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What does it mean when I say I have a relationship with YHVH?

Is it to read and
study the Word, is it to pray, is it to hear His Voice, or is it all of the above? Lets look
at the definition of the word Relationship and see what it consists of:
1. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having
dealings with each other. A state involving mutual dealings between people or
parties or countries.
2. A cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share
responsibility for achieving some specific goal; "effective language learning is
a partnership between parties working in teams or working in partnership with
one another.
3. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association. Connection
by blood; kinship. Relationship marked by strong dependence on others;
especially a libidinal attachment to e.g. a parental figure
4. Connection by marriage. A romantic or sexual involvement.
From these definitions we can draw similarities with the following relationships found
in the Scripture:
1. Covenant Relationship between YHVH and man. (Current)
2. Faith relationship between man and YHVH having a dependency of Him. This
is a Father Child relationship. (Current)
3. Inter relationships within a group of people of similar beliefs as found in a
Congregation. (Current)
4. Covenant Marriage relationship between Yshua, the Groom, and His Bride,
the believers. (Future).

The relationship between YHVH and man started when He created man. YHVH
created man so that He could enter into a relationship with him. What makes it
possible for man to have a relationship with an unseen God?

The word breath is the Hebrew word nashamah and in other places it is the word
Ruch [Gen 6:17]. Ruach is the Name of YHVHs Spirit and we see the connection
between the breath of life and YHVHs Spirit that gives life.
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It is YHVHs Spirit that is the life essence and the connection that allows man to
have a relationship with Him. YHVH breathed into his nostrils of man and he became
a living nephesh. Nephesh is the Hebrew word for soul. You are a soul (nephesh)
that lives in a body and you have the Ruach of YHVH, or the nashamah that gives
you spiritual life and through Whom you are connected to YHVH that make a
relationship possible.
When man sinned, YHVH removed him from His presence and man lost his
connection with YHVH, or his nashamah which is YHVHs Spirit. When Yshua
came the First time, He breathed His nashamah or breath of life back into man so
that they may be restored spiritually.
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Yshua breathed on them and they received His Holy Spirit. Holy is the Hebrew word
kodesh and Spirit is the Hebrew word Ruach. Holy Spirit is the phrase Ruach
HaKodesh; the Spirit that makes you kodesh or Holy. The fundamental basis for
our relationship with YHVH is as it was planned right from the beginning and that is
through His Sprit. You cannot have an intimate relationship with YHVH without
having His Spirit or nashamah restored in you.


Covenant Relationship
Father Child Relationship
Inter relationships with fellow believers Body of Messiah
Marriage Relationship - Groom Bride.

We have seen that it YHVH can only have a real relationship with you through His
Spirit indwelling you, but there is a relationship that precedes this; our Covenant
Relationship with Him. We need the Covenant relationship with Him due to our sinful
nature and our shortcomings so that we might be in relationship with Him in spite of
who we are and to undergo a cleansing process as well.

1. Covenant Relationship
Adam and Eve was in relationship with YHVH by
having His Spirit right form the beginning. When
they sinned, they lost the Spirit of YHVH and were
removed from the presence of YHVH. Through His
mercy and Grace, YHVH decided to make a new
type of relationship with fallen man. This
Relationship is made possible through a Covenant
agreement that will cover our fallen state, and that
will prepare us to grow into a full relationship with
Him. The Covenant exits because of sin and its
purpose is to cover us so that we may approach
YHVH and to cleanse us so that we can stand
before Him. What is a Covenant exactly?
1. A mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons, to do or to forbear
some act or thing; a contract; stipulation. A covenant is created by deed in
writing, sealed and executed; or it may be implied in the contract.
2. A writing containing the terms of agreement or contract between parties; or
the clause of agreement in a deed containing the covenant.
3. In theology, the covenant of works, is that implied in the commands,
prohibitions, and promises of YHVH; the promise of YHVH to man, that mans
perfect obedience should entitle him to happiness. This do, and live; that do,
and die.
A Covenant consists of three things:
1. A deed; a writing containing some contract or agreement containing the detail
of the agreement.
2. A seal that seal it and make it valid and accepted by both parties.
3. Promises, the consequences of the contract; good and bad.
YHVH made the promises to Adam and Eve, sealed it with Abraham, wrote it down
through Moses.




This promise was repeated to Noah after YHVH cleansed the earth with water.
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This promise was repeated to Abraham when YHVH sealed it with blood.



Who is the Seed YHVH promised Adam and Abraham?






