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Name Course Experience

1. How will you represent a straight line in a computer system and what are it's limitations?
2.The precision issues regarding floating variables like slope and intercept.
3. What is your strategy to handle two floating point numbers with infinitesimally small difference in value when it comes to checking if they
Mainak Bhattacharjee CSE are equal.
4. How do you find the first k largest numbers among a list of n unsorted numbers? Pros, cons and suitability of the different algorithms
applicable here and a bit of their mathematical basis.

My case was a bit different because I was looking to switch from Mechanical Engineering to Computer Science. So, the first few minutes of
the interview were focussed on why I wanted to switch. Then, they moved on to ask about the subjects I liked. I mentioned OS and
Algorithms. They choose to concentrate solely on Algorithms. They asked me to explain insertion sort, merge sort, quicksort, heap sort; the
complexity and stability of these; and why we need randomised quicksort. There were some questions on searching as well, but I don't
Sandip Nath Tiwari CSE
remember exactly what they were. Then they moved on to ask about DFA and NFA (pretty basic stuff here, though). They, then, asked me
which languages I knew (I said C/C++) and then proceeded to ask me how I would solve a certain problem in C (it was on finding the first
duplicate character in a string). They didn't ask me to write it down on paper. I only detailed my approach and they seemed satisfied. That's
My panel had 4 members. Started with my background, info on college and university. Asked me about the subjects I have best prepared...
told Algorithms and automata. They told me to change automata so I told them Maths.
Asked some questions on algorithms. One question I remember is: Modified Binary search where instead of comparing with the middle
element they were comparing with some element probabilistically determined and asked me to compare it with traditional Binary Search.
Chinmay Agarwal CSE Asked couple of permutation questions and a question on probability(They were not tough).
Then they discussed my B tech project but didn't ask much from it.
Then they asked me my Gate score and the reason why I am preferring Mtech over MS. Told them that I am not inclined towards research
and if I have interest then I can pursue Phd.
The interview spanned around 15 min in total.
#Questions on linked list like reversal of list, and other variations like cycle detection etc.
#What data structures will you use for simulating a DFA ?
Sandeepan Baidya CSE
#Some logical questions aptitude based.
#Explain a problem of competitive coding that you have solved and appreciated its wonderful solution.
questions were related to Dynamic programming(Longest Common Subsequence,Fibonacci ,Matrix chain multiplication),questions on my B.
Anupam Pandey CSE
Tech project & some job related questions as I was 2 yr experienced
Two professors took my interview.I was asked my favourite subject.
I said DB .Then i was asked some basic questions of DB.(Gate level )
Was asked a question about my project.Mine was interbranch project.He asked me how i can do it using Computer vision.I said i don't know.
They also asked my GATE rank.It was 6700.I told them i wasn't able to do that well..They said it's ok :)
Then i was asked to write a code.It was basic code.
I was asked few mathematical questions like graph of log x,3 sinx,sin3x.... (these questions are very prepare them).
Mansi singh CSE
Then one more DB question .
And at last they asked you want M tech CSE right?
I said yes :)

Few questions i answered wrong.So it's ok if u give wrong answers :)

