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For the first semester of my senior year in high school, I did an internship at Emerson

Elementary. I went four days a week and worked as an aid in a third grade classroom. Being in
this environment helped me better understand children and how to help each individual learn in
the different ways they needed. In this classroom, I assisted with homework time, reading
fluency, math lessons and grading finishing papers.

The whole second semester of my senior year in high school was spent at Cortland
Elementary as an intern. I also went to this school four days a week. Here, I worked as an aid in
a second grade classroom. I did mostly the same things here that I did at my other internship
such as: grading papers, spending time on reading and writing. I also assist in fifth grade when
second grade is gone.

With both of these internships, I also have worked at Girls Incorporated throughout the
last three years. At Girls Inc. I coach gymnastics to children ages 3-12. Being in this non school
environment gives a different perspective on children and how they act. This has only furthered
my interest in teaching in the future.

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