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Lesson Plan Mineral Classification

Date: Technology
Subject: ES 30 Grade: 12
Topic: Essential Question (from unit, if applicable):

Why are physical properties used to classify minerals?

How can I figure out what a mineral is based on differences in physical properties?

Prezi presentation
Ipads with internet connection (6 of them- 1 for each section)- log into the prezi
presentation before class starts
Physical properties worksheet
10 mineral samples (pyrite, galena, quartz, gypsum, biotite, calcite, magnetite,
olivine, feldspar, garnet)
Plicker quiz

CCCs and BALs- In this lesson I hope that students will construct literacies
knowledge related to minerals and that they will use the information that they
learn today to find minerals outside the classroom and be able to identify and
classify them. I hope that this will engage the students and make them lifelong
learners by developing the ability collaborate and learn from subject specific

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students will be able to define cleavage, fracture, crystalline structure, hardness, lustre,
magnetism and streak

Students will be able to classify minerals using information about streak, cleavage,
fracture, structure, hardness, lustre and magnetism.

ES30-LS2 Examine the processes that lead to the formation of rocks and minerals

b. Observe and classify mineral samples using standard physical properties (eg.
Cleavage, fracture, crystalline structure, hardness, lustre, magnetism and streak).
PGP Goals:

2.4 Ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately. I have incorporated
technology into this lesson (and the unit) and it improved this lesson and allowed me
to let the students take some control of their learning.

2.6 ability to strive for and pursue new knowledge. I used technologies that I have never
used (or heard of) and it was hard but I definitely learnt some new things that I will
continue to use.

Stage 2- Assesssment

Assesssment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.
I have included questions in each section of the prezi presentation and I
will be circulating in the classroom to ask more questions and answer any questions.
Students will fill out a worksheet on the physical properties of the minerals that they are
working on.

Assesssment OF Learning (summative) Assesss the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.
We will have a Plicker quiz at the end of class. I will provide feedback on any questions
that need it. Students will also hand in their worksheet and I will mark it and decide if
they are ready to move on since this was a student led lesson or if I need to go through
the information again.
Stage 3- Procedures:

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students) (5 min)

I will hold up a mineral (quartz- since its a big sample and I have it in 2 colors)
and ask the students if they have any ideas on how we can figure out what it
is? They will probably say color, but that is not true- hold up brown quartz
other ideas might include some of the physical properties we will look at today
such as shape, taste (yes some have a taste), how it looks when it is broken,
how hard or heavy it is.

Main Procedures/Strategies: (45 min)

I will introduce Prezi (Modification and augmentation) the idea of working in groups (there
will be 6- 3 or 4 to a group). Students will watch and interact with the prezi to figure out
the physical characteristics of each mineral. I will hand out the worksheet and tell them
that it must be handed in at the end of class. (5 min) Remind students that they have
to be careful with the minerals and show them how to use the scratch plate- gentle
scratch so they dont break the mineral or the plate. Same with the hardness, you do
not need to make a huge scratch in the minerals, a tiny scratch will work.

Students will work on the worksheet along with the minerals. Students will control when
to move on from the station and they will probably have to visit each station more than
once to complete the worksheets. All of the presentation are available on any of the

Here are some questions I anticipate.

What if there is no streak? Its true, some rocks do not leave a colored streak or it is
similar colored to the plate that we are using and that is still a physical characteristic.

Do minerals sometimes break in different ways than along cleavage plains? Yes, if you
apply enough pressure it could break in a number of different ways. Think about
diamonds, they can be cut into all sorts of shapes that are not the natural shape of a

Did you find these minerals around here? Yes, you should be able to find any of these
minerals around here (except maybe the magnetite) but most of them will be
incorporated into the rocks.

I never see minerals with this luster, or this nice. Its true that often the lustre of
minerals cannot be seen until they are cleaned up or removed from the rock. These are
good samples which took a lot of time to find.
Closing of lesson:

Plickers quiz- 6 questions(10 min)- Log in on smartboard, students have the cards to
In ES30 mineral folder. (substitution)

Hand in worksheets-
Will talk about rocks tomorrow.

