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Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii tiinifice

FAIRYLAND 3A Teachers Book

Fairyland 3A is a course for young learners of English.
Pupils follow the adventures of four children and their
friends from the Magic Forest.

Pupils Book
Jenny Dooley Virginia Evans
Digital Book
Activity Book

Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans

Teachers Book
Picture Flashcards
Teachers Resource Pack

ISBN 978-1-4715-4288-6
Express Publishing

Uniscan Grup Educaional

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Teachers Book
Jenny Dooley Virginia Evans

Programa colar pentru disciplina LIMBA MODERN Clasele a III-a a IV-a,

aprobat prin Anexa nr. 2 la ordinul ministrului educaiei naionale nr. 5003/02.12.2014

72 pagini

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Contents Introduction
Programme (Contents & Syllabus)
p. II
p. X

Competences Vocabulary Structures Project

Unit 1 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly the characters the verb to Write
(pp. 4-9) articulated oral message in a familiar context. the numbers be about
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages. (1-10) yourself
1a Hello! 2.1 Request and provide information on numbers, colours
1b The Magic prices and expressions of time.
Forest! 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
1c Colours! familiar topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday
3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
Module 1

about familiar topics.

3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,
peers, teacher.

Unit 2 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly school items a an Write
(pp. 10-19) articulated oral message in a familiar context. commands this/that about
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) in plurals (-s) your
2a Time for everyday situations. possessive school
School! 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages. case things
2b Its a magic 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about imperative
pen! familiar topics.
2c Lets do it! 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
about familiar topics.
Troll Tales 1 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,
Go Green! peers, teacher.
Our World
Checkpoint 1
Unit 3 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly family members the verb to Write
(pp. 20-25) articulated oral message in a familiar context. numbers be about a
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages. (11-20) member
3a My family! 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about jobs of your
3b Grandmas familiar topics. family
here! 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
3c Its my job! 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,
Module 2

peers, teacher.

Unit 4 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly toys these/those Write a
(pp. 26-35) articulated oral message in a familiar context. birthdays plurals birthday
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages. (-es, -ies) card
4a At the 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
toyshop! familiar topics.
4b Open it and 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
see! 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
4c Happy about familiar topics.
Birthday! 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,
peers, teacher.
Troll Tales 2 4.1 Write cards for birthdays and celebrations.
Go Green!
Our World
Checkpoint 2
Competences Vocabulary Structures Project
Unit 5 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated things in a possessive Write
(pp. 36-41) oral message in a familiar context. house adjectives about
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) in everyday prepositions your
5a Hide! situations. of place room
5b Come out! 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
5c Wheres 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
Alvin? 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,
peers, teacher.

Unit 6 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated rooms there is/ Write
(pp. 42-51) oral message in a familiar context. things in a there are about
Module 3

1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages. house your

6a In the old 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about familiar house
house! topics.
6b Wheres 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
Missy? 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
about familiar topics.
6c Welcome!
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,
Troll Tales 3 peers, teacher.
Go Green!
Our World
Checkpoint 3

Our School 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about familiar

(pp. 52-54) topics.
3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
about familiar topics.
4.2 Write a simple message for a classmate.

Round-up 2.1 Request and provide information on numbers, prices

(p. 55) and expressions of time.

Merry 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts

Christmas! about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,
(pp. 56-57) peers, teacher.

Happy New 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated

Year! oral message in a familiar context.
2.1 Request and provide information on numbers, prices
(pp. 58-59) and expressions of time.
3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday
3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts
about familiar topics.

Fun Time 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated

(pp. 60-71) oral message in a familiar context.
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) in everyday
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.1 Request and provide information on numbers, prices and
expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday situations.
3.2 Understand the global significance of simple texts about
familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers,

(p. 72)
Fun Time Key p. 73(T) Activity Book Key & Instructions p. 80(T)
Instruments for Evaluation p. 74(T)
Introduction to the Teacher
Fairyland 3A is a course specially designed to module has its individual aims, and at the end
introduce young learners to the English of the module the pupils, with the help of their
language. The syllabus is based on graded teacher, can record their progress in English.
structures and vocabulary enabling pupils to The teacher has the opportunity to recycle
use English effectively and ensuring that they and further consolidate any language items
enjoy themselves while learning. All four skills upon completion of the Checkpoint section. In
(listening, speaking, reading and writing) are addition, through the Pupils Self-Assessment
developed through a variety of communicative Forms (found in the Teachers Book), the pupils
tasks and key language is recycled regularly. can assess their progress and develop their
Fairyland 3A is ideal for young learners as it language awareness and independence.
encourages active, holistic and humanistic (See Instruments for Evaluation, p. IV.)
learning thus developing a keen interest in the
Fairyland 3A contains the following modules and
English language.
their objectives:
Fairyland 3A comprises three modules. Each
Module 1: introductions, greetings, numbers
module consists of two units. It is aimed at pupils
(1-10), colours, school items;
who come under the category of A1, Basic User.
Module 2: family, toys, jobs, numbers (11-20);
Module 3: house and furniture, possessions,
A1 Basic Users
The Pupils Book also incorporates a variety of
Pupils in this category can understand and use appealing additions: Troll Tales is a series of
some basic vocabulary and expressions related episodes in a cartoon story aimed at providing
to their own personal, concrete world. They can real language input and reading for pleasure.
communicate in simple exchanges, introduce In addition, through the Go Green! section the
themselves and ask and answer questions in a pupils are given the opportunity to learn about
simple, repetitive way. Simple interaction is the environment and become more aware of
feasible, provided the other person speaks clearly various environmental issues in a fun and
and slowly and is prepared to assist. creative way. The pupils are also familiarised
with the culture and way of life in other
countries through the OUR WORLD section at
Components the end of each module. Dialogues, texts,
songs, chants and other listening activities are
Pupils Book on the CDs.

The Pupils Book has been designed to appeal to, The Pupils Book also includes:
as well as involve, the pupils in language learning.
New words and structures are presented in a clear I Special Days (Merry Christmas! Happy New
and effective way by means of chants, songs and Year!)
picture word association. New language is
There are two optional units at the back of
presented in context through lively dialogues. A
the book, containing activities for Christmas
variety of functional exercises, songs and games
and New Year, which should be covered as
help pupils practise the key language in a
a lead-up to the respective special days.
memorable and enjoyable way.
Fairyland 3A is modularised; therefore, in each II Our school
module the pupils are thoroughly exposed to
This section presents cross-curricular material.
the new language and achieve competency
The pupils use English to complete tasks related
in the target language at a faster pace. Each

to other subject areas, e.g. Geography, Maths The important thing is to have the pupils
and Science. This reinforces their language work on their own so that they are able to
learning, and promotes learner independence assess their progress thus far. In this way, the
and peer cooperation. teacher facilitates the pupils autonomy.
The pupils then fill in the Pupils Self-Assessment
Activity Book
Form and file it in their Junior Language
The Activity Book is in full-colour and consists of six Portfolio. (See Instruments for Evaluation.)
modules of twelve pages each. The Activity Book
can be used either in class or for homework, upon III Board Games
completion of each corresponding unit in the
There are six board games, one per module.
Pupils Book. It aims to consolidate the language
The aim of the board games is to provide an
that appears in the Pupils Book through various
atmosphere of relaxation while consolidating
exercises incorporating all four skills.
the language learnt. They can be used before
The Activity Book also includes: or after the Checkpoint sections (as further
revision) or after the corresponding Module
I Stickers
Test (as a reward).
Stickers are an excellent way to involve the
How to play the Board Games
tactile/kinaesthetic learners and it helps pupils
retain the vocabulary in their long-term Divide the class into two teams, A and B, or
memory, as they are not simply exposed to the into pairs. Ask the pupils to use a coin, a
new words, but they have to do something pencil sharpener, a rubber, etc as a marker
with them. Young learners love using their and place it on the Start sign. Teams or
hands and this trait should be part of the pairs take it in turns to select a number by
learning process. There are some exercises throwing a dice, spinning a spinner, etc,
with stickers in the Activity Book. The type and and then move along the board according
aim of these exercises vary to give pupils the to the number. The pupils must answer the
chance to practise the new language in a question in the square they land on. A
motivating and appealing way. There are also correct answer allows the pupils to stay
some reward stickers to give a sense of where they are, whereas an incorrect one
achievement and satisfaction which can be means that they must move one square
used upon completion of the Modular Revision backwards. If they land on a trap square,
and Assessment section and throughout the they must go back to the beginning.
course whenever the teacher feels that the
pupils should be praised, which is all the time! IV My Pictionary
This section presents the main vocabulary of
II Modular Revision and Assessment
the Pupils Book in themes. The pupils have the
Do a quick revision before the pupils complete chance to revise the key vocabulary of each
the tasks. While you are going through the module through fun activities. My Pictionary
examples in each category, you can elicit consists of six two-page sections (one per
meanings of words, sentences with the target unit), each of which can be completed by the
structures, etc. pupils upon completion of the respective
Go through each exercise and explain to
the pupils what they have to do. Then, pupils
V Plays
The last section of the Fairyland 3 Activity Book
a do the exercises as written homework.
consists of six plays that aim to consolidate
b do some exercises in class and the rest
the language of the modules.
as written homework.
c do all the exercises in class.

VI Character Cutouts Teachers Book
There are seven full-body cutouts of the The Teachers Book provides interleaved step-
characters in the book, for pupils to use while by-step lesson plans, as well as the answers to
acting out the dialogues, playing games or the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the
in any other communicative activity the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on
teacher wishes to include in the lesson. how to present new words and language
patterns, additional activities and games, as
My Junior Language Portfolio well as tapescripts for the listening activities.
My Junior Language Portfolio is used to contain Each module begins by setting out the targets
material that the pupils use, along with any extra and objectives of each unit in a clear and
material given by the teacher throughout the concise way. At the beginning of the Teachers
course. My Junior Language Portfolio has been Book the teacher can find the Programme, an
designed to stimulate and support the learning analytical chart of the targets and objectives
of the English Language. Its purpose is to help of the modules.
the pupils reflect on, realise their progress in and The Teachers Book also includes:
improve their language learning.
I Instruments for Evaluation
The Junior Language Portfolio is the pupils
Evaluation is an essential part of the learning
property. It is a tool to accompany the pupils
process. It helps the learners become aware
language learning throughout their school life
of their progress in the target language, how
and is suitable for documenting their learning
much they have achieved and what areas
both inside and outside the classroom.
need further practice. Evaluation also allows
In practice, Language Portfolios may include teachers to reflect on the validity of their
project work or other examples of written work, teaching practices and the types of the
memory sticks (with work or drawings completed material being used.
inside or outside the class), DVDs (with the
In the Instruments for Evaluation, the teacher
pupils favourite story or with performances of
can find:
songs, school plays, etc), certificates, reports
from teachers, or even a collection of objects or Formative Evaluation Chart: The teacher
pictures. It is a collection of material that the uses the chart to evaluate the pupils on
learners want to keep as evidence of their an activity at any time during the course
learning. The main emphasis is on the process of and writes the marks obtained with the
learning. As a result, while compiling their Junior help of a code.
Language Portfolios, pupils learn how to work
Pupils Self-Assessment Forms: The pupils
give their personal opinion about their
How to make a Junior Language Portfolio own results upon completion of each
Checkpoint. They file these forms in their
During the first lesson, explain to the pupils that
Junior Language Portfolio.
they should bring in a dossier, which they will
have with them at all times and in which they Progress Report Cards: The teacher
will keep their Junior Language Portfolio. For the completes them, one per pupil, upon
next lesson, bring in self-adhesive labels, write completion of each module, taking into
My Junior Language Portfolio on them and help consideration the pupils performance
your learners stick them onto their dossiers. and progress throughout the module as
Demonstrate how to store their material in their well as the mark received in the
Junior Language Portfolio and make sure they corresponding Module Test. The pupils
update it regularly. file their Progress Report Cards in their
Junior Language Portfolio.

Fairyland A Teachers Resource Pack Posters
The Teachers Resource Pack provides the There are double-sided posters accompanying
teacher with additional material which may be Fairyland 3, which include the vocabulary of
used in the classroom for further exploitation of the modules in thematic areas. In the Teachers
the language learnt. Book there are helpful guidelines as to when
Fairyland A Teachers Resource Pack is divided and how the posters can be used to present
into the following sections: and/or consolidate the new language.

I Reinforcement and Extension Activities Class CDs

These activities are in the form of projects The Class CDs include all the recordings for the
which pupils can do on their own or in listening activities in the Pupils Book, Activity
groups. The pupils can then file their projects Book and the Module Tests. The teacher can
in their Junior Language Portfolios. also find the recordings for the Fairyland
Alphabet Book should s/he decide to use it.
II Holiday Activities
These activities are designed for Christmas, Digital Book
Easter and Carnival holidays and the The Digital Book is the electronic version of the
teachers can use some or all of them before Pupils Book.
the corresponding celebrations.

III Templates for the craftwork activities in the Characters

Pupils Book.
Fairyland follows the adventures of a group of
IV Picture Word Cards for the practice of the loveable and exciting characters. The pupils have
English alphabet. the opportunity to find themselves in a magical
new world called Fairyland, where they meet a
V Progress Tests group of friends: Harry, Mona, Emma and Lee,
whose characters have been carefully selected to
There is one test for each unit.
correspond to the multi-ethnic communities within
our societies. These four friends, along with their
VI Module Tests
magical friends, Erlina (the fairy), Willow (a wise
There are six tests in two versions, one for tree) and Alvin (the leprechaun), explore the
each module, as well as an end-of-year Exit world around them, and the pupils follow them in
Test. The Exit Test can also be used as a their exciting adventures. Erlina possesses magical
placement test for the next level. powers. She opens the door to the characters as
well as the pupils imagination, while Alvin adds
Picture Flashcards the humorous element to the story by being
The Picture Flashcards illustrate the new mischievous and clumsy. The pupils imagination
vocabulary items and can be used for is also catered for by the cartoon characters Pog,
presentation, revision, additional practice and Trog and Popsie, two trolls (Pog and Trog) up
memory games. Flashcards enable the pupils against one tricky pixie (Popsie)!
to make the connection between the visual
prompt and the spoken word and help
teachers avoid the use of translation or lengthy Typical layout of a module
Each module consists of two units and a revision
section (Checkpoint), in sixteen pages altogether.

designed to make reading an enjoyable and
Key features of a unit
rewarding experience.
I Presentation of the new language
The new language is presented by first VI Gradual progression in writing
listening to the new vocabulary. In each Every unit includes short texts which can be
lesson plan the teacher will find detailed used as a model for the pupils own writing.
guidance on how to vary the presentation
of new vocabulary, as well as further VII Pronunciation
reinforcement and extension activities.
These are exercises to help the pupils
II Dialogues distinguish between different sounds in
spoken English. They are accompanied by
All the dialogues cover areas of interest within humorous illustrations, adding fun to the
the pupils knowledge. They are always activity and lowering the pupils inhibitions.
followed by a reading comprehension task,
which the pupils have to complete after VIII Troll Tales!
reading and listening to the dialogue. In this
way, the pupils not only familiarise themselves After every module there is an episode of
with the dialogue, but also practise reading Troll Tales!, promoting reading for pleasure.
strategies (reading for a specific purpose) and
thus enhancing their reading comprehension IX Go Green!
skills. After every module there is also a Go Green!
section, which promotes an affinity with
III Grammar and Vocabulary Activities nature and makes the pupils more aware of
There is a great variety of activities catering the environment we live in.
for all types of learners and learning styles:
pair and group work, matching, games, etc. X OUR WORLD
In this way, the pupils use the new language At the end of every module, the pupils have
in a meaningful context. the opportunity to read short texts about
aspects of life in other countries.
IV Games, Chants & Songs
Pupils at this level need a lot of opportunities to XI OUR SCHOOL
play and explore their surroundings. Playing In the OUR SCHOOL section, which can be
games and singing songs/chants provides a found at the back of the Pupils Book, the
necessary outlet and ensures that the pupils pupils explore other fields of study (e.g. Art,
are learning while having fun. It is also a way of Maths, Science, etc) through English. In this
ensuring that the lesson always ends on a high way, the pupils learn how to use English as a
note. In every unit there are songs, chants and vehicle to approach other subject matters.
games that add a creative and enjoyable
element to the language classroom. XII Checkpoint

V Development of reading skills This section includes exercises consolidating

the module as well as preparing the pupils
The pupils are introduced to short texts and for the test, which can be found in the
dialogues aimed at gradually improving their Teachers Resource Pack.
reading skills through enjoyable activities. In
this way, the pupils gain an appreciation of Upon completion of the Checkpoint section,
reading and are not intimidated by the the pupils read the Now I can table, thus
written word. Reading for pleasure is fostered keeping a mental record of their progress.
through the Troll Tales! episodes, which are

4 empathise with aspects of life in other
Basic Principles of Fairyland countries; and
5 record and assess their progress through
The modularised approach of the Fairyland the Checkpoint and Pupils Self-Assessment
series caters for the holistic development of the Forms, thus developing autonomy.
pupils. It enables the pupils to work on a theme
from different angles and employ different Social Skills
learning styles. The pupils are asked to engage Upon completion of each module, the pupils will:
in a variety of activities, including listening, role- 1 be motivated to read English, encouraged by
play, TPR, matching, selecting, giving personal the enjoyable adventures of Pog, Trog and
information and opinions, etc. In this way, the Popsie;
language learning process involves the pupils 2 experience being part of a group and obeying
body, mind, emotions and spirit. rules through the games;
The activities are also aimed at meeting the needs 3 become more responsible by keeping and
of all types of learners (visual, auditory, tactile/ updating their Junior Language Portfolio;
kinaesthetic) and aim at developing the pupils 4 have a good understanding of the culture
linguistic, learning-to-learn and social skills. and traditions of other countries; and
5 have some understanding of the way of life
Linguistic Skills in other countries.

The pupils can do the following upon completion

of each module: Classroom Management
1 associate pictures with new vocabulary with
the aid of illustrations in their books as well as Creating a pleasant environment in the classroom
through the use of the picture flashcards or should be one of the teachers very first goals. It is a
posters; good idea for the teacher to arrive a few minutes
2 produce the sounds, pronunciation and early to welcome the pupils and have something
intonation of the target language; interesting for the early comers to do. They can
3 communicate with their peers in English, listen to the song from the previous lesson, watch
exchanging basic information about everyday the video again or play with the picture flashcards,
matters such as introducing themselves, identifying the books characters as well as the
describing a house, talking about animals, vocabulary items already presented.
4 comprehend dialogues, short exchanges, etc The teacher should establish his/her policies
on tape and use the set patterns in multi- from the start. Remind pupils to:
sensory tasks; and come to class on time,
5 achieve oral competency through the bring their Pupils Book, etc,
reproduction of short exchanges, songs and raise their hands when they want to ask a
chants. question, and
wait for their classmates to answer the
Learning-to-learn skills teachers questions before they raise their
hand to give their answer.
Upon completion of each module, the pupils
will be able to: The teacher should empower his/her learners by:
1 concentrate better and longer, as they are teaching classroom language, i.e. the
trained to listen to dialogues in order to Teachers instructions, such as open your
perform a task; books, close your books, work in pairs, etc,
2 skim and scan texts and dialogues to locate the Pupils instructions, i.e. the rubrics, and the
the necessary information; pupils questions and answers to the teacher.
3 develop their writing skills; Classroom language is the language of

communication between teacher and pupils b Using props: Bring visuals, realia or word
in the classroom and needs to be taught from cards to class. Hand out these props to
day one. your pupils and ask them to hold up the
giving brief and clear oral or written prop as soon as they hear the equivalent
instructions. The teacher should give or word in the song.
read the instructions. S/He reads them at a
c Song dramatisations: Having interesting
slower pace, providing examples and
plots and characters, songs frequently offer
eliciting examples from the pupils so s/he
themselves for further exploitation through
can be sure that they know what to do.
drama. The teacher can dramatise the
assigning homework ten minutes before the
songs into short sketches, thus motivating
end of the lesson, so s/he can:
his/her pupils. Assign roles and have the
a read the instructions,
pupils sing their lines. Simple costumes and
b give adequate examples,
props can be prepared and used to make
c elicit examples from the pupils, and
the performance more realistic.
d ask them if they have any questions.
These are just a few suggestions on how to use the
By following this procedure we can ensure that
songs in the language classroom. Be as inventive
the pupils know how to do their homework.
as you can, since pupils love performing.
Explain to the parents how important it is for
the pupils to do their homework alone as this
will eventually reinforce self-confidence and
Checking Pupils Progress
a Homework: At the end of each unit or lesson,
the pupils should be given some homework.
Songs in the Language The Teachers Book provides some suggestions
Classroom on what to assign for homework and how to
check it in the next lesson.
Songs are of great value in language learning.
b Progress Report Cards: After completing each
They are vivid examples of how the language
module and taking the corresponding test,
taught is used in a real context and highlight both
photocopy the respective Progress Report
pronunciation and intonation. Furthermore, their
Card from the Teachers Book and fill it in, one
rhythm enables the pupils to remember the newly
per pupil. The pupils are to keep these cards in
acquired language and stimulates learning.
their Junior Language Portfolio for future
There are numerous ways to use songs in the reference.
language classroom. You can play the CD and
c Pupils Self-Assessment Forms: After the pupils
invite the pupils to move and clap to the rhythm
have completed the Checkpoint section of
or hum to the melody. If there are lyrics frequently
each module, as well as the Modular Revision
repeated, children will soon start joining in.
and Assessment in the Activity Book, they are
Here are some ways to animate the songs: to fill out the Self-Assessment Form by
themselves. This learning-to-learn technique
a Total Physical Response (TPR) Activities:
enables the pupils to develop awareness of
Have the pupils stand in a circle and play
their progress. The Self-Assessment Form
the song once. Sing and demonstrate the
should be kept in their Junior Language
actions, encouraging the pupils to imitate
Portfolio for future reference. The Pupils Self-
you. Play the song again, this time asking
Assessment Forms can also be found in the
the pupils to listen to the song and repeat
Teachers Book.
after you while doing the actions. Play the
song a third time and lead the singing while
the pupils join in.


Types of learning styles

Over the years, teachers have noticed that
some of their pupils learn by listening to new
information, some pupils prefer to read about
it, while others need to do something with the
new information. There are many different
learning styles. Consequently, a coursebook
should offer a variety of exercises and material
to stimulate all learning styles and help pupils
learn in the way that suits them best.

What are the types of learning styles?

Visual Learners
These learners need to see the teachers body
language and facial expressions to fully
understand the content of the lesson. They think
in pictures and learn best from visual displays
including: diagrams, illustrations, transparencies,
videos, flashcards and handouts.

Auditory Learners
These learners learn best through verbal
lectures, discussions, talking things through
and listening to what others have to say.
Written information may have little meaning
until it is heard. They often benefit from
reading a text aloud and using a tape

Tactile/Kinaesthetic Learners
Tactile/Kinaesthetic people learn best
through a hands-on approach, actively
exploring the physical world around them.
They find it hard to sit still for long periods
and may become distracted by their need
for activity and exploration. These learners
express themselves through movement.
They have a good sense of balance and
eye-hand coordination. By interacting with
the space around them, they are able to
remember and process information. They
have to do things on their own to be able to
learn the new language.

Programme (Contents & Syllabus)
Go Green! 1 This is my tree!
Module 1 (Units 1-2)
Pupils will
In this module pupils will
read and talk about trees
read about draw a fruit tree

the characters meeting one another

Mona and her dog, Missy Our World
school items
Julias favourite colour Pupils will
Pog and Trog and their meeting with Popsie
read about children from around the world

listen to
Our School
the characters introducing themselves to
Erlina, Alvin and Willow
Pupils will
songs presenting and practising colours
and commands identify English-speaking countries (names,
the characters talking about their school maps, flags, representative landmarks,
items animals, etc)
an episode of Troll Tales! make a map of their country

learn how to (COMPETENCES)

introduce themselves and greet others
spell names
talk about age
identify colours
identify school items
talk about possession
pronounce the sounds \eI\, \ks\

practise (DESCRIPTORS)
Lexical Areas
numbers (1-10)
school items

Grammar Focus
the verb to be
a an
this that
possessive case
plural number (-s)

write about
themselves and their pet
their school items

Programme (Contents & Syllabus)
Go Green! 2 Lets Recycle!
Module 2 (Units 3-4)
Pupils will
In this module pupils will
talk about recycling
read sing a song about recycling

about Lees family

about Alvins family Our World
about the characters present for Harry
about Harrys birthday Pupils will
about the characters birthday cards to
read about taxi drivers from different
about Pog and Trog and their birthday
draw or stick a picture of a taxi in their

listen to
Our School
Lee talking about his family
songs presenting and practising jobs and
Pupils will
the characters trying to find a present for practise talking about toys using codes
what happens at Harrys birthday party
an episode of Troll Tales!

learn how to (COMPETENCES)

count up to 20
identify members of a family
talk about jobs
identify toys
talk about birthdays
offer and accept gifts
pronounce the sounds \u\, \`p\

practise (DESCRIPTORS)
Lexical Areas
numbers (11-20)
members of a family

Grammar Focus
the verb to be
these those
plural number (-es)

about their family
a birthday card

Programme (Contents & Syllabus)
Go Green! 3 Its a Bugs World!
Module 3 (Units 5-6)
Pupils will
In this module pupils will
talk about bugs
read about
Harrys room Our World
Lucas bedroom
the old house Pupils will
Melvyns house
read about houses in different countries
Popsie eating Pog and Trogs food
draw or stick a picture of their house

listen to
Our School
Erlina and Alvin hiding from Harrys dad
songs presenting and practising furniture
Pupils will
and things in a house
the characters trying to find Missy in an old talk about materials (wood, aluminium,
house glass)
an episode of Troll Tales! design a front door for their own house

learn how to (COMPETENCES)

identify things in a house
talk about location
identify rooms
pronounce the sounds \b\, \O\

practise (DESCRIPTORS)
Lexical Areas
things in a house

Grammar Focus
possessive adjectives
prepositions of place
there is there are

write about
their room
their house

Programme (Contents & Syllabus)
Merry Christmas!
In this unit pupils will
talk about Christmas
learn a Christmas poem from the UK
ask Santa what they want for Christmas

Happy New Year!

In this unit pupils will
make a New Years shaker
sing a song about New Year
learn some words associated with New
Year celebrations

1 Listen and read.

Hello, Harry!
Hello, Mona!

Hi, Im Lee. Whats Hi, Lee. Im Mona.

2 your name? 3

Oh, hi! Im Hi, Mona. Nice

Emma. to meet you.

Wow! Whos this? This is Erlina. Hello!

4 5

Hello, Lee. Nice

to meet you!

Module 1
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to greet/introduce oneself and others
Vocabulary: Hello! Hi! name, magic
Language focus
1 Listen and read.
Structures: Im = I am, Whats = What is
Language in use: Hello, Mona! Hi, Im Lee. Write a big 4 on the board and ask the pupils to
Whats your name? Oh, hi! Im Emma. Nice to open their books at page four. Read the title of the
meet you. Whos this? This is Erlina. unit and have the pupils repeat after you. Read the
Extra materials: Fairyland poster, slips of paper instructions. Go through the pictures of the
with the characters names (Ex. 3), character dialogue and set the scene by asking questions.
cutouts and drinking straws (Ex. 4)
e.g. Teacher: (pointing to Harry in picture 1) Look!
Its Harry. (pointing to Mona) Whos
Welcome the class by saying Hello! and introducing Teacher: (pointing to Emma in picture 1) Look!
yourself. Its ...
Class: Emma. etc
e.g. Teacher: Hello! Im (Miss White).
Write on the board: This is Erlina.
Encourage the pupils to greet you back.
Ask the pupils to listen to the dialogue and say
e.g. Teacher: Hello! Im (Miss White). Whats your which picture the sentence was taken from. Play
name? the recording. The pupils listen, follow along and
Pupil: Im . complete the task.


(An activity to present the theme of the unit.)


Pupils books closed. Put the Fairyland poster on the

board. Point to each character and elicit the name.

Before going into class

Find the character cutouts at the end of

the Activity Book, cut them out and stick
each of them on a drinking straw.

