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ABSTRACT ofintellectualpropertythatcanbeeasilyacquired
Network security has become more important to
personal computer users, organizations, and the There are currently two fundamentally different
military. With the advent of the internet, security networks,datanetworksandsynchronousnetwork
becameamajorconcernandthehistoryofsecurity comprisedofswitches.Theinternetisconsidereda
allowsabetterunderstandingoftheemergenceof data network. Since the current data network
security technology. The internet structure itself consists of computerbased routers, information
allowed for many security threats to occur. The can be obtained by special programs, such as
architecture of the internet, when modified can Trojan horses, planted in the routers. The
reducethepossibleattacksthatcanbesentacross synchronous network that consists of switches
the network. Knowing the attack methods, allows does not buffer data and therefore are not
for the appropriate security to emerge. Many threatened by attackers. That is why security is
businessessecurethemselvesfromtheinternetby emphasizedindatanetworks,suchastheinternet,
means of firewalls and encryption mechanisms. andothernetworksthatlinktotheinternet.
The businesses create an intranet to remain
connected to the internet but secured from The vast topic of network security is analyzed by
possiblethreats. researchingthefollowing:

Theentirefieldofnetworksecurityisvastandinan 1. Historyofsecurityinnetworks
evolutionary stage. The range of study 2. Internet architecture and vulnerable
encompasses a brief history dating back to securityaspectsoftheInternet
internetsbeginningsandthecurrentdevelopment 3. Types of internet attacks and security
in network security. In order to understand the methods
research being performed today, background 4. Securityfornetworkswithinternetaccess
knowledgeoftheinternet,itsvulnerabilities,attack 5. Current development in network security
methods through the internet, and security hardwareandsoftware
technology is important and therefore they are
reviewed. Based on this research, the future of network
security is forecasted. New trends that are
INTRODUCTION emerging will also be considered to understand
The world is becoming more interconnected with
the advent of the Internet and new networking
technology. There is a large amount of personal, 1. NetworkSecurity
onnetworkinginfrastructuresworldwide.Network Systemandnetworktechnologyisakeytechnology
security is becoming of great importance because forawidevarietyofapplications.Securityiscrucial

to networks and applications. Although, network 4. Integrity Ensure the message has not
security is a critical requirement in emerging beenmodifiedintransit
networks, there is a significant lack of security 5. NonrepudiationEnsuretheuserdoesnot
methodsthatcanbeeasilyimplemented. refutethatheusedthenetwork

There exists a communication gap between the An effective network security plan is developed
developers of security technology and developers withtheunderstandingofsecurityissues,potential
of networks. Network design is a welldeveloped attackers,neededlevelofsecurity,andfactorsthat
process that is based on the Open Systems makeanetworkvulnerabletoattack[1].Thesteps
Interface (OSI) model. The OSI model has several involved in understanding the composition of a
advantages when designing networks. It offers secure network, internet or otherwise, is followed
modularity, flexibility, easeofuse, and throughoutthisresearchendeavor.
standardization of protocols. The protocols of
different layers can be easily combined to create To lessen the vulnerability of the computer to the
stacks which allow modular development. The networktherearemanyproductsavailable.These
implementationofindividuallayerscanbechanged tools are encryption, authentication mechanisms,
later without making other adjustments, allowing intrusiondetection, security management and
flexibility in development. In contrast to network firewalls. Businesses throughout the world are
design, secure network design is not a well using a combination of some of these tools.
developed process. There isnt a methodology to Intranetsarebothconnectedtotheinternetand
manage the complexity of security requirements. reasonably protected from it. The internet
Secure network design does not contain the same architecture itself leads to vulnerabilities in the
advantagesasnetworkdesign. network. Understanding the security issues of the
internet greatly assists in developing new security
When considering network security, it must be technologies and approaches for networks with
emphasized that the whole network is secure. internetaccessandinternetsecurityitself.
Network security does not only concern the
security in the computers at each end of the The types of attacks through the internet need to
communicationchain.Whentransmittingdatathe also be studied to be able to detect and guard
communication channel should not be vulnerable against them. Intrusion detection systems are
to attack. A possible hacker could target the established based on the types of attacks most
communicationchannel,obtainthedata,decryptit commonly used. Network intrusions consist of
andreinsertafalsemessage.Securingthenetwork packetsthatareintroducedtocauseproblemsfor
isjustasimportantassecuringthecomputersand thefollowingreasons:
When developing a secure network, the following To interfere with any system resources
needtobeconsidered[1]: intendedfunction
To gain system knowledge that can be
1. Accessauthorizedusersareprovidedthe exploitedinlaterattacks
means to communicate to and from a
particularnetwork The last reason for a network intrusion is most
2. ConfidentialityInformationinthenetwork commonlyguardedagainstandconsideredbymost
remainsprivate as the only intrusion motive. The other reasons
3. Authentication Ensure the users of the mentionedneedtobethwartedaswell.