We have seen the promise going from Adam to Noah, to Abraham (Isaac & Jacob) to
Moses and through Israel to Messiah. The next part of the Covenant was to seal it
with blood. This happened when YHVH instructed Abraham to find animals, cut them
in half and place them opposite one another.
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This is the part where the Covenant was sealed with blood stating the consequences
when one of the two parties breaks the Covenant. Abraham was asleep and YHVH
passes though the pieces, both for Himself and behalf of man. So if man broke the
conditions, then YHVH will die on behalf of man. This is the reason why Yshua had
to die for us because we broke His Covenant. The next part of the Covenant was to
write it down in a deed. YHVH did this through Moses at Mount Sinai:
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The Commandments were written in stone to imply that they will stand forever. This
promised, sealed and written covenant was made with the seed of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob who became the mighty nation of Israel through whom the Messiah came
Who was the Seed promised in the beginning [Gal 3:16]. This Covenant was
extended to all nations, through the Work of the Messiah and by His Spirit:
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The Covenant was cut in stone and was external. The New Covenant is based on the
same foundation, which is the Torah, but is now written on the hearts of all believers
within all nations, those who believe in Yshua the Messiah. The Covenant is
established by the gift of YHVHs Spirit to all believers, so hat the relationship
between YHVH and man may be restored.

The Torah is required to cover man and to cleanse man form sin so that he can
draw near into a personal relationship with YHVH. Sin is darkness and YHVH is
Light. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light and we need to be clean from
sin in order to stand before YHVH. We grow into this relationship as we cleanse our
selves from the sin that caused death to the relationship in the first place.
The Seed that came from Adam and Eve through Abraham is the promise of Yshua;
the Son of YHVH Who came and established all three aspects of the Covenant in
Him, all in one event, so that it could reach out to the rest of the Nations.
1. Yshua is the Deed the Word/Torah that is the written agreement of the
2. Yshua is the Seal His Blood is the Seal that makes this Covenant valid.
3. Yshua is the Promise In Him is the promise of Salvation and the promise of
Judgement which are the consequences of keeping or breaking the
The Torah is still the deed or document of the original Covenant and Yshuas Blood
is the seal. We receive the promise of salvation through Yshua so that we may enter
into a full relationship with the Father. In Him, all aspects of the Covenant is
1. Yshua is the Word or the Torah:


2. Yshuas Blood is the seal: On Passover Yshua broke the bread (Word) and drank
the wine (blood) as symbols of the Covenant in Him:
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Passover is the Feast to establish and remember the Covenant relationship YHVH
has with man through Yshua the Messiah. If you take part of the bread and the wine,
you confirm the Covenant with Him in Yshua the Messiah.
3. Yshua is the Promise and through Him we receive the promise of Eternal Life or
Eternal Death which are the consequences of abiding or breaking the Covenant
relationship with Him. Receiving His Spirit makes it possible to cleanse our selves
form sin and to grow into a intimate mature relationship with Him.
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We have looked at the basis of our relationship with YHVH, which is the Covenant
Relationship. Now we will look at the phases you have to go through in order to grow
up from an infant relationship, to a mature relationship with Him. Growing up
spiritually consists of three phases and types of relationships with YHVH:
1. Father Child Relationship Infant relationship
2. Group or Family Relationship Body of Messiah
3. Bride Groom Relationship Mature relationship

1. Father Child Relationship

Before we can enter into a mature relationship with Him, we have to
start as a baby and first need to learn to crawl and then to walk.
Receiving His Spirit brings us into the second type of relationship
with Him; Father child relationship. The concept of being reborn
means to become like a baby again, dependent on the nurturing
Father. This concept is based on Faith, which is the word amunah,
and one of its meanings is nurturing Father or Mother. We need to
be 100% dependent on our Father for everything and must have faith
like a child so that we can receive the fullness of His nurturing Word.
Paul spoke to the Corinthian Assembly and called them Babes in Messiah because
of their immature state of relationship with the Father:
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A baby is 100% dependant on the parent for nurturing, which is a good thing, but a
baby is also fleshly and selfish, which is a bad thing. We should hold on to the good
and stay teachable and dependent on our Father but we should grow up spiritually
so that we can become less selfish and fleshly, becoming more spiritual. It is just like
going to school and you become the man when you reach grade 7. After that you
go to High School and you start at the bottom again. It is the same with us, we grow
up and become adults, then we become born again and we are babes spiritually
that needs to be fed and nurtured to be able to grow up spiritually until we reach
maturity. Some people hold on to their fleshly status and refuse to become like
children again and they become unteachable and never reach spiritual maturity.

