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Paul Nauert

Music Department
Division- and Addition-
University of California
1156 High Street
Based Models of Rhythm in
Santa Cruz, California 95060 USA a Computer-Assisted
Composition System

Reading descriptions of different musical traditions resulting rhythm. (These values are labeled in the
or of the practice of different individual composers, diagram, but of course we could also count unit
it is not uncommon to see a rhythmic idiom de- pulses to determine them.) Although the resulting
scribed as additive, meaning in simple terms that rhythm lacks the isochrony of the original unit
it consists of durations formed by combining, or pulse, we can treat it like another pulse and com-
adding together, the units provided by a rapid under- bine adjacent timespans to form larger durations. In
lying pulse (Koetting 1970; Pratt 1987; Clayton this way, the additive process is capable of forming
2000). Such a characterization distinguishes the hierarchies of timespans deeper than the two levels
rhythmic idiom from others involving the division illustrated here.
of the units of some referential pulse into variable Figure 1b provides a contrasting illustration of
numbers of smaller parts, an important feature of purely division-based rhythm generation. In this
tonal Western classical music (Lerdahl and Jackend- case, the process begins with a single large times-
off 1983). My present concern is not the ability of pan, represented by the top row of the diagram. The
addition- or division-based models of rhythm to ac- second row shows a division of this timespan into
curately describe existing musical traditions, but three parts whose durations are related by the chain
the value of these models as a basis for generating of proportions 3:5:3. Each of the resulting timespans
rhythms in an algorithmic-composition system, in is divided into smaller parts in the third row of the
which potentially novel rhythmic idioms may be diagram, and portions of the structure extend to a
sought. In particular, I will describe a series of algo- fourth level according to the same principle.
rithms I have used in my own work as a composer, Simple though they may be, both of these models
and I will investigate some of the advantages and are capable of generating a variety of rhythmic sur-
disadvantages each of these algorithms inherits faces. Indeed, the question arises whether the range
from the particular model of rhythm on which it is of possible outputs from one process is identical to
based. The development of these algorithms was that of the other and, if so, how meaningful the dif-
shaped by at least two compositional goalsto cre- ference between the models might be.
ate music for human performance, and to express it Figure 2 transcribes the addition- and division-
using common-practice Western music notation based results into conventional music notation. In
(Byrd 1994). My investigations will be made in the each case, the transcription reflects the generative
context of the same goals. process. In Figure 2a, the transcription of the
For the sake of making the distinction between addition-based rhythm associates a simple nota-
the two types of models clearer, Figure 1 presents tional unit (eighth notes) with the unit pulse, invit-
simple illustrations of rhythms generated by purely ing performers to count that pulse to execute the
addition-based and purely division-based means. In rhythm accurately.
Figure 1a, the upper row of the diagram represents Transcription of the division-based rhythm taxes
a stream of timespans constituting the units of our notational resources slightly more, requiring
some isochronous pulse. The lower row of this dia- various tuplets to show how the timespans expressed
gram shows these timespans grouped into dura- as measures are divided into various numbers of
tions of 3, 5, 3, 2, 5, and 2 units to constitute the equal parts. Some of the operations involved in pro-
ducing Figure 2b are addition-based: The top-level
Computer Music Journal, 31:4, pp. 5970, Winter 2007 timespan is not assigned any special representation,
2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. but it is formed by the sum of the measure lengths,

Nauert 59
Figure 1. Simple models of Figure 2. (a) Transcription sion of (b) to an addition-
(a) purely addition-based of the addition-based based representation. In
and (b) purely division- rhythm from Figure 1a; (c), the first three durations
based rhythm. (b) transcription of the are expressed in additive
division-based rhythm form (with a unit pulse of a
from Figure 1b; (c) conver- thirty-second note).

