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1. Water waves at the surface of a pond pass a floating log of length L.

The log is at rest relative to

the bank. The diagram shows wave crests at one instant.

The number of crests passing the log per unit time is N. The speed of the water waves relative to
the log at rest is

A. (N 1).

B. (N 1).

C. (N)

D. (N).

2. Two identical triangular pulses of amplitude X travel toward each other along a string. At the
instant shown on the diagram below, point M is midway between the two pulses.


The amplitude of the disturbance in the string as the pulses move through M is

A. 2X.

B. X.


D. 0.

3. A person is walking along one side of a building and a car is driving along another side of the

The person can hear the car approach but cannot see it. This is explained by the fact that sound

A. travel more slowly than light waves.

B. are diffracted more at the corner of the building than light waves.

C. are refracted more at the corner of the building than light waves.

D. are longitudinal waves.


4. A pulse is sent down a string fixed at one end.

Which one of the following diagrams best represents the reflected pulse?

A. B.

C. D.


5. Waves can be reflected, refracted and diffracted. Which of these effects can be explained using
Huygens principle?

A. reflection, refraction and diffraction

B. reflection and refraction only

C. refraction and diffraction only

D. reflection and diffraction only


6. This question is about waves and wave properties.

(a) By making reference to waves, distinguish between a ray and a wavefront.





The diagram below shows three wavefronts incident on a boundary between medium I and
medium R. Wavefront CD is shown crossing the boundary. Wavefront EF is incomplete.


medium I

medium R


(b) (i) On the diagram above, draw a line to complete the wavefront EF.

(ii) Explain in which medium, I or R, the wave has the higher speed.





(iii) By taking appropriate measurements from the diagram, determine the ratio of the
speeds of the wave travelling from medium I to medium R.




The graph below shows the variation with time t of the velocity v of one particle of the medium
through which the wave is travelling.

v / ms?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
? t / ms

(c) (i) Explain how it can be deduced from the graph that the particle is oscillating.




(ii) Determine the frequency of oscillation of the particle.



(iii) Mark on the graph with the letter M one time at which the particle is at maximum

(iv) Estimate the area between the curve and the x-axis from the time t = 0 to the time
t = 1.5 ms.



(v) Suggest what the area in c (iv) represents.


(d) By reference to energy transfer and the amplitude of vibration of particles in a wave,
distinguish between a travelling wave and a standing wave.

Energy transfer: ......................................................................................................


Amplitude: ......................................................................................................


A stretched string is fixed at both ends and then plucked at its centre. The diagram below
illustrates the vibrating string.

120 cm

The distance between the fixed points is 120 cm.

(e) (i) Mark on the diagram a distance equal to the wavelength of the standing wave.

(ii) The frequency of vibration of the string is 250 Hz. Determine the speed of the
wave on the string.




(Total 25 marks)

7. The following are phenomena associated with waves.

I. Reflection

II. Refraction

III Diffraction

Which of these phenomena can be understood by applying Huygens principle?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

8. A sound emitting source moves along a straight line with speed v relative to an observer at rest.


The speed of sound relative to the medium is c. The observer measures the speed of sound
emitted by the source as

A. c.

B. c + v.

C. c v.

D. v c.

9. The production of beats can be explained by the superposition of waves with slightly different

A. amplitudes.

B. directions.

C. frequencies.

D. speeds.

10. The diagram below shows ocean waves incident on a stone barrier protecting boats anchored
behind it.




The boats could still be at risk of damage by waves mainly as a result of

A. refraction.

B. standing waves.

C. diffraction.

D. reflection.

11. In a Youngs double slit interference experiment, which one of the following changes will
increase the fringe separation?

A. Decreasing the wavelength

B. Increasing the wavelength

C. Increasing the slit separation

D. Decreasing the distance between the slit and the screen


12. This question is about waves and wave properties.

The diagram below shows three wavefronts incident on a boundary between medium I and
medium R. Wavefront CD is shown crossing the boundary. Wavefront EF is incomplete.


medium I

medium R


(a) (i) On the diagram above, draw a line to complete the wavefront EF.

(ii) Explain in which medium, I or R, the wave has the higher speed.





The graph below shows the variation with time t of the velocity v of one particle of the medium
through which the wave is travelling.

v / ms?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
? t / ms

(b) (i) Explain how it can be deduced from the graph that the particle is oscillating.




(ii) Determine the frequency of oscillation of the particle.



(iii) Mark on the graph with the letter M one time at which the particle is at maximum

(iv) Estimate the area between the curve and the x-axis from the time t = 0 to the time
t = 1.5 ms.



(v) Suggest what the area in b (iv) represents.


(c) (i) State the principle of superposition.



Two loudspeakers S1 and S2 are connected to the same output of a frequency generator and are
placed in a large room as shown below.

