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Reservoir Engineering II, PDB(3023)

Ch.1: Unsteady State Flow

Solution of the
Diffusivity Equation
Dr. Mohammed Abdalla Ayoub

U n iv ers iti Tek n ologi P E T RO N A S , Ba n d a r S e r i I s k anda r,

3 1 7 50 Tr o n oh , P e r a k, Ma la ys ia | Te l:+ 6 05 3 6 8 7 0 8 6 |
F a x :+ 605 3 6 5 5 6 7 0
E - ma il : ab d alla.ayoub@utp. edu. my
Learning objectives
Recap on the Diffusivity Equation

To apply constant terminal pressure solution (CTP)

Pressure distribution as a function of time

Transient (unsteady-state) flow

Derivation of the Diffusivity Equation

Radial Flow of Slightly Compressible Fluids

Solutions to the Diffusivity Equation

Solutions to the Diffusivity Equation
The diffusivity equation:
---------eq. (18)


Diffusivity constant
Solutions to the Diffusivity Equation
The three most common flow conditions are:
Steady state
P=const. at all r and t. P/ t=0

This is the case where natural water influx or injection of some fluid

Semi-steady state
The effect of the outer boundary has been felt

P/ r=0 at r=re

P/ t const. for all r and t

Transient early time

No boundary effect (infinite acting reservoir)

P = f(r, t) and P/ r=q(r, t)

Radial Flow of Slightly Compressible Fluids contd
The diffusivity equation as represented by Equation 18 is essentially
designed to determine the pressure as a function of time t and position r.
P=f(r, t)

Assumptions and limitations used in developing Equation 18:

Homogeneous and isotropic porous medium
Uniform thickness
Single phase flow
Laminar flow
Rock and fluid properties independent of pressure
Radial Flow of Slightly Compressible Fluids contd
For steady state flow:

Hence, eq. (18) reduces to:

---------eq. (19)

Equation 19 is Laplaces equation for steady-state flow.

Solutions to the Diffusivity Equation
To obtain a solution to the diffusivity equation (Equation 18), it
is necessary to specify:
An initial condition
Uniform pressure Pi when production begins.

Impose two boundary conditions. (outer and inner boundary)

The well is producing at a constant production rate.

The reservoir behaves as if it were infinite in size, i.e., re = .

Solutions to the Diffusivity Equation contd

Based on the boundary conditions imposed on,

there are two generalized solutions to the
diffusivity equation:
Constant-terminal-pressure solution

Constant-terminal-rate solution
Constant-terminal-pressure solution
The pressure is known to be constant at some particular radius and the
solution is designed to provide the cumulative fluid movement across
the specified radius (boundary).

It is widely used in water influx calculations.

A detailed description of the solution and its practical reservoir

engineering applications will be discussed in the water influx chapter.
Constant-Terminal-Rate Solution
Solution to Diffusivity Equation
Constant-terminal-pressure solution is designed to provide the cumulative
flow at any particular time for a reservoir in which the pressure at one
boundary of the reservoir is held constant. This technique is frequently used
in water influx calculations in gas and oil reservoirs.

Constant-terminal-rate solution of the radial diffusivity equation solves for

the pressure change throughout the radial system providing that the flow
rate is held constant at one terminal end of the radial system, i.e., at the
producing well.

These are two commonly used forms of the constant-terminal-rate solution:

The EI-function solution

The dimensionless pressure pD solution

The Ei-function solution
The Exponential integral (Ei) can be used to estimate the pressure change throughout
the radial system of the reservoir. However, the following assumptions must be

Infinite acting reservoir

well is producing at a constant flow rate.

uniform reservoir pressure, Pi, when production begins.

wellbore radius of rw, is centered in a cylindrical reservoir of radius re.

No flow across the outer boundary.

The Ei-function solution
70.6Qo o Bo 948o ct r
p (r , t ) pi Ei -------- (20)
kh kt
where p (r,t) = pressure at
This equation can be used to calculate pressures at radius r from the well after t
any distance r, from the wellbore when the well is t = time, hrs
opened for production of: k = permeability, md.
Qo = flow rate, STB/day

The reservoir is assumed to be infinite-acting if:

The Ei-function solution, cont
70.6Qo o Bo 948o ct r
-------- (20)
p (r , t ) pi Ei (x)kt
When X is less than 0.02, the exponential integral Ei can be calculated using the following

when x is in the range of 0.01 < x < 3.0

when x > 10.0, the Ei (x) can be considered zero

A single well is producing oil at a constant rate of 5500 STB/D. Calculate the pressure at a location
500 feet away from the well after 5 days, and 10 days of production. The drainage boundary of the
well is located 1000 feet away. Other rock and fluid properties of the reservoir are as follows:

Step 1. use the following equation to check that the well has been on production for
sufficient length of time so that the accuracy is not affected.
The length of time the well is on production must be greater than the time required.

