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Etablissement denseignement suprieur priv reconnu par ltat - Private institute of higher education recognized by the French State

Programme Grande Ecole /

Grande Ecole program.............................. 12
Bachelor international / International BBA....... 14

Etudier ltranger / Study Abroad................. 16
MSc en franais / French MSc........................ 18
MSc/MA en anglais / Master programs........... 20
MBA international / International MBA............ 22

Executive DBA / Executive DBA..................... 24
Programmes courts / Short programs............ 26

Prsentation de lcole
La vie de lcole
Bienvenue / Welcome............................ 4 Student Life
Edito / Deans message......................... 5
Lessentiel / The essentials ................... 6
tudier Paris / I love Paris................... 7 Lentreprise / Companies................................. 30
Linternational / International................ 10 Le rseau des anciens / Alumni....................... 32
Recherche / Research..................................... 34
Le Campus / Campus..................................... 36
Le rseau Studialis / Studialis Network............ 38
Infos pratiques / Practical information.............. 39

2 3
Edito Deans message

PSB Paris School of Business students are set to

Bienvenue PSB Paris School of Business, en plein experience an exciting and decisive time in their
coeur de Paris. Disposant de nombreuses reconnais- lives. They join us with enthusiasm and dreams
sances franaises et internationales, elle runit dans which are all so similar, yet so different.
son campus cluster 3 000 tudiants de toute la plante Les tudiants qui intgrent PSB Paris School of
autour dune offre large de programmes, du post-bac Business vont y vivre une priode exaltante et "The fever of youth is what keeps the rest of the world at
au bac+5 et jusqu la formation continue. dterminante de leur existence. Ils y viennent avec a normal temperature," Georges Bernanos once wrote.
enthousiasme et des rves la fois semblables et
Notre ambition est de vous apporter bien plus que le Welcome to our business school in the heart of Paris. diffrents. Cest la fivre de la jeunesse qui maintient le reste PSB Paris School of Business mission is to
simple savoir : Acting beyond knowledge; cest ce Renowned on both a national and an international du monde la temprature normale crivait Georges nourish this creative spirit. We give our students the
qui fera votre diffrence. scale, the School offers a complete range of programs Bernanos. opportunity to live out their dreams, develop, and
from bachelor to doctorate level and brings students assert themselves while acting as responsible members
from all four corners of the globe together on an La mission de PSB Paris School of Business est of global society and contributing to the communities in
international campus. dentretenir cette fivre cratrice, de permettre ses which they live.
lves de vivre leurs rves, se construire, saffirmer
Our mission is to offer you more than just know-how, et se raliser tout en jouant pleinement leur rle de Thus, as knowledge is the bearer of responsibility,
but an education that will allow you to stand from the citoyen responsable dans leur pays aussi bien que dans PSB Paris School of Business aligns knowledge with
crowd and embody the Schools motto: "Acting beyond le village mondial. know-how and interpersonal skills. And so goes the
knowledge". school motto :
Ainsi, parce que le savoir est porteur de
responsabilits, PSB Paris School of Business se

distingue en alignant les composantes du Savoir
sur celles du Savoir-Faire et Savoir-Etre. Cest ce
quexprime notre signature :

Armand DERHY Beyond
Directeur Gnral
PSB Paris School of Business

4 5
Une large gamme
de programmes
A complete range of programs

Pierre Gataz Paris et linternational. Sur ces deux piliers, PSB Paris and abroad. It is on these two pillars that PSB
prsident du Medef Paris School of Business a bti une offre large de Paris School of Business has created a complete range
Parrain de la promotion 2014 programmes, permettant aux tudiants daborder of programs so students may confidently launch their
en toute confiance leur avenir professionnel et de professional careers whilst strengthening their skills
renforcer leurs comptences tout au long de leur throughout.
parcours professionnel.


Bilingual Programs
International Programs

The essentials BAC+8

Mission de lcole
Mission statement BAC+5
MSC MSC/MA International
La mission de PSB Paris School of Business consiste former des managers - MSc Data
- MA in Arts and Cultural Management MBA
ouverts et oprationnels et dvelopper leur savoir-tre afin de les aider agir
- MSc in Luxury & Fashion

- MSc Management Management
by Design
avec sens dans leur vie de manager-responsable.
- MSc in International Management
- MSc Entrepreneurship
for Scientists - MSc in Hospitality & Tourism
Management ABROAD
- MSc in Food and Wine Management
PSB Paris School of Business mission is to train open-minded, operational French Art de Vivre
COLE - MSc in International Finance

managers and develop their interpersonal skills so that they become BAC+3
responsible business leaders.


Parrains de promotion BAC


Accrditations et appartenance
Les parrains de PSB Paris School of Business sont des
personnalits de stature internationale dans le monde
politique et conomique. Leur soutien contribue au
Accreditations and Memberships
92 3 000 12 150
rayonnement de lcole.

professeurs PSB Paris School of Business patrons are international

permanents tudiants diplms
tenured students graduates personalities known for their work in politics and econo-
professors mics. Their support contributes to the schools excellence.

1974 1991 1998 1999 2001 2005 2009 2014 2015

Cration Reconnaissance Diplme vis par LESG MS intgre Cration du Autorisation Intgration la LESG Management School LESG Management
de lEGS MS de lcole par le Ministre de lEFMD et lAACSB Laboratoire dlivrer le Grade Confrence des intgre le Campus Cluster School devient PSB
Creation of ESG lEtat lEducation de Recherche de Master Grandes Ecoles Paris Innovation et dcroche Paris School of
ESG Management Business
Management Recognition by Nationale School joined EFMD Creation of Research Authorisation Joined the laccrditation AMBA
School Degrees officially and AACSB Laboratory to issue French "Confrence des ESG Management School ESG Management
the French State Master degrees School becomes
authorised by the Grandes Ecoles" joined the Campus Cluster Paris
French Ministry of Innovation and was awarded PSB Paris School of
Education AMBA accreditation Business

