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1 Abhor hate

2 Bigot narrow-minded, prejudiced person

3 Counterfeit fake; false
4 Enfranchise give voting rights
5 Hamper hinder; obstruct
6 Kindle to start a fire
7 Noxious harmful; poisonous; lethal
8 Placid calm; peaceful
9 Remunerati
payment for work done
10 Talisman lucky charm

11 Abrasive rough; coarse; harsh

12 Bilk cheat; defraud
13 Covert hidden; undercover
14 Engender cause
15 Hangar storage area (like garage) for a plane
16 Knotty complex; difficult to solve
17 Nuance something subtle;
18 Plagiarism taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
19 Renown fame
20 Tangent going off the main subject
21 Abasement humiliation; degradation
22 Billowing swelling; fluttering; waving
23 Cower recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
24 Enhance improve; make better or clearer
25 Harangue noisy, attacking speech
26 Labyrinth a maze
27 Nullify to counter; make unimportant
28 Plaintif petitioner (in court of law)
29 Replete full
30 Tangible can be touched
31 Abrogate cancel; deny; repeal
32 Blasphemy speech which offends religious sentiments
33 Credible believable
34 Enigma puzzle; mystery
35 Harbingers indicators; bringers of warnings
36 Labyrinthin
complicated; highly convoluted
37 Nuzzle cuddle; snuggle
38 Plaudit statement giving strong praise
39 Reprehensi
shameful; very bad
40 Tardy slow; late; overdue; delayed
41 Absolution forgiveness; pardon; release
42 Blatant obvious
43 Creditable praiseworthy
44 Ensconce establish firmly in a position Ensconce
45 Hasten hurry; accelerate; rush
46 Laceration a cut
47 Obdurate stubborn
48 Plausible can be believed; reasonable
49 Reprieve a respite; postponement of a sentence
50 Tawdry of little value; gaudy
51 Abstain desist; go without; withdraw
52 Blighted damaged; destroyed; ruined
53 Credulous gullible; ready to believe anything
54 Enshroud cover
55 Haughtines
arrogance; pride
56 Lachrymos
tearful; sad
57 deliberately make something difficult to
58 Plethora an excess
59 Repudiate shun; eschew
60 Tedium boredom
61 Abstemious self denying; refraining from indulging
62 Blithe free-spirited; carefree
63 Crepuscula
active at dawn and dusk
64 Enunciatio
clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
65 Headstrong stubborn; willful
66 Lackluster dull; monotonous; bland
67 Objective unbiased; not subjective
68 Pliable flexible; not stubborn
69 Rescind retract; repeal
70 Temper to moderate; soften
71 Abstruse difficult to understand; obscure
72 Blunderbus 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy
s person
73 Cringe recoil; flinch; shy away
74 Envenom to cause bitterness and bad feeling
75 Hedonism self indulgence; pleasure-seeking
76 Laconic using few words; brief; to the point
77 Oblique indirect; slanting -
78 Plumage feathers of a bird
79 Resignatio
acceptance of fate
80 Tenacious stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose
81 Accolade tribute; honor; praise
82 Bolster support; prop up
83 Cryptic puzzling; enigmatic
84 Ephemeral short-lived
85 Hedonist a pleasure seeker
86 Lamentatio
expression of regret or sorrow
87 Obliterate destroy; demolish; eradicate
88 Plummet fall suddenly and steeply
89 Resolution determination
90 Tentative not certain
91 Acquiesce to agree to; give in to
92 Bombast arrogant, pompous language
93 Curtail cut short
94 Epicure someone who appreciates good food and drink
95 Heed listen to
96 Lampoon ridicule; spoof
97 Oblivious totally unaware
98 Podium raised platform
99 Resonant echoing
100 Tenuous flimsy; not solid
101 Acrid sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)
102 Boorish ill-mannered
103 believing that people act only out of selfish
104 Epistle a letter (form of communication)
105 Heresy against orthodox opinion
106 Lance spear; spike; javelin
107 Obscure difficult to understand; partially hidden
108 Poignant deeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions
109 Respite a break; intermission
110 Terse concise; to the point
111 Acrophobia fear of heights
112 Bourgeois middle class
113 Debility weakness; incapacity
114 Epistolary concerned with letters; through correspondence
115 Hiatus interruption; pause
116 Languid tired; slow
117 Obscured hidden; covered; buried
118 Poised calm; collected; self-possessed
119 Resplenden
shining; glowing
120 Therapeuti
medicinal; curative
122 Braggart someone who boasts
123 Debunking exposing false claims or myths
124 Epitomized typified; characterized; personified
125 Hidebound rigid in opinions
126 Languish decay; fade away; get weaker
127 Obsequious servile; submissive
128 Polemical causing debate or argument
129 Restorative a tonic
130 Thwart prevent; frustrate
131 Adamant forceful; inflexible
132 Brawny muscular
133 Decathlon an athletic competition with ten events
134 Equivocate speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth
135 Hieroglyphi 1. picture writing; 2. writing which is difficult to
cs read or enigmatic
136 Larceny theft; robbery; stealing
137 Obsession a dominating concern
138 Ponderous weighty; slow and heavy
139 Retention preservation; withholding
140 Timorous cowardly; fearful
141 Adroit skilful / skillful
142 Brevity being brief
143 Decorum dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]
144 Err make a mistake
145 Hinder obstruct
146 Largess generosity
Obsolete no longer valid
148 Pontificate speak pompously or dogmatically
149 restrained; holding something back;
150 Tirade stream of verbal abuse

151 Adulation strong admiration; worship
152 Bristle to show irritation
153 Decoy lure; trap; trick
154 Erratic wandering; irregular
155 Histrionic theatrical; exaggerated
156 Laud praise
157 Obstrepero
noisy and boisterous
158 Portend foretell
159 Retraction withdrawal; cancellation of a statement
160 Titter giggle quietly
161 Adversity hardship
162 Broach start to discuss; approach
163 Deference respect
Esoteric obscure and difficult to understand

165 Hoary old
166 Lavish on a grand scale; wasteful
167 Obtuse mentally dull
168 Portent a warning sign; omen
169 Revere worship
170 Tome large book
171 Advocate support
172 Brusque blunt; abrupt
173 Defoliate cause leaves to fall off Defoliate
174 Espouse promote; take up; support
175 Hone sharpen; increase; whet
176 Lax careless; not strict
177 Obviate avoid; make unnecessary
178 Poseur someone who puts on an act
179 Riddled full of (usually full of holes)
180 Torpid inactive; lazy; stagnant
181 Aesthetic concerning art or beauty
182 Bulwark fortification; barricade; wall
183 Defunct no longer in existence
184 Etymology the study of word origins
185 Hyperbole grossly exaggerated speech
186 Legend 1. key to map; 2. myth or story
187 Odious hateful
188 Posterity future generations
189 Rife common
190 Torpor dormancy; sluggishness; inactivity
191 Afable friendly; social; easygoing
192 Bureaucrac
193 Degradatio
deprivation; poverty; debasement
194 Eulogy praise
195 Hypochond a person obsessed with health; having imaginary
riac illnesses
196 Legion in large numbers
197 Officious domineering; intrusive; meddlesome
198 Posthumou
after death
199 Rigor thoroughness
200 Totter walk unsteadily

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