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Speaking a foreign language is often associated with knowing how to speak a

language, which demonstrates the central role that oral expression has in learning
a foreign language. First, with the empirical research on oral expression presented
in the following research I want to check if students feel more comfortable speaking
Spanish than English, oral expression has a central role and if talking is what most
like to do in a Spanish class, even if it causes them more fear, restlessness or fear.
Second, I intend to show the difficulties that students usually have for oral
expression in the classroom and also when they speak in real life with foreigners
who speak English. Below i present comments on the most significant difficulties
and i emphasize the affective part of learning a foreign language and i have the
idea that success depends on what happens inside the people and between them
in the classroom and less than materials, techniques and linguistic analyzes. When
we talk about fear, we are referring to that emotion that seeks to keep you safe and
alive through provoking a series of feelings of anguish, tension and anxiety that
lead you away from what a priori is threatening for your survival. What causes fear
in us depends on the situation and the personality of each one, it is possible that
fear leads to limit and prevent you from doing something that you could do
perfectly, or on the contrary can lead you to act impulsively without stopping to
think If you internally consider it the best option you have. Thus, it is necessary a
pedagogical implication on the part of the teachers of languages that must try to
create optimal conditions of learning in the classrooms. This implies, on the one
hand, the need to foster an atmosphere of relaxed learning that minimizes
stressors, and, on the other hand, the desirability of enhancing the following traits
and beliefs in apprentices, which are revealed as favorable in a teaching
environment communicative : High self-esteem as learners, low level of general
anxiety, emphasis on the intrinsic value of learning a second language,
consideration of interaction in the classroom as a fundamental element, positive
assessment of cooperative learning, high willingness to communicate, perception
of achievement in learning, and high level of risk taking.

Studies on affectivity gained momentum in the 1960s. Since then we have tried to
understand the relationship between affectivity and success in learning a second
language or a foreign language. Hilgard (1963) pointed out that any cognitive
theory of learning should contemplate a space for affectivity. A decade later,
Chastain (1975) asked what were the affective characteristics that influenced, and
how, in learning. Chastain assumes that affective characteristics have at least as
much influence on learning as cognitive abilities. It then outlines the possibility that
the attitudes and opinions of the students about their learning process have a
decisive effect on it. Since then it has been considered that the causes of an
unsuccessful learning can be attributed, to a large extent, affective blocks of
several types. Subsequently, a group of researchers focuses on identifying the
affective aspects involved in the learning process of a second language. In a first
attempt, Chastain suggests the existence of at least three variables that influence
the success or failure of learners: anxiety, personality (reserved or extroverted) and
creativity. At the same time, Schumann (1975) presents the conclusions of a study
on the attitudes of students of French as a foreign language and their influence on
learning (based on Gardner, 1974). He concluded that the most successful
learners (native-speakers of English between grades 7 and 11) had a positive
attitude towards learning French, towards the course and towards the teacher. In
contrast, students who experienced fear in the French class did not have equal
language proficiency compared to emotionally relaxed students. It was also
discovered that the fear that the learners presented was specific to their
experience of learning a foreign language. Gardner and Smythe (1977) point out,
after careful research, that beginner learners are more anxious than intermediate
or advanced levels, which means that fear is reduced as learning increases. If the
main objective in the process of teaching and learning a foreign language is to get
students to learn to communicate in a language that is not their own, it is
necessary to develop their communicative competence in a total way, in such a
way that they work for Equal in both oral and written expression as well as listening
and reading comprehension, ie the four language skills, in a given social and
cultural context.


