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s'Re^ o ^Qe
^ 6eo. D, Sutherland & Co London Brush Facto ry ,
Od G'r l'l'll t: LIST.

HAY I,.\I,,,\ HEA HEA LONI t1`(. HEN

_ --- -- -
C p Ilrar.l t., r .^nrcutter Ilcard & Florl, I)& 34o Talbot.
0J (la^dun I;nd;;tt twr^l Ilcnrn I, res 4:7 Itutlcrin atc o Hrar,l I :. , . I r Ilrard V h'loryl, bill 370 Ridout.
: lia) (ton 1 athatinc, drrsstnakrr, res 4 3 7 ( tufirrin ave. Ilcanl 1\ 11. plumlkr R(' Struthers .\ Co, res igy 'l'allrot.
Ila)dnn Miss 1ratc, drr,%wakcr bds ya7 I!utterin atc.
'fallx,t. Nrtsrd at Ilion (Thomas J Hrard, Samuel Floryt, nurble works
Ila)rs \lr,% : ddie, sait% lady .\ il I'nwell .T Co. bds 62S 47n Rtchmund. Me,, Annrr, taikxrss, 1x1, w. 11llltam. Il^ath Frcderick H, clcrk John ltirrrlt ,\ ('n, 1-gis : tG r I.-, ..
E It.,%, -\ti,. I arin,, tarluress I'cthick.l ^lillunald,bd^ 6t Itundas.
King, tes If 'h \lalculm, clerk 1 Wright, bd, 13S IM.,rrnn. Z
t Nt1^r,oo, i rallrl+% lanpr I.ond.irt File 1%'orks, rear qS W II-1'1 \\'n, Is,lir,th ^ I^innvmnr ) r t3y 11ort
Z :. \1at.rl,,. t^r adv.) Ilruth A i'lllnrmorr r\1'm Itli^, /
c ed F^nnemure , lot
A lfred
I la^r t, t:. \\ . wtth :\ It Ibwcll ^('u, fcs ^^:,i T.IIINIt. V ! -. tnd . --iii-ion itrrtchants : Chldlrllows Hall. wateho::-
^ Ililr^ twtd'l'unrrth^ , laundrr%%. rc. :4t Ridout. \rk
v liales Xclvxt, cryrrr I I sltatt, rc, r to It, thunt. Q licbldrthwaitr Annie. domestic 5 to I)utirrin ace
Ilal^cs T imothy. trdor Iturnc & l^cwic. bd, zlt Rtdrxu. N lfrdfurd Nlarl dressmaker, lods z.)4 York. :0!
IlaylrKk ( ^tcndcr, lalx,rcr, res:Rt fhamcs. N I1^enc) 'f rrrrncc, n>achinist. Ida is., Horton. 17
I l a\'Irck tiarah, dontr-%tir-, 34o 'I a11N,t. Hernan \lary, cook n w cor I)ufrrin ate and ( aarenc^-.
li.ryman %lary, attendant Inwnc A.\lutn Co
I,,, c
tlcrncv \^'m, Iiopkkeeper II S Perrin .\ ('o, Irds Cit) liotel
.i Ifalnc Edward Il. accountant Ilarris, ^la^cc & Co. res c w cor O li, .it I^,.cph, agent R.ttlw'al ^rw. Cu, bds 'I^ Ilr.u., s
1 ,:Yxt;e and Si )ames. Ilrllmullt I:uantu S. Iq.tkcney & Flellmuth , rr N.,,
Il.r%n. 1.rwis 1`,ckrk London I.ifc Insaranec (' r-, rrs . w cur H u.r.
t .cnrt;c and tit latnrs.
JOHN FiIRRELL $ CO,1mpo rtersof Dq GoodaaodDealers r..
Look Out fer the Notice of a New Patent Buggy Top. TDoe.
I 8muh, Patentee.
`^ Canadian Manufactures, Lodo, Ontario.
0 -
11r11muth lattllr. l'ollrytr. )li.. I If t",nton lady Principal.
Hatstead Anhur, l,ncx,m, bdc zl+o ( ueen'r ave. to k i, htnv,n l, to ut 4 ttt litnrt,.
Q Haytcad Charics It. ciKarmaker 11 \Ich:ty, ld. American Ilouse. IIrIInuUh Ri9111 Ris 11 U. 1/ 4' 1., !
_ Hati^trad llarry It. rit;armaker H Ur Kay & Co, bds American AA rL, \uttituuti liuusc.
S Ilntel. . I Iclsom Maurice E, bric klayet res :il Richmond.
11 ^rl.w,xw1 John. mw+n. rrs 6,5 ('artwrieFt. ^ Ilrtnan Robert. tailor I H Chapman, lids 379 Wellington J
I larlcwrxrd ! 1.tzeic, gilder Rrid's, 1o1+ 65 Cartwright. x Ilcman \\'m, mat hmi.t. res 476 I tufcrin ave. ^
1 f cad Oharlcs. lahorer, hds 3o6 Trllat. Ilcmhrough John hostler, .\,nrrican Flntel.
W Headford Hcnry, griser :qi \'ork. r saine- aq Il mptindryrorth 1\'nt, laborrr G W R, res :33 Wclltn^t"n.
,C 1{eadford Miss Mary A. dressmaker, bd, :q; York. . Ficndcnhot laura, \\'aitrrs.(aigf{ llou,r.
C lieal F.dward M. hatter, reo; R;s Richmond. I Icndersnn A lexander J(;, res 426 Bond.
;6 Fleal I:mma. tailoress, bds Richard Itakcr. Ilcndcrson \Irs 1nn. hair Food.. 245." 1)undas, res 387 Dufrr nF
C Haley %IarRaret, domcstic 1 26 \laplc. a40 Ave.
t: Heaman Jane Iwid Thoma--l. res 3;(, Ac nttal ave. Hcndcrson lames, res 3a7 I uflcrin ave.
8 Hcaman John. butcher n s York w 1'hames, re5 same. Ilenderson James \1,cnnfectioner, rer 455 Dundas.
t Heatrtan Robert, tailor. bds 3oq 1 undas llcnder.on lames I', clcrk \Irc I'ytlcr, bd, 486 Ridout.
^ Ileaman Wm, clerk T H Niarsh, hds 3oq Ilundas. Ilcndcrson \lart;uct, dnmestic, t3o Carling.
I icaman W rit, carpenter T(:'reen, res 476 1lufferin ave. o, Itrndrrson Margaret twid 1'ranci. , laundress, tnR ('larrnrc.

ea: Latest T. Herbert Iffarsh 9 B ellOile,

place tu buy Glass,
^ W1ALL PAPER. l,st;;e<^^ Points, Putty,
I,~~. ~It.~ .~nt.u ` a . .~.1 .N1~.
R . LEWIS 31
lr 11 I,a PM 4 .t.&*R . .ar I iR iaM .? l it E. A. T q*& Ct, ~ borm .~,1m
:' NIZM Iar~t+~ t'IIt1 o!
IL+.J. .~ 11d, .l.+11aw ~a . 1~l N M+~MIIMM t .qiM M+illqt~MNIF NNrw.1N~M MR M+~ MMN..
114 ~+dtt+A A~a1riK, awMs~*. 11. am I 40 i1+. O 1 ..aiMalh 1/14. 1M . I4 MW .Ill.a o *,M.uIIIIMr* am r if .aa ..-, . .. r
~ I k idswrn k . ta~ 1. sw+s w~a +~ ,IlMan l~s~ I IlMirr. 1i al 1".,Mld y
1 LL ~ IMr~t la+~ri+~l~ 1~~A No ra - 1 tm wwli.w e > %b 06 "*MMi
Ii : .4o+.+ t b+wloua I0 4& . .. .. 4 11 .a1" r t..ww 4 t..kwI, hwN*n w M tr-N{+.M
lls .dit*w Wei' (. QWFIr 11 UL 1 j0jo 44. y11,~ t~ ~ IMw.w jAN 1tAwA.a 4 w Iw S .N1nrw.
Ilswdn,ffl 1lor 11 .0401we1~0 M t4444 hw& Wb o; au /fwl 1( .rq~ M ~ tw.qNl..tM t~Mlts 1ryMw.
. . . . A s1 Iilsitr,# Miss It~ .M, ~1~ , M b .M eii11NM1M
Mrtnlrir I . - + %Woods wd Qwwrr 8&8"k 4 i*/t t111m a .+wN .m . * tNs. (I+ m 11.1 1
. tt s . .1set If,uw pMM &AWIIK bllr wy~tiwNyw
l1 .r .. , . , .1tss~1.1%~ 1j~ wr~ M . .w M ~ulMll,,nqNNMN r+ # 1 e1MtAm
11= .t %a 4j. ,r .. >. .,1 K,a~, w t,I k,e t1 , . . 44 r .~ r.. ~-- 11dr
11 .!/.f" AIf#IM sMd (}" .r 371 : ~ l sr~ iM~i ~ It .w $ ~~p1na . ww ~ . 1~I1
11 4en sw4w. 11 . . 4. . I4010, bd. 4# } t Y~+~ss, N .wql ~aw 1 w .+dta.w 04W tmbo Ob 11M. dm %a- lm
~IsaIMMl1 11~+.av 8 . "b,44 . 4Mcrss I . L k,lp 46I lirle m I14 wy11 rllars Mm +w f 11 *UmIi, MF la %1111"

1 I4" tM ld 1lk1q%94, w . y . h49l
t eld J,# .,, % r .,.a Cfto$W"4
.1ar.Ye Jr dM , h*s,vw i ;- "Mw . 1+k b46 lm&
Ilsu+lty I a~rw ir+~*trR lys
aw ti'MI"
~ i
MsWM M .liirlli dg 1 * ,wa am &yMNNIM
It. w1U OiPMra t*O 4%486 yM.
ll.,e ne
1 Ny
. Ir-e KNMMd
st)rrMo . 4 . 4wrun " t m m t "g o. f
a 1I mm" IIOM w . -~ 848 k -4

Tome ftiAiORTN Mr00L,LN MtLLS Ur C dIuMr MwMm il 5 c>f.a a a a~ Ir -

JIlf~4~~la ~ / OW.r~s, a sa+ . ~r ~i+M 11 i. uaA+
~ ie ~
Ilrtn~ ~t a No Ils+tall..
Ilsfu/0 t~t moue . a '1 et * ul* 11/ 1 wowtm*. 1!' * ~Ir!
N.IIM .m LM , r/ f .11ft w #0 >IIa i/1PM
Ii667U t .iiw, 1l t i:w 4 .NNM1 w,M. . .a . . 46 AIIIft AMlMi..R 1hAb
Ilce w t .+a.c q . mm 16AW boo%. 6d t Rt kat 1w1# ,ow i1 rll .wn ,
11 . .. Ir.% elis % i 1% ." 11 Cw b& 1ai rum Ilay~ b .w. 4w . .M ~ ;.r 11t~M
11 . A 1t1>Mpllli. 41 1 s1 1 r1M 11rI+x Msw 1w44 i - 4%Iti10ek

f lcnw R+6rtt .1..c4t N ) k.yd i( A 1 I 0 1 %+ o r m

Ilr .rnt Ilawtf . prperw ona b ., %,a,y .tl vyc., .M ts l re ao4r. !
fi Nr o% +r ,w, ,w. ihol le sa . Io .. r w wn+IM
II .iM I *AomMaw %ArM *NNM . * IlF +M dNq% * M M i IMm
~ I1 t( Ja1Ma,
r" .14 = M .& lM~ r. ew est M!~~ It .Ms e Iww b M+Mw.w *Wt.. - a Iywbm ar t0 AIMy
1 INI1t lu
11 . ww Iltr NIr. prrlol Na** M AM1 +M *'* folm * m .w-al - #M M 40m wu
(s ~~ ~a11wMl ~,Nw ~Ir qrrsMNh iye s~ I~iw~~
mg If ann. M. tom +aM& trd+ trs Talyrt
' , 4a R. c afp~ t IMlffn ( 'a pl~a ,
on. +R Mm Hi eaa
~ 1 ! r s- .11 JJrIQ' 4 i'~
~- ~ralw~ m .d xelrua
wllllt., ~M ~ 186 IA 0 m
I N-aIY. N ~m wWur M'+e 4.+Wm Wh rp ~
u i, ItK+ . o M Ob X . .IAk . am ylfi p MrwN 0 nrw .
N .aw Mw il 4q 9-91 Iy 0011q1 MMI~i. 1!I Ile 1 k*1/M
ItrM . Miss J, +w '1 M.0+0b
O, p ..m. Taxa r. e*41 cf ml, n. f-t Itoaw M w Jt111t te#wwm m ta.qK bb fle twi~m
~'cwv~l a .- e 1104 t "*.& .nqy1w 4w }" two +IA
~ Il . r, \t 1{ .~~I . .i . . ~' ~6 raUnen.l4~ji ~1~k 11 vr%y wqm, U6 Iw$10r 0 1" of MAMM

For Ibo L s25 Tous Tr1
- V-4 Ms [im l86 MIMw
ti, . . . . . .. ._ . . _ . . . , .. 1 . . ELLIOTT BRM,,
Reid's Hardware "'""" t""'" Mee
Geo. D. Sutherland &Coe=1.18.=" SailItaub.
610C Ili IF
- 81111 1666104 IIL
NM Ms*, iwasag. $911 WI.
If - NW, t "Mewed- 1411 4.41 U. ' egiecw t %at ea be tin gi Mk Rake pssirmsr CI W It. NI $31 Vail
1.111 Hem T, time It Haim. us se limbos 'Laid
alle1111161. Mae tad) le pow $.411 16.6 telaill ii U1/4 I.. be tin 111 i Itami Calmar. Oki Plank tab 616 %Wind
Naum amp. sesblisa 0 W It. Is. si Mat
i Illiltsim NIB Sara I. 41M1111Mil eafb tinge>. Se a. lime f Mar Clue bervasawIt 1 P 0.1111. Se
Illbs e armumbur C 11p $1,_s k tis, bib Se Pdlars
t ug i a din mie:.L ift ism
name. p 1 law C, mars amss. 44111 ars billient
11.*11.061**-00900666, essesis lispou sob nib
ware ... Him biglianher 14 Wm& a 6m. le ms Sue
1 elemea J. brismidor Iiirlde Imbue ei ft. ii Var Itiodurral 106* ogjasur t; W It. leb teb %team
II mere I amt. dimwit si Camel ava
Heim Lem, ON Amp 6+ 611- Lais in al
Hemp Riau& atimena Islam Auptia

1 *a
liairee t beet,. ai. Mot. um sop ISIbas.
Ha Men 111. amtuillibt 1 4 144i s IlL le rIlilMde Ittram
I Me 1111

ef 1 8 ftrftri
us, smilunalm. Pet k. w' 694 Man
liming listiburt. WI Oa Oilberai
Wei C. dot A is II tesalbseass. bi 393 Mashed