It was 20-25 minutes long and was not that smooth. I made a Mini OS in my B.Tech final year, and the interview was entirely based on that
one project . Although I don't remember all the questions, but some of those were-
1. explain the procedure of booting
Diptam Ghosh CSE 2. how memory read/write is performed ? (They were not satisfied with my ans)
3. how memory management (paging) is implemented?
Apart from these, they asked 1 or 2 questions based on your resume and choices that I gave in my application.
Since I was switching from Manufacturing to CS I had to explain that. Apart from that I was questioned on the basics: polynomial
Saad khan CSE
multiplication, merge, quick sort, trees, matrix multiplication etc.
Overall the interview was quite short which left me uncertain.
Damodar Pai Dukle CSE The professor's asked about why I wanted to pursue MTech at IIITH, then based on my project they asked me to explain K-Means clustering
and it's algorithmic complexity. After which some basics in Linear Algebra and 2D-geometry
They went through my resume and asked about my favourite subjects. I said DB and OS . Then they gave me some basic queries like find
name of the employee with second highest salary etc . And asked some general dbms questions which you will be able to answer with your
gate preparation. As such no question on OS because my panel's faculty was of dbms . Then they asked about datastructures .So I said link-
list and stacks and basics of tree . So they told me that now we will ask questions from graph . As I was not able to answer the graph
Saniya Sharma CSE
questions because they were implementation based , they switched to link-list . They told me to write a program to check whether the link-list
is palindrome or not . And few questions on trees which I donot remember now. The main thing is that even if you donot get the logic , just
discuss the logic that comes to your mind because that also makes a difference.
Best of luck :-)
I have 2 yrs of work experience so the interview was around it and then I was asked few DB concepts like how data is stored and index
Rupali Aher CSE storing methods. Those were very easy questions and few other questions were on encoding methods. Overall the iterview was short and
I was asked about my project , basically explain the topic I chose for project and the algorithms I implemented. Then I was asked about my
favourite subjects, to which I answered Algorithms , DS and OS.
I do not remember much but the questions were as follows:
1. Given a list of only 0s and 1s, how would you sort them.
My Ans: Partition algorithm

2. Given two process and infinite memory, do you need memory management?
Pulkit Bansal CSE
My Ans: No.(expalnation was not asked)

3. Given one process and finite memory, do you need memory management?
My Ans: Yes.(expalnation was not asked)

There was a question ( which I do not remember ) to which I clearly said "I do not know". It is always better to say this than make wild
My interview was based on past experiences as I was preparing for civil services earlier and later worked in a public sector bank as an IT
officer. I told them data structures and algorithms were my interests. I was asked which data structures were used in banking industry and
other questions which can assess me whether I really have interest to pursue MTech/MS Research. I was asked what is the motivation for
doing research. Probably, I couldn't give satisfactory answer to them. Another question related to security related one as I applied MTech
CSIS as well. Answer to this couldn't please them either. There came the final test, I was asked to explain AVL trees, as one of my interests
Adithya Avvaru CSE was data structures. I explained properly with pen and paper, took random numbers, inserted into the tree with all the steps showing balance
in the tree at every node for every insertion. I was very much pleased by my explanation, so were the interviewers. Earlier to this AVL trees, I
couldn't explain anything properly. I believe no matter when you completed BE/B.Tech, what matters is how impressed are the interviewers.
That one question of AVL tree paved the way for me to get into IIITH. My suggestion to the aspirants is to be confident, one question may
change your future in spite of bad performance in GATE, B.Tech. Do well in entrance exam and be confident in interview. That's it, YOU are
in IIITH.. All the best.

Which college are u from?
What were ur last sem subjects?
Tell us about favourite subjects. i said OS n DB
Den they asked about normalization. What is normalization n different types of it?
Then they asked about data structures. How will you implement stack using queue n viceversa?
Then it was related to OS
Nikita Wani CSE
How will you ensure synchronization n why would you?
What is mutual exclusion?
Baker's algorithm?
Which scheduling algo is best if you know all the parameters beforehand?(ans:sjf)

I am 2015 pass out and have 1 year of experience from Infosys as an educator.
My interview starts with that 1 year after graduation(What I did in that 1 year).
So I told them that I am an educator in infosys( Mysore campus). They amused with that. So I told that I tought Java.
So here is my first question :
1)What is the difference between c++ and Java?
Then they asked
2) what are the other things apart from object oriented?

After that they come to my subject knowledge.

They asked to tell subject of interest.
I told them about OS.
Then the question was.
3) What are CPU Scheduling and type of CPU scheduling technique.
vikas raghuwanshi CSE
I start explaining each technique.
then counter question comes on Round Robin,
4) What is the data structure used in round robin?
I replied queue.
5) Which queue?
then discussion on types of queue can be used (not any specific queue).
In the end they asked a question of P&C
6) There is a series of game among two players, now I have to find no of ways A person can win the series.Winning rules is if a player win
total 3 matches or win continuous 2 matches, it will win the series.

