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(Automated) planning for tomorrow: Will artificial

intelligence get smarter?

Edward Moore Geist

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intelligence get smarter?, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, DOI: 10.1080/00963402.2017.1288435

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(Automated) planning for tomorrow: Will artificial intelligence get smarter?

Edward Moore Geist

Artificial-intelligence (AI) researchers have made very considerable advances in their theoretical Artificial intelligence;
knowledge of planning over the past few decades. But the impact of AI on society in the coming automated planning
years will depend on how much these discoveries improve the real-world performance of
automated planning, or AP, an AI subfield that seeks to create computer programs that can
generate plans to achieve a particular goal. If practical applications of automated planning
continue to stagnate, it could hold back all of AI, even as its other subfields continue to mature.
Modest progress, meanwhile, would facilitate modest economic and military uses of artificial
intelligence. And should AP experience the same kind of spectacular breakout as reinforcement
learning, which is being used practically in a wide variety of fields, from robotics to finance, the
peril and promise of artificial intelligence might be fully realized.

Why isnt artificial intelligence (AI) more intelligent? computer programs that hopelessly outclass even the
Dramatic progress in areas such as machine vision and best human chess masters has not taught us much
the notoriously difficult game of Go have rendered the about how to make a robot vacuum cleaner that
inadequacies of state-of-the-art AIs all the more glar- wont get stuck on an unfamiliar bump in the carpet.
ing. Computers now humble the best human players at But the unpredictability and unevenness of progress
chess, Go, and even the classic Atari game Breakout, in artificial intelligence also has a silver lining. AI
yet artificial intelligence continues to struggle at many breakthroughs sometimes emerge from lines of
other tasks that even human toddlers accomplish with research that had previously been written off as disap-
ease. Unlike well-specified problems such as games, pointments. Take, for instance, deep learning and rein-
interacting with complex real-world environments con- forcement learning, the technologies used by Google
tinues to seriously challenge even the most advanced DeepMind to master Go and Atari 2600 games (Mnih,
AI techniques. Does faster-than-anticipated progress et al. 2015). As recently as the early 2000s, both of these
on tasks such as game-playing suggest that artificial technologies were curiosities studied by a handful of
intelligence will soon excel at the economic and mili- academic researchers that, for all practical intents and
tary applications anticipated or feared by so many? purposes, did not work. Within a few years, however,
Not necessarily. Artificial intelligence is best under- they have conquered problems many AI researchers
stood as a collection of different fields and approaches expected would remain unsolved for the foreseeable
that aim to create machines capable of tasks that future.
require cognition when humans do them. Many AI While some AI tasks, such as playing chess, are well-
researchers are focused on finding ways to make com- studied and well-understood, decades of intensive effort
puters perform very modest or utilitarian cognitive on others havent paid off in the same way. Take, for
tasks, while others are devoted to theoretical or meth- instance, the field of automated planning (AP), which
odological investigations that might or might not lead seeks to create computer programs that can generate
to practical applications in the future. Spectacular pro- plans to achieve a particular goal. These include domain-
gress in one area of AI research often doesnt do much independent planners able to create plans for arbitrary
to advance others. To assume otherwise is to repeat the problems, domain-configurable planners employing
mistake of the pioneers of the field, who became over- domain knowledge to solve a particular problem more
confident following the success of their earliest experi- efficiently, and domain-specific planners capable of sol-
ments in the 1950s and made predictions that led to ving only a narrow class of problems.
immense embarrassment in subsequent decades To carry out unfamiliar tasks that require planning,
(McCorduck 1979). For instance, our ability to make both humans and machines need to first create an