441 a Yes Ilusieb.. 14 sin Give t 1 th..,I al Rasa oftempe A si 8 liasalem add Iftai1 issie.
esa tedsliii T. prim. se Sul Wain e tob 4141e4.44.8144 391 14/01ead
list assidi WS a It le 41es Wissibst get weer 1r, pm, Hamra% It gears see tad sest
1 Oa time,
" la llesrl A. tee William et ems I livadm, our ass gem, ass eftr deb
fill e himer gm 133 Pisrviap: d shoe flmm. rimikra s Quole am
11111 migie smote heel &
Ha am" testedime tar Stab 461 both
16t66,80. st* 11 &Mk a liadoli blieseallrig 1 moire Imam Cab 11 a el ram& sue
It lie Sark buy psis pi I,. Nu 3 sc
I a
6660 poss brooduse
Wit hrtimuse t
0 Ha )41x. 1101
to SAL e000
EL. 9110 1001111
ttoommlin lame ediss & t SO 141
t1411 Illos1t 48.01,11), kbreir. on 3 Holm A
81are Ma. dlleurber. WI W. 110ms IF

Ila =sum Cands. Skim t3 1 1 ere Lade& levesc Wee Gm.) 5.
dare Mum& Worm am len" or. Ma

184fflosi dui Map 4 (AL 14ftrs. Imes Ian limbos am ( ftelm Prisi1.106 906 n maim
NO Sri (aid aredli. out Ihti dierem 11.6blai Paula J. mime ti W 1t. rift st7 Wonder.
Isa num. tailduile G 111 J. iriope imam 11fAbsis etraceurs. sr e sy Ilaairis
WO Wes. ale wirelmso Tiftumaig 1 IlisilSimi otwitassker s o tirsusn i. ewe ire
81d1 s$ai 11, 14 A. imam Itiegrs t erip. ort 6,1 fa1s1111 p 3 Ilidltisi demos a W It. bib ps Hat
M nerd fields/tn. louriasma G W 51 54 ssiistie
5 Ian blew (Imicpurture tab as. Cates

leas tisoll1W 1st iamb* Um& led Ow le Mt 04

OM Make% 160116,11001101 thr lecenats s* Ois. sus
"4 Mat
al 1114.
p. 446,91,
o liettas Par*Lpiroce II; W R ea In Ha
KI 11abblas Ilso. dlleissosso. bib 3 s NIL
bd. 14 1:12.
dal T 11 Mira. Ws t Qrsiees see
opetia. inedi Qom% me. se tirms.
jam% eia a neat% Illillmes a Ilistee. Ora 11 1146.. bis Odiss, Thu/ 0
Hain Wm Pock Irr Vide. 1 * I** be 40 ClIble66 1 Huey, ,100 and 8 Itfthreaset Moe *di). r
1141... ter di* Na sub lbers f. carptiert (mar Cat Wadi* an 6119 Gartarsit
ems erias.
Hat gem*. Waffle 11641411111, 1140.4.11 Lamireelnit Chip liells Ina C. bar frowlitt. is e t lasesse.
grab tfiiili bore. mom Lasibewl Imam Co. tee ss6 Mlles*

Disultacz t beirameop trumll T6.66.9 T. iler'aert Marsh , ""=7:11

a. 61.6011 63 Nkummest
^ R . LEWIS + l'.,rF1t IIAx(:I;^(,,,
^t-l.l^^t^^^ I 'APEItd.
f7r., 4:t1 lul'lluualt ,T. E Taylor & o
. A. r+^ ERS, Richmond 8tnat.
b ir
4 , ^
C Hod`son Frederick W. asst editor h'armer'a Adv.Kate, lids .16o
' SURC^E3ON DB7NTI8'I^3r Hod%on Rev Joseph M. 1listor l'all Mill St \(cthudrt t'hutih, it,
565 Cothurne.
wsy46sw.. aabdaa.,,a ct.,.aet tu.. oaa, ow.uaw*r ta.y, ^
4 t.o txOtv b Hndsnn I.oxtisa, dtanestic ;76 Queen'. ave.
SPECIAL ATTENTION 1:1%'t:X TA) THF: l'ItLSFla'.CTIu\ AND Hi.flc) 1:hultcth, danctic 364 I undas.
E Itla:l'LAT1Nl; tuF Till: NATCItAL TFa:TH Ilogan Anma !aundress l' uy H (ttr1
Hol;an Cecclia, dre,unakcr \Ir, Il Ni 1,.1 .^., :1.i!tt.u
Arvh.yl TMt1. ai th. t.^st I:atw;rrat.t.- w: 1^ - . v -.& the 2
net ssata r al. iugan John, ci net G 11' R. hdi 11'._ 11 _.c a
frtlArX WrNtLt'I:I:TU\, Hogan Jnhn, lalwter, res 997 Waterloo. A
r.PA. C. ItA% 1^t. I. II.ti,
Hogan \tarv, domc.tic ) Hunt.
Ilara11fr7sadq,l l^t. ArMtaat b 1^ }Iclr nald, L 1).^.,
Iual. a, aad l'rw Ilhp ruo t Yaahels>a, . Ilogan Sarah, chambertnaid City Hotel.
T.,ruwak. Iloganh George A. clerk Thomas F ICing-mill, bds 41.; Ilathurst
0 Ilogarth Robert, lxakesman t: W ky, res 415 Itathurst.
HogK George, apprrnticc Advcrtiser, tds 238 Richmond.
Ilockin tiunucl, ttat agt (:urd, its :: M.titl in !. Ho}tg Isaac, jewclcr 331 Richmond, res a38 same.
IlockinN'm, coopcr 5s3 Itathur.t, rc. 4:s Il.,rton. liol;g John, clerk Isaac Ilog , bds a38 Richmond.
Ho<ktn a m, Jr. u.olrcr W Ilockin, lal.;:x Horton. ,0 Holhurn \lalvinit, iailoress, bids I.aGclla For.ter.
I ludgc Amtr, (oremart Thomas I.uyd. rc+ e a Wellington, nr Dun F- 13o1den ) oha tes :4 a Talbot.
du Flnll;.ite susan (wid John), res 3t3 Hill.
I IodRe Mary Iwid Alexander 1. IKI S35 t: uceti s ave. Hulgatr \1'm, enginerr Victoria ( MI Works, res ;t3 William.
I(odge Win. l'ount? Constrldc. ro.y t;; Il.rthurst Holland Michacl, laborer, res rear x; King.
Hodges Gccugc, ctnk, res 141 I.itr'r!tcld. Holl.ind'lltonas, shorcmaker 212 King, res 255 Wellington.
Ilodgc. (:ibctt, woadwotkcr W Ste ^ Co, lads a63 Talbot. Holl dav Charles, laborer, rc. 149 Wcllington.
II odgin. F:dward,uil retincr,res 5s7 l:ing. Holliday Charles \V, Iahorer, tes ;: Kathurst
I I.,,igrn. F:li, 1aw student Rock & Iirth. Iris Halkwcll 3lousc. Htdhngs Thomas, forreman \ I. ( ameton, rr, 316 l'wrr^! tl.
Hodgtns F:hualtcth, traitrms ( iriy;b liouic. Flollingsworth John, messenger Federal Itank, res 24 Cartwright
Ilodgin+ Frnrntan, cheik Knapp. Hotrl Hr, Alfred I . actor, res 568 Talbot. ^
Hall,ins Isaac, rlerk Ilslkwcll's Hutel. Hrtlrn.rn F'ran. i., tnnkkeelxr, res t a8 tiimcoe.
Horlgins James, clctk, lyd+ 66 C:atling. Francis jr, clerk A('.rmplxll, Ixlit 128 tiimcoc. B
li:odl;ln- In?rn, I--ll.cclnr I rt:4.t.,:,:. r Hnlrnan (k-orge, pu.p Holman's Opera House, Fes 566 Tslbot. A
Wright. o Iloltna.n \Irs. Ilarriett. Ilolman Utwr.t Troupe, res 566 Talbot.
Ilndl;rn. I:atc, dre%mmakcr, 1KI. 167 ,UUcrt Holman joseph, ergineer JicClary Nitr Co, tes 26: Wellington. ill
icallodgms Manu Iwid F:dwardl. res ta:i T-;, e Holnian I.cwts, jalanner, MA; 26: Wellington.
;6 I lodgtn. kalph, Irropr ItalkwtII'. Hotci n u ir }::n, anrl f.ilhot. s Hulman Opera Hcu+c. n w cor York and Richmond.
Htdgim'Motnas. mathkcuttcrl'owcll & Son, hds 167 AllKrt I1.,Irnan %%'m. bd, ,(rr. ' l'a1hoL
li IlcPtqrtt. Thoma. IU. ou dealer, res ry3 Queen s ave H"lr r tn t1 rit 1. tc'r.;ralrh .qperator. Mis r:S 5imcoe. ^
a I1t><1gin. Thomas C. Iroardinl; hou%e. ,;cG '('ailwt, Nointt'. C 111% lin D. h.trrnter99 1lundas, tes 173 Kent.
t Ilodl;kinson Levi. paintcr, rc, 8-, 1 11'illitm. Ili lrnc. I.;'cn. r1 f rc-h, : .^ York.
^ I Itxll;kin.nn I.nul%a. donlCStlC 661 I aIIM$. Huluri^ Il.trli rrd il. ^ Dom Tel Co, bds 31S Simcoe. a
lirIt,rmnn 11 rn. . hair l,.rtntcr. 1.1. ^; 11''; .rm. d

htvgerald, 3canftett t C O
For choi cest
O^^an d Oeoeat n
V^ O TO 1^ lj^
v New York L..nd.m, or a:as, Groceries r
J ^^'iaed and Ltya,ts. Etdtrlishrl AS yurs.

+*..w w~w~..w ..,. h.+.-. +a . .

Geol D. Sutt~erfand & Cc~.,~ ~~ -8 TUietNEk, .M. ..~.w. . . M. 11.. ,+r ~.M.... ..

I on
f , . ., . i 60r1 ~ jet . . ., R.,k *r

.,,~ vr 1 q.a ,ti. talr .w . . ,~

.11M "

11. .11 4 JIN.a .c W .wa J,wr= 1 sw 4 ck" eb ,p+jUM . su t. . .aw.~ ~w~r II+r.~ ..~, wrk f* ,
11 . .rcil Weil, l .itm l, M1M1 k . nr. t~a A~~1 IW t' r MI r. Ai uM, ,. *r.yr, .+ ..y F~,a >M IIIwNI%
1 tw14 .40 1 t Ilrrt. rk+mr.l m ; a w ka M1ww~t . . N. n,.,.
11--frac Hem . ctm 1w w1 1 - 11 s 1 9 1tt . M J" TlrtiM 09 . 9..,u
., al 1 . .. tft rmm iM IP ty 1 aMMe*~ N+ wa l r
II !~,~n . .+t 1 t ilw1 . W o lent"
~ It ' , .! . . -e . .0a.6 fi'/11 19*4 IMM M '* *+ I+i v~Di *dt.
tt . . . 1) I l.& " # % 1 bd !w M ..~a+/ wm ` t.MNp t Il WA a tMq11FR MNMk , go" w .
%" "n J .rrMb . _ ,yKsast .wd t.widr . J41 Lla u.nd ~. .ai. &
- +a1NN INt w e ~l 1
a -
L4.f t lkwq w ltq .joi, t+.t. ; 4.d rrll LdM ai ~41 AMM1~4 : 1~ Rq, 44 - K
8 t! . 1 km rl.w Iw,K. MA Q aswew gwl wa illq ,
IeNwt# ~1~ ~auarN .1NM & 4m +r Mlkr~ NMr ,+ ~~IN
Il owam 1+m% , 9 .000w a .wm w! 011110+4 w~ at6b "
It,t w.* 10" w4o* w1woRi it .!w+t+lb , q. r~i r iwmum, OR*
f1 . . ~sllk~ 1 .R~ Ila~l f
. , U wwprr brM^Rr. i~c+ inw d +yp*1 la go .r4 d Os Kq w wl Itaw.1+1 11*00 + 11+Mw~+N . 1u font II,yM" . 0nw4 }04 * * +eM Ndl
- a .c 0 .' M i 44d
14 wu Mil Mi1p
1 t . + ! r , i . ,r, . t 114 .8d, ar. $ SI \Ib m 1' a vl wow a r' lAMww tttomm M+m" ~r a+- toM1~,
t 1 . .. ; .. i t .r .n 1- 1 .,n1 c t 1 arc l' W, , ts 1 Tait,t
HI .w~rMl ~ih- M1aM~w 0~ + hru ,~ ~i~M 0~. ~~M Mww~ w
I t - yst 34&M (nid WMO . tra / iy (laied 16 wwad ~ 1/ A>+11~~ 41+ + MM ~ hrelwMllti ~MM M~IMIrI
Il+u~rtt N-ta, t~arst 11+ .~u~ 1IM1M1~ ~ I 84 Xrwlr!d N .M ,we t'omet 4+A4@ww am qpi* COm 1 +w1
I l tulffl Win J . c yslseul!c+ W w artl, t!~ t t l Ila~trm 1" ~a ~, .r 7 ; . , . .r : - "q~ . A ma #*o*,j4
Il ..l .i,n . I iu. ~ I,atb (u td .~nbe:~!e tk1 j 4 IIg!!ol , ~, . . . . .. , , . . ..I~.F Mt. ~ >
11ul4r. lahn, blram ti %1 I t . y61 Ilovd
~ Nd 1>~.wlls~ + 'W~,~al~t ~ i .~ r~nwy ~IIH ~11~
11 . + 1011a1 Kvl+rtt. IRs+rst. 4S3 IMdiciwl t.F. ire "m
Il .an (:atkarMe Ms+d )ahat, trr+ +l0 1
1 k, .u Aame . d- acw . 14w* .t~wl (+ryt wl 11 4me
1M OW Mi
`Il, ) M .ww
UllM M6 * w~i
Il"*" . wu 14 r. It m
Mot" 14x1$" 41101 11 hx-I . 1.1 103 IM1eiew4ftw r Itw~q mmu qq > s at*~ N4lb tn 8`40416
il .an Ilcsn) . (rwAdrna t : N K_ 3 114"
i wrye WiA /14MMM J w11 w Mgt ~hM1~iM!1!
1 t, ., 1 : a e .c d~ra .nar ~, t~^ar,~i i1R
i 1 w -~kaqA~ "w s l 10,11>4 R 1~Qd w
r ~ .ay uy, 11 ., .ti0 !ws# P +M d w trlb j . , -,, .
I X% ! I,fn, ! I R 11~ I IM11~
Ilvorn .r A t.oa/r*t 11k " tlaaN . . )am A oil~l+dirl
1 :8Itaw
004 {+Ail aa~ Rl~w~t ~r ~,
-9 14 *- & w r ., a,. . _
/Nw 4 .yl . .- . ... . . I

teacrn, l/q l b rlaasstw iiatrr .~~re, pM rdr .i ~ 1o otl* y~~
4,~ wed*& ! 0 rM1 t~ Vwp~
p I lcrutlrl 1 haritr, t kauct l . ~1 R_ L+d. ~~('1wrw~~ ~ I wa M pams 1111111111110 1641041041110
N .xt4q K, .bcn. Istroest 4 ; W R . are 1 e (.'3a!enrce- * f.

