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Christ the Antidote regarding Death


Part 16.
For centuries man has made reference to the elixir of life but really he has been searching in many ways &
means for none other than the Resurrected Christ e!erience. According to the ins!ired scri!ture" as
forerunners" two at least that we know of ha#e attained to this in type, we are referring of course to $noch &
$li%ah. &s this search really so strange' (ecause of a dee! innate desire which is 'God given' in e#ery man )
- the kingdom of God is within you, - man has desired to *now the true reality of himself & his Creator & &
say to all today" who are reading this essay that man is now on the cus! of not only *nowing" but actually
becoming" - for the becoming is in the realising - what +od has graciously !lanned for those who would truly
see* ,im" & also he is now on the #erge of manifesting the greatest e!erience that man has to date
undergone. -hat is this e!erience that we are referring to'
&n ,eb. ./ 6011. ''It has been solemnly earnestly sai in a !ertain "la!e, WHAT I# $AN that You are
min%ul o% him, or the son o% man that You &ra!iously ' hel"%ully !are %or ' (isit ' loo) a%ter him* +* ,or
some little time You ha(e ran)e him lower ' in%erior to the an&els- You ha(e !rowne him with &lory '
honour ' set him o(er the wor)s o% Your hans* .* ,or you ha(e "ut e(erythin& in sub/e!tion uner his
%eet* Now in "uttin& e(erythin& in sub/e!tion to man, He le%t nothin& outsie 0o% man's1 !ontrol* 2ut at
"resent we o not yet see all thin&s sub/e!te to him 0man1* 3* 2ut we are able to see 4esus, Who was
ran)e lower than the an&els %or a little while, !rowne with &lory ' honour be!ause o% His ha(in&
su%%ere eath, in orer that by the &ra!e 5unmerite %a(our6 o% 7o He mi&ht e8"erien!e eath %or e(ery
ini(iual "erson* 9:* ,or it was an a!t worthy 0o% 7o1 ' %ittin& 0to the i(ine nature1 that He, %or whose
sa)e ' by Whom all thin&s ha(e their e8isten!e, in brin&in& many sons into &lory, shoul ma)e the
;ioneer o% their sal(ation "er%e!t, 0shoul brin& to maturity the human e8"erien!e ne!essary to be
"er%e!tly e<ui""e %or His o%%i!e as Hi&h ;riest1 throu&h su%%erin&*'' 2hen in #erses 13014. ''#in!e,
there%ore, 0these His1 !hilren share in %lesh ' bloo 0in the "hysi!al nature o% human bein&s1, He
0Himsel%1 in a similar manner "artoo) o% the same 0nature1, that by 0&oin& throu&h1 eath He $I7HT
brin& to nou&ht ' ma)e o% NO E,,E=T him who ha the "ower o% eath --- that is, the e(il--- 'accuser' or
our 'mistaken identity'. 9>* An also that He $I7HT eli(er ' !om"letely set %ree all those who throu&h the
0hauntin&1 %ear o% eath WERE hel in bona&e throu&hout the whole !ourse o% their li(es*'' 2his word
'might' is actually related to the word as in 'power & might' & does not mean 'maybe or perhaps' All
scri!tural reference are from the Am!lified unless otherwise stated.
That He mi&ht eli(er ' !om"letely set %ree ALL*
''Those who throu&h the 0hauntin&1 %ear o% eath were hel in bona&e throu&hout the whole !ourse o%
their li(es*'' 5ur great Creator & 6a#iour is right at this moment arranging that 'many sons are being brought
into a glorious high place' that as they are able to o#ercome" they in turn will be able to pass on the same
heritage that has been gi#en to them" & those who were held in bondage were held by the fact that they had
been believing what they had seen & been taught to date by the life style & testimony of all those around
them who were under the power of death all of their lives Another way to describe it would those who ha#e
been under the influence & !art of the 'mass !ons!iousness' of the Adam humanity. 2his what we are
referring to is a realisation of the truth as to who we really are" 578 287$ &D$92&2:. -e are now in the
throes of changing our '%ear o% eath belie%s' to +5D &96P&8$D 2872,;6" of which one is that we are '7O?
