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MAGNETIC LEVITATION TRAIN A Seminar Report Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement forthe award ‘of the degree of Bachelor of Technology In “ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING” By Anuj bansal (Reg. no, 12208, roll no, 1204220007) Supervisor ‘Mr. Kishan Bhushan Sahay Submitted in Department of Electrical Engineering MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY GORAKHPUR-273010 Page [10 2 magnetic material (ie. metal), a curvent is passed though this wite, In doing this, the electic cure will magnetiz: the meailic core. By wing this simple prinepk. you can create all sorts of things inchuding motors, solenoids, heads for hard disks, speakers, and so on, An ekctoungnet is one thal uses the sane type of principles as the permunert magnet but only on a temporary seal, This means that only when the cuvent is flowing is there going to be an induad magnet ‘This ype of magnet is an improvement to the permanent magnet because it allows somebody io select whem amd for how ong the magnetic fiekl bsts. It ako ges a person control over how strong the magnet will be depending on the amount of cuveut that is passed through the wire. sofron core Figure 2 Becuonmgnetic magnets 12.3 Electrodynamics _type:- ‘The ideas presented bebind superconductive magnets are the same principks that are at work in an MRL Superconductive magnets are the most common of all the ougmets, ard are sometimes called cry magnets. The idea behind the superconducting magnets is that there i a material which presents no ebetrical resistivity to eketrical current. Once a current hws been ied ito the coils of this muterial, it will indefnitely flow without requiring the input of amy additional current. ‘The way that a material is able to have such a low resistivily to curent is that it & brought w very low temperaures. The temperaures thw ae commonly funt in superconducting magnets are around -258C, This is done by immersing the coils thal ave hokling the curremt into liquid Helium, this ako helps in mmintaining a homogenous magnetic field over time. The advantage to the superconducting mgnet is that they don't require constart power fiom a source wo keep up the vale of the curem in the cols, Alhough a disalvamape & that they require an expensive cryogen such as helum to operate comectly. The nmgnetic field is in the diteetion of the long axis of the cylinder or bor of the magnet, Simee the reaistence in the coils can cause the current to decay, cryogens reduce the resistance to almost zero, which will hep mainiain a homogenous magnetic field over tine. Electromagnets on the ‘guideway tevitate the cer. Figue 3 Ekctodyramics: mognet CHAPTER?:- WORKING PRINCIPLE 2.1 Levitation Support electonmgnets buikt imo the undereaniage and along the entire length of the twain pul it up to the guide way elcuommgrets, which are called ferromagnetic reaction rails ‘The guilance magnets placed on each side of the wain keep it cemred along the wack and guide the train abng All the ebctronngnels are consoled ekctonially in 2 precise mamer b ensures the train is always kvitated af a disiance of 8 to 10 nm from the guide way even when i isn't’ moving. This Ievitation gystem is powered by on-board batteries, whici are charged up by the linear generator when the ain travel. The generstor consis of action cable windings imegrated in the kvitation electromagnets. The indwed current of the generator during deving uses the Propubion magnetic fiell's urmpnic waves, which are due to the side elfects of the grooves of the ng stator so the changiigy up process does not consume the usefll propubion mnagetic fell ‘The tain cam rely on this bat ry power for up 1 one hour without an exiernal power senree, The levitation system is independent fiom the propulsion system, Levitation Techniques ELECTRODYNAMIC ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTRACK wy ia Electromagnets on the on the cars ‘guideway levitate the car. ‘the cars. weveatn ve Figure 4: Levitation 2.2 Propulsio: ‘The synchronous long stator near moter of the Magky sysiem is used both for propulsion and braking. It is functioning like a rotating electric motor whese sialor is cut open and sietched abng under the guile way. Inside the motor