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Book Talk and Lesson Plan:

The Lorax

By: Saleha Iqbal & JieYi Liang

ED/EDPJ 1000 D 3.0

Language & Literacy in the Primary-Junior Division

Professor Lana Parker

Thursday, November 3rdd, 2016

Strand/Topic: Grade: Date:
Reading 3 Fall 2016
Expectations* Connections
General Expectations:
I know my students are interacting with the environment
Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of
as they play on the school ground during recess and walk
literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of
to and from school.
strategies to construct meaning
Furthermore, I can connect the Lorax to my students lives
Specific Expectations: as the school will be having an Earth Day.
1.6: Extend understanding of texts by connecting the ideas in This lesson plan connects to other curricular areas as my
them to their own knowledge and experience, to other familiar students are also learning about the importance and
texts, and to the world around them different types of habitats in their science class.
1.3: Identify several reading comprehension strategies and use
them before, during, and after reading to understand texts

Learning Goals
By the end of this lesson, I will be able to understand The Lorax, and apply what I have learned to my personal life and the world around
Modifications Materials
Questions to Ask

Why do we Pair students who Chart

Create a class mind map (semantic web). have difficulty with
need to save paper
the writing with one who Markers
Part 1: Minds On (Before Reading)

1. Divide the class into pairs.

environment? is effective at it. Pencils
2. Remind students about the concept of a mind map. Blue sticky
How is our For students that are notes
3. Ask them to think about how our environment is damaged,
environment better at expressing Flashcards
and what they can do to help.
damaged? themselves visually, with words
4. In pairs, students will brainstorm, and discuss the two they can express their about the
What can we do thoughts through a
questions. They will write down their thoughts on blue earth and
to help? drawing.
sticky notes and contribute to the class mind map about science
environment preservation. A previous
mind map

What kind of Check for The Lorax
Read Aloud
story do you engagement. If (picture
Read the Lorax to the class, ensure right volume, clarity
think the Once- students are not book)
and a dynamic voice.
ler will tell the paying attention, ask a
Make predictions about what will happen next in the
boy? question or make a
comment to invite
Part 2: Action (During Reading)

What do you them back into the
o Read the text in pieces, pause when appropriate
think will activity.
to ask questions, and allow students to process
happen now
information and make predictions about text.
that the Lorax For students that are
(the last one not able to sit on the
taking action) carpet for long
has left periods, allow
Thneedville? students to choose to
sit on chairs near the
carpet area.

Modifications Materials
Questions to Ask

What do you Pair students who Pink sticky

Continuation of the Mind Map. think the boy have difficulty notes
Allow students to choose a different partner to work hearing the with writing with Markers
with. story will do one who is Paper for
Send students back to their desks to brainstorm more with the effective at it. brainstorming
about the questions asked. Truffula seed next project
In pairs, students will brainstorm, and discuss the two that the Once- For students that ideas
questions. They will write down their thoughts on pink ler tosses to are better at
Part 3: Consolidate Debrief (After Reading)

sticky notes and contribute to the class mind map about him? What expressing
environment preservation. would you do if themselves
you were the visually, they can
Connect to the Students Life boy? express their
Ask students to draw similarities between the Lorax and thoughts through
their life. Do you think the a drawing.
Divide students into groups of 5 for their next Lorax and his
assignment. friends will
In these groups of 5, ask students to begin come back if
brainstorming which environmental issue they would new Truffula
like to focus on for next class. Trees grow?
Where do you
think they have

Assessment Tools (diagnostic/formative/summative)
We will check to see what our students have learned through informal assessment. Informal assessment will include observation
(participation and engagement). Further, there will assessment of samples of work as I will assess what groups have brainstormed and
wrote on the semantic web.

Prior Knowledge
The students already understand how essential the environment is for animals. In previous lessons, we have taught semantic webs and
so they are familiar with such an activity. Moreover, the class has practiced how to comprehend, extract and extend their knowledge
from read alouds.

Next Steps
After assessing the semantic web, we will clarify key words which the students identified. This will aid the students for their next
evaluation. Their next evaluation requires students to be divided in groups of five and design a poster to discourage the destruction of
the environment. This application process will be further applied as each group will be sent to a different classroom to raise awareness
about the earth.
Social Justice Issues / Topics Emerging from the Book and Lesson
The Lorax addresses topics of equity and fairness as we read and understand that the Once-ler family has cut all of the Truffula Trees.
This is addressed specifically by the Once-ler as he describes to the little boy why the land is a polluted waste. This raises question
about equity as students identify how important the environment is to animals.

Sample of the Semantic Web We Created Using Answers of a Third Grader
*The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8, Language [revised] 2006. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2016, from


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