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Rough draft due date:

Peer editing date:

Final draft due date:

You will be split into groups of 3-4 and each must decide a part of the project for
each member to focus on. You will be given approximately 30 minutes of class
time to have your rough draft complete on the date above, and will receive two
full class periods at the end of the unit to complete final touches and organizing
your presentation.
You will also have to complete a personal reflection and a peer assessment piece
at the end of the unit.

Map Your Island

Draw a map of the island in full color. Describe the physical properties of the island.
(Each group member describes one attribute, ie: weather, landscape, flora,
development, number of people, type of culture).

Does the island society have a religion, mythology or folklore?

What was their pre-science belief system?

Write at least two short folktales from this island.

Make sure all of your ideas are tied into one consistent set of beliefs.

What types of art do they have? (ie, paintings, pottery?)

What materials on the island do they use in their art?

Bonus: Create your own representations of island art.

How do the island people make music?

Do they have musical instruments, do they sing?

What are the instruments made of?

Economical Aspects of the Society

Is this an agricultural society?

What do they grow?

What animals do they keep?

What do they use the animals for?

Is there any industry on the island?

Do the island people have access to technology; have they developed their own
technology? If yes, what kinds of technology do they have?

Are there large businesses on the island, or factories? If yes, what do they produce? Or
if not, is everything on a smaller scale?
Is this island society independent, or do they trade goods and services with the rest of
the world?

Decide upon how they create and distribute goods and services among themselves.


What kind of government exists on the island? For example:

Is it a true democracy, such as Ancient Greece?

Is it similar to our provinces, in which elected officials represent large blocks of people?

Is there a monarchy; are people born into political power?

What role does the government play in the island peoples' lives? For example:
Does the government tax people? Or do they provide funding?

What does the government do to benefit the people?

What rights, if any, do the island people have?


What rules govern your island society, and who enforces them? How are these laws
This is where it all comes together. Each group will give an oral presentation about the
island they have developed. You will display the map you have created, along with any
other visuals to help you explain the various aspects of your islands civilization (for
example: use prezi, make a poster). You will have to respond to questions asked by the
class and the teacher.

Personal Reflection:
You will get the change to submit a personal reflection on the class blog. Tell me, and
the rest of the class, what your experience with the project was. Do not simply say it
was good or bad. Tell us where you had trouble, why you had trouble.
Where there any debates amongst group members? Why?
Did you ever have to come to an agreement that not everyone agreed with?
How do you think your experience reflects our citizens and governments today?
How did what we learned in class show up when you were creating your society?
Do you believe its realistic to think that you could really make a society that is equitable
and just for all members? Why or why not?
And finally, how would you rate yourself as a group member? Do you think your
contributions were significant and meaningful? Did you put a lot of thought into your
project? Why or why not?

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