6 7
I love Paris Tremplin conomique The art of French living

Daprs une tude ralise par le magazine Forbes, With more than 80 million foreign visitors per year
la capitale franaise est la 3me ville conomique la and 35 UNESCO world heritage sites, France, and par-
PSB Paris School of Business est situe au cur de Paris, pour profiter plus influente au monde. Classe au premier rang ticularly Paris, is THE worldwide tourism destination for
de tous les avantages quoffre la ville-lumire. mondial pour lindustrie du luxe et au deuxime rang its culture and its gastronomy. Studying in Paris means
mondial pour la grande distribution, la France joue un enjoying a unique lifestyle as well as an intellectually
PSB Paris School of Business is situated in the heart of Paris, and students take rle prpondrant dans les changes commerciaux stimulating educational experience.
advantage of all the City of Light has to offer. et lconomie mondiale. Parmi les plus grandes entre-
prises du monde, on dnombre plus de 35 entreprises Carrefour de linnovation
franaises telles que lOral, Danone ou encore Airbus.
La qualit de lenseignement franais est trs largement
reconnue travers le monde. Le nombre important de
La meilleure ville tudiante du monde Au centre de lEurope Economic springboard prix Nobel, de mdailles Fields et de brevets obtenus
According to a Forbes magazine study, the French par des chercheurs franais sont autant dindicateurs
Depuis 3 ans devant Melbourne et Londres au Avec pas moins de 9 pays frontaliers, la France offre
capital is the 3rd most economically influential city in the qui dmontrent limportance de linnovation dans la re-
classement 2016 de QS Rankings, Paris est belle, un accs rapide aux principales villes europennes.
world. Ranked number one in the world in the luxury cherche et le systme ducatif franais.
cosmopolite, vivante. Il sy passe toujours quelque Ouverte aux tudiants internationaux, Paris met tout
chose, porte de mtro ! en uvre pour faciliter leur insertion dans le systme industry and second in mass distribution, France plays
ducatif. Ils bnficient des mmes droits et avantages a dominating role in the worlds trade and economy. The The crossroads of innovation
que les tudiants franais. worlds largest companies include 35 French firms such
The best student city in the world Education in France is well-known for its excellent
as LOral, Danone and Airbus.
standard around the world. The high number of Nobel
Paris has been ranked three years in a row as the
At the center of Europe Prize winners, Fields medallists and patents obtained
best student city in the world ahead of Melbourne and
London (2016 QS Rankings). Paris earnt the top spot With no less than 9 neighbouring countries, Paris Lart de vivre la franaise by French researchers are also indicators that prove
offers quick access to major European cities. It offers Avec plus de 80 millions de visiteurs trangers par the importance of innovation in the French research
thanks to the quality of life, diverse student population,
a warm welcome to students. An equal opportunity an et 35 sites classs au patrimoine mondial de and education system.
the excellent quality of education at affordable prices,
along with employer activity. Paris is beautiful, cosmo- policy is applied which enables international students to lUNESCO, la France et plus particulirement Pa-
politan and has a thriving student life; theres always so- benefit from the same rights and advantages as French ris est LA premire destination touristique mon-
mething happening, just a metro ride away! students. diale pour sa culture et sa gastronomie. Etudier
Paris, cest bnficier dun cadre de vie unique,
la fois beau et stimulant.

8 9
acadmique Business) qui regroupent les plus prestigieuses
grandes coles, universits et entreprises offrant
Academic excellence
des programmes de formation en management.
Intgr au programme dchanges europen
En dcrochant laccrditation internationale AMBA pour
son programme Grande cole, PSB Paris School of PSB Paris School of Business is not only among the top
Business entre dans le club des 1 000 grandes coles 7.5% of business schools in the world, but also one of
accrdites sur plus de 15 000 business schools re- the top 1000 management education institutions world-
censes dans le monde, ce qui la positionne parmi les wide according to the Eduniversal ranking.
7.5% des meilleures business schools dans le monde.
PSB Paris School of Business est positionne dans les AMBA accredited Grande Ecole program
1 000 meilleurs tablissements de formation en mana- A member of the EFMD (European Foundation for
gement du monde dans le classement dEduniversal. Management Development) network and the AACSB

La plus internationale
(Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
Accrdite AMBA Business) which groups together the most presti-
Membre du rseau EFMD (European Foundation gious grandes coles, universities and businesses
for Management Development) et de lAACSB offering management training programs.
des coles parisiennes (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Part of the Socrates-Erasmus program

The most international Parisian school

Vous souhaitez un programme FR/EN

Programme Grande Ecole en 5 ans, Paris ou Rennes + 1 an minimum

Pour PSB Paris School of Business, linternational est un facteur cl de russite qui se track bilingue (Grade de Master, linternational, chez lun de nos 150 parte-
accrdit AMBA) naires. Jusqu 2 ans linternational.
doit dtre ancr dans chacun des composants de ltablissement. Quil sagisse des
programmes, des mthodes denseignements, des stages, des partenariats ou des MSc Data Management Paris
alliances stratgiques, PSB Paris School of Business a pour vocation de devenir la plus MSc Management by Design Paris
internationale des coles parisiennes. En associant la puissance de son programme
Grande Ecole au savoir-faire de ses programmes internationaux, lcole se prsente MSc Entrepreneurship for Scientists Paris

comme un tablissement denseignement suprieur dattractivit mondiale.

You want to study in English
A key factor of PSB Paris School of Business success is its international
focus. It is at the core of the schools programs, teaching methods, internships, 5 year Grande Ecole program in management, Paris + 3rd year abroad at one of our
and partnerships. Our aim is to become the most international Parisian school. International Track 100% in English 150 partner universities + 1 to 2 semesters
(French State and AMBA accredited) abroad
With the notoriety and force of the Grande Ecole program, along with the
know-how of the international programs, the school is a highly attractive higher education International BBA 3 year program Paris + 1 semester abroad (optional)
institution worldwide. MSc in International Management Paris + 1 semester in China (optional)

MSc in Luxury and Fashion Management Paris in multicultural classes

MA in Arts and Cultural Management Paris in multicultural classes

MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management Paris in multicultural classes

MSc in Food and Wine Management Paris in multicultural classes

French "Art de vivre"

75 150 600 MSc in International Finance Paris in multicultural classes

nationalits universits etudiants International MBA Paris in multicultural classes

nationalities partenaires linternationnal
partner par an Executive DBA Distance learning + short seminars in Paris
universities students abroad per year
Winter and Summer short programs 2 weeks in Paris
2 week hands-on immersion In multicultural classes

