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The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 800

miles through California, megathrust earthquake occur at subduction zone that will
result that exceeds magnitude 9.0 this earthquake will last up to 5 minutes.
Cascadia fault last moved in 1700, the earthquake generated tsunami 15 meters
high that reach Japan in 8 hours. The lock zone moves inland near the cities and
also the deep soil beneath the area traps the seismic wave and amplifies it that may
cause larger devastation . Compared to The Big One in the Philippines, this event
is more extreme that can affect millions of people, and earthquakes itself is hard to
determine when it will come so each individual must help themselves in order to be
prepared in this type of natural calamity.

Yellow stone last erupt 640, 000 years ago and the size of the caldera formed after
the last eruption was measured at 30 x 45 miles. The expected eruption was larger
than Toba eruption that almost annihilated human race and Mt. Pinatubo eruption
that cause the global temperature to change for about 2 degree Celsius. So we can
assume that when it erupts maybe not in our generation, it will have large scale
effect to the Earth. So people must always listen to the authorities, forecasting a
volcanic eruption has significantly advanced over the past years. Most scientists
think that the buildup preceding a catastrophic eruption would be detectable for
weeks and perhaps months. Precursors to volcanic eruptions include strong
earthquake swarms and rapid ground deformation and typically take place days to
weeks before an actual eruption, people has enough time to evacuate farther away
from the area.

The Rockies is a mountain ranges above the American West its the longest
mountain chain in North America. 30 million years ago it was submerged with inland
sea, due to movement of plate tectonic The Rockies are formed. It is formed inland
or in the weak line due to its soft layers of soil. Upon research using fossil, fossil
leaves acquired below and above the area, upon checking the fossil leaves acquired
the result shows that the original height of the Rockies was twice its current height.
Stone eroding from Rockies filled in the surrounding basins and valleys to at least
9000 feet slowly burying the mountains under their own debris. Helium 3 is an
evidence deep under the surface is active again, if rifting continuous, widens the
area of the Rockies, one day it could drift apart and be covered with sea water, that
will result to disappearance of the Rockies. Its the living proof that the Earth is
always changing. The fact that this things are happening it is amazing to think that
we still have many things to discover in the natural processes of the Earth.

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