CONTACT Edward Moore Geist

2017 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

appropriate model for reasoning about the problem But the same limitations forestalling pernicious
and then reason with that model to generate a plan. applications of AI are also hindering its benefits to
Furthermore, in most cases it is necessary to modify humanity. Many difficult and dangerous jobs that
the plan while carrying it out because of misconcep- would be better left to robots still require much better
tions included in the planning model, or changed planning capability than artificial intelligence currently
circumstances. provides; a space probe to explore the watery interiors
For decades, artificial-intelligence researchers have of Jupiters icy moons would demand the same auton-
attempted to program computers to perform the first omous capabilities as sub-hunting drones.
two aspects of planning, and in recent years they have The disappointing practical utility of current AP
begun tackling the third. So far, their efforts have been systems, however, belies the fact that AI researchers
met with only modest success, even though some of the have made very considerable advances in their theore-
spin-offs of their research have proved of immense tical knowledge of planning over the past few decades.
practical significance. (Perhaps the most famous of The impact of artificial intelligence on society in com-
these is the A* search algorithm, which youve probably ing years will depend on how much these discoveries
used several times today without realizing it.) This is improve the real-world performance of automated
because planning turns out to be surprisingly difficult, planning. If practical applications of automated plan-
for reasons that range from knowledge quality pro- ning continue to stagnate, it could hold back all of AI
blems to computational complexity challenges. even as its other subfields continue to mature. Modest
In fiction, artificial intelligences effortlessly craft progress, meanwhile, would facilitate modest economic
foolproof plans, but the understanding that has and military uses of artificial intelligence.
emerged from automated-planning research is that And should AP experience the same kind of specta-
planning is devilishly hard. The lackluster performance cular breakout as reinforcement learning, both the peril
of current automated-planning approaches poses a cri- and promise of artificial intelligence might be fully
tical bottleneck to creating artificial-intelligence sys- realized.
tems capable of many of the tasks eagerly sought by
industry and the military.1
The history of automated planning
As long as progress in automated planning remains
modest, the impact of artificial intelligence on both the The history of automated planning is inextricably linked
workplace and the battlefield will necessarily be lim- to another AI subfield problem-solving. In the early
ited. Not only will robots be too stupid to effectively decades of AI research, these two areas were essentially
replace humans in many civilian jobs but they also conflated with one another, and the exact boundary
wont be capable of navigating novel tactical situations, between them is still difficult to delineate (Russell and
putting a brake on the utility of military robots. While Norvig 1995). The first problem-solving program, the
campaigners urging for a ban on killer robots are General Problem Solver, was developed by Herbert
absolutely right that placing decisions about taking Simon, Allen Newell, and Cliff Shaw in the late 1950s
human lives in the hands of present-day AP systems (Newell, Shaw, and Simon 1959). As one of the first AI
would be monstrously irresponsible, right now the programs ever implemented on a physical computer, it
temptation to employ this technology remains minimal inspired more excitement than it deserved in retrospect.
because it isnt smart enough to provide a significant While it handily cracked puzzles that strained human
strategic advantage. minds, it choked on more substantial challenges because
Due in part to the immaturity of automated plan- it could not break a large problem into more digestible
ning, even the kind of autonomy essential for unarmed subtasks. In theory, the program could answer a huge
military robots remains elusive. Undersea submarine- range of problems; in practice, the exponential growth
hunting drones could remake nuclear strategy (Holmes of the search space for all but the simplest ones rendered
2016) but they wont until they can successfully form it a mere curiosity (McDermott 1976).
and actualize plans in a dynamic contested environ- To address the shortcomings of the General
ment without human assistance, and the most sophis- Problem Solver, in the 1960s AI researchers developed
ticated AP systems arent currently capable of this task. planners. These programs aimed to make larger pro-
The current shortcomings of automated planning also blems tractable by dividing them into easier subpro-
stand in the way of extreme AI doomsday scenarios blems and then combining the results. As it turned out,
after all, the superintelligences feared by some are this approach was much more practical for most real-
essentially planning systems that are so powerful as to world tasks than that employed by the General
be apocalyptically dangerous. Problem Solver.