Study abroad courses 1 to 2 semesters Paris in multicultural classes

for exchange students or free movers

10 11
150 universits
partenaires dans le monde entier
150 partner universities around the world



Argentina China Kuwait EUROPE Oceania
Brazil Korea Malaysia ALLEMAGNE IRLANDE rpublique AUSTRALIE
Germany Ireland tchque Australia Quelques exemples de partenaires accrdits
CANADA EMIRATS singapour A few examples of our accredited partners
ARABES UNIS Czech Republic
United Arab Austria Iceland royaume uni ZLANDE
CHILI Emirates taiwan United Kingdom New Zealand
LETTONIE Technology Sidney Royaume Uni / United
HONG KONG Croatia Latvia russIE
COLOMBIE Hong Kong Australie / Australia Kingdom
India Denmark Liechtenstein slovnie Brsil / Brazil BUSINESS
United States Core du Sud / South Korea
of America Israel Spain Norway sude Canada / Canada BI NORWEGIAN SCHOOL
Mexico Japan Finland Netherlands Etats-Unis / United States
of America
prou GRCE poloGNE
Peru Greece Poland
HONGRIE portugal
Hungary Portugal

12 13
2800 92 20 2
tudiants franais professeurs associations campus :
et internationaux permanents tudiantes Paris et Rennes
French and Permanent Student Campuses in Paris
International Faculty Societies and Rennes

Un programme
Alternance Jusqu
post-bac en
21/2 ans
5 ans
en 5e anne et
possible en 4e anne linternational
spcialisations Work/Study in 5 year
Up to 2.5 years
5-year Post (possible in 4th year)
Baccalaureat Program Majors studying abroad

Programme Grande Ecole

diplme grade de master accrdit amba / Masters Degree AMBA Accredited

an minimum Linternational
linternationl track

Lexcellence en 5 ans en 3me anne

(pour les inscriptions
100% doubles
en anglais diplmes
Grande Ecole program, Excellence in 5 years 1 year minimum
abroad during 3rd
Partner International Double

Diplme vis year (for Post-bac Track 100% in Degrees
students) English
Grade Master

PSB Paris School of Business est fire davoir obtenu laccrditation

AMBA pour son programme Grande Ecole, signe de la qualit de son
enseignement lchelle internationale. Savoir tre pour
PSB Paris School of Business is proud to have obtained AMBA accre-
ditation for its Grande Ecole program; a sign of the schools quality of
agir avec sens
teaching which is recognised wolrdwide.

Au-del du savoir et du savoir-faire qui sont la base

de toute cole de management, PSB Paris School of
Les spcialisations
Business travaille la structuration du savoir tre de

ltudiant grce des sminaires de dveloppement

personnel en partenariat avec le cours Florent, ou par le
Achats et Supply Chain, Business Consulting, Business
biais de son parcours extra-pdagogique U-Discover et

Management, Comptabilit conseil et audit, Communi-
de ses nombreuses associations.
cation et mdias, Corporate Finance, Digital Business,
Entrepreneuriat, Gestion de patrimoines, Management
classement SMBG depuis 2010 Beyond the knowledge and know-how which are the
classements Le Monde juin du luxe, Management des ressources humaines, Mana-
des meilleures coles de com- basis of any business school, PSB Paris School of
2015 et Le Parisien 2015 gement et contrle de gestion, Marketing et stratgies
merce post-Bac
des coles de commerce Business works to the structuring of knowledge being of
classements Challenge 2014, post-prpas the student through personal development seminars in
Since 2010, SMBG ranking of
best post-secondary business Le Monde 2015 et Le Parisien partnership with the Cours Florent (drama training institute) 100% in English : International Finance, International
2015 des coles de com- Le Monde June 2015 and Business.
schools or through its extra- curriculum U-Discover and its many
merce post-bac Le Parisien 2015 rankings of
best post-prepatory business associations.

Challenge 2014, Le Monde schools
2015 and Le Parisien 2015
ranking of best
post-secondary business How to apply
Accessible sur concours partir de la 1re anne
(concours Link), 3me et 4me anne (concours
Ambitions+). Procdure spcifique pour les tudiants
Cline Renault Emilie BARBETTE Specific procedure for International Students.
Charge des admissions Charge des admissions
Admission Officier Admission Officier
+33 1 53 36 44 10 +33 1 53 36 44 04

14 15

Who can apply?

All candidates must have a high school diploma (BAC,
A-levels or equivalent) and provide an English language
test score (TOEFL or IELTS) to apply. PSB Paris School
of Business welcomes applications from 1st year can-
didates and transfer students.

International BBA Beyond the degree

Paris, tremplin pour le monde

BBA graduates have an excellent track record, some
going on to pursue careers internationally whilst others
continue their studies at PSB Paris School of Business
Live in Paris, learn in English, get ready for the world ! or at other esteemed schools around the globe.
The BBA program opens the door to further studies at BBA Alumni Class of 2012
PSB Paris School of Business: Masters in London School of
Economics and Political Science
The International Bachelor of Business Vous tes bilingue anglais. Vous souhaitez and University of Southern
MSc in International Management
Administration (BBA) degree at PSB Paris commencer par suivre Paris des tudes MA in Arts & Cultural Management California
School of Business is an ideal way to sur un modle anglo-saxon, dans un MSc in Luxury & Fashion Management
become familiar with the world of business, environnement multiculturel, pour ensuite Master in Management of the French
State-recognized Grande Ecole program
while studying on an international campus vous orienter linternational. MSc Hospitality
in the worlds best student city Paris ! Le BBA International de PSB Paris MSc International Food and Wine Management
The BBA at PSB Paris School of Business
School of Business est fait pour vous. French Art de Vivre
was a great experience. I made lifelong
Dans le cadre foisonnant de Paris et de MSc in International Finance
friends and experienced global culture
notre campus, cest un tremplin pour thanks to my international colleagues and
la suite de vos tudes dans le monde professors. Looking back at my time at
entier et le starting-block dune carrire PSB, I gained valuable experience bothaca-
internationale. Flexibility and demically and professionally which certainly

hands-on learning
prepared me for my next step towards an
MBA program. On a personal level, Iex-
perienced unforgettable moments with the