Personal Reflections.
Although I have never taught this lesson I did teach a similar lesson to grade 7s this year
in my placement. They were very interested in the minerals and loved to hold them and
look at them. I hope that knowing that the mierals are local and that they could encounter
them outside is a motivation to learn the characteristics.

*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

Outcome 1- My lesson plan is based on the outcome and indictor I choose. It is a lesson
that will proceed based on what the students know and will allow students to decide what
o work on. My formative assessment will be based on talking to the students as well as
the plicker quiz at the end of class. I have allowed time in the schedule so that if students
did not learn all of the necessary information (as assessed by the quiz)that we will have
time to cover it tomorrow as part of the rock lecture.

Outcome 2- My goal is that students will be able to classify minerals based on their
physical characteristics as well as have an understanding of what the physical
characteristics are. The activity that I have chosen the prezi and the worksheet will ensure
that students will achieve the goal.

Outcome 3- I choose an instructional strategy that is indirect instruction (concept

formation) because this is the type of lesson that can be learned by using data to
understand the concepts and can discover for themselves how the characteristics can be

Outcome 4- This lesson is ready to be used. I have included the links for the Prezi and
plicker quiz as well as questions that students may ask and answers. I have the rocks
labeled and in the classroom ready to use, and I think that it would be easy for a sub to

Outcome 5- my formative assessment will be able to tell me which groups of students

need to go back and check different parts of the prezi to understand a characteristic. As I
circulate and ask students questions I will be able to direct them to the necessary

Outcome 6- my summative assessment is a quiz at the end of class and the completed
worksheet. I will grade, and write feedback on these pieces.

Outcome 7- I set goals for myself that included using a new piece of technology. I actually
used 2 in this unit and I think that they worked well for what I wanted them for. I will use
them again. Another goal was to try to use a different teaching stratigy rather than the
direct teaching I most commonly use. This lesson is indirect teaching so that fulfills that.

Outcome 10- I planned this unit so that the final project will have students creating a
project. I have included a lesson that incorporates some new technology and shows
students how to safely use these technologies for their presentations.

Outcome 11- I planned this lesson to allow students to work together and to get to spend
some time working face to face with the others in this class. The final plicker brings the
class together. This unit incorporates many pieces of culturally responsive instruction
such as differing types of teaching and assessing as well as having an open and inviting
space in which students feel comfortable to share.

Outcome 12- I used a variety of types of questions in this lesson and I am able to use the
essential questions to direct the lesson.
Outcome 14- This lesson will make it likely that my students will succeed. I have
incorporated many ways that students can learn and have made myself available when
needed before or after class. I added some stations to this unit that students who have
completed all of their work can work on when they have some spare time or need a

Outcome 15- This unit will increase the connections between students by allowing them to
communicate and work together in many ways (like the final project, this lesson and the
socratic circle that comes later on in this unit). This class will give students the feeling of
ownership and interest over this information as they will be the ones directing their

Outcome 16- This unit will improve discipline specific literacy of my students, they will
learn the names and definitions of physical characteristics as well as the names of rocks
and minerals that they will find in their surroundings. They will also use discipline specific
literacy to work on their projects and to present them.

Outcome 17- This unit will achieve the outcomes and indicators by using many types of
assessment and differentiation. Students will have no trouble demonstrating the
outcomes and indicators because each lesson has more than one way to demonstrate the

Outcome 18- the final task in this unit forces students to apply the information that they
have learned in this unit. This assessment will make the students learning relevant and
useful because they will work on projects based on land in Saskatchewan. They will also
look at the economics of their project and find out how much money the Sask govt makes
off of resources.

Outcome 19- This unit assesses the outcomes and has effective assessments that will
show that the students can meet the outcome such as discussions, journal entry, quizzes,
a lab and a project.

Outcome 20- I have made a lot of revisions to the unit plan integrating the comments
made in the marking process. I redid the essential questions and the BAL and CCCs. with
each new week of class I incorporated new ideas into the lessons.

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