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ECCD / Education in Emergencies Project

Funded by PLAN International Pakistan
Proposed Budget by : National Rural Support Programme (10 Aug 2012)
Currency PKR -
Quarter I Quarter II Quarter III

Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost Unit Unit Cost

1 Capital Cost

1.1 Computer / Printer - -

1.2 Printer - -

Sub Total - -

Operational Cost SM-Phase-IV

2 Human Resource

2.1 Project Coordinator at NRSP Head Office (50%) - -

2.2 Project Manager/ECCD Specialist at NRSP Regional Office at DG Khan 1 70,000 2 140,000 1 70,000 3 210,000 1 70,000

2.3 M & E Manager at DG Khan (25 % Share) 1 16,000 2 32,000 1 16,000 3 48,000 1 16,000

2.4 M & E Officer at NRSP District Offices 3 26,000 2 156,000 3 26,000 3 234,000 3 26,000

2.5 Finance / Admin Officer at DG Khan Office 1 26,000 2 52,000 1 26,000 3 78,000 1 26,000

2.6 Team Leader/District Coordinator at Three Districts 3 32,000 2 192,000 3 32,000 3 288,000 3 32,000

2.7 Mentors / Facilitators / Education Coordinators 7 26,000 2 364,000 7 26,000 3 546,000 7 26,000

2.8 Office boy / Chowkidar District Officer 3 11,000 2 66,000 3 11,000 3 99,000 3 11,000

2.9 Engineer Support 3 23,000 2 138,000 3 23,000 3 207,000 23,000

2.10 Admin & Accounts Assistant (M. Garh & Layyah) 2 15,000 2 60,000 2 15,000 3 90,000 2 15,000
2.11 Staff Benefits @ 30 % (Need to be included in the Salary budget)
- -

Sub Total Human Resource 1,200,000 1,800,000

3 Operational/ Administrative Cost

3.1 Office Rent (Percentage share) 3 18,000 2 108,000 3 18,000 3 162,000 3 18,000

3.2 Utilities 3 8,000 2 48,000 3 8,000 3 72,000 3 8,000

3.3 Communication 3 8,000 2 48,000 3 8,000 3 72,000 3 8,000
3.4 Stationery & Supplies 3 9,000 2 54,000 3 9,000 3 81,000 3 9,000
3.6 Vehicle Rental with POL and Maintenance and Driver Salary (Monitoring / Project Management) 4 65,000 2 520,000 4 65,000 3 780,000 4 65,000
3.10 Air Travel 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000
3.11 TA / DA (DSA) 17 1,500 2 51,000 17 1,500 3 76,500 17 1,500
Sub Total Operational / administrative cost 849,000 1,263,500

Total Cost Capital, HR and Operational 2,049,000 3,063,500

Grand Total 2,049,000 3,063,500

ECCD / Education in Emergencies Project
Funded by PLAN International Pakistan
Proposed Budget by : National Rural Support Programme (10 Aug 2012)
Currency PKR
Quarter III Quarter IV
Grand Total
Frequency Total Cost Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost

1 Capital Cost

1.1 Computer / Printer - - -

1.2 Printer - - -

Sub Total - - -

Operational Cost SM-Phase-IV -

2 Human Resource -

2.1 Project Coordinator at NRSP Head Office (50%) - - -

2.2 Project Manager/ECCD Specialist at NRSP Regional Office at DG Khan 3 210,000 1 70,000 3 210,000 770,000

2.3 M & E Manager at DG Khan (25 % Share) 3 48,000 1 16,000 3 48,000 176,000

2.4 M & E Officer at NRSP District Offices 3 234,000 3 26,000 3 234,000 858,000

2.5 Finance / Admin Officer at DG Khan Office 3 78,000 1 26,000 3 78,000 286,000

2.6 Team Leader/District Coordinator at Three Districts 3 288,000 3 32,000 3 288,000 1,056,000

2.7 Mentors / Facilitators / Education Coordinators 3 546,000 7 26,000 3 546,000 2,002,000

2.8 Office boy / Chowkidar District Officer 3 99,000 3 11,000 3 99,000 363,000

2.9 Engineer Support - 23,000 - 345,000

2.10 Admin & Accounts Assistant (M. Garh & Layyah) 3 90,000 2 15,000 3 90,000 330,000
2.11 Staff Benefits @ 30 % (Need to be included in the Salary budget) -
- - -