Alternatively, hand out the character cutouts. Say a

name. The pupil who has the character holds it up
and repeats the name. Ask the rest of the class for

of Nice to meet you. Then give another pair of
2 Who are they? Look, read and say. pupils two cutouts and ask them to act out a similar
Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the dialogue. Make sure that one of the pupils is always
pupils to look at the example. Ask: Whos this? and using a cutout of Lee as he is the newcomer who
elicit the correct response (Harry). Point to the other needs to meet everyone else.
pictures and ask individual pupils to tell you the e.g. Pupil 1: Hi, Lee. Im Erlina.
names of the characters. Allow the pupils time to Pupil 2: Hi, Erlina. Nice to meet you!
complete the task. Check their answers.
Alternatively, the pupils can use their own set of the
2 Lee 3 Emma 4 Mona 5 Erlina character cutouts.

Extension My Magic Files!

Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils Read the title and explain/elicit the meaning of
to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils magic. Tell the pupils that throughout the course they
pronunciation and intonation. Then the pupils take will be doing some magic things. Then write your
roles and read out the dialogue. name on the board, scramble the letters of your
name and write your magic name underneath it.
Hold up your book to the class. Read out the dialogue
and point to the pictures in turn. Repeat, this time e.g. Mrs S m i t h
inviting the pupils to complete your sentences.
e.g. Teacher: Hello ..., T h i m s
Class: Mona etc Then write on the board: My name is Mrs Smith. My
Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books magic name is Mrs Thims. Then ask the pupils to
during this activity. rearrange the letters in their name and write down their
own magic name and present it to the rest of the class.
3 Talk with your friend. e.g. My name is Thomas. My magic name is Mothas.
Pupils books closed. Write on the board: I am Pat. The As an extension, the pupils can write their magic
pupils repeat after you. Then write: Im Pat. Repeat with names on slips of paper and decorate them with
What is ... and Whats ... . Explain to the pupils that the pictures (e.g. stars). Make sure you display their
meaning remains the same but that we use the work somewhere in the classroom.
contracted form more often.
Pupils books open. Read the instructions and explain ENDING THE LESSON
the task. Read out the dialogue with pauses for the (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
pupils to repeat, chorally and individually. Check the
Write a letter of the alphabet on the board (e.g. T)
pupils pronunciation and intonation. Then the pupils,
and tell pupils whose name starts with a T to stand
in pairs, act out similar dialogues about themselves.
up. Ask standing pupils to spell their names before
Ask some of the pairs to come to the front of the
leaving the class.
classroom and act out the exchange.
e.g. Pupil: T-H-O-M-A-S
e.g. Pupil 1: Hi, Im Carrie. Whats your name?
Pupil 2: Kevin. Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know an
Pupil 1: How do you spell it? exchange of their/your choice from the dialogue
Pupil 2: K-E-V-I-N (Ex. 1). Ask them to learn the exchanges in Exs 3 and 4.

4 Lets play! Activity Book (Optional)

Read the example and explain the game. Give two Assign some of the activities from Unit 1a of the
pupils the cutouts of Mona and Lee and ask them Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
to act out the example. Explain/Elicit the meaning sure you do them first orally in class.

2 Who are they? Look, read and say.

1 2 3 5


3 Talk with your friend.

Hi, Im Jack.
Whats your Nia.
Hi, Im Lee. name?
Whats your name?
Im ... = I am ...
Whats ... = What is ...

How do you
4 spell it?

Hi, Lee.
Im Mona.
Hi, Mona. Nice
to meet you!

Module 1

1 Listen and read.

How old are

How old are you, Mona?
1 2
you, Lee?
Im ten.
Im nine.

Whos that?
Hello. Im Willow, 4 And whos that?
3 the Guardian!

Oh, thats

Welcome to The
Wow! This is
Magic Forest!
really great!

Module 1
The Magic Forest!
Unit 1b random order. Individual pupils say the numbers 1-
10. Ask the rest of the class for verification.
Aims: to introduce numbers 1-10, to talk about Pupils books open. Write a big 6 on the board and
age ask the pupils to open their books at page six. Read
Vocabulary: 1-10, forest, welcome, great the title of the unit and have the pupils repeat after
Language focus you. Play the recording. The pupils listen and repeat,
Structures: Whos = Who is, Thats = That is chorally and individually. Check their pronunciation
Language in use: How old are you, Lee? Im and intonation.
ten. Whos that? Thats Alvin. Welcome to the
Magic Forest! This is really great! LISTENING & READING
Extra materials: Fairyland poster, Numbers!
poster, character masks from the Teachers (Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Resource Pack (Ex. 3), small box and pieces skills.)
of paper with numbers 1-10 on them (Ex. 5)
1 Listen and read.
Explain the meaning of the words forest and welcome.
BEGINNING THE LESSON Ask the pupils to look at the pictures in the dialogue
and ask them why they think the forest is magical,
Greet the pupils as they arrive.
(e.g. Because the tree can talk picture 3.). Read the
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 1a.) instructions. Go through the pictures of the dialogues
and set the scene by asking questions.
Choose individual pupils and ask them to tell you
their names. e.g. Teacher: (pointing to Lee in picture 2) Look! Its
Lee. (pointing to Erlina) Whos this?
e.g. Teacher: Whats your name?
Class: Erlina.
Pupil: Jack.
Teacher: (pointing to Mona in picture 2) Look!
Teacher: Nice to meet you, Jack.
Put up the Fairyland poster showing the individual Class: Mona. etc
characters. Point and ask: Whos this? Elicit the
Write on the board:
correct name for each character.
1 Whos a the Magic Forest!
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges
2 Welcome to b that?
from Exs 1, 3 and 4 from the previous lesson.
Ask the pupils to listen to the dialogue and match
If you have assigned any written homework, correct
the sentences. Play the recording. The pupils listen,
it before beginning the lesson.
follow along and complete the task.
1 b 2 a
Listen, point and repeat.
(An activity to present and activate the vocabulary
of the unit).


Pupils books closed. Put the Numbers! poster on the

board. Point to numbers 1-10, one at a time, and say
the corresponding word. The pupils listen and repeat,
chorally and individually. Point to numbers 1-10 in

The Magic Forest!
1 one 4 four 7 seven 10 ten
2 Read, choose and say. 2 two 5 five 8 eight
Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer 3 three 6 six 9 nine
the pupils to the dialogue and ask individual pupils Then, in pairs, the pupils take it in turns to point to and
to complete the sentences. name the numbers.
1 b 2 a
5 Lets play!
Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils Before going into class
to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils Bring a small box containing small pieces of
pronunciation and intonation. Then the pupils take paper with the numbers 1-10 written on them.
roles and read out the dialogue.
Present the box with the folded pieces of paper to
Hold up your book to the class. Read out the dialogue
the pupils, read the example and explain the
and point to the pictures in turn. Repeat, this time
game. The pupils form a circle and play the game.
inviting the pupils to complete your sentences.
Each pupil picks a piece of paper from the box and
e.g. Teacher: How old are you, ... unfolds it. The pupil to his/her left asks him/her: How
Class: Lee? etc old are you? and the pupil has to give an answer
according to the number shown on the piece of
Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
paper she/he has picked. The pupil has to show the
during this activity.
piece of paper to the rest of the pupils.

3 Talk with your friend. e.g. Pupil 1: How old are you?
Pupil 2: (showing the piece of paper that has 5
Pupils books closed. Write on the board: Who is
written on it) Im five.
George? The pupils repeat after you. Then write:
Whos George? Repeat with That is George. and
Thats George. Explain to the pupils that the meaning
remains the same but that we use the contracted (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
form more often. Ask a pupil: How old are you? and let him/her answer.
Pupils, in pairs, act out similar dialogues to find out
Before going into class
each others age. Offer help when necessary. Pay
Photocopy the character masks from the special attention to any pupils who might be over the
Teachers Resource Pack. Cut them out age of ten as they will not know how to say their age.
and colour them. e.g. Pupil 1: How old are you?
Pupil 2: Im seven. How old are you?
Pupils books open. Read the example and explain Pupil 1: Im eight.
the task. Show the pupils the mask of Alvin. Ask: Whos Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
that? Elicit the answer, e.g. Thats Alvin. Hand out the numbers 1-10, as well as an exchange of their/your
masks. The pupils, in pairs, act out similar exchanges. choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1). Ask them to learn
e.g. Pupil 1: (pointing to the pupil with the mask of the exchange in Ex. 3.
Lee) Whos that?
Pupil 2: Thats Lee. Activity Book (Optional)
Assign some of the activities from Unit 1b of the
4 Match in your notebook. Then Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
point and say. sure you do them first orally in class.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow the
pupils time to complete the activity in their notebooks.
Check their answers.
two three four five six seven eight nine ten

2 Read, choose and say.

1 Lee is ... 2 Mona is ...
a seven. b ten. a nine. b ten.

3 Talk with your friend.

Whos that?
Thats Alvin.

Whos that? = Who is that?

Thats Alvin. = That is Alvin.

4 Match in your notebook. 5

Then point and say.
How old
are you? Im eight.

Module 1
red yellow

1 Listen, point and repeat.

Hello purple, hello blue,

Red for me and green for you!
Hello orange, yellow, too,
Red for me and green for you!

Goodbye purple, goodbye blue,

Red for me and green for you!
Goodbye orange, yellow, too,
Red for me and green for you!

1 3
Now sing along!

2 Look, point and say the colours.

1 1
1 1 1

1 1

2 1 3

Module 1
Unit 1c chorally and individually. Check their pronunciation
and intonation.
Aims: to introduce colours, to develop the
pupils listening and writing skills 1 Listen, point and repeat.
Vocabulary: red, yellow, blue, green, orange,
Explain the meaning of the word colours. Ask the
purple, black, white, goodbye
pupils to look at the rainbow and tell you how many
Language focus
and which colours they can see (6 colours: red, yellow,
Structures: consolidation
blue, green, orange, purple). Read the instructions
Language in use: consolidation
and explain the task. Play the song. The pupils listen,
Pronunciation: /eI/
read and point to the colours.
Extra materials: flashcards (1-8), coloured
paper (Extension)
Now sing along!
Play the song. The pupils listen and follow along. Play
the recording again. The pupils listen and sing along.
Greet the pupils as they arrive. Extension
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 1b.) Before going into class
Choose individual pupils and ask them to tell you
their age. Prepare sets of coloured strips of paper
(purple, blue, red, green, orange, yellow).
e.g. Teacher: How old are you?
Pupil: Im seven.
Hand out the coloured strips of paper. Play the song.
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges The pupils listen and raise their strip of paper every
from Exs 1 and 3. time the corresponding colour is heard.

If you have assigned any written homework, correct

it before beginning the lesson.
2 Look, point and say the colours.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Explain
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE to the pupils that they will say the different colours
they can see in the picture. Point to Alvins hat. Ask:
(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary of
What colour is it? Elicit: Green and yellow. Continue
the unit.)
with the rest of the items and numbers. Have pupils
answer chorally or individually.
Listen, point and repeat.
e.g. Teacher: (pointing to Alvins beard and the
mushroom) Two. What colour is it?
Pupil: Red.
Teacher: Correct.
Pupils books closed. Put the flashcards on the
board, one at a time. Point to each flashcard and say
the corresponding word. The pupils listen and repeat,
chorally and individually. Point to the flashcards in
random order. Individual pupils say the words. Ask the
rest of the class for verification.
Pupils books open. Write a big 8 on the board and
ask the pupils to open their books at page eight. Read
the title of the unit and have the pupils repeat after
you. Play the recording. The pupils listen and repeat,

(Activities to develop the pupils reading and writing (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Go around the classroom and point to various
things that have colours the pupils have learnt. Ask
3 Read and complete in your the pupils to say the colour of the object youre
notebook. Then listen and read. pointing to out loud.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the e.g. Teacher: (pointing to a red schoolbag)
pupils to look at the picture and say who they can Pupil: Red!
see (Mona and Missy). Ask the pupils to read and
complete the text in their notebooks. Play the Extension
recording. The pupils listen and check their answers.
Then individual pupils read out from the text. Say a colour and ask the pupils to point to an object
of that colour.
2 nine 3 black
e.g. Teacher: Blue!
4 Portfolio: Draw and write in your Pupil: (points to blue jacket)
Activity Book (Optional)
Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the
Assign some of the activities from Unit 1c of the
pupils to read the text and to point to Paul and
Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
sure you do them first orally in class.
Ask the pupils to write about themselves and their
Note: For the next lesson, the pupils can do Ex. 4
pet. Tell them to use the texts in Exs 3 and 4 as
(Portfolio) for homework.
models. Tell the pupils that if they do not have a pet
they can just think of a pet they would like to have.
Allow the pupils time to write a short text about
themselves. Tell them to include a drawing(s).
Alternatively, assign it for homework.
(Suggested answer)
Hi! My names John. Im nine. This is my dog, Max.
Max is brown.
Note: Once you have corrected their writing activities,
guide your pupils on how to file them in their Junior
Language Portfolios.

5 Listen and say. Then read.

(An activity to familiarise the pupils with the
pronunciation of the English language.)
Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
recording for pupils to listen and repeat.
Draw the pupils attention to the /eI/ sound. Ask
individual pupils to read out the sentence and
correct their pronunciation if necessary.

blue green orange purple black white

3 Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and read.

Hi! My names
1) Mona. Im
2) n years old.
This is my dog, Missy.
Missy is 3) b
and white.
I love my dog!

4 Draw and write in 5 Listen and say. Then read.

your notebook.

Hi! Im Paul.
Im eight. Thi
i my cat,
My name is Jane and this is Dave.
Module 1

1 Listen and read.

No, its a
pen. Look!
Hmm... 2
whats this?
And whats that?

Its an
aeroplane, silly!

3 Oh, no! This is a

rubber! Erlina!
I know! Its No! Its an
a rubber! apple. Look!

2 Read, choose and say.

1 Its an aeroplane. 2 No, its a pen. 3 And whats that?
A Harry B Erlina A Harry B Alvin A Erlina B Alvin
Module 1
Time for school!
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to talk about school items
Vocabulary: school, pencil case, pencil,
rubber, book, schoolbag, desk, aeroplane
Language focus 1 Listen and read.
Structures: a/an, this/that Explain/Elicit the meaning of the phrase Time for
Language in use: Whats this? Its an aeroplane. school. Use L1 if necessary. Read the instructions.
Whats that? Its a rubber! Go through the pictures of the dialogue and set the
Extra materials: My classroom! poster scene by asking questions.
e.g. Teacher: (pointing to the pencil case in
picture 1) Look! Its a pencil case.
BEGINNING THE LESSON (pointing to the apple in picture 2)
Greet the pupils as they arrive. Whats this?
Pupils: Apple. etc
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 1.)
Write on the board:
Ask individual pupils their name and age.
1 Whats this? a No, its an apple.
e.g. Teacher: Whats your name? 2 I know! Its a rubber! b Its an aeroplane.
Pupil 1: Tom.
Teacher: How do you spell it? Ask the pupils to listen to the dialogue and match
Pupil 1: T-O-M the sentences. Play the recording. The pupils listen,
Teacher: How old are you, Tom? follow along and complete the task.
Pupil 1: Im seven. 1 b 2 a
Play the song from Unit 1c, encouraging the pupils to
sing along. 2 Read, choose and say.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer
the pupils to the dialogue and allow them time to
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE complete the task. Check their answers.

Listen, point and repeat. 1 B 2 A 3 B

(An activity to present and activate the vocabulary Extension

of the unit.)
Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
POSTER to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
pronunciation and intonation. Then the pupils take
Pupils books closed. Put the My classroom! poster on roles and read out the dialogue.
the board. Point to the school items (school, pencil Hold up your book to the class. Read out the dialogue
case, pencil, rubber, book, schoolbag, desk, and point to the pictures in turn. Repeat, this time
aeroplane), one at a time, and say the corresponding inviting the pupils to answer your questions.
word(s). The pupils listen and repeat, chorally and
individually. Point to the school items in random order. e.g. Teacher: Hmm... whats this?
Individual pupils say the school items. Ask the rest of Class: I know! Its a rubber! etc
the class for verification. Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
Pupils books open. Write a big 10 on the board and during this activity.
ask the pupils to open their books at page ten. Read
the title of the unit and have the pupils repeat after
you. Play the recording. The pupils listen and repeat,
chorally and individually. Check their pronunciation
and intonation.
Time for school!
(Activities to present and practise a/an, this/that.) and write yes or no in their notebooks. Check their
3 Complete in your notebook. 1 no 3 yes 5 yes
Use a or an. 2 yes 4 no
Pupils books closed. Draw simple sketches of a book
and an apple on the board. Write on the board and TAPESCRIPT
say: a book, an apple. The pupils repeat after you. One The notebook is green.
Explain that we use a before words which start with a Two The apple is red.
consonant whereas we use an before words which Three The schoolbag is purple.
start with a vowel sound. Four The pencil case is orange.
Drill your pupils. Say a word and ask individual pupils Five The desk is yellow.
to add a or an.
e.g. Teacher: rubber 6 Lets play!
Pupil 1: a rubber etc Read the example and explain the game. Ask the
Stand near a schoolbag, point to it and say: Whats pupils to collect some school items. Hold up each
this? Its a schoolbag. Write the sentences on the object for the pupils to identify and ask them to say
board. The pupils repeat after you. Stand further it out loud. Ask the pupils to sit in a circle. Blindfold
away from the schoolbag, point to it and say: a pupil using a scarf and give him/her one of the
Whats that? Its a schoolbag. The pupils repeat objects to identify.
after you. Explain that we use this for something or e.g. Teacher: (giving a pencil) Whats this?
somebody near us and that for somebody or Pupil: I know! Its a pencil!
something further away from us.
Pupils books open. Ask individual pupils to read ENDING THE LESSON
the sentences in the grammar box. Then read the (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
instructions and the example and explain the task.
Use the items that were collected for the game. Ask
Allow the pupils time to complete the task. Check individual pupils to choose an item, stand close or
their answers. far away from it and ask a pupil of their choice
2 an 3 an 4 a about the object.
e.g. Pupil 1: (pointing to an umbrella, standing at
4 Look, ask and answer. Then write a distance from it) Whats that?
in your notebook. Pupil 2: Its an umbrella.
Read the instructions and the example, and explain Ask a pupil to come to the front of the classroom.
the task. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and Say a sentence (e.g. This is a book). The pupil
complete the task. Check their answers. stands near/far from the item and points to it. Ask
the rest of the class for verification. Repeat with as
2 Whats that? 4 Whats that?
many pupils as you think is necessary.
Its a book. Its an aeroplane.
Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
3 Whats this?
new words as well as an exchange of their/your
Its an apple.
choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1). Ask them to learn
the pattern in Ex. 4.
5 Listen and write yes or no in your
notebook. Activity Book (Optional)
Ask pupils to look at the picture in Ex. 5. Read the Assign some of the activities from Unit 2a of the
instructions and explain the task. Go through the Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
picture and elicit the items and their colours. Play sure you do them first orally in class.
the recording, twice if necessary. The pupils listen

pencil case pencil rubber book schoolbag desk aeroplane

3 Complete in your notebook. Use a or an.

1 3

a school umbrella Whats this?

Its a pencil.
2 4
Whats that?
Its an aeroplane.
orange schoolbag

4 Look, ask and answer. Then write in your notebook.

1 Whats this? 3 Whats ?

Its a pencil case. Its .

2 Whats ? 4 Whats ?
Its . Its .

5 Listen and write yes or 6

no in your notebook.
I know! Its
2 Whats this? a book!
4 5

Module 1

1 Listen and read.

Oh, no! Look at
Look at Harrys pencil case!
Theyre so
funny! Ha, ha!

Harry! Whats this?

Good morning!
3 Good morning, 4
Miss Dee!

Its a pen, Miss!

Its a magic
pen, Miss! Look!
2 Read again and choose.
1 Look at Monas pens/pencils! 2 Look at Harrys books/pencil case!

Module 1
Its a magic pen!
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to talk about school items, to talk about
Vocabulary: teacher, classroom, notebook,
1 Listen and read.
sharpener, ruler, board, chair
Language focus Explain/Elicit the meaning of the phrase Its a magic
Structures: possessive case, plurals pen. Use L1 if necessary. Read the instructions. Go
Language in use: Look at Monas pencils! through the pictures of the dialogue and set the
Theyre so funny! Good morning! scene by asking questions.
Extra materials: My classroom! poster
e.g. Teacher: (pointing to the pencils in picture 1)
Are these pencils?
Pupils: Yes.
BEGINNING THE LESSON Teacher: (pointing to Miss Dee in picture 3)
Greet the pupils as they arrive. Is she a teacher?
Pupils: Yes.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 2a.) Teacher: Are Mona, Lee, Harry and Emma in a
Write the school items from Unit 2a on the board classroom?
with some letters missing. Ask individual pupils to Pupils: Yes.
come to the board and complete the words. Ask Write on the board: Its a magic pen, Miss!
the rest of the class for verification.
Ask the pupils to listen to the dialogue and say
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges from which picture this sentence was taken from. Play
Exs 1 and 4. the recording. The pupils listen, follow along and
If you have assigned any written homework, correct complete the task.
it before beginning the lesson. Answer: picture 5

2 Read again and choose.

Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer
Listen, point and repeat. the pupils to the dialogue and allow them time to
complete the task. Check the pupils answers.
(An activity to present and activate the vocabulary
of the unit.) 1 pencils 2 pencil case

POSTER Extension
Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
Pupils books closed. Put the My classroom! poster on to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
the board. Point to the pictures (teacher, classroom, pronunciation and intonation. Then the pupils take
notebook, sharpener, ruler, board, chair), one at a roles and read out the dialogue.
time, and say the corresponding word(s). The pupils
listen and repeat, chorally and individually. Point to Read out sentences spoken by a character in the
the pictures in random order. Individual pupils say the dialogue. Ask individual pupils to name the character.
words. Ask the rest of the class for verification. e.g. Teacher: Look at Monas pencils!
Pupils books open. Write a big 12 on the board Class: Harry! etc
and ask the pupils to open their books at page Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
twelve. Read the title of the unit and have the pupils during this activity.
repeat after you. Play the recording. The pupils listen
and repeat, chorally and individually. Check their
pronunciation and intonation.

Its a magic pen!
(Activities to present and practise plurals and 5 A: Look at Monas pencils!
possessive case.) B: Theyre so funny!
6 A: Look at Lees schoolbag!
3 Count and say. Write in your B: Its so funny!
Pupils books closed. Hold up a pen, say and write: 5 Listen and number in your
pen. Then hold up two pens, say and write: pens. notebook.
Explain/Elicit that we form the plural form of nouns
Read the instructions and explain the task. Go through
by adding an -s at the end of the noun. Drill your
the pictures with the pupils and elicit the items. Explain
that they have to number the items depending on the
e.g. Teacher: Book order the items are heard. Play the recording, twice if
Pupil 1: Books necessary. The pupils listen and complete the task.
Teacher: Ruler Check their answers.
Pupil 2: Rulers etc
A 2 B 1 C 4 D 3
Take a pencil from a pupil, hold it up, say and write
on the board Johns pencil. Explain/Elicit that we TAPESCRIPT
use s at the end of the name to show that the
One chairs Three books
person owns something. Drill your pupils.
Two a board Four desks
e.g. Teacher: Mark/rubber
Pupil 1: Marks rubber My Magic Files!
Teacher: Nick/ruler
Read the title and explain the activity. Ask the pupils
Pupil 2: Nicks ruler etc
to draw and write about two objects they will take
Pupils books open. Ask individual pupils to read the with them to the school of magic. They should be as
sentences in the grammar box. Read the instructions imaginative as they can. Go around the classroom
and the example, and explain the task. Go through monitoring the activity and providing any help if
the pictures and elicit the name and number of each necessary.
item. The pupils complete the exercise orally, then in
writing in their notebooks. Check their answers. ENDING THE LESSON
2 rulers 3 sharpeners 4 rubbers (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Ask each pupil to give you a school item (e.g. a pen,
4 Talk with your friend. pencil case). Pupils come to the front of the class, pick
Read the instructions and the example, and an item and give it to its owner before they leave the
explain the task. Ask the pupils to look at the classroom.
pictures and say what the objects are. Point out the
e.g. Pupil 1: (picks up a pen) This is Toms pen.
use of its (singular) and theyre (plural). The pupils,
(gives it to Tom) Goodbye, everyone!
in pairs, act out similar exchanges. Go around the
(leaves the classroom)
classroom monitoring the activity and offering help
when necessary. Ask different pairs to act out the Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
exchanges in front of the class. new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1). Ask them to learn
2 A: Look at Harrys pencil case!
the pattern in Ex. 4.
B: Its so funny!
3 A: Look at Emmas book! Activity Book (Optional)
B: Its so funny!
Assign some of the activities from Unit 2b of the
4 A: Look at Erlinas umbrellas! Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
B: Theyre so funny! sure you do them first orally in class.

classroom notebook sharpener ruler board chair

3 Count and say. Write in your notebook.

1 two notebooks
pencil pencils
2 three

Look at Monas pencil.

3 four
Its so funny!

4 five Look at Monas pencils.

Theyre so funny!

4 Talk with your friend.

1 A: Look at Alvins hats!
B: Theyre so funny!


5 Listen and number in your notebook.



Module 1
colour read

1 Listen and point.

A, B, C.
One, two, three.
Read and sing,
Sing along with me!

A, B, C.
One, two, three.
Listen and sing,
Sing along with me!

A, B, C.
One, two, three.
Colour and sing,
Sing along with me!

A, B, C.
One, two, three.
Write and sing,
Sing along with me!

Now sing and do!

Simon says, Listen!

Module 1
Lets do it!
Unit 2c commands again one by one. The pupils say and
mime the commands after you.
Aims: to follow classroom commands, to Pupils books open. Write a big 14 on the board and
develop the pupils listening and writing skills, ask the pupils to open their books at page fourteen.
to talk about favourite things Read the title of the unit and have the pupils repeat
Vocabulary: read, listen, write, open your book, after you. Play the recording. The pupils listen to the
sing, stand up, sit down, be quiet commands and point to the pictures at the top of the
Language focus page. Play the recording again. The pupils repeat,
Structures: imperatives chorally or individually. Check their pronunciation
Language in use: Sing along with me! Look and intonation.
at my favourite things! This is my red pencil
case. Red is my favourite colour!
1 Listen and point.
Pronunciation: /ks/
Extra materials: slips of paper with school Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
object words written on them (Beginning the pupils to the pictures and elicit the actions shown
Lesson) (girl colour, boy write, girl listen to music, boy
read). Play the song. The pupils listen and point to the
children when they hear the corresponding actions.


Greet the pupils as they arrive.
Play the recording. The pupils listen and follow along.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 2b.) Play the recording again. The pupils listen and sing
along while miming the actions mentioned in the song.
Before going into class You can demonstrate this yourself (mime reading,
singing, listening, colouring and writing).
Prepare slips of paper with school
object words.
2 Lets play!
Display the slips of paper on your desk. Invite a pupil Read the example and explain the game. Tell the
to come to the front. Explain that he/she should pupils that you will give them commands using the
choose one, say the word and then put it next to the words Simon says. The pupils mime the commands.
corresponding item in the classroom. The pupils do If the command does not have the words Simon
this in turns until all the slips have been used. If you says, the pupils should not mime the command.
have a large class, you can use some words more e.g. Teacher: Simon says, Stand up!
than once. Class: (pupils stand up)
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges Teacher: Open your books!
from Exs 1 and 4. Class: (pupils remain still) etc

If you have assigned any written homework, correct

it before beginning the lesson.


(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary of
the unit.)

Listen, point and repeat.

Pupils books closed. Mime and say the commands
presented on top of pp. 14-15. The pupils repeat,
chorally and individually. Mime and say the

Lets do it!
(Activities to develop the pupils reading and writing (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Choose a leader. He/She acts out a command
and the rest of the pupils say what the command
3 Read and answer. Then listen and actually is.
e.g. Leader: (mimes writing)
Read the instructions and explain the task. Point to Pupil 1: Write! etc
the girl in the picture. Tell the class that her name is
Julia. Explain that these things belong to her and Keep changing leaders.
that they are her favourite things, i.e. the things she
likes the most. Use L1 if necessary. Activity Book (Optional)

Read the question and allow the pupils time to Assign some of the activities from Unit 2c of the
read the text once and to find the answer. Play the Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
recording. The pupils listen and check their answer. sure you do them first orally in class.

Answer: Julias favourite colour is red. Note: For the next lesson, the pupils can do Ex. 4
(Portfolio) for homework.
4 Portfolio: Draw and write in your
Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the
pupils to look at the picture and read the text. Ask
some questions to check the pupils understanding.
e.g. What is it? (Its a pencil case.)
What colour is it? (Its blue.)
Ask the pupils to write about their favourite things.
Tell them to use the texts in Exs 3 and 4 as models.
Allow the pupils time to write a short text about their
favourite things. Tell them to include a drawing.
Alternatively, assign it for homework.
(Suggested answer)
This is my notebook. Its orange. This is my pen. Its
orange, too. Orange is my favourite colour.
Note: Once you have corrected their writing activities,
guide your pupils on how to file them in their Junior
Language Portfolios.