560 cm

580 cm

550 cm

Sound waves of wavelength 40 cm and amplitude A are emitted by both loudspeakers.

M is a point distance 550 cm from both S1 and S2. Point P is a distance 560 cm from S1 and
580 cm from S2.

(ii) State and explain what happens to the loudness of the sound detected by a
microphone when the microphone is moved from point M to point P.






(iii) Referring to the diagram above, the amplitude of the wave emitted by S1 is now
increased to 2A. The wave emitted by S2 is unchanged. Deduce what change, if any,
occurs in the loudness of the sound at point M and at point P when this change in
amplitude is made.

at point M: ......................................................................................................


at point P: ......................................................................................................


(iv) The loudspeakers are now replaced with two monochromatic light sources. State
the reason why bright and dark fringes are not observed along the line PM.


Waves of frequency f and speed c are emitted by a stationary source of sound. An observer
moves along a straight line towards the source at a constant speed v.

(d) State, in terms of f, c and v, an expression for

(i) the wavelength of the sound detected by the observer.


(ii) the apparent speed of the wave as measured by the observer.


The observer carries a second source of sound, producing waves of the same actual frequency
and speed as the stationary source. Whilst moving, the observer detects a beat frequency of
6.0 Hz for sound waves emitted by the sources of frequency 500 Hz and speed 340 ms1.

(e) (i) Describe what is meant by beats.




(ii) Calculate the speed v of the observer.




(Total 30 marks)

13. A plane wave approaches and passes through the boundary between two media. The speed of
the wave in medium 1 is greater than that in medium 2. Which one of the following diagrams
correctly shows the wavefronts?

A. B.

Medium 1 Medium 1

Medium 2 Medium 2

C. D.

Medium 1 Medium 1

Medium 2
Medium 2

14. Two particles X and Y are situated a distance apart on a stationary wave of wavelength .
The variation with time t of the displacement dx of X is shown below.


0 t

Which one of the following correctly shows the variation with time t of the displacement dY of
particle Y?

A. dY B. dY

0 0
0 t 0 t

C. dY D. dY

0 0
0 t 0 t


15. This question is about sound waves.

A sound wave of frequency 660 Hz passes through air. The variation of particle displacement
with distance along the wave at one instant of time is shown below.


displacement / mm 00 distance / m
1.0 2.0

? .5

(a) State whether this wave is an example of a longitudinal or a transverse wave.


(b) Using data from the above graph, deduce for this sound wave,

(i) the wavelength.


(ii) the amplitude.


(iii) the speed.



(Total 5 marks)

16. The speed of a wave is defined as

A. the speed at which the particles of the wave vibrate.

B. the speed of the medium through which the wave passes.

C. the speed of transfer of the energy of the wave.

D. the speed at which the vibrations of the wave are produced.


17. Which diagram best shows diffraction of plane wavefronts at a single slit?

A. B.

C. D.


18. A source of sound moves directly towards a stationary observer. The frequency of the sound
detected by the observer is different from the source frequency because

A. the loudness of the sound increases as the source moves towards the observer.

B. the apparent wavelength of the sound is longer.

C. the speed of sound relative to the observer is increased.

D. the apparent wavelength of the sound is shorter.


19. Monochromatic light passes through two slits s1 and s2 and produces light and dark fringes on a
screen. Initially, the light from the two slits is of equal intensity.

s1 screen
monochromatic light

The light from one slit now has its intensity reduced. The intensity at the other is unchanged.
What changes (if any) will occur in the appearance of the fringes on the screen?

Fringe separation Dark fringes

A. same lighter
B. same same
C. increased same
D. decreased lighter

20. This question is about atomic and nuclear structure and fundamental forces.

In a nuclear model of the atom, most of the atom is regarded as empty space. A tiny nucleus is
surrounded by a number of electrons.

(a) Outline one piece of experimental evidence that supports this nuclear model of the atom.







(b) Explain why the protons in a nucleus do not fly apart from each other.





(c) In total, there are approximately 1029 electrons in the atoms making up a person. Estimate
the electrostatic force of repulsion between two people standing 100 m apart as a result of
these electrons.









(d) Estimate the gravitational force of attraction between two people standing 100 m apart.





(e) Explain why two people standing 100 m apart would not feel either of the forces that you
have calculated in parts (c) and (d).




(Total 13 marks)

21. This question is about sound waves.

In order to demonstrate two-source interference of sound waves, two loudspeakers are

connected to the same output of a signal generator. The loudspeakers are fixed 4.0 m apart.

In the diagram below, the line AB is parallel to the loudspeakers and at a distance of 10.0 m
from the loudspeakers. Point P is midway between the loudspeakers.


10.0 m
P (loud)
4.0 m
Q (quiet)
R (loud)

Katerina walks along the line AB carrying a microphone connected to a detector. She registers a
sound that alternates in intensity from loud to quiet.