Sub Total Human Resource 1,593,000 1,593,000 6,186,000

3 Operational/ Administrative Cost -

3.1 Office Rent (Percentage share) 3 162,000 3 18,000 3 162,000 594,000

3.2 Utilities 3 72,000 3 8,000 3 72,000 264,000

3.3 Communication 3 72,000 3 8,000 3 72,000 264,000
3.4 Stationery & Supplies 3 81,000 3 9,000 3 81,000 297,000
3.6 Vehicle Rental with POL and Maintenance and Driver Salary (Monitoring / Project Management) 3 780,000 4 65,000 3 780,000 2,860,000
3.10 Air Travel 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 80,000
3.11 TA / DA (DSA) 3 76,500 17 1,500 3 76,500 280,500
Sub Total Operational / administrative cost 1,263,500 1,263,500 4,639,500

Total Cost Capital, HR and Operational 2,856,500 2,856,500 10,825,500

Grand Total 2,856,500 2,856,500 10,825,500

Head Office
ECCD / Education in Emergencies Project
Funded by PLAN International Pakistan
Proposed Budget by : National Rural Support Programme (10 Aug 2012)
Currency PKR


Operational Cost SM-Phase-IV



Total Cost Capital, HR and Operational

Head Office
ECCD / Education in Emergencies Project
Funded by PLAN International Pakistan
Proposed Budget by : National Rural Support Programme (10 Aug 2012)
Currency PKR

Capital Cost
Computer / Printer (to be provided by PLAN)
Printer (to be provided by PLAN)
Sub Total
Operational Cost SM-Phase-IV
Human Resource
Project Coordinator at NRSP Head Office (50%)
Project Manager/ECCD Specialist at NRSP Regional Office at DG Khan
M & E Manager at DG Khan (25 % Share)
M & E Officer at NRSP District Offices
Finance / Admin Officer at DG Khan Office
Team Leader/District Coordinator at Three Districts
Mentors / Facilitators / Education Coordinators
Office boy / Chowkidar District Officer
Engineer Support
Admin & Accounts Assistant (M. Garh & Layyah)
Staff Benefits @ 30 % (Need to be included in the Salary budget)

Sub Total Human Resource

Operational/ Administrative Cost
Office Rent (Percentage share)
Stationery & Supplies
Vehicle Rental with POL and Maintenance and Driver Salary (Monitoring / Project Management)
Air Travel
Sub Total Operational / administrative cost

Total Cost Capital, HR and Operational

Management Fee @ 5%

Engineer Support
Quarter I Quarter II
Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost Unit Unit Cost

4 50,000 1 200,000
2 15,000 1 30,000

1 30,000 2 60,000 1 30,000



- - -
1 30,000 1 30,000 1 30,000
3 1,500 2 9,000 3 1,500



Quarter II Quarter III
Frequency Total Cost Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost

- -
- -
- -

3 90,000 1 30,000 3 90,000

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- -
90,000 90,000

- -
- -
- -
- -
3 - - - 3 -
1 30,000 1 30,000 1 30,000
3 13,500 3 1,500 3 13,500
43,500 43,500

133,500 133,500

159,850 149,500

293,350 283,000
Quarter IV
Grand Total
Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost

- 200,000
- 30,000
- 230,000
1 30,000 3 90,000 330,000
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
90,000 330,000
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - 3 - -
1 30,000 1 30,000 120,000
3 1,500 3 13,500 49,500
43,500 169,500

133,500 729,500


283,000 1,307,250
ECCD / Education in Emergencies Project
Funded by PLAN International Pakistan
Proposed Budget by : National Rural Support Programme (10 Aug 2012)
Currency PKR