windings, alternating current is generating a magnete uuveling fel which moves the vehicle withou: comet, The suppor: magnets in the vehicle function as the excitation portion (rotor) Propubion system in the guide way i activated only in the section where the vehick actually runs, The speed can be continuously regulated by varying the fiequeacy of the alternating current. If the direc of the traveling Geld is reversed, the oenior becomes a generator which breaks the vehicle without amy contact. The braking energy can be re-used and fed back into the eketical network, ‘The twee-phase winded stator generates an electromagnetic travelling ‘field and moves the tain when it is supplied with an alternating caren The ebetrommgnetic fick! fiom the support electromgnets (rotor) pull it along Th: mugnetic field dsection an speed of the stator and the rotor are synchronved. The Magev's speed can vary ftom standstill to fill operating speed by simply adjusting the fiequercy of the allematng cunvent. ‘To bring the tain to a fill stop, the divction of the taveling field is reversed. Even during braking, there n't amy mecharical contact between the stator and the rowr Instead of consuming energy, the Magev system acts as a genemior, converting the breaking eneigy imo eketrcity, which can be used ekewhere. Figure SPropulsion 2.3 Stability: Far successful kvitation and control of all 6 axes (degrees of freedor; 3 transational and 3 rotational) 4 combination of permanent magnets and ekctromagnets or dlamagnets or superconductors as well as attractive andrepubsine elds canbe used. From Barns law's theorem at ast one stable ais tiwet he present far the systert to i ul the atier axes can he stubilized using femomagnetiom. Sutic stabilay means that any small displacement uway from a stable equilbeinmn causes 42 net force to push it back to the equilriam point, ams haw’s theorem proved conclusively that iis act possible to Kevitate stably uving only static, macroscopic, paramagnetic fells, ‘The forces acting om amy paramagnetic object in any combinations of gravitational ebsctrostatic, and magneto static fields will make the objeet’s position, at best, unstable along at least one aais and it ean be unstwhle couilibriuem ang all axes, However, several possibilies sist 10 make levitation viable, for example, the use of cketronic stabilization or diamagnetic mitesals (since rebtive angnetic pesmedbiity is less than one: it ean be shown dhat diamapne tk muteriahs are suk along at kasi one axis, and can be stable along axes, Conduetors & have 1 relative permeabiliy to aernating magnets Fells of helow one, so sorme configurations using simpk AC driven eketiomagnets ave self-stable, Dynami: stability eccuis when the levitation system is able todamp out any vibratiot-like mation that may eceur. age |S Magnetic fields are comsetvatne forces andl therefore in principle have no buill-in damping, and ia practice many of the kevilution schemes are wider-danped and in some cases negatively datiped.! This ean permit vibration modes ta exist that Can cause the item to leave the stable regen jure 6 Stability 2.4 Guidance:- Ekcuonicaly convolad support magnets located on both sides along the entire lengh of the vehick pull the vehicle up to the ferromagnetic stator packs mouried tx the underside of the guide way. Guidance magnets focated on both sides along the entire length of the wehice keep the vehice titeraly on the wack, Ekctronic systems guaamee that tbe clearance retains constart (nominally 10 mm), To hover, the Maglev requires ess power than its alr conditioning equipment. The levitation system is supplied tom on-board batteries and thus independent of the propulsion system ‘The vehick i capabk of hovering up to ene hour without exterral enenyy Whit traveling, the omboanl batedes are recharged by linear genemiors inegrated into the Support neignets, ‘The Maglev hovers over a double track guide way, It can be mounled either at grade or elevated en slim columns and consists of ndividual sicel or concrete beams up to 62 m in kreth Guidance or steering refers to the sieward forces that are required to make the vehick folow the guide way, The necessary forces are supplied in an exactly anabgous fashion to tke » [16 suspension forces, eiher allmetive or repubive, The same