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Shlomo Dubnov

Music Department
Spectral Anticipations
University of California at San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92037-0326 USA

This article deals with relations between random- profile. This approach considers dynamic properties
ness and structure in audio and musical sounds. of signals in terms of an anticipation property, which
Randomness, in the casual sense, refers to some- is shown to be significant for discrimination of noise
thing that has an element of variation or surprise in versus structure and the characterization and anal-
it, whereas structure refers to something more pre- ysis of complex signals. Mathematically, this is for-
dictable, rule-based, or even deterministic. When malized in terms of measuring the reduction in the
dealing with noise, which is the purest type of uncertainty about the signal that is achieved when
randomness, one usually adopts the canonical phys- anticipations are formed by the listener.
ical or engineering definition of noise as a signal Considering anticipation as a characteristic of a
with a white spectrum (i.e., composed of equal or signal involves a different approach to the analysis
almost-equal energies in all frequencies). This of audio and musical signals. In our approach, the
seems to imply that noise is a complex phenome- signal is no longer considered to be characterized
non simply because it contains many frequency according to its features or descriptors alone, but its
components. (Mathematically, to qualify as random characterization takes into account also an observer
or stochastic process, the density of the frequency that operates intelligently on the signal, so that both
components must be such that the signal would the information source (the signal) and a listener
have a continuous spectrum, whereas periodic com- (information sink) are included as parts of one model.
ponents would be spectral lines or delta functions.) This approach fits very well into an information
In contradiction to this reasoning stands the fact theoretic framework, where it becomes a characteri-
that, to our perception, noise is a rather simple sig- zation of a communication process over a time-
nal, and in terms of its musical use, it does not al- channel between the music (present time of the
low much structural manipulation or organization. acoustic signal) and a listener (a system that has
Musical notes or other repeating or periodic acous- memory and prediction capabilities based on a sig-
tic components in music are closer to being deter- nals past). The amount of structure is equated to
ministic and could be considered as structure. the amount of information that is transmitted or
However, complex musical signals, such as poly- transferred from a signals past into the present,
phonic or orchestral music that contain simultane- which depends both on the nature of the signal and
ous contributions from multiple instrumental the nature of the listening system.
sources, often have a spectrum so dense that it This formulation introduces several important
seems to approach a noise-like spectrum. In such advantages. First, it resolves certain paradoxes re-
situations, the ability to determine the structure of lated to the use of information theoretic concepts in
the signal cannot be revealed by looking at signal music. Specifically, it corrects the nave equation of
spectrum alone. Therefore, the physical definition entropy (or uncertainty) to the amount of interest
of noise as a signal with a smooth or approximately present in the signal. Instead, we are considering the
continuous spectrum seems to obscure other signif- relative reduction in uncertainty caused by predic-
icant properties of signals versus noise, such as tion/anticipation. Additionally, the measure has the
whether a given signal has temporal structurein desired inverted-U function behavior that charac-
other words, whether the signal can be predicted. terizes both signals that are either nearly constant
The article presents a novel approach to (auto- and signals that are highly random as signals that
matic) analysis of music based on an anticipation have little structure. In both cases, the reduction in
uncertainty owing to prediction is small. In the first
Computer Music Journal, 30:2, pp. 6383, Summer 2006 case, this is caused by the small amount of variation
2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. in the signal to start with, whereas in the second

Dubnov 63
case, there is little reduction in uncertainty, be- Our Model
cause prediction has little or no effect. Finally, this
formulation also clarifies the difference between Our model of signal structure considers musical or
determinism and predictability. Signals that have audio material as an information source, which is
deterministic dynamics (such as certain chaotic sig- communicated over time to a listener (either hu-
nals) might have varying degrees of predictability, man or machine). The amount of information
depending on the precision of the measurement or transmitted through this communication process
exact knowledge of their past. A listener, or any depends on the nature of the signal and the listener.
practical prediction system, must have some uncer- The listener makes predictions and forms expecta-
tainty about its past, and this uncertainty grows tions; the music source generates new samples. Ac-
when trying to predict the future, even in case of a cordingly, we define structure to be the aspect of
deterministic system. musical material that the listener can predict, and
The ideas in the article are presented starting noise or randomness as what the listener would
from a background of information theory and basis consider as an unpredictable flow of data.
decomposition, followed by the idea of a vector ap-
proach to the anticipation measurement, and con-
cluding with some higher-level reflections on its Information, Entropy, Mutual Information, and
meaning for complex musical signals. The presen- Information Rate
tation takes several approaches: an engineering or
signal-processing approach, in which notions of When a sequence of symbols, such as text, music,
structure are related to basic questions about signal images, or even genetic codes are considered from
representation; an audio information-retrieval ap- an information theoretic point of view, it is as-
proach, in which the ideas are applied for characteri- sumed that the specific data is a result of produc-
zation of natural sounds; and a musical analysis tion by an information source. The concept of the
approach, in which time-varying analysis of musi- information source allows description of many dif-
cal recordings is used to create an anticipation pro- ferent sequences by a single statistical model with a
file that describes their structures. This last aspect given probability distribution. The idea of looking
has interesting possibilities for exploring relation- at a source, rather than a particular sequence, char-
ships among signal measurements and human cog- acterizes which types of sequences are probable and
nitive judgments of music, such as emotional force. which are notin other words, what data is more
The main contribution of our model is in the vec- likely to appear. Information theory also teaches
tor approach, which generalizes notions of anticipa- that, in the long run, some sequences become
tion for the case of complex, multi-component typical of the source, while others might turn very
musical signals. This measure uses concepts from improbable or so rare that they would, in practice,
principle components analysis (PCA) and indepen- never occur.
dent components analysis (ICA) to find a suitable The logarithm of the relative size of the typical
geometric representation of a monaural audio set (log of the number of typical sequences divided
recording in a higher-dimensional feature space. by log of number of all possible sequences of the
This pre-processing creates a representation that al- same length) is called entropy, and it is considered
lows estimating the anticipation of a complex sig- as the characteristic amount of uncertainty inher-
nal from the sum of anticipations of its individual ent to the source. The larger the typical set, the
components. Accordingly, the term complex signal higher the uncertainty, and vice versa. For instance,
used throughout this article describes the multi- a biased coin that falls mostly on heads will pro-
component nature of a single-channel recording and duce sequences whose empirical average approaches
should not be confused with multiple-channel the statistical mean, which comprises only a small
recordings. fraction of all possible sequences of heads and

64 Computer Music Journal

Figure 1. Entropies H() for
separate variables x and y
and the pair (x,y), condi-
tional entropies H(x|y) and
H(y|x), and mutual infor-
mation I(x,y).