Operational Cost SM-Phase-IV



Total Cost Capital, HR and Operational

ECCD / Education in Emergencies Project
Funded by PLAN International Pakistan
Proposed Budget by : National Rural Support Programme (10 Aug 2012)
Currency PKR

Capital Cost
Computer / Printer (to be provided by PLAN)
Printer (to be provided by PLAN)
Sub Total
Operational Cost SM-Phase-IV
Human Resource
Project Coordinator at NRSP Head Office (50%)
Project Manager/ECCD Specialist at NRSP Regional Office at DG Khan
M & E Manager at DG Khan (25 % Share)
M & E Officer at NRSP District Offices
Finance / Admin Officer at DG Khan Office
Team Leader/District Coordinator at Three Districts
Mentors / Facilitators / Education Coordinators
Office boy / Chowkidar District Officer
Engineer Support
Admin & Accounts Assistant (M. Garh & Layyah)
Staff Benefits @ 30 % (Need to be included in the Salary budget)

Sub Total Human Resource

Operational/ Administrative Cost
Office Rent (Percentage share)
Stationery & Supplies
Vehicle Rental with POL and Maintenance and Driver Salary (Monitoring / Project Management)
Air Travel
Sub Total Operational / administrative cost

Total Cost Capital, HR and Operational

Management Fee

Grand Total
Quarter I Quarter II
Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost Unit Unit Cost

4 50,000 1 200,000 -
2 15,000 1 30,000 -

1 30,000 2 60,000 1 30,000

1 70,000 2 140,000 1 70,000
1 16,000 2 32,000 1 16,000
3 26,000 2 156,000 3 26,000
1 26,000 2 52,000 1 26,000
3 32,000 2 192,000 3 32,000
7 26,000 2 364,000 7 26,000
3 11,000 2 66,000 3 11,000
3 23,000 2 138,000 3 23,000
2 15,000 2 60,000 2 15,000
- -

3 18,000 2 108,000 3 18,000

3 8,000 2 48,000 3 8,000
3 8,000 2 48,000 3 8,000
3 9,000 2 54,000 3 9,000
4 65,000 2 520,000 4 65,000
2 50,000 1 50,000 2 50,000
20 1,500 2 60,000 20 1,500



Quarter II Quarter III
Frequency Total Cost Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost

- - -
- - -
- -

3 90,000 1 30,000 3 90,000

3 210,000 1 70,000 3 210,000
3 48,000 1 16,000 3 48,000
3 234,000 3 26,000 3 234,000
3 78,000 1 26,000 3 78,000
3 288,000 3 32,000 3 288,000
3 546,000 7 26,000 3 546,000
3 99,000 3 11,000 3 99,000
3 207,000 - 23,000 -
3 90,000 2 15,000 3 90,000

- -
1,890,000 1,683,000

3 162,000 3 18,000 3 162,000

3 72,000 3 8,000 3 72,000
3 72,000 3 8,000 3 72,000
3 81,000 3 9,000 3 81,000
3 780,000 4 65,000 3 780,000
1 50,000 2 50,000 1 50,000
3 90,000 20 1,500 3 90,000
1,307,000 1,307,000

3,197,000 2,990,000

159,850 149,500

3,356,850 3,139,500
Quarter IV
Grand Total
Unit Unit Cost Frequency Total Cost

- - 200,000
- - 30,000
- 230,000
1 30,000 3 90,000 330,000
1 70,000 3 210,000 770,000
1 16,000 3 48,000 176,000
3 26,000 3 234,000 858,000
1 26,000 3 78,000 286,000
3 32,000 3 288,000 1,056,000
7 26,000 3 546,000 2,002,000
3 11,000 3 99,000 363,000
- 23,000 - 345,000
2 15,000 3 90,000 330,000
- -
1,683,000 6,516,000
3 18,000 3 162,000 594,000
3 8,000 3 72,000 264,000
3 8,000 3 72,000 264,000
3 9,000 3 81,000 297,000
4 65,000 3 780,000 2,860,000
2 50,000 1 50,000 200,000
20 1,500 3 90,000 330,000
1,307,000 4,809,000

2,990,000 11,555,000

149,500 577,750

3,139,500 12,132,750

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