5 Listen and say. Then read.

(An activity to familiarise the pupils with the
pronunciation of the English language.)
Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
recording for pupils to listen and repeat.
Draw the pupils attention to the /ks/ sound. Ask
individual pupils to read out the sentences and
correct their pronunciation.

listen write open your book sing stand up sit down be quiet

3 Read and answer. Look at my

Then listen and read. favourite things!

What is Julias favourite colour?

This is my schoolbag.
Its red.

This is my red
pencil case.
This is my notebook.
Its red, too!

4 Draw and write in 5 Listen and say. Then read.

your notebook.

Thi i my pencil
case. It blue. Blue i
my favourite colour!
Look! A red fox in a blue box.
Module 1
: Listen and read.
1 2
This is a
great book. Stop it, Trog!


Pog! Stop 3 4 Hmmm

that! Please! Whats this?

Stop what?

5 6 Bye!
Hi, Im Popsie!

16 Now take roles and read.

Module 1
Troll Tales!
Episode 1
Now take roles and read.
Aims: to read for pleasure
The pupils take roles and read the episode.
Vocabulary: great, stop, please, bye
Extra materials: pictures of trolls, photocopies
of the episode (Ending the Lesson)
Photocopy the episode and tippex out some key words
(e.g. book, What, this, Bye). Hand out the photocopies.
BEGINNING THE LESSON Then play the recording. The pupils listen to the story
and fill in the missing words.
Show the pictures of trolls that you have brought to
class. Use L1 to explain what trolls are (little creatures
that live in caves or in the mountains).


Episode 1: Listen and read.
(Activities to promote reading for pleasure.)
Write a big 16 on the board and ask the pupils to open
their books at page sixteen. Go through the pictures
and introduce the characters: Trog (the troll with
purple hair and spectacles), Pog (the troll with orange
hair and clothes), Popsie (the pixie). Use L1, to explain
what trolls are.
Ask pupils to look at the pictures and explain/elicit
what the episode is going to be about, e.g. The
trolls are sleeping (pictures 1, 2), Popsie is waking
them up. They catch her (pictures 3, 4) but she
manages to escape (pictures 5, 6).
Play the recording. The pupils listen and follow
along. Play the recording again with pauses for the
pupils to listen and repeat chorally.

Go Green! 1: This is my tree!
Aims: to raise the pupils environmental
awareness, to identify parts of a tree Before going into class
Vocabulary: leaves, branches, roots, trunk
Prepare slips of paper with tree words
Extra materials: slips of paper with tree words
on them (e.g. orange tree, apple tree,
written on them
banana tree, etc.)

Ask pupils to work in groups. Give a slip of paper to

BEGINNING THE LESSON each group. The pupils, in groups, draw the
corresponding tree and label it. Then they present
Draw a simple sketch of a tree on the board and
their drawings to the class. Make sure you display
present the new vocabulary (leaves, branches, roots,
their work somewhere in the class.

1 Look at the apple tree. Find, point

and say.
Pupils books open. Write a big 17 on the board and
ask pupils to open their books at page seventeen.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the
pupils to look at the picture of the apple tree in their
books. Say a part of the tree and ask the pupils to
find and point to it on the tree. Then pupils say its

Now draw your own fruit tree!

Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow
the pupils some time to complete the task. Check
round the class, providing any necessary help and
eliciting the parts of the tree the pupils are drawing.
As an extension, the pupils can come to the front
and present their tree.
e.g. This is my apple tree.
Look! Green leaves, red apples, etc.

1 Look at the apple tree. Find, point and say.


apples roots


Now draw your own fruit tree!

My names
Jennifer. Im 9
years old. Im from
the UK. My flag is
Hello! red, white and
My name is Lucas. blue.
I am 8 years old. Im from
Germany. My flag is black,
red and yellow.

Im Jane and Im 7.
Im from Canada.
My flag is red and

1 Read and match

in your notebook.

1 Lucas 9 black, red and yellow

2 Jennifer 7 red and white

3 Jane 8 red, white and blue

Module 1
Our World
Aims: to learn about flags and countries
Ask pupils to work in groups and design a flag for the
Vocabulary: Germany, UK, Canada, flag
classroom. Brainstorm for ideas. They can draw an
Extra materials: a map of the world (Beginning
emblem in the middle of a piece of paper (e.g. a
the Lesson)
book, a leaf, a bell, etc) and use their favourite
colours to colour it. You can display their work
somewhere in the classroom. As an extension, you
BEGINNING THE LESSON can vote on the most popular flag and use it as the
Put a map of the world on the board. Point to the UK, official flag of the classroom.
Germany, and Canada and name each country. Note: It is advised you do Our School during this
The pupils repeat after you. Ask the pupils, in L1 if lesson or the next.
necessary, to tell you what they know about these
(See p. 52.)
countries/flags, capital cities, etc.


1 Read and match in your notebook.
Write a big 18 on the board and ask the pupils to
open their books at page eighteen. Ask the pupils
to look at the pictures of the flags. Point to each
flag and elicit a description from the class.
e.g. Teacher: Whats this?
Class: Its a flag.
Teacher: What colour is it?
Class: Its black, red and yellow.

Explain the task. Tell the pupils to read through the

texts on their own. Allow the pupils time to complete
the task. Check their answers. Then individual pupils
read out the speech bubbles.
1 Lucas 8 black, red and yellow
2 Jeniffer 9 red, white and blue
3 Jane 7 red and white

Optional Activity
Ask the pupils to draw and colour their countrys
flag. Then they come to the front of the class and
present themselves and their flags. Tell them to use
one of the speech bubbles as an example.

Checkpoint: Units 1 - 2

Aims: to consolidate Module 1, to obtain 3 Read and choose.

feedback on individual pupils, to monitor the
pupils progress Pupils read the questions and choose the correct
answer. Check their answers.
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b
Do a quick revision of what the pupils have learnt in
the module. Now I can
e.g. Teacher: We can talk about school. (holding a Once all the exercises have been corrected ask
pen) Whats this? pupils to tell you how they feel about the two units.
Pupil 1: Its a pen. Ask if they can tell you what they have learnt and
Teacher: Very good. This is my pen. Whats that? which exercises, stories, songs they liked the best.
Pupil 2: Its a desk. etc Then refer pupils to the Now I can box and read
Follow the same procedures to revise plurals; through it with them.
numbers 1-10; colours; introducing yourself; saying Note: The pupils can now do Modular Revision and
how old you are. Assessment 1 in their Activity Books.
Note: It is important that the pupils do not feel they Note: If you wish, you can do some or all of the
are being tested. The rationale of this quick revision Reinforcement & Extension activities from the Teachers
is to make the pupils aware of their progress in the Resource Pack.
English language. Always praise the pupils efforts
and encourage everyone to participate.
After this quick revision, the pupils work on their own
and do the exercises.

1 Read and complete in your

notebook. Use: this or that.
The pupils look at the pictures and complete the
task in their notebooks. Check the pupils answers.
1 That 2 That 3 This 4 This

2 Count and write in your notebook.

The pupils read the sentences and look at the
pictures. Then they count each item and write the
correct word in their notebooks. Check the pupils
1 two 3 seven 5 three
2 five 4 four

1 Read and complete in your
notebook. Use: this or that.
is my dog.
is Marks hat.

is Johns chair.

is my school. 4

2 Count and write in your 3 Read and choose.

1 A: Is that Harrys pencil case?
1 blue notebooks B: a) No, its Lee.
b) No, its Lees.
2 yellow pens
2 A: How old are you?
3 purple rubbers
B: a) Im ten.
4 green rulers
b) Im Alvin.
5 orange books
3 A: Whats your name?
B: a) Im blue.
b) Im Adam.
4 A: Whos that?
B: a) Thats great.
b) Thats Mona.

introduce myself and greet others

count from 1-10
say the colours
talk about my school things

Module 1
eleven thirteen

twelve fourteen

1 Listen and read.

1 2 And this is my
mum, Kim.

Look! This is
my dad, Chin.

This is my brother, How old

Whos this? is he?
Wen. Hes a singer.
3 4

Hes nineteen.

Oh, no! My
6 mums here!

Alvin, be
Erlina! Help!

2 Read and choose.

1 Whos a singer? 2 How old is Wen?
a Lees dad. b Lees brother. a Hes nineteen. b Hes sixteen.
Module 2
My family!
Unit 3a and repeat, chorally and individually. Check their
pronunciation and intonation.
Aims: to talk about family, to present numbers
Vocabulary: family, mum, dad, brother, sister, (Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
11-20, singer skills.)
Language focus
Structures: verb to be (singular) 1 Listen and read.
Language in use: Mums here. Whos this? This
is my brother. Hes a singer. How old is he? Hes Elicit/Explain the meaning of family. Read the
nineteen. Alvin, be careful! instructions. Go through the pictures of the dialogue
and set the scene by asking questions.
Extra materials: completed Progress Report
Cards, Numbers! poster and Lees Family! e.g. Teacher: Whos that? (pointing to the picture of
poster, a (shoe) box, strips of paper (My Magic Lees mum in picture 2)
Files!) Pupils: Lees mum.
Teacher: Where are Lee and Mona?
Pupils: At Lees house.
BEGINNING THE LESSON Teacher: Whats that? (pointing to the vase in
Greet the pupils as they arrive. picture 6)
Pupils: Its a vase.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 2.) Teacher: Whos coming?
Play the song from Unit 2c, encouraging the pupils to Pupils: Lees mum! etc
sing along. Write on the board: Chin, Tom, Kim, Wen, Erlina, Bruce.
Hand out the completed Progress Report Cards for Explain to the pupils that they will listen to the dialogue
the previous module and ask the pupils to file them and say which of the names are heard. Play the
in their Junior Language Portfolios. recording. The pupils listen, follow along and complete
the task.
(An activity to present and activate the vocabulary of
the unit.) 2 Read and choose.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
Listen, point and repeat. pupils to the dialogue and allow them some time to
complete the task in their notebooks. Check the
pupils answers.
1 b 2a
Pupils books closed. Put the Numbers! poster on the
board. Point to numbers 11-20, one at a time, and say Extension
the corresponding word. The pupils listen and repeat, Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
chorally and individually. Point to the numbers 11-20 in to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
random order. Individual pupils say the numbers. intonation and pronunciation. Then the pupils take
Point to the written words in random order and ask roles and act out the dialogue.
individual pupils to say the words. Write statements on the board concerning the
Put the Lees Family! poster on the board. Repeat dialogue. Ask the pupils to read the dialogue again
the above procedure to elicit the vocabulary. and decide if theyre true or false.

Pupils books open. Write a big 20 on the board e.g. Lees brother is a singer. ( T )
and ask the pupils to open their books at page Lees mums name is Chin. (F )
twenty. Read the title of the unit and have the pupils Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
repeat after you. Play the recording. The pupils listen during this activity.
My family!
(Activities to present and practise the verb to be.)
5 Listen and choose.
3 Read and answer.
(An activity to practise numbers 11-20.)
Pupils books closed. Point to yourself and say: I am
Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
a teacher. Write I am on the board. Point to a female
recording. The pupils listen and choose the number
pupil and say: You are a girl. Do the same for all
they hear. Check their answers.
persons singular. The pupils look at the board and
read out the affirmative form of the verb to be. Show A 11 C 19 E 20 G 15 I 14
the pupils how the short forms are made. Follow the B 16 D 13 F 12 H 18 J 17
same procedure to present the negative and
interrogative forms of the verb to be in the singular. My Magic Files!
Drill your pupils.
Before going into class
e.g. Teacher: I/teacher
Pupil 1: I am a teacher! You need a (shoe) box and some strips
Teacher: He/boy of paper.
Pupil 2: He is a boy! etc Tell the pupils that you can read their minds! Show
Drill your pupils for the interrogative forms. them the shoe box and place it on your desk. Ask a
e.g. Teacher: she/singer? pupil to tell you a number from 11-20 (e.g. 13). Write it
Pupil 1: Is she a singer? etc on a slip of paper, fold it and put it in the shoe box.
Now the trick begins. Ask a pupil for another number
Drill your pupils for the negative forms. (e.g. 18). Pretend to write the number (18) on the slip
e.g Teacher: You/not teacher of paper but actually write the first number (13). Make
Pupil 1: You arent a teacher. etc sure the pupils dont see you. Fold the slip of paper
Present the short answers. Point to a pencil and ask: and put it in the shoe box. Repeat the procedure with
Is it a pencil? Elicit a yes answer and write: Yes, it is. more pupils. Then go to a pupil and ask him/her to
Point to the board and ask: Is it a book? Elicit a no choose a slip of paper, without showing you. You can
answer and write: No, it isnt. Do the same for the then read his mind and tell him what number it is: 13!
rest of the short answers. You can repeat this trick a few times if you wish.

Pupils books open. Ask the pupils to read the ENDING THE LESSON
sentences in the grammar box. Read the instructions
and explain the task. Allow pupils some time to (A game to consolidate numbers.)
complete the task in their notebooks. Check their Number Bingo! Draw a bingo card on the board with
answers. nine squares (3x3) and tell the pupils to copy it in their
2 Im not 4 he is notebooks. Write six different numbers in any of the
3 are you 5 she isnt, Shes squares on the board. Then invite the pupils to write six
different numbers (1-20) in any squares on their card.
4 Ask and answer. Call out numbers 1-20 in random order and write
(An activity to practise members of a family.) them on the board to avoid repetition. As you call out,
the pupils cross out the corresponding number on
Read the instructions and explain the task. The pupils
their card. The first pupil to cross out all of his/her
take on roles. In pairs, they ask and answer questions
numbered squares shouts Bingo! and wins the game.
about Monas family. Go around the classroom
monitoring the activity and offering help when Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
necessary. Ask some pairs to report back to the class. new words, as well as an exchange from the dialogue
(Ex. 1) and the pattern in Ex. 4.
e.g. Pupil 1: Whos this?
Pupil 2: Hes my dad, Martin. etc Activity Book (Optional)
Assign some of the activities from Unit 3a of the
Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
sure you do them first orally in class.
mum dad
fifteen seventeen nineteen sister
sixteen eighteen twenty

3 Read and answer.

1 Whats your name? I am (Im) a pupil.
Im Wen.
You are (Youre) my friend.
2 Are you a teacher?
No, . Im a singer. He/She/It is (Hes/Shes/Its) five.
3 How old ? Are you a teacher?
Im nineteen. Yes, I am./No, Im not.
4 Is Lee your brother?
Yes, . Is he/she/it five?
5 Is Kim your sister? Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isnt.
No, . my mum.

4 Ask and answer.

Martin Shes my
Whos this? mum, Erika.


5 Listen and choose.

A 11 / 17 F 19 / 12
B 16 / 13 G 14 / 15
C 12 / 19 H 18 / 16
D 13 / 18 I 15 / 14
E 20 / 11 J 17 / 20

Module 2
1 Listen and read. Hello, Lee. Oh. Its a vase,
Whats that? Grandma.
1 2

Were home, Lee!

Grandmas here!

Hello, Grandma.

Whos this
3 This is my
4 pretty girl?
friend, Mona.

A vase? Theyre
flowers, Lee!

Theyre lovely!
Thank you. Hello!

Look at the vase! Thank you, Erlina!

Wow! 6
Its OK now!

Youre welcome!
2 Read and match in your notebook.
1 Grandmas here! a This is my friend, Mona.
2 Whats that? b Hello, Grandma.
22 3 Whos this pretty girl? c Its a vase.
Module 2
Grandmas here!
Unit 3b Pupils books open. Write a big 22 on the board and
ask the pupils to open their books at page twenty-
Aims: to talk about family members two. Read the title of the unit and have the pupils
Vocabulary: grandma, grandpa, friend, happy, repeat after you. Play the recording. The pupils listen
sad, flower, vase, girl, pretty and repeat, chorally and individually. Check their
Language focus pronunciation and intonation.
Structures: verb to be (plural)
Language in use: Grandmas here. Whats LISTENING & READING
that? Its a vase. Theyre flowers. Whos this (Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
pretty girl? This is my friend, Mona. Look at skills.)
the vase! Its OK now! Thank you, Erlina.
Extra materials: Lees Family! poster, slips of
1 Listen and read.
paper with words (Ex. 6)
Read the instructions. Go through the pictures of the
dialogue and set the scene by asking questions.
BEGINNING THE LESSON e.g. Teacher: Who is she? (pointing to grandma in
Greet the pupils as they arrive. picture 1)
Pupils: Lees grandma.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 3a.)
Teacher: What has Lee got behind his back?
Write numbers 11-20 on the board. Point to different Pupils: A vase.
numbers at random and ask the pupils to tell you
Write on the board: The flowers are for Mona.
the corresponding words.
Explain to the pupils that they will listen to the
Memory game dialogue and find out whether the sentence is True
Pupils, in pairs, ask and answer questions about Lees or False. Play the recording. The pupils listen, follow
family. along and complete the task.
e.g. Pupil 1: Whos Kim? Answer: False
Pupil 2: Lees mum. Whos Wen? etc
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges from
2 Read and match in your notebook.
Exs 1 and 4. Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer
the pupils to the dialogue and allow them time to
If you have assigned any written homework, correct
complete the task in their notebooks. Check their
it before beginning the lesson.
answers and write them on the board.
(An activity to present and activate the vocabulary
of the unit.)
Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
Listen, point and repeat. to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
pronunciation and intonation. Then pupils take roles
and read the dialogue.
Hold up your book to the class. Read the dialogue
Pupils books closed. Put the Lees Family! poster on and point to the pictures in turn. Repeat, this time
the board. Point to the members of the family and inviting the pupils to complete your sentences.
the flower, one at a time, read and say the e.g. Teacher: Whos this pretty...
corresponding words. The pupils listen and repeat, Pupils: girl?
chorally and individually. Point to them in random
order. Individual pupils name them. Ask the rest of Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
the class for verification. Draw simple sketches of a during this activity.
happy and a sad face and present the words.
Grandmas here!
1 Yes, it is. 3 Yes, they are.
3 Read and match in your notebook. 2 No, they arent. 4 No, it isnt.
(Activities to present and practise the verb to be.) TAPESCRIPT
Pupils books closed. Point to yourself and the rest of Look at number 1. What is it? Is it a kite?
the pupils and say: We are in a classroom. Write We Look at number 2. What are they? Are they dogs?
are on the board. Point to the pupils and say: You are Look at number 3. What are they? Are they flowers?
pupils. Write You are on the board. Point to some Look at number 4. What is it? Is it an orange?
schoolbags and say: They are schoolbags. Write They
are on the board. The pupils look at the board and 5 Read and complete in your
read out the affirmative form of the verb to be plural. notebook.
Show the pupils how the short forms are made. Follow
Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow
the same procedure to present the negative and
the pupils some time to read and complete the
interrogative forms of the verb to be in the plural.
task in their notebooks. Check their answers.
Drill your pupils.
2 is 3 are 4 Are 5 arent 6 are
e.g. Teacher: we/happy
Pupil 1: We are happy! 6 Lets play!
Teacher: they/desks
Pupil 2: They are desks. etc Before going into class
Drill your pupils on the interrogative forms.
Prepare slips of paper with the words in
e.g. Teacher: we/singers? the sentences below, one word per slip of
Pupil 1: Are we singers? paper.
Teacher: you/robots? Are you a teacher? She is my mum.
Pupil 2: Are you robots? etc They are Peters friends.
Drill your pupils on the negative forms. We are a family. Is he Tinas brother?
I am a singer.
e.g. Teacher: we/not singers
Pupil 1: We arent singers.
Read the example and explain the game. Divide
Teacher: you/not teachers
the class into groups of four. Give each group the
Pupil 2: You arent teachers. etc
slips of paper for one of the sentences in jumbled
Present the short answers. Point to some pencils and order. Ask them to get in line so that the correct
ask: Are they pencils? Elicit a yes answer and write: sentence is formed. Demonstrate this yourself first.
Yes, they are. Point to some books and ask: Are they
pencils? Elicit a no answer and write: No, they arent. ENDING THE LESSON
Do the same for the rest of the short answers.
(An activity to consolidate the language of the unit.)
Pupils books open. Ask the pupils to read the
Tell pupils to put on a happy or sad face. Ask individual
sentences in the grammar box. Read the instructions
pupils to tell you whether they are happy or sad.
and explain the task. Refer the pupils to pictures 1-3
and to sentences A-C. Allow the pupils time to match e.g. Teacher: Are you happy?
them in their notebooks. Ask individual pupils to give Pupil 1: (happy face) Yes, I am.
you the answers and write them on the board. Teacher: Are you happy?
Pupil 2: (sad face) No, Im not.
1 C 2 A 3 B
Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
4 Listen and choose. new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1).
Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer
the pupils to pictures 1-4. Elicit what they are. Activity Book (Optional)
Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ask individual Assign some of the activities from Unit 3b of the
pupils to answer. Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
sure you do them first orally in class.
grandma grandpa friend happy sad flower

3 Read and match in your notebook.

A We are friends. We are (Were) friends.
You are (Youre) pretty.
B Are you sisters?
They are (Theyre) flowers.
C Theyre for you.
Are you brothers?
3 Yes, we are./No, we arent.
Are they blue?
2 Yes, they are./No, they arent.

4 Listen and choose. 5 Read and complete

in your notebook.

I 1) am Holly and this 2) my

family. My mum and dad 3)
singers. 4) they famous? No,
they 5) . But we 6) a very
happy family!

1 A Yes, it is. 3 A Yes, they are.
B No, it isnt. B No, they arent.

2 A Yes, they are. 4 A Yes, it is. am sad

B No, they arent. B No, it isnt.

Module 2
1 Listen and point. Then complete in your notebook.

Im a policeman in the town. Im a .

All day long,
I walk around! 1 Im a .

Its my job,
Its what I do.
Im a .
Its my job,
I like it, too!
Im a fireman in the town.
All day long, 3
I run around!
Im a .
Im a postman in the town.
All day long, 4
I ride around!

Im a milkman in the town.

All day long,
I drive around!

Now sing and do! Are you a

What am I?

Yes, I am.
Module 2
Its my job!
Unit 3c
1 Listen and point. Then complete
Aims: to talk about jobs, to develop the pupils in your notebook.
listening and writing skills Elicit/Explain what a job is, using L1 if necessary.
Vocabulary: milkman, drive, policeman, walk, Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and to spot the
fireman, run, postman, ride milkman, policeman, fireman and postman. Read
Language focus the instructions and explain the task. The pupils
Structures: What am I? Im a... . listen and write the jobs in their notebooks.
Language in use: Im a policeman/fireman.
etc 1 policeman 3 milkman
2 postman 4 fireman
Pronunciation: \u\
Extra materials: flashcards (9-12)
Now sing and do!
Play the recording. The pupils listen and follow the
BEGINNING THE LESSON lines. Play the recording again. The pupils listen and
sing along.
Greet the pupils as they arrive.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 3b.) Extension

Write the vocabulary of the previous unit on the board Demonstrate the following miming actions and
with certain letters missing. Ask individual pupils to encourage the pupils to copy you.
come to the front of the class and complete the Im a policeman in the town.
words. Ask the rest of the class for verification. All day long, (pupils walk around with
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges from I walk around! hands behind their backs)
Ex. 1. Its my job,
Its what I do.
If you have assigned any written homework, correct
Its my job,
it before beginning the lesson.
I like it, too!
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE Im a fireman in the town.
All day long, (pupils mime running around)
(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary of
I run around!
the unit.)
Im a postman in the town.
Listen, point and repeat. All day long, (pupils mime riding a bike)
I ride around!
Im a milkman in the town.
All day long, (pupils mime driving a car)
I drive around!
Pupils books closed. Put the flashcards on the board,
one at a time. Point to each flashcard and say the Play the song again. The pupils sing along while
corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally and miming the actions.
Pupils books open. Write a big 24 on the board
2 Lets play!
and ask the pupils to open their books at page Read the example and explain the game. Choose a
twenty-four. Read the title of the unit and have the pupil to demonstrate how the game is played. Mime
pupils repeat after you. Play the recording. The riding a bike. Ask: What am I? The pupil asks: Are you
pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually. a postman? You say: Yes, I am. Have the pupil who
Check their pronunciation and intonation. just assisted you pretend to be a postman, fireman,
etc, and ask the pupil next to him/her to guess the
profession. The pupils then play in pairs.

Its my job!
If you want to make the game more competitive,
divide the class into two teams and give each team 5 Listen and say. Then read.
a point every time a member guesses a profession (An activity to familiarise the pupils with the
correctly. pronunciation of the English language.)

READING & WRITING Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
recording for pupils to listen and repeat.
(Activities to develop the pupils reading and writing
skills.) Draw the pupils attention to the \u\ sound. Ask
individual pupils to read out the sentence and
3 Read and write their names in your correct their pronunciation.
notebook. Then listen and read.
Refer the pupils to the family tree. Explain that it
(An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
shows Alvins family. Go through the pictures and
elicit who is who: Say, then write on the board the jobs mentioned in
the song. Ask the pupils to choose a job but not to
e.g. Teacher: (pointing to the grandma) Whos this?
tell the rest of the class. Then point to a word on the
Pupils: Alvins grandma.
board. The pupils that have chosen that job, say it
Teacher: (pointing to the grandpa) Whos this?
out loud and leave the classroom. Repeat the
Pupils: Alvins grandpa. etc
same until all the pupils have left the classroom.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow
the pupils some time to read the text and complete Activity Book (Optional)
the task in their notebooks. Check the pupils
Assign some of the activities from Unit 3c of the
answers. Play the recording. The pupils listen and
Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
follow the lines. Then pupils read out from the text.
sure you do them first orally in class.
1 Mary 3 Jack 5 Claire
Note: For the next lesson, the pupils can do Ex. 4
2 Tom 4 Molly
(Portfolio) at home.

4 Portfolio: Draw and write in your

Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the
pupils to look at the family tree. Explain/Elicit the way
family trees are structured (e.g. older generation at
the top, younger at the bottom, same generation at
the same level). Tell them to use the texts in Exs 3
and 4 as models.
Ask the pupils to draw their family tree. Tell them to use
drawings if they dont have pictures of family members
available. Alternatively, assign it for homework.
(Pupils own answers)
Note: Once you have corrected their writing activities,
guide your pupils on how to file them in their Junior
Language Portfolios.

milkman policeman fireman postman
drive walk run ride

3 Read and write their names in your notebook. Then listen

and read.

Meet my
family! Th
grandpa is is my
3 , Tom an
Mary. My d my gran
dads na dma,
and hes me is Ja
4 a police ck
name is man. My
Molly. Th mums
Claire. Sh is is m y sister,
es very
funny! I lo
my famil ve
5 y very m

4 Draw and write in 5 Listen and say. Then read.

your notebook.

Hell, Im Bob.
Meet my family:

My grandma, My grandpa, Billy


My mum, Kim My dad, Nick

Grandmas at the zoo and the
kangaroos, too!
My sister, Lucy and me!
Module 2

1 Listen and read.

Emma, what
1 2 are these?

Look! A toyshop!
Lets buy a present Theyre
for Harrys birthday! roller-skates!

3 Look at these bikes!

Those teddy
bears are nice!

Wow! Those
cars are cool!
A teddy
bear? No ... Oh, Alvin! Youre
so funny!
5 6

Wheres Alvin?

2 Read again and complete.

Use: cool, funny, nice.
1 The teddy bears are . 2 The cars are . 3 Alvin is .
Module 2
At the toyshop!
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to talk about toys
Vocabulary: toyshop, present, roller-skates,
teddy bear, bike, car, camera
Language focus 1 Listen and read.
Structures: these/those Explain/Elicit the meaning of the phrase At the
Language in use: What are these? Theyre toyshop. Use L1 if necessary. Read the instructions.
roller-skates! Those teddy bears are nice! Go through the pictures of the dialogue and set the
Look at these bikes! Those cars are cool! scene by asking questions.
Extra materials: At the toyshop! poster,
e.g. Teacher: Are they teddy bears?
Numbers! poster
(pointing to picture 2)
Pupils: No, they arent. Theyre roller-skates.
Teacher: Where are the children?
BEGINNING THE LESSON Pupils: At the toyshop. etc
Greet the pupils as they arrive. Write on the board: What is Lee driving?
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 3.) Explain to the pupils that they will listen to the dialogue
and find the answer. Play the recording. The pupils
POSTER listen, follow along and complete the task.

