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As the process of social integration of the community, local community social capital

became the main capital in achieving unity between groups. The process of social
communities to achieve social integration requires a means of social capital between local
ethnic and other entrants ethnic, so although there are many differenties in social or cultural
aspect,they achieve an integration. This is not surprising since in principle social capital does
have four dimensional adhesive into social life. The first is integration (integration), the
strong ties of family, and family deals with surrounding neighbors. For example, bonds based
on kinship, ethnic, and religious. Second, the nexus (linkage), bond with other communities
outside the community of origin. For example, the network (network) and associations are
citizenship (civic associations) that penetrates the difference kinship, ethnic, and religious.
Third, synergies (sinergy), namely the relationship between the leader and Government
institutions with Community (state-community relations). (Nasdian, 2015).
Assimilation through marriage between ethnic groups
Any member of the public who have different ethnic backgrounds have also different
cultures. Tribal identity and culture differences sometimes can seriously hamper the unity of
the community because they have confidence in its own interpret culture respectively.
However, unlike with the conditions that created in the social life of the community in
Polewali Mandar Wonomulyo, social groups which has different social and culture tenets of
life can turn out and harmony in difference. Social capital created in intensive social relations
in a long time has made the culture of local communities with ethnic newcomers changing its
nature from typical became the new cultural elements.they reduce the differences among
individuals or ethnic groups through a mixed marriage (amalgamation). In his social life, they
no longer know the difference, ethnic tribal system, as well as the minority and the majority
in her life companion decides. That is, the marriage between ethnic groups have become
prevalent in people's lives. This kind of condition is the efforts to reduce the differences
between individuals or community groups to increase the unity, attitude and mental processes
by looking at the interests and shared objectives (Soekanto & Sulistyowati, 2013). The result,
ethnically different communities and culture increasingly unified and integrated with the
good as well as the boundaries between groups are starting to disappear and both become
fused into one group. These circumstances has been achieved in common tastes, lifestyles,
values and norms, interests and responsibilities. This has been achieved in social integration,
namely the existence of a cultural blend of the Union, the same values, the same view and the
unity of thought and action.
They have reached the alignment of (assimilation) of one to another because they are
capable of constructing the understanding of culture. Because, a society will be achieved the
assimilation: 1) When the members of the community feel that they managed to fill each
other's culture, 2) when they achieved some sort of consensus on norms and social values 3).
When the norms is consistent and not changed (Astrid,1983).
This assimilation process become a bridge towards the creation of a new cultural patterns
in reducing differences where the culture as the Foundation for living together. Thus, the
process of assimilation is a form of social process where two or more individual or group
behavior patterns of mutual acceptance so that they ultimately become one new integrated
group (Hendropuspito in Handoyo, 2013).
Acculturation as a pathway to Social Harmony
Another form of a sense of community among ethnic groups is strengthened by the existence
of acculturation in the religious field., Ethnic groups accept and adapt elements of other
ethnic cultures in the religious activities. Cultural differences do not make them apart of each
other, through their culture they can remain attached. From some ethnic Muslim like the
ethnic Toraja, Bugis, Javanese,their religious acculturation blending at the event that called
"Sunnatan massal" (Mass circumcision). The form of the integration is that they hold a mass
graduates by displaying sayyang pattu'du (horse dance) as cultural icon however another
ethnic tribe participated in it.
In the event of Mawlid of the Prophet coupled to mass circumcision, with ethnic groups
accept and adapt to cultures in the community. Other ethnic participated in it but still
maintain their own cultural characteristics. Participation and acceptance elements of other
ethnic cultures in religious activity is a form of the integration of several different ethnic, they
converge in the integration between groups. In fact, many of the other ethnic groups that
moved religion and converted to Islam.
In this context, other ethnic groups are confronted with elements of culture of local
communities so that the ethnic gradually accept other forms of local ethnic culture without
eliminating the typical nature of their cultural personality in religious rituals. For example,
although Javanese has its own cultural identity but they participated conform to the culture of
the local people without eliminating their tribal identity. As well as other ethnic, although
most of them still hold their traditions and customs of the ethnic group, but they are also
gradually follow the culture and artistry of native communities, which in this case "Mass
it appears that different social groups reached a harmony that is reflected in culture between
ethnic groups or a mix of the unification occurred in implementation of Mawlid Nabi and
Sunnatan massal (Mass circumcision). Ethnic groups have had the understanding in the
implementation of the religious rituals as well as the culture in the society that makes their
harmony in diversity. That is, the acculturation is doing well because of the different
community members succeeded in filling the needs of one to another. One of them is
reaching a consensus on norms and shared social values.
Acculturation as expressed by Tumanggor (2012) that acculturation is a social process that
occurs when a group of men with a particular culture in such a way on the influence by the
elements of a culture so that they Customize with elements of their own culture without
causing loss of original cultural identity.
Meanwhile, (Syarbaini & Rusdiyanta, 2009) suggests that when two different social groups
receive other cultural elements into new customs, then the State of acculturation has
occurred. It is understood that in acculturation the other culture accepted to be as if
their own culture in their public life.
Social capital is an important element in a community. Social capital developed
through social institutions will become the bridge in building social relationships. From a
social relationship constructed, created a shared conviction of the importance of living within
the tenets of social integration. The spirit of this integration create social harmony in society,
because of their social relationships established between them is becoming more tightly.
The social integration reflected in the harmony of social relations among ethnic groups are
reflected in patterns of social harmony that leads to cooperation and receiving elements of
other ethnic cultures becomes part of the culture in the life of society. Ethnic differences,
language, culture and religion does not make them mutually contradictory in his social life,
they continue to live in a State of pillars, upholding the values of community and behave each
other appreciating despite having differences in social culture. Therefore, social capital is
important to local communities has been preserved because it is not only has the function of
integrative medicine, but also has the social wisdom in building social harmony in their
aspect of life.

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