magnets on board the vehicle, which supply il, can be wed concurrently for guidance or separate guidance mmagiets can be used ‘They use Null Flux systems, ako known as Null Cunert systems, this use a coil which is wound so that it emers wo opposing, atermating felis. When tle vehick ism the staizht ahead position, no current flows, but if it moves off-line this creates changing flux that generates a fick! that pushes it back ito line Figure 7: Guidance CHAPTER3:-EVACUATED TUBE AND ENERGY SOURCE 3.1 Evacuated Tube Some systems (notably the Swiss metro system) propose the use of Victorians—nnglev train technology wed in evacunted (aides) tubes, which removes air drag, This has the potertial w increase speed and efficiency greath, as most of the energy for comvemional mugley uains is lost to aerodynamic drag. ‘One potential risk for passengers of trains operating in evacuated tubes is tint they could be exposed to the risk of cabin depressusization unless mmel saiety monitoring systems can depressurize the tube in the ewent of 4 train malfimetion or accitent though sinee using are likely to opemte at or near the Earth's surfice, emergency restoration of ambient pressure should be straightforward. "The RAND Corporation has depicted a vacuum tube train that coukl in theory, crass the Athurtic or the USA in ~21 minutes Emergency trod Cre eee oe eer eal ty Figue 8 Evacuated ube Energy for muglev trains Is used to accelerate the tain Bnengy may be regsined when the train slows down via regenerative braking". It abo kevitales ani stabilizes the train's movement Most of the energy is needed to overcome ‘wir diag’, Some crengy is wed for ar condit Ne heating, fighting ant over miscellany. At low speeds the percentage of power (energy per time) used for levitation can be nificant consuming up to 15% more power than a subway or lpht sail server. For shout distances the energy used for acceleration might be considerble. The power ied w overcome alr drag increases with the cube of the vebety ant hen dominates at high speed. The energy needed per nile Ieteases by the sqm of the vebcity and the time decreases Iicarly.) For example, two and half times a5 much power is needed to travel at 400 kn/h than 300 Kenwh, eo | CHAPTER 4:-COMPARISON WITH CONVENTIONAL TRAIN AND AIRCRAFT NTIONAL TRAIN ‘COMPARISON WITH CO! Magkv tansport is non-contact and ebetric powered. It relies Fess or not at all on the wheel, bearings and axles common to wheeled mil systems Speed: - Magev allows higher top speeds than convemional rail but experimental wheel-bused high-speed trains have demonstrated similar speeds. Maintenance; - Maglev tains curently in operation tive demorstrated the need foc minim guide way maimennce, Vehicle mairtemaree is also minimal qbased oa hours of operation, rather than on speed or distance traveled). ‘Traditional rall i subject 1 mechunic Wear and tearthat increases exponentially with speed, also increasing mainte nance. Weather: - Magkv tains are litle affected by snow, ive, severe cold, and rain of high winds. However, they have not operated in the wide range of conditions that traditional frictom- based mil systems fave operated. Magkv vehicks secelerute and decelerate faster an mecharical systems regudkess of the sickness of the guide way or the slope of the grade became they are nomcomtact systems Track: - Magy tains are not compalible with conventional tack, ant therelire requice custom infiastructure for their ertite route, By contrast conventional high-speed uain such as the TGV are abl: to mm, albeit at reduced speeds, on existing rail infrastructure, thus reducing expemfitwe where new infiatructue woukl be particuldy expense Guch as the final approaches to city terminals), or on extensions where Uaffic does not jus:fy mew infrastructure John Harding former chief magky seiertig ot the Federal Rairoad Adminktration chimed that separate magky inastmcture more than pays foc iself wih higher kvels of all-westher operational availabilty and nominal mantenance costs, These dims have yet to be proven in am intense operational setting and donot consider the increased magew comtruction casts, Efficiency: ~ Comemional rail probably nore efficient at wer speeds. But due ts the lock of physical contact between the track and the vehicl, magkv tains experience