Paris School of Business Student Associa-
Multicultural tion which will be cherished all of my life.
campus The PSB International BBA seeks to introduce students
in central Paris as early as possible to the real world of business,
student through:
Study tours and company visits in Paris and to a

Hands-on learning major European business center,
4 Majors
International Finance Leadership training, entrepreneurial challenges,
& Accounting, International Academic counselors and business games.
Marketing, International A very pragmatic approach in the classroom
year Management, Luxury 2 intakes: September
with a learning-by-doing philosophy.
program & January

Flexibility is key: students select their major and elec-

A semester tives according to their own personal and professional
abroad at one of our interests.
partner universities
different nationalities
Admissions officer
+33 1 55 25 61 98

16 17
Choisissez Woojin KIM
votre programme Core du Sud
Choose your program South Korea
A mon arrive en France, je ne parlais pas
un mot de franais. Grce lInternational
PSB Paris School of Business propose 3 programmes Track, jai pu suivre tous mes cours en an-
pour les tudiants internationaux. Selon que vous glais avec des professeurs qualifis et je suis
intgriez lcole dans le cadre dun partenariat avec pleinement satisfait !
votre universit ou non, vous pouvez choisir des
matires en fonction des exigences acadmiques de I came to France without knowing how
votre universit dorigine. to speak a word of French. Thanks to the
international track, Ive had every course in

Study Abroad
PSB Paris School of Business offers 3 programs for English with competent professors and Im
international study abroad students. Whether you totally satisfied!
decide to join as an exchange student or a free mover,
you can select courses according to your home univer-
sitys academic requirements.

Profitez de Paris sur un campus international

Get the most out of Paris on an international campus

Vivre Paris est une exprience unique. Y tudier ne va pas seulement ajouter de la
valeur votre CV, mais enrichit votre rseau et vous cre des souvenirs inoubliables. MASTER IN
Living in Paris is an experience of a lifetime. Studying in the City of Light will not only Programme Study Abroad BBA
add extra value to your resume but you will also extend your network. Most of all, GRANDE COLE program PROGRAM
studying abroad is an unforgettable experience during which you will create lifelong Langue Franais ou Anglais English English
memories. denseignement French or English
Language of instruction

Calendrier Septembre/Dcembre September/December September/December

acadmique Janvier/Mai January/May January/May
changes partenaires Academic calendar September/December
Exchange Student Etudiants principalement franais International students International students
DE LA CLASSE Mostly French students
Etudiants hors Tous les tudiants en change doivent tre

partenariat dchange dsigns par leur universit dorigine. Les frais de Fonctionnement
des cours
Prsence obligatoire
Participation active en classe
Attendance required
Participation expected
Attendance required
Participation expected
Free Mover scolarit doivent tre rgls auprs de leur universit
dorigine comme prcis dans le contrat de partenariat.
COURSE SPECIFICS Contrle continu et partiels en fin
de cours
Midterms & final examinations Midterms & final examinations

Renseignez vous sur le site de votre universit Attendance required

Les tudiants pour lesquels il nexiste pas de partena- dorigine pour savoir sil existe un contrat de Participation expected
partenariat avec PSB Paris School of Business. Midterms & final examinations
riat dchange entre leur universit et PSB Paris School
of Business peuvent postuler auprs de leur universit Contactez votre universit dorigine pour candidater
Dtail du programme Cursus franais : Dedicated modules: English Tracks
dorigine ou en contactant le service des admissions de en tant qutudiant en change. - Branding for Luxury Products
PROGRAM DETAILS - Bachelor 2 - 2nd year
PSB Paris School of Business. - Bachelor 3 - International Marketing - 3rd year
All exchange students must be nominated by their - Master 1 - Consumer Behavior
home university. Tuition fees must be paid to the home - Master 2 - Digital Business
Free mover applications may be completed through (2me semestre uniquement) - Fundamentals of Corporate
your home university or by directly contacting the PSB university as established in the exchange agreement.
French Tracks Finance
Paris School of Business admissions team. Refer to your home university website to see if there is - Financial Accounting
- Bachelor 2
an existing exchange agreement with PSB Paris School - Bachelor 3 - Economics of Innovation
of Business. - Master 1 - Strategic Management
Please contact your home university to apply as an ex- - Master 2 (spring only) - Business Ethics & CSR
(spring only)
change student. - Intercultural Communication
English Tracks
- Master 1 Master International - International Business
Business - French as a foreign language
- Master 2 Master International (FLE)
Business (Spring only)
- Master 1 International Finance Summer Program:
Valrie PASTUREL Luxury Brand Management
Directrice acadmique des programmes internationaux
Academic Dean for International Affairs
+33 1 53 36 44 29 Chaque module dlivre 3 6 ECTS - EACH MODULE AWARDS 3 TO 6 ECTS

18 19
au coeur des programmes
Les MSc de PSB Paris School of Business rpondent
une forte demande manant des entreprises.
La double comptence quils proposent, alliant souvent
un domaine technique et le management, est particu-
lirement apprcie. A qui sadressent
les MSc ?
Nos MSc sont gnralement raliss pour la partie
technique en partenariat avec des coles rputes
et expertes dans leurs domaines, PSB Paris School
of Business intervenant sur le volet management.
En tant que formation professionnalisante, tous les MSc - Etudiants franais et internationaux

Mastre en science MSc

sont ralisables en alternance sous diffrents formats - Professionnels en activit qui souhaitent
(CDD, CDI, contrat de professionnalisation). se spcialiser ou se reconvertir.
Ces programmes sont accessibles partir dun diplme
universitaire de niveau Master 1 ou titre drogatoire
de niveau Bac+3. Pour les tudiants internationaux, un
Une double comptence pour faire la diffrence diplme de niveau Bachelor ou quivalent est exig. La
slection des candidats seffectue sur dossier, puis sur

Le label CGE,
gage de qualit
MSc est une marque dpose par la Confrence des
Grandes Ecoles (CGE), association rassemblant des
grandes coles de management, dingnieurs et de
haut enseignement multiple ou spcifique. Ce label est
appos aux programmes rpondant aux normes de
qualit exiges et attendues.