(a) Describe the conditions necessary for a sound of minimum intensity to be registered at Q.





As Katerina runs along the line AB she counts the number of loud sounds registered in a given
time. The frequency of the sound emitted by both loudspeakers is 360 Hz and the speed of
sound in air is 330 ms1.

(b) Estimate the speed at which she is running if the maximum sounds occur with a
frequency of about 2 Hz.











One of the loudspeakers is now disconnected from the source and connected to another signal
generator as shown below.


frequency = f 1 10.0 m
P (loud)
4.0 m


frequency = f 2

(c) The frequencies of both generators are altered. With this new arrangement, Katerina now
stands at the point P and registers a sound of frequency 360 Hz that varies in amplitude at
a frequency of 2.0 Hz. Explain quantitatively how this observation arises.




(Total 12 marks)

22. The diagram shows the variation with distance x along a wave with its displacement d.

The wave is travelling in the direction shown.

direction of travel

The period of the wave is T. Which one of the following diagrams shows the displacement of
the wave at later?

A. B.
d d

x x

C. D.
d d

x x


23. When a wave crosses the boundary between two media, which one of the following properties
of the wave does not change?

A. Amplitude

B. Wavelength

C. Frequency

D. Speed

24. A pipe, open at both ends, has a length L. The speed of sound in the air in the pipe is v. The
frequency of vibration of the fundamental (first harmonic) standing wave that can be set up in
the pipe is

A. .

B. .

C. .

D. .

25. Jeremy is walking alongside a building and is approaching a road junction. A fire engine is
sounding its siren and approaching the road along which Jeremy is walking.


Fire engine

Jeremy cannot see the fire engine but he can hear the siren. This is due mainly to

A. reflection.

B. refraction.

C. the Doppler effect.

D. diffraction.

The period of the wave is T. Which one of the following diagrams shows the displacement of
the wave at This question is about waves and wave motion.
4 26.

(a) (i) Define what is meant by the speed of a wave.




(ii) Light is emitted from a candle flame. Explain why, in this situation, it is correct to
refer to the speed of the emitted light, rather than its velocity.




(b) (i) Define, by reference to wave motion, what is meant by displacement.



(ii) By reference to displacement, describe the difference between a longitudinal wave

and a transverse wave.





The centre of an earthquake produces both longitudinal waves (P waves) and transverse waves
(S waves). The graph below shows the variation with time t of the distance d moved by the two
types of wave.

d / km P wave S wave



0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225

(c) Use the graph to determine the speed of

(i) the P waves.




(ii) the S waves.




The waves from an earthquake close to the Earths surface are detected at three laboratories L1,
L2 and L3. The laboratories are at the corners of a triangle so that each is separated from the
others by a distance of 900 km, as shown in the diagram below.

900 km

L1 L2


The records of the variation with time of the vibrations produced by the earthquake as detected
at the three laboratories are shown below. All three records were started at the same time.



start of trace L3


On each record, one pulse is made by the S wave and the other by the P wave. The separation of
the two pulses is referred to as the S-P interval.

(d) (i) On the trace produced by laboratory L2, identify, by reference to your answers in
(c), the pulse due to the P wave (label the pulse P).

(ii) Using evidence from the records of the earthquake, state which laboratory was
closest to the site of the earthquake.


(iii) State three separate pieces of evidence for your statement in (d)(ii).

1. .................................................................................................................


2. .................................................................................................................


3. .................................................................................................................


(iv) The S-P intervals are 68 s, 42 s and 27 s for laboratories L1, L2 and L3 respectively.
Use the graph, or otherwise, to determine the distance of the earthquake from each
laboratory. Explain your working.




Distance from L1 =


Distance from L2 =


Distance from L3 =


(v) Mark on the diagram a possible site of the earthquake.


There is a tall building near to the site of the earthquake, as illustrated below.



direction of vibrations

The base of the building vibrates horizontally due to the earthquake.

(e) (i) On the diagram above, draw the fundamental mode of vibration of the building
caused by these vibrations.

The building is of height 280 m and the mean speed of waves in the structure of the building is
3.4 103 ms1.

(ii) Explain quantitatively why earthquake waves of frequency about 6 Hz are likely to
be very destructive.




(Total 25 marks)

27. A piano tuner strikes and holds down the key on a piano that should produce a sound of
frequency 440 Hz. At the same time he sounds a tuning fork that is known to have a frequency
of 440 Hz. The resulting sound heard by the piano tuner fluctuates in loudness with a frequency
of 2 Hz.

Which one of the following could be the frequency of the sound produced by the piano and the
frequency of the sound heard by the piano tuner?