~ tf . .~wYn_ '
an,1 .Iqa anf, twtewM %pm11E Ibnw Ilqtet. 18/ yf<l R:cit
u.r~ vu" iljbp%w+~
, - t .-
se tu 4 . . ., -
., - ih , 1 ,
II .MYnu 1 . ` .! .mnr . + 4 ~rn! u . ., H . . .p .. . _
11, .rwnan )ola. mc>its nid tnocl . $6 ; KRinrar>d tu mm
~$ ja, hn- jr. raaet TrIvonc~. 14. .lo m 1 1em'm ." s* /M mvtn
q , Mr4 1 OM.a. .. 11. MI ~ ba t 00 1 o IM -eu-
1I 1 ., ,, . ~t ru 1 1km .be, ta aimbA La"r
t ~ ~ Ii ,rutt~w R .vt ' 4 <+rt ,* i .ww 1 .
$*9 46b .tW 1 89 41 .wAr . w+ * ltdtritll~ + r

i idr

House Decorati-ng .t-%LL

1,lAT >> u
* rl,.a Iln1M : T .Herbert l arsb. ;: :~~ ~`'' -
alelebbil 111119911199
IMO lartu 81.1 t . " 4 4
- 1St WI/ 481* moo- Ile I le*, .14 =Nib I MM. 4.01 -,I 114, **
"*.IIP 11119-

to, cs wilierv-

le 01110 9, -.MOM

*i t. - *



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i..^ IrMw. Owmaw f: 4v-Mi
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.ti... ^

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Ma,Y w1^ *"Wot W 'af wAh1m ^

.oYN, M^
, '. . ^ ^k. +lt.^ r{ ^Wh t^^MaN y k..., . r ^ i .^ ^..n
I. 4w ^..+.-,
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^ ^ .. , , ^ . i - r, . . . ... nMl^w ^1 ti
,. r Wr .
DUNDAS ST. E.A.Taylor &Co i
School Books ati a School Begaisitos al-
ways in stock, Bichmotd Stmt. ei
la/NI/ON. 1RW C.! IRW LoNliON. JAC 2.-sa e
I. rcs 6:6 U'illiarn. Irwin Andrew, laborer, bds 43F Simcoe.
Iiitiri,.iI tonal Iltit Edwin Lev, prop, 421 10 4:5 Clarence Ze' Irwin Bridget. ironer 1Vestern Laundry, Ms 4 I 1,rton.
I Irwin Edward, laborer, lids 3oG Talbot. RP
Ir. tt \I"1/11, arientrt. res 66o Maitland. - A
-0 S. P CLARK dt CO.. General Commission ?derchants. Flour
F blIcINTOSH. an0 Duadas St London. bas in Stock an Kuids of 0 and Grain a Specialty. Albioa Buildings, London.
and Lawn Vases. C.ltaserOni EC
Irwin George, cooper seal & Childs, bds 4 1.1urfun.
Ionslane (wit! I t. ;; InvinJames, laborer. res 4 Horton.
1..n I!in 'I, 1;7 Irwin Joseph. attendant Insane Asylum. 0
orris/ad Frank N. ; ,; ! An .nd, bds 193 King. (See 13.

Er A. G. VANEGMOND, Manufacturer of Fancy Flannels. Tweeds ,

! f I. ...Mt.
rs 8tc., at SEAFORTH, Oman. FulCoths,Hiery
Thos.- Ilea-taul Tablets and Panel Portraits Greatly Admired at sq e Irwin Margaret, domestic 544 Waterloo.
-; Frank Cooper Studio Irwin Mary Ann. forewostian Western Laundry. bds 4 Horton. 2
Irwin Mary. domestic. 459 King. Fq,
I I me. i
Ir. -. Pain laborer. re. 5i 3 Philip. o
W cn,zinecr City Light and licating Cie. res n w cor t
3 Horton .ind Ksdleat
Labatt's Prize Ale and Stout. Medals awarded at the Centennial, Aus-

JOHN BIRRELL & CO. Importers of Dry Goods. Deale sin
g tralian and Paris (France) Expositions. London Brewery, London, Ont
Case Miusalacturts, Load, Ontario.
Jackman Amelia , tailoress, bd s 265 Hill.
Irvine kt. c upenter. bds 3;o I )ufferin aVe. Jackman Win II, laborer, ITS 265
Inane t 11100141.1 I I eonard dc Sons, bds 3;
I Jas kon Charles E, tailor John H Chapman .k Co, ces 394 Bidout.
Innne Ita hard. Landing waste Custom House, Tes I bufferin 'ive. lackson Edmund, blacksmith It J Nash, res 317 South.
usine Wm. mat tunist. re, 445 Dufferin ace. 'Jackson Frederick J. clerk Street & Becher, bds 456 l'iccadilly.
Jackson George A I', clerk A J ( McIntosh, rooms 118,1)undas.
Look out for tbe Notice of a New Patent Buggy Top. Thos. Jark.on George, plow. manufr. 146 Fullarton, res r5t Maple_ .
Smith. Patent (See ad% !,

tt in, its '1albot Pr

Look Out for the Notice of a New Patent Buggy Top. Tlios . 0
Irsinc Wm I shipper London I umitare Manufg Co, bds 465 g Smith, Patentee.
I hdlenn ave.
,rec Win P. michinist Wm Haggett, res 465 Fruffenn
ave. Jackson George, blacksmith John Elliott & Son, res 409 Hill.
.. ___.
TROS BEATTIE 00., DundasSt have in Stock a Been-
i Jackson James, blacksmith E Leonard & Sons, res 514 Horton.
porter Edward Adams & Co, res 456 Piccadilly..
larkson larnt.,,
did Asoortment of Silks and Goneral Dry Goods PO
o- Jackson James, taoulder John Elliott & Son, res 38; Hill.

,s Jackson James, laborer, bds James Best ,
Imag Andrew, re' ao liathurst.
Irving Miss Ilarnet bds ao Itathurst o Jackson Lvdia, domestic, 147 Maple.
Irwin Nits (nid .ndressi. rcs 254 Gray. Jackson Michael, laborer John Elliott ik Son, res 387 Hill. 0

Wbolesale analer in Gro-

noiesare Ifealcr
import CI
importer antl
fli cenes, Wiucs and Liquors, London, Ont e- - -
itzgerald, Scan[lrettJ Co tt Grocers, 169 Dundaa St., Agent.
for Sehweppe's Mineral Waters.
c; Geo D. Sutherland & Co..l.ritieejj22114 m Luis inibleireneecNr.


Jurk usi 11 4 t,I bt II. lb


36; I *eau art

%on. te 1de
1 Whet =um se a we%
Meg ul
114.11.81 Fab

lag `.. \II ,
lai "In Nlos, Lait Meg Urellitilellilwal arat fbin $.4*

en t. ,
z.: ; .
181 'b' Mt, I
'...., . - V
.,. M ,
atocitio, m;r1ladir. tr. r17
' ': I . .trisTight
- .1 0 .4

I, _1 1= 0111=00e

i 1= e
fr........n ....memm..
iiiMommo* *es
isarnill. he Pe l inn*
88 J." Wm. Ra, firer) Kelm. bd. !ay
obi 3 " e etlabilehale
,,,, lames (lurk.. Ira. agent I 'ailing A en. ere =eel
>ram 1%, slimier hri ms Ism winet
me lames John. Uttar. re, n w rot little and Viclonn
,e I Imam Wfa. ot, It hie*. sae 01 144014lik
*e. James Ilthen. cat igniter G W R. te. 34 Nook
'MM. Ulu god tieiger gib 0 ! a bee /
James Robert. trav asent F Realm& eas ma Wotan
James Win. tailor. bd . John Jame..
4 lammon Thoortrooi. la/rim. two 461 %%meek 1 114
. eu *He emeek. 6. g
home es. peso e um hipai,
d THOS BEATER Ilt Co. Doodle It h ive to elect Ilekondhll
.2 Amortment of lab and Grneral Dry Omd . .

a Wm.
on . 1
4 Mud atimlior lab * be 141
heal . Mini& 41116 Nap ' 114.41.: MA. Iles, illeter
Inn /

..... ,I ot-siion Woo. 11114.11%k, I I ,..nald A 'el- 4. W.i.figtitao
1PP 1 .isnan Itersjasout let 531 Richmond
F 019.1. It dui
. .. emdna
.. , , ...-- rglem el CIgm
, 4011111/4me

.. I atuun t lurks F:. kite Priddi. Wm. tid. 4 i; Hand
.0 j,rmanc, corge,miruhicr Me t 'tar> hlfi l'o.te. eta Pan %lag

1 Jarman Mary. grocery Si' Ku hum& re. vim

4 j e il tee
idiosee ittik
reamers a taiiiiemipm SW, a,-, 0 ittsb -
r swelter '
I " Tynan Wm. tubtuitle. ics 4 i ; Hand
na 1 11=2111. dream $gra&Zie
I mi. Adebnr. bd. Julia Jail*,
I am Andm r / Wsllard Sage C.o. re. . %limited be 1;x-en
ave and I AMA..
Ian's F.ds.lrit. cab do.ct. lid. 164 %lift.

i helm XIMI
.._ lades Orhinine, dlIllailli.
Is was Mums sow 111.11 4lar
erfeb I-1, Will" Sb*. I
plow hut hool bib 1.41441 4e4
Ibis Mon WM bloom di eh let0P44
ni lire
/ 1..fris Lyman G. Gt I K K 0 " M. lc. ;:i., 1 ,un.t.a ,
1 4 , per Jastit... brit- klater. bd. ; i9 1Vatrill.
ieraffla Clink wi Vim&
Abe dhammeit en, ill IN* e
... whiffle Ube 0 odiamene te a s hub er %me

. .c.*dime romieu=7e
-iluso tie 1
Ts' .
0 , y nc Milo. s min:n(0. rt..% 5 5 , Maitland

- ktfries Mt,. %on& stripper 11. I Rutherfad A C... bils ;9 Yk
i c iines %VIII. ogartisaket Jpli >midi. lid 79 Von, Women
dierrilie_ bd. ,.4
behenall AIM.
Mike T K. loustliaporlIge 'bun lisii ... .8.. . liwild
ja te ry .11111 0 (Marmation. 11.ultbr c . 14-1, % ,n it lary9). bib its
141.4 11444mil,
It lemma 0444.4,camiersel toot i NM
Wage lb #1,6 ttleniem
3 kaals. nem_pet Ourrat. Is. me au.
: I effers. F:11/abcth twid J scphi. t8.-..
4:7 'monitor
.on Jeerer, .10ph., tnan.iget %101.rn.. hail. tr. 3 Litchfield
i isierell witor r. *weal* ISIISwits% 10 le
in ile edam* e tee MI 1 * 11111111 115I pit nugget ,
- - . . - ----
Wit.LL PAPER 1.,reed Amunniret end Lawn
'tyke at tin hind.. hi. i r . Hubert %nib. cap on ea* ter sr

bow a aim

I l'tR, WM f^t.11R^ isl qtA

&R. LEWIS. AS 1,440. ^^A*^ .y. tk-V*k.% /. it E. A. Taylor & Co., ^-' u 06M,,em,; ^.,=

ytA{M.A^.rv^a M A^f
Ilad 1 1 l:..t-+Ar -. L^ A N+IW
[R ^.. aLPr IMam A 1". J,r Tah

^ ewr^^ sr. at-;Ar a CIO wI..w O.^. af

^A M^ ^.rMlMw. D .bNNU..*w LMNAM, 00
wii wwu.
^ C^r ^.Arr^^rll af hM^w^ M/ ^wl t1Mo C^a^ra^ ^.>a1^w ^1
t a. Oer 1 vu+ a w. o.wr >k
3 . .. ..:. . . ! ra0 uart
JwbodM N / M. .. va1A M4Ama1p6
I . A ,...,.2.
(0 .. .a... 1-u. Ai.-WNU 11A 1 t aer 1 in Irahm
e LAAwn.r a A. 9. a" %,ka J. e_ eauL Ini, a l f ^^i^l^
416 Ti.NMm. Mancwmr r, , jt f (p?
s.Mr14 Aawrl 1'. lu*lt, K% a/.1r^ ^^aM lN amW
...,.* itrA. .a* *+ t. b Iw - xor i'b- : gz,dl 11 . M r A IaAMAr +. tu j, 11 s 1wmd
^r>^v. ,w^. a , n. L4l& Iwait dumm" ope sedum
., x,AM 14r+,ra/ir* koAA^ wrA 4r.M1F* p t9rM..wra toi Wwb I **m 4, Ar^. @on Sa Taiw,

i.... s..* .1 i i+me 11e mib Cul aM A11+ Ob buarrra

A^/Aqr MAMr1Mn !fflob
Who If+lr. AMs r Ir** A-rtw aI rar, Ore" Wl -
rr c wr + t,Kw" w
1.awk rAS " 1410la% -
e .o %^ ^ArM+ct dM pA"nr. ^ y4 llri
^ I^AMI^RNM ^1lMw1A^t AoaNMIwA a . Is ILArN lot \M
0" ^AAr (*Md ^ M^r^. ^+ f/. ^a1A

.,,y^.M lAa.w /qMSrqr ^r
AI! 1IpM ,MU Pm bo FVlq *Mgk bb OW 1
MMMArr l 1M^I^w MeM1N^.wM a K^ !^ 11^!
Iw' l%./w+ & . AutiAr i, Ar+ } A 7:1igLM4
Naw la, wrrwMwlb MPM un plNwM>. MI Meaelon n + 1lM*dWAb A ard I.wu ImAlrt.w* 1 tl Itn bAtmd
atlww. tie +w^ ^^^ etwamw a.r. r.wwb Ia.r 1.1. yss C.dbrew
1 n.w.w 11AuM.A& .wrMA.w._ ar r T4%4 ar. a..Awl^^t ) 11 *A^Mq. 1r& IwSlor WAl^l
I ^...Nwr e+r-Op MewM+A ^+. illNdla! M" Qw IwAr 4r a.A^ wr^ IAA^wAiM1 a&f Iia- ft
% liaww dwm glu tA, UBON"
uA... 160A1 ra...40 tu* .#t aAlomw
i.An W.r :&Aw M. M. wY 1INNIR
. n,,.,,.^ 1Ww. = op 11 ww 1,OAIr 1ds Mr /qM1rr s
iw, Ilsrr 1. p^+. 1^. ^ ttiArA..^
an 1&MM. d.rwnrl,t iiika. Ax^ M 1.a^
a- I .-A!. MAr Mn. 1r6 r 1 ^
Mea jatft.1AN u W I,, 66 . t
pw +ror

. . ., , p.r+ r ;' iR.ffl. fule

A ^ ^
i v.r t 1^
!^ 1'^j^Q Iwo IA %.^F
T RI ^^ airl / rrrrw
^ aA^ 4-
N 1^+ ELLIOTT BROS., f- "U=.1

i I

Geo. D. Sutherland ^ Co., t-., Reid's Hardware. For ^t P,>,.k,^t I:ni,,'a, : i^. or..
an,l Tatlnry rh.,;,
:!*, JON LuNlstN KAN
lu KAH LuXtr(rN. KEE 1,#
j onc Juhn, l arlKntcr 'l'amhling & Imtrs, ces 465 ('.ray. b0 ^
Joncs Jhn, I,utt her. hc's 3 Prnddl, Ihace. o hain, ce also Cain.
)unes John, tailur M l:ould, tes 47; 1'urk. L K un .^^nc+. dumestic, 7 York.
Jones Jolla, lNrilrrmakcr W Ilagy;ert, IKIs 254 I hmdas. CI K un Maggie, dume+ti,, t%'r;tem Ilutrl.
Jones John W. baker ryt Wellington. res saine. gr L
Inc, I.viie. ^Ionucstic :6y l'iarcncc.
Ad Kain, lohn, hlal ksutith, h4l; ;ol,'l'.llh t.
DO I::lln, Ntnrucl, barber, I-cdcral Bank L'uilding, rus King.
Junc, M iss Atartha.teacher King St N .-hool, I-i I- c66 I l:tt r :n 1- O ^ K.urt. 11 m li, Icdser kecper Mur chant, Il.utk. Ixls 350 King
Jones kalph, carJ,entcr, I ds 379 CuIlm,rnc x
G I:.lin, \1',n K. grain dcalrr, :.t5 York, rus .;,ti6 King.
lones 'l -huma., lalxrer, res zN6 York .0 halu, .1,tgust, ul holster, z:G!': King, rus ..une.
i nt-. 'l'honta, laborcr, res 141 Adelatdc. ff XUI11, l'llarlc'.. A . ul,hut,trrer and carpetLtyer King, r,, 3
.I n, ,'I borna., carlKntcr 'l'amblrny; ,v Jones, res 69 Maitland. 1.UiIC . A
'l'homas, jr, carlwntcr, bds (,q Maitlznd 6 1:..,'.,nrac I:mih. durnestc. .r j (lucen', 7C
4- .II ^v, Thomas A, butcher, 254 I lunclas, res same.
17 ; k rnnc ngiesscr Otto, c,xq,er, rc, ;, < 11, '. j;p
nr, "l'humus A, cigarmakcr W Kelly l Son., bds 497 t,rav. Os st,- (ttianal.
^ lunes Thomas J, clerk. res 3t4 l'ur{. ^ 1:.i) :1lc,,:tndt:r I<, Loukk, cprr, rr, : York.
Jones 11'm (Tamblin); ^ Joncs), resi7ti Hill.
C Jordan I:IizalKth. drunesttc 505 'l'albut^ ^ t'704. BEaTIE A Ca., Dundas St. have in Stock a
i rd.rn J,r,nil.r,,. w,amd turner. IK1, L.Matll, Ilutcl. p "+A.tsartrnant of Silka and 'Jeneral Dry Goods.