Typical security currently exists on the computers
connected to the network. Security protocols The relationship of network security and data
sometimesusually appearas partof a single layer security to the OSI model is shown in Figure 1. It
oftheOSInetworkreferencemodel.Currentwork can be seen that the cryptography occurs at the
is being performed in using a layered approach to applicationlayer;thereforetheapplicationwriters
secure network design. The layers of the security are aware of its existence. The user can possibly
model correspond to the OSI model layers. This choose different methods of data security.
security approach leads to an effective and Network security is mostly contained within the
efficient design which circumvents some of the physical layer. Layers above the physical layer are
commonsecurityproblems. also used to accomplish the network security
required [2]. Authentication is performed on a
2. DifferentiatingDataSecurityand layerabovethephysicallayer.Networksecurityin
detection mechanisms, and intelligent


clients data to be transformed into unintelligible

data for transmission. Even if this unintelligible
dataisintercepted,akeyisneededtodecodethe HISTORYOFNETWORKSECURITY
message. This method of security is effective to a
certaindegree.Strongcryptographyinthepastcan Recentinterestinsecuritywasfueledbythecrime
be easily broken today. Cryptographic methods committed by Kevin Mitnick. Kevin Mitnick
have to continue to advance due to the committed the largest computerrelated crime in
advancementofthehackersaswell. U.S. history [3]. The losses were eighty million
When transferring ciphertext over a network, it is from a variety of companies [3]. Since then,
helpfultohaveasecurenetwork.Thiswillallowfor informationsecuritycameintothespotlight.
the ciphertext to be protected, so that it is less
likely for many people to even attempt to break Public networks are being relied upon to deliver
the code. A secure network will also prevent financial and personal information. Due to the
someone from inserting unauthorized messages evolution of information that is made available
into the network. Therefore, hard ciphers are through the internet, information security is also
neededaswellasattackhardnetworks[2]. requiredtoevolve.DuetoKevinMitnicksoffense,
companies are emphasizing security for the
intellectual property. Internet has been a driving

to secure themselves. Within the TCP/IP
communication stack, security protocols are not
implemented. This leaves the internet open to
attacks. Modern developments in the internet
architecture have made communication more


