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My name is Amethyst Ananiah. I have a strong marriage with

Mike, a loving, caring husband, and two children, Maddie and
Abbrie, who are beautiful and successful. We live in a safe, quiet
town in a friendly neighborhood.

Wanting to work for the greater good, as well as support my

family, I decided to enter the profession of teaching. For the last
ten years I have owned and operated my own preschool,
kindergarten and after school program. I began caring for five or
six children outside of my home. From there, I opened up in a
local church, and grew my school to sixty children.

My schools parents call me at many different hours, morning,

noon and night; at every opportunity I assist both them and their
children. I perform services for the community and give to
charities. I work at a homeless shelter, I help to sustain a food
pantry, help run clothing drives, helped to establish and sustain
the local library, and have engaged in community clean up and
beautification endeavors. I work for and give to charities through
the Womans Club, and I am a scout leader.

I am in every sense a wealthy, well-known, well-liked, well-

respected, upstanding member of my community. I have
everything this world could possibly offer a woman.

And, as ridiculous as this sounds, one thing really bothers me:

is this it?

No, really. Is this what life is all about? Ive achieved everything I
set out to achieve. I get up in the morning, leave a nice home, go
to work, receive money and adoration, go home, eat dinner, plan
the next day, go to bed. The next day, I get up in the morning,
leave a nice home, go to work . . .

Bet you think I need a vacation. But going on vacation just

increases stress and anxiety. It just makes things worse.
It sounds so spoiled of me, doesnt it? In all honesty, most would
love to live my life. And I have worked so hard to achieve it. I
should be happy, grateful satisfied.
But somethings wrong. I just dont know what it is.
Is this really what life is all about?

March, 2013
I am a strong person.
I dont turn from the truth. I am a realist and able
to see things clearly.
If I am curious about something I investigate it, no
matter how horrible the truth is.
Do not get into satan worship.
The above thoughts (except for the last one) I have thought in the
past, but now they were involuntarily coming into my head LOUD
and CLEAR. I felt a little laugh, and the thoughts came in again,
only this time, softer.

I knew these were previous thoughts of mine. What was

unnerving was the strong, orderly presentation of them, of being
thought in an involuntary fashion. As strange as this sounds,
these were past thoughts of mine, that werent presently being
thought of by me.

And yet, although these thoughts were mine, they were . . .

delivered? In a very kind, non-mocking, but pointed and
deliberate fashion.
So, am I being played with, or enlightened? Why am I thinking all
of this in the first place? I had no idea.

March through June, 2013

I am not sure exactly when or why, but I began making full use of
the internet. Basically, I spent a few months on a journey through
hell. What did I investigate?

I examined our money, the evil brainwashing mechanism we call

Hollywood, politics, history (or our view of it), Disney, food
production, aliens, the United Nations and The New World order,
the Catholic Church, satanic rituals, the music industry, all
culminating with the study of David Icke and the Illuminati card

The card game rang true; the World Trade Center and the events
of 9/11 are in there. Every time I looked them up I could only do
so for a short period of time. Staring pure evil straight in the face
is extremely difficult.

So, evil has a game plan, and it is unfolding before our eyes. So,
the best plan at the time was to fight the evil!! But how? The
best way, again at the time, was through David Icke, preaching a
love your neighbor, but not God, philosophy. At the time it
sounded good to me, since of course, intellectuals do not
believe in God, or if they do, they certainly dont rely on Him.

So, off I went, loving my neighbor in a Godless framework.

I have always had difficulty sleeping, even as a small child.

Frightening, vivid nightmares that would cause me to scream,
move about, wake up. Living according to David Ickes plan just
made matters worse.

Reading about demons and how to deal with them, Quantum

Jumping and other forms of meditation brought on organized
nightmares, alien cloud formations, and chemtrails.

Then, one time during my web wanderings I came across a

description of David Icke as a practitioner of white magic. From
this, I decided to give the Illuminati cards one more look over.
Now the card game has different levels; some cards are blue;
these are either achievement cards or goals, such as the WWIII
card. I believe this card is an end goal. Then there are orange
yellow cards, which seem to be cards used to achieve goals; a
means to an end, if you will.

I looked it up, and there it was: a David Icke card. An orange-

yellow card with a drawing of a young Icke in a purple shirt pulling
a rabbit with an evil look on its face out of a magicians hat. Its
title, le grosse magician. I stared at this for a long time,
shocked and angry at the extent to which I was duped.

My dreams worsened. It was getting to the point where I thought

a time would come in which I would never sleep again.

In masochistic fashion I turned back to the cards. There is no

hope. The evil is all powerful and unstoppable.