The acquisition of the first language takes place naturally and spontaneously,
whereas the learning of a second language implies the structuring of a method to
teach the code (the language) and a methodology that suits the participants of the
process. (Ellis, 1996: 5). Since ancient times, people have had to learn other
languages to communicate with other peoples for economic reasons and this is
precisely the reason why the learning of a foreign language is carried out in the
case of an adult: labor needs, In their majority, cultural and of personal interest, a
small group. However, although studies of the acquisition of a first language have
more remote origins (Piaget, 1983; Vygotsky, 1995), interest in optimizing the
teaching of foreign languages does not date back many decades. Since then, little
attention has been paid to the formal properties of the language, that is, to its
grammatical structure. The student, in this case, learns the forms and formulas that
must be applied for the construction of sentences in the second language. The
approach that resembles the teaching of a second language to the acquisition of
the first does not emphasize the teaching of grammatical rules for the articulation
of the language and pretends that the student performs the induction process of
the rules by itself, being considered "taboo" Any reference to the first language.
There is positive and negative stress for learning, but always to learn there must be
a minimum of stress, as representative of the need or motivation. (Bodnar, 2000).
This minimum of stress is given in the learning situation when the student feels
motivated to learn and when his / her need for communication - in the case that
competes, that is the learning of a foreign language - is satisfied to be able to
express his ideas Through the structure of that language that is required to express
it. Being able to express yourself efficiently and obtain the expected results for
example: getting an answer to the question you ask your English speaker makes
the person return to the aforementioned state of tranquility, that the fulfillment of its
objective reinforces the confidence in itself and Feel motivated to move forward in
the learning process


In an investigation, according to the theories most accepted at the moment about
the afraid to speak in public, in its appearance intervene several factors that take
part so that a person is afraid to speak in public. This type of experience produces
by their own nature, some activation that the organism needs to face it. Probably
the first time a person stands before an audience this fear is greater, something
completely normal because as in any other skill, practice is necessary to reach an
optimal level of performance. It is possible that later on the person will be aware of
this reaction in subsequent actions and that it will re-experience the symptoms
without causing them to be able to control them. Therefore, when fear prevents you
from developing the skills you would otherwise acquire with practice when you can
start talking about pathological anxiety. On the other hand, maybe the person has
not had previous experience of speaking in public, but may have noticed that fear
in a situation of daily life, as in class presentation of a colleague. It is possible that
this person relives the symptoms as his own when he remembers that moment
when he has to face a similar situation in the future. This situation is inevitable
since people have or will have throughout their lives the opportunity to speak in
public, either to express an opinion before a community of neighbors, say a few
words at a celebration, expose a job or ask a question In class, giving a lecture,
presenting a report to co-workers, intervening in an assembly, etc. That is why
many people avoid social contact because of the fear of speaking in public, and
sometimes, when it comes to speaking in class, causes students to avoid this
situation missing classes, which causes a serious problem. Public speaking on
these occasions, if done fairly well, brings with it social advantages such as
prestige and approval, whether professionally, economically or otherwise.
However, while many people would like to be able to express opinions or intervene
in public, their lack of skills and / or their fear of public speaking will slow them
down. In addition, as I said earlier, if they are pressured to intervene in public, they
tend to avoid this in one way or another and if they cant achieve it, their
performance is remarkably deficient. Although only 29% of people who are very
scared to speak in public are social phobic (Stein, Walker and Forde, 1996),
difficulties in public speaking are a problem of interest.

This is especially true in populations where public speaking is or should be a basic

aspect of the career or profession; Such as students, teachers, executives,
lawyers, politicians, clerics, etc. Thus, it is not difficult to imagine the negative
impact that the difficulties to speak in public have in the participation in classes,
seminars, congresses and round tables by the students. Now, addressing factors
specifically, we must consider that some of them are induced by external stimuli
such as socio-environmental and internal, such as cognitive and physiological
(Bados). Within the cognitive system there are difficulties to think of as inability to
remember important things, confusion, difficulty concentrating and difficulty finding
words. On the other hand, there is a tendency to focus attention on oneself,
specifically on the somatic and autonomous symptoms of anxiety (especially visible
ones), on negative cognitions and emotions and on one's mistakes. In addition,
several basic fears can be distinguished:

Fear to be watched.
Fear to feel much anxiety and to pass it fatal. Fear of having a panic attack.
There is a study by Hofmann, Ehlers and Roth (1995) that says 83% of
people who are afraid to speak in public had had panic attacks in public
speaking situations.
Fear of not knowing how to behave in an appropriate or competent way (eg,
fear of saying nonsense, making mistakes, being blocked).
Fear of manifesting symptoms of anxiety (flushing, sweating, shaking of
hands, trembling voice, blocking, vomiting, panic attack) that can be seen by
others and / or interfere with the performance.
Fear of criticism and negative evaluation. The person fears being seen as
anxious, incompetent, rare, inferior, uninteresting, boring, unattractive or
stupid. There is also hypersensitivity to criticism when it occurs.
Fear of rejection, to be left aside by others as a result of negative
It has been said that the fear of not being able to achieve the goals that we
personally impose (fear of negative self-evaluation) can be as important as fear of
negative evaluation for fear of speaking in public from others. However, although
this is true in some cases, it should be borne in mind that, in general, the fear of
speaking in public seems to be associated not with personal perfectionism but with
socially prescribed perfectionism (social norms).