By the end of the 1960s, planners had been incor- of solving many decidable problems. Computer scientists,
porated in the Stanford Research Institutes pioneering most prominently Richard Karp, introduced a system of
robot, Shakey. At this time, problem-solving and plan- complexity classes to describe the difficulty of computing
ning were still conflated, and Shakeys planner was these (Karp 1972).
dubbed the Stanford Research Institute Problem The unavailability of computational complexity the-
Solver Strips for short. Strips proved enormously ory had been a factor in the embarrassingly overconfi-
influential, and the logical language it used to express dent predictions of pioneering AI researchers in the
problems is still used in planning research. Reflecting 1950s and 1960s, but the discovery that many AI pro-
its shared heritage with problem-solving, Strips and blems belonged to forbiddingly difficult complexity
most planning research of its era focused exclusively classes poured cold water on hopes that human-level
on so-called classical planning that only dealt in artificial intelligence might be just a decade or two
discrete, known actions in a perfectly known, determi- away (Norvig 1992). Unfortunately, it turned out that
nistic environment (Fikes and Nilsson 1971). While even some relatively simple planning tasks fell into these
practical robots would demand some way of planning classes. This finding did not prove that artificial intelli-
under uncertainty, deterministic planning was ade- gence could never produce satisfactory plans in a rea-
quate for Shakeys carefully engineered test environ- sonable amount of time, but it called into question the
ment and was more than challenging enough for state- premise that AI would readily generate optimal, for-
of-the-art AI at the dawn of the 1970s. mally correct plans free of cognitive biases.2
For all its conceptual simplicity, however, breaking The 1990s saw considerable progress in both the
problems into smaller problems proved to be surpris- theory and implementation of planning systems. At
ingly tricky to do effectively. Early, naive approaches the beginning of that decade, researchers learned that
disregarded possible contradictions between the sub- classical planning problems could easily be converted
plans, with the result that they couldnt solve certain to satisfaction problems, which consist of queries of the
problems, even if they were trivially simple. Take, for form Does an answer satisfying this problem exist?
instance, Sussmans anomaly, which is quite literally Traditional planners such as Strips operated on the
childs play. Identified by Gerald Sussman in his MIT basis of theorem proving, which is often difficult but
doctoral dissertation, it consists of three blocks labeled seemed simpler than satisfaction problems. The intro-
A, B, and C. The goal is simple: to rearrange the blocks duction of a highly efficient algorithm for satisfaction
one at a time so that A is on top of B and B is on top of problems suddenly turned this premise on its head
C. In the initial configuration, blocks A and B sit beside (Kautz and Selman 1992). This enabled the creation
each other on a table, and C sits on top of A. The of satisfaction planners, which could sometimes solve
solution is to first move C to the table, then put B on classical planning problems much faster than their
top of C, and finally put A on top of B. predecessors.
Early planning programs failed this task because Other advances emerged from efforts to combine
they sought partial solutions such as put B on C classical planning with machine learning. While early
rather than put C on the table, which was part of planning systems had to be provided with both the set
the solution but not one of the explicit plan goals. To of available actions and a description of the environ-
overcome this problem Sussman and his adviser, ment, researchers sought to allow AP systems to learn
Marvin Minsky, created interleaving planners that these from training examples. By the mid-1990s, they
aimed to coordinate the generation of the partial solu- had demonstrated systems that could learn the type of
tions to avoid these kinds of contradictions (Sussman action models used by planners such as Strips
1975). While AI researchers demonstrated planners (Jimnez, et al. 2012).
that could overcome Sussmans anomaly by the early While even classical planning provided plenty of
1970s, the fact that it took years to surmount it is a challenges for AI researchers, in the 1980s and 1990s
symptom of just how challenging automated plan- they began to make some initial progress on planning
ning is. algorithms that better reflected the uncertainties of the
Also in the early 1970s, the maturation of computa- real world. Where classical planning assumes determi-
tional complexity theory made apparent another obstacle nistic actions and a perfectly known environment, in
to automated planning. While Alan Turing had proved actuality actions have probabilistic effects and our
that certain problems (most famously the halting pro- knowledge of the environment is necessarily imperfect.
blem) were simply undecidable (Turing 1936), when Unfortunately, planners accounting for incomplete
artificial-intelligence research began in the 1950s compu- knowledge and probabilistic effects are even more
ter science still lacked the tools to classify the complexity computationally challenging than classical planners.

Just the same, AI researchers have made some pro- their own, one of the most active areas of AI research
gress combining these techniques with machine at the moment seeks ways to overcome this limitation.
learning as well (Ghallab, Nau, and Traverso 2004). For example, despite its ability to play simpler Atari
Planning the movement of robots, meanwhile, 2600 games at a superhuman level, DeepMinds initial
requires the use of continuous spaces even if the Atari-playing deep learning system failed to play other
environment is treated as perfectly known and deter- games that demanded planning abilities.
ministic. Extensive study in the subset of AP addres- In 2016 DeepMind Technologies announced its
sing these problems, motion planning, has enabled development of differentiable neural computers that
the creation of domain-specific planners for some learn to write information to an external memory using
nontrivial problems (LaValle 2006). the same mechanism used to train the associated deep
By the end of the last century, practical applications neural network. The DeepMind researchers paper in
of AP began to appear. Perhaps the most dramatic of Nature demonstrated that this system can play several
these was NASAs incorporation of automated-plan- of the Atari 2600 games their earlier Atari-playing AI
ning software into some of its space probes, including failed at. While an extremely impressive technical
its Mars rovers. The longtime delay before transmis- result in many respects, it should be noted that the
sions from Earth reached the planet demanded that systems planning ability remained quite modest, and it
these systems have some ability to plan and carry out only played these games as well as a novice human
tasks on their own without human guidance (Estlin, player (Graves, et al. 2016).
et al. 2003). Commercial applications of AP also A different line of research that has attracted con-
emerged, but the ambitions of these tended to be siderable enthusiasm in recent months is the value
relatively modest. Some well-specified industrial activ- iteration network, which integrates a value-iteration
ities such as control of factory equipment leant them- planning algorithm into the architecture of a deep
selves well to the limitations of available AP systems neural network (Tamar, et al. 2016). Another possibi-
(Nau 2007). lity is to train deep neural networks to output the kind
of symbolic representations employed by classical
planners. While this technique remains in its absolute
Hidden potential?
infancy, and no one has demonstrated a planning sys-
At present, the limitations of automated planning act tem using it, preliminary results applying it to other
as a serious brake on what AI can accomplish. But the problems suggest it might be possible to employ it to
continuing challenge of applying AP to complex real- this end (Garnelo, Arulkumaran, and Shanahan 2016).
world problems belies the considerable theoretical pro- Techniques such as these cannot alleviate the computa-
gress that AP researchers have made over the last few tional difficulty of planning itself, but if they mature
decades. Might automated planning make the same they could make the application of existing planning
kind of spectacular breakout as reinforcement techniques to real-world problems much easier by
learning? turning messy, real-world data into planning models.
Automated planning has traditionally been asso- The impact of artificial intelligence on human affairs
ciated with the symbolic school of artificial intelli- will depend on how successful automated-planning
gence that dominated the field before the 1980s AI researchers are at making AP systems more effective.
winter. Perhaps the most important trend in contem- In a pessimistic scenario, they would fail to make any
porary artificial intelligence, however, is the emergence meaningful improvements to current approaches. As
of techniques that combine both symbolic reasoning projected advances in computing power are unlikely to
capabilities with connectionist neural networks or overcome the inefficiencies of present-day AP meth-
statistical machine learning (Domingos 2006; ods, this failure would seriously constrain the possibi-
Domingos and Lowd 2009). At present most of these lities of machine intelligence both for good and for ill.
systems remain too slow and computationally intensive A likelier outcome is one of incremental improvements
for practical applications. But if they realize their pro- in automated-planning techniques. In this scenario,
mise they may surmount the obstacles that have lim- some of the theoretical advances made by AP research-
ited real-world uses of automated planning up to this ers would translate into significant, albeit not specta-
point. cular, increases in the performance of AP systems
Deep learning and reinforcement learning could evolved from current techniques. While this could
contribute to the creation of more practical auto- enable AI to do many things it presently cant, it
mated-planning systems. While conventional deep would probably still fail to reach a human level of
neural networks are not capable of forming plans on competence in many tasks.