2EIN7#' this realisation" as we gras! it fully" is what will '!om"letely set us %ree'* 5ur Christ & 6a#iour is
right now re!rogramming many of us into"
A hi&her !ons!iousness, a =hrist !ons!iousness*
2his is both bringing us bac* to our original understanding of when we eisted in +od in the #ery beginning"
& also bringing us forward to gain what our forerunner our elder brother gained for us when ,e !artoo* of
Christ the Antidote regarding Death
our same nature 'a mistaken identity' & that by going through death 'made of no effect' the !ower of that
'lowered consciousness' which is the accuser diabolous or the diabolical one" the false informer" our lying
'mistaken identity' or our misinformed decei#ed soulish flesh man; And what ,e Christ gained for us was
not only a glorified body but also ,e became 'a life giving spirit' !a#ing the way for us to realise that what ,e
gained" is our inheritance" also that ,e is now ''brin&in& many sons into &lory'' & this means as is written by
5badiah..1. ''An sa(iours @ deliverers - shall !ome u" on mount Aion to /u&e the mount o% Esau- - flesh
man - ' the )in&om shall be the Lors*''
$any are sear!hin& wron&ly*
''You sear!h ' in(esti&ate ' "ore o(er the #!ri"tures ili&ently, be!ause you su""ose ' trust that you
ha(e eternal li%e throu&h them* An these 0(ery #!ri"tures1 testi%y about $eB An still you are not willin&
0but re%use1 to !ome to $e, so that you mi&ht ha(e li%e*'' <ohn 4/=>031. ?any today & in the !ast ha#e
loo*ed at these words & thought that in %ust reading the words alone that this would gi#e them some magic
change" !erha!s because of the fact that they understood the story of ?oses" 6amuel" $li%ah etc. <esus is
informing us here that unless we are willing to ac*nowledge that these scri!tures are referring to ,im" ,is
life" ,is death & resurrection & that unless they are a!!lied to our li#es" that these 6cri!tures & words
account for nothing" until@ A... -e can read them until doomsday 'so to speak' 'An still not be willin& 0but
re%use1 to !ome to me, so that you mi&ht ha(e li%e'*
9ow to bring this to where many of us are today" which is to do with the ,oly Place which eBuates to the
;6ecret Place of the ?ost ,igh; or our 'true identity' & wish now to Buote from a statement that was made to
myself by a #ery good friend ?ichael -ood" who some of you no doubt *now.
''It ta)es a "ro%oun wor) o% the s"irit, to !ome into the !ons!ious awareness o% a realisation, that the
"erson I am is =hrist, ' the "erson I thou&ht I was, is the Anti =hrist*''
&n the realm of the ,oly Place or 'mistaken identity' the understanding of . 2hess. ." has been a second le#el
or '!oly "lace' one to most. &n the 0 third level, 0 ?ost ,oly Place or our '=hrist Ientity' understanding" a
truer dee!er !erce!tion is realised. &n #erse .b" we read. ''0e(en to his a!tually1 ta)in& his seat in the
TE$;LE o% 7o, "ro!laimin& that he himsel% is 7o*'' C .* ''An then the lawless one 5 the anti!hrist6 will
be re(eale ' the Lor 4esus will slay him with the breath o% His mouth ' brin& him to an en by His
a""earin&, at His !omin&*'' Please realise what is meant by the word 2$?PC$" +od has one tem!le & one
tem!le alone & that is ?A9 both singular & cor!orate.
Acts/D/3E03>. ''Howe(er, the $ost Hi&h oes not # any longer - well in houses ' tem"les mae with
HAN?#- as the "ro"het says*'' &sa.66/1. 2he Cord <esus is certainly re#ealing & slaying the 'antichrist, the
man of sin, the lawless one,' & showing him u! as to who he is & where his hidden dwelling !lace has been
all this time & is right now in the !rocess of bringing him to an end" by ''His a""earin&, e(en His !omin&''
IN S! For further information on this sub%ect" !lease refer to Part 4. ;(8$AF&9+ 2,$ (59DA+$ 5F $8858.;
-e are stressing that any !erson who is in the $ost %he !oly "lace Taberna!les realm" & is also functioning
in the !oly "lace ;ente!ostal realm" & this of course is within oursel#es" 0 our temple, our house) 0 ;then we
are a house i(ie' and a 'house i(ie a&ainst itsel% !annot stan' also 'E8!e"t the Lor buils the
house, they labour in (ain who buil it*' $ce!t we ha#e a consciousness that is built by the s!iritual hands
of a =hrist !ons!iousness unerstanin&, then we ha#e a construction made by the antichrist" which is an 'in
part, good & evil' way of thin*ing. -hich is also a G &lass ar)ly 0 lowered consciousness" ins!ired
7oo ' E(il
& am now going to Buote from an ecer!t by 8ay PrinHing. IAnd the Cord +od said" (ehold" the man is
become as one of us" to *now good and e#il...I +enesis =/..J &n a generation such as this" with confusion on
e#ery hand" and !ressure and tension increasing day by day" we find the !rayer of the Psalmist finding a
Christ the Antidote regarding Death
res!onse" dee! within our hearts" &' send out %hy light and %hy truth( let them lead me) let them bring me
unto %hy holy hill, and to %hy tabernacles& KPsalm 3=/=J. 2he sub%ect before us is such that a!art from the
Buic*ening of the 6!irit" our understanding is indeed unfruitful" but with the 6!irit guiding" we shall share
those thoughts which ha#e been of strength and hel! to us.