Denote by H(x) = P(x)log P(x) the entropy of vari-

able x (a source that has probability P(x)). This is de-
picted by the left (gray) circle in Figure 1; H(y) is the
right (dotted) circle of variable y; and H(x,y) depicts
the outer contour of both sources together. The con-
ditional entropy H(x|y) depicts the uncertainty
about x if y is known (and vice versa for H(y|x)). The
function I(x,y) is the cross-section (grid) that indi-
cates how much overlap in uncertainty occurs be-
tween x and y, that is, how much information one
variable carries about the other. In extreme cases, if
the two sources are independent, the two circles
will have no overlap, and I(x,y)=0, accordingly. If x
tails. In such a case, the proportion of the size of and y are exactly equivalent (i.e., knowing x is
the typical set (i.e., a set comprising mostly heads) equivalent to knowing y), the two circles then will
relative to the number of all possible sequences (the completely overlap each other, and I(x,y) = H(x) =
number two, raised to the power of the number of H(y) = H(x,y). The conditional entropy in such a
coin flips we performed) is low, and the source will case is zero, because knowledge of one variable
be considered to have little entropy or little uncer- completely describes the other, leaving no condi-
tainty. More equally distributed sources (such as tional uncertainty (i.e., H(x|y) = H(y|x) = 0). Mathe-
multiple flips of a fair coin) will have a larger typical matically, the above relations have simple algebraic
set and high uncertainly. expressions that are directly related to the marginal
When information theory is used to describe a distributions P(x), P(y), and their common distribu-
single information source, the concepts of entropy tion P(x,y).
have direct relation to the coding size or compres-
sion lower bounds for that source. What is more in- I(X ,Y ) = H(X) H(X | Y ) = H(Y ) H(Y | X)
teresting for our case is the aspect of information (1)
P(x, y)
theory that deals with information channels, or the = H(X) + H(Y ) H(X ,Y ) = P(x, y) log
relationship between the information source and
the information sink. In a physical communication
channel, the source could be the voice of a person Information Rate and Anticipation as Capacity of
on one end of a phone line, the sink would be the a Time-Channel
voice emerging form the other end, and the channel
noise would be the actual distortion caused to the As we explained, mutual information is commonly
source voice during the transmission process. Both used for theoretical characterization of the amount
signals are ideally similar, but not identical. The of information transmitted over a communication
uncertainty about what was transmitted, remaining channel (see Figure 2). For our purposes, we will
after we have received the signal, is characteristic consider a particular type of channel that is differ-
of the channel. This notion is mathematically de- ent from a standard communication model in two
scribed using mutual information, which is de- important aspects. First, the channel is a time chan-
fined as the difference between entropy of the nel and not a physical transmission channel. The
source and conditional entropy between the source input to the channel is the history of the signal up
and the sink. If we consider source and sink as two to the current point in time, and the output is its
random variables x and y, mutual information de- next (present) sample. Second, the receiver must ap-
scribes the cross-section between their entropies, as ply some algorithms to predict the current sample
shown in Figure 1. from its past samples. The information at the sink y

Dubnov 65
Figure 2. Information
source, channel, and re-

H(x), resulting in an overall small IR. High-IR sig-

nals have large differences between their uncer-
tainty without prediction H(x) versus the remaining
uncertainty after prediction H(x | past of x). As men-
tioned in the Introduction, one of the advantages of
consists of the signal history x1, x2, . . . , xn1 avail- IR is that in the IR sense, both constant and com-
able to the receiver prior to its receiving or hearing pletely random signals carry little information.
xn. The transmission process over a noisy channel
now has the interpretation of prediction/anticipa-
Example Case 2: The Relative Meaning of Noise
tion performance over time. The amount of mutual
information depends on the surprise that the Let us consider a situation in which two systems at-
time-channel introduces to the next sample versus tempt to form expectations about the same data.
the ability of the listener to predict this surprise. One system has a correct model, which allows good
This notion of information transmission over predictions for the next symbol. In the case when
time-channel is captured by the information rate the uncertainty about the signal is large but the re-
(IR, also called the scalar-IR). This is defined as the maining uncertainty after prediction is small, the
relative reduction of uncertainty of the present system manages to reveal the signals structure and
when considering the past, which equals to the achieves its information-processing task, resulting
amount of mutual information carried between the in high IR.
past xpast = {x1, x2, . . . , xn1} and the present xn. It can Let us consider a second system that does not
be shown using appropriate definitions of informa- have the capability of making correct predictions. In
tion for multiple variables, called multi-information, such a case, the quality of prediction, which can be
that the information rate equals the difference be- measured by the number of bits needed to code the
tween the multi-information contained in the vari- next symbol, remains almost equal to the amount
ables x1, x2, . . . , xn and x1, x2, . . . , xn1 (i.e., the of bits required for coding the original signal with-
amount of additional information that is added out prediction. In such a case, the discrepancy be-
when one more sample of the process is observed): tween the two coding lengths is zero, and no
information reduction was achieved by the system,
!(x1, x2,..., xn) = H(xn) H(xn | xpast) = I(xn, xpast) resulting in a low IR.
= I(x1, x2,..., xn) I(x1, x2,..., xn1)
Example Case 3: Signal Characterization
One can interpret IR as the amount of informa-
tion that a signal carries into its future. This is The previous discussion suggests that the IR is de-
quantitatively measured by the number of bits that pendent on the nature of the information-processing
are needed to describe the next event once anticipa- system as well as the type of signal. Only in the case
tion or prediction based on the past has occurred. of an ideal system that has access to complete sig-
Let us now discuss the significance of IR for the de- nal statistics does the IR become a characterization
lineation of structure and noise for several example of the signal alone, independent of the information-
cases. processing system.

