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On the use of terrestrial laser scanner for deformation analysis of the Talaga Bodas

Crater West Java (Indonesia)

Irwan Gumilar , Muhammad N. A. Basith, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, and Nia Haerani

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1730, 050001 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4947397

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
On the Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Deformation
Analysis of the Talaga Bodas Crater West Java (Indonesia)
Irwan Gumilar1,a) , Muhammad N. A. Basith1 , Hasanuddin Z. Abidin1 and Nia
Geodesy Research Division ITB Jln. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia.
Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency Jln. Diponegoro Bandung,
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Talaga Bodas Volcano, located near the border of Garut and Tasikmalaya regencies, West Java, Indonesia, is an active
stratovolcano whose apparent shape is mainly dominated by the steep-side-cone type. Hence, monitoring Talaga Bodas Volcano to
mitigate its potential hazard is extremely necessary. In this research, potential hazards are studied by observing and monitoring the
deformation of the Talaga Bodas Crater using the geodetic Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) tool. TLS is a relatively new positioning
method in geodesy. TLS is able to obtain the position of the object points (point clouds) in a huge amount and high precision in
a relatively short time. This research aims at identifying the deformation and also rock textures and structure around the Crater
of Talaga Bodas. The methodology used in this research is by obtaining the scanning data using TLS in 2012 and 2015 and GPS
measurements to obtain the coordinates of the reference points. The data processing methods consist of several steps, namely target
to target registration, filtering, georeference, and analysis of the registered point clouds. These steps were done using the cyclone
8 software. Registered point clouds show the 3 dimension of the crater. It was found that the average values for the down-lift and
up-lift deformation around the crater are about -6.4 cm and 5.1 cm, respectively. Reflected point clouds show the differences of the
intensity color of the surface around the crater. This result indicates the differences of the rocks texture and structure around the

Indonesia is located between three tectonic plates, namely the Eurasian Plate, Indo-Australian Plate and Pacific Plate.
The subduction of the plates collide formed the volcanic arc. Indonesia has 127 volcanoes, making it the country with
most volcanoes in the world. Each volcano has a crater. The crater is formed by volcanic activity. Each volcano has
its own crater characteristics, especially Mt. Talaga Bodas whose crater was fuelled by water and formed lake.
The location of Mt. Talaga Bodas is in the border between Garut and Tasikmalaya districts, in four different
sub-districts, namely Wanaraja (Garut), Cisayong, Rajapolah, and Ciawi (Tasikmalaya), and the peak is located in the
geographical coordinates of 7 0 12 LS and 108 0 4 BT [1].
Mt. Talaga Bodas has a total area of 23.85 ha. Based on its characteristics, Talaga Bodas is classified as an
active stratovolcano whose apparent shape is mainly dominated by the steep-side-cone type. Due to its frequent and
continuous magmatic activities since the last eruption in 1600, the volcano is classified as the B-type volcano whose
potential hazards are very high. The volcanic activity such as gas blast, hot spring, and rocks with high temperature
still occur in this area. Mt. Talaga Bodas crater is shown in Figure 1.
In this research, the potential hazards are studied by observing and monitoring the deformation of the Talaga
Bodas crater using the geodetic Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) tool. TLS is a relatively new positioning method in
geodesy. TLS is able to obtain the position of the object points (point clouds) in a huge amount and high precision
in a relatively short time. This method can be applied in many applications such as: in mining, architecture, civil
engineering, police, and also for geological purposes [2, 3, 4]. Moreover, the advantage of TLS is it also can give a
detailed modeling of an outcrop in its full three dimension and thus allowing for precise measurements and reliable
interpretation. Adding intensities of the reflected laser pulses or color from photos to the points not only eases but also

The 5th International Symposium on Earthhazard and Disaster Mitigation

AIP Conf. Proc. 1730, 050001-1050001-8; doi: 10.1063/1.4947397
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1377-1/$30.00

FIGURE 1. Location of Mt. Talaga Bodas and the crater.

improves interpretation of geological surface. This research aims at analyzing the deformation around the crater and
identifying rocks textures and structure of Mt. Talaga Bodas West Java based on the analysis of reflected point clouds
intensity from the TLS. This result is necessary for disaster mitigation purposes.


