectly migrated to an ellipse, and the reections are migrated
trace is assumed to contain three events: a direct P-wave de- deeper than their reecting boundaries. With the incorrect ve-
noted as D, a reection R1 from layer one, and a reection R2 locity model, reduced-time migration (Figure 3f) migrates the
from layer two. This trace is migrated to give the section shown direct wave D to its proper position and migrates the reection
in Figure 3b, where the direct wave energy has been smeared
along a line connecting the source with the receiver, and reec-
tion energy is smeared along the correct ellipses. If the trace

FIG. 4. Vertical boundary model used to generate synthetic

crosswell and RVSP data. Density is constant for the entire
100-m2 model, and a 1500-Hz z-component source was used.
Sources for both crosswell and RVSP simulations are on the
left at 1-m intervals (101 total). Receivers (101) at 1-m intervals FIG. 5. Synthetic RVSP seismogram for a source at 100-m
are distributed along the right for the crosswell simulation, and depth. The source frequency is 1500 Hz, receiver spacing is
across the top for the RVSP simulation. 1 m, and the total record length is 0.06 s.
Migration of transmission PS waves 1699

events R1 and R2 closer to their reecting boundaries than with Vertical boundary model
conventional migration. This is because the compensation fac-
tor sg
in equation (2) reduces the value of the velocity A vertical boundary model is used as a feasibility test and to
static shift factor tsrg in equation (3). gain insight into both PS transmission migration and reduced-
time migration. Both crosswell and reverse vertical seismic pro-
NUMERICAL TESTS le (RVSP) data are generated and migrated.
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In this section, synthetic data are generated for a vertical

boundary model and a salt diapir model. The transmitted PS Forward modeling.The vertical boundary model in
arrivals are then migrated to image the converting boundary, Figure 4 is used to generate both crosswell and RVSP data.
demonstrating the ability of PS-transmission migration to im- P-wave velocities are 5000 and 5500 m/s, the P- to S-wave ve-
age such features. locity ratio is 1.5, and a constant density is used. Parallel source

FIG. 6. Migration images for the crosswell experiment. The sources are on the left and the receivers on the right.
The PS transmitted waves were isolated by muting. (a) Migration with the actual velocity model. (b) Shows the
conventional migration result with a 90% velocity model. (c) In the presence of a 10% velocity error, reduced-time
migration places the transmitting boundary much closer to its true position than does conventional migration.

FIG. 7. Migration images for the RVSP experiment. The sources were on the left and the receivers were along
the top, both emplaced at 1-m intervals. Note that only a small portion of the vertical boundary is imaged due to
the restricted RVSP geometry and refraction effects.

FIG. 8. SP migration for the RVSP experiment. Note that much more of the transmitting boundary is imaged
than with PS transmitted waves (Figure 7).
1700 Sheley and Schuster

and receiver wells bracket the model for the crosswell sim- quency is centered at 1500 Hz, and the time interval is 10 s.
ulation. The RVSP simulation uses the same sources as for The line source is orthogonal to the model space and, there-
the crosswell simulation but the receivers are along the top fore, geometric spreading occurs in only two dimensions. Both
of the model. Synthetic seismograms were computed using a vertical- and horizontal-component data were generated and
2D elastic wave modeling code, placing sources and receivers recorded. A common-shot gather for a source at 100-m depth
at 1-m intervals. The model grid size is 20 cm, the source fre- and receivers on the surface (RVSP) is shown in Figure 5.
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FIG. 9. Migration images for reected PP events in the RVSP experiment.

FIG. 10. Kidd Creek P-wave velocity model assuming a 3.5-ms time delay. The inversion data residual is 0.086 ms.
The source-well (right) and receiver-well (left) locations are indicated by the solid black lines. The dashed lines
represent the boundaries of the orebody as inferred from well information.
Migration of transmission PS waves 1701

Seismograms from both crosswell and RVSP data sets are model, the velocity contrast for SP-waves is greater than that
then migrated using a Kirchhoff migration algorithm (French, for PS- or PP-waves; hence, the SP-waves are refracted more
1974; Gardner et al., 1974) in combination with reduced-time and give a wider target illumination.