1. BriefHistoryofInternet 2. SecurityTimeline

The birth of the interne takes place in 1969 when Several key events contributed to the birth and
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network evolution of computer and network security. The
(ARPANet) is commissioned by the department of timelinecanbestartedasfarbackasthe1930s.
Polish cryptographers created an enigma machine
TheARPANETisasuccessfromtheverybeginning. in 1918 that converted plain messages to
Although originally designed to allow scientists to encrypted text. In 1930, Alan Turing, a brilliant
share data and access remote computers, email mathematician broke the code for the Enigma.
quicklybecomesthemostpopularapplication.The Securing communications was essential in World
ARPANETbecomesahighspeeddigitalpost office WarII.
and discuss topics of various interests. The In the 1960s, the term hacker is coined by a
InterNetworking Working Group becomes the first couple of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
of several standardssetting entities to govern the (MIT)students.TheDepartmentofDefensebegan
growing network [10]. Vinton Cerf is elected the the ARPANet, which gains popularity as a conduit
first chairman of the INWG, and later becomes for the electronic exchange of data and
knownasa"FatheroftheInternet."[10] information[3].Thispavesthewayforthecreation
In the 1980s, Bob Kahn and Vinton Cerf are key During the 1970s, the Telnet protocol was
members of a team that create TCP/IP, the developed.Thisopenedthedoorforpublicuseof
common language of all Internet computers. For data networks that were originally restricted to
the first time the loose collection of networks governmentcontractorsandacademicresearchers
which made up the ARPANET is seen as an [3].
born. The mid80s marks a boom in the personal During the 1980s, the hackers and crimes relating
computer and superminicomputer industries. The to computers were beginning to emerge. The 414
combinationofinexpensivedesktopmachinesand gang are raided by authorities after a nineday
powerful, networkready servers allows many cracking spree where they break into topsecret
companies to join the Internet for the first time. systems. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of
Corporations begin to use the Internet to 1986wascreatedbecauseofIanMurphyscrimeof
communicate with each other and with their stealing information from military computers. A
customers. graduatestudent,RobertMorris,wasconvictedfor
unleashing the Morris Worm to over 6,000
In the 1990s, the internet began to become vulnerable computers connected to the Internet.
available to the public. The World Wide Web was Based on concerns that the Morris Worm ordeal
born. Netscape and Microsoft were both could be replicated, the Computer Emergency
competing on developing a browser for the Response Team (CERT) was created to alert
internet. Internet continues to grow and surfing computerusersofnetworksecurityissues.
the internet has become equivalent to TV viewing
formanyusers. In the 1990s, Internet became public and the
security concerns increased tremendously.
today worldwide [3]. On any day, there are
approximately 225 major incidences of a security

breach [3]. These security breaches could also The security architecture of the internet protocol,
result in monetary losses of a large degree. known as IP Security, is a standardization of
Investment in proper security should be a priority internetsecurity.IPsecurity,IPsec,coversthenew
forlargeorganizationsaswellascommonusers. generation of IP (IPv6) as well as the current
version (IPv4). Although new techniques, such as
INTERNETARCHITECTUREAND IPsec,havebeendevelopedtoovercomeinternets
bestknown deficiencies, they seem to be
insufficient [5]. Figure 2 shows a visual
representation of how IPsec is implemented to
FearofsecuritybreachesontheInternetiscausing providesecurecommunications.
intranets [4]. The Internet Engineering Task Force IPSec is a pointtopoint protocol, one side
(IETF) has introduced security mechanisms at encrypts, the other decrypts and both sides share
various layers of the Internet Protocol Suite [4]. key or keys. IPSec can be used in two modes,
These security mechanisms allow for the logical namelytransportmodeandtunnelmodes.


The current version and new version of the 1. IPv4andIPv6Architectures
Internet Protocol are analyzed to determine the

security implications. Although security may exist
IPv4 was design in 1980 to replace the NCP
within the protocol, certain attacks cannot be
guarded against. These attacks are analyzed to
was designed with IPv4s shortcomings in mind.



