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Name: Y Age: Y Sex : FemalSport: Volleyball

Height (in/cm/m2) 69 175.3 3.1
Weight (lbs/kg) 145 65.9
BMI 21.5 Healthy

CALORIES 2320 2465 2610
* estimated to provide a range, true requirements will vary based on physical activity level.

Calories 2320-2610 2911 (1045) 1279 1593
Meal spacing 3-4 hours Average ~ 3hrs Average ~ 3.5hrs Average ~ 4hrs

PROTEIN Breakfast=8g,
Snack=40(5)g, Breakfast=8g,
Lunch=25g, Breakfast=28g,
Lunch=42g, Lunch=18g, Breakfast=19g,
Dinner=23g, Snack=7g Dinner=29g, Snack=1g Lunch=26g,
Average Dinner=40g
Protein per meal 25 g = 48 (31)g Average = 28g Average = 28g
Protein per day 75 g 144 (94)g 83g 94g
Great job with meal spacing, meeting all of your goals for protein on average, and
eating seafood every day. Aim for seafood at least 2 times per week as a source of
health boosting essential omega-3 fats. These are crucial for reducing inflammation
and easing stiffness in the body by curbing joint pain (along with many other benefits)!
*Note: recording for pistachios/peanut butter may be
off (estimated values in parenthesis).
While your protein intake on average is perfect, focus on consuming enough protein
before a workout - vital for muscle repair. Ideal: 25g of protein 1 hour before a workout.
During exercise, if amino acids aren't in the blood supply (through diet), your body
breaks down muscle for fuel. So, eating enough protein before a workout helps
preserve lean mass. Day 1: Given that you are up so early, eat your scramble before
practice and oatmeal after (switch meals). Or add a side of yogurt and glass of soy milk
to your oatmeal. If you wake up late, eat 10g of protein 30 minutes before a workout
and consume an additional 15g after to make up for the deficit. When you are sick, you
Recommended should still be consuming 75g per day.


2 cup fruit, 3 cup 1 cup fruit, 3 cup

veggies: banana, apple, veggies: banana, 0 fruits, 1.25 cup
spinach, cucumber, spinach, carrot, veggie: zucchini,
Variety 3+ types asparagus asparagus brussel sprouts
Servings per meal 1+ cup 1.7 cup 1.3 cup 0.5 cup
3 cups
Servings per day minimum 5 cups 4 cups 1.25 cup
Started off great! You missed the goal on Day 3, however. Being sick may have affected
your appetite? Remember: A decreased intake of fruits and vegetables can lead to
fatigue, muscle damage and impaired immune function. This is especially important in
decreasing your risk of illness and infection!
Try to stay consistent with Fruit/Veggie intake throughout the week. Keep a piece of
fruit in your bag at all times for a quick energy boost! *Note: 1 piece of fruit is
equivalent to 1 cup. When picking vegetables, go for a range of colors that provide a
variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants - this is also important for reducing risk
Recommended of injury and promoting speedy recovery. Eating enough fruits and vegetables also
Changes helps decrease fatigue!


Snack=54(8)g, Breakfast=54g,
Lunch=8g, Lunch=50g, Breakfast=11g,
Dinner=5g, Snack=28g Lunch=31g, Dinner=7g, Breakfast=3g,
Average = Snack=33g Lunch=4g, Dinner=79g
Servings per meal 75-150 g 66 (46)g Average = 45g Average = 29g
Servings per day 225-450 g 198.52 (139)g 136g 87g

Oatmeal (1g), Salsa

Peanut butter (12g), (1g), Chicken soup (3g), Mac N Cheese (4g),
Oatmeal (1g) Cupcake (25g) Soda (37g)
Added sugars less than 50 gTotal = 13g Total = 30g Total = 41g
You are averaging 47g, out of the recommended 75g per meal. Also, you seem to be
drifting in carb intake as week progresses. Not working out may have played a factor in
decreased carb intake? You should still be consuming the lower end of the scale (75g of
carbs per meal) even if you are not participating in physical activity. Remember carbs
are equally as important off season - the primary source of fuel for your brain is
GLUCOSE :) *Note: 4g sugar = 1 teaspoon

Try to incorporate a serving of whole grains in each meal as a great source of complex
carbs! When you are actively working out, carbs are essential in prolonging endurance
and improving recovery. Add toast in the morning with your eggs. Turn lunches into
sandwiches (with whole-wheat bread), or more fruit! Eating oatmeal every day,
excellent source of fiber! FIber improves weight management, regulates blood glucose
levels, and improves digestion for overall good health. Added sugars are not a problem.
* denotes practice days
Overall eating healthy by consuming enough protein & a variety fruits/vegetables each day. Missing goal for
carbohydrates. Once you feel better/start working out - make sure to eat adequate protein (25g) before exercise.
Your body is straining after a night's sleep (remember you haven't consumed protein since dinner the night
before). Also, you seem to drift away from goals closer to the weekend. Try your best to stay consistent with Day
1. Meal spacing is great. Being sick may have contributed to meal choices? Remember: even when you're not
working out, these macronutrients are just as important in maintaining healthy brain, muscle, and immune
function. GOALS:
1) Consume adequate
protein (25g) before exercise
2) Complete goal for carbohydrates (75-150g per meal)
3) Stay consistent with fruit/vegetable intake (3 cups per day)