&n this short #erse of scri!ture" chosen as our tet we find some im!ortant clues as to the #ery outwor*ing
of our li#es for today. &t begins with the declaration of the Cord" I($,5CD" 2,$ ?A9 &6 ($C5?$ A6
59$ 5F 76.I -e would es!ecially note the word A6" for man did not become I59$ &9 +5DI in the
moment he !artoo* of the forbidden thing" but he became AS for man entered into a dimension where he
would now ha#e to weigh e#il o#er against good. (ut it was a counter0!osition against a true god0hood" it was
not true god0shi!" for in all man;s !ondering he would ne#er arri#e at the correct answers" for his facts would
be clouded by his lac* of *nowledge" and !re%udiced by his own lust and desire. ?an was in a !lace where he
thought himself to be god" but he was not the Ifree moral agentI which he su!!osed to be" though this
delusion still eists in men today.
-e are !ersuaded" howe#er" that +od is a!!rehending a !eo!le" !rocessing them through se#ere disci!line
with a #iew to their actually becoming 59$ &9 ,&?6$CF. &!e that is *oined to the +ord is one spirit& K1
Corinthians 6/1DJ &and , in %hee, that they also may be '-. ,- /0( that the world may believe that %hou hast
sent $e& K<ohn 1D).1J. -e are to be so %oined to ,im that we ($C5?$ 59$ &9 +5D" identified as one &9
,im" not %ust IasI ,im" to become the first0fruits of the ,imself creatures.
DI ha(e sai, Ye are &os- an all o% you !hilren 5or sons6 o% the $ost Hi&h* 2ut ye shall ie li)e men,
an %all li)e one o% the "rin!es'' KPsalm E./60DJ.
?an" in his fallen state" was not able to bear the load of di#inity" but when +od has finished ,is !urging and
disci!line" remo#ing all the 6$CF" carnal0mindedness" and restores us bac* into the !ureness of ,is 6!irit"
then shall we be able to di#ide between the e#il and the good" in !erfect harmony with ,is will/0 7nBuote.
At the moment whilst man is entertaining the fact that good & evil is a #alid way of thin*ing & still trying
to discern between the two" he is still in the realm of 'seein& throu&h a &lass ar)ly' he is still #ery much
decei#ed by his 'mistaken identity', who is "he god of "his #orld +en =/4. .Cor. 3/3.
At this !oint & wish to clarify that the battle G so called - of the ,oly Place way of thin*ing is not between
good #erses e#il it is in the !hoosin& between the ;tree of +ife' & the 'tree of good & evil' of which both are
within us. ?any are" as & said earlier" are trying to !arta*e of both" in other words trying to !arta*e of the
Pentecostal realm as well as the 2abernacle e!erience" we may as well face it" it sim!ly will not wor*" if we
!ersist then we need to 'remember Lot's wi%e' which is another way of saying consider the 4 foolish #irgins.