Diplme BAC+5
18 mois en alternance
Les MSc de PSB
Labelliss CGE Paris School of Business
Double comptence
technique + management MSc Data Management :
Pour manager des projets de Big Data. Programme
co-sign par lEfrei (Ecole dingnieur gnraliste dans
Programmes administrs en les domaines de linformatique et des technologies du
Franais et Anglais numrique).

MSc Management by Design :

Pour tre le Steve Jobs de demain et insuffler linno-
vation dans lentreprise. Programme co-sign par
STRATE Ecole de Design.

MSc Entrepreneurship for Scientists :

Pour crer votre entreprise et mettre en application
industrielle vos dcouvertes scientifiques. Programme
soutenu par 4 prix Nobels.

Charge des admissions
Admission Officer
+33 1 53 82 57 47

20 21

Hands-on learning
Entrepreneurial projects, business simulations, and

Who can apply?

a business study tour are key components in each
curriculum so that you gain hands-on experience and
real business know-how.

These programs are designed for recent graduates The programs also consist of targeted seminars
who wish to pursue post-graduate studies in order to focused on leadership and management, as well as on
deepen their field of expertise and gain extra exposure career-building skills. PSB Paris School of Business
to international working environments. delivers these modules in partnership with Cours

Master programs in Paris

Florent, one of Frances leading drama training institutes.

6 programs:
French expertise for an international career
MSc in International
PSB Paris School of Business prides itself on its innovative Discover the fundamentals of International Business
teaching methods where professors and students are peers and Management with exclusive exposure to NGOs
allowing for dynamic conversation and co-working. and international organizations.

MSc in Luxury and Fashion

Choosing to do a PSB Paris School of Business Management
Master program will not only provide you with the key to a
successful career, but positively contribute to your
Home to major couture and jewelry brands, upscale Margaret Van CLEVE
hotels, luxury spas, and over 70 Michelin-starred
personal development, life skills and ability to adapt to M.Sc. In International Management
restaurants, the city of Paris becomes your classroom.
another culture thanks to the unique international study Class of 2014
experience in Paris! Marteking and social media consultant
MA in Arts and Cultural
The program is designed to prepare you to meet
the demands of the complex art and culture industry,

in the worlds artistic and cultural capital: Paris. Double

% Degree with IESA - Institut dEtudes Suprieures

des Arts.
My year at Paris School of Business taught
me much about myself and about the world
of business. Our coursework focused often
in English MSc in Food and Wine on groupwork - a vital skill to develop for the
Management workplace. I was given leadership opportu-

Multicultural French Art de Vivre nities at PSB and I improved many skills like
campus Opening October 2016
public speaking through our many presen-
in central Paris tations.
Combine learning Business with living ultimate luxury

Entrepreneurial experiences in Food and Wine in the unique place-to-
month programs

exposure learn the Art de Vivre la Franaise.

different nationalities MSc in Hospitality & Tourism
study tour
Leadership intakes:
September & January Opening October 2016
and management
seminar The program prepares you to face the challenges of
the hospitality industry in an international setting.
Blended learning
with online MSc in International Finance
and interactive
components Opening October 2016
Admissions officer Charge des admissions Admission Officer
+33 1 55 25 61 98
+33 1 53 82 57 47

22 23

Who can apply?

The International MBA Program considers applications
from individuals who have successfully completed
undergraduate studies, and who have acquired a
minimum of three years professional experience
with evidence of management. Applicants must also Ying LI
demonstrate a sufficient level of English through the Class of 2012
submission of a TOEFL or an IELTS score.
Sr. Talent Acquisition Consultant-
North China at ABB Ltd,

International MBA
Shanghai - China

Learning by doing:
Live in Paris, Learn in English, Lead the future
Business tour and projects
My PSB experience has benefited me
Real-world perspectives of the ever changing business greatly in terms of working in a multicultural
environment are enhanced by a series of excursion that environment and cross-cultural manage-
are organized throughout the year as well as a business ment. Whats more, Im happy to apply what
Home to the largest business center in continental tour to a major European business center. Not only Ive learned in class to the real fascinating
business world. Studying in PSB has been
Europe, the cosmopolitan capital of France is unde- do students meet and interact with business leaders,
but they are able to test what they have learned in the one of my best life memories.
niably the perfect city to study for your MBA degree. classroom in the context of real business situations.
Through hands-on learning, the International MBA will Innovative projects, multi-institutional entrepreneurship
challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and challenges and competitive business simulations
permit students to develop real-life problem solving and
sharpen your analytical skills. It will develop your inter- interpersonal skills.
national profile, extend your professional network, and
turn your Parisian experience into the ultimate career Students also take part in a Leadership & Manage-
ment seminar that is delivered in partnership with
boost. one of Frances leading drama training institutes:
Cours Florent.

in English

in central Paris

month programs
2 specializations:
Business simulations - International Marketing
- International Finance different nationalities
and management Small class size
Optional 6 month
Blended learning internship
Business study tour
1 intake: Fall David LUBOWA
Admissions officer
+33 1 55 25 61 98

24 25

Why choose
the Executive DBA?
The Executive DBA program broadens your professional
horizons enabling you to climb further up the corporate
ladder. For graduates, career boosting opportunities are
endless. Many go on to become faculty members of top
business schools, high level consultants, or progress to
board level roles.

Executive DBA Academic excellence

Reach for the top through academic excellence The PSB Paris School of Business Research Lab is
made up of 58 academics that generate collaborative
applied business research across a range of disciplines Natalija Riabko
and industries. Whilst research irrigates teaching Class of 2013
and enriches student learning, it in turn facilitates Agricultural Commodities Analyst
The decision to pursue a doctorate degree is one of the most important
communication and co-working with leading companies in FranceAgriMer
decisions a person can ever make in their career. The Executive DBA program carrying out their own research.
(French Ministry of Agriculture)
is a fully-fledged Doctoral degree, but contrary to the Ph.D., there is a focus on The Research Lab is the backbone of the Schools
professional experience. pedagogical excellence and notoriety among companies
and media both in France and around the world.
The Executive DBA experience challenges you to sharpen your critical and
analytical expertise. You will develop your research skills to become an expert in
your field with a proven ability to think outside of the box. The knowledge that I obtained during the
Executive DBA program has helped me a lot
today in my professional activity; I can now
better analyze commodities markets, inclu-
ding conjuncture analysis and writing market
The Executive DBA faculty are dedicated to
the success and growth of students, and
they provided me with continual support and
guidance throughout the thesis researching
and writing process.
3 year program
Who can apply ?
Applied research tailored to your
background and career goals
Managers, Executives and Consultants
Advanced students who after their MBA
Mostly distance work
(or equivalent) degree want to develop research
mixed with a few seminars and
know-how and cutting-edge knowledge in their
worksops in Paris
chosen field
Teachers of Business for the advancement of an Tailor-made coaching
aspect of applied research and a high level of supervisory support