The Mt. Talaga Bodas area is mountainous, and consists of several cones of volcanoes scattered in various heights,
with Ciparay volcano (1702 mdpl) as the lowest cone and Beuticanar volcano (2241 mdpl) as the highest cone. Talaga
Bodas volcano, which is categorized as Type B, has a crater located in 1680 mdpl with the diameter of 375 x 425 m.
Type B volcanoes are volcanoes that have not experienced activities of magnetic eruption since the year of 1600 but
they still exhibit volcanic activity, such as solfatara. In this research, a TLS method has been conducted to scan the
area around the crater on August 2012 and March 2015. The distribution of the TLS stations and the targets and crater
situation for each measurement can be seen in Figure 2.

Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) is a method to capture objects on the earths surface using laser. The surface data can
be visualized into 2 dimensional (2D) or 3 dimensional (3D) models, and can be used for various applications. The
advantage of this method is that it is able to obtain the positions of the object points (point clouds) in a huge amount
and high precision in a relatively short time [5]. However, the TLS has limited range, up to 1 km for long range TLS.
Therefore, to obtain the data of a large and complicated object, the placement of the device must be considered and
planned well [6]).
The measurement system of the TLS consists of distance measurement and angle measurement systems. For
distance measurement, the TLS is divided into two types, namely pulse based and phase based. In this research, a
pulse based TLS was used and the distance measurement utilized the pulsed time of flight (TOF) method. Pulsed time
of flight is a distance measurement based on the round-trip travel time when the pulse is emitted until it is received
by the receiver of the device. The travel timeis then used to calculate the distance between the object and the laser
scanner [6]. Distance measurement using pulse based TLS follows the equation 1.

FIGURE 2. Distribution of station and the target and condition of the crater on August 2012 (left) and March 2015 (right).

R= (1)
R : the distance between the TLS and the object;
c : the speed of light on air ( 3x10 8 m/s)
t : the time travel of the laser when it is emitted and received.

Apart from distance measurement, the TLS also has an angle measurement system which can be used to obtain
the coordinates of the objects. This system consists of angular encoders that measures the horizontal direction and
vertical angle of the TLS laser beam to the objects. To obtain the coordinates of the objects using TLS, there are
several parameters that have to be measured for every object, namely:
distance (R);
horizontal direction ();
vertical angle ().
The TLS also measures the intensity of the reflected laser beam from every point cloud. Intensity is influenced
by several factors. All influences can be summarized in the laser equation [7]:
PE cos()
PR = Atm S ys (2)
where, PR = detected signal power
PE = transmitted signal power
= angle of incidence
= material reflectance coefficient
Atm = atmospheric transmission factor
S ys = system-cause transmission factor
r = range

The methodology of this research consists of several steps, namely: the preparation and TLS data acquisition,
registration process, filtering, georeferencing process, 3D modeling, and analysis and discussion. Software that used
in this research is Cyclone 7.1.


Preparation and Acquisition Data

This step consists of preparation for both stage data. Preparation for the first stage data is to collect all the data
including point clouds, GPS Coordinates, and documentation for data processing. For the second stage data, the
preparation step is used for surveying plan, such as the placements of the TLS equipment and targets. The devised that
used in this research is Leica C-10 TLS with the maximum range of 300 mm and the precision of positions of 6 mm
and the precision of distance of 4 mm in a distance of 50 m. From Figure 2, the difference between the distribution of
station and target in both stages occurred because of the condition of the crater has changed several times. The water
flow is dammed, and then the volume of water increased.

TLS Data Processing

Figure 3 shows that the difference between distribution of station and target in both stage occurred because of the
condition of the crater has changed several times. The water flow is dammed. There are several steps for processing
the data. The steps are registration, filtering, geo-referencing, grid-mashing, deformation interpretation, and intensity
The first step is registration. It is the process for combining data from each station. The registration method that
used in this research is target to target registration. This method uses 3 minimum of overlapped tie points from 2
stations. The Average error registration for each data is 2 mm. The registration result of Mt. Talaga Bodas crater data
can be seen in Figure 3.