Example Case 1: Inverted-U Function for the Example Case 4: Determinism Versus
Amount of Structure Predictability
A purely random signal cannot be predicted and An interesting application of IR is characterization
thus has the same uncertainty before and after pre- of chaotic processes. Considering for instance a lo-
diction, resulting in zero IR. An almost constant gistic map x(n + 1) = ax(n)(1 x(n)), it is evident that
signal, on the other hand, has a small uncertainty knowledge of x(n) provides complete information

66 Computer Music Journal

for prediction of x(n + 1). A closer look at the prob- recording from a jungle. The figure shows the IR
lem reveals that if the precision of measuring x(n) measure plotted on top of the signal spectrogram.
is limited, the measurement error increases with (The values of IR were scaled so that it would dis-
time. For a = 4 (chaos), the error approximately dou- play conveniently on top of the spectrogram.) It can
bles every step, increasing the uncertainty by factor be seen that signal segments that contain flat spec-
two, which amounts to a loss of one bit of informa- trum (either silences or bursts of high-bandwidth
tion. This example shows that even complete noise) correspond to low IR, and segments that con-
knowledge of system dynamics might not suffice to tain harmonic or narrow-band noise have higher IR.
make perfect predictions and that IR is dependent It should be noted that this example contains
on the nature of measurement as well. sounds of mostly pitched bird singing alternating
with noisy bird cries, which is a segmentation
type of processing that can be performed using
Example Case 5: Equivalence of Scalar-IR to
scalar-IR. In the next example, we will introduce
Spectral Flatness Measure
the concept of vector-IR and consider a complex sit-
The spectral flatness measure (SFM; Jayant and uation of simultaneously mixed periodic and noisy
Noll 1984) is a well-known method for evaluating signals.
the distance of a process from white noise (see
Appendix). It is also widely used as a measure for
compressibility of a process, as well as an impor- Extension of IR for Multivariate (Vector) Process
tant feature for sound classification (Allamanche et
al. 2001). Given a signal with power spectrum S(w), In the case of complex signals, such as those com-
the SFM is defined as prising several components, or described by se-
quences of spectral descriptors, or sequences of
1 " feature vectors, we must consider new type of IR
exp 1nS()d
2" " that would be appropriate for dealing with a se-
SFM = (3) quence of multiple variables described as vectors in
1 "
2" "
a higher-dimensional space. We will discuss such
representations in the context of audio basis and
and it is positive and less than or equal to one. It has geometric signal representation in the next section.
a value of unity for a white-noise signal. Using capital-letter notation for vector variables,
For large n, IR equals the difference between the we denote a sequence of vectors by X1X2 . . . XL and
marginal entropy and entropy rate of the sequence generalize the IR definition (to be called vector-IR) as
or signal x(n), r(x) = limn r(x1, . . . , xn) = H(x)
Hr(x), where the entropy rate is the limit of condi- !(X1, X2,..., XL) = I(X1, X2,..., XL)
tional entropy for large n, Hr(x) = limn H(xn | x1, (6)
x2, . . . , xn1). Using expressions for the entropy and {I(X1, X2,..., XL1) + I(XL)}
entropy rate of Gaussian process, one arrives at the
following relation (Dubnov 2004): The new definition of multivariate information
rate represents the difference in information over L
SFM(x) = exp(2!(x)) (4)
consecutive vectors minus the sum of information
Equivalently, one can express IR as a function of in the first L1 vectors and the multi-information
SFM: between the components within the last vector XL.
Let us assume that some transformation T exists,
!(x) = log(SFM(x)) (5) such that S = TX and the components S1S2 . . . SL
2 after transformation are statistically independent.
Figure 3 shows the close relationship between Using relations between entropies of a linear trans-
spectral flatness and the IR measure for a nature formation of random vectors, it can be shown (Dub-

Dubnov 67
Figure 3. Signal-IR plotted
on top of the signal spec-
trogram. See text for more

nov 2003) that IR may be calculated as a sum of IRs X1 = [x1, x2,..., xn]T , X2 = [xn+1, xn+2,..., x2n]T ,..., X1
of the individual components, si(n), i = 1 . . . n, (8)
= [x(i 1)n+1, x(i 1)n+2,..., xin]T
!L(X1, X2,..., XL) = !(si(i),..., si(L)) (7)
i =1
Concatenating L signal segments into a matrix X =
The vector-IR generalization allows identification [X1X2 . . . XL], SVD provides a decomposition X =
of the structural elements of the signal as the com- UV T, which gives the n basis vectors in columns
ponents with high scalar-IR. of the U matrix (orthogonal n dimensional vectors),
a diagonal matrix that gives the n variances of the
coefficients, and the first n rows of the matrix V T
Example: Vector-IR Analysis of Mixed Sinusoidal
that give the normalized expansion coefficients in
and Noise Components
this space.
Given a sinusoidal signal s(t) = sin(wt + ) and a Figure 4 shows the results of applying SVD to the
white-noise signal n(t), we consider the case of a sinusoidal and noise signal. The first two basis vec-
mixed sinusoidal and noise signal x(t) = s(t) + n(t). tors are the two quadrature sinusoidal components.
For this signal, we may find separate signal and The remaining basis vectors are the noise compo-
noise spaces using singular value decomposition nents. Figure 5 shows the corresponding expansion
(SVD) using signal representation as a sequence of coefficients.
frames containing consecutive signal samples We apply scalar-IR analysis to the first n rows of