no rling Department of Electrical Engineering MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Gorakhpur-273010 CERTIFICATE Ths S to cenfy tat the report work exited “MAGNETIC LEVITATION TRAIN" subnitied in partial fullllment of the equiement for the depee of Bachelor of Technobgy in “ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING’, is a bomfide semner work cared oul by Mr. ANUJ BANSAL under my supervision and guidance. Date: Mr. Kishan Bhushan Sabzy Flectiical Figteering epaniment MM.M.U-T, Gorakhpur Page 20 resislance, leaving only air resistance and ckectmagnetis drag, potertialy improving power efficiency, Some systems however such as the Cenural Japan Railway Company SC Magley ue rubber ties at low speeds reducing e'fiency. gains. Weight: - The ekctromagnets in many EMS and EDS designs requie between | and 2 kilbwalis per ton ‘The use of superconductor magnets can reduce the clectromagrets’ energy consumption, A $0-ton Tran’s rapid magkv vehicle can li an addiioml 20 tons, fir a total of 70 wore, which consumes 70-140 kW. Most energy we for the TRI is for propubiow and overcoming. air resistance at speeds over 100 mph, Weight loading: - High speed rail requires more support and comsuucton fir as concentrated wheel loading. Magky cars are lghter and distribute weight more event N = Because the major source of nose of a mgkew train comes fiom dispbyced air rather than ftom wheels touching rail, magkw tains produce es noise than a convemional wai at equivalent speeds. However, the psychoscoustic profile of the maglev may reduce this benefit: a study concluded that magky noise should be rated like road traffic, while conventional trains experience a 5-10dB "bonus", as they are found less amoying at the same loudness Level ‘Braking: - Braking and overtesd wire wear lave caused problens for the Fasest 360 rail Shinkansen, Magkw would eliminate these ksues, Magnet_reliabiity: -At higher temperaumes magnets may fal, New alloys und manufacturing techniques have addressed this sue Control systems: No signaling systems are needed far high-speed rail Ineesuse seh Systeme ate computer conwolld. Human operators camot react fist enough to manage high speed tains. High speed sytem require dedicated rights of way and are usally ckvated, ‘Two magky system microwave towers are in constant cortact with tmins, There is no uced for ain Whistles or horns, either: ‘Tewaim -Magks are abl to ascend higher grades, offering mote routing fexbilty and reduced tumeling 4. mparison with aircraft Differences between aiphne and magley avel Efficiency; - For magkv sysiems the lif-to-crag ratio can exceed thet of aicratt (foe exaimple Induct rack can approach 200:1 at high speed, far higher than any aireralt), This cam make mugkv more efficient per kilometer, However, ot high cruising speeds, aerodynamic drag, is much larger than li-induced drag Jets tuke advantage of kav air deewity at high altiudes 10 significantly reduce air drag. Hence despite their filto-drag ratio disadvantage, they can travel more efficiently athigh speeds than magky trains that operate at sea level Routing: - While aitcrafl ean theoretizally take any route between points, commercial ait routes are rigidly defined. Maglevs offer competiive joumey times over distances of 800 kibmeters (500 mies) or ess. Additionally, magkvs can easily serve intermediate destinations, Availability: - Maglev are litle affected by weather. Safety: ~ Maples olfer a sinificam salty margin sine magkw de not crash into other magkvs or kave their guile ways, Combustibe aivatt fuel is a signficam danger during takeoff and knding. ‘Travel time; - Maglevs do not face the extended securty protocol faced by air tavelers noc are time consumed for taxing, or fxr queving for take-off and lating. CHAPTERS:.