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Name: Date: Period: Day:

Remember to ask your partners for help first, and then raise a quiet hand to let your teacher know if you need help.

Roles in Energy Transfer Centers

Final Grade: /130 =
Points will be taken off for not following guidelines and expectations, CHAMPs, or following the correct format.

Creative Center
5 Adaptations for The Alien to survive in the ecosystem. How will
they help it overcome limiting factors?
1. _________________, because __________________________________ Drawing of
your organism
2. _________________, because __________________________________
3. _________________, because __________________________________
4. _________________, because __________________________________
5. _________________, because __________________________________
Data Center Grade: /15
Writing Center

After reading the articles, answer the following question: Can Limiting Factors be a good thing?


_________________ ___
Writing Center Grade: /10

Label a Food Web

1. For the food web, label each organism: (Some

may have more than one label)

P = Producer C1 = Primary Consumer

C2= Secondary Consumer
C3 = Tertiary Consumer (C4)

2. Now label each animal as either a:

H = herbivore C = carnivore O = omnivore

Where does the tree get its energy from?


Label a Food Web Center Grade: /15

Mix and Match Center

You must create three symbiotic relationships between two imaginary organisms. For each
relationship choose two imaginary organisms, and decide for one or both to have a need.
Determine the role of each organism, describe how a symbiotic relationship between the two
meets the need(s), and tell which type of symbiosis it is. Get creative! Be aware that you must
invent extra information in order for each relationship to make sense.


Cratz A pollinator to help with reproduction Mutualism
Gimflobby A very dark environment Commensalism
Lunic Help digesting its food Parasitism
Majooka Lots of sun exposure Predation
Scuzit Protection from herbivores Competition
Elladock Slime to lay eggs in
Thustle Its eyes to be cleaned
Jory A deep hole to live in
Gollyper Blood for food
Zumble An anaerobic environment
Coblatty A home inside a warm moist place
Blubussle A way to move around

Symbiotic Relationship 1
Imaginary Organisms: a. _______________________ & b. ______________________
How will these organisms interact (roles)?

How does this relationship meet the need or needs of the organism(s)?

Type of symbiosis: ______________________________

Symbiotic Relationship 2
Imaginary Organisms: a. _______________________ & b. ______________________
How will these organisms interact (roles)?

How does this relationship meet the need or needs of the organism(s)?

Type of symbiosis: ______________________________

Symbiotic Relationship 3
Imaginary Organisms: a. _______________________ & b. ______________________
How will these organisms interact (roles)?

How does this relationship meet the need or needs of the organism(s)?

Type of symbiosis: ______________________________ Mix and

Match Center: /20
Science Literature Center

Food Web Woes

1. What effects does the killing of large sharks have on populations of cownose rays and scallops in the North
Carolina region?

2. Large sharks, cownose rays, and scallops are all consumers. If you know that scallops eat producers, connect
the consumers to their level in the food chain.
Large Sharks Primary Consumers
Cownose Rays Secondary Consumers
Scallops Tertiary Consumers

Green Invaders

1. almost all the plant-eating insects in the United States90% of themare specialized. That means they
eat only certain plants. How would replanting fields with a foreign plant, like kudzu from Japan, affect local
plant-eating insects? Why would they be affected?

2. How would a takeover of invasive plants affect insect-eating birds?

Science Literature Center Grade: /20

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