68 Computer Music Journal

Figure 4. Four basis vectors Figure 5. Expansion coeffi-
(shown as rows) obtained cients that correspond to
by SVD. the basis vectors of Figure 4.

the matrix V T using the SFM method of scalar-IR Table 1. Scalar-IR and Vector-IR Values for the Ex-
estimation. The sum of the scalar-IRs yields the ample Sinusoidal Component, Noise Component,
vector-IR. These estimates were compared to the and Combined Sines+Noise Signal
scalar-IR of the individual sinusoidal and noise sig-
Sinusoid Noise Sines+Noise
nals and their sum signal. In Table 1 in the paren-
theses, we show the value of SFM for these signals, Scalar-IR (SFM) 6.31 (3 10 ) 8.7e-5 (0.99) 0.16 (0.72)

which is bounded between zero and one, making it Vector-IR (SFM) 8.18 (7 108) 0.21 (0.657) 2.44 (0.007)
somewhat easier to consider these values as a mea-
sure of the amount of structure. To read the SFM val-
ues, one should recall that SFM values close to one product of the SFMs of the individual sinusoid or
indicate noise and values near zero indicate structure. noise signals).
In the case of vector-IR, the SFM value is actually the These results show that the amount of structure
generalized-SFM, which is a result of summing the revealed by vector-IR (or generalized-SFM) for the
individual scalar-IRs and transforming the resulting sines+noise signal is significantly higher (and SFM
vector-IR back to SFM. We use the relationship lower) than the structure estimated by scalar-IR on
the sum signal. It should also be noted that vector-IR
generalizedSFM = e2 vectorIR (9) estimation of noise components is imperfect, result-
ing in nonzero values. In general, there seems to be a
which also equals the product of the individual col- tradeoff between the precision of estimation of struc-
umn SFMs. So, in principle, presence of a strong tured and noise components using the SFM proce-
structural element (i.e., SFM close to zero) makes dure. Using low-resolution spectral analysis in SFM
the generalized SFM small, indicating structure. estimation allows better averaging and improved es-
This depends of course on the ability of SVD to sep- timation of the noise spectrum. This comes at the
arate the structural components (in practice, the expense of poorer estimation of peaked or spectrally
SVD of the sines+noise signal contained some errors structured components. Using high-resolution spec-
in the structural components that it found, result- tral estimate causes better resolution of the spectral
ing in a higher generalized-SFM than the theoretical peaks, but creates a bias towards structured results.

Dubnov 69
Figure 6. Geometrical sig-
nal representation consist-
ing of a transform
operation followed by
data reduction.

Audio Basis Representation

A common representation of audio results from
transforming the time signal into the spectral do-
main using the Short-Time Fourier Transform
(STFT). This processing is performed by applying
the Fourier Transform to blocks of audio samples form of the signal C = F1 {log(| F {x(n)} |)}. One of the
using a sliding-window that extracts short signal great advantages of the cepstrum is its ability to
segments (also called frames) from the audio capture different details of signal spectrum in one
stream. It should be noted that each frame could representation. For instance, the energy of the sig-
be mathematically considered as a vector in a high- nal corresponds to first cepstral coefficient. Lower
dimensional space. This approach can be general- cepstral coefficients capture the shape of the spec-
ized using additional types of transforms such as tral envelope or represent its smooth, gross spectral
various types of filter banks, cepstral analysis, or details. Detailed spectral variations such as spectral
auditory models, giving different types of features peaks corresponding to pitch (the actual notes
that might be better adapted to the specific pro- played) or other long-term signal correlations ap-
cessing task. pear in the higher cepstral coefficients. Selecting
part of the cepstrum allows easy control over the
type of spectral information that we submit to the
Spectral Audio Basis IR analysis.
Clever choice of the transformation carries sev-
When considering audio representations, a balanced eral advantages, such as energy compaction (com-
tradeoff between reducing the dimensionality of pression by retaining the high-variance coefficients),
data and retaining maximum information content noise reduction (projection onto separate signal and
must be achieved. For these reasons, various re- noise spaces), and improved recognition (finding
searchers and standards (Casey 2001; Lewicki 2002; salient features). The basic idea is that a signal of
Kim, Moreau, and Sikora 2004) have proposed fea- interest can be represented by linear combination
ture extraction methods based on the projection of of a few strong components (basis functions). The
the transformed frames of the spectrum into a low- rest of the signal (parts that contain noise, interfer-
dimensional representation using carefully selected ence, etc.) are assumed to reside in a different sub-
basis functions. A scheme of such a feature- space and are ideally weak and approximately of
extraction system is described in Figure 6. To assure equal energy.
independence between the transform coefficients There are several methods for estimation of low-
for purpose of vector-IR analysis, additional statisti- rank models, such as Eigen-spectral analysis and
cal procedures must be applied to the different singular value decomposition (SVD), PCA (also
transform coefficients (or in the case of the STFT, known as the Karhunen-Loeve Transform, or KLT),
different frequency channels). and ICA. For each model, we begin by assuming
Although Fourier channels are asymptotically in- that the measurements are collected into frames of
dependent, short-term statistics of different spectral n samples each, thus consisting a vector x. The
channels may have significant cross-correlations. model is written as
This dependence can be effectively removed using
X = AS + N (10)
various methods that are described in the following
section. Another common representation of spectral where X are the actual measurements, S are the ex-
contents of audio signals is by means of cepstral co- pansion coefficients (sometimes also considered as
efficients (Oppenheim and Schafer 1989). The cep- the separate source components), A is an array of
strum is defined as the inverse Fourier transform of basis vectors, and N is an additive noise indepen-
a logarithm of the absolute value of Fourier trans- dent of S. Written explicitly, the former equation