These fears are manifested in a series of frequent negative thoughts that prevent
one from concentrating on the task. Typical examples may be the following: "If I
speak, I will be ridiculous", "I will say nonsense", "public speaking is horrible", "they
will criticize everything I say", "I am very nervous, "," I'll be blocked "," I'm not worth
it "," my legs will shake "," I'll screw up "," I'm sure they do not care what I'm going
to say "," they'll realize how nervous they are I am "," I tremble hands, bad signal
"," I am not able to coordinate my thoughts "," my heart goes to a thousand "," I
have done it fatal, I am a disaster ", etc.

Negative thoughts also reflect several typical cognitive errors:

Unrealistic evaluation of what is expected of one

Underestimation of one's abilities and overestimation of the likelihood of
committing major errors.
Overestimation of the extent to which others are aware of external
symptoms of anxiety.
Unrealistic expectations about the responses of others to the
manifestations of anxiety.
Overestimation of the probability and intensity of criticism and rejection.
Belief that you are acting bad because you feel bad and, in general, that
others perceive you as one perceives and feels.
Selective attention to the negative reactions of others towards one and lack
of attention to positive reactions.
Excessively negative evaluation of one's own performance, exaggeration of
mistakes and anxiety and minimization of one's own achievements.
The affective aspects
In this section we will discuss some specific ways in which affectivity is related to
the acquisition of foreign languages. Two perspectives will guide us in our
exposition: firstly, the one that concerns the student of languages as an individual
and secondly that which considers the factors of relation.

Individual Factors
The individual personality traits of a student profoundly influence the process of
acquiring a second language.
Such influence may be very positive, but may also have negative effects. The most
relevant would be: anxiety, inhibition, introversion and extroversion, self-esteem,
motivation and learning styles.
Relationship factors
The use of language and also its learning are a transactional process. Arnold
(2000) defines this transaction as "the act of leaving oneself to reach others and,
as such, is ultimately linked to the emotional being of the student." Relationship
factors include empathy, classroom transactions, and intercultural processes.

Finally, in the corporal factors can be distinguished reactions like tachycardia /

palpitations, tremor in voice and hands, sweating, blushing, muscular tension,
gastrointestinal distress, for example can be the sensation of emptiness in the
stomach, diarrhea, dry mouth, difficulty to swallow and urinary urgency. People
who are afraid to speak in public assign these symptoms to a greater frequency
and intensity than others observed in them. Sometimes these anxiety symptoms
can quickly reach enough intensity to be considered panic attacks. The intensity of
each component of the fear of public speaking varies from person to person; Some
do not notice appreciable bodily reactions, while many others experience very
strong reactions. Sometimes, even an element may not be present; There are
people who despite intense fear at the cognitive and corporal level, are able to
speak in public showing an almost perfect performance.
But, to abound in solving one of these factors, I will delve into the cognitive and
emotional issues, such as lack of confidence.



