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What is it?
English 10A and its reading, writing, and speaking assignments are primarily
structured around the concept of success, while 10B is centered around the
concepts of belonging and exclusion. Be prepared to read the assigned texts
independently, to make notes about these texts, to see connections between texts,
and to bring your observations and analysis to class through discussion,
presentations, and writing.

Essential Questions
What is Success?

Amanda Loucks
Room 14/Grinnell High School
Preparation/Planning Period: 6th and during E2 Tuesday-Friday


Students MUST bring laptops to class EVERYDAY!

Keep your laptops charged. ASK if you need to move near an outlet to charge
your laptop. Do NOT assume it is ok to move.

Class Participation: Class discussions (small groups and whole class) are an integral part of
this class. It is imperative that students use close and critical reading strategies in order to come
to class prepared for thoughtful and active participation. Merely listening or repeating and
agreeing with what others have said will not be enough. Also, because active participation in
discussion, small group activities, and class presentations are an integral part of this course,
regular attendance is vital.

Trimester grades are determined from your, writing, performance on tests and quizzes, and work
on projects.
Grading Scale is divided into the major strands of English Language Arts:
Writing (30%)
Speaking/Listening (30%)
Reading (10%)
Language (15%)
The final exam will comprise the remaining 15%.

Unit 1: Defining Success
Main text: Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
Speaking & Listening Assessment: Informative Speech

Unit 2: Worlds of Success

Main Texts (to choose between):
1. Angelas Ashes
2. Chronicles of the Blood Merchant
3. The Namesake
4. The Absolute True Diary of a Part-time Indian
Speaking & Listening Assessment: Branding Presentations

Unit 3: Benefits and Problems with Success, Technology and Progress

Main Text: and selected dystopian science fiction short stories
Writing assessment: Dystopian stories

Unit 4: Success: Define it Personally

Main Text: The Glass Menagerie
Writing Assessment: Process Analysis Essay

GRADING SCALE: according to the GHS handbook.

C+ 79-77%
A 100%-93% C 76-73%
A- 92-90% C- 72-70%
B+ 89-87% D+ 69-67%
B 86-83% D 66-63%
B- 82-80% D 62-60%
C+ 79-77% F 59% & Below


The student is responsible for obtaining makeup work and for completing the
work. Students will have 2 days (as defined in the student handbook) to submit
makeup work for full credit. This rule applies to assignments GIVEN in class the
day of the student absence. This DOES NOT apply to speeches or assignments
given days or weeks in advance. If a student is absent on their speaking day, they
are expected to give their speech ON THE DAY THEY RETURN. NO
assignments are due on the date assigned in class. LATE WORK WILL NOT
RECEIVE FULL CREDIT. If an assignment is not turned in at the time it is
collected by the teacher, it is late. This applies to work that the student completes
during the class period immediately following the collection of assignments. The
work is considered late.
Policy for Grading Late Work in English 10A
Assignments submitted on the due date: full credit
Assignments submitted late: -50%
A typical assignment in this class is worth 10 points. If that assignment is
submitted late, it is worth 5 points maximum.
Students may be assigned to E Squared time (between 7:45-8:30 am Tuesday-
Friday) to complete missing speeches & assignments.


Your online grade is broken into the following categories & percentages:
Projects/Assignments/Quizzes 20%
Partner Conversations 10%
Speeches 50%
Final Exam 20%


Students may be given assignments to record an Impromptu,Informative & Public
Forum speeches prior to presenting the speech in class. Students will be asked to
share their recordings in class with a partner or with the teacher. Practice speeches
will be used as a learning tool for improvement in order to give the best
presentation possible.
1. Read the student handbook. All school rules will be enforced.
Cell phones that ring, make noise or used for texting during class will be put on the teachers desk. Repeated
violation of this expectation will result in an office referral as it is classified as insubordination. Learn how to
use your cell phone responsibly. If you need to use it, check it, etc ASK FIRST!!!!
3. Bring a pen or pencil and your notebook EVERYDAY! If you forget there is a community cup of writing
utensils on the table in front of the room. If you leave one behind, it will be added to the community cup.
4. Respect the rights and possessions of others, including the teacher.
5. Vulgar and offensive language, name-calling, derogatory comments will NOT be tolerated.
6. Please use your laptop as directed. If you are asked to close your laptop or put it away, please comply
immediately with the teachers request.
7. Please do not bring food and beverages into the classroom. You will be asked to put it away or leave it on my
desk for the rest of the period. Your co-operation is appreciated.
8. Please sit in your assigned seat everyday.
9. Be in the classroom when the bell rings or you will be counted tardy. If you are coming from another class or
teacher, please bring a pass from that teacher & give it to me when you arrive. Please do not drop your bag and
leave the classroom before the bell. You will be counted tardy if you do not have prior permission from Mrs.
Hansen to come to class after the bell rings.
Excessive requests (daily) to use the restroom once class has started
will be denied use your passing time!
Watch your tardies: The third tardy will result in an office referral, as per the behavior code guidelines. More
than three tardies will result in additional referrals (1 for each tardy).
9. Donot ever stand at the door at the end of the period.
10. Keep a POSITIVE attitude! Support the efforts of your classmates!

All audience members must give eye contact and listen respectfully to all speakers.
Any other behavior is inappropriate. Your grade will be deducted 10 points per
instance during that current speech. Sleeping, talking, putting your head down,
rude comments, getting out of your seat, opening your laptop and cell phone
noise/use are all examples of inappropriate behavior. All speakers deserve to have
supportive, interested, and helpful audiences.
Audience Behavior Guidelines
During the speeches in class this trimester, speakers need helpful, interested audiences in order to perform
their best and to relieve communication apprehension. In order to accomplish this, the following
Audience Behavior Guidelines will be observed:
1. No Talking During Any Speech! Do not talk to others in the class or make comments to the
2. Stay In Your Seat During a Speech. Do not get out of your seat to throw away trash, etc.
Audience movement is distracting to the speaker.
3. Sit In Your Desk and Face Forward. Make positive and helpful eye contact with the
4. If You Need to Leave the Room During A Speech do it between speeches. If you miss a
speech, you will also miss peer evaluation points.
5. If You Enter the Room During Speeches, enter between speeches. Wait outside the door
until a speaker is finished. Listen for applause & enter when you hear it.
6. Peer Evaluations Will Be Written For Each Speech. Write positive comments as well as
suggestion for improvement for future speeches. The instructor will read each post on the
Google form and give points for the evaluations that fit the criteria. Rude and unnecessary
comments on peer evaluations will not receive points and may result in revocation of all peer
evaluation points.
7. No Open Laptops During a Speech. Once a speech has started, it is your duty to give your
full undivided attention to the speaker. Please close your laptop after completing the peer
8. All Cell Phones Must Be Off During Speeches. Any phones making noise during a speech
will confiscated. Anyone observed texting will lose their phone. Remember the teacher sits in
the back of the room!
9. Practice Groups Will Be Formed During Informative Speeches. Audience members will
be randomly assigned to a speaker by numbering off. GO WITH YOUR ASSIGNED
PRACTICE GROUP. Do not switch groups unless you have permission from the instructor.
Failure to participate will result in loss of 10 speech points. The purpose of practice groups is to
listen to the speech, time it and offer feedback prior to the speech performance. Individuals who
do not support the purpose of the practice groups will not be allowed to practice prior to their
10. Remind Speakers to Take Out Chewing Gum Prior to Their Speeches! Chewing gum
comprises articulation and enunciation. Students will lose points if they give their speeches
while chewing gum.

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