Theinternetprotocolsdesignissovastandcannot configuration hassles for the user but not the
becoveredfully.Themainpartsofthearchitecture networksadministrators.
The lack of embedded security within the IPv4
1.1IPv4Architecture protocol has led to the many attacks seen today.
The protocol contains a couple aspects which norequirementsfortheiruse[6].IPsecisaspecific
caused problems with its use. These problems do mechanism used to secure the protocol. IPsec
not all relate to security. They are mentioned to secures the packet payloads by means of
gain a comprehensive understanding of the cryptography. IPsec provides the services of
internetprotocolanditsshortcomings.Thecauses confidentiality, integrity, and authentication [6].
ofproblemswiththeprotocolare: This form of protection does not account for the
skilled hacker who may be able to break the
1. AddressSpace encryptionmethodandobtainthekey.
2. Routing
3. Configuration When internet was created, the quality of service
4. Security (QoS) was standardized according to the
5. QualityofService information that was transferred across the
network. The original transfer of information was
TheIPv4architecturehasanaddressthatis32bits mostly textbased. As the internet expanded and
wide [6]. This limits the maximum number of technologyevolved,otherformsofcommunication
computers that can be connected to the internet. began to be transmitted across the internet. The
The32bitaddressprovidesforamaximumoftwo quality of service for streaming videos and music
billionscomputerstobeconnectedtotheinternet. are much different than the standard text. The
The problem of exceeding that number was not protocol does not have the functionality of
foreseenwhentheprotocolwascreated.Thesmall dynamic QoS that changes based on the type of
addressspaceoftheIPv4facilitatesmaliciouscode databeingcommunicated[6].
routingtablesareconstantlyincreasinginsize.The When IPv6 was being developed, emphasis was
maximum theoretical size of the global routing placedonaspectsoftheIPv4protocolthatneeded
tables was 2.1 million entries [6]. Methods have to be improved. The development efforts were
been adopted to reduce the number of entries in placedinthefollowingareas:
of time, but drastic change needs to be made to 1. Routingandaddressing
addressthisproblem. 2. Multiprotocolarchitecture
3. Securityarchitecture
TheTCP/IPbasednetworkingofIPv4requiresthat 4. Trafficcontrol
network. Some of the information required is the TheIPv6protocolsaddressspacewasextendedby
IPaddress,routinggatewayaddress,subnetmask, supporting 128 bit addresses. With 128 bit
and DNS server. The simplicity of configuring the addresses, the protocol can support up to
network is not evident in the IPv4 protocol. The 3.4 10 ^38machines.Theaddressbitsareused
user can request appropriate network lessefficientlyinthisprotocolbecauseitsimplifies
configuration from a central server [6]. This eases addressingconfiguration.

The IPv6 routing system is more efficient and
enables smaller global routing tables. The host
configuration is also simplified. Hosts can
automatically configure themselves. This new

great interest. IPsec is embedded within the IPv6
protocol. IPsec functionality is the same for IPv4


From a highlevel view, the major benefits of IPv6

are its scalability and increased security. IPv6 also
offers other interesting features that are beyond Common attack methods and the security
thescopeofthispaper. technology will be briefly discussed. Not all of the
methods in the table above are discussed. The
It must be emphasized that after researching IPv6 current technology for dealing with attacks is
anditssecurityfeatures,itisnotnecessarilymore understood in order to comprehend the current
secure than IPv4. The approach to security is only research developments in security hardware and
slightlybetter,notaradicalimprovement. software.

2. AttacksthroughtheCurrentInternet 2.1 CommonInternetAttackMethods

Common internet attacks methods are broken

down into categories. Some attacks gain system

There are four main computer security attributes.
knowledge or personal information, such as
eavesdropping and phishing. Attacks can also
form, but are restated for convenience and
emphasis. These security attributes are
as viruses, worms and trojans. The other form of
attack is when the systems resources are

Confidentiality and integrity still hold to the same
of service (DoS) attack. Other forms of network
definition. Availability means the computer assets
intrusions also exist, such as land attacks, smurf
attacks, and teardrop attacks. These attacks are
the right to protect personal secrets [8]. Various
not as well known as DoS attacks, but they are
attack methods relate to these four security
used in some form or another even if they arent
attributes. Table 1 shows the attack methods and