Migration results.Prior to migration PS transmission Applying converted-wave and reduced-time migration to

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events were isolated by muting all other arrivals. Using no re- crosswell and a VSP eld data conrm the vertical boundary
striction on incidence angles, Kirchhoff PS migration was ap- imaging of PS transmission migration. Converted-wave migra-
plied to the PS events for both the true velocity (Figure 6a) tion illuminates the base of an orebody and the top of a salt
and for a 90% velocity model (Figure 6b), i.e., 90% of sheet, both invisible to conventional migration of PP reec-
V p1 , V p2 , V s1 , and V s2 . The PS events are migrated to their tions. Also, an unknown static shift in the crosswell example is
actual position for the true velocity model and to an incor- eradicated by reduced-time migration.
rect position for the 90% velocity model. Reduced-time migra-
tion was also applied to the transmission PS arrivals. Results Kidd Creek crosswell imaging
for reduced-time PS migration are shown in Figure 6c, where
the location of the transmitting boundary for the 90% velocity The Kidd Creek mine, near Timmins, Ontario, Canada, is
model is much closer to the true boundary position than with a volcanogenic sulde deposit consisting primarily of rhyolite,
conventional migration. basalt, diorite, ultramacs, argillite, and massive suldes. Previ-
The results for synthetic RVSP data are similar to those ous work proved the feasibility of imaging massive sulde de-
for crosswell data. Figure 7 shows the results for conventional posits with seismic reections (Meng and McGaughey, 1996).
and reduced-time migration of transmitted PS-waves. Figure 8 Here, we migrate both PP reection and SP transmission events
shows the results for transmitted SP-waves. In addition to the to image the boundaries of the sulphide body embedded in the
transmitted events, the reected PP-waves were migrated by host rock. We also show the benets of applying reduced-time
Kirchhoff (Figures 9a and 9b) and reduced-time migration migration to these data.
(Figure 9c).
Note, much more of the boundary is imaged by migrating
the SP-waves than by migrating the PS- or PP-waves. For this

FIG. 11. Common receiver gather for a receiver at a depth of FIG. 12. The gather in Figure 11 has been attened to the direct
20 m. The gather has been bandpass ltered between 1000 and P-wave traveltime and median ltered, and the direct S-wave
6000 Hz. and later events have been muted.
1702 Sheley and Schuster

Data description.The Kidd Creek crosswell data were col- Migration results.Prior to migration, the data were pro-
lected by Noranda Mining and Exploration using boreholes cessed by resorting into the common receiver gather (CRG)
drilled from inside the copper-zinc sulde mine, and consists domain, picking the rst-arrival traveltimes, attening the
of 140 shots with 48 receivers each. The boreholes intersect an direct-P arrivals, and then picking the residual times to further
orebody, as evidenced by cores from each hole. These seismic atten the direct P-wave. After attening, an 11-point median
data are ideally suited for the reduced-time migration method lter was applied to accentuate the reection and transmission
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since there exists an unknown time delay and/or well location events; all but these events were then muted and unattened
error in the data. To mitigate the problem, Hu (1999) proposed back to their original positions. A sample gather after bandpass
that a constant time shift be applied to the traces. He estimated ltering is shown in Figure 11, and Figure 12 shows the result
this delay to be 3.5 ms by assuming a constant background ve- after both the bandpass and median ltering.
locity and minimizing the data residual. After applying the data By applying conventional converted-wave migration to the
time shift, the rst arrival traveltimes were inverted to gener- muted and time-shifted CRGs, the transmitted SP-waves,
ate the velocity model shown in Figure 10. Since the velocity which appear as PS transmissions in the CRGs, are migrated
tomogram does not correlate well with the log-based model, near the orebody boundary estimated by Noranda (Figure 13a).
the tomogram is assumed to be in error. Nevertheless, it is A restriction on incidence angles was used to limit the angle be-
used here as the migration velocity model to prove the util- tween the image point and the line connecting the source and
ity of reduced-time migration. Since the S-wave rst arrivals receiver to be less than 20 . That is, the P- to S-conversion takes
are not distinct throughout the data set, they were not picked place mostly along the tips of the oblate ellipsoids in Figure 2.
and inverted to generate an S-wave velocity model. Instead, This restriction helped to reduce migration artifacts.
we assume a constant P-to-S velocity ratio of 1.7. This value is The reduced-time migration algorithm was then applied to
consistent with empirical data from an adjacent mine. the seismograms without applying the 3.5 ms time shift. The