#ome Woner%ul Amonition
-hen the 1. leaders of &srael returned from sur#eying the !romised land" fi#e sith of these leaders dug their
heels in & would not budge from their self formed o!inions or understanding" and so we read. ''?o not
haren your hearts, as 0ha""ene1 in the rebellion 0o% Israel1 ' their "ro(o!ation ' embitterment 0o% $e1
in the ay o% testin& in the wilerness*'' ,eb. =/E. 5ur real testing times usually come in the time of being in
the '1ilderness' 5ne of the greater reasons for the rebellion was that there were some strong misinformed
leaders who were in 'deception' & because of their attitudes" strong reasoning;s" & leadershi! Bualities" were
able to con#ince those who were wea*er & did not need a lot of con#incing. -hy' (ecause it is human
nature G mistaken identity - to want the easy way out. &n #erse 1101= we read ''A!!orin&ly, I swore in $y
wrath ' ini&nation, They shall not enter into $y rest* 9E* 0There%ore beware1 brethren, ta)e !are, lest
there be in any one o% you a wi!)e, unbelie(in& heart 0whi!h re%uses to !lea(e to, trust in ' rely on Him1,
leain& you to turn away ' esert or stan aloo% %rom the li(in& 7o* 9F* 2ut instea warn 5amonish,
ur&e, ' en!oura&e6 one another e(ery ay, as lon& as it is !alle Toay that none o% you may be harene
0into settle rebellion1 by the e!eit%ulness o% sin 0by the %rauulen!e the strata&em, the tri!)ery whi!h
the elusi(e &lamour o% his sin - mistaken identity - may "lay on him1*''

As a !ri#ileged writer of these wonderful enlarging" enlightening truths it is my duty to tell things as & feel
Christ the Antidote regarding Death
directed to do so. &n one sense & do not ha#e too much to do with the results" as & must lea#e that to the one
who is directing me. &n the !ast & ha#e *nown a few men who & can now than* for being direct. & ha#e learned
that 'pussy footing' does not get us anywhere. ,a#ing said that & now !resent these #ery sobering #erses
which came forcibly to my attention only #ery recently.
?att.1=/14. '',or this nation's heart has &rown &ross 5%at ' ull6, ' their ears hea(y ' i%%i!ult o%
hearin&, ' their eyes they ha(e ti&htly !lose, lest they see ' "er!ei(e with their eyes, ' hear '
!om"rehen the sense with their ears, ' &ras" ' unerstan with their heart, ' turn ' I shoul heal
2hen in Cu*e.E/11. ''He sai to them, To you it has been &i(en to 0!ome "ro&ressi(ely to1 )now 5to
re!o&nise ' unerstan more stron&ly ' !learly6 the mysteries ' se!rets o% the )in&om o% 7o, but %or
others they are in "arables, so that, 0thou&h1 loo)in&, they may not see- ' hearin& they may not
!om"rehen*'' 2hese two #erses & belie#e adeBuately describe the 11 &srael leaders who were being led by
their mistaken identity &t would also describe any of us today who would be so foolish to 'be harene into
a #ETTLE? RE2ELLION by the e!eit%ulness o% our 'lowered consciousness' & miss out on being one of the
4 -ise Lirgins. ''#o !ome out %rom amon&, 0unbelie(ers1, ' se"arate 5se(er6 your sel(es %rom them, - in
your thinking - says the Lor, ' tou!h not 0any1 un!lean thin&- - any glass darkly or antichrist inspired
situation - then I will re!ei(e you )inly ' treat you with %a(our* An I will be a ,ather to you, ' you shall
be $y sons ' au&hters,- in the third realm, $ost !oly "lace experience - says the Lor Almi&hty*'' . Cor.
The Only #olution to ?eath is Li%e
An this means ;ursuin& Li%e, ' not %i&htin& ?eath*
& recei#ed a s!iritual e!erience yesterday morning" which ma*es me to now realise that some of us G
especially myself - ha#e been alluding Buite a lot" to the !rinci!les of the ?ost ,oly Place rather than to the
actual e!erience. 9ot that this is wrong) but & am !ersuaded that as we begin to get a real taste or really +5
&9" it will affect us so much & sha*e us u! this old 'uter Court body &t is so easy to s!ea* & write about
these things" but saints of +od we are referring to an e!erience in +5D in the ,5C: 5F ,5C&$6. & am now
!ersuaded that this is a much more in depth matter than & ha#e to date sus!ected. 9ow !lease do not %um! to
conclusions & thin* that & e#er regarded this e!erience lightly" as & ha#e been ha#ing wonderful e!eriences
in +od for many years" but there is an e!erience a#ailable that will lea#e what we ha#e to date e!erienced
as light compared to darkness, also C&+,2 always dis!els dar*ness. 2,$ 8$AC&2: -&CC C5?PC$2$C:
D&6A997C 2,$ C&$.