70 Computer Music Journal

Figure 7. Anticipation al-
gorithm flowchart.

represents X as a combination of basis vectors that

are the columns of A
__ __ __
x1 [a1 a2 ... am] s1 n1
x M n (11)
2 = + 2
M sm M
xn nn
In our case, we are interested, in addition to the
compaction or the noise removal property, in the
independence of expansion coefficients S to allow
estimation of vector-IR. This can be achieved by
means of PCA for the case of a Gaussian multivari-
ate process. It causes the components to be un-
correlated, which in general is not a sufficient
condition for statistical independence. In the case
of a Gaussian process, uncorrelated components
are indeed independent.
For more general types of multivariate processes learned from prior examples of the single sources
(such as in case that the signals are non-stationary (Roweis 2000; Ozerov et al. 2005). These methods
or non-Gaussian), more sophisticated methods such are not applicable to our purpose, because training
as ICA can be used (Cichocki and Amari 2002). For or prior adaptations are not possible. Another re-
the purposes of the present discussion, we shall as- lated approach is that of Independent Subspace
sume that for most practical purposes our signals Analysis (ISA), where factorization of the spectro-
could be assumed to be multivariate Gaussian. gram is achieved through projection of the spectro-
Accordingly, we consider PCA or its alternative gram matrix unto subsets of ICA vectors that are
formulation using SVD. Using matrix notation then clustered into sets that are believed to belong
X1X2 . . . , the columns are arranged in the order of to individual sources (Casey and Westner 2000;
subsequent feature vectors in time. Applying audio Dubnov 2002; Fitzgerald, Coyle, and Lawlor 2002;
basis modeling, these features are represented as a Smaragdis and Brown 2003; Uhle, Dittmar, and
sequence of coefficients S, with basis functions Sporer 2003).
given by basis vectors written as columns of ma-
trix A and usually ignoring the remaining noise
components n: Vector-IR Anticipation Algorithm
s1(1) s1(2) ...
Having defined the various components that are
s (1) s1(2) ...
[ ]
X1X2... = A 2
M M ...
+n (12)
necessary for IR analysis of complex signals, we
present in Figure 7 the complete algorithm for anal-
m (
1 ) s1(2) ... ysis of IR using Audio Basis representations. In the
first stage of analysis, we derive an appropriate geo-
The problem of vector data decomposition into metrical representation, either as frames of audio
independent components is an active field of re- samples or some features extracted from these
search. It should be noted that there are no closed- frames, using the STFT, Filter Banks, Cepstral anal-
from solutions for ICA for multi-component, ysis, Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC),
single-microphone signals. There are several works or some other method. Then, we perform basis de-
in the literature that attempt to perform monaural composition, combined with data reduction by pro-
ICA using adapted source-filter models that are jection into a lower-dimensional subspace. The

Dubnov 71
Figure 8. Spectrogram of a
cheering crowd.

final step consists of separate estimation of the IR of the vocal exclamations appear as high-amplitude
the individual components, according to the prin- spectral lines varying in time.
ciples of IR estimation for multivariate/vector pro- Performing vector-IR analysis shows that different
cesses described earlier. Having described the coefficients contain different IR structure. Figure 9
different stages in the anticipation algorithm, we shows the result of IR analysis of a cheering-crowd
now describe the application of this method to au- signal sampled at 8 kHz using an FFT of size 256
dio characterization and musical analysis. with 50 percent overlap. A total of 129 spectral bins
are retained (half the total bins due to symmetry of
the STFT, plus the first bin). The IR analysis con-
Comparison of Vector and Scalar-IR Analysis for sists of decorrelation of log-magnitude spectral
Natural Sounds matrix using SVD and evaluation of scalar-IR
separately for each of the expansion coefficients.
In this and the following sections, we examine nat- Scalar estimation of IR of each of the coefficients
ural sounds that contain significant energy through- consists of estimating SFM from the power spectral
out all frequencies of the spectrum. Figure 8 shows density of the coefficient time series using the
the magnitude spectrum on a decibel scale (log- Welch method (Hayes 1996) with 64 spectral bins.
magnitude) of a cheering crowd sound. This sound The results of vector-IR analysis were compared
contains a dense mixture of different types of sounds. to scalar-IR analysis of the signal. Additionally, a
Hand clapping can be seen as vertical lines, while synthetic signal with a power spectral density simi-

72 Computer Music Journal

Figure 9. Vector-IR anal-
ysis of cheering crowd sig-
nal using spectral
log-magnitude features
and SVD-derived bases.

lar to that of the original cheering-crowd signal was Table 2. Results of Vector-IR and Scalar-IR Analysis
constructed by means of passing white noise through of the Original Cheering-Crowd Signal and a Corre-
an appropriate filter, whose parameters were esti- sponding Synthetic Signal
mated using linear prediction (LP) with eight filter
coefficients. This synthetic signal, even though Original Signal Filtered Noise
non-white, has little overall structure, because its
different spectral bands (considered either as coeffi- Vector-IR 10.3 1.9
cients of STFT or outputs of a filterbank) lack a Scalar-IR 1.9 1.6
time structure. The log-magnitude spectral matrix
of such a signal can be described as a rank-one con-
stant matrix corresponding to single basis vector vector-IR analysis to the influence of an overall
that captures the overall spectral shape, and a noise spectral shape, that is, to compare the real signal to
matrix that represents the variations between the a colored noise signal that does not have the de-
different bands at different times. The SVD of such tailed temporal structure within its individual
matrix contains a single structured basis vector that bands. The results of vector-IR and scalar-IR anal-
captures the overall spectral shape, and remaining ysis of both signals are given in Table 2.
basis vectors having white (and thus non-structured) It can be seen that vector-IR efficiently detects
coefficients. The purpose of testing IR for this syn- the structure in the original cheering-crowd signal,
thetic signal was to examine the robustness of distinguishing it from the corresponding filtered

Dubnov 73
Figure 10. First four spec-
tral magnitude basis

energy (variance) by SVD actually has little struc-

ture in terms of IR.