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

and the tuplet-derived pulses within each measure
are grouped into larger timespans that can be di-
vided according to the next stage of the division-
based model. For instance, the 2:3 division at the
beginning of the third-largest level implies both a
division into five parts and an additive grouping of
those parts into 2 and then 3. Although the result-
ing notation is relatively complex, it expresses the
rhythm using a combination of divided timespans
and grouped pulses that are reasonably accessible to
an experienced performer, whose main challenge
will be learning to change pace from the five pulses
of the first measure to the seven of the second to the
four of the third.
We can re-notate the division-based rhythm by
finding a pulse that divides evenly into all of its con-
stituent durations. Figure 2c shows the necessary
calculations and a portion of the results notated rel- these performance strategies are informed more by
ative to a thirty-second-note unit pulse. Of course, my own experience as a composer and performer
these calculations suggest how the same rhythm than by the results of any formal experiments. The
could be generated as well by a purely additive pro- techniques that expert performers develop to over-
cess. However, if the tempo of this last result is fast come the challenges presented by rhythmically
enough to reproduce the absolute durations we complex music are diverse and potentially idiosyn-
probably imagined when reading Figure 2b, then the cratic (Weisberg 1993; Schick 1994; Cox 2002). Of
unit pulse will be much too fast for a performer to course, many of these techniques mirror the same
count as a basis for executing the rhythm. underlying cognitive constraints, and my argument
These observations suggest that addition- and is informed at points by results from music psychol-
division-based processes are more than different ogy studies, many of which have been summarized
means to equivalent ends, at least in cases where in recent work by Justin London (2004).
human performance is involved. Certain results are
idiomatic to each model, and in cases that respect
these idioms, the models are not just responsible for An Addition-Based Model in OMTimePack:
producing the rhythm but may also inform how the m-rhythm
rhythm is expressed in notation and how a per-
former responds to that result. These are the issues I Figure 3 presents a simplified version of an algo-
shall be probing in what follows, as I consider how rithm I have employed to generate rhythmic
three rhythm-generating processes can engage the streams for use in composition regularly over the
addition- and division-based aspects of conventional past fifteen years or so. There have been various im-
music notation and the associated strategies that plementations of this algorithm, the latest of which
are accessible to experienced performers. is the m-rhythm function in the current version of
I should state up front that my assumptions about OMTimePack (OMTP) (Nauert 2006). In m-rhythm,

60 Computer Music Journal

Figure 3. Simplified Figure 4. Generating an
m-rhythm algorithm. idiomatic additive rhythm
with m-rhythm: sample

Figure 3

Figure 4

Table 1. Durations and Associated Probabilities of Consider a simple rhythm, depicted in Figure 5a
Figure 4 in a form that clearly engages a performers ability
to execute various regular pulses by dividing a larger
Duration 1 2 4 6
referential pulse. Table 2 is an inventory of inter-
Probability (%) 65 18 10 7
onset intervals representing the rhythms duration
vocabulary. These are expressed as fractions of a
the random-selection process is a Markov chain of whole note, which makes power-of-2 divisions such
order zero, one, or two. The user specifies probabili- as eighth notes immediately recognizable as mult-
ties in a list or transition matrix manually, in addi- iples of the slowest unit pulse (namely, 1/120 of a
tion to specifying a pool of possible durations and a whole note) that can accommodate the entire vo-
target total duration. cabulary. This confirms that the rhythm lies be-
In either its simplest form or in more elaborate yond the idiomatic reach of a purely additive model,
ones, the rhythm-generating process illustrated in because it is not practical to base performance tim-
Figure 3 is implicitly additive. This feature becomes ings on, for example, the fifteen-unit pulses consti-
clearer if each duration in the pool is expressed as tuting the first eighth note, assuming a moderate
an integer value; and when all the integer values are tempo for this passage.
relatively small, we have the idiomatic case in Figure 5b provides a transition table based on a
which durations are multiples of a unit pulse that first-order Markov analysis of the original rhythm.
performers can count. Figure 4 and Table 1 shows (The analysis treats the concluding half note as if it
the operation of m-rhythm under these conditions. wrapped around to the beginning of the rhythm, so
Here, the pool consists of the four durations (1, 2, 4, that this note-value has a successor.) Figure 5c
6), each associated with a static probability, and the shows a representative output from m-rhythm us-
output is transcribed using a sixteenth note as the ing the established duration vocabulary and analysis-
unit pulse. But how does this algorithm perform based transition table, and Figure 5d transcribes the
when it is configured to produce results outside the beginning of this new result. Although the original
range of idiomatic addition-based rhythms? rhythm and this newly generated one employ the