2e #till an Gnow that I Am 7o*
5#ercoming is not fighting or coming against anything" it is a !ursuing of the one who said , am the 1ay the
%ruth & the +,2. who is our 287$ 6$CF. 2he fighting or the coming against is to be found only in our 'flesh
realm' Outer =ourt or our 'soul realm' Holy ;la!e e!eriences. -hich do & lo#e the most the flesh or the
S$iri"% 2his ultimate e!erience that & am referring to is the '#abbati!al rest' as found in &sa.11/11. Am!. 95
?58$ F&+,2&9+ 58 8$6&62&9+.
To be able to say that I )now that I am the =hristB
2here are no doubt a number of readers who are still !artly in the Pentecostal realm who may not as yet feel
confident in ta*ing the net ste! in mo#ing into the '$ost !oly "lace' e!erience. 2hose who feel a witness
in the s!irit & a softening of your heart toward these truths" but there is still a lac* of confidence because of a
feeling of unworthiness) & wish to !ut e#eryone;s mind at rest by e!laining to each & e#eryone of us" why
we all ha#e the right to rise into this realm. First from the second realm !oint of #iew & then in sim!ler terms"
from the 'third realm' understanding. &t would be encouraging right now to read" Cu*e. 11/=10=.. Am!. ''Only
aim at ' stri(e %or ' see) His )in&om, ' all these thin&s shall be su""lie to you also* ?o not be seiHe
with alarm ' stru!) with %ear, little %lo!), %or it is your ,ather's &oo "leasure to &i(e you the )in&omB''
Christ the Antidote regarding Death
2his is connected with first of all a - knowing that - 'I am - already - the ri&hteousness o% =hrist'* &n 8om.
3/.0=. -e read. '',or i% Abraham was /usti%ie 5establishe as /ust by a<uittal %rom &uilt6 by 7OO? WORG#,
0that he i, then1 he has &rouns %or boastin&* 2ut not be%ore 7oB ,or what oes the s!ri"ture say?
Abraham belie(e in 5truste in6 7o, ' it was !reite to his a!!ount as ri&hteousness 5ri&ht li(in& '
ri&ht stanin& with 7o6*'' 6o we see that our good wor*s ha#e nothing to do with our 8&+,2$5769$66 or
right standing with our +od. (ut today we belie#e & ha#e faith in what our <esus Christ established for us by
,is death & resurrection & it is !reite to our a!!ount as RI7HTEOI#NE## or ri&ht li(in& or stanin&
with 7o* 5ur righ" living does not bring the 'righteousness of God' into our li#es" but contra0wise.
A realisation of our 'righteousness in God' will cause us to change & this in turn brings about our righ"
living! -e now mo#e onto #erse 6 &D.
''Thus ?a(i !on&ratulates the man ' "ronoun!es a blessin& on him to whom 7o !reits
ri&hteousness A;ART %rom the wor)s he oes* 2lesse ' ha""y ' to be en(ie are those whose ini<uities
are %or&i(en ' whose sins -mistaken identities # are !o(ere u" ' !om"letely burie*'' '-ot by works lest
any man should boast' Lerse 11 &11. ''How then was it !reite 0to him1? Was it be%ore or a%ter he ha
been !ir!um!ise? It was not a%ter, but be%ore he was !ir!um!ise* He re!ei(e the mar) o% !ir!um!ision
as a to)en or an e(ien!e 0an1 seal o% the ri&hteousness whi!h he ha by %aith while he was still
un!ir!um!ise---0%aith1 so that he was to be mae the %ather o% all who 0truly1 belie(e, thou&h without
!ir!um!ision ' who thus ha(e ri&hteousness 5ri&ht stanin& with 7o6 im"ute to them ' !reite to their
a!!ount*J'' 9ow to enhance this thought a little more let us loo* at 8om.4/1D.