Characterization of Natural Sounds Using Vector-IR

One possible application of IR analysis is as a de-

scriptor for complex sounds such as natural sounds
and sound effects. Such a descriptor provides char-
acterization of a signal in terms of its overall
complexity, that is, considering the amount of
structure that occurs in a sound when it is consid-
ered as a random process (as sound texture). In Figure
11, we represent several sounds in a two-dimensional
plane consisting of a vector-IR axis and a signal en-
ergy axis. In this analysis, the IR estimation was
preformed using cepstral features, excluding the
first energy related coefficient, which was used for
noise. Additional improvement in terms of achiev- energy estimation. IR estimation was done using 30
ing a bigger difference between vector-IR of the orig- cepstral coefficients, with frames 512 samples long
inal signal versus spectrally matched noise signal with 50 percent overlap, and scalar-IR estimation
can be achieved by discarding coefficients whose using SFM with power spectral estimation using
scalar-IR values fall below a threshold value. Using Welsh method with 64 spectral bins.
threshold values of 0.05 and 0.1 results in zero vector- One may note that the energy and IR characteris-
IR for the matching noise signal, and vector-IR val- tics in Figure 11 correspond to our intuitive notions
ues of 8.5 and 8.0, respectively, for the original about the character of these sounds. For instance,
cheering-crowd signal. It should be noted that this fire sounds are the most noise-like, with little varia-
method of dimension reduction is different from the tion in energy. This can be compared to a phone-
usual methods that discard components according ringing sound that is highly anticipated, and car
to their variance (energy); here, we discard compo- crash, glass break, and cheering crowd that have in-
nents according to amount of their IR structure. termediate levels of IR, with the car crash having
Figure 10 shows the first four basis vectors of the the largest energy variation.
spectral log-magnitude data. Visual inspection of the
spectrogram in Figure 8 shows that the first compo-
nent roughly corresponds to an average overall spec- Anticipatory Listening and Music Applications
tral envelope, and the next basis vectors capture
some of the spectral patterns that correspond to high In this section, we reach what may be the most in-
energy peaks around 1, 3, and 6 kHz. Such visual teresting and speculative application of the IR
inspection should be done by translating the gray method, exploring the relationship between the IR
levels in Figure 8 to values on the vertical axis of Fig- measure and concepts of auditory and musical an-
ure 10 (amplitudes of the basis functions), with dark ticipation (Meyer 1956). In previous sections, we
lines corresponding to high amplitude and brighter have applied a single IR analysis to a complete sig-
shades corresponding to weaker amplitudes. nal, resulting in a single number that describes the
The amount of structure (IR) of their respective overall anticipation property of the sound. When
expansion coefficients are 0.41, 0.78, 1.15, 1.04, as listening to longer audio signals or music, the prop-
shown in Figure 9. It should be noted that the first erties of time-evolving signals cannot be summarized
basis function that has been ranked first in terms of into a single anticipation number. Accordingly,

74 Computer Music Journal

Figure 11. Energy and IR
distribution of different
natural sounds.

we extend the method of IR analysis to the non- orchestral textures. (The reason for this will be ex-
stationary case by applying IR in a time-varying plained in the next section.)
In the following example, we represented a sound
in terms of a sequence of spectral envelopes, repre- Anticipation Profile of Musical Signals
sented by spectral or cepstral coefficients. These
vectors are grouped into macro-frames and submit- A comparative vector-IR analysis of musical signal
ted to separate IR analyses, resulting in a single IR using 30 cepstral and 30 magnitude spectral basis
value for each macro-frame. When the IR graph is components is presented in Figure 12 for an excerpt
plotted against time, one obtains a graph of IR evo- from the first movement of Schumanns Piano Quar-
lution over the course of the musical signal; we call tet in E-flat Major. The features were estimated over
this the anticipation profile. Using different anal- signal frames of 20 msec duration. The macro-frame
ysis parameters, anticipation profiles could be used for IR analysis was 3 sec long with 75 percent over-
to analyze affective vocalizations (Slaney and lap between successive analysis frames. Figure 12
McRoberts 1998) or musical sounds (Scheirer 2000). shows vector-IR results for the two representations,
For the purpose of vocalization analysis, the IR overlaid on top of a signal spectrogram.
macro-frames are 1 sec long with 75 percent over- As can be seen from the figure, both methods re-
lap. For analysis of musical recordings, longer sult in similar anticipation profiles. Varying the or-
frames are required, varying from 3 sec for solo or der of the model (changing the data reduction or so
chamber instrumental music to 30 sec for complex called cepstral liftering number) between 20 and

Dubnov 75
Figure 12. Graph of the an- features, displayed over a
ticipation profile (esti- spectrogram of a musical
mated by vector-IR) using excerpt (the first move-
cepstral (solid) and spec- ment of Schumanns Piano
tral magnitude (dotted) Quartet in E-flat Major).

