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Lesson A

Talk about your circle of friends using relatives clauses.


Lesson B

Talk about dating using phrasal verbs

Grew up
Get along
Go back
Move away
Settle down
Sing up
Work out
Move away
Write back
Hung out

Lesson C

Use expressions like probably and sort of to soften comment, using though to give
contrasting idea

I guess/I think
Kind of/Sort of
A little/a little bit
In a way
Kind of /Sort of

Use though to give a contrasting idea, f.e: its kind of fun to meet new people, though.
What if

Lesson A

Talk about wishes using I wish + past form.

Talk about imaginary situation or events in the present and the future with if- clauses.

Wish + past form of the verb

If + past form of verb.would (could) + verb

Lesson B

Discuss how to deal with everyday dilemmas

Ask about imaginary situation or events

What (how,where..)+ would + you + verb +

I d + verb+ .

Lesson C

Give advice using expressions like if I were you, or Id..

Use that would be. To comment on a suggestion or a possibility

If I were you, Id
I would/Id
I wouldnt
You could
You might want to

That would be (awesome, fine, wonderful, nice)

Tech savvy

Lesson A

Talk about problems with technology using question within sentences

Lesson B

Describes how things work using separable phrasal verbs like turn on and plug in

Ask for help with technology using how to + verb, where to + verb

Lesson C

Give diferrent opinions with expressions like on the other hand or you know what I

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