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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan

Name: Megan LaPrade

Subject/Grade Lesson Title: Unit: Date or Lesson

Level: #:
Ordering FDP Day 2 Fractions, Decimals,
6th Grade Math Percents Jan. 18, 2017

Virginia SOL/National Standard:

6.2 The student will

a) investigate and describe fractions, decimals, and percents as ratios;

b) identify a given fraction, decimal, or percent from a representation;

c) demonstrate equivalent relationships among fractions, decimals, and percents; and

d) compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents.

Measurable Lesson Objective(s):

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Order decimals, fractions, and percents in ascending and descending order

2. Describe both ascending and descending in their own words

Materials/Technologies/Resources Needed:

iPad (one per student)


Ordering Activity Squares and Construction Paper (one per student)

Document Camera and Smartboard/projector

Assessment (Formative and/or Summative):

The ordering activity will be collected and graded to assess student knowledge along with the exit

Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda):

(Hook will be done after the warm-up)

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipated

ns/Differentiati Time:
Show YouTube video to student to Watch the video shown on the on:
remind them how to compare Smartboard at the front of the 5 minutes
numbers. room.


Access /Review Prior Knowledge:

There will be a warm-up on the board for students to complete upon entering the room.

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate

ns/Differentiati d Time:
Post the warm-up questions on Sit and complete the warm-up on:
the Nearpod app. These individually at their seats. Once
questions will draw from the they have answered the
previous weeks lessons. The questions, they will submit their 5-10
teacher will then go over the answers via the app. N/A minutes
answers to the warm-up
questions when answered and
address any student confusion.

Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed or built)

Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding

Independent Practice

There is no prescribed order to this section; you must tailor the order to the students and the content. This should be the
longest portion of your lesson plan.

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate

ns/Differentiati d Time:
Display the expectations for the Follow along with the teacher as on:
class on the board and go over the notes and practice are being
them before beginning work for presented on the board.
the day. 3 minutes
1. Respect yourself
and others at all times
2. Remain quiet and
listen when the teacher is
3. Stay in your seats at 10
all times. Students will work to fill out all minutes
the activity tiles. Once they
have all the FDP slots filled for N/A
each tile, they will paste them to
The teacher will then pass out
the construction paper in the
construction paper and the
ordering activity tiles. The
teacher will lead a classroom appropriate order.
discussion about what
ascending and descending
means. The teacher will then
instruct the students to then
write ascending on the top of
one side of the paper, and
descending on the other side of
the paper.
Students will be instructed to minutes
work on the ascending side
first. Students will cut out the
squares and paste them to the
construction paper in the order
given at the top of the page.
They will also be asked to write
each number in its other two

Students will be asked to do the

descending side of the activity
once the ascending side is

Activity sheets will be collected

as each child finishes at their
own pace.


Hand in completed activity sheets as an exit slip.

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate

ns/Differentiati d Time:
Hand out the exit slip when Complete the one question on:
there is 5 minutes left in class. exit slip independently and 5
hand it in when finished. N/A minutes

Declarative Summary Statement: Today we learned what percents are, and how to change
percentages to fractions.

Activity If Extra Time Remains or Technology Fails:

If extra time remains, students will be allowed to use their iPad for educational apps such as
Reflex. If technology fails, the teacher will break students into groups, assign whiteboard to each
group, and play a round of group Think-Pair-Share until the end of the period.
Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate
ns/Differentiati d Time:
Walk around the room to check Complete the assigned tasks at on:
students work and answer their desks Until the
questions when needed N/A end of the

Note: Attach or provide hyperlink to all handouts, external documents, resources, etc.

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