- ECONOMICS. ‘The Shanghai magkv demonstration ine cost US$1.2 billion to buill. This total includes capital costs such as right-of-way cbering extensive pile driving, on-site guide way mmicuming, in- siu pier construction ai 25 metre intervals, a maitemnce facility and vebick yan, several switches, two stations, operations. and control sysiems, power feed system, cables and imedters, and operational taining. Ridership is not a primary focus of this demonstration line. since the Long yang Road stution & on the eastern outskins of Shanghul. Onee te ne & extended ws South Shanghai Train station and Hongqiao Airport station, sidecship was expected to cover operation and maintenance casts and generate significant net revenue. The South Shurglai exemin was ewected 1 cos approninately USSIS rnilion per kilometre. In 2006 the German government invested $125 milion in guide way cost reduction development that produced an allconcrete modubr design that & faster to buikd and is 30% less costly. Otter new construction techniques were ako devebped tha put magey at or below price parity with new high-speed rail construction, ‘The United States Federal Railroad Adminiswation, in a 2005 report to Congress, estimated cost per mike of between $50m and $100m CHAPTER6:- MERITS. AND DEMERITS. With that we come to the core issue, the pros and cons of the Maplev Train System that need to be tken into comiderstion in order to determine whether it & really feasbe when & comes to the United States, Basically, the practice tacks are already in place in differ parts of the workl: the US in no exception More imporuntly, the Magky Train System has akeady tasted suocess in various countries, inchaling Japan and China On the basis of the performance ‘of existing magleys, which inclule the ones that are in service as well as the ones which are being tasted, we were abk to come up with the follwing advantages and disad vartages of the system MERITS ‘The fivemmat advantage of magkv tains is the fact that i doesnt have moving pans as conventional trains do, ard therefove, the wear and tear of parts & minimal and that reduces the maintenance cost by a significant extent, More importantly, there is mo physical contact between. the wan and track, so there is no roll resistance, While ekcuomagnetic draz and ai tretion do. exist, that doestit hinder their ability to clck a speal in excess of 200) mpl. Absence of wheels ako comes as a boon as you don't have to deal with deafening noise that is likely to come with them Magkvs ako boast of being envirerment ttiendly, as they don't reso to intemal combustion engines. ‘These wains ae weather proof, which neans rain, snow, or severe cold don't really hamper their performance. Experis are of the epinon that these trains are fa bt safe than their comentional coumterpaits as they are equipped wih state-of the-art safety systems, which can keep things in control even when the train is cruising at a high speed. while the advanlages of Magky ‘Train System may seem quite promising in themsehes, they are not empugh to overshadow the biggest pmblem with the magi trains: the high cost incurred on the intial setup. Whik the fast conventional trains that have been introduced of kite, work ‘fine on tracks which were meant for slow trains, magey trains require an all new set up right ftom the scratch As the present raihvay nffastucture is of no use for mmglevs, i will either have to be tepkeed with the Magby System or an entirely new sot up wil have to be Page [mt created—both of which will cost a decent amount in terms of initial iwestment, Even though inexpensive as compared to EDS, i is stll expensive compared to other mades Ifthe advantages and disadvantages of these trains are pied against each other, i can he 4 bit difficult to come to a concrete conclusion Whie the high cost of intial set up is someting that a developed nation lke the United States wont have to womy about, the fact that the entie infiastructure has to be replaced with a new one will be something that will have the experts in a cateh-22 sitmtion But obviwsly, we will hie ws do away with thei disadvamapes if we are v0 imest in mage tring. If the commercial success of the Shanghai maglw tain is to be taken into consideration. these trains can be surely considered the transport system of the fru. CHAPTER7:- EXISTING MAGLEV A)-Japan has a demonswation line in Yamanashi prefecture where test ain SC Maglev MLXOL reached S81 kn/h G61 mph), slighty faster than any wheeled uaing ‘These rains use Superconducting magnets wiieh allow soe a bryer gap, and repubsive/utractive-type ek etiodynamies suspersion (EDS) In comparison Tran’s rapid uses comentional ckctromagets and allractive- type electromagnetic. suspension (EMS). On 15th November 2014, The Central Japan Raikvay Company ran eight