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In other words, Yshua said that unless you come born again through the water and
Spirit and become like a child again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Elohim.

To be born of water is a symbol of Baptism and to be born of the Spirit is to receive is

Spirit after you have accepted Yshua as your Saviour. Then you should become
teachable and dependent, like a child, so that you can grow up into spiritual maturity.
Can a child learn on his own? They cant!


YHVH has put a system in place so that newborn believers can learn and grow up
spiritually and that He did through the Body of Messiah and through the Gifts of His
Spirit. We call this discipleship, where a spiritual mature person look after and teach
the new believers so that they can grow up and learn the ways of their Father and so
that they can come into a mature relationship with Him.

2. Family Relationship - Inter Relationships with Fellow Believers Body

of Messiah.
This brings us to the next type of relationship; the relationship with
your fellow believers. Why is it important to have a relationship
with fellow believers, I thought we should focus on our relationship
with our Father and steer away from man?
The answer is two-fold; firstly is it about the Body of Messiah and
the environment that we should be in order to live out the Torah
towards our fellow believers and secondly it is about having a
relationship with Yshua though people. How is that?

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We as believers represent the Body of Messiah and any part of the Body represents
a part of Yshua. If you mistreat any of the least of the Body of Messiah, then you
have mistreated Him. People tend to forget that their relationship with fellow believers
is actually a relationship with Yshua within His Body.

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If you are on your own and you do not want to have fellowship with fellow believers,
then you are not part of the Body of Messiah and you do not have a relationship with
Him. Shocking, isnt it? Thinking of it in this way, but it is true. So how do I improve
my relationship with Yshua?

By knowing the Commandments and through living them out towards your fellow
believers, those who are all part of the Body of Messiah. Remember the Ten
Commandments have two sections; the first half is to express your love towards the
Father and the second half is to express your love towards your neighbour, who
represents Yshua in the Body of the Assembly.
The Gifts of the Spirit forms part of our relationship with one another and by
expressing the Gifts, they are having a relationship with YHVH through the Body of
Messiah. The Gifts are to build up the Assembly or Body, not to break it down, and to
disciple new believers and teach them to become spiritually mature in their faith,
based on the Covenant relationship with YHVH. Expressing of the Gifts by mature
believers is the means of YHVH to nurture the new born and young believers so that
they may grow up into spiritual mature believers who then will be equipped to disciple
others. This is like a family relationship where we are all part of the Family of YHVH.

3. Bride - Groom Relationship - Marriage

What have we learned so far? Our relationship with YHVH is
through His Spirit. It is also based on a deed (a writing
containing some contract or agreement), which is the Torah.
These two aspects are the foundation of our relationship
with YHVH and we cannot engage into a relationship with
Him without the Word/Torah and the Spirit. The Spirit and
the Word is one (echad) and is confirmed when the Spirit
was poured out on Shavuot or Pentecost, where the
receiving of the Commandments were celebrated. It is the
Spirit Who writes the Torah on our hearts and the Spirit will
never say anything contrary to His Word or Torah.
The second thing we have learned is that we first need to engage in a Father Child
relationship with YHVH by becoming born again after accepting the Blood of the
Covenant through Yshua the Messiah. This is where your relationship grows,
learning about the Father and learning the basic House rules. This is where the Body
of Messiah or the Assembly plays a big part; we interact in relationships with each
other, learning and living out the Commandments and have an indirect relationship
with Yshua through our relationships with fellow believers. We grow up in this
environment, learning the Word and expressing the Word until we reach spiritual
maturity. Spiritual maturity is the stage where you grow into the fullness of your
relationship with YHVH by becoming the Bride of the Messiah.
To become the Bride of Messiah you have to undergo the steps of marriage and this
is found in the pattern of the Hebrew marriage. The first stage of a Hebrew marriage
is called the Ketubah where the contract or Covenant is established. This happened
at Mount Sinai when Moses received the Ten Commandments. Everything contained
in these Commandments are the headings for the Torah and the deed or written
contract for our marriage with YHVH.
The second part of a Hebrew marriage is where the Groom come to collect His Bride
after two years, after He has prepared a home on His Fathers Land. This is exactly
what Yshua referred to when He spoke to His disciples regarding His Second

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Within the two-year period the Bride must cleanse and prepare herself and be ready
for His Coming. She had to have a lamp with oil in her window, ready to light when
she hears the blowing of the shophars, when her Groom comes to gather her in the
middle of the night. If there is no light in her window, the wedding is off. If she is not
at home, the wedding is off. This is a beautiful example for us to prepare our selves
for the Second Coming of the Messiah where He will come to gather His Bride after
the Tribulation (dark time).