FIG. 13. Result from migrating the SP transmission events from the bottom of the orebody. Eight CRGs were
migrated and stacked to produce this image; each CRG contained 140 traces. (a) Conventional SP transmission
migration image. (b) The same data for (a) were migrated with reduced-time migration. (c) Result from migrating
the PP reection events from the top of the orebody with a convention migration algorithm. Seven CRGs were
migrated and stacked to produce this image. (d) The same data for (c) were migrated with the reduced-time
migration equation for PP reections.
Migration of transmission PS waves 1703

result, given in Figure 13b, migrates the events much closer Gulf of Mexico VSP imaging
to the inferred boundary than with conventional migration.
Moreover, the intersection of the migrated boundary with the We now describe the results of applying PS transmission mi-
borehole and the intersection of the SP transmitted wave with gration to offset VSP data acquired in the Gulf of Mexico. The
the direct P-wave correlate well. objective is to use PS transmission events to image the top and
Hu (1999) used conventional PP reection migration to im- base of a tabular salt sheet.
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age the top boundary of the ore body. We repeat the pro-
cess here and compare it to PP reection migration using the Data description.An offset VSP experiment was carried
reduced-time imaging condition. We found a strong reection out by an anonymous seismic contractor in the Gulf of Mexico.
event from the top boundary in seven CRGs. These gathers A plan view of the survey conguration is shown at the top of
were processed, as described in the previous section, by me- Figure 14. The data consists of three 3-component gathers at
dian ltering and muting. After applying the 3.5-ms data shift offsets of 150, 600, and 1500 m from the wellhead (Figure 14,
to the traces, the gathers were migrated using PP reection top). The 150-m offset gather consist of 82 receiver stations
migration (Figure 13c). Without the time shift, the reection from depths of 2650 to 3890 m at 15.3-m intervals. The 600 and
energy is either not migrated or is smeared far from its location 1500 m offset gathers contain 95 receiver stations each between
on the ore boundary. depths of 3050 and 4490 m, again at 15.3-m intervals. Sample
Reduced-time migration was then applied to the unshifted gathers are shown in Figure 15 with prominent modes labeled.
data. The result, given in Figure 13d, migrates the events much The upper gure shows the vertical component primarily con-
closer to the inferred boundary than with conventional mi- taining direct and reected P-waves. The horizontal component
gration. Moreover the intersection of the boundary with the (x) for the same shot offset is shown in the lower gure; this shot
borehole correlates well with the seismic data. Reduced-time gather records reections and transmissions from both P- and
migration without the 3.5-ms time shift gives a more reliable SV-waves. A P-wave velocity model is generated from well
image than does conventional migration with the time shift. information (Figure 14, bottom left), and an S-wave velocity
The combination of SP transmission and PP reection migra- model was estimated from near vertically incident PS trans-
tion almost completely illuminates the orebody boundaries. mission and reection traveltimes (Figure 14, bottom right).

FIG. 14. Offshore VSP acquisition geometry. The top image shows a plan view of the relative location of the
sources to the wellhead, denoted by . Since the source was on a ship, there is some scatter in each offsets
source location. The bottom two gures show the velocity proles for P-waves (left) and S-waves (right). The
solid line represents the well log velocity function and the dashed line the smoothed velocity model used for
1704 Sheley and Schuster