days of testing foe the experimental magly Shirkarsen train on ies test tack in Yuramshi Preficture. One hundred passengers covered a 42.8km (27-mile) route between the cities of Lenohara and Fuefiki, teaching: speeds of up to 500 knvh (311 mph) B)- San Diega, USA General Atomics has a I2)-metre test faciity in San Diego that is used to test Union Pacific's 8 km (5.0 mi freight siute in Los Angeles. The techmbogy is "passive" (or permanent), using permancat imagiets in a halfback array for ift and requiring fo elecuomagnets for either Evitation ot piopubinn, General Atomics received US$90 milion in researeh funding Grom the federal government They are also. considering their technology for high-speed passenger services ©): Sourhwess Hao tong University. China On 31 December 2000, the first crewed high-temperature superconducting magkey was tesied successfully at Southwest Jixo tong University, Chengdu Chua, This system is based om the prine’ple that bulk high-temperature superconductors can be kevitaled stably above o1 below a permanent magnet, The load was over 530k (1.1700) and the kvittion gap over 20mm (0.79 in), The system uses Iynidd nitrogen ty cool the superemnductir PROPOSED:- 1) Australia Sydney Ilnwara A magkv rome was proposed beween Syimey and Wologong The proposal cam io prominence in the mil-1990s, ‘The Sydney-Wollongong commuler coridor & the largest in Page [26 Ausiralia, with upwards of 20,000 people commuting each day. Curent trains use the Mawarca line, between the clif face of the Hkwara escarpment and the Pacific Ovean, with tavel times about two hours, The proposal woukl cut travel times 020 minutes 2)}Mebourne- In bie 2008, a proposal was pul forward to the Government of Victoria io buikl a privately fiunded and operated mogkv line to servive the Greater Melboune metropolitan area in response to te Erdingon Transport Report that did not investigate above-ground transport options. The magkv woull service 2 populaion of over 4 milion and the pmposal was cossted at anS8 billon, However despite road congestion and Auswalia's highest road space per capita, the government dismissed the proposal in favor of road expansion inchding an AS8.S billion rowd ‘tunnel, $6 bilion extension of the East ink 10 the Westem Ring Read and a $700 millon Frankston Bypass 3) Italy- A first proposal was formalized on Apiil 2008, in Brescia, by journalst Andrew Spandau's who recommended a high speed connection between Malpensa airport to the cities of Mian, Berganmo and Brescia. On March 2011 Nicola Oliva proposed 2 magley comectin benveen Pisa arom and the cities of Prato and Florence (Sarta Maria Novella tran station and Florence Aiqvoct). ‘The baveling time would be reduced from the typical hour and a quarier io around tweety minutes. The second part of the line would be a comection to Livorno, to integrate mrtine, aerial and lerrestritl Uansport system #) United Kingdon. London ~ Glasgow: A line was proposed in the United Kinglom fom Landon io Glasgow with several route options thiough the Midlands, Noithwest ond Northeast of Erglnd It was repocied to be unter favorable consideration by the goverment The approach was rejected in the Goverment White Paper Delivering a Sustainable Ratway published oa 24 July 2007Anther high-speed link was phmed between Gksgow and Edinbursh but the technology remiined unseti ed = SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION + Maglev Transport Oflrs Many Major Benefis, Including ~ Very High Energy Efficiency, Low Cost Transport — Does Not Use Oil Helps Curb Global Warming — New U.S. Industry with Many Thowands of Jobs & Bilions of Dollars in Expors + Ist Generation Passenesr Only German and Japanese Magky Systems Too Expense -~ Steel Wheeled HSR Syaems Too Limited + 2m] Generation U.S. Maghv-2000 System Mueh Lower in Cast and Much More Capable Than Ist Generation Systems, - Can Cany High Revenue Highway Trucks, Freight Containers, & Persoml Autos — Levitated ‘Travel on Existing RR Tracks in Urban and Suburban Areas — Payback Time <5 years * 25,000 Mie National Maglev Network and Ekctrie Cars Will Eliminate Oi Imports By 2030) * U.S. Can Be World Leader in Magkey, But Must Act Now, © They consume less energy: Require mo empine, + Move fister than normal tmins because they are not affected by