As I have previously discussed, one of the most important factors when standing in
front of a stage and having oneself in front of a certain number of people is when
the fear of public speaking begins to develop, but, throughout my experience, my
study and my observation, I managed to conclude that there is an important factor
that is a basic aspect but the most important for a person to succeed or fail before
an audience, and is trust. During my research, I pointed out that there are two
general factors involved in the fear of speaking in public, biological and cognitive,
so that trust is classified within the cognitive factor, but, at the moment of
abounding in the cognitive aspect, It is important to point out an aspect that,
although science is involved in a rational approach, it is important to take into
account that emotions also intervene. The above is derived from the fact that fear
does not derive from cognitive situations, but from emotional situations, although it
is a biological process, science has not deepened in emotions as an aspect for
cognitive block. Abounding more in this situation, trust as a crucial aspect in
overcoming the fear of speaking in public is vital, since, I have observed on many
occasions that a person who has high confidence in himself, does not care if he
has mistakes , develops in a natural way that radiates and inspires confidence to
his classmates, a person who, on the contrary, does not have confidence in
himself, despite his attempts to study, when standing in front of his classmates,
suffers a cognitive blockage derived from the emotions that person feels at that
moment, previously, years ago I had the experience of suffering the fear of
speaking in public, due to different situations that I had during my student stay in
my previous schools, and despite having studied a lot, I did not succeed in my
expositions. The fear of public speaking can be derived from personal situations
such as the repression of expression from the home, it can also be due to the lack
of personal confidence provoked by third persons, like the humiliation, the
conspiracies, or simply, situations that derived bad memories to people and that,
as a defense mechanism, the psyche blocks these memories, but the emotions at
the moment of standing in front of a public are negative and that is why it derives a
cognitive and emotional block.
However, it is important to take into account that, in the case of learning a new
language such as the English language, emotions also have an effect and equally,
trust is a factor in overcoming this fear, because a person, Which is beginning to
learn a new language, always begins with some fear, since, studies by various
authors such as Jolley (Jolley, 2011), they focus on the initial fear is the fear of the
unknown, and when they fail in that activity or situation, negative emotions are
derived, equally, other factors such as the relationship with classmates, the
classroom environment, between others. But trust intervenes at its most important
point, when the student is tested, since many times, the fear of speaking in class
and the fear of saying words that are not correct, the fear of saying something that
is not what it is. That you want to express, that your accent is inappropriate, among
other factors, dissolve again with confidence, since it is not the same learning a
new language, to develop confidence based on a language that is already known
as is the mother language of the student.
Then I will put differences and similarities that involve fear in learning a new

It is their mother tongue and for this Is an unknown language and for this
reason the person is in their comfort reason, fear and uncertainty are factors
zone that complicate the learning of the new
The language is colloquial and The language is specific and simplified.
The diction is rough. The diction is smooth and fluid.
The phonetics is in a serious and strong The phonetic is in a soft and very
tone specific tone, since it can be the
difference to say certain words

Practice develops pronunciation Practice develops pronunciation
The study of the meaning of words The study of the meaning of words
derives from the best understanding in derives from the best understanding in
the formulation of sentences the formulation of sentences
Reading develops a better Reading develops a better
understanding and fluency of speech. understanding and fluency of speech.
Trust allows social development Trust allows social development
For the reasons already mentioned and already stipulated, this is why it is
important at the time of teaching the English language to have a good teacher who
inspires confidence to focus attention and forget this fear and turn it into something
positive. However, to overcome this fear individually, as I said earlier, the
development of trust is vital, and this development can be carried out in different
ways, then I will mention certain activities that the student can carry out To lose the
environment and develop self-confidence:
Before you pass on ideas to others, you must keep them clear. Do a
brainstorming, order what you want to count according to the importance
you want to give him and look for a sentence that summarizes what you are
going to tell, a headline.
Can they ask you questions? Prepare the answers. If you know well the
subject of which you are going to speak you will not have problem and you
will answer with naturalness, but if you do not control it very much, to
prepare possible answers will help you to go calmer.
Knowing who you are addressing is important in developing an appropriate
discourse and choosing optimal emotional connections to make you listen
carefully. In addition, knowing where you will speak and under what
circumstances also helps to organize: it will not be the same to speak
standing than sitting, with or without a projector.
Hydrate properly before speaking, go to the service so that you do not want
to go in full speech and have to start twisting. Do not review the speech 5
seconds before, take the necessary notes and put the mobile in silence or
turn it off.
Public speaking behavior is not inherited or genetically received, but can be
learned and improved.
The public can be perceived as an enemy - it will increase the speaker's fear
and anxiety - or it can be lived as a group of people with an interest in the
subject or the lecturer himself.
It is critical to detect possible negative thoughts that can increase anxiety or
fear when speaking in public. Upon detection, they can be analyzed. When
analyzed, they can be modified.
It is normal to have some anxiety when speaking, because in this way this
tension in the participation will increase the effectiveness in our messages.
It is not uncommon or infrequent to feel this fear.
Avoid situations we do not like, such as exposure to public speaking, leads
nowhere. On the contrary, coping with these situations helps to overcome