S. P. CLARK & CO., Stockbrokers. Stocks Bought. Sold and e^ A 1.1} 1 m:,. Irortrr R \f, Kcniir, INi. York, near 'l'hantcs
Carr>.ed on Margins on Toronto Stock Exchange. ht:arm J inc (Nid Juhn), rr, 145 \till.
-^+1 I:tarns John W. cngineer (: W R, res 242 C larence.
q6 I^r,1-,n tt w. n,.u lnnist John I:Iliott .\ Son, Ix1s 3t z liorton. .!t I;-ary John \I, at cityclerk, htls Cousins IL,u:C. c
IN i. ph Ilall \tfg Co. agI implemcnts mnfr!^, cor 13, thurst and Mait- R.
901 A -t lfr, Lydia lwid Fredcrickl, IK-:vding huu,e, 347 ('Lrrcm t
land. -t Samuel, me;senger \I)I.:ons Bank, tes bank building,.
I., r Thrnna, maltster Iamtinn Itreacrl, res !o liliorton. p Mary, waitrrss t; W R dining hall.
i ri Irr.i^t 11.rlxrt H. btark,mith, res :;t South. qj 1^ \ I,.hn, tailor N 1^'il;un ,\ ('.-, rc, e s'I^harnes, s of Itathur.;
. ! i rn. . . r .t; entaker, n w roi, Pall Nlall and Attelaid., res O ^'. .!t. Charles P., caLincnnakcr London Furniture Co. Ltl, 7;; 5
, , Kicnmond. s
.1nd^un %1'111 1.. arti,t 3.9,S 1 uffcrin atc, tes santc. Ikc adr.t i
a Lm_ frederick, cabinetmaker London Furniture Co, rr, ;.;' -1
Juneau 1:n nta, d-imcstic ;;g Ilorvm. C I:n hrn^md
I9 N
Iu{op lames, porter I (l'11tl;gim, bc i York.
.Itt^l 1111% 111. m.tnal;er (;anarlian It.tnk of ('ontmerce, res 155 W Loo'- Out for the Notice of a New Patent Buggy Top. Thos C)
I.^tnc.. cC Sm th, Patentee. p'
I:'t \1.,:tcr I.. ricrl. ('anadian anl, -( tnnuncrre, hde I t.ttitl lust. o n op
i 0 -9 h, cc Frrdcrick V. grocer 749 Richmond,res 747 ,ame.
Labatt'. Nrize Ale and Stout. Medals awarded at the Centennial, Aus- y h, nc 1lenry, cat,inetmaker London Furniture Cu, tes 415 I)uf
tralian and Paris (France) Expositions. London Brewery, London, Ont. 4 x !crin ave.
c OU ht - new \larl;aret. domestic 1lellrnuth I ldies' College.
K n z I: Icysidr Anthony, oil dcaler, res 5,6 King.
Kahl Mu had. moulder. IK1s ,;r,; ('larencc K, nlcvside Chat le,'l',clerk, hds 5t0 King.
E4 h<<ule^'side Cliti^,,rd It, clcrk
John Green .\Co, bds 516 King.

Tickets to England E' `aman or Aaeltor L:nss, at A. G.

s1tYT8's, !el sionmona st. " euT
T. Herbert Marsh 92ar3ware ln ' ""Ir.
Carrtffl Trlmmiap,

ant? 11a11.1.1.01 1
ETC . IA 1:1110ill le hi' '%Jo A. Taylor &Coe= 1:411:"
...'en KM isooso. Klial 4 ILOIOUL MO Ole

0 Keolicrode palms, J.. letk lank A a.o be sta Ian or
Keenleyside vet W. leek John GIs la Co 14 sob Kmit,
Ketiskysida James E (Flom A keeldneetks. re. jea flame.

Amami le&
ampuro. be go "MN**
PM. OM ommom b. 10 .
Knees' MK bed** I Illimerami8 go 44/818.0.- d
d Kevnleyside Thomas C. cleil MU. (F.Loisse . Hobbs. 14. sir. Kadin WOOL MOM. 011 %deldg
ta K mg. g KAlamir 11W. 11111. if >Memo Shad Ifflio***
Keightly Robert. hackman. bds Imagism Bostic. we Iasi
, Killing Charles. labert Grote' Whtlee Leh 5 8 5 Melt*" e= 1144 (NOW& cub Ott e
-' Keilka I leery. laborer George Mute. Ink st 5 Maitland
2 Krillor V. boilermaker F I aostard a Num. tea 515 1lastlaml
Kelley John. shoenuket Henn KAYO. Ids ,t'a (hlk ill an WO
m. hum% leftI5Visglom
teDo Mom OM
Sibliel, eg
nciscy Liumettm .%eari.4.
Kelley Nellie. .eari.4 an sumc
Mow It 4.. >um loteispok sip ON WO
JOHN B1RRILL IS CO.. lamonera of Dra Gmeda. Deolees ea 1
Caniduin Manekeeswea. Loomis. Oceans
m ===114.....7:
*RIM 11..
J ). ell) 1.11.ahrth. des...souk. t. lay /man! A, our vim III Sad lellsee's,
Kelly (malty f %rift Kell% A N.M.,. 5 Vok Er *maim. . 0 1414.018. gm*
Kell) James It. a arpeni.t. tr. ti .ta r
4 = t%
e WIMIllem opt ma
John. olislici Nlit7Lo3 Nlfg C.., re. 17; II: oes Noll
Kelly John. attendant I L'enfint kttald Ilaspetal. eel it4 *emerge Oadiiiiim. *ea Our
Kelly John, laborer. re* 31.7. ,- NW Min" hembeie ham o. dr48e.4.
14- Kelly Lewis (Win San. i4.4n E. Pact ad ban& POI 14 5 o %mooted
e Kelly Nlary fetid it ,
;:, at.w1,: game lburoma suet um So liamire
.`k' Kelly %Mow', gardenct, IL, i ind. Komer W. ampoi "lb re Tot
CO Kelly Patrick. lain:get re. 3; Nfile..
Kelly Sarah. donee.tic F 1anipbcII. bd. 373 Rwfun..nd
Kearney Poe C., ea emir 111 lb. le lie
1.*ery Mot suele.1868 Name. lied
* Kelly T. carpenter ()Mani, Car nods.
_ SR Obi

S P. CLARK CO. Grain and Provneme Bent& Slid PAY', MAUI.

Fem. and Omen Wtgraglo lifflue toe Mom *
rig WOMB! 1411111111
.Carreed on Margins on Chicago Board of Trad.
v Koomr, name% WJ Thempum. Ile Sio
Aeisy Wm. !abort. yes 425 111:1 krolout jam. liumak Tileoimula Nam
- Kelly Win (Win Kelly A- Sane., ;5t. Losemee, aloe boob Rae.% gm 04 bat
*3 Kelly %m J. maker Carling A (0 a a:5 Colborne
, limp ~dram ore41111
.KcIly Wm & Son. (Win I korgc it Loris). tip, naututarforeM 833 emetpletreld,
I hanclas. lirs Haring me, 197 ea&
Kenmul Michael, switchman C. W r. lifut Plua. Indite hub 84, Seder
4 Kemp John (Kemp & War nr. 54,f, Richmond.
Kemp A Ward (John Kemp, ("pull %Verdi). builders. se. . rem Waken j meow Lomb. Iran ab
rut Lam Ourai
biller -
eniNley %Vim shoemaker. res 36c Sine. 8.ent P. weifflera =or
Kendrick John, engineer. bd . to Wiliam 5 ken Themear, peireme. I
-j A. M. SVVIFI H, Importer and 1% 114.itri.:1: I Dc..71' in Um.
ernes Wines and Liqut.t. I /mt!.n. Ont.
?aneroid . Stailitti 1..." "Ir
....1=6,... eelt
rt s s i a ^~
' i^a ^! ^ ^rMa^tm+t ^ i ^

^+^ ^^ 9,I^

*...,M. I@"

;1r ^ LL A^^ t jr%tr -^ las, t-qi

,, L)a iw 4 .it^ .
^Y ^i r^jaf^+s ^q#

!i^^:ll-M I ti 11' 1,^'''^1.! i, ;'!I l:I

....^., .. . wes- +rrwM 4%> f I mmr.1 We rA j* .
f 41 ^ 0 dr . , Nr+ 4%v..4bmt *
lrwiMlm ow *004 de * +AM A'--+ +o top* wlr.^.^

t If 92"Ett, :3it!'.A
! -.. ..-. ompm * *wwwm dMr A rV
1 .# #*#Moomr M

_ .,owmoM t/ qwwm ,w1^A I apr ++q^

I o.r #iw i do foi* 4b e idoiodime, W* 4M900

.. -wrqq* eAM+ 4*W ~ f *Mo1i . 1'~ %%-
+w^ Mqs ^^r M. IA^l^IVM^ ++^1 +r^ly.^
q } +*F qp^*qw+wr
.+qb ,N'oq0ellmpm* ,lowrN tM+wMr*W> M wR
4b 1111 ^^ ^ OM 0406 %Rdlb
p ^ ~ 40 ip

-0-# te f. .~ * m/m-Mi * # -ouumw-,W

"e~ 4wp*I

. .04 *.A,. winom1 i * tby* . M 4. de ,w-

^PWI r# t ^m 0 ,*+mmei rAm -AWMM

, ^^ ^ +^rrw ^^^1^r ^^
"b 10 4. 0 mm *.mb
a ^

!qrgi,rn Rielmn , e1Strr ,.'

Kom LOND0N. LAI xi

nips% Rudolph E, cabinetmaker London Furniture Cc), 1)41

0 London South. Go
rge, Twohy & Screaton, lids 184 Kent.
.8 I:. ,r.1, Mi.. Minnie. music teacher, lids 104 Dundas.
c hordes Hiram, (E A Taylor & (' o). res 1.ondon South.
k it Charles, upholsterer London lurniture Co, res 364 ki4.

);: Labatt's Prise Ale and Stout. Medals awarded at the Centeni, ial. Aus-
tralian and Paris (France) Expositions. London Brewery, London, Ont.


I als-iti Fli.1(wid John K), res 136 Gray.

14111b4111 John, propr Londm Itrewery, s s Simcoe, fo lit .f IaIb
'Z. re, i if Maple. (See adv.)
(3 I ..aliatt I 'misa, re% 98 I tchfield.
Sebastian, cigarmater W T Rutherford k bds Amer
can I b
f.() I . Edwin, turner, bds 75 Eullarton.
s. Robert E, boot upper rnanufr, 404 Clarence, res w s Albiom
o s of III:0 kfriars, London West.
>. I achapelk. Napoleon, shoemaker C S Ilyman & Co, res :65 Georg( /
it Lackey Win, blacksmith, bch Ilalkwell's Hotel.
1 a. lac c urge, soapmaker Thom, lurcher res 7r Wel' e
se laden Laura, domestic, 618 Talbot.
CO lefonuin Alfred, cook Tecumseh /louse
Laidlaw Isabella, domestic, 169 Kent.
"" 1-sidlaw Wm, malter, bds McFarlane's Hotel. CiQ
1.aing George (I.aing k NIcl'herson), res 191 I.itchfield. 0
" Lg ain John (John 11 Laing & (' o), res ii Talbot.
look out for the Notice of a New Patent Buggy Top. Thom
(r) South. Patentee. et
Laing Wm T, travelling agent John It Laing & Co, bds City Hotel
0 Laing John II tv Co _(John II Laing), wholesale dry goods n w or
I- ' ilbi4 and Carling. 5
x 1411111 al Illeehersselg (George Laing, Archibald NIcrlierson) gL
tir} goods s w cor Duedas and Richmond. ex
O Laird Win Annie, dressmaker i23 Carling, res same. o
Laird Jane (wid Robes, res 123 Carling. et

ELLIOTT BROSI, Grocers and Wine Merchants,

155 Dundee Street.
Reid's Ha,rdvra m ''~ 'mb4 f:
, t"o '*i
Geo, D. Sutherland & Co,, s8 ~t~:'S~ Coods .

' ;i
Nl LAI 1 .0\trO\

I_rir :l Ni -, Irnt, r, 31, t tuccn,a ace .