Next, it is important to check that the reservoir is infinite-acting after 10 days of production.
This time of production must be less than the time calculated from the following equation:

The reservoir will cease to be infinite-acting after about 19.3 days of production. Hence,
after 10 days of production, the reservoir is still infinite-acting.

Step 2: Calculate reservoir pressure after 5 days, and 10 days of
production at 500 feet from well. Substituting Eq. (20) with the
data provided gives:

70.6Qo o Bo 948o ct r 2
p ( r , t ) pi * Ei
kh kt

70.6 * 5500 *1.1* 4.5 948 * 0.19 * 4.5 * 4 *10 6 * (500) 2

p (r , t ) 19250 * Ei
7 * 345 7 * 24 * t
p (r , t ) 19250 795.89 * Ei
4.8246 4.8246
At 5 days of production, the Ei (-x) is: Ei Ei Ei (0.96)
t 5
Because x is higher than 0.1, so the value of Ei(-x) can be obtained from the table which is
equal to 0.24.
p (r , t ) 19250 795.89 * 0.24
p (r , t ) 19,059 psia

At 10 days of production, the Ei (-x) is:

4.8246 4.8246
Ei Ei Ei (0.48)
t 10

Because x is higher than 0.1, so the value of Ei(-x) can be obtained from the table which
is equal to 0.585.

p (r , t ) 19250 795.89 * 0.585

p (r , t ) 18,784 psia

An oil well is producing at a constant flow rate of 300 STB/day under unsteady-
state flow conditions. The reservoir has the following rock and fluid properties:

1. Calculate pressure at radii of 0.25, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500
feet, for 1 hour.
Plot the results as:
A. Pressure versus logarithm of radius
B. Pressure versus radius

70.6Qo o Bo 948o ct r
p (r , t ) pi Ei
kh kt

Step 1. From Equation (20) :

Step 2. Perform the required calculations after one hour in the following tabulated form:

x < 0.02

0.01 < x < 3.0,

use Ei chart

x >10.9,
Ei = zero

Solution, cont
Step 3. Show results of the calculation graphically as illustrated in Figures below:

Pressure profiles as a
function of time
Pressure profiles as a function of
time on a semi-log scale

Solution, cont
When the parameter x in the Ei-function is less than 0.01, Eq. (21) in the form of the
following equation can also be used to calculate the Pwf:

-------- (21)

For most of the transient flow calculations, engineers are primarily concerned with the
behavior of the bottom-hole flowing pressure at the wellbore, i.e., r = rw

Solution, cont

162.6Qo o Bo kt -------- (22)

pw f pi log 3.23
o t w c r 2

where k = permeability, md
t = time, hr
ct = total compressibility, psi1

Equations (21) and (22) cannot be used until the flow time t exceeds the limit imposed by:

-------- (23)

where t = time, hr
k = permeability, md

Example 3

An oil well is producing at a constant flow rate of 300 STB/day under unsteady-
state flow conditions. Estimate the bottom-hole flowing pressure after 10 hours
of production.The reservoir has the following rock and fluid properties:

Equation 22 can be used to calculate pwf only if the time exceeds the time limit

Since the specified time of 10 hr is greater than 0.000267 hrs, the pwf can then
be estimated by Equation 22.

The Dimensionless Pressure Drop (pD) Solution
The solution describes the pressure drop as a function of time and radius for fixed values
of external radius re and well bore radius rw, rock and fluid properties. It is expressed in
term of dimensionless variables as:

PD = f(tD, rD, reD) tD = dimensionless time

rD = dimensionless radius
reD = dimensionless external radius

This solution to the diffusivity equation at constant terminal rate under the stated
initial and boundary conditions was reported by van Everdingen and Hurst. The
solution is presented in terms of dimensionless variables based on Darcys equation
in a radial form.

The Dimensionless Pressure Drop (pD) Solution
The PD is presented in terms of dimensionless variables based on Darcys equation for a
radial flow system.

Dimensionless external radius

In Dimensionless format the previous equation can be written as:

The Dimensionless Pressure Drop (pD) Solution
In transient flow analysis, the dimensionless pressure PD = f(tD, rD, reD)
If the reservoir is fixed in size. i.e. reD is a particular value, then the dimensionless
pressure drop PD at the wellbore is only a function of dimensionless time, PD = f(tD)
The dimensionless pressure variable
PD is defined as:
pe pwf
Qo Bo o -------- (24)


-------- (25) The dimensionless time variable

Based on total drainage area, tDA

The Dimensionless Pressure Drop (pD) Solution
----- (25a)
where A = total drainage area = re2
re = drainage radius, ft
rw = wellbore radius, ft
----- (25b)

reD = dimensionless external radius

reD = dimensionless external radius

The Dimensionless Pressure Drop (pD) Solution
The dimensions units can be obtained by substituting the appropriate dimensions such as
M for mass, L for length and T for the time for each of the quantities in the original
Darcy low:
force ML M
pe pwf
p 2 2 2
PD area T L T L
Qo Bo o