Nauert 61
Figure 5. (a) Simple using the established
rhythm; (b) transition duration vocabulary and
table produced by first- transition table; (d) tran-
order Markov analysis of scription of a portion of
original rhythm; (c) sample this output.
output from m-rhythm





Table 2. Duration Vocabulary of Figure 5

Duration (fraction 1/20 1/16 1/8 7/48 1/6 7/40 3/16 1/2
of a whole note)
Duration (as integer 12 15 30 35 40 42 45 120
multiples of 1/240
of a whole note)

62 Computer Music Journal

Figure 6. The rhythm from
Figure 5c, quantized using
the omquantify routine in
OpenMusic, with original
(unquantized) values
shown below the staff.

same duration vocabulary and are statistically simi- vide a tactus into a variety of smaller pulses, they
lar, clearly the arrangement of durations is less id- can be said to involve a division-based model of
iomatic in the latter case, leading to results that are rhythm.
far more notationally complex and difficult to per- One such quantization process is the omquan-
form (Perkins 1965). tify routine built into IRCAMs OpenMusic plat-
form (Assayag, Baboni, and Haddad 2001). Figure 6
shows the result of processing the rhythm from Fig-
Quantization ure 5c with omquantify. The max/ parameter in
omquantify determines the largest number used
Faced with the potential complexity of output from for dividing beats into equal parts to produce candi-
m-rhythm, one natural strategy is to simplify the date grids, and the precision parameter controls a
results afterward, with the goal of reducing perfor- trade-off between simplicity (favoring sparser grids)
mance difficulty without significantly distorting and accuracy (favoring smaller round-off errors).
the stream of durations. This is essentially a quanti- Leaving max/ at its default value of 8, while boost-
zation problem, for which a variety of solutions are ing precision slightly, produces the result shown
known (Agon et al. 1994; Nauert 1994). In simple here. To the extent that this quantized rhythm is
cases, quantization may operate by resolving dura- easier to perform than the original, yet sounds com-
tions to a fixed isochronous grid, in which case the parable to it, the quantization process has succeeded.
solutions are relatively coarse addition-based ap- There is, of course, some loss of precision even in
proximations of the rhythm. More sophisticated successful cases of quantization. Note for instance
quantization strategies may select among a number the lack of differentiation between regular and quin-
of alternative grids to resolve different portions of tuplet sixteenth notesthat is, between 1/16 and
the rhythm with minimal distortion. Because these 1/20in measure 3 of Figure 6. Whether effects like
latter strategies engage a performers ability to di- these constitute a problem depends on a composers

Nauert 63
Figure 7. Nauert,
Arabesque, mm. 113.