Piano sound frequency / Hz Frequency of sound heard

by piano tuner / Hz

A. 438 441

B. 439 438

C. 441 442

D. 442 441

28. In the diagram below (which is not to scale), monochromatic light from a single narrow slit falls
on two narrow slits S1 and S2. A system of interference fringes is observed on the screen.


monochromatic screen
light source


Single slit

When the screen is moved further away from S1 and S2, which one of the following correctly
describes what happens to the intensity of the bright fringes and the spacing of the bright

Intensity of the bright fringes Spacing of the bright fringes

A. stays the same increases

B. stays the same decreases

C. decreases increases

D. decreases decreases

29. Two lamps producing light of the same colour are placed close to one another. A two source
interference pattern is not observed because

A. the lamps do not emit light of a single frequency.

B. the phase difference between the light from the lamps is continually changing.

C. the intensity of the light emitted by the lamps is not the same.

D. the two lamps are not exact point sources.


30. This question is about earthquake waves.

(a) (i) Light is emitted from a candle flame. Explain why, in this situation, it is correct to
refer to the speed of the emitted light, rather than its velocity.




(ii) By reference to displacement, describe the difference between a longitudinal wave

and a transverse wave.





The centre of an earthquake produces both longitudinal waves (P waves) and transverse waves
(S waves). The graph below shows the variation with time t of the distance d moved by the two
types of wave.

d / km P wave S wave



0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225

(b) Use the graph to determine the speed of

(i) the P waves.




(ii) the S waves.




The waves from an earthquake close to the Earths surface are detected at three laboratories L1,
L2 and L3. The laboratories are at the corners of a triangle so that each is separated from the
others by a distance of 900 km, as shown in the diagram below.

900 km

L1 L2


The records of the variation with time of the vibrations produced by the earthquake as detected
at the three laboratories are shown below. All three records were started at the same time.



start of trace L3


On each record, one pulse is made by the S wave and the other by the P wave. The separation of
the two pulses is referred to as the S-P interval.

(c) (i) On the trace produced by laboratory L2, identify, by reference to your answers in
(b), the pulse due to the P wave (label the pulse P).

(ii) Using evidence from the records of the earthquake, state which laboratory was
closest to the site of the earthquake.


(iii) State three separate pieces of evidence for your statement in (c)(ii).

1 .................................................................................................................


2 .................................................................................................................


3 .................................................................................................................


(iv) The S-P intervals are 68 s, 42 s and 27 s for laboratories L1, L2 and L3 respectively.
Use the graph, or otherwise, to determine the distance of the earthquake from each
laboratory. Explain your working.

Distance from L1 =


Distance from L2 =


Distance from L3 =


(v) Mark on the diagram a possible site of the earthquake.


There is a tall building near to the site of the earthquake, as illustrated below.



direction of vibrations

The base of the building vibrates horizontally due to the earthquake.

(d) (i) On the diagram, draw the fundamental mode of vibration of the building caused by
these vibrations.

The building is of height 280 m and the mean speed of waves in the structure of the building is
3.4 103 ms1.

(ii) Explain quantitatively why earthquake waves of frequency about 6 Hz are likely to
be very destructive.




(Total 21 marks)

31. This question is about the Doppler effect.

The diagram below shows wavefronts produced by a stationary wave source S. The spacing of
the wavefronts is equal to the wavelength of the waves. The wavefronts travel with speed V.

(a) The source S now moves to the right with speed V. In the space below, draw four
successive wavefronts to show the pattern of waves produced by the moving source.


(b) Derive the Doppler formula for the observed frequency f0 of a sound source, as heard by a
stationary observer, when the source approaches the stationary observer with speed v. The
speed of sound is V and the frequency of the sound emitted by the source is f.





The Sun rotates about its centre. The light from one edge of the Sun, as seen by a stationary
observer, shows a Doppler shift of 0.004 nm for light of wavelength 600.000 nm.

(c) Assuming that the Doppler formula for sound may be used for light, estimate the linear
speed of a point on the surface of the Sun due to its rotation.




(Total 9 marks)

32. On which one of the following graphs is the wavelength and the amplitude a of a wave
correctly represented?


0 Distance along
a wave


0 Distance along
a wave


0 Distance along
a wave


0 Distance along
a wave


33. Standing waves in an open pipe come about as a result of

A. reflection and superposition.

B. reflection and diffraction.

C. superposition and diffraction.

D. reflection and refraction.


34. A source of sound approaches a stationary observer. The Doppler effect may be described by
the observer as

A. the increase in loudness of the sound.

B. the increase in wavelength of the sound.

C. the increase in frequency of the sound.

D. the increase in relative speed of the sound waves.


35. The diagram below shows two wave pulses moving towards one another.

Which one of the following diagrams shows the resultant pulse when the two pulses are

A. B.

C. D.


36. This question is about Huygens principle and refraction.

(a) State Huygens principle.