Note: 1) They did not asked about college project.

2) Do not write lie in your C.V.

Best of luck
Technical Questions:
1) How to calculate shortest path in a graph.
2) Explain Dijkstra's Algorithm
3) Write down the dynamic equation to solve 0/1-Knapsack
4) You are given 3 electric switches, and a bulb. The bulb light's up with a particular combination of of the state of the switches.(eg. SW1 =
ON, SW2 = OFF and SW3 = ON). you have to give an algorithm to sole the above problem.
Mohammad Ishan Rayeen CSE
Mathematical Questions:
Draw graph of:
1) y = x
2) y = log(x)
3) y = e^x
4) y = e^(-2x)
Mohammed ujjainwala CSE Admissibility of A* algorithm, Barbers paradox of set theory
It was a 10 min interview, they didn't even asked me about my favourite subjects.
-> Just a question on linked lists. (Reversing a doubly Linked list)
-> A question on Memory Organisation. They asked me how do you know that integer is 2 bytes, I told it is compiler dependent.
Turbo C it is 2 Bytes , GCC it is 4 bytes. I have used the sizeOf() operator and all....
-> Then they asked me how much big code you have written.
I Told it as 1700 lines of code.... I told I have worked with APIs, JSON etc

Dhawnit Khurana CSE My Advice :

-> Be confident, don't compare your interview with others. In my panel they asked everyone about the favourite subjects, but not me. I just
came out in 10 minutes.
-> If you can't explain something by words, then try explaining them with a pen and a paper.
-> Gate Score will never have an impact on the Interview although sometimes it would be a plus point. Mine was very low, Still i got selected.
-> At the end it's your luck that matters on that day. Give your 100% and don't worry about the result.


my interview mainly revolved around OS,btech project and data structure... they can ask any random stuff... what matters is how good you
Anandita CSE
know what you claim ..u knw! nd prepare well 2-3 subjects as they ask what are your fav subjects... all the bst!