particular commitments. For me, the appeal of Table 3. Transition Table Used to Generate the
m-rhythm is its ability to create output streams Rhythm of Figure 7 Given for a Duration Pool of
with distinctive rhythmic behaviors based on a 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 4 (Expressed in Relation to a
relatively compact pool of 510 durations and ap- Quarter-Note Unit)
propriate first-order Markovian probabilities
Current Event Probability of Next Event (%)
slowly drifting motion with sporadic bursts of rapid
activity, fast runs broken from time to time by an 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.2 4
intervening long note, and incremental decelera-
0.15 70 30 0 0 0
tions with occasional injections of fresh kinetic en-
0.3 0 70 30 0 0
ergy. The last of these behaviors is evident in the 0.6 20 0 40 40 0
opening of my 1995 composition Arabesque for solo 1.2 25 0 0 50 25
flute, shown in Figure 7. Table 3 shows the duration 4 80 20 0 0 0
pool and transition table used to generate these
rhythms. An expressive performance of this music
will capture the gestural quality of its deceleration
figures, an approach that various performance indi- that runs of this value in the raw output align with
cations (and, if memory serves, some hand-tailoring an available quantization grid in such a way that
of the computer-quantized durations in measures 8 they appear as quintuplet sixteenths in the notated
and 9) are meant to encourage. Given my interest in result. (In the rhythm of Figure 6, I was fortunate in
the gestural/behavioral qualities of rhythm, small measures 3 and 4, less so in measures 11 and 12.)
quantization errors are not a critical issue. An alternative way of generating rhythms with a
If the generate-and-quantize paradigm is limiting, Markov process is to use a pool of cells or motives
it is not really a matter of imprecision in the quanti- rather than single durations (Jones 1981). Various
zation stage. The problem instead is the disconnect division-based features, such as contrasting tuplets,
between the generative method (in which division- can be embedded in these cells, and as long as the
based principles play no part) and the notational ap- length of each cell is an integral number of beats,
paratus that makes results accessible to performers then assemblages of them can be constructed with
(in which division-based principles play an impor- no need for subsequent quantization. This capabil-
tant role), particularly when results featuring regu- ity is built into m-rhythm, but I have rarely made
lar pulsation are sought. For instance, if I wish to use of it. Assembly-with-cells saturates the output
produce a musical surface in which quintuplet- rhythm with copies of a fixed number of motives,
sixteenth-note runs occur frequently, the best I can and I prefer to work with material that is more
do using m-rhythm followed by omquantify is to fluid and heterogeneous. These priorities, coupled
include a quintuplet-sixteenth note in the pool, set with an awareness of the limitations of generate-
probabilities in the transition table so that this ele- and-quantize, described previously, have led me to
ment is its own most likely successor, and hope explore various alternatives to m-rhythm; the

64 Computer Music Journal

Figure 8. Rhythm tree
(rtree) in (a) list and (b)
graphical form, together
with (c) conventional nota-
tion of the same rhythm.




remainder of this article focuses on two of these ical form in Figure 8b and in conventional music
explorations. notation in Figure 8c; these parts of the figure are
What both of these alternative algorithms have aligned with one another to facilitate comparison.
in common with m-rhythm is that they build Specific levels of an rtree have fixed musical
streams of durations according to a low-order meanings. The largest level, called the root level, is
Markov process. Whereas m-rhythm is essentially a single timespan extending from the beginning to
an addition-based process that required an auxiliary the end of the rhythm. The children of the root level
stage of division-based quantization, the first of form the bar level, which consists of successive bars
these alternative methods (embodied in a largely or measures. The children of these bars form the
abandoned project I called m-rtree) is intrinsically sub-bar level, which partitions the bars into beats or
division-based, and the second (embodied in a fam- other, less symmetrical parts. OpenMusic expects
ily of functions that coexist with m-rhythm in the to see root, bar, and sub-bar levels in every rtree;
latest version of OMTP) is addition-based but in- in addition, one or more smaller levels, called detail
volves conditions that ensure the possibility of an levels, may be present. In the nested-list form used
idiomatic division-based translation without by OpenMusic, an rtree is simply a pair (D L),
quantization. where D expresses the duration of the rtree, and L
lists its contents in chronological order. Each ele-
ment of L is either a smaller rtree (D' L') or an
A Division-Based Approach empty timespan with duration D'. The form in
which durations are expressed depends on the level
As I noted earlier, the omquantify routine in at which the duration occurs. There are three cases.
OpenMusic resolves rhythms to a grid that is flexi- The duration of a bar-level timespan is expressed
ble rather than fixed. To represent these division- as a pair of positive integers (q r) representing the ra-
based results, OpenMusic employs a data structure tio q/r in relation to a whole-note unit. If r is a small
known as a rhythm tree, or rtree for short. The power of two, then (q r) symbolizes a conventional
rtree structure originated in Mikael Laursons time signature q/r. The 3/4 and 7/8 time signatures
PatchWork (Laurson 1996; Mazzola 2003, pp. 976 in Figure 8 exemplify this feature. The duration of a
978). An rtree represents a rhythm as a nested sub-bar- or detail-level timespan is expressed as a
hierarchy of timespans; Figure 8a provides an ex- positive integer k indicating how much of the par-
ample in the nested-list form used in OpenMusic. ent timespan it occupies in proportion to its sib-
The same rhythm appears in an easier-to-read graph- lings. For example, the 3/4 bar in Figure 8 has two