Diagram 1 below shows a wave that approaches the boundary between medium 1 and medium 2.
AB and CD are two wavefronts of the wave.

Diagram 2 shows the situation a time later when point C of the wavefront CD has just reached
the boundary. The speed of the wave in medium 1 is v1 and the speed in medium 2 is v2. v1 is
greater than v2.

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

medium 1 B
medium 2 A C

(b) On diagram 2 above

(i) draw the wavefront AB.


(ii) draw a line to represent the distance travelled by point A.


(iii) label the distance travelled by point B with the letter s.


(c) Use your completed diagram 2 to derive the relation

sin 1 v1

sin 2 v2

where 1 is the angle of incidence and 2 is the angle of refraction.












(d) In medium 1 the wave has a wavelength of 4.0 cm and travels at a speed of 8.0 cm s1.
Determine the frequency of the wave in medium 2.



(e) The angle of incidence is 60 and the angle of refraction is 35. Calculate the speed of the
wave in medium 2.



(Total 14 marks)

37. The sound from two vibrating strings is heard at the same time. One string produces sound of
frequency 350 Hz and the other, 354 Hz. The observer hears a sound of

A. frequency 350 Hz with a beat frequency of 4 Hz.

B. frequency 354 Hz with a beat frequency of 2 Hz.

C. frequency 352 Hz with a beat frequency of 4 Hz.

D. frequency 352 Hz with a beat frequency of 2 Hz.


38. A source of sound emits waves of wavelength , period T and speed v when at rest. The source
moves away from a stationary observer at speed V, relative to the observer. The wavelength of
the sound waves, as measured by the observer is

A. + vT.

B. vT.

C. +VT.

D. VT.

39. This question is about the interference of waves.

(a) State the principle of superposition.




A wire is stretched between two points A and B.


A standing wave is set up in the wire. This wave can be thought of as being made up from the
superposition of two waves, a wave X travelling from A to B and a wave Y travelling from B to
A. At one particular instant in time, the displacement of the wire is as shown. A background
grid is given for reference and the equilibrium position of the wire is shown as a dotted line.


(b) On the grids below, draw the displacement of the wire due to wave X and wave Y.

Wave X


Wave Y



The diagram below shows an arrangement (not to scale) for observing the interference pattern
produced by the superposition of two light waves.


light source S O


single slit

double slit Screen

S1 and S2 are two very narrow slits. The single slit S ensures that the light leaving the slits S1
and S2 is coherent.

(c) (i) Define coherent.



(ii) Explain why the slits S1 and S2 need to be very narrow.





The point O on the diagram is equidistant from S1 and S2 and there is maximum constructive
interference at point P on the screen. There are no other points of maximum interference
between O and P.

(d) (i) State the condition necessary for there to be maximum constructive interference at
the point P.



(ii) On the axes below, draw a graph to show the variation of intensity of light on the
screen between the points O and P.


O P distance along the screen


(e) In this particular arrangement, the distance between the double slit and the screen is 1.50
m and the separation of S1 and S2 is 3.00 103 m.

The distance OP is 0.25 mm. Determine the wavelength of the light.




(Total 14 marks)

40. What change, if any, occurs in the wavelength and frequency of a light wave as it crosses a
boundary from air into glass?

Wavelength Frequency
A. Decreases Decreases

B. Decreases Unchanged

C. Increases Increases

D. Increases Unchanged

41. The variation with time t of the separate displacements d of a point in a medium due to two
waves is shown below.




? a



The waves are superposed. Which of the following diagrams shows the variation with time t of
the resultant displacement d of the point in the medium?

A. d B. d
+a +a

0 0
t t

C. d D. d
+3a +3a

+2a +2a

+a +a

0 0
t t

? a ? a
? a ? a

42. A loudspeaker emits sound of frequency f. The sound waves are reflected from a wall. The
arrangement is shown below.

d d


When a microphone is moved along the line SW, minimum loudness of sound is detected at
points P, Q and R. There are no other minima between these points. The separation of the
minima is d.

The speed of the sound wave is

A. fd.

B. .

C. fd.

D. 2fd.

43. This question is about standing waves in pipes.

The diagram below shows two pipes of the same length. Pipe A is open at both ends and pipe B
is closed at one end.

Pipe A Pipe B

(a) (i) On the diagrams above, draw lines to represent the waveforms of the fundamental
(first harmonic) resonant note for each pipe.

(ii) On each diagram, label the position of the nodes with the letter N and the position
of the antinodes with the letter A.

The frequency of the fundamental note for pipe A is 512 Hz.

(b) (i) Calculate the length of the pipe A. (Speed of sound in air = 325 m s1)




(ii) Suggest why organ pipes designed to emit low frequency fundamental notes (e.g.
frequency 32 Hz) are often closed at one end.