International Faculty
of academics and leading

2 intakes
Admissions officer
December & April +33 1 55 25 61 98

26 27

Amongst our
short programs

Luxury, Lifestyle
& Marketing and Luxury

Short programs
Brand Management
Arts & Cultural What better city than Paris to experience an immersion

Paris is your classroom Management into the world of luxury ? Whilst learning about the his-
tory behind these prestige industries, you will also go
behind the scenes and experience the luxury brands,
In the heart of Europe, France is the perfect location to the lifestyle and the fashion first-hand.
Experience a two-week hands-on immersion in the Daniel Renae study the arts and culture indu try. The city of Paris is
today one of the worlds leading business and cultural
So whether you opt for the Marketing program or the
Management program, you will experience Paris at its
City of Light to discover a specific business field from Class of 2014 centers. finest. Learn about the exceptional Made in France
a different angle, whilst making new contacts in your Luxury, Lifestyle & Not only will you explore a plethora of museums which
know-how which is the key to global economic success
of French luxury goods industries!
desired industry. Fashion Brand Management house some of the most famous time-honored art
forms, but also gain valuable knowledge about the
The programs include an average of 40 contact hours economics of the art markets, and the management of
& conferences, company visits, excursions, events, creative projects in the film, theatre and performing arts
and accommodation. They award 7.5 ECTS credits industries.
and so can be undertaken as an elective as part of
Throughout the luxury brand management
your university studies.
New Finance
course at PSB Paris School of Business,
weve gone through 2 different sections: gas-

& Marketing Tools

tronomy and fashion. It hasnt been just sit-

Who can apply ?

ting in a classroom every day, in the mornings

in Digital Business
we had our courses with the lecturers, and in
the afternoon it would usually be sightseeing

Executive Program
around the city, visiting fashion designers,
If you are interested in gaining more in-depth knowledge visiting sellers where theyve made the tradi-
about a specific field, meeting new international people, tional champagnes and wines, taste testing,
and discovering the cultural delights that Paris has to getting to feel the dresses, its a real cultural
offer, do not hesitate to apply for one of the short pro- experience here. In partnership with San Ignacio College (Florida), PSB
grams! In order to complete the short programs, all can- The lecturers have been amazing, many of Paris School of Business offers executives the unique
didates are required to have a good level of written and them have had hands-on experience in the combination of study and tourism in the heart of Paris
industry working with the fashion designers and Miami.
spoken English. Your English level will be assessed du-
and event marketers which makes us to be
ring a telephone or Skype interview prior to admission Develop the skills and techniques you need to
able to learn and experience what theyre tea-
onto the program. ching us. succeed in the digital world of today. Along with company
visits to Microsoft and Dassault Systmes, you will also
discover the economics of digital business, finance and
venture capital, geopolitics of the internet and learn how
to build a strong digital presence as an executive.

2 intakes
hands-on programs credits Summer & Winter
Admissions officer
+33 1 55 25 61 98

28 29
Focus sur un Challenge professionnel
Professional Challenge

Le Wix Innovation Challenge sest droul en mai 2015

sur le Campus Cluster Paris Innovation. Organis par
PSB Paris School of Business en partenariat avec, plateforme de cration de sites internet
In May 2015, the first Wix Innovation Challenge was held
gratuits comptant plus de 70 millions dutilisateurs
at the Campus Cluster Paris Innovation. The challenge
dans le monde, il a rassembl plus de 350 tudiants
was organised by PSB Paris School of Business in
sur le campus et prs de 100 distance, provenant
collaboration with, a free website creation

de 9 institutions.
platform with more than 70 million users around the
world. It brought together more than 350 students on
Le principe : proposer un projet de produit ou
the campus and nearly 100 students working remotely
service innovant, avec un modle conomique viable,
au coeur de la formation
from 9 different institutions around the world.
et le pitcher sur le site Chaque quipe
de 5 6 personnes est coache par des enseignants
The idea: to create a project for an innovative product
Companies at the heart of our programs DVELOPPEMENT chercheurs de PSB Paris School of Business et des
or service with a feasible economic model and pitch
DE RSEAU experts de Wix.
it on the site. Each team of 5 to 6 people is
Expanding your coached by PSB Paris School of Business research
Plus de 70 projets ont t prsents cette anne.

3 000
network professors and Wix experts.
Cette exprience prfigure le campus du XXIme sicle :

12 150
multiculturel, ouvert, concret.
More than 70 projects were presented this year.
PDAGOGIE This experience is just one demonstration of the nature
entreprises partenaires INTGRE : diplms of this 21st century campus: multi-cultural, open, and
partner companies graduates
Integrated teaching:

Comits daudit
et dorientation 70
Jobs, Internships and pdagogique confrences mtiers et inter-
ventions dentreprises par an
Tmoignage dune entreprise
Work-Study avec les alumni et les
professionnels du recrutement
company conferences and
seminars per year
Company testimonial
par secteur dactivit