Nauert 65
children whose durations are expressed as 2 and 1, ment the Markov process that drives pattern selec-
corresponding to sub-bar timespans of a half note tion in m-rtree with additional rules to limit the
and a quarter note, respectively. Finally, the dura- complexity of the resulting rtrees. Typical rules
tion of the root-level timespan can be computed by offer user-configurable control over the depth to
adding the durations of its bar-level children. The which tuplets are nested, the ratios relating tuplet
question-mark symbol (?) is a customary place- divisions in successive timespans, and the absolute
holder for this sum. density of onsets within a given timespan. Recall
Because functions that process an rtree always that m-rtree operates by traversing the leaves of an
expect to see durations expressed as positive inte- rtree and embedding a randomly selected pattern
gers at the sub-bar and smaller levels, they know to (or none) in each leaf.
interpret other types of numbers as positive integers To reconcile this stochastic process with hard
that carry special coding. Specifically, negative inte- constraints on complexity, m-rtree behaves as fol-
gers are used to encode rests, and floating-point ex- lows. At each step of the Markov process, each pat-
pressions are used to encode ties. Both of these tern is evaluated in relation to the complexity rules,
features can be seen in the detail levels of Figure 8. and patterns that fail to satisfy one or more con-
These special codings exploit the handling of nu- straints (for instance, patterns that would cause
merical data in Lisp, the programming language on excessively deep nesting of tuplets) have their prob-
which OpenMusic is based. abilities reset to zero. The probabilities resulting
As I suggested earlier, OpenMusics quantization from these adjustments control a random choice,
function, omquantify, operates by matching lists and then the Markov process advances. Note that if
of durations to a repertoire of rtree structures, every pattern is ruled out at a particular step, the
each of which represents a different simplifying current leaf of the rtree is simply left alone (no
grid. During a period of research in 2003, I investi- pattern is embedded in it); thus the process never
gated the possibility of working with a stochastic encounters dead ends that would necessitate a
process that loosely resembles my m-rhythm func- technique like backtracking.
tion but operates by constructing rtree expres- The deterministic rules in this system tend to
sions directly. Specifically, I devised a function dominate the stochastic ones, making the behavior
m-rtree that operates on a list of empty measures of m-rtree less like that of m-rhythm than I had
or a fully structured rtree by embedding randomly hoped. There are probably less clumsy ways of
selected patterns into its leaves. For instance, given reconciling the Markovian and constraint-solving
the root and bar levels of the rtree in Figure 8, and aspects of such a system; in particular, constraint-
given a pool that includes the patterns (2 1) and (2 3 solving tools bundled with OpenMusic (Bonnet and
2), m-rtree could create the sub-bar level of the Rueda 1999; Sandred 1999) might accommodate
same rtree. Additional applications of m-rtree, stochastic extensions. But at its core, m-rtree is a
using suitable pools of patterns and statistical con- pattern-based system, and even if it were made to
trols, could produce the detail levels of this rtree, resemble m-rhythm more closely, it would be the
generating the rhythmic result depicted in Figure assembly-with-cells form of m-rhythm, rather than
8c. Although the association of the output tree- the configuration based on a pool of single durations
structure with a specific notational representation that I prefer. As a result of its current and prospec-
is novel in m-rtree (to the best of my knowledge), tive limitations, I have essentially abandoned the
there have been previous efforts to generate rhythms m-rtree approach to rhythm generation. It is per-
by recursively subdividing timespans, with the pat- haps worth noting that a related compositional
terns of subdivision variously based on timings de- system, based not on constraint-solving but on per-
rived from speech (Reynolds 1965, analyzed in mutations and other, more idiosyncratic reconfigu-
Harker 1994), derived from a twelve-tone series rations of rtree structure, has been explored by the
(Wuorinen 1979), or randomized (Ames 1982). composer Brian Ferneyhough in several works since
I quickly discovered it was necessary to supple- the mid 1990s (Malt 1999). In Mr. Ferneyhoughs