Put the Numbers! poster on the board. Point to the Answer: A (toy) car.
numbers on it and ask individual pupils to say the
corresponding words. 2 Read again and complete. Use:
cool, funny, nice.
Play the song from Unit 3c, encouraging the pupils
to sing along. Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
pupils to the dialogue and allow them time to read
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE and complete the sentences in their notebooks.
Check their answers.
(An activity to present and activate the vocabulary
of the unit.) 1 nice 2 cool 3 funny

Listen, point and repeat. Extension

Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
POSTER to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
pronunciation and intonation. Then the pupils take
Pupils books closed. Put the At the toyshop! poster roles and read out the dialogue.
on the board. Point to the toys, etc (toyshop, present, Hold up your book to the class. Say the dialogue
roller-skates, teddy bear, bike, car, camera), one at a and point to the pictures in turn. Repeat, this time
time, and say the corresponding word(s). The pupils inviting the pupils to complete your sentences.
listen and repeat, chorally and individually. Point to
the words in random order and ask individual pupils e.g. Teacher: Lets buy a present for Harrys
to say the words. Pupils: birthday! etc

Pupils books open. Write a big 26 on the board Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
and ask the pupils to open their books at page during this activity.
twenty-six. Read the title of the unit and have the
pupils repeat after you. Play the recording. The
pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually.
Check their pronunciation and intonation.

At the toyshop!
(Activities to present and practise these/those.)
5 Lets play!
3 Look and complete in your Refer the pupils to the picture and explain how the
notebook. Use: This, That, These game works. Explain that they have to look at the
or Those. picture and spot the differences. Point out that the
use of this/that, as opposed to these/those will be
Pupils books closed. Remind the pupils of the
determined by the quantity of the objects present.
difference between this and that. Write the
Ask one pupil to read the example. Ask individual
following sentence on the board: This is my pen.
pupils to spot a difference and tell the class.
Underline the word in bold and elicit its meaning
and its use (i.e. for something or someone near us). These teddy bears are red.
Write: That is my pencil. Underline the word in bold Those teddy bears are yellow.
and elicit its meaning and its use (i.e. for something
These cars are yellow.
or someone further away from us). Next, write the
Those cars are blue.
sentences in the plural. These are my pens. Those
are my pencils. Elicit that these and those are the This robot is red.
plural forms of this and that and are used in the That robot is green.
same way as the singular forms.
These bikes are orange.
Pupils books open. Ask the pupils to read the Those bikes are purple.
sentences in the grammar box. Read the instructions
Note: If you want to make the game more competitive,
and the example and explain the task. Allow the
divide the class into two teams and give a point every
pupils some time to complete the task in their
time one of the members of a team points out a
notebooks. Check their answers.
difference correctly.
2 Those 4 These 6 These
(An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
4 Ask and answer.
Ask the pupils to play the same game, only this time
Read the instructions and explain the task. Elicit the
using objects around the classroom. Allow them
objects shown in the picture. Ask two pupils to read
some time to prepare the sentences.
the example. The pupils, in pairs, ask and answer
as in the example. e.g. Pupil 1: This pen is blue. (pointing to a pen
on his/her desk) That pen is red.
2 A: What are these?
(pointing to a pen further away)
B: Theyre dolls!
A: Theyre really nice! Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
3 A: What are these?
choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1). Ask the pupils to
B: Theyre roller-skates!
learn the pattern in Ex. 4.
A: Theyre really nice!

4 A: What are these? Activity Book (Optional)

B: Theyre cameras! Assign some of the activities from Unit 4a of the
A: Theyre really nice! Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
5 A: What are these? sure you do them first orally in class.
B: Theyre balls!
A: Theyre really nice!

6 A: What are these?

B: Theyre bikes!
A: Theyre really nice!

present roller-skates teddy bear bike car camera

4 Ask and answer.

These presents are for Tom.

1 2
Those roller-skates are cool!

This These That Those 4 5

1 Alvin: What are these?
Emma: Theyre teddy bears!
Alvin: Theyre really nice!
3 Look and complete in your
notebook. Use: This, That,
These or Those. 5

1 This bike 4 teddy bears

is great! are nice!

2 cameras 5 car
are cool! is cool!

3 kites 6 dogs These cameras are red.

are cool! are funny! Those cameras are purple.

Module 2
1 Listen and read.
Look at all
Oh, thats a
Happy Birthday, Harry! these boxes!
nice bus!
Here are your presents!

Oh, thank you!

Open it
Look! Two Oh, whats this?
and see!
3 red lorries!

Wow! A big car!

Thanks, everyone! Cool! Now its
5 6 an aeroplane!

Get in, Harry!

Thanks, Erlina!

2 Read and correct.

1 Thats a big bus! 2 Two yellow lorries! 3 A small car!
Module 2
Open it and see!
Lesson 4b Pupils books open. Write a big 28 on the board
and ask the pupils to open their books at page
Aims: to talk about toys, to offer and accept twenty-eight. Read the title of the unit and have the
gifts pupils repeat after you. Play the recording. The
Vocabulary: bus, lorry, helicopter, big, small pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually.
Language focus Check their pronunciation and intonation.
Structures: plural number (-es)
Language in use: Happy Birthday! Here are LISTENING & READING
your presents! Thank you! Look at all these
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
boxes! Thats a nice bus! Open it and see!
Thanks, everyone!
Extra materials: At the toyshop! poster, two
1 Listen and read.
pieces of paper and two envelopes (My Magic
Files!) Read the instructions. Explain/Elicit the meaning of
the phrase Open it and see. Use L1 if necessary. Go
through the pictures of the dialogue and set the
scene by asking questions.
e.g. Teacher: Is it Harrys birthday?
Greet the pupils as they arrive.
Pupils: Yes, it is.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 4a.) Teacher: Is Alvin in the car?
Pupils: Yes, he is. etc
Ask the pupils to compare various objects in the
classroom using this/that/these/those. Write on the board: Whats in the big box?
e.g. Pupil 1: These books are blue. (pointing to Explain to the pupils that they will listen to the dialogue
some books near him/her) and find the answer. Play the recording. The pupils
Those books are black. (pointing to listen, follow along and complete the task.
some books further away from
Answer: a car

Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges 2 Read and correct.
from Exs 1 and 4.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
If you have assigned any written homework, correct pupils to the dialogue and allow them time to read
it before beginning the lesson. and find the answer. Check their answers.
1 nice 2 red 3 big

Listen, point and repeat. Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
(An activity to present and activate the vocabulary
pronunciation and intonation. Then, the pupils take
of the unit.)
roles and read out the dialogue.
POSTER Read out sentences spoken by a character in the
dialogue. Ask individual pupils to tell you who it was.
Pupils books closed. Put the At the toyshop! poster on
e.g. Teacher: Look! Two red lorries!
the board. Point to the toys, etc (bus, lorry, helicopter,
Pupils: Harry! etc
big, small), one at a time, and say the corresponding
word(s). The pupils listen and repeat, chorally and Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
individually. Point to the words in random order and during this activity.
ask individual pupils to say the words.

Open it and see!
(Activities to present and practise plurals.)
5 Look and talk with your friend.
3 Look and complete in your Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer
notebook. the pupils to the picture and ask a pair to read the
Pupils books closed. Point to a book, hold up one dialogue. Ask the pupils to write the name of a
finger, say and write: one book. Then, point to two present they would like to give to their partner (e.g.
books, hold up two fingers, say and write: two books. roller-skates) on a piece of paper and fold it. Tell
pupils to act out the dialogue and to hand the
Draw a watch on the board, say and write: one folded piece of paper to their partner. Demonstrate
watch. The pupils repeat after you. Draw another the first exchange with a pupil.
watch, say and write: two watches. The pupils
Go around the classroom monitoring the activity and
repeat after you. Repeat the same procedure for:
offering help when necessary. Make sure that both the
bus buses, glass glasses, fox foxes and lorry
pupils take a turn offering and accepting a present.
lorries. Explain the formation of plurals with nouns
Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the
ending in -x, -s, -ss, -y, and -ch. Focus the pupils
attention on the pronunciation of the plural number
\s\, \z\ and \Iz\. Variation
Drill your pupils. Ask the pupils to bring small items wrapped as gifts
from home in order to offer them to their partners
e.g. Teacher: box
during the acting out.
Pupil 1: boxes
Teacher: lorry My Magic Files!
Pupil 2: lorries etc

Suggested prompts: box, fox, glass, watch, family,

Before going into class
bus, lorry. You need two pieces of paper. Write on one
Pupils books open. Ask the pupils to read the piece of paper: Happy Birthday from Alvin!
grammar box. Read the instructions and explain the Leave the other blank. Paste two envelopes
task. Explain that this list shows what Alvin would like together (back to back), and put the paper
for his birthday. Ask a pupil to read the example. with the wish in one of the pockets.
Allow the pupils some time to complete the task in Show the pupils the envelope and the blank piece
their notebooks. Check their answers. of paper. You can pass the paper around so that
two green lorries everyone can see that it is blank. Then, fold the
four yellow buses paper and put it in the second pocket of the
eight red watches envelope. Close it and say your magic word (or just
tap it with your Magic Wand). Open it and take out
4 Listen and choose A or B. the piece of paper with the writing on it. Magic!

Refer the pupils to the pictures and explain the task. ENDING THE LESSON
Tell the pupils that they will hear the singular or plural
form of the object depicted and that they have to (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
choose accordingly. Play the recording twice. The Ask the pupils to draw what they would like as a
pupils answer in their notebooks. Check their answers. present for their birthday. Walk around asking them
about their pictures.
1 A 3 B 5 B
2 B 4 A 6 A Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
TAPESCRIPT choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1). Ask them to learn
the pattern in Ex. 5.
One helicopter Four box
Two lorry Five bus Activity Book (Optional)
Three glasses Six foxes Assign some of the activities from Unit 4b of the
29(T) Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
sure you do them first orally in class.
bus lorry helicopter big small

3 Look and complete in your notebook.

box boxes

bus buses
6 six blue robots
glass glasses

4 lorry lorries

8 watch watches

4 Listen and choose 5 Look and talk with your

A or B. friend.
1 4 A: Happy Birthday,
Sam. Heres your
A B B: Wow! A car!
Thank you.
2 5 A: Youre welcome!


3 6

Module 2
1 Listen and point.

Its my birthday toda

Its my birthday toda
These are my presen
Its my birthday toda
Heres a kite and a
And a super toy train
These are my presen
Its my birthday toda
Heres a ball and a
And a new toy guita
These are my presen
Its my birthday toda

Now sing along!

2 Listen and answer in your notebook. Write a name or

a number.

1 What is the girls name?

2 How old is she?
3 What is Annas friends name?
4 Which class are they in at school?

Module 2
Happy Birthday!
Unit 4c listen and repeat, chorally and individually. Check
their pronunciation and intonation.
Aims: to talk about birthdays, to consolidate
toys, to develop the pupils listening and writing 1 Listen and point.
Refer the pupils to the picture and allow them time to
Vocabulary: guitar, old, new
look at it. Ask the pupils to tell you which toys they can
Language focus
see (a ball, a car, a plane, a guitar, a train, a kite).
Structures: consolidation
Language in use: Its my birthday. These are my Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
presents. Warm wishes on your birthday. A cool pupils to the song and allow them time to read it
wish from your friend. Have a great birthday. once. The pupils listen to the song and point to the
Pronunciation: \p\ various objects in the picture as they hear them.
Extra materials: flashcards (13-15)
Now sing along!
Play the recording again. The pupils listen and sing
Greet the pupils as they arrive.
2 Listen and answer in your
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 4b.) notebook. Write a name or a
Ask a pupil to say a noun. The pupil next to him/her number.
should say the plural of the word. Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
e.g. Pupil 1: fox recording twice. The pupils listen and complete the
Pupil 2: foxes task in their notebooks. Check their answers.
Pupil 3: bike 2 eight (8) 3 Nick 4 nine (9)
Pupil 4: bikes etc

Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges from TAPESCRIPT
Exs 1 and 5. One
If you have assigned any written homework, correct Whats the girls name?
it before beginning the lesson. A: Hello. Are you the girl in this picture?
B: Yes. My names Anna.
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE A: And how do you spell your name?
B: A-N-N-A.
(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary
of the unit.) Two
How old is she?
Listen, point and repeat. A: And how old are you, Anna?
B: Im eight.
A: Eight?
FLASHCARDS (13-15) B: Yes!

Pupils books closed. Put the flashcards on the board, Three

one at a time. Point to each flashcard and say the What is Annas friends name?
corresponding word. The pupils listen and repeat, A: Is this your friend in the picture with you?
chorally and individually. Point to the words in random B: Yes, it is.
order and ask individual pupils to say the words. A: Whats his name?
B: Nick.
Pupils books open. Write a big 30 on the board A: How do you spell that?
and ask the pupils to open their books at page B: N-I-C-K.
thirty. Read the title of the unit and have the pupils
repeat after you. Play the recording. The pupils
Happy Birthday!
Which class are they in at school? 5 Listen and say. Then read.
A: Is Nick in your class at school? (An activity to familiarise the pupils with the
B: Yes! Were in class nine. pronunciation of the English language.)
A: Which class?
B: In class nine. Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
recording for the pupils to listen and repeat.
READING & WRITING Draw the pupils attention to the /p/ sound. Ask
(Activities to develop the pupils reading and writing individual pupils to read out the sentence and
skills.) correct their pronunciation.

3 Who are the cards from? Read ENDING THE LESSON

and say. Then listen and read. (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow the Ask the pupils to pretend it is their friends birthday.
pupils some time to read the cards and ask them Ask them to wish their friend Happy Birthday and
what kind of cards they are. Elicit the answer offer him/her a present (e.g. a picture of a toy).
(birthday cards). Ask the pupils who the cards are
e.g. Pupil 1: Happy Birthday! Heres your present.
for and elicit the answer (Harry).
Pupil 2: A doll! Thank you!
Allow the pupils time to find the missing names. Ask Pupil 1: Youre welcome! etc
individual pupils to answer. Play the recording. The
Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should be able
pupils listen and check their answers. Individual
to make birthday cards and write a birthday wish
pupils read out from the cards.
B Lee C Mona D Alvin and Erlina
Activity Book (Optional)
4 Portfolio: Make a birthday card Assign some of the activities from Unit 4c of the
for your friend. Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
Ask the pupils to look at the card and read the sure you do them first orally in class.
birthday wish. Ask them who the card is from and
Note: For the next lesson, the pupils can do Ex. 4
elicit the answer (from Jill).
(Portfolio) at home.
Ask the pupils to make a birthday card for their
friend. (To make a birthday card just instruct the
pupils to fold an A4 sheet in two.) Tell them to use
the texts in Exs 3 and 4 as models.
Allow the pupils time to write and decorate their
cards. Alternatively, assign it for homework.
(Suggested answer)
A cool wish from your friend.
Note: Once you have corrected their writing activities,
guide your pupils on how to file them in their Junior
Language Portfolios.

guitar old new

3 Who are the cards from? Read and say. Then listen and read.
A h
o l Wis
arr y, A C your
a r H your
De s o n from !
wishe d
W a r m
ay! frien
b i r th d
i th l ove,
W Emma
Fr o m
Have a great
To Harry C
... birthday!
Happy Bir
thday! Love,

4 Make a birthday 5 Listen and say.

card for your friend. Then read.


From Jill
Look! Its a panda in a purple party
Module 2
How old are
2 : Listen and read. you today?
1 Happy 2
Birthday, Trog!

Birthday, Pog!

3 Wow! There are red, blue
and yellow balloons!

Here are seven

They are
for you!


Bye, Trog!

Be careful, Trog!

Now take roles and read.

Module 2
Troll Tales!
Aims: to read for pleasure Before going into class
Vocabulary: balloon
Extra materials: photocopies of the episode Photocopy the episode, cut out the frames
(Ending the Lesson) and tippex out the numbers. Photocopy
one set per group of pupils.

Hand out one set of frames per group. Ask the

pupils to work together and put the frames in the
Ask the pupils to tell you what the previous episode correct order. You can help them by playing the
was about (Popsie waking Pog and Trog up and episode again while theyre completing the task.
then flying away). Ask them if they remember any Go around the classroom monitoring the pupils.
of the phrases from that episode and ask them to
say them out loud (Stop it Trog! Stop what? Bye!


Episode 2: Listen and read.
(Activities to promote reading for pleasure.)
Write a big 32 on the board and ask the pupils to
open their books at page thirty-two. Ask the pupils to
look at the pictures and explain/elicit what the
episode is going to be about, e.g. Pog and Trog
wish Happy Birthday (picture 1), Popsie asks Pog
and Trog how old they are (picture 2), Popsie gives
Trog some balloons (pictures 3, 4), Trog flies away
holding the balloons (pictures 5, 6).
Play the recording. The pupils listen and follow
along. Play the recording again with pauses for the
pupils to listen and repeat chorally.

Now take roles and read.

The pupils take roles and read the episode.

Go Green! 2: Lets Recycle!
Aims: to raise the pupils environmental
Ask the pupils to look around the classroom and find
awareness, to present the idea of recycling
objects that would go in the four bins in Ex. 1 (e.g.
Vocabulary: aluminium, plastic, paper, glass,
notebook, ruler, pencil case (box), bag of crisps,
tin, recycling bin, love, planet, clean, always,
plastic bottle, etc). Ask the pupils to show them to
the class and say which bin they should go into.
Extra materials: none
e.g. Pupil 1: (showing a plastic bottle) Plastic!
Pupil 2: (showing a notebook) Paper! etc
Read the title: Lets Recycle! Elicit/Explain its
meaning in L1 if necessary. Show the pupils objects
in the classroom that are made from the materials
mentioned in this section. For example, show the
pupils the bin in the classroom and tell them that it
is made of aluminium or plastic. (e.g. plastic: bottle
of water; paper: a notebook; glass: a vase, etc).
Say and write: aluminium, plastic, paper, glass on
the board. Ask the pupils to repeat.


1 Put the things into the correct bins!
Write a big 33 on the board and ask the pupils to
open their books at page thirty-three. Ask the pupils
to look at the objects around the bins and identify
what they are made from.
Explain the task and allow the pupils time to do the
task in their notebooks. Go around the classroom
monitoring the activity and offering help when
necessary. Check their answers.
1 B 2 D 3 A 4 C

2 Lets sing!
Play the recording. The pupils listen and follow the
lines. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown
words, using L1 if necessary. Play the recording
again. The pupils listen and sing along.

1 Put the things into the correct bins!

1 A


2 4

Paper, plastic, glass and tin,
Put it all in your recycling bin!
Love our planet, keep it clean,
Always remember the recycling bin!
Recycle, hey!
Recycle! Go!
Im a taxi driver in
1 Read and match in New York, USA. My
your notebook. taxi is yellow.

2 Im a taxi driver in
Im a taxi driver in
Hong Kong, China.
London, England.
My taxi is red and grey.
My taxi is black.



2 Draw or stick a picture of a taxi in your town/city.

Present it to the class.

Module 2
Our World
Aims: to talk about taxis in different countries
Tell pupils that the taxis in their town/city are going
Vocabulary: taxi driver, New York, Hong Kong,
to change colour and that you want their help. Ask
them, in pairs or in groups, to think of what colour
Extra materials: none
they want the taxis to be, and draw and colour
one. You can display their work somewhere in the
Note: It is advised you do Our School during this
Write taxi on the board. Ask the pupils what colour lesson or the next.
taxis are in the city they live in and elicit the correct
(See p. 53.)


1 Read and match in your notebook.
Pupils books open. Draw a big 34 on the board
and ask the pupils to open their books at page
thirty-four. Read the instructions and explain the
task. Allow the pupils time to read the texts and
complete the exercise in their notebooks. Check
their answers.
1 C 2 A 3 B

2 Portfolio: Draw or stick a picture

of a taxi in your town/city.
Present it to the class.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the
pupils what colour the taxis in Ex. 1 are and which
city they belong to. Ask the pupils to draw (and
colour) a local taxi and present it to the class.
You can ask the pupils to write the short text at
home as part of their homework. In this case, you
can ask the pupils to find a photo of a local taxi.
(Suggested answer)
This is a taxi from Madrid, Spain. Its red and white.
Note: Once you have corrected their writing activities
guide your pupils on how to file them in their Junior
Language Portfolios.

Checkpoint: Units 3 - 4
4 Read and choose.
Aims: to consolidate Module 2, to obtain
feedback on individual pupils, to monitor the The pupils read the questions and choose the correct
pupils progress answer a or b. Check their answers.
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a
Do a quick revision of what the pupils have learnt in
the module. Now I can

e.g. Teacher: What are those? (pointing at some Once all the exercises have been completed, ask
boxes far away from him/her) the pupils to tell you how they feel about the two
Pupil 1: Theyre boxes. units. Ask if they can tell you what they have learnt
and which exercises, stories or songs they liked the
Teacher: Happy Birthday! Heres your present. best. Then, refer the pupils to the Now I can box
Pupil 2: Thank you. and read through it with them.
Teacher: Youre welcome. etc
Note: The pupils can now do Modular Revision and
Note: It is important that the pupils do not feel they Assessment 2 in their Activity Books.
are being tested. The rationale for this quick revision is
Note: If you wish, you can do some or all of the
to make the pupils aware of their progress in the
Reinforcement & Extension activities from the Teachers
English language. Always praise the pupils efforts
Resource Pack.
and encourage everyone to participate.
After this quick revision, the pupils work on their own
and do the exercises.

1 Look, read and complete in your

The pupils look at the pictures and write the
appropriate family member.
1 grandma 3 dad 5 brother
2 grandpa 4 mum 6 sister

2 Look, read and match in your

The pupils read and match the sentences to the
pictures in their notebooks. Make sure that the pupils
take the spatial distance into consideration.
1 a 3 d 5 b
2 c 4 f 6 e

3 Complete in your notebook. Use:

am, is or are.
The pupils read and complete the text.
1 am 3 is 5 are
2 is 4 are 6 are

1 Look, read and complete
in your notebook. 3 Complete in your notebook.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Use: am, is or are.

I 1) Kim and this 2)

Pat. She 3) my sister.
1 This is Lees . 4 This is Lees . My mum and dad 4)
2 This is Lees . 5 This is Lees . teachers. They 5) great!
3 This is Lees . 6 This is Lees . We 6) a happy family!

2 Look, read and match in

your notebook. 4 Read and choose.
1 These are boxes. 1 A: Whos this?
2 These are lorries. B: a) This is my dad.
3 Those are buses. b) Hes sad.
4 These are planes. 2 A: Are they friends?
5 That is a train. B: a) Yes, you are.
6 This is a car. b) Yes, they are.
3 A: Look at those puppets!
B: a) Theyre really nice.
a b) Help!
4 A: What is it?
B: a) Open it and see!
b) Thank you!
5 A: Heres your present!
d B: a) A teddy bear! Thank you!
c b) Youre welcome!

f talk and write about my family

e talk about my toys
talk about jobs
count to 20
Module 2
bedroom bed

1 Listen and read.

1 2

Hi, Harry.

His bedroom
Look! Theres is nice.
Hello, Erlina.
Come in, Alvin.
Is this your TV?

No, it isnt. Its

my computer. And these are my computer
games. Lets play!

Quick! Hide!
Oh, no! Its
my dad!
Whos that?

2 Which picture? Read and say the number.

1 Hi, Harry. Picture 2 2 Quick! Hide! 3 Its my computer. 4 Lets play!
Module 3
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to talk about things in a room
Vocabulary: bedroom, bed, TV, computer,
computer game, phone, radio
Language focus 1 Listen and read.
Structures: possessive adjectives Explain/Elicit the meaning of the word hide. Use L1 if
Language in use: His bedroom is nice. Lets necessary. Read the instructions. Go through the
play! Listen! Whos that? Its my dad! pictures of the dialogue and set the scene by asking
Extra materials: completed Progress Report questions.
Cards, My bedroom! poster
e.g. Teacher: Is this a TV? (pointing to picture 3)
Pupils: No, it isnt. Its a computer.
Teacher: Where are Erlina and Alvin?
BEGINNING THE LESSON Pupils: In Harrys room. etc
Greet the pupils as they arrive. Write on the board: Why did Harry ask his friends to
Play the song from Unit 4c encouraging the pupils hide? Explain to the pupils that they will listen and read
to sing along. the dialogue and find the answer. Play the recording.
The pupils listen, follow along and find the answer.
Hand out the completed Progress Report Cards for
the previous module and ask the pupils to file them Answer: Because his dad was about to walk in the
in their Junior Language Portfolios. room.

PRESENTATION & PRACTICE 2 Which picture? Read and say the

(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary
of the unit.) Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow the
pupils some time to read the dialogue and find
Listen, point and repeat. which picture each phrase is from. Ask individual
pupils to answer.

POSTER 2 picture 6 3 picture 3 4 picture 4

Pupils books closed. Put the My bedroom! poster on Extension

the board. Point to the bedroom items (bedroom, Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
bed, TV, computer, computer game, phone, radio), to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
one at a time, and say the corresponding word(s). pronunciation and intonation. Then the pupils take
The pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually. roles and read out the dialogue.
Pupils books open. Write a big 36 on the board and Read out sentences spoken by a character in the
ask the pupils to open their books at page thirty-six. dialogue. Ask individual pupils to tell you who said
Play the recording. The pupils listen and repeat, them.
chorally and individually. Check their pronunciation
and intonation. e.g. Teacher: Is this your TV?
Pupils: Alvin!

Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books

during this activity.

(Activities to present and practise possessive to be revealed. Ask individual pupils what the
adjectives.) objects are called in order to check answers.
1 apple, radio, television BART
3 Read and complete in your 2 egg, guitar, green, yo-yo PEGGY
Pupils books closed. Hold up your book and say: This Now write your Secret Agent name.
is my book. The pupils repeat chorally. Write my on the
Explain to the pupils that they have to pick a name
board. Approach a pupil, point to his/her book and
for a secret agent and that they have to encode it
say: This is your book. Write your on the board. Do the
in the same way as in Ex. 5. The pupils have to
same to present all possessive adjectives. For its use a
make a drawing and write the appropriate word
simple sketch of a cat and say: Its name is Fluffy. The
pupils look at the board and read out the table.
e.g. pictures of ruler, orange, book, egg, robot,
Pupils books open. The pupils read the sentences
train ROBERT
in the grammar box. Read the instructions and
explain the task. Ask a pupil to read the example. Allow pupils some time to do the task. The pupils can
Allow the pupils some time to complete the task in work in pairs if they wish. Go around the classroom
their notebooks. Check their answers. monitoring the activity and offering help when
2 our 3 your 4 Their
4 Ask and answer.
(An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Refer pupils to the pictures in Ex. 4 and explain the
task. Ask a pair of pupils to read out the example. Ask the pupils to tell you which items from the ones
The pupils, in pairs, ask and answer questions about presented on top of pages 36-37 they have in their
the objects in the pictures. Go around the classroom bedroom.
monitoring and offering help when necessary. e.g. Pupil 1: A bed and a TV.
A: What colour is his phone? Pupil 2: A bed, a computer and a radio. etc
B: Red. Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
A: What colour is his computer? new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
B: Green. choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1). Ask them to learn
the patterns in Ex. 3.
A: What colour is his watch?
B: Yellow. Activity Book (Optional)
A: What colour is her TV? Assign some of the activities from Unit 5a of the
B: Black. Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
A: What colour is her phone? sure you do them first orally in class.
B: Blue.
A: What colour is her computer?
B: Pink.
A: What colour is her watch?
B: Red.

5 Lets play!
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures of the two
agents. Explain the game. The pupils, in pairs, try to
find the first letter of each word in order for a name

TV computer computer game phone radio

3 Read and complete in your notebook.

1 Im George.
This is my bike.
I am Tony. This is my brother.
2 Were brothers.
This is cake. I my We our
You your You your
3 Nice to meet you. He his They their
She her
Whats name?
It its

4 Theyre sisters.
names are
Liz and Ann.

4 Ask and answer. 5

1 Whats his name?

2 Whats her name?

A: What colour is his TV? Now write your

B: Blue. Secret Agent name.
Module 3

1 Listen and read. Erlina, where

Heres your are you?
1 book, Harry. 2

Thanks, Dad!
Im under
the desk.
Come out! My dad
3 isnt here now. 4 Wheres Alvin? Is
he under the bed?

Oh ... OK. No, he isnt.