(Total 9 marks)

44. Which of the following diagrams best illustrates the diffraction of waves by an obstacle?

A. B.

C. D.


45. A source S produces sound waves of frequency f and is moving along a straight line as shown



Which observer I, II, III or IV could hear a sound of frequency f when the source is in the
position shown?

A. I




46. In order that the interference between the waves emitted by two light sources can be observed, it
is essential that the sources must emit waves that

A. have the same amplitude.

B. are in phase.

C. have the same colour.

D. have a constant phase difference between them.


47. The interference of light waves is observed using a double-slit arrangement as shown below.

light source * P


not to scale

Which of the following best shows the intensity distribution of light near point P on the screen?

A. B.
intensity intensity

distance along screen distance along screen

C. D.
intensity intensity

distance along screen distance along screen

48. This question is about wave properties and interference.

The diagram below represents the direction of oscillation of a disturbance that gives rise to a

(a) By redrawing the diagram in the spaces below, add arrows to show the direction of wave
energy transfer to illustrate the difference between

(i) a transverse wave and


(ii) a longitudinal wave.


A wave travels along a stretched string. The diagram below shows the variation with distance
along the string of the displacement of the string at a particular instant in time. A small marker
is attached to the string at the point labelled M. The undisturbed position of the string is shown
as a dotted line.

Directions of wave travel

(b) On the diagram above

(i) draw an arrow to indicate the direction in which the marker is moving.

(ii) indicate, with the letter A, the amplitude of the wave.


(iii) indicate, with the letter , the wavelength of the wave.


(iv) draw the displacement of the string a time later, where T is the period of
oscillation of the wave. Indicate, with the letter N, the new position of the marker.

The wavelength of the wave is 5.0 cm and its speed is 10 cm s1.

(c) Determine

(i) the frequency of the wave.


(ii) how far the wave has moved in s.

Interference of waves

(d) By reference to the principle of superposition, explain what is meant by constructive





The diagram below (not drawn to scale) shows an arrangement for observing the interference
pattern produced by the light from two narrow slits S1 and S2.


monochromatic d M O
light source

double slit screen

The distance S1S2 is d, the distance between the double slit and screen is D and D d such
that the angles and shown on the diagram are small. M is the mid-point of S1S2 and it is
observed that there is a bright fringe at point P on the screen, a distance yn from point O on the
screen. Light from S2 travels a distance S2X further to point P than light from S1

(e) (i) State the condition in terms of the distance S2X and the wavelength of the light ,
for there to be a bright fringe at P.



(ii) Deduce an expression for in terms of S2X and d.



(iii) Deduce an expression for in terms of D and yn.


For a particular arrangement, the separation of the slits is 1.40 mm and the distance from the
slits to the screen is 1.50 m. The distance yn is the distance of the eighth bright fringe from O
and the angle = 2.70 103 rad.

(f) Using your answers to (e) to determine

(i) the wavelength of the light.




(ii) the separation of the fringes on the screen.



(Total 24 marks)

49. The wavelength of a progressive transverse wave is defined as

A. the distance between a crest and its neighbouring trough.

B. the distance between any two crests of the wave.

C. the distance moved by a wavefront during one oscillation of the source.

D. the distance moved by a particle in the wave during one oscillation of the source.

CM35;50. The two graphs show the variation with time of the individual displacements of two
waves as they pass through the same point.

displacement x1

0 T time


2 time

The displacement of the resultant wave at the point at time T is equal to

A. x1 + x2 .

B. x1 x2 .

C. A1 + A2.

D. A1 A2.

51. Which one of the following is not a true statement about a standing wave in one dimension?

A. A standing wave is formed by the superposition of two progressive waves.

B. A standing wave stores energy but does not transfer it.

C. The wavelength of the standing wave is the distance between adjacent nodes.

D. The amplitude of vibration varies along the standing wave.


52. This question is about waves and wave motion.

(a) Describe, by reference to the propagation of energy, what is meant by a transverse wave.

Transverse wave


(b) State one example, other than a wave on a string, of a transverse wave.


A transverse wave is travelling along a string that is under tension. The diagram below shows
the displacement of part of the string at time t = 0. The dotted line shows the position of the
string when there is no wave travelling along it.

displacement / cm

distance along string / cm

5.0 15 25 35 45

(c) On the diagram above, draw lines to identify for this wave

(i) the amplitude (label this A).


(ii) the wavelength (label this ).


(d) The period of the wave is 1.2 103 s. Deduce that the speed of the wave is 250 m s1.






(e) Using the axes below, draw the displacement of the string when t = 3.0 104 s. (The
displacement of the string at t = 0 is shown as a dotted line.)

displacement / cm

distance along string / cm

5.0 15 25 35 45


The string is maintained at the same tension and is adjusted in length to 45 cm. It is made to
resonate at its first harmonic (fundamental) frequency.

