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Gonera Notes - 2/15/17

WWI Tensions Rise -

Austria/Hungary was worried nationalism would cause rebellions among the

minorities in the empire.

Balkan Wars - Slavs were trying to drive Ottoman Turks out of the Balkans, based

on nationalism called Pan-Slavic. Russia was the largest Slavic nation. They

supported all efforts to defend the Slavs.

Britain felt threatened by Germanys rapid growth after their unification. British

factories were getting old, German factories were brand new. Germans used their

industry to increase their weapons. France and Britain resented Germanys

attempts at imperialism. This common interest made them allies against the


Militarism, a buildup or readiness for war, which stemmed from Darwinism,

begins. Industrialized countries became engaged in an arms race.

The Hague Tribunal was a meeting of many nations leaders to try and avoid war

with a world court. This was meant to settle disputes among nations. )League of

Nations - United Nations) It could not enforce the rules or suggestions.

Causes of World War I

1. Imperialism

2. Nationalism

3. Militarism

4. Alliances
Gonera Notes - 2/17/17 -

The Sparks that sets off the war:

June 28, 1914 - Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie visit Bosnia. It

was their 14th anniversary and also the day Serbia was 28-1912 when the Turks

freed themselves from Turkish Rule, but the democracy he was considering

making some concessions to the Slavs. This causes him to have enemies on both

sides. The assassination of the Archduke by a Serbian nationalist group called the

Black Hand created the Spark necessary for the war.

After his nephews murder, the Austrian emperor, Francis Joseph blamed Serbia

and issued them an ultimatum (a set of demands). The demands were almost

impossible to meet in the time they were given. Serbia tried to satisfy Austrias

demands. With the encouragement of Germany, Austria declared war on Serbia,

July 28, 1914.


Germany (William II) promised Austria they would support them.

Serbia turned to another Slavie country, Russia for support.

Russia turned to France because they knew that France was anxious to avenge

their loss against Austria in the Franco-Prussian War. Germany demanded France

remain neutral, when they refused, Germany declared war on France too.

Triple Entente-France, Russia and Great Britain, When the U.S joins it will

become the Allies.

Triple Alliance - 1882 Germany, Austria/Hungary, Italy, After Italy switches sides

it is known as the Central Powers. Ottoman Empire joins in 1914 and Bulgaria in


Return From Vacation

Gonera Notes - (2/28/17)

Guns Of August -

Germany is afraid of launching a two front war. Their greatest fear was that

Russia would attack from the east and France would attack from the west.

They developed the Schlieffen Plan to avoid that situation.

Schlieffen Plan - Genera Schlieffen had developed a plan to avoid fighting a two

front war. This plan called for Germany to attack France first then get the German

troops across Germany on railroad and attack Russia before they could even

mobilize their armies. The plan was to attack France through Belgium and not

right across Germanys border to France. The decision to invade through Belgium

drew Britain into the war. Belgium had been guaranteed neutrality, when

Germany invaded Britain declared war on Germany.

Problems with the Schlieffen Plan - 1. Russia mobilized faster than Germany

had considered. 2. Belgium put up a fight which slowed the Germans down in

their march in France. 3. German tanks had trouble getting through the forests in

Belgium. 4. Germany was forced to move some of their troops to the eastern front

to fight the Russians.

Western Front - French and British troops fought Germans in trenches that

stretched hundreds of miles across France. For four years the troops dug in and

more than a few hundred yards.

Eastern Front - Death tolls were even higher on the eastern front and the battles

swung back and forth between the Russians and the Germans. Russia was poorly

equipped since they were the least industrialized.

Gonera Notes (3/1/17) -

Russian Revolution - Russians were in a bad economic state when the war began

after three years of fighting rebellions in Russia. After the Romanovs were

assassinated, Lenin came to power. He signed a peace treaty with Germany called

the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918. This early withdrawal from the war will

cause Russia to lose war reparations (payments) after the war is over.

U.S Entry - Early in the war Britain and France had set up naval blockades to

stop any shipments to Germany. The U.S. was not thrilled with the interruption of

trade, but the rest of Europe was buying up U.S. products U.S. economy was


Germany had developed the U-Boat or submarine and began sinking

British ships. In 1915 Germany sank the British ship the Lusitania, which was

carrying weapons as well as passengers. More than 1,000 civilians were killed

along with 139 Americans. U.S. demanded Germany halt submarine warfare.