V I .iird Santucl %%, 4 Icrl . 11" 1- Itruntnn, 4e ('I .rrncr ni, I htnd.+~
LAW t.ttllw%

t ~m tt in i . tes . *Vssrl, 1w w 140"

I v+: .At1+M. stOd.W lerob.ft A"MM
r : ; .~r1A~r . wMarirwt 1 Isat~tM1 A MM ~ IM~ .uA
c-, l . .tk : \nnic . durrtc,tic 46y ( ;r.ty .
po I, 1.~N'tu, hu~licr l :uu+in~ Iluux.
,, l utrw4 .itilwt4a~ . 4Ae 0 s . .e It s+h1 M.1 ~IirM+ lt 0
~ ., j,nr . ., Ipra 04*sv. 1000 ir 1111111b, +e* piler Mh .w,
2 I ; :!i, \1'rn, te] ul,rrat, .r, bd, ) :S l'larcnc . d .i 0 t :cmw. Irk ~ 1 rrt., rot 1tye .r, 11& s= y 4W^
V I"% Innrc. . ctranu .rkcr 1C Kcll} \' u,n Ird, l,; P.rl.ler.
~ .. .,. .;,ifll It ..ti11. 1~iM~e11, I . fyF M4111wj}1It
1 . . ! :~ .\li .l .a, I, lals,rcr, rr+ t ; I'al :rcc .
r t40 N'aWo1 Ilt. ra ji t. 4i1VMrnw
cpd I .'' . 11'tn, rlcli~r y Ixry \~ I-: 1acL .<rn, IKI~ \Iichacl 1 .ally.
I .tinili I ;cur,4c, Ltl murrr l ; \1 R . rc+ s41 sunrue .
I rwdttscl. MI aNalt o r 1 . 1 It,. NO Sol am
hao 11 M W.c r . a w y10 t o we r
I . .t :nl, l .wtc,, clcrk l'rwy . NIc .\ulay x (',', IwJ% ra3 A Ilxtt .
r~. I . .unl : \ti, . 1Jrlinda, cig .utn.tkrr .\Ilnrrt Srwth, Irds At S rmccx .
3 : dN Itnd!p, .1b . UA .rc.*. U16 je11. I, wow ..
ta ,,n 1 i a~wek. drswnnau. liri LAw t 1M44%
ul -v ratvr (' S Ilyuran ,\ t'o, Irl s
x I_um,n Miss Jc, .ir. machine S - n Jtftwwalr % , d mgwo t' f a lium 4 CLL. A
~. o ,q oirtt, lrirawar, en s t a x+ R1~*Mr.enl M
kur o W lrlt W+~1o ti { K ~r .~i ~7MM+MrrR
THOS BEATTIE &. Co . Duud.t . tit . hiv .~ in Stock a Splco
a) did Assortmcut of Silks and O- n e* .il n-_; Go,xi + ai orirA J ~ Irb jalla 1 ~rWw,
a ~ ~ ,n ~l at~ ! . R~rr~ MM )~ 1 s4nt
Itssle+stl . q lw1 aAr4M & t .trllrw IM: .
as I . .nn .,n Mary (wid I Irrt .,r), r~w 5 .;5 44 .,t .
I. .iiu
nt 1,1tn . 1.r,,,c
1 r l' 'l' k . C. 3ta c'sa~ y
I .,u+kin t ;crgc It, a1,I,rcnU,c Aclt .tt!,cr, l,dc ;rt Q utYn ,
.. ~ ~ 1~,.~ 1~.,~.~,. ~~,rr~!,.,. ..~ ,~ ~.~
ILI I-.uul -kin Russell, carl,rntrr The \Icl:,,rntir lc Mir Cu, r . ~ r ~ S Jl G . VAXi.6 OMa Pl_-- d M iOv1 sa . s-, . , t
t ruuCn' . avr . .-r Sk/1FitTN
I .:ulkut \\ .tlkcr II, carvcr London I umiture l :. ;rr IN f
l ; urrn', a, c . ;V . ry N'w, ~rerrel~s. 1L+i1 =+1 i/+~.+rl. me lis t .~.. . .
+ : u
\1 , "l, . t
un V.hrarIKI
, - k11~
. l'al
c1r~ P iwc JuM. ~d~ewr+. (3t~la Ill~w
to Ti, i,tcr I :,htanl . \ , law studcnt 111n 11 I :artr.un, r,ams I ; + r g M ~ t Lnee~s It. +eitl~trp .tl~irr. I1abM11 " .
~ lin k . .rt )arc 1. I++rrta J i I .rnrs~s . MM am 11 - "
p 1 . :1114 il A (1 .lu~r'Irh .I, nItundas, r e , samc. C
ci 1trr liman F . adts 1B114 II 1rIHe, +
0 I ..on,l I :rltnunrl t', pinter ()nt.,rn, l .u 1Vurk<. res S . tlrtun . 611' U tNC `
A I ..1n41 \,i Fanma S . tailures. John I ; ;cn, Ixis Sry Ile,rton. :, . . t 1 a uK+ 1 ~~Yt. I!* s -
N I tnri Irwc, . caD uwncr, les .o Cart w ril ;ht. .rY \~ !p 11 . ~~~ 1 IM
M Land luhn L', hack dri % rr, r . : 94 Clarence . C) Latal .11wn .. . f * 4100 t.+. I~. u . : . ~
a I . I n d Lucy . dumcstic, 1 5 : I lurtun . ci le n,j .>, c
= 1-und \1 1 : I w id ' I huma .), res :oti S inlcoc . V 1, , . .t - 11 , 111 .rw1 l ab i Ow rAre y , ~
,y^, I atuhna ,s I IrnrirtLr, Ix1 ; ; .t-t 'l'allKri . Z Lrt rn Rwbrri M . .e Tk.M all w. jy rt ~
I . :rr^.dhn ;ti ,uis, r nnlcctiunrr I I S Perrin .\ Cu, ores 344 Tallx)t 9 il , ; - , 1 . , ~ . , - .r y~ j s ~l~e
Itnrl,r 11 ., . ) (wid Ilcnrv) . rc, 1 :7 .1nn. t% l . Il .,. r "n r . H,. }
I .andrrl, Richard, sait,hm:.n ( : 1 V k, rrs zzq ilill . I a~ lkue If, lm . erac apm j R 1 do*& nw e e IIG(i+w ~ .r
I .rnc luhn, porter 'I' J\IcI)rnuut;h . res ;gy Richmond . tiWk7r. 1 .>A" %rsw
P. Ianc Iuhn, I, i ,li .hrr ll eanl .\ 1=1 .ay. rc, 3411 Ki l luut. 1 -au ( .c.x'tre. labrwa. hde rhf /1mffw a
3. I :inc \Lrrl;ir, ( l,mtcstic gG : 11' ;ttcrlnu
Tickets to Manitob a T. Herbert M arah. `,.;, J'wetf
W A. ' SMYTg, Ho! Ir Ma~oba !
Chea ~3
Al Richmond Strr.
R .4,1 ate. el -11. tbausiptr
E A. Tnlores;,

It a* Mum%
Peen , it

+0810 11.sei s fiSteloessees ear pi I.P.Iii

i OP 11..bak issooss eete 01611 pie 41410k Ole lee, figiebeit (11% t

, r

dameira No% me III It. N. wag si %Waffler

l& as s Illeaaries

Me Moil". qv* se 11001,.., 1P teen till1131111e n

4.* 11814 atm.* sopmito 41 tV il ... eti net. to,. ebtabok ~i,lI %wad

ere. Oat 111, Imo pie feittfteint, Imam 9 et IN dim. le eamoval pentise
1111111.1111181% eliglieftroh 1eils pie tee mum
4seilsme liffliillest e c di e. iiik be litilimalb
1001116 free. et itame 1 sp. Irlimgoaa, sr twee
gush tgbegli gwoutio
I' 4 did IA* It 111460. 1 limpa. 14.

lemiin:me &au
600.0spey, ed. 4.WwilIbi 011, Oil 918111* ea t . team I. ewe *gal le non Wiieletsees
*Mimes MOP ill Ilne qpnet mk -- 111.1111Lar ad see Imes tb la I), Os* Oa %Mali

- ....
ae............4% 4* 4/011W1 qe ..' 'elkadeiga tee.* Idiom teemaeoffld Rawl le MOM , n
mum lie abee.ffleilleills 'de I liteelime I eh. lb * . t - 44 alt.
1)110011111, we fflege gale beam Id, le Owasso
taitimillso libilliaP dillel.4'.1410004.11111111111.111 linsobit sire NO beta*. 'pp
111.41iiiiiise lesillies 11P Minallaffl illik eb I
w illing .1111.118..116 se -4,../kagatio Iris hairs Cs. Wi pt p Itoesone
ye.% Opir in Iliallbr.
i jus

11 seam*. .4-44, ,4......

114011011 the 4 ..'4. .e. WM"' .4 e Adluille. 4 Ire 16 MP II
.40., or se We
st. trim etellotheimi
te lamere0 ow ego
lute bruit minuip, lira pis ealk
OD tielliiilliii Wiwi*. .4+14e ettstswo 4e e,
em 111% to 4.4, poi lb.* Ilhi fte a
I, ig
rarir aellenaline %Mae a MOM 011111111111111 op* nogg itailub elf Wimp
,._ -......... . t ae&
11pa. 4(44100 iliWP .1.ste -iiterillMle. la Oh bet IF Im ham jle Mum
riss. efe kw eibeto
s i 4m. elm ewe CI lilt
a lam nee I ltoke Mum t,,, um grioniteIleost. alt
itopus, 4,4rm gedr lb> e Sew *a UMW =eel dlum
I le alle"e' "el' *. 'moo. 114,.... , Rib / Lam Se ad tbreI4 eat
merlant 4 Wee .111111.1.11 111.4
40.0.01e e4mIgle le tegiermeori bum beam
1 el>"4**411111 ir w, imiI . ease Warr
fl lieu* 1.1Ie nrir 04449ffle *Seaga 11~ le f. fee 111111.11111.111
, ., ... .


*lb 00 MillelIblesIon
t ...4493
=Deriewe eli *Rag IIIII .
W. 4PPUUI tig %mi. tub me
,, .. .., 1110 ow, sib au Is
ip -.4- *tie isittossi towel, gent 1111. a $".e
Ilee 81. ball UM.
11".. gale
fille gm
sabil II* 114coltb
.--4 4411mee
sd lele eir""mr
linalMigelt le /pi Ibiamid
Imam Me Illaarelb ides Siam- 400111, MOM I 111111=1 t