On the emotional side of the person, it is important that, in order to generate self-
confidence, it is important to develop self-esteem and appreciation for oneself, so,
based on my experience, my observation and my previously analyzed studies, I will
add some activities to develop self-esteem:

You need to evaluate how you feel about yourself. When you look in the
mirror, do you like what you see? Are you proud of yourself? Do you
think you are a valuable person? Do you think you can achieve your
goals? If you answered no to any of these questions then it is time for
you to revalue. You need to realize that you have something to share
with the world, and that you should celebrate your existence. This does
not mean that you should be boastful, only that you appreciate yourself
Believe in yourself. Developing self-esteem requires you to be able to
trust yourself. You have to be able to make decisions, regardless of
whether they are irrelevant or decisive, in relation to your life.
You have to stop measuring your self-esteem through the eyes of other
people. Many times, people are happy with what they are and where
they are, but when they begin to hear what others think they should be or
what they should do; Is when they begin to believe that what they are
and what they have is not enough. Many people choose their university
career, change career, move to a different city; All because other people
say it. Remember, the most important judge of self-esteem is you. If you
are happy and you are satisfied, then do not let anyone tell you
Surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude toward life.
Knowing that you are loved and needed, gives you a feeling of purpose
and fulfillment.
Developing self-esteem is something that does not end. Try not to miss any
opportunity to improve yourself. The more things you learn, the more confidence
you will feel. And you should not forget that trust is something you find in yourself
and no one else. Believe in yourself, and believe that you can do the things you
have set out to do. With the right attitude and the right support system, you will not
have to worry about low self-esteem. It is important to bear in mind that, as a
teacher, it is a responsibility to suggest to the students that they carry out this
series of activities, since, not only will we be able to support the students in their
student life, but also in their personal life, Preventing psychological problems or
even emotional problems.

On the other hand, at this point I will focus on solving the problem of trust focused
on English language teaching, along the student trajectory, and many students are
living evidence of this foundation, the fear of speaking in class Is due more to the
reputation that a teacher can have, to the hostility of the group, to the social groups
that exist in the classroom, so, based on my research and my study in the field, I
have determined that first , the teacher is the primary responsible for supporting
students to develop confidence in themselves, it is important to emphasize this
point, that the teacher is only a support, the first person responsible for developing
self-confidence is the student, So it is suggested to the teacher of first instance that
the atmosphere in the classroom is cordial and conducive to everyone feeling
comfortable in the classroom, then I will suggest a series of activities that the
teacher can teach in the classroom to develop confidence in students:
Create an environment where mistakes are fun but acceptable.
Emphasize to the students that to make mistakes is who thrives, to make
clear that the ridicule will not be tolerated.
Create dynamics that allow the practice based on mistakes and
At the end of the class, promote reflection and share a message of reflection
that allows students to be inspired and motivated to improve their learning.
To observe the most shy students and promote them to integrate, first of all
they will be resigned, but based on the promoted environment, the students
themselves will be attracted to the dynamics and finally, will yield, it is
important to take into account that whenever His first participation, the
teacher should applaud his participation, promoting him to create an
ideology that is accepted and that the classes are to support him in his


In order to finish and as it has been maintained throughout this work, both the way
in which people learn languages and the result of their efforts can be influenced by
a series of affective variables that would play an important role in the learning of a
foreign language. The specific interest in confidence is justified and based on the
negative consequences that may have on language students, since their effects
have been verified in the academic, cognitive, social and personal spheres. In
addition, these negative effects have been observed in various researches on the
learning processes and in the phases that accompany it. Confidence is even more
preeminent in terms of oral skills, which can become a barrier to certain tasks and
even increase the rate of failure and abandonment in foreign language courses by
students. The realization of these facts and the negative consequences of the fear
of speaking in class towards the language should not discourage teachers, but on
the contrary, they would have to increase their awareness about the problem, and
give us opportunities to lessen it, both in the day to day of our classes, as in the
exams and materials we designed and imparted.

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