YHVH gave us the Tabernacle as a pattern so that we know the steps if

we desire to approach Him. The Tabernacle is made up of an outer court
with a door; this represents the separation between the believers and
unbelievers. You have to come through the Door (Yshua) to enter into
the Kingdom of YHVH (Tabernacle). The first thing you face as you enter,
is the Brazen Altar which represents the Blood of Messiah and you
become born again by accepting His Sacrifice for your sin through faith.
The second object you encounter as you enter is the Laver; this was where
the Priests washed and cleansed them selves before they could enter the
Holy Place. The water and the Laver represents Baptism or Mikvah where
you physically go into the water as a symbol of spiritual cleansing and dying
to the old man and standing up a new born clean person. The water also
represents the Word that you use to wash yourself clean every day.
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At the Brazen Altar, you were washed with the Blood, and at the Laver, you are
washed with water. The Blood cleansed you from all your past sin, and the water /
Word washes you and keeps you clean while you live awaiting the Messiah. This is
the water of repentance where you read and study the Word daily, and when you see
a blemish in your life, you repent, ask forgiveness, and turn away from it so that you
can break the habit of sin in your life. Accepting Yshua is preceded and followed by
Repentance! You repent the day you make the discussion to follow Him and you
repent daily as you study the Word and see things wrong in your life.
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As I said before, you cannot enter the Holy Place (Intimate relationship) unless you
are cleansed by the Blood and by Water, in other words; you cannot enter into a
relationship with YHVH without being born again by the Blood of Yshua, and being
born of water, which is physical Baptism, where you receive the Holy Spirit (Ruach
HaKodesh). These are the two steps where YHVH will restore His nashamah or His
Breath of Life to you so that you may enter into a living personal relationship with
Him. You cannot enter in to the Kingdom unless you have taken these first two steps.
Yes we are saved by Grace through faith, receiving His Grace by expressing your
faith through these two steps.
The Holy Place is where the Priest went in every day to trim the
Menorah and to put incense on the Golden Altar. Only one person
went in at a time and the Holy Place represents your intimate
relationship with YHVH. Inside the Holy Place you will see a
Table of Showbread that represents the bread of life, which
is the Word or the Torah. Opposite it you will find a Menorah, the
only source of light inside the Holy Place, which represents the Holy Spirit
or Ruach HaKodesh. In your intimate relationship with YHVH you will study the Word
and His Spirit will reveal the Truth to you.
Without the Spirit you will never understand the Word and will not grown up
spiritually. It is also His Spirit that will give you the urge to want to study His Word
because it is not of our selves that we are attracted to YHVHs things, but only
through His Spirit. A quick test - if you do not want to study the Word, then you have
either backslidden or havent received His Spirit yet. Repent, be baptised and
receive the Holy Spirit of YHVH so that He can lead you in a personal intimate
relationship with Him.
The third object in the Holy Place is the Golden Altar of incense, which
represents your prayers. The smoke that goes up is a symbol of our prayers
that goes to YHVH and the incense is a lovely smell of worship unto Him.
The priest went in daily that teaches us that we need to have intimacy with
YHVH every day by studying His Word through the help of His Spirit and
prayer. It is a daily exercise that forms the basis of our personal relationship
with Him. Just like we need food for every day life, so do we need the bread
of life, His Word, to live spiritually. Do not neglect your relationship with
YHVH, make time every day to spend with Him. Just like within a marriage, you have
to put and effort in to make the relationship work and communication is the key for a
healthy relationship with YHVH.


We know we have to communicate with YHVH but how does
He talk back to us? YHVH communicates with us through
various ways; through His Word, through other people,
through circumstances and through His Spirit.

YHVH Speaks through His Word.

Yshua is the Word Who became flesh and dwelled among us. Everything
that YHVH wrote in His Word are words of life, for those who wants to
listen. As within a marriage relationship, the husband and the wife has
preferences; if you want to damage the relationship, watch sport 24/7
every weekend, or leave your clothes on the floor after you have
showered. Things like this cause conflicts and arguments that damage the
If you want to have a good relationship with your partner, learn to know
him/her better and find out what they like and try to do those things to make them feel
loved. The most exciting time of any relationship is when you just fell in love and
explore the other person and put your best foot forward and. YHVH wants us to
explore Him through His Word and to put our best foot forward by obeying His
Commandments to retain the first love of our relationship with Him. [Rev 2:4]

YHVH Speaks through people.

