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Jeslyn V.

Dumaran Grade 11
Research #4 March 20, 2017


A system possesses energy if it has the ability to do work.

Work shifts energy from one system to another.

Energy is
a scalar quantity,
abstract and cannot always be perceived,
given meaning through calculation,
a central concept in science.
Energy can exist in many different forms. All forms of energy are either kinetic or
potential. The energy associated with motion is called kinetic energy. The energy
associated with position is called potential energy. Potential energy is not "stored
energy". Energy can be stored in motion just as well as it can be stored in position. Is
kinetic energy "used up energy"?

Kinetic energy

kinetic energy motion

o mechanical energy motion of macroscopic systems
wind energy
wave energy
sound (sonic, acoustic) energy
o thermal energy-- motion of particles of matter
geothermal energy
o electrical energy motion of charges
household current
o electromagnetic radiation disturbance of electric and magnetic fields
(classical physics) or the motion of photons (quantum physics)
radio, microwaves, infrared, light, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays
solar energy

type motion examples and subtypes

machines, muscles,
mechanical projectiles, wind,
motion of macroscopic objects
energy flowing water, ocean waves,

thermal random motion of microscopic particles

heat, fire, geothermal,
energy of matter (molecules, atoms, ions)

household current,
electrical bulk flow of charges (electrons, protons,
AC and DC circuits,
energy ions)

disturbance propagating through

electromagne radio waves, microwaves,
electric and
tic infrared, light, ultraviolet, x-
magnetic fields (classical physics) or
radiation rays, gamma rays
the motion of photons (modern physics)

Types of kinetic energy (classified by type of object)

Potential energy

potential energy position

o gravitational potential energy
roller coaster
hydroelectric power
o electromagnetic potential energy

electric potential energy
magnetic potential energy
chemical potential energy
elastic potential energy
o strong nuclear potential energy
nuclear power
nuclear weapons
o weak nuclear potential energy
radioactive decay

force field quantity in field examples and subtypes

gravitational mass roller coaster, waterwheel, hydroelectric reservoir,

electromagnetic charge electric, magnetic, chemical, elastic,

strong nuclear color charge nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons,

weak nuclear lepton number radioactive decay,

Types of potential energy (classified by type of field)


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