2.1.1 Eavesdropping personaldata,suchascreditcardnumbers,online
banking credentials, and other sensitive
Interception of communications by an information.
eavesdropping is when the person only secretly 2.1.6 IPSpoofingAttacks
listens to the networked messages. On the other
hand, active eavesdropping is when the intruder Spoofing means to have the address of the
listens and inserts something into the computermirrortheaddressofatrustedcomputer
communication stream. This can lead to the in order to gain access to other computers. The
messages being distorted. Sensitive information identity of the intruder is hidden by different
canbestolenthisway[8]. means making detection and prevention difficult.
With the current IP protocol technology, IP
2.1.2 Viruses spoofedpacketscannotbeeliminated[8].

Viruses are selfreplication programs that use files 2.1.7 DenialofService

theviruswillactivatewithinthesystem. Denial of Service is an attack when the system
receiving too many requests cannot return
communication with the requestors [9]. The
2.1.3 Worms system then consumes resources waiting for the
handshake to complete. Eventually, the system
Awormissimilartoavirusbecausetheybothare cannot respond to any more requests rendering it
selfreplicating, but the worm does not require a withoutservice.
2.2 TechnologyforInternetSecurity
means to infect other computers. Networkaware Internetthreatswillcontinuetobeamajorissuein
worms are a major problem for the Internet. A the global world as long as information is
networkawarewormselectsatargetandoncethe accessible and transferred across the Internet.
worm accesses the target host, it can infect it by Differentdefenseanddetectionmechanismswere
meansofaTrojanorotherwise. developedtodealwiththeseattacks.

2.1.4 Trojans 2.2.1 Cryptographicsystems

Trojansappeartobebenignprogramstotheuser, Cryptography is a useful and widely used tool in
but will actually have some malicious purpose. security engineering today. It involved the use of
Trojansusuallycarrysomepayloadsuchasavirus codes and ciphers to transform information into
[8]. unintelligibledata.

2.1.5 Phishing 2.2.2 Firewall

Phishing is an attempt to obtain confidential Afirewallisatypicalbordercontrolmechanismor
information from an individual, group, or perimeter defense. The purpose of a firewall is to
organization[9].Phisherstrickusersintodisclosing block traffic from the outside, but it could also be


used to block traffic from the inside. A firewall is areas of the IPv6 protocol still pose a potential
the front line defense mechanism against securityissue.
intruders. It is a system designed to prevent
unauthorizedaccesstoorfromaprivatenetwork. Thenewinternetprotocoldoesnotprotectagainst
Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware misconfigured servers, poorly designed
andsoftware,oracombinationofboth[8]. applications,orpoorlyprotectedsites.

2.2.3 IntrusionDetectionSystems Thepossiblesecurityproblemsemergeduetothe
protection measure that helps ward off computer 1. Headermanipulationissues
intrusions. IDS systems can be software and 2. Floodingissues
hardware devices used to detect an attack. IDS 3. Mobilityissues
products are used to monitor connection in
determining whether attacks are been launched. HeadermanipulationissuesariseduetotheIPsecs
Some IDS systems just monitor and alert of an embedded functionality [7]. Extension headers
attack,whereasotherstrytoblocktheattack. detersomecommonsourcesofattacksbecauseof
header manipulation. The problem is that
extension headers need to be processed by all
2.2.4 AntiMalwareSoftwareandscanners stacks, and this can lead to a long chain of
extension headers. The large number of extension
Viruses,wormsandTrojanhorsesareallexamples headers can overwhelm a certain node and is a
ofmalicioussoftware,orMalwareforshort.Special formofattackifitisdeliberate.Spoofingcontinues
socalled antiMalware tools are used to detect tobeasecuritythreatonIPv6protocol.
2.2.5 SecureSocketLayer(SSL) whole section of a network is scanned to find
potential targets with open services [5]. The
TheSecureSocketLayer(SSL)isasuiteofprotocols addressspaceoftheIPv6protocolislargebutthe
that is a standard way to achieve a good level of protocol is still not invulnerable to this type of
securitybetweenawebbrowserandawebsite.SSL attack.
is designed to create a secure channel, or tunnel,
between a web browser and the web server, so Mobilityisanewfeaturethatisincorporatedinto
thatanyinformationexchangedisprotectedwithin the internet protocol IPv6. The feature requires
thesecuredtunnel.SSLprovidesauthenticationof special security measures. Network administrators
clients to server through the use of certificates. need to be aware of these security needs when
Clientspresentacertificatetotheservertoprove usingIPv6smobilityfeature.
3. SecurityIssuesofIPProtocolIPv6
Fromasecuritypointofview,IPv6isaconsiderable encryption, and authentication mechanisms to
advancement over the IPv4 internet protocol. create intranets that are connected to the
Despite the IPv6s great security mechanisms, it internetbutprotectedfromitatthesametime.
still continues to be vulnerable to threats. Some