YHVH speaks to us through people. We as believers represents the Body of
Messiah and He speaks through believers. For example, there have been
times when I have been listening to a someone preach or have been talking
with a friend, and suddenly what he is saying addresses the situation I'
going through, even though he is completely unaware of my circumstances.
It makes me realize that it is YHVH himself speaking to me through those
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YHVH also speaks to us through the Gifts of His Spirit. A word of wisdom or a word
of knowledge, prophecy or through an interpretation of a tongue, any of these can be
a word for you form YHVH through His Spirit. If someone brings you a word that they
feel YHVH impressed on their heart, you must test it against the Word and it must be
a conformation that is already in your heart. YHVH does things in your life and will
reveal it to you first and then confirm it before He does it.
You must be in relationship with someone before you may speak into their lives. We
are part of the Body of Messiah and someone form the outside do not have the right
to speak into our lives unless they are part of the same Body.




You have to be part of an Assembly to be able to receive a word or to speak into

someones life because you must know and trust each other. Those who believe they
are separate form the Body of Messiah are seeking their own desires and are moving
away from sound wisdom, creating conflict and breaking down the work of the
Kingdom. Test every spirit if they are from YHVH and if they speak in line with the
Word and if they bear the fruit worthy of Messiah.


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Test every Spirit:


What they say must line up with Scripture, YHVHs Spirit will NEVER
contradict His Word and He is NOT binging new revelations that is not
already stated in Scripture.
Test them by their fruits; they must have a lifestyle that represents the faith
and Holiness.
Receive only words that confirms what is already in your heart, things that
YHVH revealed to you.
Receive only words from people whom you are in relationship with and who
you can trust.

YHVH Speaks through Circumstances.

Not only does YHVH speak to us through His Word, and not
only will He never contradict His Word, but YHVH also speaks
through circumstances. Although I'
m not one to base major life
decisions on circumstances alone, there have clearly been
times when I have sensed that something was the will of
YHVH and then things would fall into place circumstantially. At
other times, circumstances have made it obvious that YHVH
was saying "no."


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A classic example of YHVH speaking through circumstances was when YHVH spoke
to Gideon, who laid his fleece out on the ground, asking YHVH to confirm His Word.
Certainly, Jonah got the right message when YHVH brought his journey to an abrupt
halt, and he found himself in the belly of a very large fish. If you are in the wrong
place and you need to move then YHVH will change your circumstances so that you
will make the effort to move, and He will make a way so that you will end up in the
place. A classic example is the famine that caused Josephs brothers to go to the
land of Egypt to buy food and eventually his whole family moved to the land of
Goshen and lived there until Moses led them out.


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YHVH disciplines His Children and speaks to us through circumstances that

discipline us.


Bad situations are not always YHVHs chastisement but if there is a pattern of
continual similar circumstances, then YHVH is definitely speaking to you,
reprimanding you to change your ways. If you see these patterns in your life, ask
YHVH what you do wrong so that you can set it right and learn your lesson and move
Maybe YHVH has spoken to you through a sermon or a believing friend. Or perhaps
He has been speaking to you through circumstances. Listen carefully, and remember
that He will never contradict His Word. Test every word spoken and discern the
spirits so that you may not be deceived.

YHVH Speaks through a Still small Voice.

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People expect the presence of YHVH to be spectacular with fireworks, smoke and
sound effects, but He comes to you in the silence and speak to you will a still small
voice. Yes, YHVH can speak to you today and if you make time and become quiet to
hear His voice speaking to your heart through His Spirit. The key to hearing His voice
is to make time to slow down and to be quiet and listen. Then you will hear Him
speaking in your heart. The best time to do this is early in the morning when you get
up or late at night before you go to sleep. Sometimes YHVH will wake you in the
early hours of the morning to speak to you and if you are willing to listen.
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To bow down your ear means to be humble and listen. Come with the right attitude
and have an expectation that YHVH will speak to you and make time to listen. Quiet
down, read the Scripture and meditate on what you have read. Talk to YHVH and ask
Him questions about the Word and think on His things, then you will hear His Voice
speaking to your heart.
Another method is to write your prayers down, word for word and sometimes the
answer to some of the things you ask will come to your mind and you can write them
down as well. This will help you to keep your focus and hear His still small voice.


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