'',or be!ause o% one man's tres"ass 5la"se, o%%en!e6 eath rei&ne throu&h that one, $I=H $ORE
surely will those who re!ei(e 07o's1 o(er%lowin& &ra!e 5unmerite %a(our6 ' the ,REE 7I,T o%
ri&hteousness 0"uttin& them into ri&ht stanin& with Himsel%1 rei&n as )in&s in li%e throu&h the one $an
4esus =hrist 5the $essiah, the Anointe One*'' -e notice here that those who a#ail themsel#es of this free
gift" through faith 'reign as kings' & remember that it is the ',athers &oo "leasure to &i(e you the
The )in&om is alreay within us*
Fee!ing in mind that e#en though the 'the kingdom' is within e#ery man" there are #arious stages of acti#ation
& ad#ancement. 2his comes through obedience to the dealings & wooing;s of +od. 2his is e!lained more
fully in. ..Cor.=/1401E. ''Yes, own to this 0(ery1 ay whene(er $oses is rea, a (eil lies u"on their mins '
hearts* 2ut whene(er a "erson turns @ fully # 0in re"entan!e1 to the Lor, the (eil is stri""e o%% ' ta)en
away* Now the Lor is the #"irit, ' where the #"irit o% the Lor is, there is liberty 5eman!i"ation %rom
bona&e, %reeom6* An all o% us, as with un(eile %a!e, 0be!ause we1 !ontinue to behol 0in the Wor o%
7o1 as in a mirror the &lory o% the Lor, are !onstantly bein& trans%i&ure into His (ery own ima&e in
e(er in!reasin& s"lenour %rom one e&ree o% &lory to another- 0%or this !omes1 %rom the Lor 0Who is the
-hen we are told that 'As the ,ather has li%e in Himsel% ' is sel%-e8istent, so He has &i(en to the #on to
ha(e li%e in Himsel% ' to be sel%- e8istent* <n.4/.6. 2he understanding of this #erse increases in glory as we
realise that the 6on is not %ust the one man <esus Christ" but that ,e is now a cor!orate 6on" consisting of
many members & that the 6$CF $M&62$92 659 now dwells in this C58P58A2$ 659 of whom ,e is also the
$lder brother. 9ow immediately the accuser& "he liar& A92&C,8&62" our 'mistaken identity' would try to bring
us out of a ;spiritual realm into an unbelieving flesh realm' & try to annul or in#alidate this beautiful"
!owerful far reaching thought. As we begin to re!lace our second realm understanding for a dee!er one" we
realise that we ha#e always had the 8&+,2$576 59$ dwelling within us right from the #ery beginning
&ncidentally for some time the ma%ority of the Christian world ha#e been under a delusion that the word
'anti as in antichrist' only meant against. Part of the meaning in the 62859+6 N3D=" 3nti, substitution or in
!lace of. N3>>" 3ntitupon, re!resentati#e" li*e figure or counter!art. N31D>" tupos, resemblance or style"
model for imitation. 6o we see we ha#e an imi"a"ion& a resemblance& a coun"er$ar"& a subs"i"u"ion or in
$lace of& li'e figure& ( imi"a"ion! &s not this what our mista*en sel#es ha#e been doing for so long trying to
Christ the Antidote regarding Death
re!lace the the 'the Christ' who is our 'true ientity'* 2his is in actual fact the true nature of the antichrist'or
our 'mistaken identity'
Who Are We?
-ith many of the things we ha#e read in the !ast" the dee!er meanings ha#e not been o!ened to us" sim!ly
because we ha#e not searched or understood. -e that ha#e had our eyes o!ened to the re#elation of
'%abernacles' are a #ery !ri#ileged !eo!le indeed. ''To you it has has been &i(en to )now the se!rets '
mysteries o% the )in&om o% hea(en, but to them it has not been &i(en* ,or whoe(er has 0s"iritual
)nowle&e1, to him will more be &i(en ' he will be %urnishe ri!hly so the he will ha(e abunan!e- but
%rom him who has not, e(en what he has will be ta)en away*'' ?att.1=/1101..
&n the .E
Cha!ter of +enesis & #erse 14b. -e read. ''An I will brin& you ba!) to this lan- %or I will
not lea(e you until I ha(e one all o% whi!h I ha(e tol you*'' ?any times +od is sharing with us dee!er
meanings & truths e#en in the sim!le things" ,e is re#ealing to us ,is nature. 2he song that Cinda ?usgro#e
so beautifully sings" describes our thought !erfectly.