ground fiction their rights-of-way, meamvhile, cost about the same to build. © Tonpatible with existing rail nes, unlike wadiéonal hishqpeed call @ Initial cost is very high REFERENCES:- 1) B Ning, T. Tang H. Dong, D. Wen, D. Liu, $. Gao, and J. Wang, “An introduction to parallel contol and mmgemem for high-speed raihvay systems,” IEEE Tiars. Intell, Transp. Syst, vol 12. no. 4, pp. 1473- 1483, Dec. 2011 2) RS.He.ZD ZbongB.ALLDing Y.Yanganda.F Molisch,"Short-term fading behaviour in highspeed raiway cutting scenario: Measwemerts, analysis, and statistical models.” IEEE Trans. Antemas Propag, wol 61, no, 4, pp. 2209-2222, Apr. 2013 3) 8 Atev, G. Miler, and P. Pspanikolopoulos, “Clustering of vehicle trajectories,"IEEE Trans. Intell Transp. Syst... val. 11, no. 3, pp. 47-657, Sep. 2010. 4) bipziem wik pe dia.o rg/wiki/Ma gkey 5) ma gk v-wains: Certificate Acknowledgement Abstract List of Figure Introduction 1.1 Invoduction 1.2 Tecnobgy of Magnetic Levitation 13 Types of Magnetic Levitation 13.1 Permunent magnet type 13.2 Electromagnetic type 134 Blectudymmics ype Working Principle 21 Leviton » 2.2 Propulsion 23. Swbilty 24 Guidance . Evacuated Tube and Energy Source 3.1. Evacuated tube e 3.2 Energy source 4. Comparison with AIRCRAFT AND CONVENTIONAL TRAINS 5. Economics 6. Merits and Demerits 7. Existing Maglev System Summary and conclusion References whe pe ee Pa = & ce ae 10-11 Ww 12-14 15 16 17-18 19 20 ‘knowledgement Every pserimr big or amall is successful largely due to the effort of number of wondertil people who have akvays given their valimble advice or kmt a helping hart, I sincerely appreciate the inspiration: support and guidance of all those people who have been instrumental in mixing this prnject a succes. I wish to express sense of gralitule to my guide to Mr, Kishan Bhushen Sahay, Electrical Engineering Deparment. Madan Mohan Malaviya University of ‘Technology, Gorakigur, to give me guidance at every moment during my entire thesis and giving valuable suggestions. He gives me unfailing inspiration and whok bearted co-operation in curing out my seminar work. His continous cncowagement at cach of work and effort to push the wock through are grail acknowkdged. Tam abo very griefil to my classmates, MMMUT, Gorakhpur for their huge co-operation and valuable suggestion from time to time during my entire seminar work. I also extend my gratinode to all members of the depurtment without whose support at yanous stages this repoct will not be nuterialized. Last but not the least I wish to thanks my friends of B. Tech 6 semester and seniots who helped me directly or indirectly in the successful compktion of this work. Date: ANUJ BANSAL ABSTRACT Magnetic Leviation is a teclmolgy that has been experimemied with ixensely over the past couple decades. It wasr't urtl the st ten years when scientists began 10 develop systems tat ‘would use magnetic kvitution 4s a means of transport, This gaper outlues the methods behind magnetic levitation, as well as the teclmologies implemented using the levtatin, The implementation of a rge-scale wansportation system using magnetic kviution lus huge socal fas well as economical effecis, These aspects are looked al in a number of situations to see if the effort in producing asysiem using magnets is worth the Line and eff; Figure Ni 1 Permanent magnets Ekcromag netic magnets Electrodynamics. magnets Levitation process Propubion process: Stability process Guitance process Eyacuaied Tubes CHAPTER 1:- INTRODUCTION Some forces in this worll are almost invisible to the naked eye and mrst people throughout the world do not even know they exist. On one side you could say that some of these forces are abstract feelings inside of a human being that have been given names fiom mun, ‘These forces could be things like emotion, guit, and even ecstaty. On the other side you have sold concrete prindpes of bow the work works These too hive been given names by man but these principles are not abstract amd have solké ground in sie! These difierent principles are things tke gmvily, electvity, and magnetism ‘Magnetism has been a part of the earth since the beginning whether people sealize it or I is due to the magietism of the earth that the world spim an thus exeates things like gravity. The magnetism is created by the processes