5 6

Is he in the
wardrobe? No, he isnt. Hes on
the wardrobe!
2 Read, match and say.
1 Erlina under wardrobe.
is the
2 Alvin on desk.
Module 3
Come out!
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to talk about things in a room, to talk
about location
Vocabulary: wardrobe, bookcase, clock,
1 Listen and read.
cupboard, table, armchair
Language focus Explain/Elicit the meaning of the phrase Come out!
Structures: behind, in, on, under, next to Read the instructions and explain the task. Go
Language in use: Im under the desk. through the pictures of the dialogue and set the
Wheres Alvin? Is he under the bed? No, he scene by asking questions.
isnt. Hes on the wardrobe. e.g. Teacher: Whos at the door?
Extra materials: My bedroom! poster, two sets Pupils: Harrys dad.
of instructions on slips of paper, Erlinas mask Teacher: Can he see Erlina and Alvin?
from Unit 1b (My Magic Files!) Pupils: No. etc
Write some sentences from the dialogue on the
board, with certain words missing. Explain to the
pupils they have to listen to the dialogue and find
Greet the pupils as they arrive. the missing words. Play the recording. The pupils
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 5a.) listen, follow along and complete the task.

Put the My bedroom! poster on the board. Point to 2 Read, match and say.
the items on it and ask individual pupils to say the
Explain the task. Allow the pupils some time to form the
corresponding words.
correct sentences. Ask individual pupils to answer.
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out the exchanges 1 Erlina is under the desk.
from Exs 1 and 3. 2 Alvin is on the wardrobe.
If you have assigned any written homework, correct
it before beginning the lesson.
Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
pronunciation and intonation. Then, the pupils take
(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary of roles and read out the dialogue.
the unit.)
Hold up your book to the class. Read the dialogue
and point to the pictures in turn. Repeat, this time
Listen, point and repeat.
inviting the pupils to complete your sentences.
e.g. Teacher: Wheres Alvin? Is he...
POSTER Pupils: under the bed?

Pupils books closed. Put the My bedroom! poster on (Activities to present and practise prepositions of
the board. Point to the bedroom items (wardrobe, place.)
bookcase, clock, cupboard, table, armchair) one at
a time, read and say the corresponding word. The 3 Look, read and complete.
pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually.
Pupils books closed. Put your pen behind a book
Point to the bedroom items in random order and ask
and ask the pupils: Wheres my pen? Answer: Behind
individual pupils to say the words.
the book. Write the exchange on the board and
Pupils books open. Write a big 38 on the board and underline the word in bold. Read the exchange
ask the pupils to open their books at page thirty- again. The pupils repeat after you. Put the pen in the
eight. Read the title of the unit and have the pupils book and repeat the same question. Answer: In the
repeat after you. Play the recording. The pupils listen book. Write the answer on the board and underline
and repeat, chorally and individually. Check their the word in bold. Read the exchange again. The
pronunciation and intonation.
Come out!
pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure the pupils that they will hear sentences saying
to present on, under, and next to. Explain that where where a ball is in relation to the objects. Play the
is used when we ask the location of something or the recording twice. The pupils listen and complete the
whereabouts of somebody. task in their notebooks. Check their answers.
Drill your pupils. Once more, use the pen and put it 1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 yes
behind, in, on, under or next to a book. Each time
you ask where the pen is, the pupils have to give TAPESCRIPT
you the correct answer. One The ball is on the table.
e.g. Teacher (put the pen under the book) Two The ball is in the bookcase.
Wheres the pen? Three The ball is next to the cupboard.
Pupil 1: Its under the book. Four The ball is behind the armchair.
Teacher (put the pen on the book) Wheres
the pen?
My Magic Files!
Pupil 2: Its on the book. etc Before going into class
Pupils books open. Ask the pupils to read the
Prepare two sets of instructions on slips of paper.
sentences in the grammar box. Make sure that they
Hide the slips of paper (except the first ones), as
have understood the use of the prepositions of place.
well as Erlinas mask somewhere in the classroom.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
pupils to the picture and to sentences 1-5. Read the Suggested instructions Suggested instructions
example and ask the pupils to point to the picture. for team A: for team B:
Ask the pupils to point to the items mentioned in Look in the cupboard. Look under my desk.
sentences 2-5 (books, teddy bear, vase, lamp). Allow Look on (Johns) desk. Look in the bin.
the pupils time to complete the task in their notebooks Look behind the door. Look in (Janes)
and check their answers. Look under (Sues) desk. schoolbag.
2 in 3 under 4 on 5 behind Divide the class into two teams, A and B. Tell the
pupils they are going to play a game. The aim of
Memory Game! the game is to follow the clues and find Erlinas
mask. Appoint a team leader and hand him/her
Read the example and explain the task. Allow the
the first instruction. He/she reads the instruction out
pupils some time to look at the picture. Ask the pupils
loud and the team must find the next slip. The first
to close their books. In pairs, the pupils ask and
pupil to find the slip is appointed the new team
answer questions about the objects in the pictures.
leader. The first team to find the mask wins.
e.g. Pupil 1: Wheres the vase?
Note: If you wish, you can organise this treasure hunt
Pupil 2: Its on the table.
game in the playground.
Alternative activity
You can turn this into a game. Divide the class into ENDING THE LESSON
two teams and have them ask and answer questions, (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
in turns. You can say whether the answers are correct
Ask each pupil to put an object in a particular
or not. Each correct answer gets one point.
place before leaving the class.
e.g. Pupil 1 (team A): Wheres the vase?
e.g. Teacher: Ron, put your schoolbag on the desk.
Pupil 1 (team B): Its on the table.
Teacher: Correct! One point! Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
4 Listen and write yes or no in your choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1).
notebook. Activity Book (Optional)
Read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the Assign some of the activities from Unit 5b of the
pupils to look at the objects and say the names Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
(table, bookcase, cupboard, armchair). Explain to sure you do them first orally in class.
bookcase clock cupboard table armchair

Where is Alvin?

Hes behind the tree. Hes under the bed.

Hes in the wardrobe. Hes next to the

Hes on the cupboard. bookcase.

3 Look, read and complete. 4 Listen and write yes or

no in your notebook.


1 The picture is next to the bookcase.

2 The books are the bookcase.
3 The teddy bear is the table.
4 The vase is the table.
5 The lamp is the armchair.

Memory Game!
A: Wheres the picture?
B: Its next to the bookcase.
Module 3
1 Listen and point.

Oh, where is Alv

Where can he
Come, look for
Come, look wit
h me.

Is he on the ta
bl e?
Is he on the ch
Is he on the so
With the teddy

Now sing along!

Wheres Alvin? Is he behind

the sofa?

Module 3
Wheres Alvin?
Unit 5c
1 Listen and point.
Aims: to consolidate location, to develop the Read the title of the unit and elicit what it is going to
pupils listening and writing skills be about (looking for Alvin). Ask pupils to look at the
Vocabulary: sofa, mirror, CD, football team picture and tell you where Alvin could be (on the bed,
Language focus under the bed, under the table, on the sofa, etc).
Structures: consolidation
Language in use: consolidation Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer
pupils to the song and allow them time to read it
Pronunciation: \b\
once. The pupils listen to the song and point to
Extra materials: flashcards (16-19)
where Alvin could be.

Now sing along!

Play the recording again. The pupils listen and sing
Greet the pupils as they arrive. along.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 5b.)
2 Lets play!
Pupils, in pairs, give each other instructions about
where to put something. Revise the prepositions of place. The pupils look at the
picture and identify the furniture. Read the exchange.
e.g. Pupil 1: Put your pencil case under the desk.
The pupils follow along. Choose a pupil. Ask him/her
Pupil 2: (after he/shes put the pencil case
to think of a place to hide Alvin somewhere in the
under the desk) Put your notebook on
room. Individual pupils ask questions until they find
the chair. etc
where Alvin is. Choose another pupil to continue the
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out an exchange from game.
Ex. 1.
e.g. Pupil 1: Wheres Alvin?
If you have assigned any written homework, correct Pupil 2: Is he on the bed?
it before beginning the lesson. Pupil 1: No, he isnt.
Pupil 3: Is he under the table?
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE Pupil 1: No, he isnt.
Pupil 4: Is he behind the sofa?
(Activities to present the theme of the unit.)
Pupil 1: Yes, he is. etc

Listen, point and repeat. If you wish, you can put pupils into pairs to continue
the game.


Pupils books closed. Put the flashcards on the

board. Point to the items (sofa, mirror, CD, football
team), one at a time, read and say the
corresponding word. The pupils listen and repeat,
chorally and individually. Point to the items in
random order and ask individual pupils to say the
Pupils books open. Write a big 40 on the board and
ask the pupils to open their books at page forty.
Read the title of the unit and have pupils repeat after
you. Play the recording. The pupils listen and repeat,
chorally and individually. Check their pronunciation
and intonation.

Wheres Alvin?
(Activities to develop the pupils reading and writing (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Focus the pupils attention on the picture in Ex. 3. Ask
individual pupils to describe what they see. Have
3 Look, read and correct in your them look at the picture and try to memorise it as
notebook. Then listen and read. much as possible. Explain to the pupils that they are
Pupils books open. Read the instructions and explain going to play a memory game. Divide the class into
the task. Allow the pupils time to read the text and two teams, A and B and ask them to close their books.
correct the false statements in their notebooks. Ask individual pupils from both teams questions about
Individual pupils read out from the text. Play the the picture. Each correct answer gets one point. The
recording. The pupils listen and check their answers. team with the most points wins.

1 blue 2 books 3 computer e.g. Teacher: What colour is the computer?

Pupil 1 Team A: Pink!
4 Portfolio: Draw and write in your Teacher: Correct! What is there on the
notebook. wall?
Pupil 1 Team B: A football team poster!
Ask the pupils to look at the picture and ask them:
Whats in the bedroom? (a bed and a desk). What Activity Book (Optional)
colour are they? (pink).
Assign some of the activities from Unit 5c of the
Explain the task. The pupils read the text. Tell them to Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
use the texts in Exs 3 and 4 as models and write about sure you do them first orally in class.
their rooms.
Note: For the next lesson, the pupils can do Ex. 4
Allow the pupils time to write a short text about their (Portfolio) at home.
rooms. Tell them to include a drawing. Alternatively,
assign it for homework.
(Suggested answer)
Hi! Im Tim. My bed is red and my desk and bookcase
are yellow.
Note: Once you have corrected their writing activities,
guide your pupils on how to file them in their Junior
Language Portfolios.

5 Listen and say. Then read.

(An activity to familiarise the pupils with the
pronunciation of the English language.)
Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
recording for pupils to listen and repeat.
Draw the pupils attention to the \b\ sound. Ask
individual pupils to read out the sentence and
correct their pronunciation.

sofa mirror CD football team

3 Look, read and correct in your

notebook. Then listen and read.
s Lucas
Hi! My name
y room.
and this is m
red and
My bed is 1)
white my fo
rs! My
teams colou
2) trains and
are in my bo
w 3) TV
Thats my ne
on my desk.
My room is c

4 Draw and write in 5 Listen and say. Then read.

your notebook.

Hi! Im Anna and thi i

my room. My bed i pink
and my desk i pink and
white. My room i pretty! A big brown bear in the bath.

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There are spiders

1 Listen and read. in the living room!
This is a very
1 Oh, no! Missys in the house!
old house!
Missy, come
back! 2

Cool! Theres a Look! There are mice

frog in the kitchen! Lee, no! in the bathroom.

Close the
door, Harry!
Thats not
Help! Theres funny, Alvin!
a ghost in the 6
bedroom! Ha, ha!

2 Look, read and say yes or no.

1 There are spiders in the living room. 3 There are frogs in the bathroom.
2 Theres a mouse in the kitchen. 4 Theres a bath in the bathroom.
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In the old house!

(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to talk about rooms
Vocabulary: house, living room, kitchen,
bathroom, frog, spider, ghost
Language focus 1 Listen and read.
Structures: There is/are Read the instructions. Explain/Elicit the meaning of
Language in use: This is a very old house! There the phrase In the old house. Use L1 if necessary. Go
are spiders in the living room! Theres a frog in through the pictures of the dialogue and set the
the kitchen! scene by asking questions.
Extra materials: My House! poster
e.g. Teacher: Wheres Missy?
Pupils: In the house.
Teacher: Is the house old or new?
Greet the pupils as they arrive. Write on the board: Theres a _ _ _ _ _ in the bedroom!
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 5.) Explain to the pupils that they will listen to the dialogue
and find the missing word (ghost).
Ask the pupils to talk about their bedroom (e.g. My
bed is blue and my bookcase is white. etc). Play the recording. The pupils listen, follow the dialogue
and complete the task.
Play the song Wheres Alvin? from Unit 5c and invite
the pupils to sing along. 2 Look, read and say yes or no.
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
pupils to the dialogue and allow them time to read it
(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary of again and complete the task. Check their answers.
the unit.)
1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes
Listen, point and repeat.

POSTER Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
Pupils books closed. Put the My House! poster on the pronunciation and intonation. Then, the pupils take
board. Point to the words (house, living room, kitchen, roles and read out the dialogue.
bathroom, door, frog, spider, ghost), one at a time, Hold up your book to the class. Read out the dialogue
and say the corresponding word(s). The pupils listen and point to the pictures in turn. Repeat, this time
and repeat, chorally and individually. Point to the inviting the pupils to complete your sentences.
words in random order and ask individual pupils to
e.g. Teacher: Cool! Theres a frog in the
say the words.
Class: kitchen! etc
Pupils books open. Write a big 42 on the board
Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
and ask the pupils to open their books at page
during this activity.
forty-two. Read the title of the unit and have the
pupils repeat after you. Play the recording. The
pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually.
Check their pronunciation and intonation.

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In the old house!

(Activities to present and practise there is/there are.) of the rooms to individual pupils and ask them to
name something that is in that particular room.
3 Ghost Buster! Look and say. e.g. Teacher: Kitchen!
Pupils books closed. Point to a pen on the desk, say Pupil 1: Theres a cupboard in the kitchen.
and write: There is a pen on the desk. Then, put Teacher: Bedroom!
another pen on the desk, point to them, say and write: Pupil 2: Theres a bed in the bedroom. etc
There are two pens on the desk. Practise the structure
by pointing to items in the class and inviting the pupils Extension
to make sentences.
If you want to make the game more competitive,
e.g. Pupil 1: There is a notebook in my schoolbag. divide the class into two teams and have them take
Pupil 2: There are two flowers in the vase. etc turns answering your questions. Each correct answer
wins a point. The team with the most points wins.
Pupils books open. Ask the pupils to read the
sentences in the grammar box, drawing attention to
the fact that the plural of mouse is mice. Read the
instructions and the examples and explain the task. (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Refer the pupils to the picture. Tell the pupils that
Ask the pupils to tell you what there is in various rooms
they have to say where the ghosts are in the room.
of their house.
Ask individual pupils to tell you where the ghosts
are, while pointing at the ghost(s) in question. e.g. Teacher: Living room!
Pupil 1: Theres a TV in my living room. etc
Theres a ghost under the bed.
There are two ghosts in the wardrobe. Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
There are three ghosts under the table. new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
choice from the dialogue (Ex.1).
Whats in your bedroom? Tell your
friend. Activity Book (Optional)

The pupils, in pairs, describe their bedrooms, using Assign some of the activities from Unit 6a of the
there is/are. Go around the classroom monitoring Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
the activity and offering help when necessary. sure you do them first orally in class.

e.g. Theres a bed in my bedroom. Theres a

wardrobe, too. There are two chairs.

4 Look, read and say yes or no.

Refer the pupils to the picture and explain the task.
Read statements 1-5 with pupils and ask them to
point to the different objects mentioned (spiders,
clock, sofa, etc). Allow pupils time to complete the
task. Check their answers.
1 yes 3 no 5 yes
2 no 4 yes

5 Lets play!
Explain the game and read the example. Allow the
pupils some time to look at the picture in Ex. 4. Ask
the pupils to close their books. Say the name of one

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living room kitchen bathroom door frog spider ghost

3 Ghost Buster! Look and say.

Theres a mouse on
the table.

There are two mice on

the bed.

Theres = There is

Theres a ghost on the bed.

Whats in your bedroom? Tell your friend.

In my bedroom there is

4 Look, read and say yes or no.

1 There are four rooms.
2 Theres a clock in the bedroom.
3 There are five spiders in the
4 Theres a TV in the kitchen.
5 Theres a red sofa in the living room.

Theres a bed in
the bedroom!

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1 Listen and read. Lets open

Its very dark the curtains. 2
1 Listen! Shes in in here!
the kitchen.

Wheres Missy?

Missys in the Is there a bath in

old cooker! the bathroom? 4

Oh, Missy! Yes, but there are

Youre so dirty! mice in the bathroom!
Look! Theres Missy, youre nice 6
a sink in here. But no water ... and clean now!

Yes, but were

all dirty!
2 Read and match in your
1 Missys in a mice in the bathroom!
2 There are b sink in here.
3 Theres a c the old cooker!
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Wheres Missy?
(Activities to develop the pupils listening and reading
Aims: to talk about rooms and things in a house
Vocabulary: cooker, fridge, sink, water, bath,
clean, dirty
1 Listen and read.
Language focus
Structures: There is/There are Read the instructions. Explain/Elicit the meaning of
Language in use: Is there a bath in the the question Wheres Missy? Use L1 if necessary. Go
bathroom? There are mice in the bathroom. through the pictures of the dialogue and set the
There is a sink here. scene by asking questions.
Extra materials: My House! poster, two
e.g. Teacher: (pointing to picture 3) Where are the
matchboxes/toothpick boxes (My Magic Files!)
Pupils: In the kitchen.
Teacher: Is Erlina with them?
BEGINNING THE LESSON Pupils: Yes, she is. etc
Greet the pupils as they arrive. Write on the board: Missys in the old _ _ _ _ _ _. Explain
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 6a.) to the pupils that they will listen to the dialogue and
find the missing word (cooker picture 3).
Ask the pupils to tell you about things in the classroom,
using there is/there are. Play the recording. The pupils listen, follow along and
complete the task.
e.g. Pupil 1: There are two windows.
Pupil 2: There are eight desks. etc 2 Read and match in your notebook.
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out an exchange from Read the instructions and explain the task. Read the
Ex. 1. options 1-3 and a-c and refer the pupils to the
If you have assigned any written homework, correct dialogue. Allow the pupils time to read and complete
it before beginning the lesson. the task in their notebooks. Check their answers.
1 c 2 a 3 b
(Activities to present and activate the vocabulary
Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils
of the unit.)
to listen and repeat chorally. Check the pupils
pronunciation and intonation. Then, the pupils take
POSTER roles and read out the dialogue.
Read out a sentence spoken by a character in the
dialogue. Ask individual pupils to tell you who said it.
Listen, point and repeat.
e.g. Teacher: Missy, youre nice and clean now!
Pupils books closed. Put the My House! poster on the
Pupils: Mona! etc
board. Point to the words (cooker, fridge, sink, water,
bath, clean, dirty), one at a time, and say the Note: If you wish, have the pupils close their books
corresponding word(s). The pupils listen and repeat, during this activity.
chorally and individually. Point to the words in random
order and ask individual pupils to say the words. (Activities to present and practise there is/there are.)

Pupils books open. Write a big 44 on the board 3 Look and answer.
and ask the pupils to open their books at page
forty-four. Read the title of the unit and have the Pupils books closed. Point to a window, say and write:
pupils repeat after you. Play the recording. The Is there a window in the classroom? Answer: Yes, there
pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually. is. Ask and write: Is there a sofa in the classroom?
Check their pronunciation and intonation. Answer: No, there isnt. Present the plural forms in the
same way.
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Wheres Missy?
Drill your pupils. Say a word, have one pupil form a Three
question about the classroom and another give an Which is Ericas room?
answer. A: I like your room, Erica.
e.g. Teacher: flowers B: Thank you.
Pupil 1: Are there any flowers in the classroom? A: Theres a blue bed. Thats nice.
Pupil 2: No, there arent. etc B: Yes. And look. Theres a blue lamp, too.
A: A blue lamp? Oh, yes. Its lovely.
Suggested prompts (singular or plural forms)
rubber, book, notebook, schoolbag, desk, aeroplane, My Magic Files!
computer, radio, bookcase, clock, spider, door, etc
Pupils books open. Ask the pupils to read the
Before going into class
sentences in the grammar box. Explain the task. You need two matchboxes/toothpick
Refer the pupils to the picture and ask them what boxes, both of which should be half-full.
they can see (e.g. a lamp, mirrors, etc). Ask
individual pupils to read and answer the questions. Before you do the magic trick, fasten one of the
Ask the rest of the class for verification. boxes to your right forearm with a rubber band.
Hold up the other box and shake it.
1 Yes, there is. 4 No, there arent.
2 No, there isnt. 5 Yes, there is. e.g. Teacher: Are there any matches in the box?
3 Yes, there are. 6 No, there isnt. Pupils: Yes!
Teacher: (opens the box and takes the matches
4 Choose. Then talk with your friend. out) Are there any matches in the box
Refer the pupils to the drawings, read the instructions now?
and explain the task. Go through the objects around Pupils: No!
and in the picture. Ask the pupils to choose where Teacher: (shaking the empty box with his/her left
they would place the objects in their kitchen. Have a hand) Are there any matches in it now?
couple of pupils read the example. The pupils, in Pupils: No!
pairs, ask and answer questions about their kitchens. Teacher: (touches the empty box with the magic
wand and then shakes it with his/her
e.g. Pupil 1: Is there a cooker in your kitchen?
right hand. Noise will be heard, as the
Pupil 2: Yes, there is. Its next to the door. etc
matches in his/her sleeve will make a
noise!) Are there any matches in the
5 Listen and choose.
box now?
Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the Pupils: No Yes!
recording twice. The pupils listen and complete the Teacher: See? Magic!
task in their notebooks. Check their answers.
Repeat the magic trick as many times as you wish.
1 B 2 A 3 B

One (An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
Which is Nicks schoolbag? The pupils, in pairs, say what there is in their room
A: Oh, Nick. Look at your schoolbag. and their partner draws a picture.
B: I know. Its dirty.
e.g. Pupil 1: In my room there is a bed.
A: Yes. Its very dirty!
Pupil 2: (draws a bed) etc
Wheres the fridge? Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should know the
A: Is there a fridge next to the sink? new words, as well as an exchange of their/your
B: No, there isnt. choice from the dialogue (Ex. 1).
A: Wheres the fridge?
Activity Book (Optional)
B: Its next to the cooker.
A: Next to the cooker? Assign some of the activities from Unit 6b of the
B: Yes. Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
45(T) sure you do them first orally in class.
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fridge sink bath clean dirty

Is there a sofa? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.

Are there any chairs? Yes, there are./No, there arent.

3 Look and answer. 5 Listen and choose.

1 Which is Nicks schoolbag?


2 Wheres the fridge?

1 Is there a lamp?
2 Is there a sink?
3 Are there any mirrors? A B
4 Are there any chairs?
5 Is there a phone? 3 Which is Ericas room?
6 Is there a fridge?

4 Choose. Then talk with your

friend. A B

A: Is there a fridge in your kitchen?

B: Yes, there is. Its next to the
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1 Look, listen and choose.

An itzy bitzy house is a a small house. b big house.

to my house.
My itzy bitzy house.
Its an itzy bitzy house for two!

There are pictures on the wall.

Theres a carpet on the floor.
And curtains in the window, too!

There are pictures on the wall.

Theres a carpet on the floor.
And cushions on the armchair, too!

Now sing along!

2 Lets make an Itzy Bitzy House!

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Unit 6c Pupils books open. Write a big 46 on the board and
ask the pupils to open their books at page forty-six.
Aims: to talk about things in a room, to Read the title of the unit and have the pupils repeat
consolidate toys, to develop the pupils after you. Elicit/Explain what welcome means. Play the
listening and writing skills recording. The pupils listen and repeat, chorally and
Vocabulary: picture, wall, carpet, floor, curtain, individually. Check their pronunciation and intonation.
Language focus 1 Look, listen and choose.
Structures: consolidation
Refer the pupils to the picture and allow them time to
Language in use: Welcome to my house.
look at it. Ask the pupils to tell you which household
There are pictures on the wall. Theres a carpet
items they can see (armchairs, lamp, cushions,
on the floor. My small house is so nice. There
curtains, pictures, carpet, etc).
are three rooms.
Pronunciation: \O\ Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer
Extra materials: My House! poster, the pupils to the song and allow them time to read
photocopies of the Itzy Bitzy House template it once. The pupils listen to the song and complete
from the Teachers Resource Pack (Ex. 2) the task in their notebooks. Check their answers.
a small house


Greet the pupils as they arrive. Play the recording. The pupils listen and sing along.
(Activities to revise the language of Unit 6b.)
Get the pupils to ask and answer questions about
Demonstrate the following miming actions and
what there is at their school.
encourage the pupils to copy you.
e.g. Pupil 1: Are there any trees?
Welcome to my house. (opening your arms)
Pupil 2: No, there arent.
My itzy bitzy house. (hold index finger and thumb close
Pupil 3: Are there any classrooms?
to each other, indicating that something is small)
Pupil 4: Yes, there are.
Its an itzy bitzy house for two! (hold two fingers up)
Ask the pupils, in pairs, to act out an exchange from
There are pictures on the wall. (point to an imaginary
Ex. 1.
If you have assigned any written homework, correct Theres a carpet on the floor. (point to the floor)
it before beginning the lesson. And curtains in the window, too! (mime an outline of
a square)
There are pictures on the wall. (point to an imaginary
(Activities to present the vocabulary of the unit.) wall)
Theres a carpet on the floor. (point to the floor)
POSTER And cushions on the armchair, too! (mime sitting)

2 Lets make an Itzy Bitzy House!

Listen, point and repeat.
Before going into class
Pupils books closed. Put the My House! poster on
the board. Point to the household items (picture, wall, Have your Itzy Bitzy House ready to use as
carpet, floor, curtain, cushions) one at a time and a model. Photocopy the Itzy Bitzy House
say the corresponding word(s). The pupils listen and template from the Teachers Resource
repeat, chorally and individually. Point to the words in Pack, one per pupil.
random order and ask individual pupils to say the
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5 Listen and say. Then read.
Tell the pupils they are going to make a house.
Show them your model. Guide the pupils through (An activity to familiarise the pupils with the
the cutting and gluing of the house and its roof. Go pronunciation of the English language.)
around the classroom as the pupils complete the Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the
task, providing any necessary help. recording for the pupils to listen and repeat.

Optional Activity Draw the pupils attention to the \O\ sound. Ask
individual pupils to read out the sentence and
Play the recording again, encouraging the pupils correct their pronunciation.
to sing along, holding up their Itzy Bitzy House.
(An activity to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.)
(Activities to develop the pupils reading and writing
skills.) Ask the pupils to work in pairs and try to guess what
there is in each others house.
3 Read and complete in your e.g. Pupil 1: There are four rooms in your house.
notebook. Then listen and read. Pupil 2: No, there are five. Theres a TV in your
Read the instructions and explain the task. Refer the
Pupil 1: Yes, there is. etc
pupils to the picture and read the sentence, ignoring
the gap. Elicit what kind of information is missing (a Note: For the next lesson, the pupils should be able
number). Allow the pupils time to read the text and to talk about their house.
complete the task in their notebooks. Play the
recording. The pupils listen and check their answers. Activity Book (Optional)
Then individual pupils read out from the text.
Assign some of the activities from Unit 6c of the
There are four rooms in Melvyns house. Activity Book as written H/W. If this is the case, make
sure you do them first orally in class.
4 Portfolio: Draw and write in your Note: For the next lesson, the pupils can do Ex. 4
notebook. (Portfolio) at home.
Ask the pupils to look at the drawing and read the
text. Ask them what they can see in the house (a
table, a carpet, a green wall, three pictures).
Ask the pupils to write about their house. Tell them
to use the texts in Exs 3 and 4 as models.
Allow the pupils time to write a short text about their
house. Tell them to include a drawing. Alternatively,
assign it for homework.
(Suggested answer)
Welcome to my house! There are two bedrooms, a
kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. There are
cushions on the armchairs and carpets on the floor.
My house is so nice!
Note: Once you have corrected their writing activities,
guide your pupils on how to file them in their Junior
Language Portfolios.

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wall carpet floor curtain cushions

3 Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and read.

There are rooms in Melvyns house.

to my house!
Theres a small living room,
a kitchen, a very small bedroom and
a bathroom, too! Look! There are
pictures on the walls! Theres a
lovely green carpet in every
room. My small house is so

4 Draw and write in 5 Listen and say. Then read.

your notebook.

Welcome t my house!
There are three room.
There are picture on the
wall and carpet on the
The small ball is on the wall.
floor. My house i s nice!
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3 : Listen and read. 2

1 Hello, Pog. Wheres
your brother?

Hes in the Yum. That spaghetti

kitchen. looks good.