60 components has little effect on the results, indi- nificant changes in the music. Analysis of similari-
cating that the system is quite robust to changes in ties between the IR curves and the major sections of
the representation detail. the score from a music-theoretical point of view
When considering the results of this analysis, one seem to indicate that the anticipation profile cap-
might argue that the nature of music of the Schu- tures relevant aspects of the musical structure. For
mann piano quartet is such that its structure might instance, the first drop of the IR graph corresponds
be detected using simpler methods, such as energy to the opening of the prelude, ending at the first ca-
or other existing voice-activity detectors. To show a dence and modulation to the dominant. The follow-
situation where vector-IR analysis gives a unique ing lower part of IR graph corresponds to two
glimpse into musical structure that other features repetitions of an ostinato pattern. Then the two
do not allow, we present in Figure 13 the results of peaks in IR seem to be related to reappearance of the
vector-IR analysis of an acoustic recording of a opening theme with harmonic modulations, ending
MIDI rendering of Bachs Prelude in G Major from in the next IR valley at the repeating melodic pat-
Book I of the Well-Tempered Clavier. tern on the parallel minor. The next increase in IR
The synthetic nature of the computer playback of corresponds to development section on the domi-
a MIDI file is such that the resulting acoustic signal nant, followed by a final transition to cadence, with
lacks almost any expressive inflections, including climax and final descent along the cadential passage.
dynamics. Moreover, the use of a synthetic piano To have a better impression of the correspon-
creates a signal with little spectral variation. As can dence between the variation in music structure and
be observed in Figure 13, vector-IR still detects sig- texture to our analysis, we present in Figure 14

76 Computer Music Journal

Figure 13. Graph of antici- Prelude in G Major from
pation profile (estimated Book I of the Well-
by vector-IR) using 30 cep- Tempered Clavier). The
stral features, displayed acoustic signal was cre-
over a spectrogram of a ated by computer render-
musical excerpt (Bachs ing of a MIDI file.

again the same graph of anticipation profile, this sical work (Angel of Death by Roger Reynolds) was
time overlaid on top of MIDI notes. (The crosses in- collected during live concerts (McAdams et al.
dicate note onsets, with actual note numbers not 2002). During these concerts, listeners were as-
represented in the graph.) signed a response box with a sliding fader that al-
It appears that changes and repetitions of music lowed continuous analog ratings to be made on a
materials are detected by IR analysis of the acoustic scale of emotional force (Smith 2001). Listeners
signal. (It should be noted that our anticipation were instructed that positive or negative emotional
analysis does not involve note or pitch detection or reactions of similar magnitude were to be judged at
any use of the score of MIDI information.) the same level of the emotional force scale. The
ends of the emotional force scale were labeled
weak and strong. In addition, a small I dont
Anticipation Profile and Emotional Force know region was provided at the far left end of this
scale that could be sensed tactilely, as the cursor
To evaluate the significance of the IR method for provided a slight resistance to moving into or out of
music analysis, a comparison between anticipation this zone.
profiles derived from automatic signal analysis and Continuous data from response boxes were con-
human perception of musical contents is required. verted to MIDI format (on an integer scale from 0 to
In a recent experiment, large amounts of data con- 127) and recorded simultaneously with the musical
cerning human emotional responses when listening performance. Figure 15 presents a comparative
to a performance of a contemporary orchestral mu- graph of the anticipation profile resulting from IR

Dubnov 77
Figure 14. Graph of antici-
pation profile (estimated
by vector-IR from an audio
recording) displayed on top
of MIDI note onsets of the
Bach Prelude.

analysis of the audio signal (the concert recording) Combined with additional signal features such as
and a graph of the average human responses termed signal energy, higher correspondence between signal
Emotional Force (EF) for two versions of the or- information analysis and Emotional Force judg-
chestral piece. ments was achieved. The analysis shows strong evi-
Analyses were performed using analysis frame dence that signal properties and human reactions are
sizes of 200 msec with macro-frames 3 sec long, related, suggesting applications of these techniques
with no overlap between the macro-frame seg- to music understanding and music information-
ments. These IR values were additionally smoothed processing systems. Full details of the experiments
using a 10-segment-long moving-average filter, re- and the additional information analysis methods
sulting in an effective analysis frame of 30 sec with will appear elsewhere (Dubnov, McAdams, and
a 3-sec interval between analysis values. The extra Reynolds in press).
averaging removed fast variations in vector-IR anal-
ysis, assuming that a 30-sec smoothing better
matches the rate of change in human judgments Thoughts About Self-Supervised Brain Processing
for such a complex orchestral piece. Architecture
As can be seen from Figure 15, certain portions of
the IR curve fit closely to the EF data, whereas other We would like to consider briefly in this section the
portions differ significantly. It was found that corre- possible relationships between anticipation analysis
lation of the IR data and the EF were 63 percent and and self-supervised architectures of brain pro-
47 percent for top and bottom graphs, respectively. cessing, particularly in relation to higher cognitive

78 Computer Music Journal

Figure 15. Two graphs rep-
resenting human judg-
ments of Emotional Force
(solid) and IR analysis
(dot) of audio recordings of
two musical performances.

Dubnov 79
Figure 16. Information-
processing architecture
that considers emotion as
a self-supervision commu-
nication within the brain.

tions. In other words, information contents for mu-

sic signals should be measured not by mutual infor-
mation between signal features and a set of signal
labels (recognition task), but as mutual information
between past and present features (anticipation task).

This article presents a novel approach to (auto-
matic) analysis of audio and music based on an an-
ticipation profile. The ideas are developed from a
background of information theory and basis decom-
aspects of musical information processing. One position, through the idea of a vector approach to
such architecture that was suggested for emotional the anticipation measurement, and ending with
processing assumes an existence of two separate some higher-level reflections on its meaning for
brain mechanisms that interact in analysis of com- complex musical signals. The anticipation profile is
plex information (Huron 2005): a fast brain that estimated by evaluating the reduction in the
deals primarily with pre-processing of sensory infor- uncertainty (entropy) of a variable resulting form
mation, forming perceptions from the stream of prediction based on the past. Algorithms for estima-
constantly impinging sensory excitations, and a sec- tion of the anticipation profile were presented, with
ond component, the slow brain, that interacts applications for audio signal characterization and
with the fast brain by performing appraisal of the music analysis. Discussions show that this mea-
fast-brain performance. This architecture is de- sure also resolves several ill-defined aspects of the
scribed in Figure 16. structure-versus-noise problem in music and in-
In the context of our computational model, we cludes the listener as an integral part of structural
consider the functions of the fast brain to be related analysis of music. Moreover, the proposed anticipa-
to basic pattern-recognition actions, such as feature tion measure might be related to more general as-
extraction and data reduction. Anticipation could pects of appraisal or self-supervision of
be considered as an appraisal that is done by the information-processing systems, including aspects
slow brain. That is, anticipation involves evaluating of emotional brain architecture.
the utility of the past perception for explaining the
present in terms of assigning a score to the fast-
brain functions according to the relative reduction References
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rather then recognition, is a more appropriate task Conference. San Francisco, California: International
for describing music information-processing opera- Computer Music Association, pp. 154161.