(f) Explain what is meant by resonance.





(g) Describe how the string can be made to resonate at its first harmonic frequency only.





(h) Determine the frequency of the first harmonic of the string.




(Total 16 marks)

53. Graph P shows how the displacement at one point in a wave varies with time.

Graph Q shows how the displacement in the same wave varies with distance along the wave at
one particular time.

Graph P


0 t1 t2 time

Graph Q


0 x1 x2 x3 distance

Which one of the following expressions gives the speed of the wave?



x 2 x1
t 2 t1

x3 x1
t 2 t1


54. A string is stretched between two fixed points. The string is plucked at its centre and is seen to
vibrate with frequency f as shown below.

Which one of the following expressions gives the frequencies of other possible modes of
vibration that have an antinode at the centre? The number n in each expression is an integer.

A. nf

B. (2n 1)f

C. (n 1)f

D. (n + 1)f

55. Which one of the following diagrams best represents wavefronts produced by a source of sound
of constant frequency as it moves at constant speed towards a stationary observer at O?

A. B.


C. D.



56. The waves from two light sources meet at a point. Which condition is essential for interference
to be observed?

A. Constant phase difference between the waves

B. Equal amplitude of the waves

C. Equal frequency of the waves

D. Equal intensities of the waves


57. Light from a double slit arrangement produces bright and dark fringes on a screen in the region
near point P, as indicated below.


double slit screen

not to scale

The light from the two slits has equal amplitudes on reaching point P.

Which one of the following gives the change, if any, in the appearance of the bright and the
dark fringes when the amplitude of the light wave from one slit is reduced?

Bright fringes Dark fringes

A. Remains the same Remains the same

B. Becomes less bright Remains the same

C. Becomes less bright Becomes more bright

D. Remains the same Becomes more bright


58. This question is about the wave properties of light and electrons.

The diagram below (not to scale) is an arrangement for observing the interference pattern
produced on a screen when the light from two narrow slits S1 and S2 overlaps. A beam of light
from a laser is incident on the slits and after passing through the slits, the light is incident on a
screen. The separation between the slits is large compared to the width of the slits and the
distance between the slits and the screen is large compared to the slit separation.

The point X on the screen is equidistant from S1 and S2.

double slit

light from laser S1


(a) Explain why an interference pattern will not be observed on the screen if the laser is
replaced with a tungsten filament lamp.





(b) On the axes below, draw a sketch-graph to show how the intensity of the observed
interference pattern varies with distance along the screen.

intensity /
arbitrary units

X distance along screen


(c) The wavelength of the light from the laser is 633 nm and the angular separation of the
bright fringes on the screen is 4.00 104 rad. Calculate the distance between S1 and S2.






(d) Consider now a thought experiment in which the light from the laser is replaced by a
beam of electrons that has been accelerated from rest through a potential difference V.

Deduce that the de Broglie wavelength of the electrons is


where h is the Planck constant, me the electron mass and e the electron charge.







(e) The electron beam is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 400 V.
Calculate the separation of S1 and S2 such that the angular separation of the electron
interference fringes is 4.00 104 rad.




(Total 12 marks)

59. The graph below shows the variation of air pressure with distance along a wave at one given
time. The arrow indicates the direction of travel of the wave.

air pressure
normal air pressure
distance along wave

The air pressure at point P is

A. increasing.

B. decreasing.

C. constant.

D. zero.

60. Sound waves move faster in warm air than in cold air. The diagram below shows plane waves in
cold air moving towards a boundary with warm air.

warm air


cold air boundary


Which of the arrows shows the possible direction of waves after reaching the boundary?

A. I




61. The speed of sound in still air is c. A source of sound moves away from an observer at speed v.
What will be the speed of sound as measured by the observer?

A. c

B. c+v

C. cv

D. vc

62. The fundamental frequency of a pipe closed at one end is f. A pipe of the same length but open
at both ends has a fundamental frequency (first harmonic) of

A. f.

B. f.

C. 2f.

D. 4f.

63. This question is about travelling waves and stationary waves.

(a) (i) Describe what is meant by a continuous travelling wave.




(ii) With reference to your answer in (a)(i), state what is meant by the speed of a
travelling wave.



(b) A travelling wave has speed v, frequency f and wavelength .

(i) Define frequency and wavelength.


Frequency: ........................................................................................................

Wavelength: ......................................................................................................

(ii) Derive an expression relating v, f and .




A tube that is open at both ends is placed in a deep tank of water, as shown below.

tuning fork, frequency 256 Hz


tank of water

A tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz is sounded continuously above the tube. The tube is slowly
raised out of the water and, at one position of the tube, a maximum loudness of sound is heard.