10 000
offres de stages
Educational guidance and audit
committees made up of alumni
and recruitment professionals.
Visites dentreprises,
participation des salons
Depuis 3 ans, le partenariat entre PSB Paris School
of Business et LCL propose chaque anne une
company visits and classe ddie dtudiants, deffectuer leur alternance Thanks to PSB Paris School of Business partnership
internships offers
participation in tradeshows chez LCL. Ce partenariat est un vritable succs d with LCL, each year students from a specific class are
Cours assurs en partie par en grande partie la qualit des enseignements de able to complete their work/study program with LCL.
des professionnels PSB Paris School of Business et limplication de ses The success of this partnership is due to the high
sur le programme Grande Ecole
et les MSc labelliss CGE
en activit tudiants. Lefficacit de cette classe se traduit dailleurs quality teaching at PSB Paris School of Business along
A number of courses delivered by des diplms des programme trs souvent par une proposition dembauche lissue with students dedication to their studies. Thanks to
Work-Study for the Grande
working professionals. Grandes Ecoles ont trouv un du cursus. their strong implication, students are often offered job
Ecole program and the CGE
emploi grce au rseau de lcoles
accredited MSc. positions with LCL at the end of their program.
Challenges of Grande Ecole graduates found a job
thanks to the schools alumni network. Thierry Mettler LCL Paris Est Directeur Rgional
plus de 80 entreprises au
tudes de cas, missions
Forum de recrutement dtudes
Parmi nos partenaires
Professional challenges, case Responsable des Relations Extrieures
Over 80 companies at the annual studies, projects. External Relations Manager
career fair +33 1 53 36 44 28
Among our partners

Taux dinsertion

88% 1,5 mois

des diplms

35 800
du programme
Grande Ecole
Employment Rate for
Grande Ecole dans les 6 mois salaire brut moyen Dlai moyen de recherche
Program within 6 months average gross salary average length of job search
30 31
tre alumni de
PSB Paris School of Business
Become a PSB Paris School of Business Alumnus

PSB Paris School

of Business Alumni Anett Domiter Maxime PAIN
MSc International Management Programme Grande Ecole
Promotion 2013 Master of International Business
Un rseau international Promotion 2015

PSB Paris School of Business Alumni, an international network

Aprs lobtention de mon diplme de PSB Jai intgr PSB en 2009 aprs lobtention

74% 25%
Paris School of Business, jai travaill pour de mon BAC ES. A lpoque, lcole sappe-

12 150 lOrganisation des Nations Unies pour le

dveloppement industriel, Vienne en Au-
triche. En tant que consultante, je suis im-
lait encore ESG MS mais jouissait dj dune
bonne rputation, notamment auprs des
diplms plique dans des projets de dveloppement Tout au long de mon parcours au sein de
cadres linternational
graduates managers agricole, principalement en Amrique Latine lcole, jai eu la chance de pouvoir tudier
et dans les Carabes, o lorganisation mne au Royaume-Uni et au Danemark ainsi que
le renforcement des capacits et la forma- de passer lintgralit de mon anne de c-
tion professionnelle des producteurs locaux. sure en Norvge.
Jai beaucoup appris sur la gestion de pro- Au final, fort de plus de 2 ans et demi
jet lors de cette exprience, mais aussi eu ltranger, 2 ans de stage et un Master Inter-

Les Missions de lassociation

la chance de dcouvrir les fonctions dune national Business, je sors de PSB avec un
organisation intergouvernementale et de contrat la cl et une bonne confiance en
lancer ma carrire linternational.
The Associations Missions lavenir.

After graduating from PSB, I started working I enrolled at PSB in 2009. The school was
for the United Nations Industrial Develop- then called ESG MS but already had a si-
Favoriser linsertion professionnelle et accl-
rer les carrires des diplms : an-
employability and career boos-
ting: graduate directory, job offers,
ment Organization in Vienna, Austria. As a
consultant here I am involved in agricultural
gnificant reputation, especially in the eyes of
nuaire des diplms, offres dem- career seminars, speed networking. development projects mostly in Latin Ameri- Throughout my time at school, I had the
ploi, sminaires carrires, speed
ca and the Caribbean, where the organiza- chance to study in the United Kingdom and
tion conducts capacity building and vocatio- also in Denmark thanks to PSBs partnership.
nal training for local producers. I learned a That led me thereafter to an amazing expe-
lot about project management in the recent rience in Norway thanks to the gap year I
Animer et le rseau des anciens travers les
Clubs (plus de 50), les commu-
the alumni network through the
Clubs (over 50), social network
years, but also had a chance to get to know took then.
dvelopper nauts sur les rseaux sociaux et communities, and events (confe-
the functions of an intergovernmental orga-
nization and find my career in international
In the end, with 2 years and a half abroad,
2 years of internships and a Master degree
Lead and develop
de multiples vnements (conf- rences, round tables, evening
rences, tables rondes, soires) gatherings). development. in International Business, I can definitely fly
with my own wings toward a bright future.

Accrotre la notorit de lcole et contri-

buer lvolution pdagogique de
the schools notoriety and contribute
to pedagogical evolution by sharing
Increase lcole par le biais dchanges dex- experiences and knowledge.
priences et de connaissances

Dlgue Gnrale Alumni PSB
Delegated Alumni Coordinator
+33 1 55 28 89 59

32 33
4 chaires transdisciplinaires

Energy Risk Management sintresse spcifique-

ment aux grands enjeux nergtiques de la plante.
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business se
propose dassocier le monde acadmique celui
des praticiens dans la qute de solutions cratives et
innovatrices en matire sociale, solidaire et durable.
New Practices for Innovation and Creativity
La chaire newPIC est spcialise dans lanalyse du
management de linnovation et de la crativit. Elle
traite de lmergence de nouvelles ides jusqu leur
appropriation par les acteurs et parties prenantes.

Son originalit est de prendre en considration
lensemble du processus jusqu la cration de valeur.
Digital Data Design (D) axe ses travaux dtude sur

applique lentreprise le management et lexploitation de linformation.

Research applied to business 4 cross-disciplinary chairs

Energy Risk Management specifically focuses on

the planets great energy stakes.
Les membres du Research Lab
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business aims
de PSB Paris School of Business
to connect the academic world to that of experts in interviennent rgulirement dans les
the search for creative and innovative solutions to mdias, presse, TV, radio...

1 4 58
social issues that are charitable and sustainable. Quelques exemples en 2015 :
New Practices for Innovation and Creativity
The New PIC Chair specializes in the analysis of Members of the Research Lab are
innovation and creativity management, from the emer- regularly featured in the media
laboratoire chaires enseignants (press, TV, radio). Here are some
chercheurs gence of new ideas to the moment they are adopted
de recherche chairs examples from 2015:
research laboratory research professors by stakeholders. Its originality lies in consideringcom-
plete processes all the way to the creation of value.
La communication sur les risques :
Digital Data Design (D) focuses its study efforts on entre diplomatie et devoir alerte
information management and exploitation. Harvard Business Review, France,
Nicolas Dufour.