Automated-planning researchers increasingly useful, however, as a foundation for domain-constrained

believe that they will need to embrace a qualitatively planners. These employ the same kind of general plan-
different approach to their subject in order to make ning algorithms as domain-independent planners but
exploit additional domain-specific knowledge to search
computers plan as well as people. Traditionally, form- for a solution more efficiently. Domain-specific planners
ing plans has been treated as a distinct activity that can take this approach to the extreme by using domain knowl-
be treated separately from actualizing those plans. The edge as the basis for algorithms that find plans for a specific
poor performance of robots that try to separate plan- domain as efficiently as possible. The trade-off is a total loss
ning from acting in this way suggests that it would be of generality these programs can only solve the specific
problems they were designed to.
better to treat the two as aspects of a common whole.
More practical AI approaches to planning could
Over the past decade AP researchers have been result from improved domain-impendent planning
developing new intellectual frameworks that reconcep- algorithms, which could then serve as the basis for
tualize planning in this way, and the authors of the faster domain-constrained planners; better strategies
standard textbook on AP made their stance on this for exploiting domain knowledge in domain-
clear when they titled the updated edition Automated constrained planners; or more effective machine learn-
ing techniques for acquiring the domain knowledge
Planning and Acting. They argue that both planning
necessary for domain-constrained and domain-specific
and acting should be treated as deliberate behavior. planners. AI researchers are investigating all of these.
Defining deliberation as a reasoning process that 2. Computational complexity matters more for planning
consists in deciding which actions to undertake and than it does for some other areas of computer science.
how to perform them to achieve an objective, they This is because the types of approaches that can often
envision that AIs would need to deliberate constantly find satisfactory approximate answers for other complex
problems tend to work less well for the categories to
about both what actions to take and how to carry them which domain-general planning problems belong. The
out on the basis of uncertain, but constantly updated, way this is dealt with in AP is by using domain knowl-
knowledge (Ghallab, Nau, and Traverso 2016). Work edge to simplify computation, but in many cases we
in this area remains in its early stages, but the formal- dont know enough about the domain we want the
isms these researchers have proposed appear much planner for to do that.
more promising than either classical planning models
or reinforcement learning models for guiding the
development of sophisticated AIs. Disclosure statement
For the time being, the limitations of automated No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
planning see to it that there are certain things that
computers cant do, constraining the uses of artificial
intelligence both for good and for ill. Sixty years of
research into automated planning give us little theore- This research received no specific grant from any funding
tical or empirical reason to believe that planning is easy agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
for either humans or machines. But the spectacular
breakout of reinforcement learning demonstrates that Notes on contributor
sometimes apparently moribund areas of AI research
hold hidden potential. The ability of humans to form Edward Geist is an associate policy researcher at the RAND
and carry out plans proves that planning is possible; it Corporation.
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