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List of Poisonous Plants for Animals

1. Common Name: monkshood

Scientific Name: Aconitum napellus
Target: Cattle, goats and Humans
2. Common Name: yellow buckeye
Scientific Name: Aesculus flava
Target: humans, cattle, goats

3. Common Name: Milas

Scientific Name: Agrostemma githago
Target: poultry, hogs and young birds

4. Common Name: Lily of the valley

Scientific Name: Convallaria majalis L
Target: Pets including birds and dogs

5. Common Name: Rose Daphne

Scientific Name: Daphne cneorum
Target: Cats, dogs and humans

6. Common Name: Spindletree

Scientific Name: Euonymus europaeus
Target: Goats, horses and sheep
7. Common Name: pokeweed
Scientific Name: Phytolacca americana
Target: Cattle, sheep, swine, turkey and horses

8. Common Name: Cherry laurel

Scientific Name: Prunus laurocerasus
Target: Moose, swine, cattle, sheep and goats

9. Common Name: Black locust

Scientific Name: Robinia pseudoacacia
Target: Poultry, sheep, goat, cattle and horses

10. Common Name: English yew

Scientific Name: Taxus baccata
Target: All animals

11. Common Name: guilder rose

Scientific Name: Viburnum opulus
Target: Humans
12. Common Name: Chinese wisteria
Scientific Name: Wisteria sinensis
Target: Humans

13. Common Name: Elderberry

Scientific Name: Sambucus canadensis
Target: Cattle, humans and goats
14. Common Name: Common Laburnum
Scientific Name: Laburnum anagyroides
Target: Cattle, dogs, swine and horses
15. Common Name: Sheep laurel
Scientific Name: Kalmia angustifolia
Target: Cattle, sheep, goat and humans
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