66 Computer Music Journal

work there is less automation of the process and a proximately 100 msec in duration. (At a heart-rate
greater tolerance for complexity in the results com- tempo of 72 quarter-note beats per minute, this
pared to the goals of my project. metric floor corresponds approximately to a
thirty-second-note pulse.)
Of course, performers can execute figuration that
Extensions to OMTP: An Addition- and Division- is considerably more rapid than thisup to the lim-
Based Hybrid its of their dexterity. But I believe it is useful to re-
gard Londons limit as the threshold beyond which a
A side effect of these experiments with rtrees pulse cannot support what I have been calling id-
was a greater appreciation (on my part) of the differ- iomatic addition-based rhythms. These considera-
ence between two types of timespan-partitioning tions led me to the last of the rhythm-generating
patterns. On one hand, patterns that consist of algorithms I will discuss, a hybrid model with both
strings of ones produce results that are locally grid- addition- and division-based features.
like. In Figure 8, for instance, the quintuplet in the The different stages of this hybrid algorithm are
middle of the second bar arises from a string of five distributed among three main functions in the cur-
ones (the first encoded to act as a tie), and the triplet rent version of my OMTP software, and the typical
embedded into the final unit of this quintuplet is interaction of these functions is illustrated in Figure
another grid-like feature on a smaller level. 9. All three functions involve the same basic mech-
Rhythms based on equal-value strings of this type anism as my original m-rhythm procedure: They
invite performers to make maximum use of their build results by repeatedly making controlled ran-
ability to divide larger timespans into various regu- dom selections from a designated pool.
lar pulses. Near the top of Figure 9, the function m-empty-
On the other hand, patterns containing unequal bars assembles a list of time signatures represent-
values yield rhythms that imply an addition-based ing empty bars. In the middle of the diagram,
organization of some more rapid underlying grid. In m-vari-pulse fills these bars with a variable
Figure 8, for instance, a performer is likely to exe- pulse, according to a method I will describe shortly.
cute measure 1, beat 3, by fitting the (2 2 1) pattern And at the bottom of the diagram, m-mapped-
to a grid of quintuplet-sixteenth-note pulses, which rhythm completes the process by mapping generic
arise, in turn, from division of a quarter-note times- durations onto the variable pulse. This mapping is
pan into equal parts. And on a larger level, the (2 1) the addition-based part of the process and operates
pattern that spans all of measure 1 implies a partic- just like the simple model presented in Figure 1a. In
ular additive grouping of quarter-note pulses. the case of m-mapped-rhythm, I call the elements
Justin Londons work on the psychology of musi- of the pool generic durations, because they ac-
cal meter is relevant here in at least two ways. First, quire different specific sizes depending on the de-
London (2004) has argued that even in the case of tails of the variable pulse wherever they occur. The
recurrent metrical designs, patterns involving beats generic/specific distinction, which is used for simi-
of unequal length depend for their comprehension lar purposes by London (2004), originates in earlier
on coordination between the level of the non- work on the theory of scales, where the generic in-
isochronous beats and a smaller level of isochro- terval of a third, say, can have a specific size of ei-
nous pulses, although he resists calling this ther three or four semitones depending on its
relationship additive to stress that both levels of position within the diatonic scale (Clough and
the metrical structure belong to a single psychologi- Myerson 1985).
cal gestalt. And second, London contends that the The patch icons in Figure 9 are used to represent
relationship between varied durational surface and data. Those labeled pool are event spaces for ran-
regular underlying grid loses significance outside a dom selection (empty bars, generic durations), and
certain range of time scales. In particular, he esti- those labeled ptable contain probabilities in a list
mates the lower limit on the grid period to be ap- or transition table and are used to drive the corre-