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Given a signal with power spectrum S(w), the SFM
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Australia, 1721 July.
N i i =1
SFM(x) = = (13)
Meyer, L. B. 1956. Emotion and Meaning in Music. 1 1
S( i) S( i)
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Separation Using Source-Adapted Models. Paper pre- equal to unity. The SFM equals unity only if all

Dubnov 81
spectrum values are equal, thus meaning a flat spec- past. In information theoretic terms, and assuming
trum or a white-noise signal. a stationary process, this measure equals the differ-
ence between the entropy of the marginal distribu-
tion of the process xn and the entropy rate of the
Information Redundancy process, equally for all n.

Given a random variable x, with probability distri-

bution f(x), the entropy of the distribution is defined Relationship Between SFM and IR
(Cover and Thomas 1991) as
To assess the amount of structure present in a sig-
H(x) = f(x)log f(x)dx (14) nal in terms of its information content, we observe
For the joint distribution of two variables x1, x2, the following relationships between signal spec-
the joint entropy is defined as trum and entropy. Entropy of a white Gaussian
random variable is given by
H(x1, x2) = f(x1, x2)log f(x1, x2)dx1dx2 (15)
The average amount of information that the vari- 1 1
H(x) = 1n 2"e$2x = 1n S(#)d# + 1n 2"e (20)
able x1 carries about x2 is quantified by the mutual 2 2"
whereas the entropy rate of a Gaussian process (the
I(x1, x2) = H(x1) + H(x2) H(x1, x2) (16) so called Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy) is given by
Generalization of the mutual information for the
case of n variables yields 1 1
Hr(x) = lim H(x1,..., xN) = lim H(xN | x1,..., xN 1)
I(x1, x2,..., xn) = H(xi) H(x1, x2,..., xn) (17) 1
i =1 = 1nS(#)d# + 1n 2"e (21)
This function measures the average amount of com-
mon information contained in variables x1, x2, . . . , xn. According to the previous section, IR is defined as
Using the mutual information, we originally define a difference between the marginal entropy and en-
the information rate (IR), denoted , to be the differ- tropy rate of the signal x(t), r = H(x) Hr(x). Inserting
ence between the common information contained the expressions for entropy and entropy rate, one ar-
in the variables x1, x2, . . . , xn and the set x1, x2, . . . , rives at the following relation:
xn1, namely, the additional amount of information
that is added when one more variable is observed: 1

!(x1, x2,..., xn) = I(x1, x2,..., xn) I(x1, x2,..., xn1) (18) SFM(x) = exp(2!(x)) = (22)
Because in our application we are considering 2"
time-ordered samples, this redundancy measure
corresponds to the rate of growth of the common One can see here that IR is equal to one-half of
information as a function of time. It can be shown the logarithm of SFM.
that the following relationship exists between re-
dundancy and entropy:
!(x1, x2,..., xn) = H(xn) H(xn | x1, x2,..., xn1) Vector-IR as Sum of Independent Component
This shows that redundancy is the difference be-
tween the entropy (or uncertainly) about isolated xn Given a linear transformation X = AS between blocks
and the reduced uncertainty of xn if we know its of the original data (signal frame of feature vector X)

82 Computer Music Journal

and its expansion coefficients S, the entropy rela- and conditional entropy of the transform coeffi-
tionship between the data and coefficients is H(X) = cients r(X1, . . . , XL) = H(SL) H(SL | S1, . . . , SL1).
H(S) + log | det(A) |. For a sequence of data vectors, (Note that the dependence upon determinant of A
we evaluate the conditional IR as the difference be- is cancelled by subtraction.) If there are no depend-
tween the entropy of the last block and its entropy encies across different coefficients and the only
given the past vectors. (This is a conditional en- dependencies are within each of the coefficients
tropy, which becomes the entropy rate in the limit sequences as a function of time (i.e., the trajectory
of an infinite past.) Using the standard definition of of each coefficient is time-dependent, but the coeffi-
multi-information for signal samples x1 . . . xnL, cients between themselves are independent), we
Ln arrive at the relationship
I(X1, X2,..., XL) = H(xi) H (x1,..., xLn) (23) n
i =1
H(SL) = H(si(L))
we originally define and develop the expression for i =1
vector-IR as n
H(SL | S1 ... SL1) = H(si(L)| si(1)... si(L 1))
i =1
!L(X1,..., XL) = I(X1,..., XL) I(X1,..., XL1) I(XL)
Combining these equations gives the desired result:
= H(xi) H(X1,..., XL) + H(X1,..., XL1) I(XL) n
i =(L1)n+1
(24) !nL(X1, X2,..., XL) = !(si(i),..., si(L)) (26)
Ln i =1
= H(xi) H(XL | X1,... , XL1) I(XL)
i =(L1)n+1

= H(XL) H(XL | X1,..., XL1) MATLAB Code

This shows that the vector-IR can be evaluated from MATLAB code of the IR analysis, along with spe-
the difference of the entropy of the last block and cific examples of sound analysis used in this article,
the conditional entropy of that block given its past. can be found online at
Using the transform relationship, one can equiva- ~sdubnov/InformationRate.
lently express vector-IR as a difference in entropy

Dubnov 83

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