within the core of the earth, The earth's on-ore core has a natural spinning motion to i inside which crestes a natural magnetic force that is held constant over the cath, This creates magnetic fowes that turn the earth into a large bar magnet, ‘The creation of North and South poles on the eaith are due to this field, From this magnetic fick, we see things such as the aurora boreals, This is a somal electwmngnetic siorm in the aumsphere which crates a clispky fe all w see Nat only . but it also provides for us amazing applications to society. One of these applications is magnetic levitation. does magnetism provide us with amazing mcwal dpb Magnetic Kevtation uses the concept of a mmgnets natural repubion to poles of the same kind, ‘Ths repubion has been hamessed and contolled in an environment to help create 2 system of uansporation that i both economically sound and faster than mst methods of transportation at this point In 1965 th: Deparment of Commerce established the High Speed Ground ‘Transporation Act, Most early work on developing Maglev technology was develaped during this time. ‘The earliest work was camied out by the Brookhaven National Labormory, Massichusetts Insite of Techobgy, Foxl, Stanfoed Research Insthute, Robr Industries, Booing Aerospace Co, and the Garett Corporation In the United Stutes, though the work ended in 1975 with the termination of Federal Funding for high Page [8 speed ground tansporiation and research. It was af that time when the Japanese and German devebpers continued their research and therefore came out with the first test tracks. In 1990, lesidative action directed the U.S, Amy Corps of Engineers to impenert and prepare a phn for a Natioual Magky program, The Department of ‘Transporation (DOT), Department of Energy (DOE) and the Amy Comp developed ‘what & known as the Natimal Magy Iniiative which was a twe year 25 milion dolla progmm tw assess the engineering, econemic, envionmental and safety aspects of Mage. The ciealon of nugetic forees i the hask of all magnetic levitation The creation of a magnetic field can be caused by a number of things. The frst thing that it can be eaused by is a permuent magnet. These magnets are solid material in which there & an induced Nomth amd South Pok. These will be described futher a litle er. ‘The second way thet a magnetic fiekl can be created is though an electric field changing linearly with time ‘The third anf fal way create a mmynetic fell is tough the use ofdirect current. ‘There are two basic principles in dealing wth the concept of tmgnetic kvitation “The fist kaw that is applied was created by Michael Faraday. This & commonly known as Faraday’s Law ‘This will allow the direction of the magnetic field 10 be predictable and thus a set up can be created for a specific purpose iy maximize the Riree that is created 1.2:-TYPES OF MAGNETIC LEVITATION L Permanent Magnets:- ‘The first type of kvilation is the impkmeniation though permanent magnets, These magnets are made ofa material that creates a noth and a south poke on them The formal defrition of a permanent megret i “& evterial that retains its magnetic properties after and external magnetic field & removed.” The whok idea belund permanent magnets & that like ends will repel and opposite ends will attract, Permancer magnets require very litle if any muimenance. These magnets do not require cryogems or a kage power supply for operation. The magnet: fick is messwed vertically within the bore of the magnet. The main disadvantages of a permanent magnet are the cost of the magnet itve¥ when put imo large scale systems. Another disadvantage is the varying changes. in the magnetic fell, ‘The ability to confrol a constant magelic Rece from a permanent magnet is an on-going problem in the application of these types of augness, Different applications that use these types of magnets can be fount in a number of different areas, Esampks of these applications are compasses, DC motor drives, clocks, bearing aids, microphones, speedoneiets, and many more Figue 1:Permanent magnet 1.2.2 Electromagnetic _type:- ‘The basic idea behind an ebctrommet is extremely simple. By rurring electric cunent through a wire, you cun create 2 moguetic fel. When this wire is coiled around

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