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Teacher Name : Emily Iversen Grade: Date: Start and End Time:

Subject: Science Number of Students: Student Proficiency Levels: WIDA Level;

Focus/Topic: Gravity Reading Level, Math Level, etc.

Standards and Objectives: Please consider both content standards and WIDA standards; List the number and text of each
standard; Include both content and language objectives; Make sure you number your objectives so that you can refer back to it
later in the lesson.

Content Standards and Objectives:

5.P.1 Understand force, motion and the relationship between them. Students will understand that force can affect the motion of a
vehicle that is built in class.

5.P.1.4 Predict the effect of a given force or a change in mass on the motion of an object.

WIDA Standards and Language Objectives:

Level 1 entering and level 2 beginning: Identify what gravity is, its affect on objects and be able to answer questions either
without help or with modeling by the teacher.

Essential Question/s or I Can Statement/s: I can explain what gravity does to objects on Earth.

Safety Issues:

Notes/Reminders to self a blown up balloon, rock, and paper and pencil

Key Vocabulary/Academic Language Frame/Concept/s: How will they be introduced? Gravity will be introduced through
experiment and examples.
Differentiation: How will you support diverse students needs?

I will use repetition of the concepts, visual aids, drawing and writing to help students of all levels understand what gravity is.

Instructional Strategy Procedures Be specific. Write out entire lesson. What will happen in each portion of the lesson?

Lesson Activation: (___5__minutes) How will you get the students excited about learning? How will you connect to students
experiences and prior learning?
I will start the lesson by telling students that we would be learning about gravity today. I will ask them, what happens when I jump
up? Will I float or will I come down? What about this pencil, if I drop it will it stay or will it fall down? It will fall down. Gravity is the
force that pulls us down. Gravity is a force that pulls us to the center of the Earth.

Statement of Objective: (___1__ minutes) How will you share I CAN statement? Will you read it or have students read it?

Today, we are going to find out about gravity and you will be able to tell me what gravity does.

Instructional Presentation/ Sequence: (__20___ minutes) How will you achieve your content and language objectives? Please
refer back to your objectives.

I will show the students an interative program on gravity from Discovery education. I will read the defintions out and then walk the
students through the examples of an apple tree, ball, and bicycle and ask them to predict what might happen.

Gravity pulls objects down. In their science notebooks, I will write, Gravity pulls down. Gravity is inside of the Earth. I will explain
that we are pulled by its gravity. So is the moon! In our notes, we will draw a picture of the earth and how everything is pulled to
the center. I will draw a person, house, boat and tree with arrows indicating down. I will write gravity in the middle of the Earth. On
the student side I will write a word: Rock. I will explain we are going to predict what is going to happen when this rock is dropped.
What do they think will happen? We will write their prediction. I will then call a student to drop the rock to see what it does. We will
record what happens to the rock (It fell down.) I will then ask them to explain why this happened. We will write, gravity pulled it
Next I will show them a piece of flat paper, and go through the same process of predict, record, explain.
I will repeat the process one last time with a balloon. I will ask them to predict, record and explain as before.

Closure/Evaluation: (__4___ minutes) How will you summarize and review what your students learned?

I will ask students what does gravity do? It pulls down will be repeated. I will then point to various objects around the room, pen,
scissors, folders, students and for each item I will ask what will happen if it is dropped. I will then ask why and they will repeat,
gravity pulls down.

Formal and Informal Assessment: (___1__ minutes) How will you know whether your students meet the content and language
objectives? Please include the types of assessments and what is being assessed. Please refer back to your objectives.

Student participation and being able to identify what happens in our closure as a class will tell me if they understand.

Instructional Resources and Materials: What resources and materials do you plan to use to engage students in learning?

Balloon, rock, discovery education interative, paper.

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