Nauert 67
Figure 9. OpenMusic patch
(visual program) showing
typical interaction of
m-empty-bars, m-vari-
pulse, and m-mapped-

sponding Markov process. The pulse map de- set at the current time, and one of these pulses is se-
scribes different ways that a measure can be filled lected at random to be tracked next. If each of the
with isochronous pulses; its structure and purpose source pulses is designed so that tuplets avoid cut-
are described subsequently. ting across the positions of tactus-level beats, then
The construction of a variable pulse in m-vari- the resulting variable pulse will inherit this feature.
pulse is illustrated in Figure 10. The pulse map This helps to regulate the performance complexity
depicted in Figure 10a takes the role of the pool of rhythms mapped onto the variable pulse (Weis-
from which random selections are made. Each bar berg 1993, pp. 2139).
of this map represents the case of a different time Figure 10b provides an example of the tracking
signature that might be seen in the output from process that produces a variable pulse. Given Pulse-1
m-empty-bars, and each staff represents one of the at the beginning of the process, the first tracking
available pulses. Once a pulse is selected, m-vari- decision occurs at measure 1, beat 2, where Pulse-1
pulse continues to track it until one of two condi- and Pulse-2 coincide; Pulse-1 continues to be tracked
tions arises: (1) the current pulse is interrupted by a at this point. The second tracking decision occurs at
rest; or (2) a note in the current pulse coincides with measure 2, beat 1, where Pulse-1 and Pulse-2 again
a note in one or more of the other pulses. Each time coincide; this time, Pulse-2 is selected. And the pro-
either of these conditions is met, the pulse map is cess continues in this manner, generating the vari-
scanned to determine which pulses contain an on- able pulse shown on the bottom staff of Figure 10b.

68 Computer Music Journal

Figure 10. (a) Pulse map;
(b) construction of variable
pulse; (c) mapping generic
durations onto a variable




Figure 10c illustrates the mapping process that I Londons metric floor without introducing inap-
have already described. One new detail can be seen propriately rapid grids on the additive side of the
in this example, however; there are fractional val- process.
ues among the generic durations. Of course, insert-
ing an isolated fractional value into the mapped
rhythm would cause the resulting rhythm to shift Acknowledgments
out of alignment with the grid that is supposed to
regulate it. But by bundling fractions into strings of This article began as a contribution to the special
equal values with unit sums and treating each of session organized by Diane Urista in honor of the
these bundles as a single event in the pool of generic composer-theorist Jonathan Kramer (19422004) at
durations, a user can create localized rapid details in the 2006 meeting of the Music Theory Society of
rhythms that remain aligned with the intended grid. New York State. I am grateful to the editors of
Consider how the various issues of complexity Computer Music Journal and to two anonymous re-
that I have discussed are managed within the viewers for their guidance in the process of revising
m-mapped-rhythm model. Here, the various grids it for publication.
that are subject to addition-based structuring are
explicitly represented in the pulse-map parameter,
which places them in relation to various notated References
meters. The stochastic controls on pulse tracking
can be configured to limit both the number and de- Agon, C., et al. 1994. Kant: A Critique of Pure Quantifi-
gree of variations in pulse rate. And as I have just cation. Proceedings of the 1994 International Com-
noted, strings of fractions in the generic-duration puter Music Conference. San Francisco, California:
pool allow access to levels of pulse smaller than International Computer Music Association, pp. 5259.

Nauert 69
Ames, C. 1982. Crystals: Recursive Structures in Auto- Malt, M. 1999. Brian Ferneyhough et laide informatique
mated Composition. Computer Music Journal lcriture [Brian Ferneyhough and Computer-
6(3):4664. Assisted Composition]. In P. Szendy, ed. Composi-
Assayag, G., J. Baboni, and K. Haddad. 2001. OpenMusic teurs daujourdhui [Composers of Today]. Paris:
4.0 Users Manual and Reference. Paris: IRCAM. IRCAM and LHarmattan, pp. 61106.
Bonnet, A., and C. Rueda. 1999. Situation 3: An Open- Mazzola, G. 2003. The Topos of Music: Geometric Logic
Music Library for Constraints Programming. Paris: of Concepts, Theory, and Performance. Basel:
IRCAM. Birkhuser.
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70 Computer Music Journal

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