P-to-S velocity ratios of 1.6 and 2.7 was used for the salt and we generated a synthetic migration section (Figure 17, left)
sediment, respectively. Prior to migration, the data were reori- based solely on the well log velocity.
ented by maximizing the P-wave energy (Ahmed, 1987). This Using Kirchhoff migration, we migrated the 150-m offset
was rst done for the x- and y-components, maximizing the z-component gather with isolated P-wave reections to obtain
energy on the x-component direct wave, then on the z- and x- the reection section shown in the center of Figure 17. The
components, maximizing the z-component direct wave energy. prominent event at 3170 m is the base of the salt reection
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The events with the desired moveout velocity were picked and and correlates with the same event in the synthetic section. A
attened. The attened gathers were median and bandpass l- similar event can be found somewhat higher in the reected PS
tered and unattened. Figure 16 shows the isolated reected image (Figure 18, center). This gure shows another event at
P-waves (top) and transmitted S-waves (bottom) for the 150-m 2800 m which correlates with the top of salt. The transmitted
offset gather. PS migration image (Figure 19, center) shows a strong event at
2800 m that correlates well with the top of salt. In this gure,
Migration results.For each of the three gathers described we reversed the polarity of the synthetic section to accentuate
in the previous section, the PP reections, PS reections, and the top boundary of the salt. Also in this gure, the reader may
PS transmissions were migrated with reduced-time migration. notice that the events below the top of salt dip to the right. Since
The grid spacing for the migration model was 3 m in both the the geologic interfaces in this region are assumed to be at and
offset and depth directions. Conventional migration as well as appear to be so in the other migrated sections, we assume that
reduced-time migration were applied to these data, although this dip may be caused by salt anisotropy.
no signicant difference could be determined between the two. Figures 17, 18, and 19, contain, respectively, the reected P,
We nd that the velocity models accurately describe the true the reected PS, and the transmitted PS migrated images for a
earth velocity. The average time difference between the calcu-
lated direct-P traveltimes (sg ) and the picked direct-P trav-
eltimes (sg ) was about 6 ms (six data time samples). Since
there is little difference between the two, we only show the
reduced-time examples.
We rst show the migration images for the 150-m offset
gather followed by the 600-m offset gather. For comparison,

FIG. 16. Compare with Figure 15. Desired events were picked,
attened, median ltered, unattened, and bandpass ltered to
produce these gathers. f -k ltering was ineffective at isolating
FIG. 15. Shot gather for a source at 150 m with the the S-waves since the velocity of the S-waves in the salt is similar
z-component at the top and the x-component at the bottom. to that of P-waves traveling in the clastic sediments. Also, some
The y-component is not shown. of the S-waves events are spatially aliased in the sediments.
Migration of transmission PS waves 1705

source offset of 600 m. In Figure 18, notice the prominent events the vertical boundary. Due to the chosen velocities, SP trans-
at 3170 m, the base of salt, in the reected images. There is a mission migration was able to image approximately two-thirds
good correlation between the top of salt, above the uppermost of the boundary, PP reection migration one-half of the bound-
receiver at 3050 m, and the prominent event in the migrated ary, and PS transmission migration one-third of the boundary.
section. These results show that for VSP experiments, PS trans- For these synthetic data, the reduced-time imaging condition
mission migration can be effective in illuminating boundaries migrated the energy more accurately than conventional migra-
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above the receiver array. tion for an incorrect P and S velocity model.
PS transmission migration of the Kidd Creek crosswell data
CONCLUSIONS and the Gulf of Mexico VSP data demonstrated the feasibility
of imaging the boundaries of geologic bodies with large veloc-
In this paper, we developed and tested two novel techniques ity contrasts. The use of reduced-time migration with the Kidd
for crosswell and VSP seismic imaging: transmission PS migra- Creek data clearly showed better focusing and more accurate
tion and reduced-time migration. Transmission PS migration imaging than images obtained with conventional migration.
complements PP reection migration by illuminating nearly Applying reduced-time migration to the Kidd Creek data il-
vertical boundaries between the source and receivers. In ad- lustrated that, in the presence of an unknown time shift and
dition, reduced-time migration can decrease the imaging-time migration velocity errors, transmitted SP arrivals and reected
error associated with either an incorrect migration velocity or PP arrivals can be used to accurately image the transmitting
a static shift. and reecting boundaries. For these data, the base of the ore-
For a synthetic crosswell experiment, PS transmission ar- body would not have been imaged without the availability of
rivals were migrated to locate a vertical boundary parallel to PS transmitted arrivals.
the boreholes, a boundary that is invisible to PP reections. It The Gulf of Mexico VSP data were successfully migrated
was also demonstrated that the reduced-time imaging condi- to reconstruct the top and bottom of the tabular salt body
tion could be applied to these data to decrease the focusing even though the top of the salt body was above the receiver
errors due to an incorrect migration velocity. array. This further illustrates the utility of migrating trans-
Using the synthetic RVSP data, we applied PS and SP trans- mitted PS arrivals in illuminating boundaries invisible to PP
mission migration as well as PP reection migration to locate reections.