,'ll take you back to where you were in me,
4efore the fall of man
,'ll restore your soul, ,'ll reconcile your heart,
,'ll give you back your true identity
,'m removing the veil from your eyes,
%hat you can clearly see,
5ou'll be with me in "aradise,
'n this earth you'll walk with me
''How the &ol has be!ome imB How the most "ure &ol has !han&eB The hallowe stones 0o% the
tem"le1 are "oure out at the hea o% e(ery street* The noble ' "re!ious sons o% Aion, 0on!e1 worth their
wei&ht in %ine &ol---- how they are esteeme 0merely1 as earthen "ots or "it!hers, the wor) o% the hans o%
the "otter*'' Cam.3.10.. 2he gold that is in e#ery man has become dim in most !eo!le today" the only gold
that man has within him is the beautiful" #aluable s!iritual substance of Christ ,imself. 2his gold cannot be
seen with the natural eye. 5h yes +od can see it & when he loo*s at you & &" that is what ,e sees & lo#es in
you" for you are !art of ,imself" made in ,is &mage from ,is #ery own substance 6P&8&2" & as we change
from day to day & the Christ in us" enlarges in our understanding" we too are gi#en the same Christ0li*e
#ision & we see the Christ in $L$8: ?A9. ?an was made a little lower" CACF$D from $lohim. 'The
hallowe stones o% the tem"le are "oure out at the hea o% e(ery street'* +od;s rightful !lace for ,is stones
which is for e#ery man is in the beautiful $den;ic !aradise within himself & ,e wants e#ery man ''to be li)e
s"iritual stones ' built into a s"iritual house, %or a holy, ei!ate, !onse!rate "riesthoo ' to o%%er u"
s"iritual sa!ri%i!es unto 7o*'' -e are s!ea*ing of man;s rightful !osition in +od. (ut 5h the !ro!het sees it"
& he has a burden for the ''Noble ' "re!ious sons o% Aion, who were on!e worth there wei&ht in %ine &ol''*
,e sees how these noble & !recious sons are now 'esteeme merely as earthen "ots or "it!hers' ,e sees that
the ma%ority of man*ind ''loo) only on the outwar a""earan!e'' & would not ha#e a clue as to the true
identity of ?A9 he sees that man 0 in general 0 is blind to the fact that actually these 'earthen "ots house
the &ol- 7o Himsel%' & are in reality D&L&9$ ($&9+6 if you !lease. And today our wonderful +od is
raising u! a Fingdom of Priests 'A $el!hiHee) ;riesthoo' to !erform the office of a Priest to the whole of
man*ind" and they in turn will re#eal to man his true s!iritual self" his true identity than* +od@ 2hese !riests
will ha#e no mistaken identity in them whatsoe#er" these Priests will not manifest any other identity than the
Christ &dentity" these Priests will be without father or mother" these Priests also will ha#e the !ower of a
perpetual, endless life. 2hese Priests belong to 'another tribe' or of a different origin" than what human0*ind
has u! to date *nown. 2hese Priests also ha#e !ower" but their !ower is from a source not before found in
many & it emanates from C5L$" for they are the !ersonification of the lo#er of lo#ers +5D ,&?6$CF. -hy'
Christ the Antidote regarding Death
For +od ,imself will once more ?A9&F$62 ,&?6$CF &9 FC$6," & is doing so G proportionally # right now
in a many membered" cor!orate" Priesthood. For we are at the !resent moment crossing )ordan!
The Will o% 7o %or Is Now*

2hese thoughts that & am sharing here" are mingled with some thoughts that & gleaned from an unsigned
article which & thought would be hel!ful to us all/ ?uch is on the horiHon 6aints" to go e#en further it is all
within us now & we need not see* anything outside of oursel#es for all we need is in the F&9+D5? 5F +5D
which is within us" & are we not admonished to see* 59C: the Fingdom first" & all of these other needs &
desires will be fulfilled. -e must understand that we already ha#e the *ingdom of +od within us. -hat more
can & ha#e' As & abide in that Fingdom and & am s"ill" the feeling of +odOs !resence comes ali#e in me) there
is an awareness that & am one with +od and that +od is one with me. 2here is nothing more to do/ %ust to be
Buiet and let my heart o#erflow with gratitude. 2he Christ consciousness that is realised" is in itself the health
and the bread and the meat and the wine. &t is not that you gain understanding and then do something with it"
but when you recei#e enlightenment you ha#e nothing further to do" for it is doing and being. :ou are but the
beholder of what this light is doing and in turn you become what <esus said/ 000light unto the world
2hat light comes by faith. 2hat faith !roduces understanding. 2hat understanding is attained in that
moment when you ha#e no more eternal desires" when you ha#e the *nowledge that it is only +od;s grace"
+od;s will" and +od;s s!iritual law that you are desiring to *now. 2he moment you sto! chasing something" it
begins chasing you) the moment you sto! desiring something" it comes into your e!erience) the #ery
moment you sto! running after something" it begins running after you. As your desire for anything" anybody"
or any condition in the eternal world comes to an end" you begin to li#e this inner life of conscious oneness
with +od" and then your eternal life begins to ta*e care of itself. 2hen comes the fulfilment of <esus words/
''no one !an !ome to the #on 0 guilt free relationship 0 e8!e"t the ,ather raw him''. 2hen there is an
in#isible Presence" 6omething that you cannot see" hear" taste" touch" or smell" going before you to ma*e the
croo*ed !laces straight" to !re!are mansions for you" and to bring unto you your own.