0.00708kh M / T L L3
L / T L / L M / LT
3 3 3 T
0.00708 * L2 * L
Bo 3 A L2
After cancelation, the PD is dimensionless M
K L2

Dimensionless Diffusivity Equation
0.000264kt 0.000264 * L2 * T
tD tD
ct rw2
M / LT LT 2 / M L2
After cancelation, the tD is dimensionless

Introduce pD, tD, and rD into the diffusivity equation:

-------- (26)

Dimensionless Diffusivity Equation

Perfectly radial reservoir system
The producing well is in the center and producing at a constant production rate of Q
Uniform pressure pi throughout the reservoir before production
No flow across the external radius re

Van Everdingen and Hurst (1949) proposed an analytical solution to

the above equation For an Infinite-acting reservoir as:

-------- (27)

Infinite-Acting Reservoir
For an infinite-acting reservoir, i.e., reD = ,
the dimensionless pressure drop function pD is
strictly a function of the dimensionless time
tD, or:

Chatas and Lee tabulated the pD values for

the infinite-acting reservoir as shown here.

For tD < 0.01 -------- (28)

For 100 < tD < 0.25 r2eD

-------- (29)

For 0.02 < tD < 1000

Computational procedure
The computational procedure of using the pD-function in determining the bottom-hole
flowing pressure:

1 Calculate the dimensionless time tD

2 Calculate the dimensionless radius reD

3 Using the calculated values of tD and reD, determine the corresponding

pressure function pD from the appropriate table or equation

4 Solve for the pressure at the desired radius, i.e., rw

It should be pointed out that, for an infinite acting

reservoir with tD > 100, the pD-function is related to
the Ei-function by the following relation: -------- (27)
-------- (27a)
Example 4
A well is producing at a constant flow rate of 300 STB/day under unsteady-state flow
condition. Assuming an infinite acting reservoir, calculate the bottom-hole flowing
pressure after one hour of production by using the dimensionless pressure approach.
Assume the reservoir boundary is 1000 ft and the reservoir has the following rock and
fluid properties

Calculate the dimensionless time tD

Solution, cont
Since 100 < tD < 0.25 r2eD, use Equation 29 to calculate the dimensionless pressure
drop function

Calculate the bottom-hole pressure after 1 hour by applying Equation 27:

Example 5
An oil well located at X field is supposed to produce at a constant production rate from a drainage
boundary of 304.8 meters away from the wellbore. After 10 days of production, the bottom hole flowing
pressure was found to be 8134 psia at a wellbore radius of 0.5 ft. Estimate the well production rate in
bbl/day. other rock and fluid properties of the reservoir are as follows:

Step 1: Calculate the dimensionless time tD using Eq. 25.

0.000263kt 0.000263 * 7 * 24 *10

tD 518,147
c t rw
2 6
0.19 * 4.5 * 4 *10 * (0.5) 2

Step 2: Calculate the dimensionless radius reD .

re 304.8 * 3.2808
reD 2000
rw 0 .5
Step 3: Calculate the dimensionless pressure PD using Eq. 29.

PD 0.5ln t D 0.80907 6.9835

Solution, cont

Step 4: Calculate the oil production rate using Eq. 27.

Qo Bo o
Pwf Pi PD Q 5500 STB / day

Step 5: convert the oil production rate from STB/day to bbl/day

Q 5500 STB / day *1.1bbl / STB 6050bbl / day

Finite-Radial Reservoir
The arrival of the pressure disturbance at the well drainage boundary marks
the end of the transient flow period and the beginning of the semi (pseudo)-
steady state.

During this flow state, the reservoir boundaries and the shape of the drainage
area influence the wellbore pressure response as well as the behavior of the
pressure distribution throughout the reservoir.

There is a short period of time that separates the transient state from the semi-
steady state that is called late-transient state. Due to its complexity and short
duration, the late transient flow is not used in practical well test analysis.

Finite-Radial Reservoir


-------- (30)

For 25 < tD and 0.25 r2eD < tD

-------- (31)

when r2eD >> 1 -------- (32)

Example 6
A well is producing at a constant flow rate of 300 STB/day under unsteady-state
flow condition. The reservoir has the following rock and fluid properties

Assuming an infinite acting reservoir, i.e., reD = , calculate the bottom-hole flowing
pressure after one hour of production by using the dimensionless pressure approach.
Step 1. Calculate the dimensionless time tD from Equation:

Solution, cont
Step 2. Since tD > 100, use Equation:

Step 3. Calculate the bottom-hole pressure after 1 hour by applying

Important Note!
The main difference between the two formulations is that the pD-
function can be only used to calculate the pressure at radius r
when the flow rate Q is constant and known. In that case, the
pD-function application is essentially restricted to the wellbore
radius because the rate is usually known.
On the other hand, the Ei-function approach can be used to
calculate the pressure at any radius in the reservoir by using the
well flow rate Q.
Questions 47

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