Germany relaxed its efforts to avoid drawing U.S. into the war. In 1917 Germany

became convinced they could starve Britain into surrender if they cut off supplies
to the island. They returned to submarine warfare and began annihilating British

merchant ships. President Wilson addressed Congress, German submarine

warfare against commerce is a war against mankind. U.S. enters the war in April


Most Americans supported the Allies, but German Americans supported

the Central Powers. So did Irish Americans who didnt want to align themselves

with England.

Zimmerman Telegram - In 1917 Britain intercepted a message from the German

foreign minister. Arthur Zimmerman, to his ambassador in Mexico. Zimmerman

had promised Mexico that in return for their support in the war the return of

Mexican land from the U.S. This telegram caused intense anti-German feelings in

the U.S.

Social Impact - The demand for workers led to higher wages and poor people

were actually better off financially than before the war. Rationing and food

shortages existed, especially in Germany where many people starved to death.

The producing for the war continued.

Women were needed in factories and also as merchants, bankers, and

police officers. For the first time in history women became highly visible. Their

contributions to the war effort were recognized by their countries. Britain,

Germany, and Austria all granted women the right to vote immediately following

Homefront - Thanks to the industrial Revolution WWI produced many new

weapons. Mechanized war also meant

Goner Notes (3/3/17) -

Total War - an entire nation's commitment is needed to produce weapons and

contribute financially to the war effort. Total war also meant controlling public

opinion a conscription (draft) and rationing (conserving goods).

Propaganda - To spread ideas or promote a cause; cartoons, songs, or poems can

be used. Propaganda is often graphic and racist and sometimes is completely


Gonera Notes (3/7/17)

Germanys Defeat - After Russias withdrawal, Germany turned her attention to

the Eastern Front, but faced a united France, Britain and fresh U.S. forces. They

were quickly defeated by the western Allies at the second Battle of the Marne.

Germans knew they had lost, but the emperor refused to surrender.

After Austrias surrender on Nov. 3 the people of Berlin revolted and demanded

peace. The emperor was forced to abdicate and fled to Holland.

Socialist leaders declared Germany a republic on Nov. 9 and agreed to the terms

of the Allies.

Nov. 11th 1918 the armistice went into effect and the war was over.

Great War -

France mobilized 8.5 million men

Britain mobilized 9 million men

Russia mobilized 12 million men

German mobilized 11 million men

United States mobilized 2 million men

1 out of every 4 did not return.

Gonera Notes (3/10/17) -

After World War I, prosperity and new ideas began changing life in America

New technologies helped create a mass culture shared by millions in the worlds

developed countries.

Labor saving devices freed women from time consuming household chores. Women

pursued careers in many arenas.

Radios brought news, music, and sports into homes throughout the western world. People

were listening to the same music and using the same stang.

Migrations from the rural south to the urban north. Jazz brought blacks and whites to the

same neighborhoods and clubs. Harlem, Renaissance elevated art, poetry, and music

created by African Americans.

Fashion was less conservative and rebellious young women became Flappers. Women

began demanding equality and the right to vote.

Gonera Notes (3/16/17) -

18th and 21st Amendment - Conservative Americans were discouraged by clubs and

drinking that a Temperance lobbied to have drinking outlawed by the 18th Amendment,

Prohibition. 1920 - 33, until it was repealed with the 21st Amendment.

19th Amendment - Women are granted the right to vote 1920.

The United States in the Postwar Era - The country emerged from WWI in excellent

The United States stayed out of the League of Nations, However, the nation took a

leading role in international diplomacy during the 1920s.

During a Red Stone in 1919 and 1920, police rounded up suspected foreign-born

radicals and expelled a number of them form the United States.

Gonera Notes (3/17/17) -

The country emerged from WWI in excellent shape. The United States stayed out of the

League of Nations. However, the nation took a leading role in international diplomacy

during the 1920s.

During a Red Scare in 1919 and 1920, police rounded up suspected foreign-born

radicals and expected a number of them from the United States.

Congress passed laws limiting immigrants from Europe.

The 1920 stock market crash shattered American prosperity.