-hen you no longer want that which is eternal and which you belie#e is for your good and when you are
willing to let +od fulfil ,imself as you and abide only in the desire for s!iritual realisation" you will find that
you ha#e nothing to as* for ece!t to be a beholder of +od;s !ro#ision/ your dwelling !lace" your
trans!ortation" your food" your clothing" your housing" your em!loyment" your in#estments. -hate#er is of a
rightful nature that should be a !art of your human e!erience comes to you because it is a law that the '1ord
becomes flesh'" becomes e!erience" form" and effect" not by #irtue of what you may do" but merely by #irtue
of +od;s grace" your inner life of contem!lation and realisation" a life of 'living, moving, and having your
being in God' and ha#ing +od li#e and mo#e and ha#e ,is being in you" so that +od and you are eternally
one in realisation. & would also say that in actuality we are eternally one with ,im right now@ -e always ha#e
been & always will be@@ 6o see* the Fingdom first & you too will also realise it.
''As %or me, I will behol your %a!e in ri&hteousnessK I shall be satis%ie, when I awa)e, with your
li)eness*'' Ps.1D/14. F<L. At the moment we are not yet fully awa*e.
''2esies this you )now what 0a !riti!al1 hour this is, how it is hi&h time now %or you to wa)e u" out o%
your slee" 5rouse to reality6* ,or sal(ation 5%inal eli(eran!e6 is nearer to us now than when we %irst
belie(e 5ahere to, truste in, ' relie on =hrist, the $essiah6*'' 8om. 1=/11. Am!. 2he final deli#erance
of our sal#ation 1Pet.1/4. '%he salvation to be revealed in the last time' is nearer now than when we first
belie#ed. 2he reality is only in the fullness of Christ in G the secret place of the $ost !igh # nothing less" or
in the ;realisa"ion of our "rue iden"i"*!+ &n &saiah.4D/14. -e read. '',or thus says the hi&h ' lo%ty One that
inhabits eternity, whose name is HolyJ I well in the hi&h ' holy "la!e, with him also that is o% a !ontrite
' humble s"irit, ' to re(i(e the heart o% the !ontrite ones*''
,ere we read of a most wonderful gracious +od" who deigns to share ,imself with those who ha#e
Christ the Antidote regarding Death
humility. -hen we see the true heart of a lo#ing caring 6a#iour who is longing to share ,imself with those
who are of a li*e nature to ,imself" how can we not humble our attitude toward ,im so that in due time we
also may be ealted in ,im. For has not our wonderful Creator !ro#en to us ,is humility in 'though being
rich yet !e became poor', ,e also" ''#tri""e Himsel% o% all "ri(ile&es ' ri&ht%ul i&nity, so as to assume
the &uise o% a ser(ant in that He be!ame li)e men ' was born a human bein&* An a%ter He ha a""eare
in human %orm, He abase ' humble Himsel% still %urther ' !arrie His obeien!e to the e8treme o%
eath, e(en the eath o% the !rossB There%ore be!ause He stoo"e so low 7o has hi&hly e8alte Him '
has %reely bestowe on Him the name that is abo(e e(ery name* That at the name o% 4esus e(ery )nee
shoul 5must6 bow, in hea(en ' on earth ' uner the earth* An e(ery ton&ue 0%ran)ly ' o"enly1 !on%ess
' a!)nowle&e that 4esus =hrist is Lor, to the &lory o% 7o the ,ather*'' Phil../D011.
2he cru of the matter is that +od is sim!ly as*ing us to be li*e ,im in ,7?&C&2: & when we do we
shall also be li*e ,im in nature & !ower. 5h the sim!licity in +od" it is in the C5-$8&9+ & 2,$
8A&6&9+. &n other words after the com!lete AWAGENIN7 - then comes with it the 0 LIGENE##, which is our
287$ &D$92&2:. -hich is"
& trust that this hel!s to bring enlightenment to each & e#ery one of us@
,ri""en b* Ral$h -no#les! )une . )ul*! /010!


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