Gaz de Schiste :
Dpartements ECONOMIC pourquoi lomerta en France ?
Departments La continuit assure en Arabie Saoudite
Investir, Le journal des finances, Frdric Encel.
Thmes Politiques montaires Dynamiques organisationnelles Comportements
Topics et fiscales Organisational Dynamics du consommateur Tout savoir sur le-rputation-comprendre,
Monetary and Consumer Behavior apprendre et ne (plus) trop en dpendre

Fiscal Policies
Kawa, Sylvaine Castellano et Vincent Dutot.
Performances financires Dynamiques concurrentielles Digital marketing
Financial Performance Competitive Dynamics Digital marketing
International Business

Innovation et Crativit / Innovation and Creativity

dans les mdias
articles in the media 142
contributions scientifiques
depuis Janvier 2015 et plus de 1380 depuis 2010
scientific contributions since January 2015, and more
than 1380 since 2010

34 35
Campus Cluster
Associations tudiantes :

un multi-acclrateur

Paris Innovation
Student associations:
a multi-accelerator

Facteur dintgration rapide dans lcole, les
associations ont de multiples avantages :

Vivez intensment - elles permettent aux tudiants de tous programmes

Campus Cluster Paris Innovation: Live Intensively et promotions de tisser des liens forts et durables
- elles renforcent le caractre multiculturel quapporte lcole en
associant des tudiants de tous pays
- elles donnent la possibilit de mettre en pratique les
enseignements de lcole, de monter des projets audacieux
en autonomie, et de rvler sa personnalit au sein du groupe
Inaugur en 2014, le Campus Cluster Paris - elles renforcent le CV.
Innovation se veut carrefour dinnovation en
The student associations are a great way to become part
regroupant tudiants et entreprises dans un
of the school community. There are lots of advantages:
espace conu et quip pour travailler
ensemble et penser autrement. - they allow participants to meet students from other programs
and create long-lasting friendships
Inaugurated in 2014, Campus Cluster Paris - they reinforce the multi-cultural environment of the school by
Innovation is a crossroads for innovation bringing students from different countries together
bringing students and companies together - they offer the possibility for students to put their skills into
on a campus designed and equipped for practice, develop projects and discover themselves as they
co-working and thinking outside of the box. work together in groups
- they strengthen students CVs.

3 500 3 50 500
students coles tudiants par association
schools students per association

salles de cours
incubateur Start-up innovation
incubator Start-up innovation million
de budget au total

budget in total

entreprises et start-up
runies au sein de
linnovation factory
companies and start-ups at Inno-
vation Factory Crative Lab / Fab Lab
(quips de Google glass,

20 350 000
imprimantes 3D, casque
de ralit virtuelle Oculus)

studio TV et Creative Lab / Fab Labs

1 studio radio (equipped with Google glass, de budget par association
TV studio and
1 radio studio
10 000m 2 3D printers, an Oculus virtual
reality headset)
budget per association

36 37
Infos pratiques
Practical information

Admissions Alumni Relations

Admissions Alumni Entreprises
PROGRAMME Beata Borkowska Relations
GRANDE ECOLE Dlgue Gnrale Alumni PSB
Delegated Alumni Coordinator Emilie Raulet
Cline RENAULT Responsable des
GalileoGlobal Education
Charge des admissions +33 1 55 28 89 59 Relations Extrieures
Admission officer External Relations Manager Jeanine Brami
Le premier groupe denseignement suprieur en France et en Europe +33 1 53 36 44 10 Career & Alumni Coordinator +33 1 53 36 44 28
Galileo Global Education. Emilie BARBETTE
Charge des admissions
+33 1 55 25 69 47
The leading higher education group in France and Europe. Admission officer Relations
+33 1 53 36 44 04 Internationales
Intgrer PSB Paris School of Business, cest International
faire partie du rseau Studialis Galileo Relations
Global Education. Un groupe de 47 coles MSc
Management, multimdia, web, finance, cinma, res-
de rfrence, rparties dans sept pays sources humaines, journalisme, international, marketing,
dans le monde et unies autour dun projet publicit, mtiers de la culture et du design Notre sa- Sophie BOURDENET Directrice acadmique
des programmes internationaux
commun : Transformer votre enthousiasme voir-faire est unique. Il rapproche le monde de la cration Charge des admissions
Academic Dean
en une russite professionnelle. et celui du management et favorise ainsi linnovation dans
+33 1 53 82 57 47 for International Affairs
tous les domaines.
PSB Paris School of Business is a member of the Studialis The group is dedicated to providing high-quality education and +33 1 53 36 44 29
Galileo Global Education network. The Studialis passing on unique know-how in the fields of business, manage- BBA, IMBA, DBA,
Galileo Global Education group brings together 47 higher ment, communication, web, finance, art, culture, cinema, HR, Short programs
advertising and many more!
education institutes across seven different countries
around the globe. David LUBOWA
Intgrer une cole du 1er groupe europen denseigne- admissions officer
ment suprieur, cest tre certain du niveau de qualit
de votre cole. Intgrer le plus grand rseau profession- +33 1 55 25 61 98 Campus Cluster Paris Innovation - 59 rue Nationale 75013 Paris
nel en Europe, cest vous donner toutes les chances de
devenir des acteurs comptitifs sur le march du travail
Studialis By joining a school in the leading higher education group in
Le rseau en quelques chiffres
Europe, you are deciding to give yourself the best chance of
Accs transports en commun
Galileo statistics obtaining a quality academic degree and becoming a competi-
47 coles dans le monde / 47 schools around the world tive candidate in todays global job market.
40 000 tudiants forms par an/ 40 000 students per year Access by public transport
100 000 anciens diplms / 100 000 alumni
31 campus denseignement / 31 campuses
31 titres certifis en France
280 accords internationaux / 280 international partners


77 rue Nationale


T 3a 46 rue Nationale

38 39
Campus Cluster Paris Innovation
59 rue Nationale 75013 Paris

Etablissement denseignement suprieur

technique priv reconnu par lEtat.

10/15 - 5M - SAS ESGCV - ESGMS - SIREN 752 535 476

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