President Franklin Roosevelt introduced the New Deal, a massive package of economic

and social programs to help combat the Great Depression.

Gonera Notes (3/21/17) -

Features of Totalitarian State

1. Single party dictatorship.

2. State control of economy.

3. Police spies and state terrorism.

4. Strict censorship and government control of the media. Use of propaganda.

5. Use of schools and media to indoctrinate and mobilize citizens.

6. Unquestioning obedience to a single ruler.

Gonera Notes (3/22/17)


State Control of Individuals - 1) demands loyalty. 2) denics basic liberties. 3)

expects personal sacrifice for the good of the state.

Method of Enforcement - 1) police terror. 2) indoctrination. 3) censorship. 4)


Modern Technology - 1) mass communication to spread propaganda. 2) advance

military weapons.

State Control of Society - 1) business. 2) labor. 3) housing. 4) education.

Dictatorship and One-Party Rule - 1) exercise absolute authority. 2) dominates the


Dynamic Leader - 1) unites people. 2) symbolizes government. 3) encourages

popular support through force of will.

Ideology - 1) sets goals of the state. 2) glorified aims of the state. 3) glorified


Fear of Totalitarianism (Book 1984)

George Orwell illustrated the horrors of a totalitarian government in his novel, 1984. The

novel depicts a world in which personal freedom and privacy have vanished. It is a world

made possible through modern technology. Even citizens homes have television cameras

that constantly survey their behaviour.

Gonera Notes (3/23/17)


Fascisms name comes from the fasces.

An ancient Roman symbol of authority.

Intense nationalism and elitists mindset.

Totalitarian control-censorship, control of media.

Interests of the state more important than individual rights.

Maintains class system and some private ownership.

Glorified action, violence and discipline.

Lead by Benito Mussolini from 1922-1943.

Benito Mussolini (1922)

Centralized all power in himself as leader (total control of social, economic, and

political life). He marched on Rome and King Victor Emmanuel allowed him to

become PM.

Ambition to restore the glory of Rome.

He organized combat squads called The Blackshirts. They broke up socialist

meetings, unions and even ousted some politicians.

1935 Invasion of Ethiopia.

Workers wages were bad.

Women were valued for child rearing, awards were given for 14 or more.

Mussolini blamed women and machines for unemployment.

Hideki Tojo

Country - Japan

Type of Government - Militarism

Goals and Ideas - (Below)

Though Japan had an emperor, the military had taken control of the government.
Emperor Hirohito could not stand up to the powerful generals, but he was

worshipped by the people, who often fought in his name.

Industrialization of Japan, lending to a drive for raw materials? IMPERIALISM.

Invasion of Korea, Manchuria, and the rest of China (The League of Nations did


Gonera Notes (3/27/17)

Rise of Nazi Germany

After WWI, abdicated his throne to moderate Socialists who became unpopular for

signing the Treaty of Versailles.

1919 - New German republic known as the Weimar Republic was created. They created a

Constitution based on a parliamentary form of government with a Prime Minister. It gave

both men and women the right to vote and included a Bill of Rights. The government

came under criticism by both leftists and communists who wanted who wanted more

radical change and conservative, aristocratic, landowners.

1924 the U.S and G.B. convinced France to relax war reparations on Germany.

Adolph Hitler-Austrian born, but fought for Germany in WWI. He became leader of the

National Socialist German Workers or Nazi Party in 1920. He created an army of

Brown Shirts who battled Communists or Socialists they saw as a threat.

1923 - He tried to seize power in a beer hall was jailed for one year. While in jail he

wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle), which reflected his extreme nationalism, racism and

anti-semitism. He taught that Germans were members of a master race or Aryans or light

skinned Europeans. He believed Jews to be members not of a religion as much as a race

of inferior people. His popularity grew as the economy worsened because he promised

jobs and to re-arm Germany.

1933 - He is elected chancellor because the Reichstag think they can use him.

Adolf Hitler -

Country - Germany

Type of Government: Nazism (dictatorship).

Goals and Ideas:

Inflation and depression weakened the Democratic Government in Germany and allowed

an opportunity for Hitler to rise to power.

Believed the Western powers had no intention of using force to maintain the The Treaty

of Versailles.

Anti Semitism - Persecution of Jews.