Evaluated by Elsa M. Esparza, Sports Nutrition Intern


~ 4hrs

= 28g

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Food Amount Calories Protein Fat
Oatmeal 1 packet 150 6.56 2.58
Banana 1 cup 105 1.29 0.39
Pistachios 7 oz (listed) 1111 40.01 89.94
Eggs 3 273 18.28 20.09
Sausage 1 91 3.4 8.14
Spinach 4 oz 26 3.25 0.44
Turkey 4 slices 60 9.8 1.42
Cucumber 0.5 23 0.98 0.17
Apple 1 cup 57 0.28 0.19
Peanut Butter 0.5 cup 755 30.72 63.87
Shrimp 8 ~ 3oz 84 20.38 0.24
Asparagus 8 26 2.88 0.26
Oatmeal 1 cup 150 6.56 2.58
Water 72 oz
Water + Alka Seltzer8 oz
TOTAL 2911 144.39 190.31

Food Amount Calories Protein Fat
Oatmeal 1 packet 150 6.56 2.58
Banana 1 105 1.29 0.39
Eggs 4 364 24.38 26.79
Spinach 4 oz 26 3.25 0.44
Salsa 2 tbsp? 10 0.55 0.06
Tea 1 cup 2 0 0
Chicken Soup 2 cups 199 17.39 3.06
Carrots 0.5 cup 26 0.6 0.15
Crab Cakes 2 186 24.25 9.02
Asparagus 10 33 3.6 0.33
Cupcake 1 178 1.37 5.26
Water 64 oz
Water + Alka Seltzer4 oz
TOTAL 1279 83.24 48.08

Food Amount Calories Protein Fat
Eggs 2 182 12.19 13.4
Sausage 2 links 182 6.8 16.28
Crabcakes 2 186 24.25 9.02
Zucchini 0.5 cup? 21 1.5 0.4
Brussel Sprouts 0.75 cup 42 2.98 0.58
Mac n Cheese 0.5 cup 188 4.84 8.2
Ribs w/BBQ 5 ~ 6oz 580 30.32 46.14
Gumbo 0.5 cup 57 2.65 1.44
Soda 12 oz 155 0 0.92
Water 60 oz
TOTAL 1593 85.53 96.38
CarbohydrateFiber Sugars Added Sugars Fixed Amoun
27.47 4 0.41 0.41
26.95 3.1 14.43
53.92 21 15.2 1 oz (49 kern
2.95 0 2.54
0.69 0 0
4.12 2.5 0.48
1.4 0 1.97
5.46 0.8 2.51
15.05 2.6 11.33
27.94 8.4 11.89 11.89 0.25 cup
0.17 0 0
4.93 0.4 1.56
27.47 4 0.41 0.41

198.52 46.8 62.73 12.71

CarbohydrateFiber Sugars Added Sugars

27.47 4 0.41 0.41
26.95 3.1 14.43
3.93 0 3.39
4.12 2.5 0.48
2.39 0.7 1.44 1.44
0.47 0 0
25.27 3.9 2.77 2.77
6.13 1.8 3.03
0.58 0 0
6.16 3 1.95
32.54 0.5 25.75 25.75

136.01 19.5 53.65 30.37

CarbohydrateFiber Sugars Added Sugars

1.96 0 1.7
1.38 0 0
0.58 0 0
3.86 1.2 3.1
8.31 3 2.04
23.69 1.2 4.23 4.23
0 0 0
8.4 2 2.43
38.33 0 36.78 36.78
86.51 7.4 50.28 41.01
Calories Protein Fat CarbohydratFiber Sugars
150 6.56 2.58 27.47 4 0.41
105 1.29 0.39 26.95 3.1 14.43
*159 5.72 12.85 7.7 3 2.17
273 18.28 20.09 2.95 0 2.54
91 3.4 8.14 0.69 0 0
26 3.25 0.44 4.12 2.5 0.48
60 9.8 1.42 1.4 0 1.97
23 0.98 0.17 5.46 0.8 2.51
57 0.28 0.19 15.05 2.6 11.33
*386 14.33 33.13 14.39 3.2 6.77
84 20.38 0.24 0.17 0 0
26 2.88 0.26 4.93 0.4 1.56
150 6.56 2.58 27.47 4 0.41

1045 93.71 82.48 138.75 23.6 44.58

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