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IT Governance Network

Understanding the CobiT 5

Process Assessment Model
CobiT 5 and ISO 15504, the new benchmark for IT functions, organisations and service providers

ISO 15504-2 defines a measurement framework for the Process Capability Assessment for Level 3
Processes are documented and communicated (for
assessment of CobiT 5 process capability. Process capability organisational efficiency)
is defined on a six point scale from 0 to 5. This scale The Implemented Process is Established based upon a
represents increasing capability of the implemented process, standard process which is effectively deployed as a defined
from not achieving the process purpose through to meeting process to achieve its process outcomes
A standard process is tailored and effectively deployed along
current and projected business goals. with the infrastructure needed to provide a closed loop
The measurement of capability is based upon a set of process feedback cycle for process improvement
- Process definition
attributes. Each attribute defines a particular aspect of A standard process, with tailoring guidelines, is defined
process capability. Levels of achievement of the process that describe the fundamental elements of the process
attributes are scored as follows: The sequence and interaction with other processes is
N Not achieved 0 15% achievement determined
Required competencies and roles to perform the process
P Partially achieved 15 50% achievement are identified
L Largely achieved 50 85% achievement Required infrastructure and work environment are
F Fully achieved 85 100% achievement identified
Suitable methods for monitoring the effectiveness and
Process Capability Assessment for Level 0 suitability of the process are defined
The process is not implemented at all, or falls to achieve its - Process deployment
process purpose: The defined process is deployed based on the tailored
Processes are incomplete standard process
Defined roles, responsibilities and authorities are assigned
Process Capability Assessment for Level 1 and communicated
Processes are ad hoc and disorganised (and therefore largely Personnel performing the defined process are competent
dependent on people) (knowledge, skill and personal attributes) on the basis of
appropriate education, training and experience
But the Implemented Process Achieves its Purpose Required resources and information necessary are made
the process achieves its defined outcomes available, allocated and used
- Base practices are performed: Required infrastructure and work environment are made
Work products that are input to the process are available, managed and maintained
identified Appropriate data are collected and analysed as a basis for
Work products that are output from the process are understanding of the behaviour of, and to demonstrate
identified the suitability and effectiveness of the process, and to
Actions taken to transform input work products to evaluate where continuous improvement of the process
output work products identified. can be made.

Process Capability Assessment for Level 2 Process Capability Assessment for Level 4
Processes follow a regular pattern (to manage inherent risks) At level 4, processes are monitored and measured (for
The Implemented Process is Planned, Monitored and quality defects) and predictability
Adjusted to meet identified objectives A predictable process operates consistently within defined
Work products are appropriately established, controlled limits to achieve process outcomes and is supported and
and maintained driven through quantitative information derived from
- Performance is managed relevant measurement.
Objectives for the performance of the process are A standard process is now performed consistently
identified - Process measurement
Performance of the process is planned and monitored Process information needs in support of business goals
Performance of the process is adjusted to meet the are established
Process measurement needs are derived from process
plans information needs
Responsibilities and authorities for performing the Quantitative objectives for process performance in
process are defined, assigned and communicated support of business goals are established
Resources and information necessary for performing the Measures and frequency of measures are identified and
process are identified, made available, allocated and defined in line with process measurement objectives for
used process performance
Interfaces between the involved parties are managed to Results of measures are collected, analysed and
ensure effective communication and clear assignment reported
Measurement results are used to characterise process
- Work products are managed performance
Requirements for the process work products are defined - Process control
Requirements for documentation and control of work Analysis and control techniques are determined and
products are defined applied
Work products are appropriately identified, Control limits of variation are established for normal
documented and controlled process performance
Measurement data are analysed for special classes of
Work products are reviewed in accordance with planned variation
arrangements and adjusted as necessary to meet Correction action is taken to address variation
requirements. Control limits are re-established following corrective

IT Governance Network, copyright 2011

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