Intranet is a private computer network that uses employee.Figure3isagraphicalrepresentationof
internet protocols. Intranets differ from anorganizationandVPNnetwork.
"Extranets" in that the former are generally
restricted to employees of the organization while

There does not necessarily have to be any access

from the organization's internal network to the
Internet itself. When such access is provided it is
usually through a gateway with a firewall, along
with user authentication, encryption of messages,
and often makes use of virtual private networks

Although intranets can be set up quickly to share

data in a controlled environment, that data is still headquartersofacompany,otherLANsatremoteofficesor
at risk unless there is tight security. The facilitiesandindividualusersconnectingfromoutinthefield.[14]
Intranets have a place within agencies. But for CURRENTDEVELOPMENTSINNETWORK
broader data sharing, it might be better to keep SECURITY
The network security field is continuing down the
1. Firewalls that detect and report intrusion same route. The same methodologies are being
attempts used with the addition of biometric identification.
2. Sophisticatedviruscheckingatthefirewall Biometrics provides a better method of
3. Enforced rules for employee opening of e authentication than passwords. This might greatly
mailattachments reducetheunauthorizedaccessofsecuresystems.
4. Encryption for all connections and data Newtechnologysuchasthesmartcardissurfacing
transfers in research on network security. The software
5. Authentication by synchronized, timed aspect of network security is very dynamic.
passwordsorsecuritycertificates Constantly new firewalls and encryption schemes
to the internet, virtual private networks are often The research being performed assists in
used.Intranetsthatexistacrossmultiplelocations understandingcurrentdevelopmentandprojecting
generallyrunoverseparateleasedlinesoranewer thefuturedevelopmentsofthefield.
approach of VPN can be utilized. VPN is a private
network that uses a public network (usually the 1. HardwareDevelopments

Hardware developments are not developing
such as leased line, a VPN uses "virtual"
connections routed through the Internet from the
only new hardware technologies that are widely
company's private network to the remote site or