(c) (i) Explain the formation of a standing wave in the tube.




(ii) The tube is raised a further small distance. Explain, by reference to resonance, why
the loudness of the sound changes.






(iii) The tube is gradually raised from a position of maximum loudness until the next
position of maximum loudness is reached. The length of the tube above the water
surface is increased by 65.0 cm. Calculate the speed of sound in the tube.





A sound wave is incident on the ear of a person. The pressure variation of the sound wave
causes a force F to be exerted on a moveable part of the ear called the eardrum. The variation of
the displacement x of the eardrum caused by the force F is shown below.

F/? 0? N

0 0
? .0 ? .0 1.0 2.0
x/? 0 mm

(d) The eardrum has an area of 30 mm2. Calculate the pressure, in pascal, exerted on the
eardrum for a displacement x of 1.0 102 mm.




(e) (i) Calculate the energy required to cause the displacement to change from x = 0 to
x = + 1.5 102 mm.




The sound wave causing a maximum displacement of the eardrum of 1.5 102 mm has
frequency 1000 Hz.

(ii) Deduce that the energy causing the displacement in (e)(i) is delivered in a time of
0.25 ms. Also, determine the mean power of the sound wave to cause this





(iii) Suggest the form of energy into which the energy of the sound wave has been
transformed at the eardrum.

(Total 25 marks)

64. For a standing wave, all the particles between two successive nodes have the same

A. amplitude only.

B. frequency only.

C. amplitude and frequency.

D. frequency and energy.


65. The diagram below shows two pulses on a string travelling toward each other.

Which of the following diagrams best shows the shape of the string after the pulses have passed
through each other?






66. The necessary condition for two sources of waves to be coherent is that they vibrate

A. in phase.

B. with a constant phase difference.

C. with the same amplitude.

D. with the same frequency.


67. In a double-slit experiment using light of wavelength , 3 fringe spacings are observed per

centimetre on the screen. When light of wavelength is used, the number of fringe spacings
observed per centimetre is

A. .

B. .

C. 3.

D. 6.

68. Two identical sources in a ripple tank generate waves of wavelength . The interfering waves
produce the wave pattern shown below.




Along which of the labelled lines is the path difference between the waves from the sources
equal to 1.5 ?

A. I




69. This question is about waves and wave properties.

(a) (i) Describe what is meant by a continuous travelling wave.




(ii) With reference to your answer in (a)(i), state what is meant by the speed of a
travelling wave.



(b) Define, for a wave,

(i) frequency.



(ii) wavelength.



A tube that is open at both ends is placed in a deep tank of water, as shown below.

tuning fork, frequency 256 Hz


tank of water

A tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz is sounded continuously above the tube. The tube is slowly
raised out of the water and, at one position of the tube, a maximum loudness of sound is heard.

(c) (i) Explain the formation of a standing wave in the tube.




(ii) The tube is raised a further small distance. Explain, by reference to resonance, why
the loudness of the sound changes.






(iii) The tube is gradually raised from a position of maximum loudness until the next
position of maximum loudness is reached. The length of the tube above the water
surface is increased by 65.0 cm. Calculate the speed of sound in the tube.





A sound wave is incident on the ear of a person. The pressure variation of the sound wave
causes a force F to be exerted on a moveable part of the ear called the eardrum. The variation of
the displacement x of the eardrum caused by the force F is shown below.

F/? 0? N

0 0
? .0 ? .0 1.0 2.0
x/? 0 mm

(d) The eardrum has an area of 30 mm2. Calculate the pressure, in pascal, exerted on the
eardrum for a displacement x of 1.0 102 mm.




(e) (i) Calculate the energy required to cause the displacement to change from x = 0 to
x = +1.5 102 mm.





The sound wave causing a maximum displacement of the eardrum of 1.5 102 mm has
frequency 1000 Hz.

(ii) Deduce that the energy causing the displacement in (e)(i) is delivered in a time of
0.25 ms. Also, determine the mean power of the sound wave to cause this





(iii) Suggest the form of energy into which the energy of the sound wave has been
transformed at the eardrum.


In an experiment to measure the speed of sound, two coherent sources S1 and S2 produce sound
waves of frequency 1700 Hz. A sound detector is moved along a line AB, parallel to S1S2 as
shown below.



When the detector is at P, such that S1P = S2P, maximum loudness of sound is detected. As the
detector is moved along AB, regions of minimum and maximum loudness are detected. Point X
is the third position of minimum loudness from P. The distance (S2X S1X) is 0.50 m.

(f) (i) Determine the speed of the sound.





(ii) At X, no sound is detected. The loudness of the sound produced by S1 alone is then
reduced. State and explain the effect of this change on the loudness of sound heard
at X and at P.

at X: ...........................................................................................................



at P: ...........................................................................................................


(Total 30 marks)


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