lei wi Ts Bea Minn Oe. e- ihm" etlet P

rland 81 , Co.,
Geo. D. Suthe
da s Street, ' London. London Brush Factury _
have a Fee stock .1 Patent Carpet
Sweeper*, Feather & Hestia Diadem, tt c.
_ _ _
0 - -
C am LEN LIN 301 (,,-
se . u-
c lamfester Thomas N. paying teller Federal Bank, bd s Hawthorne's - Lewis Chnstmon (colored), laborer, res u i i Wellington.
-1 Hotel. Lewis -lrenaeus, printer Catholic Record, res 434 William.
ennet George. laborer, res 439 Simcce. Iewis lames, yardsman J Sloan, res 66 Palace. 0
El -
.enox James, cutter John (;len. res 346 Tal.xit bet York and King. ..a i. c wis John, propr Huron Hotel, n w cor Richmond and Nlaple.
-es I ems John. engineer E Leonard Sons, res 5 09 South. O Lewis John, laborer, res 124 Nlaitland.
attendant e. t cwis Kate, cook, Cousins House.
o co Mary
, ; , Insane Asylum.
E A:MUM Arocila, aornestic 374 Horton. Lewis Mary, domestic, so6 Kent.
.c csinanl Charles W (F. Leonard : Sons), res 169 Kent. LtW1S Mary A (wid Edwin) res 494 11,11. 0
I ,,nard Elijah (E Leonard & Sons), it , 66i Talbot. Lewis NI innie, dressmaker Lydia Crone, bds 494 Hill.
Cr D,
L onard II Sons (Elijah, I rank E and (harles W). machinists I -wis Montgomery (Burns & Lewis), bd(. Tecumseh.
21: ss York c of Miterloo. a, I cwis Miss Nettie, clerk Win Brice, bds 328 York.
& I conard George. laborer, res 5:8 Nelson. Lewis Robert, paints, oils and wall paper, 434 Richmond, res
Leonard George, rags, bottles, iron, etc, : )5 Wellington, res 350 Queen's ave. (See Lead lines.)
ad 141111C. 1."' I esvis Robert, carpenter, res 61 William.
78 I a-onard Jrank F (E la:onard & Sons), res 45 I Mndas. t; I ewis Sophia, domestic, 390 Willi um
13 I conard Miss Lechia, saleslady 1) S Perrin Co, bds 4: i o Lewis Thomas, butcher R :%dcock, bds 713 Richmond.
.t.'1 Lewis Thomas, drover, tes 59 Queen. (/)
1; Leonard Lewis C. crockery 432 Richmond, res 499 Dufferin ave. .es Lewin George. painter C W R Car Shops, res 119 Quaten's ave.
L$ I conard Lewis jr. clerk I. C I coned, bds 499 Dutlerin ave.
Leiter, Edward, managing director Financial Association of Ships Plasterers' Ornaments and Lawn Vues sent to all parts of z
Ontario, res 3o7 Duflerin ave.
7 Ontario. F. McINTOSE, London.
LeSeelleur Thomas J ISitiimons & LeSeelleur). Ids 49 1 Vork. e2 Lay Thomas, laborer, res so William. X
Le s Frauds 8, manager Dominion Savings Investment OD
r office Restaurant. 371 Richmond St., London, Opposite Masonic Sot icty, rcs NN'oodlawn London Smith.
Temple. F. CAMPBEL.L, Proprietor, Liberal Conservativt Assoriation,
- W R Meredith N1 P P.
4711. es lires, J 11 1Vhite sec, Albion Iluildings, Richmond.
I eslie James. laborer, res 458 Dufferin ave. laberatore Lombardo, tailor, !xis 1 2 1 Fullarton.
3 Leslie James. carpenter. res 144 Itatturst. ..a Lick John L, boilermaker II Vinnett & Sons, bds 93 King.
Id- Leslie James, jr, laborer. bds s .4 Bathurst. ce Liddicott Eph J, printer Free Press, lids 733 Wellington. r-
Le%ter Daudet city tax collector, City ha ll Arcade. res 444 Vork
si I ester John W, trav agent, bds 146 John.
Liddcott Samuel, shoemaker John Burridge, res 733 Wellington. 5
I.ightheart Charles, cooper, lids 523 Simcoe.
la-ster Nlargaret (wid John W), res :48 John. Lightheart Samuel, coorer NVm Hawkins, res 523 Simcoe
ic Lester Marcus T, Iras agent. lids 16$ John. o Lightheart Thomas K, cooper, res t 8o Nlaitland.
W I-ester 'rhos F., clerk Ontario Loan A Debenture Co), lids j (.8 John. laley George, laborer, r.s n w cor Regent and Nlaitland.
LeSucur Clement P, mechanic - r Green's. res 279 Hill. bo Hillman John, engineer Sterens, Turner : Burns, res 459 Horton. 0
E I ethcad Miss Bessie, domestic Revere 110USC. ,
ianyinan Miss I.ouisa, clerk. lids 443 Horton.
tr. Levi Louis, trav agent, res 13 Bathurst F-1 I image James, apprentice McClary's, bds 386 South. o_
8 lei Lou i s. j ewe ll er. bd% 2: 7 King. lamage res 384 South. cr,
.c Levi Max. second-hand store :17 King, res same. , Lime James, confectioner NIcCormick's, res 445 Horton. Cn
I.cwis Albert, brakesman G W R. re 141 Gray. lam h Andrew, boilermaker, lids Gulden Quoit Hotel.
C I Lida Charles W, tray agent, bds 235 Talbot CD
73 %nee Decorat
44J all
ing CALL AT 20t;
T Herbert Marsh 9
Belt ph to buy Wm,
Oils, Paints, Putty.
r ETt', is I:It'll-MuNlt ST.
E, Ar Taylor& Co.," ^,,,,"^,,,,ea
ur. LIN I ^^Xtwl,^. LOC Z
I. OC u>b r.,ae
"Id N t'1, tcs 41 4 krd- ,ut ^
N I.i^,,! 1Ym 1\I ' t. l'a Le q"ar, Islwatcf, thh fel T&ISeK
c? I.intlinGcld 1 ut^.,, 41.rti-u, r;L king.
I.,ndu) J:unc. (stcwart & l'w,), ns ;3 I^in;;. 1./lV+ %Iw, 1 Jllwj'. wrdr.,a, 1.J. 418 N rAtrly.
1./tr. P ice M. Iruldn 0*1 Aa,est. petit, brnr:
I. nd+a) Jvssic, h,.uxmair! Invnc . .)Iuta
I.inr;a) '111()1113, l;)ttntct hrtti l'rt+, hd. 230 kr. !a .r.d 8401#106 ^. tsrah Ids 41, N,4wb.a
Itruutu .\ lftxtdward, t^cs . c.w \ (udu. l -..aaossh twrd ^..1.s1. os. 4 1p MJMrtb.
a I ,r,:..ry %%m, Iurr r Mt. l'tiin 11s. lliridK. .:R.xufl^f. Irls 1 N %1.&fMtt/n
and N .Juth.
r I-^eap 0wlw. cie+t 1M'.+etrrri
" I.u tlv) 11'tu, Ialwyrrr grain *tt,rc, tc^ 45y Suuth. , Ml. te t A.MSe
1 u^ aa (:ar..IN1r r M rl (^ a! , 1w f7t
Imnd,a) 11 iii, hrktr M(041164 kMir /'.,, Ils yJ 11'rllington. Q M "
x 1-&ap Me ad te, a hrl 'A 11 11r^Y^ sp '64 r4^mmen
P. I.iurlr.ty 11 'tu It, Irrintct I rcc I'tc,%. rc+ :;o Ku hmora
t,.. IKI. \1'estuun.ter Ilydcl 0 I^wC+N j +aux,% tr% 0. s4 14 arlspr(
r.. Iint han), trav agent 1I Mt ha) & L,^aw J acc., . 4tk ) U. f asi,wrr es. 44 8 4pm" 40,&
itl^x,t l harlc^ I. t arri.^rcmakcr J ohn l'atnlhell, bda 398 Ilurtun
wI I,y.a ),rna^ kl (^Iwskr,lantllr A t..k, tsr+ ftj 14bd4
I mtix,t Gcuri;c k!, (tinfvt ti,mrr :1 Ur.tdfurd. rom n w COI llurton and
.,Ylct l:L4r;r ,IO4Meu.1 Mdb", M,.
('ull,urnc. o I pap k, t,c..a ls^rirwttd
I.intcx,t Sarah ) laid t:., ^rr l. rcc 3y+ ll, rt, n c
I..,.ap W,1.^t, I^rt^w 1: N R. n
^. ;,o^ l'aM ^Id
' I mncman John. cnginccr Stctcrr+. Turncr.\ Iturn.,rc.;sy tlr,rt,n ^ .r.a !fI t.elr^.
B I iI,a) Win A. a<<uunlanl .\tirn ullur.,l sasings & Co, We _ (, y ap 11 Ia. atlrMtr t.Jft^ .^..R. f. Irq ,^ (
I^,a 1k m I. Wwwst 11 Infd .^Rr wti.
I,,gr 11ns Nrlla, t4w+trM l..rrwA yr
IPIW*wU, 1is wl/ IRaA %a
0-i FRANK COOPER, First Prise Photograpbs tetertred lint Oed Ie+e 1.ple,! P aw.- yi,e11 !d. i% 4 t.tiu1
highest Prise at last Western Fais. t ,.Ir ).Nrale V. . k+k 'f' 11 ^rtwaymm
A t,& hth y18 pI&M
p O 1'.- )~ led YlwtwarR h. 40 ,&,% !li
'A I I.,tL. r mul 'I i,^ t,^.^ l. t.ul,.n>^. R+ :;r ti rmcrx. O
p.I.i.tcr I\tlhc. u1,u.U. i I/' \Ictrttl.\ C O. IK1% 241 StnuOc S. P. CLARK CO.Ik uft 1r rtpcA
Ii.tcr 'fhvnas, r Icrk lot o( k l,da ={t Sinxoc Clrc4ce, A!!. 1.,t/w S,ct-- aweaub*
!a. Lar!>^
p I.itrhfitl<1 h:dw.inl tnathtni.t. IK1s tqy I.nchticld
v I iltlu 101 n\\ ^t:ol in.un. I.ittlc.\ Co), rc+;rj Ihttldas. 11 ,,,
'a I it t l^ I. ::,. i , r l: 11 K, bd- cor II rll and CuIl.r,rn: ' v Lontl,rp 1 1%4 1 -rilsrr . . - 1 ; - .. ,. . .
t'13 .1tr-4'plt T. printcr antl stat,uncr e s nwrkct lane, res n
Alcaandtr w ot Ccntrc, I.(,ndun V1'cst. (ScC adv.) Iw.pei rN IIa.N nl / i rn4r. i 1r,.
U litrttl^ pM,jy, r... .
I ivcrUm Kit harrl. dnvcr J It Sualh). 1 i
, ^ ` 'n^
I.lo)d, see also I.u)'d. I: `,
I Iu)d haal,cth 1Nid 'I Itunta0, rc% zG6 1)untias. 8.40114 son r.fY'pPf,%, I..htt t4yr^*r^ltnt. 1'tr^r^ N a,
, ., it^y s. slr^cray i.w or r ^,,
I l,-%t1 I tu-w- I:, car)xntcr, tes I( Itathurst.
Z LIo3 (1 Ilt'III'.1 11. 1 ian : z+ l'iccadilly, rcs aatnr:. ^ tl+ , N.. I{ _ ,
- .^ ! . t .
...,, I I^ t l( Will. 4 At I ^, nt0. ris 3 46 lr.,).
^ 1 h.)tl I ! ''n A" ^trqq,cr Jux),h `,nith. 6 s 266 I)undas. 1.4rn41rtn 111) and Mf'lale-..a 1'01) N1r..,ion. , ^
L.r'l,in (:hn'ttna li, dremakcr, Id- 481 Adelaide. . I. . (. . -. ,
1 ..fyL.n I l.J. .
^ I.ul,an Martha Iwrd l;eurgc), tes 485 Adelaide.
Iound.,s. ^ 14m UYIPP. lIw thr-a+_ . te
Locke ltcnjamin. ckrk Its
b s (jtmcs . atre. arn ka,- tir -
4) I.uckc Tirs Al. r) I, rltc i , kii. it . 3^" I)undas.
For the Las 125 Years t hr hew York Sr,ne, lsmAoo. bas bee*
known a the must teluhle for Tza.. ELLIOTT BROSr, ^ u' ^^^,,r^

i ~

_ . ~ .~ ~ . . . ~! ~~~ ~
t. - ~p . ~ I . , . . . ,

. . ' . .. . . . ,rar ., n
. a . lit
. f ., ., ." - r1 0* oaw** 060 Amomb ~

~ H- .,r~+
., F .. .. ti rWMMr ~~
. . . .sa . ,,r p
. a,, . .

j ."t 4,0 .
,~,, ., . . , .,,.
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s .. ., . .-~ MI l-- ~ 4018 M
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,_ n ~ . ~~aYa . _ . , . , r , . . ~~,~.1 . . , e
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Mr . . .l . . ~.
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~ ~ 4 r- .

~ ~$ ~~ ~ r~ ~~
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, . r, r ~ . w , ~ ~Mw
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.$ L + & .
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`" r r+wM+t
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t tONIMP 41811/1/ ' tear 4114
Saw gh-- rnme Meme# 4win,

Ile quit> 4%*


.0. y



rat II Seissilati 4 Cs., iiiiieftere ie7 S TURN ER 9 En'. rAusor sr.. LoNINN. tiNT.

i I MC

Me daille Ibili, pf ..uo4

dal 11414
Oa.-,, 4
it...4 It tio
144M01114 tie ilsto Mow.
ta.tam end Woe AIM
a I4*. WI t 1 ...g 4
14101404 4 411461a1 Cake'. 18.9e

_1111114144i4184 bii ell 411.10110*

eel 111110&
83 Met

RH Imam'

%I 4 : Jul 41 frtresullt, t , arunikcr Win Ftuthyrfogd 8: ( o, lids

%I. i auild M *Karl. (indorse 1ir Line. rrs 17X Richmond.*.in Andrris. J. iras agent bd. t6 H./pc.
Id . .sw.140d lllort.rr% 354 Hill
11CC 3449


II MOM MIMI C. be aim lbw boulbud, be

op ju , La (.1.1 %ndit.-14, res in Hope.
%I ILI n Mate.lte-1 lIil rttrf) res 84 3 king.
lllate0011111 Ind Pe* on, 04 mom. %I i ate.i - cl'. ,1.4484.%144 TriUt111%Ch 114.eir.
Icm 04 1. tiemmio %whim 6, Stemmata, re ber Clam& i M.
Jn 4-tee 114 Ulfac CO, bd. 368 1)Ufbdalt.
eta Hem be rim le op le* 30
t smite 4. 1 John SlcClery pies. Oliver M. 0
Warm Fie um Is *Ohms sag r Mrs t.tinthiary Nei. store founders n w
and 'yIlusio..n
iebte tzt=ateellesera 'bey Mai,. ttonsestic tz King.
I es Wm* 4 1 beiliikupo .6 Olummetia. ow Mod
1.1. slaty (*Rot. VIM. litrsultot 1.-C..sre nrig Co
Immiss Olweri retie sietab *iambus, Illaumb Untie %I. (ley Peter. ire pz t.borrn's a% r.
I II. tie Ilkeillue Wks km. roe op Ma M. flionorrin Carruize Works. %%MUHL Sage Co ) rop-
Illbet Moo hoe dinsidulow sue e * mat 11'AI ad cam' a. s ...y.4es leans.
Ibil OM) UM.. imegeo_pe. Pow odes
Idiot dam awls% di* I' t el 411410111111. 11
1 U.Ciseass.
lery tt.. eurreyor. bd.inun4. I 'gel
we also McLain asd Mc Loco.
Ilielowir nob% trameedieA tvivmed his eb Ong t leas erasturd. bookkeeper M Masotti & 4 Ild% sae Mai.
a emarMir Ole erne d 11** PM egar Ite Ira 11108. BEATITI * 0., DaYiet. hen a Stock .8p1eniii, $3'
Asurtmet et tilts and Gown' DrY Good*

*. ow% slum% 410b (....... 13. bookkeeper. let 1:6 aside.
lie *eke 84111111Upw
il iela tor IL d Iditiallua ore aim McLellan.
adephige operator, bd. 183 liorton
u.(1dhe Aleszedes,
111.: e.
aruIll II Ca .12., Id. j11*Chund - Mdleilana Dim 114 levee* a mipplics c W R. re,
nortzce %MI ons eis Cabe
lis Talbot
lie Mee ti II R. on us* Ulm M.4114 tian Plorence, dousidr. lisarks Elliott.
Ike mel emu C %um II el% MI 14 Ibreek
1/11 1114. agle dig ae, 111-ms * ate Owed op
M.( Wine PM. labor. ors 118 Sinicoe.
b. M , t lensed Aninibaid, clerk Winkor lino s, Ws e s
% . 4 1.7 Wes pommy. ro 143 stmt.
lis Item um 18Co, la, IN op ter>. 4 U= nodontii A. clerk Bum & Ilapty, bd. 359 11'1111.tin
tedeolhe 1.10.0118.0m6 et111.114 1os4 a W.. blogaryt. bids 359 William.
Illeltmulloo rheum olind Numb Ulu% Id' is Quip / Mill lellebon Thom.. carieterreret. 359, res samr
**04 Ike% *110swese. 14 q1 rldrella Mel land I mod. domestic. !so Yurk.
*4 409 Wane * etnernals 111 ors lag Vow% *Cloud Mary, worts J Gramm. tes 3 0 6 Ridoiut.
ILI ten Igoe *me.** op Illsond
1 IClond Ku, dooneetie IA Talbot
111,4 Mime 10.441* 1 Mit>ste James madman loan I than. re, 14 0 Sinit-oe.
IRA :Ibuid %rum,* liverolmiN . -----
Motility itolaret J. chi% cr I 1.1`.att. re. 140 itn.f .

el 1...
emu Deseratiai ,
tielt f elfitiVIR T. Fierbert itarsu,
la ?In
UN Mee Cornices
ETC., 431 RICHMOND ST. E. A. Taylor &Co :=6. eeP go** 68%4
31 0 bleC WNW'S.

McComb I.etitia, dOlne..tiC 10 ()).(01TI.

NI. Connell James A, cooper Seale & Child., res :57 Adelaide.
McConnell John, blacksmith. 90 King, res 494 l'all Mall.
McConnell John II, agt II McLarely, bds City Hotel.

sae IJohn

John W It. kit Ida IMO

t:. sirotre Au%Halle
uhn C.,
1# Coe John, jr,
vullough, see alto 14orcullock

11.11( 1.111i

Lk Ce lit s Sebum.
Ilmb. dli
coo Itatbromeatall
OM. 1
%I. to

McConnell _Joseph, porter Fitzgerald, Seandrett (7o, lids ...r 2 . 1 1'ullough -atharine,ionwent teen,* OK
e., I lamilton Road and Ontario. m
\It l'uni) Thnnum. bilardeekl. ihr% 115j WWII
... Mc ('onnell I.illie, domestic 43 Cartwright.
..c U) ; 'ttlg Polite, &teem lefflm. Aslissa
* Nli ( ille Ilenrictia, (wid David), res 464 I lill. --I Ir Cut( bean Wm. Worley leabaar %slim
6; 1141orniirk Andrew, grocer, 346 Richmond. rt..; s99 Simcoe. 0 Me Cute been su 11. tYS cun.ijI.ii aeon *me. 411anon
1 McCormick Charles, tray agt London Furniture Co, res 21 1 Wei.
ce2i 3 43 Talbot
lington. X \ 1 . 1 1(1'1114 err alto Medalled
los McCormick Ellis, (wid Andrew). res 245 Ri c lunond. 5. ct \I , 1 1/4-0nri .Nftgue% tktI We 446 %11811611616
NI cCo nick Ernest A, c lerk A \I e( gm
aut:. l)ds 8 99 Si t-m ot:..cio r (.7 \I. I eetition eadunne eatenitI, Ona Iregie
lern o.
\ i ccorro ic k George (;, clerk NI.1 4-snick Nlanfg Co.I lids 473 (le. CA 1. I bt noott Marque. diocesan War
A it ,
c t. .- M. I ron.ald. ter alto Mc 'boned and blaidrariii
ce in M ( Cormick. Ines : A r I bonalil Air tangier. 1121/1148, elingrAdd
McCormick Maiifg to 'Fli t.. iT hoas -
( Ole Cheanso
W Porte, man and secj) , ;antis of confectionery, biscuits, &c. ize I. 11,1( andr.r. I, 4111 chit 4. IA R, he pp TIM
il s e cot Dundas and %Vellington. Q. ci+ Irlbeasald ruiner, tenet arid StuelAildillt Poe l.

1 1
4> mcCormick Thomas. pres The NleConnick Manfg Co, re% 47: 0

Claret,. 4...
1..Corini. k Vin, fruits. :52 Dundas, res Nallle.