I then glanced at an orange yellow card, which I had seen before

but its importance did not register at the time. It was entitled
Secular Humanism.
A drawing of a clean-cut, blonde haired, modern-day dressed guy
smiling and standing with his hands in his front pockets against a
brick wall backdrop stares out at the viewer. But there is a
shadow on the wall behind the man; a shadow of the man in the
shape of some sort of demonic pig? is on the brick wall. A
passerby in a blue suit sees the shadow and is both shocked and

So I thought, why would a secular humanist be useful as a means

to a destructive end?

And then, I thought the most important thought of my life:

Well, I guess there is nothing else left to do but believe in

Immediately I felt relief and peace. It also seemed as if someone

else was with me, and although nothing was said, I felt an
emotion: ITS ABOUT TIME!

I laughed, embarrassed by my ignorance and stubbornness.

Emotionally spent, I went to bed and woke from the most peaceful
nights sleep I have ever had.

I was stunned: GOD EXISTS!! How do I feel? I feel . . . fantastic.

Happy! Excited! I didnt ask God to send away the demons. I
didnt realize at the time that they were demons, so I didnt know
enough to ask to get rid of them. I also did not know at the time
to ask God for anything.

July 25th, 2013

I have found God. Or, more accurately, God made me find Him.

Amazement, humility, anger. So GOD exists! Was a war just

fought for my soul? Why would GOD care for a nothing like me? A
self-centered, self-serving, agnostic/atheist woman of Roman

I feel awful. In my arrogance, I was always too smart, too

intellectual, too emotionally stable to have to deal with the issue
of is there or isnt there a GOD. Intellectuals with degrees
and certifications dont believe in God. That is the business of the
weak minded, of people on death row. Was I wrong.

Yet, at the same time, I feel wonderful. Were not alone! God
loves us! And, I can talk to Him as much as I want, since He hears
what Im thinking. Private conversations, as many as I want.

I have always been ambivalent with respect to God, not knowing,

yet not caring enough to pursue the matter further. I would give
it all a fleeting moments thought, then move onto the next
thought or action, being too busy to deal with such an
impractical issue.

And, in retrospect, I was purposely led into thinking the above

Saul/St. Paul, satan, and how people used the concept of satan to
exonerate themselves of wrongdoing. Why would anyone get into
devil worship? Whats the point?
I began reading everything I could. The school, work, family is
taking a backseat.
Am I saved? I read and listened on the internet that unless you
believe Jesus is the Son of God, you will not be saved.

So I am currently investigating. I do want to believe, but believing

in Jesus seems like believing in another deity, and therefore,
blasphemous. I have a long way to go.

January 2014
Looked at the dollar bill again, and have come to the realization
that we are in hell.

As soon as I thought, Am I in hell? an inner voice shouted, not

spoke, but shouted, YES! No matter how I tried to re-word it,
or think of some other way to approach it, the answer always
given back to me was, Yes.

I became so depressed. Why live, why do ANYTHING? What

about my children? My children are too young to have done
anything wrong!! Theyre in hell, also? What about my husband?

What should I do? What did I do? What have any of us done that
was so bad, that were force to exist in some sort of hellish state,
on a hell planet?

A voice spoken from inside of me, in my voice, but not spoken by

me, said Lose weight, pay more attention to the school.

In my stunned stupor, I asked, anything else Im doing wrong?

Immediately the voice says, Well, what youre doing with
Abbrie isnt too good.
I am helping my daughter fill out college and scholarship
applications. She should be doing it herself. Even though so many
parents do this, it is dishonest.

Who is talking to me??

So, we are in hell. However, there may be hope. Why are we
here? Are we here to dig ourselves out?
Who is talking to me??

If I want to know most or all of what there is to know about God

and what is written in the Bible, I will never act, and it is time to
act. I will make mistakes on this little self-proclaimed learn as you
go program, but its better that just studying and not acting at all.

A YouTube video called David Icke Debunked kept popping up, so I

listened to it. It was great! The maker of the video, Chris White,
seemed good to listen to. Hes a knowledgeable fellow who has a
debunking series of YouTube videos going on. He, and others,
recommended reading the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.

I bought a KJV Bible. I was so excited to read it! Poured a favorite

drink, settled into my comfy chair, opened it up, and read . . . ?

I have no idea what any of this means. Im an educated person;

however, this is really the first time trying to read the Bible, and I
simply dont understand it.

So I bought another KJV, and another one after that. One of the
ways I tend to solve problems is to spend money. I hoped if I kept
buying the KJV I would eventually understand it.

Didnt work. After a number of frustrated, failed attempts over

the month to read the KJV, I broke down and cried.

I have no idea what any of this means. I cant understand it; I

need someone to explain it to me. And, even if I did understand it
so what? It was written by ancient people thousands of years
ago. What does any of this have to do with life today?

Went back to wandering around the web.

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