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Public International Law

Midterm Exam

1. Enumerate 5 acts of aggression

2. Island of Palmas case
3. Distinguish Act of State from Sovereign Immunity
4. What are obligations erga omnes? What are the remedies for
breach of such obligations?
5. Discuss the Nyerere doctrine on state succession
6. Discuss the archipelago doctrine
7. What do you mean by opinion juris sive necessitates
8. Criteria for recognition of a government
9. Qualifications to be a member of the UN
10. Which prevails over the other municipal law or
international law
11. What do you mean by lex posterior derogate priori
12. Distinguish real union from incorporate union
13. Kinds of trust territories
14. A doesnt have friendly relations with B. C shipped arms
to A. B put floating mines surrounding A and organized a
group that was to go against A. A filed an action against B. A
bases its action against B on what ground? What can B assert
so that the case would be dismissed?

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