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Answering Objections On Holy

Quran In Regard to Divine
Will/Intention /Omnivolence.By
Ahlussunnah Val Jama:ah
Answering Objections on Divine
[Pick the date]

Two objections of Nates Talks To You are Replied.

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Answering Objections On Holy

Quran In Regard to Divine
Will/Intention /Omnivolence.By
Ahlussunnah Val Jama:ah
There are ten objections on Holy Qura:n on the You tube.

Two of them are refuted in this response. Insha:Allah others shall be refuted soon .

See: -

{uploaded by NateTalksToYou on You Tube]

Will or Intention is one of the Essential Attributes Of Divine Essence=Deity.

According to some It is Identical to the Per Se Subsistent Essence of Deity and
according to some It is Identical to Divine Essence that is ,It is the very Divine
Essence Itself.

It is the First and Ultimate Cause of all Contingent Existents. Divine Essence Acteth
by this Divine Will/Intention and not by the Necessity of the Nature of Divine
Essence that is Identical to the very Per Se Subsistent Essence Itself. In series of
Causes Divine Intention/Will is the First Cause. Divine Will/Intention doeth not Have
any Cause. According to the Maturidi School of Thought Divine Intention/Will is the
Ultimate Cause and the Per Se Necessary Condition for the existence of
secondary ,contingent and inferior Causes. The Inferior and Secondary Causes are
fixed by the Will/ Intention of Per Se Subsistent Divine Essence That is an Essential
and Absolute Attribute of That Essence. So if there is no Divine Intention/Will no
Contingent Law, No Contingent Act and No Contingent Existent Exist. There
Existence is Per Se Absurd and Logically Absurd since if the Per Se Necessary
Condition ceaseth to exist then every thing that is Conditioned by It Ceaseth to
Exist. There are two types of Causes. 1] Illah Bidh: Dh:a:t [Per Se Cause] and Per
Quod Cause [ Illah Bil Ghair/ Illah Bil Ard:].

Divine Will/ Intention Proceedeth from the Contingent, Secondary, Inferior and
Created Causes that are fixed by the Divine Essence as an act of Divine
Will/Intention for the proper conservation of Order and non occurrence of Chaos.

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So the Divine Will/Intention is the Ultimate and First Cause of all Contingent Things
where they be Essences,Substances,Attributes,Qualities, Acts and Events.

So the existences of secondary causes do not deny that the Existence of the First
Cause that is the Divine Will/ Intention.

In this case all the Secondary Causes are the Effects of the Primary Cause. So the
Effects of Secondary Causes may be ascribed to the Primary Cause that is the
Necessary Prime and Prime in Itself.

So in comparison to Prime Cause the First and the Ultimate Cause any effect may be
ascribed and when it is ascribed all the secondary causes become insignificant and
neglectable. In some other sentence; it is sentences as follow:=

The Mediate, Secondary, Inferior ,Subsidiary Contingent and Non Eternal Causes
are dropped from discussion when their respective Effects are referred to the First,
Primary,Ultimate, Supreme and Necessary Cause The Divine Will/Intention.

According to Maturidiah the Supreme and Prime Cause the Divine Will/Intention
Acteth through the Secondary, Inferior and Mediate Causes.

Mutazilites however believed that once Divine Essence =Deity Created a Mediate
Cause then the Prime and Ultimate Cause Does that is Divine Essence Doeth Not Act
through them. So their effects cannot be reffered to the Divine Will/ Intention.But
the very idea limits the Divine Will/ Intention and implieth that Divine Will/Intention
is Not Eternal. Willingly or Unwillingly they were compelled to accept the conclusion.
The result was that the believed that Divine Will/Intention is neither an Essential nor
an Absolute Attribute of Divine Essence=Deity but either an active or a relative
Attribute of It.

But Ahlussunnah Maturidiah provided the solution that Divine Attribute of

Will/Intention is Essential , Absolute ,Eternal and Infinite. It worketh and acteth
through Contingent , Finite and Relative Causes.

This does not contradict Sciences like Physics, Aerodynamics, Astronomy,

Chemistry, Fluid Mechanics etc.

The laws of sciences whether prescriptive or descriptive are contingent and creation
and Divine Will/Intention worketh and acteth through them.

Suppose that a piece of paper is burned by fire.

The fire is the cause of the Act or Event of Burning.According to Mutizilite View the
Divine Will/Intention does not act through the Contingent and Mediate Cause, It acts
by itself.According to Maturidite View the Divine Will/Intention Acteth through the
Fire , as the Prime Cause acteth through the Secondary Causes whatsoever they
may be. The only thing which may be ascribed to Mutazilites safely is that If

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Deity=Divine Essence doeth Will/Intent the Subsidiary Cause may be Annihilated.

