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State Control of Individuals - 1) demands loyalty. 2) denics basic liberties. 3)

expects personal sacrifice for the good of the state.

Method of Enforcement - 1) police terror. 2) indoctrination. 3) censorship. 4)


Modern Technology - 1) mass communication to spread propaganda. 2) advance

military weapons.

State Control of Society - 1) business. 2) labor. 3) housing. 4) education.

Dictatorship and One-Party Rule - 1) exercise absolute authority. 2) dominates the


Dynamic Leader - 1) unites people. 2) symbolizes government. 3) encourages

popular support through force of will.

Ideology - 1) sets goals of the state. 2) glorified aims of the state. 3) glorified


Fear of Totalitarianism (Book 1984)

George Orwell illustrated the horrors of a totalitarian government in his novel, 1984. The

novel depicts a world in which personal freedom and privacy have vanished. It is a world
made possible through modern technology. Even citizens homes have television cameras

that constantly survey their behaviour.

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