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Book Presentation Rubric

1 2 3 4 Tot
Organizati No sequence Presenter Logical Information is
on of information, jumps around, presentation, presented in a
difficult for the audience has minimal logical,
audience to some confusion to interesting
understand. difficulty the audience. sequence which
following. the audience
can follow.
Subject Content is Content is Good Presenter
Knowledg limited and adequate, but understandin demonstrates
does not has some lack g of the full knowledge
e display of subject content and (more than
evident knowledge. presenter required) and
knowledge of provides shows skilful
the subject. insight into understanding of
the material. the material.
Graphics Little to no Some Thoughtful Graphics are
graphics or graphics or graphics exceptional and
animations. animations. complement compliment the
the presentation.
Mechanics Several Few No more than Presentation has
spelling errors misspellings two no misspellings
and/or and/or misspellings or grammatical
grammatical grammatical and/or errors.
errors. errors. grammatical
Elocution Audio is poorly Audio is low, Audio is clear, Audio is well
done or but audible. has proper done and
lacking Not enough connection to compliments the
entirely. dialogue presentation. presentation.

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