FIG. 17. A synthetic migration section calculated solely from borehole velocities is shown on the left. There is
good correlation with the base of salt and the strong events in both the 150-m (center) and 600-m offset (right)
migrated gathers.
1706 Sheley and Schuster
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FIG. 18. There are strong events at both the base and top of the salt sheet for the 150-m offset source (center)
and at the base of salt for the 600-m offset source (right).

In summary, migration of transmitted converted waves and Balch, A. H., Chang, H., Hoand, G. S., Ranzinger, K. A. and Erdemir,
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main assumption of reduced-time migration is that the errors Seismic Proling of the Continents.
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Gardner, G. H. F., Ed., 1985, Migration of seismic data: Soc. Expl.
tional migration. In the PP reection case, the direct wave and Geophys.
the reected waves usually traverse different parts of the earth, Gardner, G. H. F., French, W. S., and Matzuk, T., 1974, Elements of
migration and velocity analysis: Geophysics, 39, 811825.
therefore improved imaging by reduced-time migration is ex- Hu, J., 1999, Processing the Noranda Kidd Creek crosswell data: Uni-
pected to be the exception rather than the rule. The transmis- versity of Utah Modeling and Tomography Project 1998 Annual
sion wavepaths, in general, are subparallel to the direct wave Report, 269288.
Hu, L., McMechan, G. A., and Harris, J. M., 1988, Acoustic prestack
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Ahmed, A., 1987, A new method for orienting the horizontal com- Expanded Abstracts, 626629.
ponents in three-component vertical seismic proling data: M.Sc. Payne, M., 1994, Considerations for high-resolution VSP imaging: The
thesis, Univ. of Utah. Leading Edge, 13, 173180.
Amundsen, L., Arntsen, B., and Mittet, R., 1993, Depth imaging of Qin, F., 1994, Application of traveltime modeling and imaging in cross-
offset vertical seismic prole data: Geophys. Prosp., 41, 10091032. well seismology: Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Utah.
Migration of transmission PS waves 1707
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FIG. 19. Migration of transmitted PS arrivals for 150-m (center) and 600-m (right) offset gathers. The traces of
the synthetic migration section have been rotated 180 from the previous two gures to emphasize the top of the
salt boundary. Notice the correlation between the top of salt in the synthetic and migrated gathers. The dip of
the lower events may be due to shear wave anisotropy within the salt.


By assuming a homogeneous velocity for both P- and S- Assuming that the trial image point is (0, 0) and the source and
waves, the traveltime ( ) for energy to propagate from a source receiver are diametrically opposed [i.e. (xr , zr ) = (xs , z s )],
at (xs , z s ) to a receiver at (xr , zr ) through an arbitrary image then we can rewrite equation (A-2) as
point at (x, z) is represented by
 d 2 xs 2 xs
1 =  +  . (A-3)
= (xs x)2 + (z s z)2 dx xs + z s
2 2 xs + z s2

1 Recognizing that xs2 + z s2 is the magnitude of the vector s,
+ (xr x)2 + (zr z)2 , (A-1)
equation (A-3) can be re-expressed as
where is the P-wave velocity and is the S-wave velocity.

d 2xs
To determine the resolution in the x-direction, we take the = 1 . (A-4)
dx |s|
derivative of the traveltime eld with respect to the horizontal
image coordinate x:
It can be seen that as approaches (i.e. the V p /Vs ratio
d 2 x xs nears one), the horizontal resolution (d/d x) goes to zero.
=  Conversely, as the V p /Vs ratio increases so does the horizon-
dx (xs x)2 + (z s z)2
tal resolution. A similar analysis may be performed for the
2 x xr vertical resolution to determine that vertical resolution is also
+  . (A-2)
(xr x)2 + (zr z)2 proportional the V p /Vs ratio.

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