The most obvious use of biometrics for network provideundeniableproofofausersidentity.Smart
security is for secure workstation logons for a cardscanbeusedforeverythingfromlogginginto
workstation connected to a network. Each the network to providing secure Web
workstation requires some software support for communicationsandsecureemailtransactions.
biometric identification of the user as well as,
depending on the biometric being used, some It may seem that smart cards are nothing more
hardware device. The cost of hardware devices is thanarepositoryforstoringpasswords.Obviously,
one thing that may lead to the widespread use of someone can easily steal a smart card from
voice biometric security identification, especially someone else. Fortunately, there are safety
among companies and organizations on a low featuresbuiltintosmartcardstopreventsomeone
budget. Hardware device such as computer mice from using a stolen card. Smart cards require
withbuiltinthumbprintreaderswouldbethenext anyone who is using them to enter a personal
stepup.Thesedeviceswouldbemoreexpensiveto identification number (PIN) before theyll be
implementonseveralcomputers,aseachmachine granted any level of access into the system. The
would require its own hardware device. A PINissimilartothePINusedbyATMmachines.
available from around $120 in the U.S. The When a user inserts the smart card into the card
advantage of voice recognition software is that it reader,thesmartcardpromptstheuserforaPIN.
can be centralized, thus reducing the cost of This PIN was assigned to the user by the
implementationpermachine.Attopoftherangea administratoratthetimetheadministratorissued
centralizedvoicebiometricpackagecancostupto thecardtotheuser.BecausethePINisshortand
$50,000butmaybeabletomanagethesecurelog purely numeric, the user should have no trouble
inofupto5000machines. rememberingitandthereforewouldbeunlikelyto
to replace the current password system. Buttheinterestingthingiswhathappenswhenthe
Maintainingpasswordsecuritycanbeamajortask userinputsthePIN.ThePINisverifiedfrominside
for even a small organization. Passwords have to the smart card. Because the PIN is never
be changed every few months and people forget transmittedacrossthenetwork,theresabsolutely
their password or lock themselves out of the no danger of it being intercepted. The main
system by incorrectly entering their password benefit, though, is that the PIN is useless without
repeatedly.Veryoftenpeoplewritetheirpassword the smart card, and the smart card is useless
down and keep it near their computer. This is of withoutthePIN.
course completely undermines any effort at
network security. Biometrics can replace this There are other security issues of the smart card.
security identification method. The use of The smart card is costeffective but not as secure
biometric identification stops this problem and asthebiometricidentificationdevices.
while it may be expensive to set up at first, these
devicessaveonadministrationanduserassistance 2. SoftwareDevelopments
The software aspect of network security is very
Smart cards are usually a creditcardsized digital vast. It includes firewalls, antivirus, vpn, intrusion
electronic media. The card itself is designed to detection, and much more. The research
store encryption keys and other information used developmentofallsecuritysoftwareisnotfeasible
in authentication and other identification tostudyatthispoint.Thegoalistoobtainaview
processes. The main idea behind smart cards is to

ofwherethesecuritysoftwareisheadingbasedon CONCLUSION
Network security is an important field that is
The improvement of the standard security increasingly gaining attention as the internet
softwarestillremainsthesame.Whennewviruses expands.Thesecuritythreatsandinternetprotocol
emerge, the antivirus is updated to be able to wereanalyzedtodeterminethenecessarysecurity
guard against those threats. This process is the technology. The security technology is mostly
sameforfirewallsandintrusiondetectionsystems. software based, but many common hardware
Many research papers that have been skimmed devices are used. The current development in
werebasedonanalyzingattackpatternsinorderto networksecurityisnotveryimpressive.
Asthesecurityhardwaretransitionstobiometrics, of the network security field, new approaches to
the software also needs to be able to use the security, both hardware and software, would be
information appropriately. Current research is activelyresearched.Itwasasurprisetoseemostof
beingperformedonsecuritysoftwareusingneural the development taking place in the same
networks. The objective of the research is to use technologies being currently used. The embedded
neuralnetworksforthefacialrecognitionsoftware. security of the new internet protocol IPv6 may
provide many benefits to internet users. Although
Manysmallandcomplexdevicescanbeconnected some security issues were observed, the IPv6
to the internet. Most of the current security internet protocol seems to evade many of the
algorithmsarecomputationalintensiveandrequire currentpopularattacks.CombineduseofIPv6and
substantial processing power. This power, securitytoolssuchasfirewalls,intrusiondetection,
however, is not available in small devices like andauthenticationmechanismswillproveeffective
sensors. Therefore, there is a need for designing in guarding intellectual property for the near
lightweight security algorithms. Research in this future. The network security field may have to
areaiscurrentlybeingperformed. evolvemorerapidlytodealwiththethreatsfurther
What is going to drive the Internet security is the
set of applications more than anything else. The [1]Dowd,P.W.;McHenry,J.T.,"Networksecurity:it's
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