But if they exist they are independent of Divine Will/ Intention the Prime Cause and
the Ultimate Cause.

But according to Maturidites if Divine Will/Intention doeth not act through Non
Divine Causes these Causes do become inactive, inert and cease to be Causes
even if Not Annihilated (If the Divine Will/Intention is not to Act through them but
not to Annihilate them ). Yet if Divine Will/Intention is to Annihilate them they Cease
to Exist. The Divine Will/Intention is the Per Se Necessary Condition for the
existence of any Contingent Thing and for the occurrence of any Contingent Event.

Logical Absurdity.

If Divine Will/Intention is an Essential Attribute Of Divine Essence then it is

Logically Impossible that any Secondary and Relative Cause may act with
out the Ultimate,Primary and Absolute Cause. Thus it is necessary that it
Necesarity Acteth through Subsidiary and Secondary Causes other wise in
Ceaseth to be the Ultimate, Absolute ,Supreme and Perfect Cause. Any
Contingent Thing Ceaseth To Be A Contingent Cause If the Divine
Will/Intention Doeth Not Act through It.

Now we study the two verses of Holy and Noble Qura:n on which
some objections are made.

The verses are:

1) Do they not see the birds held (flying) in the midst of the sky? None holds them
but Allah

It is your Lord who drives the ship for you through the sea that you may seek of
His bounty. Indeed, He is ever, to you, Merciful. (17:66)

Birds fly in air and Ships float in Oceans [Waters]. Divine Will/Intention is the
First,Prime, Ultimate,and Supreme Cause of the Flight of the Birds in air and Floating
of Fleets and Ships in waters.

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As the Will/Intention of Divine Essence is Absolute Cause and the Non Divine
Causes are Relative Cause any effect can be ascribed to the Divine Will/Intention in
Primary Meaning and to the Mediate and Secondary Causes in the Secondary

So in Primary Meaning Divine Will/Intention is the cause of even things made by

men and machines since men and machine are secondary Causes.

It may be questioned that If Will / Intention of Divine Essence is the Primary,

Ultimate and Supreme Cause then all Sciences like Aerodynamics, Physics ,
Quantum Mechanics etc become in vain and they all become nothing. Since they
have Laws and theorems etc. The answer to This objection is that As Secondary and
Mediate Laws and Causes also exist these sciences do exist and do not contradict
the Primacy, Ultimacy,Supermacy,and Infinity of the Divine Will/Intention.

It is asked that Can Divine Essence not make a Single bird that cannot function on
its own. The answer is that Will of the Divine Essence is the Supreme
,Ultimate,Prime and Infinite Cause , so it necessarily acteth through each and every
Contingent and Created Cause and Thing what so ever. if it acteth .So any thing
which implieth negation of this nature of the Essential Attribute of Divine Will
/Intention of Divine Essence is Logically Impossible. Divine Will/Intention is Essential
Attribute of Divine Essence and the Intrinsic Nature of a Divine Attribute is that
nothing can be independent of it. So to Create some thing self sufficient such that it
is partially or totally independent of the Essential Attribute is a Logical Absurdity
and Contradicts the very nature of the Essential Attribute of Will/Intention and that
is Logically Absurd. This very nature of the Essential Attribute is Absolutely Identical
to the Attribute. Similarly the act/event of floating of Ships and Fleet is according to
the Divine Will/Intention.

If there is no Divine Will all Natural Laws and Physical Laws suspends rather
Annihilate Immediately and simultaneously . The Divine Will/Intention is the
Prime,First,Ultimate,Perfect and Supreme Cause It doeth not Contradicteth
Secontary,Relative ,Mediate and Imperfect Causes not they Contradict It as long as
it funtioneth, Acteth and Effecteth Through Them. So those who look and observe
the secondary causes and disbelieve in this Supreme, Ultimate and Uncreated
Divine Will/Intention the Omnivolence they think that to ascribe all events and
Contingent things to the Divine Will/Intention is to deny all Sciences and its all
branches. But those who see Divine Attribute of Will/Intention/Omnivolence acteth
through them it is certainly not the case that Science is denied in the least
meaning/sense .

This objection is either made by an atheist or a theist who believe that Divine
Essence and Essential Divine Attributes are Finite,Limited, Relative[in the meaning
Not Absolute] and Not Eternal. One who either does not believe that Divine Will/
Intention acts through Secondary Causes or does not believe in Divine Essence or

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Believes in Finiteness of Divine Will/Intention. Or he believes that Divine

Will/Intention is not only Limited and Bounded but also Mutable and Changeable.

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