There! Its on
Im hungry! the table.
Wheres my food? 4

Popsie! Thats 6
5 our dinner!

Mmm! Its
yummy. Is there
any more?

Now take roles and read.

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Troll Tales!
Aims: to read for pleasure Before going into class
Vocabulary: spaghetti, hungry, food, dinner
Photocopy the episode and tippex out the
Extra materials: photocopies of the episode
speech bubbles. Put the speech bubbles
(Ending the Lesson)
in random order on a separate piece of
paper. Photocopy the episode and the
speech bubbles sheet, one per pair.
Ask the pupils what they remember about the The pupils work in pairs. Hand out the episode and
previous episode (Popsie gave Trog some balloons the speech bubbles to each pair. The pupils, in pairs,
for his birthday). Ask them if they remember any of read and match the bubbles to the correct picture
the phrases from that episode and ask them to say frames. As extra help, you can have them listen to
them out loud (Happy birthday, How old are you the episode again before they do the activity.
today? etc).


Episode 3: Listen and read.
(Activities to promote reading for pleasure.)
Write a big 48 on the board and ask the pupils to
open their books at page forty-eight. Ask the pupils
to look at the pictures and guess what the episode
is going to be about. (e.g. Popsie eats Pog and
Trogs dinner.)
Play the recording. The pupils listen and follow along.
Play the recording again with pauses for the pupils to
listen and repeat chorally.

Now take roles and read.

The pupils take roles and read the episode.

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Go Green! 3: Its a Bugs World!

Aims: to raise the pupils environmental
Ask the pupils to draw another forest similar to the
awareness, to talk about bugs
one presented on page 49. Ask them to put the
Vocabulary: bee, butterfly, ant, ladybird, worm
various bugs in different places and present their
Extra materials: pictures of a bee, a butterfly,
drawing to the class.
an ant, a ladybird, a spider and a worm (Ex. 1)


Have a class discussion, in L1 if necessary, about
what kind of insects/bugs can be found in the
woods/countryside and ask the pupils what they
know about them (e.g. where they can be found,
what colour they are, etc).


1 Look at the picture, find the bugs
and point to them.
Before going into class

Find pictures of the bugs in the lesson or

prepare simple sketches.

Pupils books closed. Show the pupils the pictures of

the bugs you have brought with you. Ask them
whether they have seen any of these bugs before.
Point to and name them. The pupils repeat after you.
Pupils books open. Write a big 49 on the board and
ask the pupils to open their books at page forty-nine.
Read the instructions and explain the task.
Individual pupils find and point to the bugs in the
picture. Ask the rest of the class for verification.

Now look at the picture again

and complete in your notebook.
Refer the pupils to the picture, read the example and
explain the task. Have the pupils read the sentences
1-6 and elicit/explain the meaning of any unknown
words. Use L1 if necessary. Allow the pupils time to
complete the task in their notebooks and check their
2 on 4 on 6 on
3 under 5 under

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1 Look at the picture, find the bugs and point to them.

bee butterfly ant ladybird spider worm

Now look at the picture again and complete in your notebook.

1 The butterfly is in the air. 4 The ants are the grass.
2 The ladybird is a leaf. 5 The spider is a branch.
3 The worm is a stone. 6 The bee is a flower.
09_Fairy 3A Romania Ts Unit 6.qxp_Fairy 3A Romania Ss Unit 6.qxp 9/7/15 19:17 Page 108

1 Read and choose.

This is
my ho
use in
1) England Londo
Austra . It
lia s quite
a gard big. Th
en an ere is
d a ga
rage f
or our

a flat in Paris
My home is
France . There isnt a garden
2) ermany
G y.
re s a v e ry nice balcon
but the

2 Draw or stick a picture of your house.

Present it to the class.

Module 3
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Our World
Allow the pupils time to write the text. Alternatively,
Aims: to learn about types of houses in assign it for homework.
different countries (Suggested answer)
Vocabulary: England, garden, garage, flat,
balcony This is my house in Bristol, England. Its very big. Its
Extra materials: world map (Ex. 1) got three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There is a
large garden and a big garage for our two cars.


Ask the pupils to draw a picture of their dream
Draw simple sketches of houses on the board. Tell house, and then write a few sentences about it, i.e.
the pupils that they will talk about different types of where it is, what it is made of, how many bedrooms
houses. Brainstorm for different types of houses (e.g. there are, whats in some of the rooms, etc.
flats, igloos, etc). Elicit/Explain what flat means. Ask
the pupils if they like houses or flats better and why. Note: It is advised you do Our School during this
Elicit answers (I like houses more because they are lesson or the next.
big and you can have a garden.). (See p. 54.)


1 Read and choose.
Before going into class

Put the world map on the wall for the pupils

to use.

Pupils books open. Write a big 50 on the board

and ask the pupils to open their books at page fifty.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Use the
world map and ask a pupil to come and show you
where England, Australia, France and Germany
are. Ask the pupils whether they have been to any
of these countries and ask them about the houses
there. Elicit answers.
Allow the pupils time to read the texts and complete
the task. Check their answers.
1 England 2 France

Read the texts again and elicit/explain the meaning

of any unknown words.

2 Portfolio: Draw or stick a picture of

your house. Present it to the class.
Ask the pupils to talk about their house. Then ask
them to use the texts in Ex. 1 as models and write a
text about their house. You can also ask the pupils
to draw or stick a photo of their house if they have
one available.
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Checkpoint: Units 5 - 6
3 Read and complete in your
Aims: to consolidate Module 3, to obtain
notebook. Use: there is or there
feedback on individual pupils, to monitor the
pupils progress arent.
Explain the task. The pupils read and complete the
speech bubbles in their notebooks. Check their
Do a quick revision of what the pupils have learnt in answers.
the module.
Yes, there is.
e.g. Teacher: Whats your best friends name? No, there arent.
Pupil 1: John.
Teacher: Wheres your schoolbag?
4 Read and complete.
Pupil 2: Its under the desk.
Teacher: Are there any armchairs in the Refer the pupils to the pictures and explain that they
classroom? have to use the appropriate possessive adjective.
Pupil 3: No, there arent. etc Pupils complete the sentences in their notebooks.

Note: It is important that the pupils do not feel they 1 His 3 my 5 your
are being tested. The rationale of this quick revision 2 Her 4 Our
is to make the pupils aware of their progress in the
English language. Always praise the pupils efforts Now I can
and encourage everyone to participate. Once all the exercises have been corrected ask the
After this quick revision, the pupils work on their own pupils to tell you how they feel about the two units.
and do the exercises. Ask if they can tell you what they have learnt and
which exercises, stories or characters they liked the
1 Whats in the bedroom? Look and best. Then refer the pupils to the Now I can box and
write yes or no in your notebook. read through it with them.

The pupils look at the picture and at the list with words Note: The pupils can now do Modular Revision and
(1-9) and write yes or no in their notebooks. Assessment 3 in their Activity Book.

1 yes 4 yes 7 yes Note: If you wish, you can do some or all of the
2 no 5 no 8 yes Reinforcement & Extension activities from the Teachers
3 yes 6 no 9 no Resource Pack.

2 Now look again and choose.

Refer the pupils to the picture once more. This time they
have to spot the location of the objects. Ask the pupils
to read the sentences and choose the appropriate
preposition that will indicate the position of the object in
the picture.
1 on 3 on 5 under
2 behind 4 under 6 behind

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1 Whats in the bedroom? Look and

write yes or no in your notebook.
1 radio
2 wardrobe
3 bed
4 bookcase
5 sofa
6 mirror
7 computer
8 phone
9 TV

2 Now look again and choose. 4 Read and complete.

1 Theres a radio on/under the bed.
1 This is Sam. house
2 Theres a bookcase behind/in the
is big.
3 Theres a computer on/next to the
2 This is Fiona. bed
is pink.
4 Theres an umbrella under/behind
the bed. 3 Im Barry. This is
5 Theres a phone in/under the desk. computer.
6 Theres a chair on/behind the desk.
4 Were Mary and Lisa.
3 Read and complete in hands are dirty.
your notebook. Use:
there is or there arent. 5 Jimmy, is this book?
Ben, is there a TV Yes, .
in your bedroom?

talk about my house and furniture

talk about possessions
talk about location
Are there any No, .
armchairs? 51
Module 3
1 Look and match in your notebook.


B 5

3 6

2 In groups, make a map of your country. Include

pictures (animals, buildings, people, food, etc).

Module 1 Cross-Curricular Section
Our School
Ask the pupils to work in groups and find more
Aims: to talk about English-speaking countries
pictures connected with the countries in Ex. 1. They
(UK, USA, Australia)
can refer to encyclopaedias, the Internet, etc.
Vocabulary: Australia
Language focus
Language in use: consolidation
Extra materials: none


Read the title and explain to the pupils, in L1 if
necessary, that they will be doing activities based on
some of the other subjects they study in school.
Allow them some time to go through the section and
become familiar with it.


(Activities to familiarise the pupils with English-speaking

1 Look and match in your notebook.

Write a big 52 on the board and ask the pupils to
open their books at page fifty-two. Ask the pupils to
look at the maps and the pictures of the three
countries. Ask them to tell you anything they know
about them (e.g. Kangaroos are from Australia, Big
Ben is in the UK, etc). Read the instructions and
explain the task. The pupils match the pictures to
the corresponding country. As an extension, you
can have a discussion about the pictures and
provide more information if you wish. (e.g. the bald
eagle is the national emblem of the USA, etc)
1 B 3 A 5 A
2 C 4 C 6 B

2 Portfolio: In groups, make a map

of your country. Include pictures
(animals, buildings, people, food,
Read the instructions and explain the task. Brainstorm
for ideas on what kind of pictures the pupils can use
that represent their country. Then, in groups, the pupils
complete the task. Alternatively, ask the pupils to find
the pictures and draw the map, etc for homework.
During the next lesson the pupils make the poster in

Our School

Aims: to work with a code, to talk about

favourite toys
Vocabulary: consolidation
Language focus
Language in use: consolidation
Extra materials: none


Get the pupils in the mood for Maths by having a
Maths game. Write on the board: My favourite toy is
a LHIOPTEERC. Ask the pupils to tell you which toy it
is (helicopter).


(Activities to familiarise the pupils with codes.)

1 What is Monas favourite toy?

Break the code!
Write a big 53 on the board and ask the pupils to open
their books at page fifty-three. Read the instructions
and explain the task. Each picture represents a letter
of the alphabet. Go through the pictures and elicit
their names.
Allow the pupils some time to break the code and
write it in their notebooks. Check their answers.
Monas favourite toy is a teddy.

2 Write down your favourite toy in

Read the instructions and explain the task. The pupils
work in pairs. First they write down their favourite toy in
code and then they ask their partner to break the
code and find out what it is.


Ask the pupils to look at the code in Ex. 1 for one
minute before they close their books. Name an item,
e.g. helicopter. The pupils say the corresponding
letter R.

1 What is Monas favourite toy? Break the code!






Its a !

2 Write down your favourite toy in code.

Module 2 Cross-Curricular Section
1 Read and match in your notebook.

1 This is a glass door. 2 This is an aluminium door. 3 This is a wooden door.


2 This is your new house. Copy and design a front door for it.

Module 3 Cross-Curricular Section
Our School

Aims: to talk about materials

Vocabulary: glass, aluminium, wooden, front
Language focus
Language in use: consolidation
Extra materials: none


Point to the classroom door and say: This is a (wooden)
door. Explain what (wooden) means. Repeat the
procedure with other items in the class and present
aluminium and glass.


(Activities to familiarise the pupils with different types
of material.)

1 Read and match in your notebook.

Write a big 54 on the board and ask the pupils to
open their books at page fifty-four. Read the
instructions and explain the task. Allow the pupils
some time to complete the task in their notebooks.
Check their answers.
1 B 2 C 3 A

2 This is your new house. Copy and

design a front door for it.
Read the instructions and explain the task. The pupils
copy the house in their notebooks. They draw a front
door and colour the house. Then they present it to
the class.
e.g. This is my house. This is a wooden door.


Explain the activity. Tell the pupils that they only
have three minutes to think of as many items as
they can, made of glass, aluminium or wood. Upon
completion, ask the pupils to read their lists. Write
the items on the board.

Objectives: to consolidate the key vocabulary As an extension, play I SPY with the pupils. Ask the
of the course pupils to look at the pictures. Divide the class into
Vocabulary: schoolbag, ghost, postman, two teams, A and B. Explain the game. You say a
sing, guitar, pencil, armchair, three, sofa, letter and the pupils, in teams, take turns finding an
green, wall, policeman, pencil case, item that begins with that letter. The team with the
bathroom, fireman, happy, blue, lorry, door, most points wins.
ruler, bath, bed, helicopter, cushions, purple,
bookcase, board, ten, flower, phone, camera, e.g. Teacher: I spy with my little eye,
fridge, car, wardrobe, radio, mirror something beginning with a b.
Pupil 1 Team A: Blue!
Teacher: Correct! 1 point for Team A.
Note: Round-up aims to consolidate the key etc
vocabulary of the course.

Have a class discussion. Hold up your book, point to
an item, e.g. armchair and ask: What colour is it?
Elicit: Green. Then ask: What is it? Elicit: An armchair.
Continue with as many items as you feel necessary.
If you wish, you can ask the pupils to write the words
in their notebooks.

Talk with your friend.

Read the instructions and explain the task. Read out
the example. In pairs, the pupils play the game.
As an alternative, ask the pupils to look at the pictures
and coordinates and memorise them. Then, in pairs or
in teams, they play the memory game. One pupil/
team says an item and the other pupil/team says the
coordinates. The pupil/team with the most points wins.
e.g. Pupil/Team A: happy
Pupil/Team B: 4C
Teacher: Correct! (Pupil/Team B gets
one point.)

Talk with your friend.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Cushions! 6D!

1 Look and match in your notebook.

1 Christmas tree 2 milk 3 presents 4 stockings 5 mince pies

a b c d e

2 Copy the Christmas poem in your notebook.

Complete it with words from Ex. 1.

Christmas in the UKs fun.

There are lots of 1) p for everyone!
Put them under the Christmas 2) t,
I hope theres something nice for me!
Put two 3) m for Santa here,
And some 4) m for all of his reindeer!
Hang the 5) s, say goodnight
Because Santas on his way tonight!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas!
Optional Unit
2 Copy the Christmas poem in your
Aims: talking about Christmas notebook. Complete it with words
Vocabulary: Christmas tree, milk, presents, from Ex. 1.
stockings, mince pies, Santa, reindeer,
Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow
the pupils some time to copy the poem in their
Language focus
notebooks and complete it. Check their answers.
Language in use: Merry Christmas! There are
Then have individual pupils read the poem aloud.
lots of presents for everyone! Hang the
stockings. Santas on his way tonight! Hello, 1 presents 4 milk
Santa! Please can I have a camera? 2 tree 5 stockings
Extra materials: pictures related to Christmas 3 mince pies
(Santa, Christmas tree, presents, stockings, etc)

This unit is optional. It is designed to be taught just

before Christmas.


Play Christmas carols as the pupils are entering. Greet
the pupils as they arrive with Merry Christmas!


(Activities to present and talk about Christmas.)
Pupils books closed. Have a class discussion about
what comes to mind when they hear the word
Christmas. Elicit information about how they spend
Christmas. Put up the pictures (Santa, Christmas
tree, presents, stockings, etc) one at a time and say
the word(s). The pupils repeat after you. Say: Merry
Christmas! The pupils repeat after you.

1 Look and match in your notebook.

Read the instructions and explain the task. Allow
the pupils some time to complete the task in their
notebooks. Check their answers.
1 c 2 d 3 e 4 b 5 a

Merry Christmas!
3 Follow and say.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Tell the
pupils to follow the lines from the children to the
presents with their finger and say what each one
got for Christmas. Have individual pupils answer.
Ask the rest of the class for verification.
1 Bens got a car for Christmas.
2 Marys got roller-skates for Christmas.
3 Susans got a bike for Christmas.
4 Johns got a guitar for Christmas.

4 Ask Santa!
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and elicit what
they can see (Santa, girl, schoolbag, teddy, etc).
Read the instructions and explain the task. Read
out the example. In pairs, the pupils take it in turns
and ask Santa what they want for Christmas. Go
around the class monitoring and helping where
necessary. Ask individual pupils to tell the class.
e.g. Hello, Santa! Please can I have a teddy?


Ask the pupils to think of one thing they would like
for Christmas. As the pupils leave the classroom,
they ask you for the item using the structure in Ex. 4
and then wish you a Merry Christmas!
e.g. Pupil: Hello, Santa! Please can I have a
Teacher: Merry Christmas, (Tom)!
Pupil: Merry Christmas!

3 Follow and say.

1 2 3 4

Ben Mary Susan John

a b c d

Bens got for Christmas.

4 Ask Santa!
Hello, Santa!
Please can I have
a camera?

1 Lets make a New 2 Lets sing!
Years shaker!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Were having a party and everyones here!
Come to our party and give a big cheer!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

3 Talk with your friend.

Happy Happy
New Year! New Year!

Happy New Year!
Optional Unit They place the dried beans on one of the plates
and stick some coloured strips around the edges.
Aims: to talk about New Year celebrations Then they put some glue around the rim of the
Vocabulary: drink, count, cheer, happy, other plate and stick both plates together. Allow
dance, fireworks, party, eat, sing, midnight some time for the glue to dry before the pupils use
Language focus the shakers. Go around the class as the pupils are
Language in use: Happy New Year! doing the task and provide any necessary help.
Extra materials: paper plates, dried beans,
peas or lentils, glue, sticky tape, scissors, strips 2 Lets sing!
of coloured paper or crepe paper (Ex. 1),
Play the recording. The pupils listen and follow along.
mittens, hat, scarf, wrapped parcel with
Play the recording again. The pupils listen and sing
sweets inside (Ex. 5)

This unit is optional. It is designed to be taught just
before New Year. Ask the pupils to use their shakers. The pupils sing
along, shaking their shakers to the rhythm.
Play the song Happy New Year from Ex. 2 as the pupils
3 Talk with your friend.
are arriving. Greet them with Happy New Year! Explain that it is common for English people to wish
each other Happy New Year on the stroke of
PRESENTATION & PRACTICE midnight on New Years Eve. Pretend it is midnight
(call out dong twelve times!). In pairs, the pupils
(Activities to get the pupils talking about New Year
wish each other Happy New Year!
Pupils books closed. Have a discussion, in L1 if
necessary, about what we usually do around New
Years time and what kind of things they think
about when they hear the words New Year. Ask the
pupils to tell you how they spend their holidays.

1 Lets make a New Years shaker!

Before going into class

Make sure you have two paper plates for

each pupil, dried beans, peas or lentils,
glue, sticky tape, scissors, strips of coloured
paper or crepe paper.

Pupils books open. Write a big 58 on the board

and ask the pupils to open their books at page fifty-
eight. Point to the illustrations and explain to the
pupils that they are going to make shakers for the
celebration of the New Year. Show them your
model and hand out the paper plates (two per
pupil). Provide the pupils with scissors, coloured
paper and glue, and a handful of dried beans
each. Guide the pupils to make their shakers: first
they decorate the under side of each plate and cut
some strips of coloured paper. Ask them to
decorate their plates with pictures and shapes 58(T)
related to New Years celebrations.
Happy New Year!
4 Match in your notebook. Then
listen and check.
Go through the vocabulary items presented. Explain/
Elicit why these words are connected to New Year.
Explain the task. The pupils match the pictures to the
words in their notebooks.
1 C 3 I 5 B 7 G 9 J
2 E 4 H 6 F 8 A 10 D
Play the recording. The pupils listen and check their
As an extension, play a spelling bee game: call out
each of the items, then go around the classroom
asking the pupils to spell the word.
e.g. Teacher: DANCE!
Pupil 1: D
Pupil 2: A etc

5 Lets play!

Before going into class

Bring to class: a pair of mittens, a woolly

hat and scarf, and a parcel (with sweets
inside) wrapped in several layers of paper.

Have the pupils sit in a circle. Play the Happy New

Year song and ask them to pass around the parcel.
When the music stops, whoever is holding the parcel
must put on the mittens, hat and scarf and try to open
a layer of the parcel while the others count down from
10 and say Happy New Year. Then, the music plays
again and the game continues. When the last layer
has been taken off, hand out the sweets inside!


(An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.)
Provide a large piece of paper to every pair/group
of pupils. Ask the pairs/groups to work together and
draw pictures of what New Year means for them.
Make sure you display their work somewhere in the

4 Match in your notebook. Then listen and check.


1 5

2 6


3 7 10 H COUNT


10, 9, 8 1 HAPPY
NEW YEAR, Katie!

Fun Time 1
1 Look and match in your notebook.

2 3

a listen
b point 4
c draw
d read
7 e write
f look
g talk

2 Look and write in your notebook.

1 2 3 4

purple green orange yellow

5 6 7

60 red blue white

3 Look and say. 1
1 3 5

a black dog a purple ball a green fish

2 4 6

a red kite a blue mouse a yellow snake

4 Ask and answer.

1 2
Whos that?

(See Fun Time Key)

5 Read and choose.

1 Whats your name? 2 Whos this? 3 How old are you?

a Hello, Harry. a This is Erlina. a Oh, thats Alvin.
b Im Emma. b This is a ball. b Im ten.
Fun Time 2
1 Read, look and complete in your notebook.

This is my 1) pencil case: my 2) , my 3) ,

and my 4) . Look at my 5) , and my 6) .

Its time for school! (See Fun Time Key)

2 Look, read and match in your notebook.

2 pencil case

1 ruler
3 sharpener

b d

4 pencil

6 rubber c

62 5 pen
3 Read and complete in your notebook.
Then, look and match.
a c

h 1 three apples a
2 two
3 four
4 six
5 eight
6 seven e
g 7 five
8 nine

(See Fun Time Key)

4 Look and say. Then write in your notebook.

1 6
2 3 5

1 Its Lees schoolbag.

(See Fun Time Key) 63
Fun Time 3
1 Read and complete in your notebook.

mum dad grandpa brother family grandma sister

This is my 1) family. Bill is my
2) grandpa. Angela is my
3) grandma. Nancy is my 4) mum.
Jack is my 5) dad. Peter is my
Nancy Jack
6) brother. Mary is my 7) sister.
Were a happy family!

Me! Peter Mary

2 Write the numbers in your notebook.

11 eleven 20 twenty 12 twelve 18 eighteen 15 fifteen

16 sixteen 17 seventeen 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 19 nineteen

3 Read and complete in your notebook. Use: am, is or are.

1 This is my dog, Toto. 5 What is your name?

2 Hi! I am Sally. 6 Are you a teacher?
3 You are not funny. 7 It is not a vase.
4 My brothers are famous. 8 Is she your sister?

4 Ask and answer the questions. 3
1 Is he a postman? 4 Is it a sharpener?
Yes, he is. No, it isnt.
Its a rubber.

2 Is it a kangaroo? 5 Is it a dog?
No, it isnt. Yes, it is.
Its a fox.

3 Is he a fireman? 6 Is she a singer?

Yes, he is. No, she isnt.
Shes a teacher.

5 Look, read and answer in your notebook.

1 2 1 Theyre yellow and blue. Are they

No, they arent. Theyre kites.
2 Theyre red and blue. Are they
3 Yes, they are.
3 Theyre black and white. Are they
cats? No, they arent. Theyre dogs.
4 Theyre green and yellow. Are they
hats? Yes, they are.
4 5
5 Theyre red and yellow. Are they
rubbers? No, they arent. Theyre
Fun Time 4
1 Look, read and choose the correct word.

1 car/camera 2 bin/ring 3 lorry/bus 4 car/bus

5 plane/train 6 balloon/ball 7 paper/glass 8 watch/ring

2 Look, read and correct in your notebook.

big happy old

Its a small box. Shes sad. Its new.

3 Write the plurals in your notebook. 4
1 boy boys 4 box boxes 7 vase vases
2 glass glasses 5 apple apples 8 dog dogs
3 fox foxes 6 bus buses

4 Read and write the sentences in plural in your notebook.

1 This is my teddy bear. 4 That is my teddy bear.

2 That is my ball. 5 This is my pen.
3 This is my ruler. 6 That is my book.
(See Fun Time Key)
5 Look and write in your notebook. Then play the memory game.

2 4

Theyre rings!


(See Fun Time Key)

Fun Time 5
1 Look at the pictures and the letters. Write the words
in your notebook.

c a
1 e 3
p u t o f
r o s

2 a d 4 w e r
i o
o b rd
radio wardrobe

2 Complete the sentences in your notebook.

on in next to behind under

1 Wheres Jack? 4 Wheres the boy?

Hes on the sofa. Hes behind the tree.

2 Wheres the umbrella? 5 Wheres the pencil?

Its under the bed. Its next to the

3 Wheres the doll?

Its on the bus.

3 Read and choose. 5
1 This is Alvin. 4 Your/Her
My/His hat is bedroom is really
green. nice, Danny.

2 Im George. 5 Were Jason

This is my/his and Barbara.
computer. Look at your/our

3 This is Sally. 6 Its/His mother is

Look at his/her a teacher.

4 Read and complete in your notebook. Use: my, your, his,

her, their or our.

1 Look at Joe and his new kite. 6 Hi! My names Sarah.

2 Hello! Whats your name? 7 Were Bob and Kelly. This is our
3 Thats Emma and thats her computer.
radio. 8 This is my brother. His names
4 This is Mary and this is David. John.
That is their dog. 9 Is this your chair, Tom?
5 We are Paul and Peter. That is 10 This is my fish. His/Its name is
our house. Bubbles.

Fun Time 6
1 Look and write in your notebook. Use: bathroom, garden,
living room, kitchen, bedroom.

1 bedroom bathroom 2

kitchen 3 living room 4

garden 5

2 Look, read and write yes or no in your notebook.

1 There are two armchairs. yes

2 There are pictures on the wall. yes

3 There is a book on the table. no

4 There is a cushion on the carpet. no

5 Theres a lamp. yes

6 There are curtains in the window. yes

3 Which picture? Read, look and say A or B. 6

1 Theres a green carpet on the 3 There are four rooms. A

floor. A 4 There are pictures of mice. A
2 There are seven pictures on the 5 There are three flowers in the vase. B
wall. B 6 There are green curtains. B

4 Read, look and answer.

1 Is there a teddy bear on
the sofa?
Yes, there is.
2 Is there a chair?
Yes, there is.
3 Are there any cushions
on the sofa?
Yes, there are.
4 Is there a book on the
bed? No, there isnt.
5 Are there any CDs on
the table? No, there arent.
6 Is there a carpet on the
floor? No, there isnt.
1 Do the sums and say. Then write in your notebook.

A 2+5= 7 C 10 + 5 = 15 E 7 + 5 = 12

B 9 + 9 = 18 D 8 + 2 = 10

Two and five is ...

(See Fun Time Key)
2 Look, read and choose.

1 2 3 4 5

A carpet A policeman A desk A frog A cupboard

B curtain B postman B sharpener B spider B bookcase

3 Read and choose. 4 Read and choose.

1 Whats this? Its umbrella. 1 A: What are these?

Aa B an B: a) Its a book.
2 Look at dog! Its so cute! b) Theyre cameras.
A Tom B Toms 2 A: Wheres Alvin?
B: a) Hes at school.
3 There are five in this box.
b) Hes my friend.
Whose are they?
3 A: Happy Birthday, Ted!
A lorries B lorry
B: a) Youre welcome!
4 This is my friend. name is b) Thank you!
Mary. 4 A: Wheres the vase?
A His B Her B: a) Yes, it is.
5 two mice on the table. b) On the table.
A There is B There are 5 A: Whats that?
B: a) Its Tinas schoolbag.
b) Its next to the table.
Fun Time Key
Fun Time 1 Ex. 5, p. 67
2 Theyre boxes.
Ex. 4, p. 61 3 Theyre cameras.
1 Whos that? 3 Whos that? 4 Theyre buses.
Thats Alvin. Thats Lee. 5 Theyre watches.
6 Theyre glasses.
2 Whos that? 7 Theyre kites.
Thats Erlina. 8 Theyre kangaroos.