Extreme Nationalism - National Socialism (A.K.A Nazism)

Aggression - German occupation of nearby countries.

Lebensraum - Unite all German speaking nation's. Living space for Germans.

Anschluss - German union with Austria.

Gonera Notes 3/28/17

Swastika - Name of the ancient Hindu Symbol.

Aryans - Superior and noble.


Extreme form of Fascism, Nationalism, and Totalitarianism.

Based on the beliefs of the National Socialist German Workers.

Belief in a superior race - The Aryan or master race.

Belief that all Germans should have living space in Europe.

Violent hatred of Jews.

Belief that Jews were the cause of all of Germanys problems.

Led by Adolf Hitler from 1933 - 1945.

Nazi membership grew to almost a million.

In 1933, Hitler was made chancellor of Germany.

Within a year, Hitler was master of Germany. He made Germany a one-party state and

purged his own party.

Economic Policies

Hitler launched a large public works program.

Hitler began to rearm Germany in violation of the Versailles treaty.

Cultural Policies

School courses and textbooks were written to reflect Nazi racial views.

The Nazis sought to purge, or purify, German culture.

Hitler sought to replace religion with his racial creed.

Political Policies

Hitler repudiated, or rejected, the hated Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler organized a system of terror, repression, and totalitarian rule.

Social Policies

The Nazis indoctrinated young people with their ideology.

Hitler spread his message of racism.

Nazis sought / limit womens roles.

Gonera Notes (3/29/17)

Hitlers Campaign against the Jews

Hitler set out to drive Jews from Germany.

In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws placed severe restrictions on Jews.

Many German Jews fled Germany and sought refuge in other countries.

Joseph Stalin

Country - Soviet Union

Type of Government - Communism (dictatorship)

Goals and Ideas -

Crushed opponents and took control after Lenins death.

Held absolute authority; suppressed resistance.

Brought his country to world power status but imposed upon it one of the most

ruthless regimes in history.

New economic Policies (NEP) -

Collectivization: exported seized goods and gained enough capital to finance a

massive industrialization drive.

Rapid industrialization: three 5-year plans.

The Great Purges -

KGB =Secret police killed thousands of army officers and prominent Bolsheviks

who opposed Stalin

Feared the growing power of Nazi Germany.

Stalin Builds Totalitarian State (Police State)

Stalins Police attack opponents with public force and secret actions.

They monitored telephone lines, read mail, and planted informers everywhere.

Even children told authorities about disloyal remarks they heard at home.

The Great Purge (Great Terror) - terror campaigns against Stalins perceived


The purge involved - 1) The old Bolsheviks who helped in the 1917 Revolution.

2) The Red Army leadership. 3) Repression of the Kulaks: or better off,

independent landowning peasants.

By the end of 1938, Stalin is in complete control; 8-13 million people are dead as

a result.

Education and Indoctrination

Government controls all education, from early grades to college.

Children learn the virtues of the Communist Party.

Teachers and students who challenge the Party are punished.

Gonera Notes (3/30/17)

Russian Propaganda and Censorship

Government controls newspaper, radio, and movies.

Stalin developed a cult of personality often glorifying himself in official

propaganda posters.

Artists are censored, controlled; their work is harnessed to glorify the Party.
Religious Persecution

Government attacks the Russian Orthodox Church.

Magnificent churches and synagogues are destroyed. Religious leaders are killed.

People lose all personal rights and freedoms.

Atheism becomes the official policy of the state.

Statues of Stalin replace religious icons and Marxist books replace sacred ones.


Five Year Plans - Stalins plan for developing the economy.

Result: Large growth in industrial power but a shortage in consumer goods.

Gonera Notes (3/31/17)

Women Gain Rights

Communists say women are equal to men.

Women forced to join labor force; state provides child care.

Many women receive advanced education and become professionals.

Women suffer from the demands of work and family.

Economic Systems


Capitalism - Economic system in which the means of production are

privately owned and sold for profit.

Based on a Laissez-faire policy which allows little to no government

Competition controls prices.


A form of socialism that sees class struggle between employers and

employees as inevitable.

For this reason the government controls the means of production.


Economic system which tries to end poverty and lessen the gap between

the rich and the poor.

In this system the people as a whole own the means of production.

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