FIGURE 3. Registration result on August 201 (left) and March 2015 (right).

The next step is filtering. It is the process of removing the noise. In this case, all object except the crater surface
is removed. Filtering technique that was used is fencing technique. It is one of the manual methods for filtering. The
area that will be filtered is limited by polygon and the object inside or outside boundary are removed. The result of
filtering can be seen in Figure 4.
The next steps is Geo-referencing. It is a process for referencing the coordinates of point cloud to the earth
coordinate system. This process requires two reference points with known coordinates. The method that was used is
known azimuth method. One reference point with the known coordinates isthe location of the device (ST01), while
the other one is the location of the target, which was used as back sight (BS). Table 1 below contain data that input in
this process.
After all the point clouds have global coordinates, the next step is 3D modelling. This step starts with the process
of meshing. Meshing is converting the point clouds data into polygons with TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network)
format. The 3D model can be seen in Figure 5.

FIGURE 4. Filtering result on August 201 (left) and March 2015 (right).

TABLE 1. Set coordinate and azimuth.

X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
175938.167 9202143.392 1749.3666
ST01-BS = 288 2341.98

FIGURE 5. 3D model of the crater on August 2012 (left) and March 2015 (right).

FIGURE 6. Deformation model of Talaga Bodas Crater.

Deformation analysis
After processing data in Cyclone 7.1, the point clouds data are exported to be .pts format. Then the data is mashed in
Geomatic Studio software for each stage and both models are compared to obtain the deformation model. Geomagic
Qualify was used to interpret the deformation. The interpretation process is started with set one model to become
reference plane. In this case the first stage data is set to be the reference plane, and then the second stage is compared
relative to the first stage. Figure 6 below is the resulting deformation model.
Based on the model above, the value of deformation varies. The blue color indicates down-lift, the red color
indicates up-lift, and the green indicates that there is no deformation. The highest down-lift value is about -0.595 m
and the highest up-lift is about 0.603 m with an average of about -0.064 m for down- lift and 0.051 m for the up-lift.
The total amount of area that runs into down-lift is about 62 % while 38 % of the rest run into up-lift.
Evaluated from the result of deformation, the result can be divided into two types of deformations. One is the
deformation with short range (highlight) that is related with volcanic activity such as solfatar blast and fumarol on
the surface around the crater. On the other side, the deformation with high range ( 2 cm) is caused by natural activity
in the surface causing subsidence, deposition, or material sedimentation. It occurred because Mt. Talaga Bodas has
no significant activity in several years. So, the existence of magma activity that causes the swelling of material is not
From the result, there are some sections that have high deformation value, either up-lift or down-lift. The sections
are beyond -0.1 m and 0.1 m range with the total percentage of about 15%. It is caused by the surface which is
obstructed by vegetation. As a result, the earths surface does not represent the real condition, so it can be categorized
as high deformation. Considering with the total amount of it about 15%, it shows an abnormal distribution, so it can
be considered as noise.

Intensity analysis
Point clouds resulted from TLS had a different value. This research assumes the factors that influence the intensity
value are only objects of material and humidity. The sample of this research were taken from four places with different
materials on March 2015. Each intensity value can be seen in Figure 7 below. Based on these samples, intensity value

of each object varies from 0.1 to 0.676. Intensities in areas 2, 3, and -4 are considerably similar, due to more or less
the same material of the rock. In these areas, noises such as vegetation, fog, and solfatara are identified.

FIGURE 7. Intensity value (right) and its real condition (left) of sample areas.

FIGURE 8. Intensity value (right) and its real condition (left) of sample areas (continued).

From the whole process of research that has been done, the conclusions that can be drawn are:
The deformation value obtained around the crater from 2012-2015 is about -6.4 cm for the down-lift and 5.1
cm for the up lift, respectively. These results might not be accurate due to filtering and grid-meshing errors.
Analysis of rock intensity in Mt. Talaga Bodas shows different intensity values among homogenous rock due
to differences on colour, material density, humidity, and distance. Therefore, rock intensity value is highly
influenced by the above mentioned factors.

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