Fun Time 2 Evaluation

Ex. 1, p. 62 Ex. 1, p. 72
2 sharpener 4 pencil 6 pen A Two and five is seven.
3 ruler 5 rubber B Nine and nine is eighteen.
C Ten and five is fifteen.
Ex. 3, p. 63 D Eight and two is ten.
2 umbrellas b E Seven and five is twelve.
3 rubbers c
4 desks e
5 chairs d
6 notebooks h
7 rulers f
8 oranges g

Ex. 4, p. 63
2 Its Harrys apple.
3 Its Monas ruler.
4 Its Harrys aeroplane.
5 Its Monas pencil.
6 Its Lees pencil case.

Fun Time 4
Ex. 4, p. 67
1 These are my teddy bears.
2 Those are my balls.
3 These are my rulers.
4 Those are my teddy bears.
5 These are my pens.
6 Those are my books.

Instruments for Evaluation
Evaluation is an essential part in the learning Cumulative Evaluation
process. It helps the learners realise their progress in
In order to obtain reliable information, the cumulative
the target language, how much they have achieved
evaluation takes into account the work the pupils
and what areas need further practice. The learners
have done throughout the module as well as their
attitude towards their own learning experience is
participation and attitude. The course is
positively influenced as they participate in the whole
accompanied by two forms of cumulative evaluation:
process. Evaluation also allows teachers to reflect on
the validity of their teaching practices and the types Pupils Self-Assessment Forms
of material being used. The pupils give their personal opinion about
their own results upon completion of each
The process is basically divided into three parts:
Modular Revision and Assessment. They file
initial evaluation at the beginning of the course,
these forms in their Language Portfolio.
formative evaluation, which is done on a daily
basis, and cumulative evaluation upon finishing a Progress Report Cards
Module. The teacher completes them, one per pupil,
after each test and they are given to the pupils
Initial Evaluation to file in their Language Portfolio.

This evaluation centres mainly on the pupils reports

from the previous school year. The teacher can
assess the pupils level, work already covered, work
needed to be covered, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

Formative Evaluation
Any exercise a pupil does can be used for this type
of evaluation. The results are then recorded on the
pupils Formative Evaluation Chart.
Make as many photocopies as you need and
complete the charts as indicated. Write the names of
the activities you are going to evaluate (e.g. the
dialogues, songs, craft activities, and so on) and write
the marks obtained with the help of the following
code (using colours if you wish):
c (competence green): the pupil has a full
understanding of the task and responds
w (working on yellow): the pupil has an
understanding of the task but the response is not
fully accurate
n (non-competence red): the pupil does not
understand the task and is unable to respond

Formative Evaluation Chart

Name of game/activity: .............................................................................................................

Aim of game/activity: .................................................................................................................
Module: ............................................... Unit: ........................................... Course: ...................

Pupils name: Mark and comments


Evaluation criteria: c (green) w (yellow) n (red)

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 75(T)

Cumulative Evaluation
Pupils Self-Assessment Forms
Pupils Self-Assessment Form
Name: ................................................................................. Module 1
I can ... remember say read and write

very well OK not very well very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
Hi, Im Jack. Whats your
name? Nia. How do you
spell it? N-I-A.
Hi, Lee. Im Mona.
Hi, Mona. Nice to meet you!
Whos that? Thats Alvin.
How old are you?
Im eight.
Whats this? Its a book.
Look at Alvins hats!
Theyre so funny!
Draw how you feel!

Pupils Self-Assessment Form

Name: ................................................................................. Module 2
I can ... remember say read and write

very well OK not very well very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
Whos this?
Shes my mum, Erika.
Are you a policeman?
Yes, I am.
What are these?
Theyre teddy bears!
Theyre really nice!
Happy Birthday, Sam.
Heres your present.
Wow! A car! Thank you.
Youre welcome!
Draw how you feel!

76(T) Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Cumulative Evaluation

Pupils Self-Assessment Form

Name: ................................................................................. Module 3
I can ... remember say read and write

very well OK not very well very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
What colour is his TV?
Wheres the picture?
Its next to the bookcase.
Is there a fridge in your
Yes, there is. Its next to
the cupboards.
Draw how you feel!

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 77(T)

Cumulative Evaluation
Progress Report Cards

Progress Report Card

..................................................... (name) can: Module 1

very well OK not very well

introduce him/herself and greet others

count from 1-10
say the colours
write about him/herself
talk about school items
talk about possession
give and follow commands
write about school things

Progress Report Card

..................................................... (name) can: Module 2

very well OK not very well

count to 20
identify members of a family
talk about jobs
write about his/her family
talk about toys
offer presents
make birthday wishes
write a birthday card

78(T) Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Cumulative Evaluation

Progress Report Card

..................................................... (name) can: Module 3

very well OK not very well

talk about possession

talk about location
write about his/her room
talk about things in a house/room
write about his/her house

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 79(T)

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
MODULE 1 2 four 4 4 two 2 6 six 6
3 six 6 5 four 4
Unit 1a Hello!
2 Write.
1 Circle and match.
Practise addition by writing some simple sums
Revise the characters names. Point to each on the board and eliciting the correct answers.
character in turn and elicit his/her name. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and elicit
Then, ask a pupil to read out the name that is the age of each child. Then have the pupils
circled: Erlina. Explain the task and allow the complete the exercise in writing. Check their
pupils some time to find all the names. spelling.
2 nine 3 eight 4 ten
O J A B V O N 3 Listen and write a name.
I L M O N A W Read the instructions and explain the task. Tell the
A E P L D F N pupils they have to listen carefully and write a
name with the correct spelling. Play the recording,
B E M M A L C twice if necessary, and allow the pupils to
P H A R R Y B complete the exercise. Check their answers.
1 Alex 2 Ann 3 Lucy
2 Read and find the stickers!
Revise the greetings and introduction phrases
from the unit. Read the instructions and explain Narrator: Listen and write a name.
the task. Ask the pupils to find the corresponding
1 Man: Hello, whats your name?
stickers, one at a time, and show them to you for
Boy: Alex.
verification before sticking them in the appropriate
Man: How do you spell it?
Boy: A-L-E-X.
1 Hello, Mona! 3 Hello, Lee.
2 Man: Hello, whats your name?
2 Im Emma.
Girl: Ann.
Man: Ann? How do you spell it?
3 Draw and write. Girl: A-N-N.
Tell the pupils to draw two of the characters
3 Man: And you? Whats your name?
meeting each other. Ask them to write an
Girl: Lucy.
exchange using the dialogues in Ex. 2 as a
Man: How do you spell it?
model. Then, have the pupils act out their
Girl: L-U-C-Y.
dialogues in pairs.
Man: Nice to meet you all.

Unit 1b The Magic Forest! 4 Join the dots. Then write.

Read the instructions and explain the task. The
1 How many? Count and write. pupils join the dots and write the name of
Revise numbers 1 to 10. Ask the pupils to look each character in the space provided.
at the picture and count the number of balls.
Erlina Willow
Ask: How many balls are there? Elicit the
correct answer: one. Do the rest of the exercise
orally then allow the pupils time to complete
the task. Check their answers.

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
Unit 1c Colours 2 Circle and match.
Point to each item in turn and elicit the correct
1 Write. Then colour. word. Start the puzzle together by asking the
Revise colours. Hold up a red pencil and ask pupils to find and circle the word aeroplane.
the pupils to say the correct word, e.g. red. Then, allow the pupils some time to find the rest
Then, ask them to spell the word chorally, e.g. of the words before checking their answers.
R E D. Read the instructions and explain the
task. The pupils complete the words then d e s k a b c d e f
colour the rainbow. g a e r o p l a n e
1 red 3 yellow 5 blue h i j k r e m l o p
2 orange 4 green 6 purple
g u r s a n b c w x
2 Read and colour. b o o k n c z y b k
Point to each item in the picture and read the d f i j g i s t u w
appropriate phrase, e.g. a red ball. Have the e y h k e l l m n p
pupils repeat chorally and individually. Tell
them to take out their red, blue, green, purple, r u b b e r p q u s
black and white coloured pencils. The pupils
read the phrases and colour the picture. 3 Look, ask and answer. Then write.
Revise the different uses of this and that. Read
3 Rhyme time! Read and circle.
through the example and explain the task. The
Read the instructions and explain the task. pupils complete the exercise in writing in class.
Read through the example then allow the Check their answers.
pupils a short amount of time to complete the
2 ... that 4 ... this
exercise. Check their answers.
... an aeroplane ... a pen
No Yes
3 ... that
... a pencil case
4 Read and write.
Read through each text, pausing for the pupils 4 Find the stickers!
to fill the gaps orally with the words provided.
Revise school objects using realia in the
Allow some time for them to complete the task
classroom. Read the instructions and explain the
in writing then check their answers.
task. Ask the pupils to find the corresponding
1 John 4 white 7 fish stickers, one at a time, and show them to you for
2 eight 5 Anna 8 blue verification before sticking them in the
3 cat 6 seven appropriate spaces.
1 book 4 rubber
Unit 2a Time for school! 2 pencil case 5 schoolbag
3 pencil 6 pen
1 Read and colour.
Ask the pupils to take out their red, green, Unit 2b Its a magic pen!
purple, yellow, blue and orange pencils. Point
to each item and elicit the correct word. Read 1 Look at the pictures. Read the
each phrase and have the pupils repeat letters. Write the words.
chorally, e.g. a red rubber. The pupils then
Write some school object anagrams on the
colour the school objects.
board and ask the pupils to solve them. Read
the instructions and explain the task. The pupils
Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
complete the exercise by writing the correct Woman: Kims pencil case?
word. Check their answers. Boy: Yes, its Kims pencil case.
1 notebook 4 ruler 3 Woman: Whose notebook is this?
2 teacher 5 classroom Boy: Notebook? Oh! Its Toms notebook.
3 sharpener 6 chair Woman: Its Toms notebook?
Boy: Yes, its Toms notebook.
2 Count and write. 4 Woman: Whose sharpener is this?
Read the instructions and explain the exercise. Boy: Its Bens sharpener.
The pupils write the words in the spaces provided. Woman: Ben?
Check their answers. Boy: Yes, its Bens sharpener!
2 rubbers 4 boards
3 chairs 5 notebooks Unit 2c Lets do it!
3 Look and write. 1 Look, read and draw lines.
Revise it is (its) and they are (theyre). Read Read through the classroom instructions and
through the example and the instructions. Read ask the pupils to mime an appropriate action.
the sentences and have the pupils complete Then draw their attention to the example and
the exercise orally first, then in writing. Check explain the task. The pupils match the pictures
their answers. to the statements. Check their answers.
2 Harrys 3 Monas 4 Lees 2 Sing! 4 Listen!
Theyre Its Theyre 3 Sit down! 5 Open your book!

4 Listen and draw a line. There is one 2 Find and write.

example. Read the instructions and explain the task. Read
Point to each item in turn and elicit the correct the example and ask the pupils to repeat. The
word. Tell the pupils they have to listen carefully pupils match the school objects to a character
and draw lines to match the objects with their and write an appropriate paragraph using the
owners. Play the recording, twice if necessary, model provided. Check their answers.
and allow the pupils time to complete the
This is Emmas schoolbag. Its yellow. Yellow is
her favourite colour.
pencil case Kim sharpener Ben This is Monas book. Its red. Red is her favourite
notebook Tom colour.
This is Harrys ruler. Its green. Green is his favourite

Narrator: Listen and look. There is one

example. Modular Revision and Assessment 1
1 Woman: Whose rubber is this? Do a quick revision of what the pupils have learnt in
Boy: Rubber? this module. Praise their efforts during this stage of
Woman: Yes, whose is it? the lesson and encourage everyone to participate.
Boy: Its Jills rubber. Ask the pupils which parts of the module they
Woman: Jill? Its Jills rubber? enjoyed the most and why.
Boy: Yes.
Do all the exercises on pages 16 and 17 orally in
Narrator: Can you see the line? Now you class. Then, allow the pupils to work on their own
listen and draw lines. and complete the exercises in writing. Alternatively,
you can assign the exercises as written homework.
2 Woman: Whose pencil case is this?
Boy: Its Kims pencil case.
Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
Check the pupils answers and have them add up Man: How do you spell that?
their total marks. Give them the Pupils Self-Assessment Girl: T-O-M
Form for Module 1 and help them to complete it. Now,
the pupils are ready to take Module Test 1 in the
Man: Is Tom in your class at school?
Teachers Resource Pack.
Girl: Yes! Were in class five.
Man: Which class?
1 Look, read and circle. Girl: In class five.
1 green 2 red 3 pink
6 Look and read. Then write.
2 Count and write. 1 be 2 Open 3 read 4 write
1 three aeroplanes 3 four sharpeners
2 five desks 4 five rubbers
3 Look and write.
Unit 3a My family!
1 That is a kite.
2 This is an umbrella. 1 Look, read and write yes or no.
3 That is an aeroplane.
Read the instructions and explain the task. The
4 Read and choose. pupils complete the exercise by writing yes or no
in the spaces provided. Check their answers.
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b
2 no 3 yes 4 no
5 Listen and write a name or a
number. Memory Game.
1 (nine) 9 2 Tom 3 (five) 5 Read the instructions and explain the game.
Have a pair of pupils read out the dialogue. Ask
TAPESCRIPT the pupils to take one last look at Lees family
tree, and then tell them to close their books.
Narrator: Look at the picture. Listen and write The pupils play the game in pairs, asking and
a name or a number. There is one answering questions about Lees family, as in
example. the example.
Man: Hello. Are you the girl in this picture?
Girl: Yes. My names Kim. 2 Look and match. Then write.
Man: And how do you spell your name? Revise the short forms of the verb, to be. Read
Girl: K-I-M the instructions and the example. Explain the
Narrator: Can you see the answer? Now you task. The pupils match the sentences to the
listen and write a name or a number. pictures then re-write each sentence using the
short forms.
Man: And how old are you, Kim? 2 a Youre funny.
Girl: Im nine. 3 b Hes my brother.
Man: Nine? 4 c Shes a teacher.
Girl: Yes!
3 Read and choose.
Man: Is this your friend in the picture with you? Read out the questions and both possible
Girl: Yes, it is. answers. Ask the pupils to tell you whether a or
Man: Whats his name? b is correct. Then, allow them some time to
Girl: Tom. complete the exercise. Check their answers.
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
4 Write. Then draw lines. 4 Read and draw.
Point to each of the numbers and ask individual Read the sentences and explain the task. The
pupils to say the word, e.g. eleven. Read the pupils draw a smile or a frown on each picture.
instructions. The pupils complete the words by
filling in the missing letters then draw lines to
match each word to its corresponding number.
Unit 3c Its my job!
Check their answers.
1 Find the stickers!
sixteen 16 twelve 12
Revise the verbs from the unit. Read the
fifteen 15 thirteen 13
instructions and explain the task. Ask the pupils
nineteen 19 eighteen 18
to find the corresponding stickers, one at a time,
fourteen 14 twenty 20
and show them to you for verification before
seventeen 17
sticking them in the appropriate spaces.

Unit 3b Grandmas here! 2 What are they? Follow the lines and
1 Read and write the names. Revise jobs from the unit. Point to each item
Point to the boy in the family tree. Tell your pupils and elicit the corresponding job. Have the
that his name is Joe and this is his family. Point to pupils complete the exercise orally, then in
each member of the family and elicit the correct writing. Check their answers.
2 is a milkman 4 is a postman
e.g. Teacher: Whos this? 3 is a fireman
Pupil: Joes Grandpa.
Read through the sentences and explain the
3 Rhyme time! Read and circle.
task. Allow some time for the pupils to write in Read the instructions and explain the task. Read
the correct names. through the example then allow the pupils a
short amount of time to complete the exercise.
grandpa Ben dad Rob sister Mimi
Check their answers.
grandma Ann mum Liz
No Yes
2 Read and write.
Read the instructions and explain the task. The
4 Listen and draw lines.
pupils write the sentences by putting the words Ask the pupils to look at the picture of Tony and his
in the correct order. family. Tell them they have to listen carefully and
match the names to the people in the picture.
2 We are happy 4 They are lovely
Play the recording, twice if necessary, and allow
3 You are pretty
the pupils time to complete the exercise. Check
their answers.
3 Read and answer.
grandma Anna mum Kelly
Revise the interrogative form of the verb, to be
dad Sam sister Pat
and the short answers. Ask the pupils to look at the
pictures. Read through each question and elicit
the correct answer. The pupils then complete the
exercise in writing. Check their answers. Narrator: Look at the picture. Listen and look.
There is one example.
2 you arent 4 they are 6 it isnt
3 she is 5 we are Boy: Hi, my names Tony. This is a picture of
my family. Can you see my grandpa?
His name is Nick.

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
Narrator: Can you see the line? Now you listen Unit 4b Open it and see!
and draw lines.
Boy: My grandmas name is Anna. Can you 1 Look and write.
see my mum and dad? My dads Point to each picture and elicit the name of the
name is Sam. My mums name is Kelly. toy/object. Ask individual pupils to come to the
And thats my little sister, Pat. Isnt she front and write the words on the board.
cute? Encourage the rest of the class to help with
spelling. Allow the pupils some time to complete
5 Now read and write. the crossword puzzle then check their answers.
Read the instructions and explain the task. The 1 glasses 5 watches
pupils write the correct word in the spaces 2 helicopters 6 buses
provided. Check their answers. 3 lorries 7 presents
2 grandma 4 mum 6 sister 4 cars 8 boxes
3 grandpa 5 dad
2 Read, draw and colour.
Unit 4a At the toyshop! Read the prompts and make sure the pupils
understand them. The pupils draw the objects
1 Read and match. and colour them according to the instructions
provided. Ask the pupils to present their drawings
Read the instructions and explain the task. The to the class.
pupils match the words to the pictures. Check
their answers. 3 Listen and colour.
2 c 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 f Ask the pupils to take out their green, brown,
red and yellow pencils. Tell them to listen
2 Colour and answer. carefully to the recording. Explain that a man
Read through the example, pausing for the will tell them how to colour the picture. Play the
pupils to say the correct word, e.g. cameras. recording, twice if necessary, and allow them
Explain the task and allow the pupils time to to complete the exercise.
complete the exercise in writing. Check their camera green bus red
answers then ask them to colour the pictures. teddy bear brown lorry yellow
1 cameras
2 What are these TAPESCRIPT
Theyre teddy bears Narrator: Look at the picture. Listen and look.
Theyre really nice There is one example.
3 What are these
Theyre robots Man: Look at the roller-skates.
Theyre really nice Girl: Yes.
Man: Right. Colour the roller-skates purple.
3 Read and underline. Girl: Pardon?
Man: Colour the roller-skates purple.
Revise this, that, these and those. Make sure the
pupils understand when to use these words. Narrator: Can you see the purple roller-skates?
Point to each picture and ask individual pupils This is an example. Now you listen
to say the correct sentence, e.g. That bike is and colour.
great! Allow them some time to underline the One
correct words then check their answers. Man: Now look at the camera.
1 That 3 These 5 those Girl: The camera? Oh, yes.
2 these 4 That 6 this Man: Colour the camera green.
Girl: OK. The camera is green.
Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
Two 3 Rhyme time! Read and circle.
Man: Look at the teddy bear.
Girl: Sorry? Read the instructions and explain the task.
Man: The teddy bear. Colour it brown. Read through the example then allow the
Girl: The teddy bear? Brown? pupils a short amount of time to complete the
Man: Yes. exercise. Check their answers.

Three No Yes
Man: Now look at the bus.
Girl: OK. What colour is the bus? 4 Read. Then fill in the card.
Man: Red. Read the information above the card and ask
Girl: Red? the pupils some questions to check their
Man: Yes. Colour the bus red. understanding. Then, read through the card,
Four pausing for them to fill in the gaps orally. Allow
Man: Now look at the lorry. them some time to complete the task in
Girl: Pardon? writing. Ask individual pupils to read out their
Man: The lorry. Colour the lorry yellow. completed cards.
Girl: Yellow? Dear Kenny,
Man: Yes. Thats right! Well done! This is a You are eleven today!
lovely picture. Happy Birthday!
4 Read and circle. Erica
Draw the pupils attention to the illustrations
and have a picture discussion. Read through Modular Revision and Assessment 2
the sentences and explain the task. The pupils
Do a quick revision of what the pupils have learnt in
complete the exercise by circling the correct
this module. Praise their efforts during this stage of
the lesson and encourage everyone to participate.
1 B 2 D 3 A 4 C Ask the pupils which parts of the module they
enjoyed the most and why.
Unit 4c Happy Birthday! Do all the exercises on pages 30 and 31 orally in
class. Then, allow the pupils to work on their own
1 Find the stickers! and complete the exercises in writing. Alternatively,
Revise toys and other personal items. Read the you can assign the exercises as written homework.
instructions and explain the task. Ask the pupils Check the pupils answers and have them add up
to find the corresponding stickers, one at a time, their total marks. Give them the Pupils Self-Assessment
and show them to you for verification before Form for Module 2 and help them to complete it. Now,
sticking them in the appropriate spaces. the pupils are ready to take Module Test 2 in the
Teachers Resource Pack.
2 These are my presents!
Put the pupils into pairs. Read through the 1 Look, read and circle.
example and demonstrate the game. One pupil 1 helicopter 3 teddy bear 5 lorry
picks a picture at random and describes it to 2 car 4 bus
his/her partner. The other pupil listens carefully
and tries to identify the number of the picture 2 Look, read and write These or
being described. Those.
1 These 3 Those 5 Those
2 Those 4 These

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
3 Read and choose. MODULE 3
1 b 3 b 5 b 7 b Unit 5a Hide!
2 a 4 a 6 b
1 Find the stickers!
4 Read and match.
Brainstorm with the pupils. Elicit the names of some
1 Shes fifteen. 3 Youre welcome. objects that they have in their bedrooms. Then,
2 Its a vase. 4 Theyre bikes. read the instructions and explain the task. Ask the
pupils to find the corresponding stickers, one at a
5 Who are the presents from? Listen time, and show them to you for verification before
and draw lines. sticking them in the appropriate spaces.
Lines should be drawn between: 1 bed 4 phone
Pat lorry 2 TV 5 radio
Lucy roller-skates 3 computer games 6 computer
Tim guitar
2 Read and underline.
Point to each picture and ask individual pupils
Girl: Come and look at my birthday to say the correct sentence, e.g. This is Sam.
presents. His TV is big. Allow them some time to underline
Boy: Wow! A bike! Who is it from? the correct words then check their answers.
Girl: Its from Mary.
Boy: From Mary? Its really nice! 1 His 2 my 3 Their 4 Our

Narrator: Can you see the line? Now you listen 3 Read and write.
and draw lines.
Revise all of the possessive adjectives. Read the
Girl: And this lorry is from Pat. examples and do the rest of the exercise orally
Boy: From Pat? Its a lovely lorry! before asking the pupils to fill in the missing
Girl: Yes, I love it! words. Check their answers.
Boy: Are these roller-skates from Tim? 3 her 5 my 7 their 9 their
Girl: No they arent. Theyre from Lucy. 4 their 6 her 8 his 10 his
Boy: From Lucy?
Girl: Yes. These roller-skates are from Lucy.
Unit 5b Come out!
Boy: Then this guitar is from Tim, right?
Girl: Yes, it is from Tim. 1 Look at the pictures and read the
Boy: Its fantastic. letters. Write the words.
6 Look and read. Then, write their Read the instructions and explain the task. The
names. pupils complete the exercise by writing the
correct word. Check their answers.
1 Bill 3 Jane 5 Peter
2 Fiona 4 George 6 Sue 1 table 3 clock 5 armchair
2 bookcase 4 cupboard 6 wardrobe

2 Look, read and write in, on, under,

behind, next to.
Revise prepositions of place. Point at the
pictures, one by one, and ask: Wheres Sammy?
Elicit the correct answer, e.g. Sammy is behind
the computer. Allow the pupils time to read the

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
sentences and write in the correct word. Then, Boy: Where?
check their answers. Woman: Put the clock next to the lamp.
Boy: OK.
2 on 4 under 6 under
3 in 5 next to
4 Look, read and answer.
3 Listen and draw lines. Read the instructions and explain the task. The
pupils read the questions, look at the picture
Point to each item in turn and elicit the correct
and write the answers in the spaces provided.
word. Tell the pupils to listen to the recording
Check their answers.
carefully. Explain that a woman will tell them
where to put each item. The pupils draw lines 2 Books 4 teddy bear 6 ball
as directed by the recording. 3 wardrobe 5 clock
TV on the cupboard
computer games under the chair Unit 5c Wheres Alvin?
radio in the cupboard
clock next to the lamp 1 Look and answer.
Read out the names of the children. Then, ask
the pupils to tell you where each child is.
Narrator: Listen and look. There is one example.
e.g. Teacher: Wheres Jeff?
Woman: Put the computer on the desk. Pupils: Hes in the wardrobe.
Boy: Pardon? Put the computer where?
The pupils then read through the questions
Woman: On the desk.
and write their answers in the spaces provided.
Boy: Right.
2 behind the sofa
Narrator: Can you see the line? This is an
3 under the bed
example. Now you listen and draw
4 behind the bookcase
5 in the wardrobe
One 6 under the table
Woman: Put the TV on the cupboard.
Boy: Sorry? Put the TV where? 2 Rhyme time! Where are the fairies?
Woman: On the cupboard. Read and complete.
Boy: OK.
Read the instructions and explain the task. Read
Two through the example then allow the pupils a
Woman: Now put the computer games under short amount of time to complete the exercise.
the chair. Check their answers. Ask individual pupils to say
Boy: The computer games? the rhymes and check their pronunciation.
Woman: Yes. Put the computer games under
2 bed 3 radio 4 armchair
the chair.
Boy: All right.
3 Read and colour.
Ask the pupils to read through the text then colour
Woman: And now, please put the radio in the
the picture. Check their completed work.
Boy: Where? bed yellow vase purple
Woman: Put the radio in the cupboard. wardrobe blue flowers orange
Boy: OK. clock red

Now answer the questions.
Woman: Now the clock! Put the clock next to
the lamp. Read through the questions and elicit the correct

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
answer from individual pupils. Allow them time to Unit 6b Wheres Missy?
write the answers in the spaces provided. Then,
put the pupils into pairs and have them practise 1 Read and circle the odd one out.
the question/answer dialogue.
Read the instructions and explain the task. The
1 (The bed is) yellow pupils circle the odd one out. Ask them to justify
2 (The flowers are) in the vase their answers.
3 A clock and a vase (with flowers)
4 (The wardrobe is) blue 2 bath 4 ghost 6 bed
3 water 5 TV

Unit 6a In the old house! 2 How many? Find and colour.

1 Find the stickers! Explain the task. The pupils colour the picture
according to the prompts provided.
Revise rooms with the pupils. Read the instructions
and explain the task. Ask the pupils to find the Now ask and answer.
corresponding stickers, one at a time, and show
them to you for verification before sticking them in Put the pupils into pairs. Read the example and
the appropriate spaces. explain the task. Allow them to practise in pairs.
Ask some pairs to perform their exchanges for
2 There are ghosts in the house! the class.
Look and complete. 2 A: How many fridges are there?
Ask the pupils to look at the picture and read B: Theres one.
through the example. Elicit similar sentences 3 A: How many spiders are there?
for the other rooms. Check for correct use of B: Theres one.
there is/theres and there are. Have the pupils
complete the exercise in writing. 4 A: How many tables are there?
B: There are three.
2 There are five ghosts in the living room.
3 There are four ghosts in the bedroom. 5 A: How many frogs are there?
4 Theres one ghost in the kitchen. B: There are five.

3 Spot the differences. 3 Read and correct.

Revise there is/there are. Ask the pupils to look at Read the example and explain the task. Ask the
the two pictures and elicit some of the differences. pupils to correct the sentences in the spaces
Read the example answer and explain the task. provided. Then check their answers.
The pupils use the prompts to produce similar 2 No, there arent. There is one frog.
sentences. Check their answers. 3 No, there isnt. There are two radios.
2 In Harrys living room there are two mirrors. 4 No, there arent. There is one table.
In Lees living room there is one mirror.
3 In Harrys living room there is one lamp. In 4 Read and match.
Lees living room there are two lamps. Read the instructions and explain the task. The
4 In Harrys living room there are two armchairs. pupils match the two halves of the exchange
In Lees living room there are three armchairs. by drawing lines. Check their answers.
5 In Harrys living room there is one table. In
2 a 3 c
Lees living room there are two tables.