Young Men can obtain a Superior Business Education at the London t.t

co .
Karbinund. rce
Karbinund. rce 66 Vat,.
PAVEV. Mc AULAT & CO. Melon* laeuesse all Pre Illbe
lens and Grants:men Peeleileip. Imam Om
Mr banal(' .11cariticr. pule Wriggle 1 ..aulb,
li ecia guru. toe Ved
Commercial College. X
e n Ilk/fled . \Urn J. trout. ad Jame ej %edge fle, ere 1141 e
le, Mc Cormick Win, shoemaker C S I lyinan & Co. res :sr 1Vellington. a c . eon
McCorrey Gilbert, bodersoakei I. I.eonard Son. bd. Cousins at- 0. I bonald Anrur, dntirrttst 374 Inseam
\t, I lonald Art Inbald. krenun Pena Den..
House. ellp ISMS
e McCoubray I /avid. machinist E Leonard & Sons, Ws 311 Ilathurst. gi j.: i Iun . l.I ( harict, talkie. bd. 4 Is cielb.
ei McCoy David A, screw cutter Francis Curtk jr, bds Knapp's Hotel. 0, u %Is Donald Charks punter I itIM A Cie ds 11.111111.1in
z NIcCoy Thomas J M. clerk John II Chapman Co, bds City x nr I )undat.
Hotel. as \ I ronald I ranicl. tanner. let 80 bit Plirtmest.
"3 -s
e McCracken John. laborer chemical works. res i so Cartwright z w 1. tb.n.tid I haul& carpenter John e1honi bee, au Illielerna
m. I h in.I1.1 ' ,inlaid. Winer, rya 413 rottnielan

McCracken, Win R, printer Southans Brierley, lids Temperance (t) I.
House. Q' w I )(maid I hinald. (sterner - r Gerrizi.:itsidaffla
3 McCrae, see also NIcRae.
\1. thmed t kmaid. (arenter. h&c C
1)1 ,nald I km:aid, ik,, AA Jt: Mr lase*. er sa, tube
NIcCrae Polly, domestic, 2S2 Piccadilly.
NIcCray Julia, domestic, %Vestern I Iota. re z' plt.1 gird. bd. !tini' Ned
NI ctredy John, attendant Insane Asylum. w McDonald DIM" C, tea /HM I nee* Unanall eon
McCrimmon Donald, clerk lames Eaton & Co, bd. 6;2 Nlaitland. F
lIl'u'.,nce 11 426 kehinosad. tee e s Raid at We
NIcCrimmon Nlalcolm, machinist, rs..s 67: Nlaitland.
gate, London N'est.

A, Mg SMITH, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Gro.

ceries, Wines and Liquors, London, Ont. ELLIOTT BR I S,
Cam el. Illi01144494.4. *-
e fflallo *mile!
Reif. Zentlesre. .
- II1


40011001 ebb
0 413
4000 4.4- Ott Obeele
will's*. *Web *sae erl
t *i~ pa. lew :tam
igh. bum* lip
. Is ..
4 . .
O..... 1,... ..........11
44 . ..
1 4.44.. . . 1 fit di 444

1111 gm, indlue bse 41410, 0 eek, re. 4r ....,... .

.. .....
I. ..... , .... ... ..., I .-
m11101,4%, aF q mom I . ... . . ..., .. ,.........I ,-. Itge .141411.

e-ei, 401111001104 * eillidel' , I. 4. - - . ' 1 ... 40 At, 44. 11

... %- .II. 4. . lie -.64 ..... .4. II
immo [ 1)101410
le 4/14:lelle ell"It enele 0110
490ffldbilt , ....- v - , . ...... 444..... 14 4. dowel', talk ir
-414 HIM

!.!!! 0 410111100.
filimil> 0 % ...... e 44 4... .......4 I fle

1= Omfas. ,w... ilb

I 441p um 11114mob 1;6.

lieile.ft 0P-411p 01 04111

411N, Q11 1118 Iv 401 lhategigfr
ibilillIn" 01*,
- .- 4111E 11.0.10' 41145> efr - .41/b te #4411.. .. . ..... ., ..111111
1 :1l
11 ei*, ea gam
, .we 'Wine fe Ole ih M 411i011111 ,e , 1 ..- ., , - *gas 1___t 1144-ze.

''*$ ilk 0111011.01i doik I

/ .11;"
.4, i=e;i0
, .4/
.41 ** 41P*418.*

4 ',et Ili .re ri: 4.111

- le Nib

.. . ...... **emir aim el
die ilb .fflaemb.
.11110 an ai

.....711.11 10 414 eage

t lee gedatillegelle;"ese.
411.0o. 4

*411168810. *4.14.

tir iisietutheb 111#111111 Zan& le- ere- gm, tee gm. *me
R. LEW IS, IAI.]', 'tlLy. \',ISIIF:,. ta:tIli:S
\\I^INr\t' ULAN.;, ta+ I:II'll.%t+r\It -I. E. r Tay or C B-,^o:csellers and News A{;ta. Orders foi 1--
OtJuglandandUaitodStatesevery Mail. PP
lar\IN r\ tl/iG MCG l.uN uuN. McG :cl:.^
311 Mck
b ^
8 \1- lLuy Mis, I.illt ;Irr.,rn,rt,,r. ! rl- ,iy: 'l'h.ttnc^ `0
V. I,.,1 1.rndl. dotpcwliw 475 KtnB.
tl !...) Il %td.ot, artut, IKt. :04 11umLtc I Ni. t; rnr) ,\mlrrtt rc, go;; \\ rllr rnr vp
N I,u;h. twrirr 1' s 11) rnan & Cu, bd-. 164 M aplc \l t;.^nc^ I:ltr rd. r r\1 t;.rncN', 1'rrratc, 1:r1,.
N. 1.attt Itid Kcv 1\'818t. rcr+ 74. t'.trttrright. l1^ 1 , . a '1hurn ,. (NI- I;,m, 1\"innrlt \ \LHrrrt. rc. Toronto, Oni.
N. I F..ndt 1% J A V. U. l.wrnl. bits 76 Cartwrig ht 11t'IiUN. %% it111P11 .% M oorP. I I huru.t. \Ict;aw, Ilcnn Win
N. 1..11 kusall. t.rrlct Ilotcl \\'httc. n,.tl, 11 (1- I\I r^ r I,,, -j 'l l'cr Iluuse. s w tir Ri i'. `!
U. sura ,%%,h j tS J& F. M. F:rarnl, Itds 76 ( 'art+rright. ui md and \ nr^.
Mi luta t+ J tt, I. Itiatah j and Yam1% it fsacy guuds a64 IrundAs M. l r.rn, sec al'u \Ir,Gar^.
M. I adtkw .^Mrad, kanrt 4; W K- .NI.t;.a+y \li>, 1:Ilcn, %tr,cr U. I' Kutherfurd .l Co, I,(1, , O.
U I arlrka (harka. btter 1: 'r K. id 175 11'dlwac Itithur.t.
M. I a.IJ.e I:atirl;.. c7t;. nraY 1: \t k. rc. 43a Gray. %1 ;Cary l':Ilen 1>id (.clr}yr, res .) (tathurct.
@j \I. 1 mils" Jo1aa, i. n;atc^-r 1: V. R. rc i s f l:ullsxnc. \I l; (;rur;;c, ci4.1nna:rr .1 tirnith :: Cu, trcis 9 Itathcrnt
\I. I aaldcn ^Iartba.d>r+K+tw 41 : 1 ta \I: (;rary \\rn, r g.uncker \ Smith \ Cu, IKs q Bathurst.
%1. 1 a.h1.n llmnic I.. L,usuakct 11crx1ctdro1 & CO. 14% 175 \1'tt:r.rrn " \I 1:^t, .ee al.n \laqgcc. a
t1, tarlthfl ilt.aras. IayMagcmn 1: U. K.rc% 1 73 \1'tllum, \I t;.c iuhn, nruulder John I:Iliutt N ion. ru, :; r\\1tcrlrr, -%
^I. 1.4dew 'ltalwas t clak Uuldn, u.btxttc & I lobbs, bds \1 t;,t: iuseph, carpenter, Inls jaS Ihmda, g
\I t;cc Mary (wid k(!txrt), re. :79 1\atcrl ,.
+ V.1 uWtd JaWt M. tram a" M >la.ure( .\ Co. bds Cot:, n, \I- (;t-t- l1 m, carpenter, re. 5_8 I undas.
1!-1+c \It l::ll Itrid}tet (wid Patrick), res s w cor \1'cilrn, t on tnrl Vu ton
\I.t;rll (:arolinc, waitre+s \Irl-:rrlancs Ilutcl.
go V. hatnc Vsr4arA. d>tne^tw Ke. J1% klN. \I, t;rll David, bartende r J\1r l all, rcz z 19 C larence.
\It ! attsnc Utr tlatw X Irtup Me. 1 arlaiu t I(uteil. s tr cor Kin& rn.l
K .l ,rt \I- l;rll I1rr tw, hellKr John Elliott .\ Son, res 217 York
^it I^ill .Io1111, ; r^ -l, \Ir (;ill', Ilutel, 331 'l'ANA.
fil CsrttPelret p WaMSerY as lier Hs.d e( F..cA Department as
S. P. CLARK & CO, Agents for Stewart & Browne, Mlllert
of Chicago. Albion Baildin;s Richmond St, London. I
^1.1,r.Hrw t t.:, r%It %lat) A \l. Futaac pnr{+, s tir cor King and
krJr.w \1((.i! I'rr. I rnt. rAdverttKr, (ais 333 Talbot.
.arc alnu 11aclie \I t . I t xu.rl,drc.,rnikcr, IKI, 2 1 7 l'ork.
b. (.s AteLrwict. aracfNa.a J 111t.a1 ^1 :as. rcs s r Hathur.t
M. a.r 47atwcnm..vok AttrcMan Il.rtcl
I Nl I:ill'. Iloll1. M. l:ill, Irropr, 331 'l'allwt.
\Ir l:illr%ary I rcdcrick, bookkccixr R S Murray & Co, lids 14
0 Ozturd.
M. 1r John t'arepbcll. Lds S7 York.
Nit t:rnity %lartiaret ( sid Patri(k), rus n s Regent, w of Talbot. w
11. /.r alst). dt/.cvac 1 u! Ii.xri ^
y.1c %,.naraw. condu.t. ,r t. W K. m tso 1lamtlton K t.ul Ni- l;innt., see also N1clnnes and M. (;uinness.
M. rite %Ii. drewe. .,. bd :r Itathrn.t.
N. t se Km. ta.kwesse K Ho)d w tian. lie t r gotburst.
\I- Crnnis l:hristiana, duntestir City Flutel.
)I( lardy \larytarct, gruccr, 51 Richmond, tes .ame.

\It t;rrdy Kutxrt, couper 5calc & t'hdils. res S r 5 Richmond. t7Q
N. t.awrr^. sec a1.o Uci at.n.
CO \I, l;udy'l'honra., hoot and shoemaker, 187 I)und.n, re, 153 John. -;
Mt.auw Mar). do-.a.+.. MI il Veil - n
fl:c.wq. nt aJo Naliuvj. \Ir (;Inl;hlon 11'nt 1), jcarIlcn. .1 \Ia..mir Temple. Richmond, rc. 9'
s S:6 11'atcrl,^, =% 4 -.a1ia*twt tend % ML m lt : oe a

ThE New York Store

1s th. Mat p1co in London 0
to boy arooetttos. wtnN and 00
1.auo s.
Fit^^rald, cra^drett & Cor, Cry.
Agents for 111anb 's Waahin p
Geo.D.Sutherl^:^^u S., (;H F^ 1, ;'^'T^ ^ .-I, London Bruh Fantory,
p :W; McG L.VVIr1r\

\1. Intah A; 4 k+^ J 1. llalmwbl, te. JJa I^da.

O \I, (,uc\, see also Nlil;riry. :r %t. Intoah llcuadet. lxakcman 1: NK. bals y4l ave4wti
J_ Nl,l;,,%% an I:rmc, 1Kdlcr, 1.<1, i,,, It.rii,ur>t. ad M. Intu.h . 1k><alwler. ataaPIlset (kt1t11g'a lrlersq to too Uamol
^l, (: ,u};.,I l;,rthrtini, waitrc+ I lty Ilotrl. Plqa+nt
cU,(rath John, jr, tailur _I krccr', I'c, liment 1lntrl. M. lnuhh Akundr. malstrr 1'aHtq[. Itery, 6ds tan ktd+st
\, I:r.,th K.,Ir, d.,tuc,ti, I,o; R'i. hnruntl. %I, Int,,,L \n,1f,x I.f....r n to n it. two ss* liaifs
^\I. I;rc r I r.uri^^l. rt.urn i ^. n. r. ^.;;; stmcur. \t^ Ir. \r r.,! jat 1\'.atct6ft
t 11r1:1 r;;uP Joh11 ^ S011s. rnrrlr. Ib,,ilcr, and .hcrt uun work, ^ Mrlnl/wh i w J 1. aA+! I.,hn t., .!f, . n(,. -,
(nit, .u1 \I rch. (kr adv.) p ^ I, 1,. L
OC \I, (n g,rr ri, t.,rl"r f I Kinl;smill, bds 76; () -lord. tv M. Inw.h 11tr,sttne. dutue+tK, 456 fdalld
j \ alsn MtInlo%h l'raNrl%.. , rrumemal phataa. aise IArtl. . r
0 )1,(;run I-'ranci., hlat I,+n,ith, IKi, 123 S\Ylenhdnl. ., 1 .111%
John. lalburcr, ores i2- tiydcnh.rm.
V\I, e \1 1,. , ., t . ' 14 .\ .\ 1 s. vcls. Ida ,ils Ipss
id NI, l in,rq Iohn, LLu k^,inith 507 Richmond, rc. Si A Itna. $\I, I,i,.h J t0 ictt Ilutwl apd vite Lortn ad ltr+ ,^
\I. (4m), Nl:rr);arct, drnnc+tur luhn %lichic. o6 1ds 33: 1 unda.
v 11 ^ .,lids i _: tiydcnhant.
\l i,+ Mn, \I, Intu^h I-hn. IN,dcrnukct F:,aud k SawS tu l14 vu1t. s
Ni. (;rnr\ l.rhurcr, I,d. tzz Syrlcnhrm.. %Il tntosh juhn, carpcnta ln-- .t.Y1wn .
h/I:UI;;UII IV111 J. lait :72h Uunda., rc% +,mc. ^s %id Int. sh ( rshn l1 (\.1 I I %L Int.whs. ta^s jar Kas;
\l,l^uinnc>., see also NIc(;innc,,,. M. Inuxh John W (J 11 11. lntrNh 1 obi. rc, t,-4 va.tlaw4
NIcGuinncs. Juhn, hutchcr t by Wellington, rcw same.
\I (Guirc Ann (Wid J:unca, res 422 11 111.
NI, Guire Arthur 11', policeman, rcy .y;G Oxford. cgo
Nit Guire Itlancy', printcr, hds ;KS Ridout. ti ^
,1, Guire C rurl;r, cama,ing agi, res 41 : Kid,wt. ` Ni- Int.h Ka+r. ttt)nctN ,tba 11umlat,
A. Guire I'.,trirk hcll,cr II 11'innctt lSrns res Sto tiouth. \l. Intnh \1a1. nl n NI. fd^ntrsrtw. tes axa LMCb41d
.I, (;urdy NI iss :Ii/a, dre.smakcr, lKk ,; G l)ab,rd. \I, Int,nh \laryarct.+rattre+ Knsl(. IIMe1
-I t Gurdy John, cutter J C\Icrritt \ (",,, rc. 176 ONfnrd \Ir In(,nh \lartha .rutrr%+ ta^ II'pilc
It (;urdy K,)hcrt cnnpcr, res 5 t S Richmond. %Id Int.,%h -rd+rril. laumtrl nuNt Insanc \ybsn
LJLI It Gurdy Robert, tailor, bds t; G t curd. =\I, Int-rh "'no A. clcrk .1 41 1. U. Im.ssh. tsds jja 1
re I,Ilul;h Annic, dumcstic 389 ICurWdl. = 11( Intvh t1 'm I r Jihn lamenm t vat. 'Id. 31-7 Kul^
^ ' Ir Il ul;h NI:rry (rrid l'ctcr), rcti .31 \ork. '.t, Intyn. scc .^Iv, U.,t Intrrc.
W I, llu;;h l':^tnck, aaatrhman (^ 1' R). rcs c, York. w of Thames.
Int) rr \nn. di mthtsc>.;lr 4 nbvN1 _
I, Innc-,^, scc also \Ir-(;uinnc,,y and Nia< Innr,..
m 11 Irrtyrr ^Irss .1nmc, tclr,traph qnratrw, W tvl tttp^ /
IrInncss Angus, tallow ( handlrr and irc rtralcr, frxrt A delaidc, Ni.
nImite \rchih,-.J, ihrr plater s Yorb. 41 kaleotawd 1
I.und,in I::ut, rus 189 \\'atrrltx). rus .ame
'0 IrInncss Archil,ald, fini;hcr car wurk%, hd, 354 -South. \It Intyrc Iklla. damcsttc op Kent.
l, lnncs,; Duncan, timc-kc,pcr G 11' R. rus 3S t South. NI4 Intyrc 1 athannc .Mnxsttc j6 .Utna.
LA. ^
W 11c lnnc.s NIi,s \linnic, clcrk, F,cl. 17:1 Clarence. \I.Inty-r Ilu}th. Irlacksnrth %tcr;cu.. 'l'arnt:t at 14pfp. te a
O 1h Innc:.s \lurd,h, fircman l; \1' R. rr..1;-1 Gras, o ^1'ellmytton.
CO \tc lntirr, see \Ic -Intyrr. .il \I; In'trr Ilug h. t.,% .i:, - 1[.rru .\ 1 cstts. fors Ii1 DuR^iw a.,
L \Irlrttl,sh. ,cc \l:( itttu'h. c^I, Ir,t^rr IsaIK: is ,r ,, 1..,n 1rr, its r,vl 11'dlam.
s. 0