I reached the venue 9:00 am . After initial introduction about the institue,prospects,achievements, we were briefed about the interview
Approx. 250 students from all the streams were called on that day.Students were split into 8 panels based on the stream prefrences.
There were 4 panels for CSE/CSIS stream.
Each panel interviewed around 30 students.
After a long exausting wait,finally I was called for interview at 7.00 pm.
I had prepared well for Automata Theory as favourite subject. Data structures as a second subject.
There were 4 interviewers.(2 of which were active.)
Interviewer 4:Asked for resume.Just scanned through the achievements.
Interviewer 3:You have (X) percentage in 10th. Why did you get so low in 12th.
Me:Sir,I have not done 12th. I have done Diploma.
Interviewer 3:Oh!So you got lateral admission for degree.
Me :Yes.
Interviewer 3:You are from IT. How will you survive CSE ?
Me: I have done diploma in CSE. I have also given GATE in CSE.I always wanted to do CSE.(I was told by my friend to somehow tell my gate
since it was decent.)
Interviewer 3:What is your gate score?
Me: 743
Interviewer 3:Gate rank?
Me: xxx
Interviewer 3:Why do you want to join IIIT?
Me:(Was about to say something stupid:PLACEMENTS,swallowed the thought).I would have a great learning experience here.Heard a lot
about college.
Interviewer 3:Why don't you do MS?
Me:(well prepared answer).Sir, I dont think I am ready to do research right now.I dont have enough knowledge.I may consider it later.
Interviewer 4:Why dont you do right now?
Me: Sir, I want to explore more before going in depth.
Interviewer 3:Have you even filled option for MS?
Interviewer 4:(Sarcastically) He has filled 3rd option.
Varun CSE
Interviewer 3:If you were to do MS which subject would you choose?
Me:I dont know,Automata theory maybe.
Interviewer 3:Apart from that.
Me:Data Structures and Algorithms.
Interviewer 3:Which data structures you know?
Me: Sorting.(facepalm)
Interviewer 3:Which sorting you know?
Me:Bucket,Merge,counting blah blah blah...
Interviewer 3:What is complexity for counting?
Interviewer 3:Derive it .
Interviewer 3:Which is best sorting?
Me:When input is random...merge.
Interviewer 3:Are you sure ?
Interviewer 3:Have you heard about quick sort?
Me: yes !but not good for all inputs
Interviewer 3:Gave a scenario for quick and asked to derive complexity.
Interviewer 4:You know functions?
Me:Many to one relationship..(elaborated a little)
Interviewer 3:Asked equation of circle(somehow tricked me to say circle is not function by using my defination)..
Interviewer 4:Ok!If you have an electron gun..and want to draw circle on the screen..(electron gun can plot only one point at a time)...How will
you do it?
Me: (Thought a while)I am not very sure, but i think ,this can be done by using polar coordinates..(a bit of guess)
Interviewer 4:Can you write equation for same?
Interviewer 4:Done
Interview went for 25-30 mins..
It went quite well and I had positive feeling after leaving :)
All the best!!!
The interview was full of open ended questions. Was asked on a broad range of topics covering information security, information retrieval and
Nagaraj CSE
extraction, theory of computation, and data structures. What you write on your resume/C.V matters as they picked up topics from that.
As I was dropper so my first question in interview was "What I was doing for that 1 year" (for this think for a better answer other then just
Piyush Shrivastava CSE preparing for GATE). They asked me for subject I prepared, I said Database, then I was asked to explain all normalisation on board which I
did, next que was about B-tree and other sorting technique, my last que was a simple Math's que (f(x,y)=f(x)+f(y) identify the function).
Most of the part of my interview was on my B.Tech project which was on image processing field ,as one of the professor was from same field.
He asked me the flow of project and how I implemented some of the methods.I was able to answer well on these questions. So revise your
project work.After that there was one question on maths something on Euler's formula which I did not know completely so I told whatever I
Yojana Birje CSE
knew about it.Then other professor gave me two equations and asked me to find out base of that number system without using any method (i.
e to predict base ). Then there was one simple question on functions and relations and one on database functions and thats all.So even if
you don't know the answer completely tell them your approach and they will give you hints. All the best !
Firstly I was asked one question related to linked list, it was simple one. Then my complete interview revolved around my btech project. They
asked all the theoritical concepts related to the project. Even I was asked to write ne central algorithm which I had implemented in my project
and then asked questions related to how I can further optimize it and improve it. Then another interviewer asked one simple problem based
on probability.
1. Most of the questions related to the final year project(Final year project was related to information security) 2. A few questions from
Ravi Prakash CSIS
company work experience. 3. I was told to write a simple program. 4. Interview lasted 5-7 minutes
For written entrance test:
Gate preparations where enough to crack written test. Make sure to manage time properly during test.
Topics: Discrete Mathematics, Quants and verbal, DS, Algorithms, OS and Networks

Questions asked during Interview:

Non Technical Questions:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Why did you give Gate exam ?
Ashwin P CSIS
3. Why did you apply for IIIT H even though we don't consider Gate score ?
Technical Questions:
1. KMP (sub-string search) algorithm explanation by taking a example
2. What are routers and routing algorithms (Most of my interview time was on this)
3. Which Data structures can be used and pros & cons in Routers (routing tables)
4. Explain any shortest path algorithm
5. Do you know how Google navigation works
6. Code to delete and insert a node in linked list

After clearing the written exam for IIIT Hyd , I was trying to prepare for interview and like everyone else I joined facebook group i.e, IIITH-
PGEE , seniors were really helpful and responsive .
My advice to people preparing for IIIT Hyd is revise all basic concepts which are part of GATE syllabus , go through the projects which you
have done in your undergraduate course.
In interview , most of the questions were asked from algorithms and programming languages.Some of the non technical questions were as
1.Introduce yourself
2.Why you applied for IIIT Hyderabad?
Sachin Lomte CSIS
Techincal question:
1.calculate time complexity for ternary search.
2.Which cryptographic scheme do you know ? Is there any way to crack it?
3.pseudocode for quicksort. explain the code.

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