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
Unit 6c Welcome! Two
Whats in Annas bedroom?
1 Read and write yes or no. Woman: Is there a carpet in your bedroom,
Ask the pupils to look at the picture. Make some Anna: Yes, there is.
statements and encourage the pupils to respond Woman: And are there pictures on the wall?
by saying yes if the statement is true and no if the Anna: No, there arent.
statement isnt true. Then, read through the
sentences and elicit yes/no answers. The pupils Three
complete the task in writing. Where are the spiders?
Man: Where are the spiders?
2 no 3 no 4 no 5 yes Boy: In the kitchen.
Man: Are they in the fridge?
2 Read and colour. Boy: No, theyre in the sink.
The pupils colour the picture according to the
instructions provided. Check their completed Modular Revision and Assessment 3
Do a quick revision of what the pupils have learnt in
yellow curtains, cooker, cupboard, cushions, this module. Praise their efforts during this stage of
clock, carpet, computer the lesson and encourage everyone to participate.
blue sofa, spider Ask the pupils which parts of the module they
red bed, books, bookcase enjoyed the most and why.
green fridge, frog
black phone, picture Do all the exercises on pages 44 and 45 orally in
class. Then, allow the pupils to work on their own
3 Listen and tick () the box. and complete the exercises in writing. Alternatively,
you can assign the exercises as written homework.
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and have
a picture discussion. Check the pupils answers and have them add up
their total marks. Give them the Pupils Self-Assessment
e.g. Teacher: Where is the ghost in this picture? Form for Module 3 and help them to complete it. Now,
Pupils: In the (kitchen). the pupils are ready to take Module Test 3 in the
Tell the pupils to listen carefully to the recording Teachers Resource Pack.
and tick one box in each row. Play the recording,
twice if necessary. Check their answers. 1 Look, read and choose.
1 2nd picture 3 3rd picture 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B
2 1st picture
2 Look, read and underline.
TAPESCRIPT 1 on 3 on
Narrator: Look at the pictures. Now listen and 2 in 4 next to
tick the box.
One 3 Now look again and answer.
Wheres the ghost? 1 No, there arent. 3 No, there isnt.
Boy: Is there a ghost in the kitchen? 2 Yes, there is.
Girl: No, there isnt. Theres one in the living room.
Boy: Pardon? In the bathroom? 4 Read and choose.
Girl: In the living room. Theres a ghost in the
living room! 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b
Boy: No!!!

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
5 Listen and draw lines. 6 Look and read. Then write a
Lines should be drawn between:
CD in the cupboard bathroom one
computer game under the table bedroom three
phone next to the radio armchair two
cushion on the armchair bookcase one
mirror on the sofa kitchen one

Board Game 1
Narrator: Listen and look. There is one example.
1 Pupil counts to ten.
Woman: Put the vase on the bookcase. 2 Its
Boy: Sorry? Put the vase where? 3 aeroplane
Woman: On the bookcase! 4 Pupils own answers.
Boy: Right. 5 Pupil goes back to Start.
6 schoolbag
Narrator: Can you see the line? Now you listen
7 old
and draw lines.
8 Pupil goes back to Start.
One 9 Pog, Trog, Popsie
Woman: Put the CD in the cupboard. 10 Pupil goes back to Start.
Boy: Pardon? Where? 11 rubber
Woman: In the cupboard. 12 meet
Boy: OK. 13 Welcome
14 Missy
15 pencil case
Woman: Now put the computer game under
16 Pupil goes back to Start.
the table.
17 name
Boy: Sorry? Put the computer game where?
18 Pupil sings the song.
Woman: Put it under the table.
19 apple
Woman: And now please put the phone next
to the radio.
Board Game 2
Boy: The phone? 1 a bus/two red lorries/a big car
Woman: Yes! Put it next to the radio. 2 Youre
Boy: All right. Im drawing that line now. 3 lorry
4 Pupil sings the song.
5 Pupil goes back to Start.
Woman: Now the cushion! Put it on the armchair.
6 helicopter
Boy: Where?
7 Theyre
Woman: Put the cushion on the armchair.
8 Pupil goes back to Start.
Boy: OK.
9 suggested answers: plastic, glass, paper,
Five bottles,
Woman: And now put the mirror on the sofa. cans, bags
Boy: Sorry? Put the mirror where? 10 Pupil goes back to Start.
Woman: Put it on the sofa. 11 toyshop
Boy: Yes. OK. 12 This is/Its
13 Happy
14 suggested answers: policeman, fireman,
milkman, postman, teacher

Activity Book (Key & Instructions)
15 bike
16 Pupil goes back to Start.
17 Open
18 suggested answers: mum, dad, grandma,
grandpa, brother, sister
19 roller-skates

Board Game 3
1 suggested answers: cooker, sink, fridge,
cupboard, table
2 Wheres
3 curtains
4 suggested answers: bedroom, bathroom,
kitchen, living room
5 Pupil goes back to Start.
6 armchair
7 my
8 Pupil goes back to Start.
9 Pupil sings the song.
10 Pupil goes back to Start.
11 bookcase
12 are
13 is
14 Pupils own answers.
15 mirror
16 Pupil goes back to Start.
17 there
18 suggested answers: ant, spider, ladybird,
butterfly, bee, worm
19 wardrobe

Suggestions on how to teach the plays

Each play can be covered in approximately two to In the third lesson split the class in two groups. Make
three lessons including the performance. sure that each group has at least one complete cast
of characters needed to perform the play. Ask them to
In the first lesson present or revise the language to
rehearse their lines within their groups. The pupils who
be used, the songs and the setting of the scene as
are not taking character roles in this final rehearsal
suggested in the Before the play section.
can be the audience. Select a group to perform the
In the second lesson, play the recording of the play. You can perform the play as many times as the
whole play while the pupils follow the lines in their pupils like. Good luck!
books. Ask the pupils questions to see if they
Note: If you wish, you can use the plays for stage
understood the plot of the story. Play the recording
performance with the pupils playing the role of the
again, pausing at the end of each line to allow the
pupils to repeat. This will help the pupils to practise
intonation and pronunciation. Allocate roles and
ask the pupils to read the play aloud in class.
Repeat this step until every pupil has had an
opportunity to read. At the end of the lesson assign
each pupil a role to learn for homework. Give the
same role to more than one pupil. All pupils must
have roles.

Play 1 The Magic Forest!
Outline: Identifying items
Whats that? Its a(n)
Emma, Harry, Mona and Lee meet the characters
from the Magic Forest: Willow the Guardian, Alvin Asking about quantity
and Erlina. The four children discover the magical How many ?
element in the forest through their interaction with Useful phrases
the trees, flowers, etc. Welcome to Wow!
This is really great! Time to go!
Characters: Lets
Emma Alvin
Harry Erlina Vocabulary:
Mona Orange tree Colours
Lee Nut tree purple red orange
Willow the Guardian Audience blue green yellow
Other words
Hello! Goodbye!
look count
Introductions flowers orange
Whos that? This is . Magic Forest nut
Whats your name? Talking about age all tree
Who are you? How old are you? sing everyone
My names . Im .

BEFORE THE PLAY 3 Hand out the puppets. Call out a character. The
pupil who has got the corresponding puppet
(Warm up for a group who dont know one stands up and presents himself/herself in the
another yet.) role. Invite the rest of the class to greet him/her.
1 The pupils sit in a circle. One pupil throws a ball e.g. Teacher: Mona!
to a pupil in the circle as he/she is asking Pupil: Hello, Im Mona.
him/her his/her name. The pupil who catches Class: Hello, Mona.
the ball answers. Repeat the procedure as
many times as you think is necessary. Variation
e.g. Pupil 1: (throwing the ball) Whats your The pupils sit in a circle. Hand out the characters
name? and play some music. The pupils pass the
Pupil 2: (catching the ball) My names characters around the circle. Pause the music.
Julie. (throwing the ball) Whats The pupils who have got the puppets introduce
your name? themselves in the role.
Pupil 3: My names Alex. etc
Game: Find a partner.
(Activities to present the characters.)
4 Explain the game. The pupils walk around the
2 Present the characters with the use of puppets. class. They ask one another about their age in
e.g. Teacher: (holding up Emma) This is order to find a partner. Demonstrate this yourself
Emma! Who is it? first.
Class: Emma! etc

Play 1 The Magic Forest!
e.g. Pupil 1: How old are you? e.g. Teacher: Hello,
Pupil 2: Im eight. How old are you? Class: purple
Pupil 1: Im eight, too! (the pupils form a Teacher: Hello,
pair) Class: blue etc

(An activity to present/consolidate and activate 6 Play the song. Point to the strips of paper every
the rainbow song.) time the corresponding colours are mentioned.
Then hand out the strips, one per pupil. Play the
Before going into class song again. Invite the pupils to raise their strips
of paper every time the colour on their strip is
Prepare as many strips of paper as the
mentioned. Play the song again. The pupils
pupils in your class. Make sure each strip
listen and sing along.
is one of the colours practised in the
rainbow song. Note: Shy pupils can just join in with the song
whenever they feel confident.
5 Hold up strips of paper and revise colours. Put
up your set of strips of paper on the board.
Present the song by pointing to the strips and
inviting the pupils to name the colours.

Script & Stage Directions

The Magic Forest!

Scene 1

(Emma enters the forest stage Audience: Willow!

right. She is happy and shes Emma: (talking to Willow) Who are you?
looking at all the flowers. Willow Willow: Im Willow the Guardian. Whats
is standing stage left, next to the your name?
olive tree.) Emma: My names Emma.
Willow: (talking to Emma) Welcome to
Emma: (humming to herself) Look!
the Magic Forest!
Flowers! Hello purple, hello
(Emma stands next to the apple
blue. Red for me and green for
you. Hello orange, yellow, too.
Red for me and green for you! (Mona enters stage left, looking
for Emma.)
(She addresses the audience)
Mona: Emma! Emma! (stands by
Emma: Sing with me, everyone!
Willow) Oh! (addresses the
Emma & Audience: (singing) Hello purple, hello
audience) Whos that?
blue. Red for me and green for
Audience: Willow!
you. Hello orange, yellow, too.
Mona: Who?
Red for me and green for you!
Audience: Willow!
Willow: Hello! Mona: (talking to Willow) Who are you?
Emma: (addressing the audience) Willow: Im Willow the Guardian. Whats
Whos that? your name?
Audience: Willow! Mona: My names Mona.
Emma: Who?

Play 1 The Magic Forest!
Willow: (talking to Mona) Welcome to Willow: (talking to Harry) Welcome to
the Magic Forest! the Magic Forest!
(Mona goes to stand with
(Harry goes to stand with
Emma, Mona and Lee.)
(Lee enters stage right, looking
(Alvin and Erlina enter
for Emma.)
simultaneously one from
Lee: Emma! Emma! (stands by the
each end of the stage.)
Willow) Oh! (addresses the
Alvin: Hello, Willow.
audience) Whos that?
Willow: Hello, Alvin.
Audience: Willow!
Erlina: Hello, Willow.
Lee: Who?
Willow: Hello, Erlina. This is Emma
Audience: Willow!
(Emma comes to the front of
Lee: (talking to Willow) Who are you?
the stage), this is Mona (Mona
Willow: Im Willow the Guardian. Whats
comes to the front of the
your name?
stage), this is Harry (Harry
Lee: My names Lee.
comes to the front of the stage)
Willow: (talking to Lee) Welcome to
and this is Lee! (Lee comes to
the Magic Forest!
the front of the stage)
(Lee goes to stand with Emma
Alvin & Erlina: Welcome to the Magic Forest!
and Mona.)
Lee: Wow! This is really great!
(Harry enters stage left, looking Alvin: (addresses the audience)
for Emma.) Lets all sing! (They all join in
Harry: Emma! Emma! (stands by the song together) Hello
Willow) Oh! (addresses the purple, hello blue. Red for me
audience) Whos that? and green for you! Hello
Audience: Willow! orange, yellow, too. Red for
Harry: Who? me and green for you!
Audience: Willow!
Harry: (talking to Willow) Who are you?
Willow: Im Willow the Guardian.
Whats your name?
Harry: My names Harry.

Play 1 The Magic Forest!
Scene 2

(Willow stands stage left next to the Nut tree: Hello, Emma! Hello, Mona!
olive tree. Lee and Harry enter stage Emma & Mona: (talking to the nut tree) Oh, hello!
right.) Nut tree: How old are you, Emma?
Emma: Im nine.
Orange tree: (making a coughing sound)
Nut tree: How old are you, Mona?
Mona: Im nine, too! How old are you?
Lee & Harry: Whats that?
Nut tree: Count my nuts!
Willow: Its an orange tree!
Emma & Mona: (standing next to the nut tree) One
Orange tree: Hello, Lee! Hello, Harry!
two threefourfivesixseven!
Lee & Harry: (talking to the orange tree) Oh, hello!
(addressing the audience) How
Orange tree: How old are you, Lee?
many nuts?
Lee: Im ten.
Audience: Seven!
Orange tree: How old are you, Harry?
Emma & Mona: How many nuts?
Harry: Im ten, too! How old are you?
Audience: Seven!
Orange tree: Count my oranges!
Lee & Harry: (standing next to the orange tree) (Alvin and Erlina enter stage left.)
One twothreefourfive! Erlina: Time to go now!
(addressing the audience) How Alvin: Goodbye, Willow!
many oranges? Willow: Goodbye! Goodbye!
Audience: Five! Children: Goodbye!
Lee & Harry: How many oranges? Alvin: Lets sing, everyone! (all sing as the
Audience: Five! characters leave the stage)
Goodbye purple, goodbye blue. Red
(Harry and Lee stand next to the
for me and green for you. Goodbye
apple tree. Emma and Mona enter
orange, yellow, too. Red for me and
stage right.)
green for you!
Nut tree: (making a coughing sound)
Emma & Mona: Whats that?
Willow: Its a nut tree!

Play 2 The toyshop!
Outline: Offering & accepting presents
This is for you!
Emma, Mona, Alvin and Lee find a toyshop. They Wow! A guitar, thank you!
go in looking for presents for Harrys birthday. They
look through lots of different toys until they find the Giving instructions
perfect birthday present for Harry! He coincidentally Open it and see!
walks in on them at the toyshop and they give him Useful phrases
his presents. Theyre nice.
Lets buy a present for
Characters: What then?
Alvin Harry Happy Birthday
Emma Erlina
Lee Audience Vocabulary:
Mona Toys
toyshop ball
Structures/Functions: teddy bear guitar
Identifying items bike aeroplane
What are these? What are they? roller-skates car
Theyre What is it?

BEFORE THE PLAY hands him their piece of paper as though

giving him a present. The pupil in the centre
(Activities to familiarise the pupils with the unfolds the paper, reads what his present is and
language of the play.) thanks the pupil who gave it to him.

Before going into class e.g. Pupil 1: (giving Harry the paper) Happy
Birthday, Harry. This is for you
Create 7 flashcards: teddy bears, guitars, Pupil 2: (taking the paper) What is it?
planes, cars, roller skates, bikes, balls. Pupil 1: Open it and see.
You can draw pictures or stick pictures Pupil 2: (unfolding and reading the
from magazines. paper) Wow! An aeroplane!
Thank you! etc
1 Put the flashcards face down on your desk. Invite
a pupil to come to the desk, choose a flashcard (Activity to familiarise the pupils with the lyrics
and turn it over. The pupil holds up the flashcard of the song.)
and asks the class: What are these? The class
Before going into class
responds, (e.g. theyre bikes). The pupil places
the flashcard back on the desk and asks the 7 picture flashcards: a birthday cake, a kite,
class for verification: What are they? and the a plane, a toy train, a ball, a car, a toy
class responds again. Repeat the process until all guitar. You can either make simple drawings
the flashcards have been turned over. yourself or find pictures from magazines.
2 Ask the pupils to take out a small piece of paper
and write the name of a toy on it, e.g. teddy 3 Pin all the flashcards except the birthday cake
bear. Make sure that all the items presented are on the board. As you sing the song, hold the
used. Then ask them to fold the piece of paper birthday cake in your hands and point to each
and stand in a circle. Choose one pupil to act present as it is mentioned. Ask the pupils to
as Harry and stand in the middle of the circle. listen and repeat the words after you.
Each pupil goes to Harry, one at a time, and

Play 2 The toyshop!
e.g. Its my birthday today, (pointing to These are my presents, (pointing to all
birthday cake) the flashcards)
Its my birthday today! (pointing to Its my birthday today! (pointing to
birthday cake) birthday cake)
These are my presents, (pointing to all
Heres a ball (pointing to the ball) and a
the flashcards)
car, (pointing to the car)
Its my birthday today! (pointing to
And a new toy guitar! (pointing to the
birthday cake)
Heres a kite (pointing to the kite) and a These are my presents, (pointing to all
plane, (pointing to the plane) the flashcards)
And a super toy train! (pointing to the Its my birthday today! (pointing to
train) birthday cake)

Script & Stage Directions

The toyshop!
Scene 1

(Emma, Mona and Lee enter stage Alvin: They are nice.
right and Alvin enters stage left.) Lee: (shaking his head) No, not
Emma: Look, a toyshop! Lets buy a present
for Harrys birthday! Alvin: (pointing at balls) What are these?
Alvin: (pointing at teddy bears) What are Mona: Balls!
these? Alvin: (addressing the audience) What are
Emma: Theyre teddy bears. they?
Alvin: (addressing the audience) What Audience: Balls!
are they? Alvin: They are nice.
Audience: Teddy bears! Lee: (shaking his head) No, not a ball!
Alvin: They are nice.
Mona & Emma: (talking to Lee sounding puzzled)
Lee: (shaking his head) No, not a teddy
What then?
Lee: (pointing at cars) Look at these cars!
Alvin: (pointing at bikes) What are these? Cool!
Mona: Bikes! Mona & Emma: Yes! Yes! A car for Harry!
Alvin: (addressing the audience) What Alvin: (he starts dancing up and down)
are they? Yes! Yes! A car for Harry!
Audience: Bikes! (Harry enters the toy shop stage left.)
Alvin: They are nice. All: Oh, oh! (they all stand still, blocking
Lee: (shaking his head) No, not a bike! the car) Hello, Harry!
(Harry looks at them all in surprise.)
Alvin: (pointing at roller-skates) What are
Emma: Roller-skates!
Alvin: (addressing the audience) What
are they?
Audience: Roller-skates!

Play 2 The toyshop!
Scene 2

(Harry and Emma enter the stage Lee: Happy Birthday, Harry. This is for you.
simultaneously, one from each side. (The present is between Lee and
They stand towards the front of the Harry.)
stage. Emma is holding a guitar, Harry: What is it?
wrapped side to the audience). Lee: Open it and see!
(Erlina enters stage left hovering
Emma: Happy Birthday, Harry. This is for you.
over the aeroplane and addresses
(The present is between Emma and
the audience)
Erlina: What is it?
Harry: What is it?
Audience: An aeroplane!
Emma: Open it and see!
(Erlina goes off stage. Harry bends
(Erlina enters stage left hovering
towards the floor pretending to open
over the guitar and addresses the
the present. Meanwhile the present
is turned over and we can hear the
Erlina: What is it?
sound of paper tearing, then both
Audience: A guitar!
the present and Harry reappear. The
(Erlina goes off stage. Harry bends
aeroplane is now in front of Harry)
towards the floor pretending to open
Harry: Wow! An aeroplane! Thank you!
the present. Meanwhile the present
is turned over and we can hear the (Emma and Mona re-enter stage right
sound of paper tearing, then both and join Harry and Lee by the car.)
the present and Harry reappear. The Emma, Mona
guitar is now in front of Harry.) & Lee: Look! A car for you, Harry!
Harry: Wow! A guitar! Thank you! Harry: A car! Wow! Thank you.
Emma, Mona
[Emma leaves the stage with the
& Lee: Happy Birthday, Harry!
guitar. Mona enters stage right. She
is holding a ball (wrapped side to (Alvin and Erlina enter stage left and
the audience).] address the audience.)
Alvin & Erlina: Lets sing, everyone!
Mona: Happy Birthday, Harry. This is for you.
(The present is between Mona and All: (the characters and the audience all
Harry) sing together)
Harry: What is it? Its my birthday today,
Mona: Open it and see! Its my birthday today!
(Erlina enters stage left hovering over These are my presents,
the ball and addresses the audience.) Its my birthday today!
Erlina: What is it?
Heres a kite and a plane,
Audience: A ball!
And a super toy train!
(Erlina goes off stage. Harry bends
These are my presents,
towards the floor pretending to open
Its my birthday today!
the present. Meanwhile the present
is turned over and we can hear the Heres a ball and a car,
sound of paper tearing, then both And a new toy guitar!
the present and Harry reappear. The These are my presents,
ball is now in front of Harry.) Its my birthday today!
Harry: Wow! A ball! Thank you!

Play 3 The old house!

Outline: Identifying characters

Who are ?
Emma, Harry, Mona and Lee follow Missy into an old
house. They meet the owner, Bertie the Bat and his Useful phrases
friends. Lets look in the Whats the matter?
Help! Dont worry.
Characters: Ugh!

Emma Alvin Vocabulary:

Harry Erlina
Mona Bertie the Bat Parts of a house
Lee Ollie the Owl living room bathroom
Missy Audience kitchen bedroom
Other words
Structures/Functions: ghost mouse bat
Talking about parts of a house frog spider owl
There is/there are
Whats in the kitchen?

BEFORE THE PLAY (Activity to familiarise the pupils with the lyrics of
the song.)
(Activities to familiarise the pupils with the
language of the play.) 3 Ask the pupils to listen and repeat the words
after you. Play the song, encouraging the pupils
Before going into class to join in with the actions.

Prepare a bag with an assortment of items Welcome to my house. (mime opening a door
in it, e.g. pencils, a ball, an apple, rubbers, to welcome someone)
etc. Also, some pictures of animal cartoon My itzy bitzy house.
characters, e.g. Mickey Mouse, Kermit the Its an itzy bitzy house for two! (point to yourself
Frog, etc. and to your partner)
There are pictures on the wall. (point to the wall)
1 Invite a pupil to put his/her hand into the bag,
Theres a carpet on the floor. (point to the floor)
without looking, and tell you what is in it.
And curtains in the window, too! (make a square
e.g. Pupil 1: Theres a ball/there are pencils in the air with both index fingers)
in the bag. etc
There are pictures on the wall. (point to the wall)
Repeat until a number of pupils have had a turn. Theres a carpet on the floor. (point to the floor)
Then, ask the class to remember what items are And cushions on the armchair, too! (mime sitting
in the bag. in an armchair)
e.g. Teacher: Whats in the bag?
Pupil 1: Theres a ball in the bag. etc
2 Show the pupils the pictures of the animal
cartoon characters and ask them to tell you
what animals they are:
e.g. Teacher: What are Mickey and Minnie?
Pupils: Theyre mice!

Play 3 The old house!
Script & Stage Directions

The old house!

Scene 1

(Missy enters and runs all the way (Erlina hovers above the curtains
across the stage right to left. She in the centre of the stage and
stops centre stage, pants and barks addresses the audience.)
and then exits stage right.) Erlina: Whats in the kitchen?
Audience: A frog!
(Mona and Emma enter stage right
Erlina: Is Missy in the kitchen?
looking for Missy.)
Audience: No!
Mona & Emma: Missy, come back!
Lee: Lets look in the bathroom! (Harry and
(Harry and Lee enter stage left.)
Lee stand to the left of the bathroom
Harry: Look. This is a very old house!
and Emma and Mona stand to the
Mona: But, wheres Missy?
right of it.)
Lee: Lets look in the living room! (Harry
Emma: Ugh! There are mice in the
and Lee stand to the left of the
living room and Emma and Mona
(Erlina hovers above the curtains
stand to the right of it.)
in the centre of the stage and
Emma: Ugh! There are spiders in the living
addresses the audience.)
Erlina: Whats in the bathroom?
(Erlina hovers above the curtains
Audience: Mice!
in the centre of the stage and
Erlina: Is Missy in the bathroom?
addresses the audience.)
Audience: No!
Erlina: Whats in the living room?
Audience: Spiders! Lee: Lets look in the bedroom! (Harry and
Erlina: Is Missy in the living room? Lee stand to the left of the bedroom
Audience: No! and Emma and Mona stand to the
right of it.)
Lee: Lets look in the kitchen! (Harry and
(Ollie the Owl makes a hooting
Lee stand to the left of the kitchen
sound from off stage.)
and Emma and Mona stand to the
Ollie the Owl: Woooow! Woooow!
right of it.)
All: Help! Theres a ghost in the
Mona: Ugh! Theres a frog in the kitchen!
bedroom! (they all scream)

Play 3 The old house!
Scene 2

(Emma, Mona, Harry and Lee enter Erlina: Where are they?
stage right. Missy enters stage left, Audience: In the bathroom!
followed by Bertie the Bat.)
(Lee stands to the right of the
Bertie the Bat: Hello! Is this your dog?
bedroom and Bertie the Bat stands
Mona: Yes! (makes a fuss of Missy)
to the left of it.)
Harry: Who are you?
Lee: Help, theres a ghost in the bedroom!
Bertie the Bat: Im Bertie the Bat. Welcome to my
Bertie the Bat: (shaking his head) No, there isnt a
ghost. (he calls out) Ollie! Ollie!
(Emma stands to the right of the
Ollie the Owl: (calls off stage) Woooow! Woooow!
living room and Bertie the Bat stands
All: Help! A ghost!
to the left of it.)
(Ollie the Owl appears from above
Emma: There are spiders in the living room!
the stage and hovers in front of the
Bertie the Bat: Yes. Spike and Spud the spiders. My
Ollie the Owl: Whats the matter?
All: Aah!
Bertie the Bat: Dont worry, Ollie. Say hello to our new
(Erlina hovers above the curtains in
the centre of the stage and addresses
Ollie the Owl: (makes a hooting sound) Hello! Hello!
the audience.)
(Everyone laughs)
Erlina: Who are Spike and Spud?
(Erlina hovers above the curtains in
Audience: The spiders!
the centre of the stage and addresses
Erlina: Where are they?
the audience.)
Audience: In the living room!
Erlina: Who is Ollie?
(Mona stands to the right of the Audience: The owl!
kitchen and Bertie the Bat stands to Bertie the Bat: Welcome to my house!
the left of it.) Erlina: Lets sing everyone!
Mona: Theres a frog in the kitchen! All: (sing)
Bertie the Bat: Yes. Freddy the Frog. My friend! Welcome to my house.
All: Aah! My itzy bitzy house.
(Erlina hovers above the curtains in Its an itzy bitzy house for two!
the centre of the stage and addresses
There are pictures on the wall.
the audience.)
Theres a carpet on the floor.
Erlina: Who is Freddy?
And curtains in the window, too!
Audience: The frog!
Erlina: Where is he? Welcome to my house.
Audience: In the kitchen! My itzy bitzy house.
Its an itzy bitzy house for two!
(Harry stands to the right of the
bathroom and Bertie the Bat stands There are pictures on the wall.
to the left of it.) Theres a carpet on the floor.
Harry: There are mice in the bathroom! And cushions on the armchair, too!
Bertie the Bat: Yes. Milly and Molly the mice. My
All: Aah!
(Erlina hovers above the curtains in
the centre of the stage and addresses
the audience.)
Erlina: Who are Milly and Molly?
Audience: The mice!

Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educaiei Naionale. Published by Express Publishing

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Manualul este distribuit elevilor n mod gratuit, att n format tiprit, ct i n format
Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans, 2015
digital, i este transmisibil timp de patru ani colari, ncepnd cu anul colar 2014-2015.
Colour Illustrations: Express Publishing, 2015
Inspectoratul colar ..
Illustrated by Simon Andrews, Alexandra Lewis, Alan Shephard, Stone, Terry Wilson Express Publishing, 2015
coala / Colegiul / Liceul .....
First published 2015

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la primire la predare la primire la predare ISBN 978-1-4715-4288-6

4 We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing
this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Meryl Philips (Editor in Chief),
Julie Rich (senior editor); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design

* Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre urmtorii termeni: nou,
team; and Emily Newton, Kevin Harris, Daniel Parker, Erica Thompson and Timothy Forster. We would
also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments
bun, ngrijit, nengrijit, deteriorat. and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Special thanks to Bridget, Chris,
Georgina, Anna, Dennis, George and Jackie who took part in the recording.

 Cadrele didactice vor verica dac informaiile nscrise n tabelul de mai sus sunt Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently
corecte. overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

 Elevii nu vor face niciun fel de nsemnri pe manual.

Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii tiinifice

FAIRYLAND 3A Teachers Book

Fairyland 3A is a course for young learners of English.
Pupils follow the adventures of four children and their
friends from the Magic Forest.

Pupils Book
Jenny Dooley Virginia Evans
Digital Book
Activity Book

Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans

Teachers Book
Picture Flashcards
Teachers Resource Pack

ISBN 978-1-4715-4288-6
Express Publishing

Uniscan Grup Educaional

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