^ WA.LL PAPER. '`Sts;^`^`1^ Q; a:^`^`

S 4 T. ^derbert Xarsh, K ^ ^ ^ ,;. 1111oft

tiM,^ .: l
^ ^,", - ..,
^n 4 +^w ^
^., . .. . ..,.

;a. * w 1*n ^1o1 IF ful

^ 1^ ^^ bM-* n1r +^1"+r 4p ' N
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q,^^^^-^ y1^ t^ Atuf N ` ^ t
,w ^ i .. , . -. .....c. - ^ .
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F ., 1 , .. .. . .da.

+ .^ , .. _. F . ^ ^.k
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^. + ... M. . .. . ^..^ . . . ' i'I ^' M+- :

^ ^ ^ r ^..^.....Y. . . ' .

i. ^^. .^ . 1 r.r.slr t+Mt w . . . b . a wN -

M ^^..... taw w. 144M t . 1/1t 06 *M

IR Uwis . . : r .
. y

. . v . t:.i. f
LA. Taylor & Co, ^^. Suu:^^.
MI % jO,%t.>% McQ :ci p

7 44 Wu,. !/oms k. tarianw., bil i6 Qwew

w qm,w. .NWw, +NqIIMrmwd bmnm-m t .. sM %qqi. 40b t' (1. M 6e4l'.Jlwre.
^N.rMN.,W MrA+M 4 .ww10 k M1/ agjoolaw , . %4 14 WR rtilAl"d C ! It pM w1 l;q (iEf ,sL! lifWrlllOr.
A%.* A.w1Mwt ta# sr/I f lk4% t1plwultal. bd 386lim.
. .... ii.
q1pw4 4.11M ^^
. iII Iwnl, plwR+.r. n% jok Gray.
48-*M4* N.wM. J... i ^ .. .
ilm- 1..N... .. .....^..+.
'04.10I0+44 N&
. dy fwryr. emwl aud sotd il Rnlrrtoad M 11A tc+ s!d
N Mll^r .M.^a - ...1 . .. ./uN M d kacrrmd

w. ^IMw ^1... a N^.- M k** + M w* au *%
.rU Ikaw& Irl-(:u lll^ re^ st r W^coa
. .^.r K . ^ ^ w .Ir^i ^ ^.^N^.
M ^1^ V. ^ 7
%.d .JL rw S^ 8 %Owww
Vf^AN h w r^t ^+WM^NIA
^ N^IMw. f... . ..
.u1 kwkr^l,, 1w4w1 l:,mlows Nrtrei Y. hm at Uafurd
'0 N Y t'.166. rll 4y '.., 1 - *N1r1 .W.
. v1 k/^wat, ,rrwwwp+ h t t fr+ s ta chi"
1 a. c.. ..

vN. y1.dw. Nlw.f 64o r ..N . .. . . ^, , ^Iwtr wF at hs^.c1. li.ies. ^.. ae, ut Mmww
! w M.n.w w.w,w 11..^.-++^ n 1N w.h.n
w^w 11.1. I.M sjr
41-4t. ---Ob 11.M wbMiN II11.1o
q.nq .^h k 4 y +MIM b iv. 4w N11M.+1^
11aM. 6^CiuwA1L ffl 186 l:tar
M. 44-4. -. 44."- .,.i^....
. e^fw T1Morre. Yr(leq ).dr 17610 rk lr,a, rr. kirbmowd.
I <,f,.r 1 ...n. 1:, r..Mx )am. VUk+. ra. j16 l:aY
.6M 11.m.+ M. 14a0 tu.A, b.f. Iow I:ral
^.,.I^l ..t...adM6 PAR ION
q "f.N
R rj, r. M w^, Iwtjut j+4 1 Jl.M J1 % le. rra .14 i 11 dl.
.0w wrw.^w.^ ^^MM.
M r r 11 ws It.R^w^a, ^+^,. tg Kn 4rrd

M11% *. *44 t< 10#46fr ow r
1i1 tti.rN uMmdu. brM4+ ) Ltihfft. lid..M

^ rwr+ .^r..r& t..1 1r ,.e u[r. M .^s %
t^ r,rN 1^w.W..MnIKr fn^.1w.tN It. r 1^
w 1%raA 1ai1re R, flreftfmw~ I. 1K k. f" J ! 1 larctN .

z M. fhws hMaet firMi ).am T).h7. n% 310 1 alllol.

M. 9,40q, 1 rMal Ir wra c^. ,ny %#J@ i%lil.
1! r%. , M, llwrww ^. w..w*rw-mwv. ffl tii ItwGp
M. r'aR.r " irM (I..oryt A Nsf's.nM1, en 04 1cbficld
^ V. w.a*rM heurl 1r4M*r1. #r. ,. c.r qv.losw a1M1 Yrtnlu.
i V. t%wr* It.rraw q~. N"ym+,A 114 1'lyt.a^ . tes S.T.- Vint
U x%.wm lA^M_ i4 -*. s;y Nad
i la- 1%.@* j4m bu +emimMl eu l.k VarbutA. 1n! o ('n1iet
19 t%rwm #MM fi, Mwr fw.,w. 11.tlary Naalk lSu.1d- Nil
^ 1s
,16 Nw*a OR k6utr (i t*-wwarl k, ('04 et Io Griffl
1 M 14,.wwe %ma",wt ilw#mr. f4 q4
M, f' .111" M+w 1Ra0 yti k h lir.lluwa " Ca! field
M ,wl/ W. f 4t. W* s g km b.oML
s M!^ 1 ^IINL ta~. M3r $bl Ilasar.
M ,,+wdo. ^st% lest y0L M. hs kwlmt
.r MMN .r woM liNM , +w "wR
r^. dur 4Mnr N?-. abtMom
1161lw+am+ 10or'. ttm wrnraw lk,m
Geo . D . Sutherland 1t o S . TURNER, ;~;; K - 8L . 8 ~~~ ~~` ~
MaC UrXtMr . .
cs :+_l McR L'IN It/l' . MA C
~- -- _----
0 \L.~ !wth Ilrhn, tkl .uty rler{ ot the Ct ldun . rr. .
\I - l : .i, A'csan/ict . lumLcr,lc.llcr . Ilunt tl , i kuhtnottd . re, fhc R14 hmund-
I .+,ndn South . ~\tattKth " l'ait -ut (Rock- .\ alaetseth nr. 4 ; : 1 :
~ \I, Rie luhn G -tu(icnt . titis .; . ;= K in,; ^ ~Lu cullul h, ~er ala . \Iit uI1,KU h
o \I, kay ('hn,tina . duntc,tic ,; ;y I .Ill,nt ~ 11 .u cU1lUUCh \1/11 . (Ici'. \l, l .,x+ K/ rl .1+ 1,~
~ \II I : .It >Lug :uct . dumcst~r z24 I runlla, . .~ \I .,1 drrtuid . scr als 1I, I ktruu i
bert, Alexander, Luttlcr Itiscl,h Bill ,n . l,d . _ Io Lura-ell. 40 \I .1/dcrnud Itilnald A t w holtcr Smith a l'ut. t : % g #M 1t admipsd
q\I+ I :,,Ixrt, \li,s I Inrcn/ L, t)d , : .;o l ;urx-ell . 11 .,cdnnnrll, we .Ihu % I kmna7 '1 .
\1, ,,wccn Iamc~, csciscrnan ('usturn I luu,c . re~ s c cr Kin , an d Q 1Ltt dunncll .Uea.tnder, Ixi. klayet, tes i 4 j tiaaa
cri Ilunt'rll . 1lartarf,utr, see Me I arlsnc.
\I,'l'a~rcrt K .ttc, Ilomcstic . 739 Ri, uir,nJ NLu tir, ,rv .It- \I- I Ic.
\I,'Iar crt lillic, tailores., Itdti _55 Simr+c . Q'J . 6: 1, . I ., f .\ lo . r" 63 A dy-.
z)Ic l'a% ish James. I,lalk,ntith I, (1 , I :tn ; ; .
! !; . 1, F.uNlte a~m, hd to 16016 r+a
,, \Ic'I :nish lanc, dtcs,tnuker, rus i3 3 I)unda%.
i- Narlir, 1 .111d A/ u . ic .t .rrt l' )la .a>,r. Win I u.l/ ntMn s
\Ir'l'acislt \lary clerk 'l' (' I :Idridgr . rc- , ;3 3 I)untla, .
tull,tn it hat . . calls, !un and +.tns gir ads. 55 tu tv Uaawdrw
c 111 \ can Ircdcrick, I,rakc,tn,tn C\1 R . I,cl ; 3- t 5 Gray . F\I o L, lit ,% Il au~lt, n ; w l t . ; ;, l .
\I, Vc,n Mary (Nid l'cter), rcc 395 (1'ra~ .
~I, \'c :tn l'ctcr, but/ hcr ; 3 3 I l+-rt,rn rc, aUtc . o -
11/ \ c :tn Pct~r, currier C S Ilytnln ,, Cu, rc, 33 1 H+atn For CUT of VANEOMO1fD 15 Woolea Mills ON IWOt!
E\Ic\C ;tltc : rr , t t I : .uhtir t . I11u,trattou ,
\laciccniia. ~ar alw il- k cttiic.
w Labatt's Prize Ale and Stout . Medals awarded at the Centennial, Aus- "' \I .u kcnitr Philip . bamwtrr, ;,j!i krchtnwrttr{ . nr+ I .nqdtttl tr
w tralian and Paris (France) Expositions . London Brewery, London, On t llal k .ty licnn 1/ otdt . laborrr . rrs ,I ;o Ittl l
o\Ial kcY I :% .1 H, must, tcalhrr . 1 4% s ; 6 k w hpwwld
r~i M \la, kcy t ie"rgr . clrrk \luntteal Itank . Irh sqo %1114tw
Malice I :cll :t . H-;titrctis Strunk,, Htrirl . v\lacley I . IJct{,, t~lc Ilawthorn s Hntel
-O ll.u .uthur, su e 11c.\rthur . "d \lal kct Mary twtd Thomas 111 trs 571. {Gchttslmd
El \Lu :uthur l:enneth, student . 1)d . ;r,ti t,uten'~ ate . \[a/ Lie ilenry k I) . studeot . Ild ;G ; Culhor te
in Mac arthur I ,(l*:dward, & \lacarthur), re, qGS asc 1Lu ktn 1nn Ir<idna i, lotis jyr 1latctl,a .
o Nlacaulay, >c' .,i,u Mc :\ulay. , I .,, I nncc,, .re al,,, \Ir I nsr.+ and %1/ t :unNle+w.
M\lacaulay uhn t .' . carlrcntrr, rts to_ L' .ttlrurst . Z \I .u 1 nnc, I rl,nald. Lltxrret, rea r o3 S 11 tllram.
llat-Ilcan :\lc\anller 1A & A 1lacltranl . laa, yz3 ktdout . 0 Mai Inness John . I,ds 1o3y W rllstue.
\IacBcurt .\n ;;tu ( :1 \ :1 \Iaclican) . Ili ()( .tllarhan 'l'etrace, Q , 0 Mat mt - lsh, +re al,u \Irlntnsh .
!' kidout . - \I .tt intlh . \Irxander G . turnkt) (' ountY Jtul. tes t6.4 Arta dd lj
m \I .u L+ean A & A ( :11e\ander and .\n,uq . I;roceries 399 'l'albot . \Iaclntyre, c als) \Iclntlr r
0 1 Nia( Bean ]lent y . clerk A A \lacl :can, lx9s OCallaghan "1'errace . \I .u Intyrc 10a% id . carriagcmakcr W Sap A(:o, tes a6 4 ktt
v >la/-Bk-
:in \rargaret (%vid .1ngu,), rus t_,; kitlout . \Lu Ktnnun John M, tes 13 : UtxKt.
> \Ia/ Lcth . .ro: ,tltio \1clSeth . \Iackltn Ficnry, j+,t,lwr in banhrupt strk+ . tea :j4 r tstcfwr
Il . l,cth .\nn laid (lcorgel, res q ; . Ihm,l. L\Iackhn ~lirs S . tcacher . \nderswt sejt<wd, bd-b t{t CLtenct
Di .trl,uth tit~ ruc, accuuntant \11"m . C .tnk . rus o \1 tterloo . \Lu I .eod, sec also \Icl .rcd.

a, - - -

m WALL PAPER . Lorelnt Asaurttuent and Lateat

atv'.e at 20 ic lhmrlas St . T. Herbert Marsh, t, ;~r,~ ~ c {,{

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