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Throughout most of the modern era of technology and science, two systems
of measuring units have prevailed, MKS and English. The English system
measures with units of inches, feet, pounds, and degrees Fahrenheit. The MKS
system uses meters, Newtons, kilograms, and degrees Centigrade. Both use
the same measurement of time as well as measures for electricity: volt,
ampere, watt, coulomb, etc.
After the end of World War 2, all major English speaking nations
converted to the MKS system except for onethe United States of America.
Although it has taken many years for citizens outside of USA to become
familiar with the MKS system, they have now done so.
Our school system aims at preparing some students for jobs in the
professions of mathematics, science, and engineering. This requires an
emphasis on the MKS system. The problem with this is that students cannot
easily relate what they learn in school with what they see in everyday life.
Unless they do go on to higher levels of education, they will begin to think
that what they learned in school is not relevant to the real world. The result
will ultimately be to not encourage children to seek careers in science and
technology. Do our political and business leaders understand the differences
between the two systems of measurements?

ENGLISH UNITS: The foot is a on earth but the moons gravity is also less
measure of an early Englishmans shoe so that the mass calculates the same.
about size 10. Three of these became a yard. The measure of temperature is
For land measurements, the English had Fahrenheit. Water freezes at 32 degrees and
used the furlong (660 feet) for decades. boils at 212 degrees (at sea level). The
Multiply 660 by 8 to get 5280 which is the absolute scale (Rankine) uses the same
number of feet in a mile. The foot is degree interval but starts at zero with water
measured in inches, 12 per foot. Each inch freezing at 491.67 degrees R. In the MKS
was subdivided into parts that could be system, water freezes at zero degrees
found with a series of half angleslike Celsius. The absolute scale is in degrees
dividing an angle into two equal parts (1/2, Kelvin with water freezing at 273.15
1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32,1/64). Angles are in degrees K. There are exactly 9 degrees F for
degrees or (sometimes) radians. each 5 degrees C.
The unit of weight as measured with an In the English system, heat is measured
ordinary scale is the pound which is 16 in British thermal units, or BTU. One
ounces. The ton is 2000 pounds. The unit of BTU is the heat needed to raise the
force is also in pounds as, for example, the temperature of one pint of water by one
force used to push an automobile along the degrees F. On earth, one pint weighs one
road. The unit of mass is called the slug pound. One therm is the heat of 100,000
which few people use. Weigh an object in BTU. Your gas heating bill may be in terms
pounds. Divide this weight by the of therms.
acceleration due to gravity of 32 feet per Area is measured in square feet or square
second per second to get the mass in slugs. meters or miles. Volume is measured in
On the moon, weight will be less than that gallons or quarts or teaspoons, etc.
THE MKS SYSTEM: The measure of F=weight=1*9.8 = 9.8N.The dimensions of
length is the meter that is divided into 100 the Newton are Kg*meters/sec2. (There are
centimeters and 1000 millimeters. 100,000 dynes in one N.)
Everything tends to be in decimal notation. If a person steps on a scale that shows
The kilometer is the basic measure of longer weight in kilograms, the reading is simply
distances instead of the miles that the wrong! Let us assume that we define a new
English system uses. Temperature is in kind of kilogram called Kge equal to 2.2
degrees Celsius or Kelvin. Angles, time, and pounds. A weight of 60 Kge is the same as
electrical units are the same as in the English 60*2.2=132 pounds. The common kilogram
system. scale should read in Kge!
Heat is measured in gram-calories or What is the actual weight of a person
kilo-calories. When related to food, the kilo- with a mass of 60 Kg? Multiply by 9.8 to get
calorie is assumed but the kilo is not 588 N. (Reverse this to find m=588/9.8.= 60
included in the name. One gram-calorie of Kg.)
heat increases the temperature of one cubic Caution is needed in using the MKS
centimeter of water by one degree C. The weight measure. If one does not go on to
kilo-calorie raises the temperature of one study more advanced topics in physics, the
liter of water by one degree C. basic question of the difference between
Volume is measured in liters or cubic mass and force need not be confronted. But
centimeters or cubic meters. One liter is otherwise, one must know that grams are a
1000 cubic centimeters. measure of mass and not force (or weight).
In our English system world, we often Even the Europeans can be confused
use MKS units for lengths and weights. The because they might see Kg on their weight
reason is simpleit is easier to use a scale. If the scale is labeled Kge and not
decimal system in most cases. For example, simply Kg, the confusion disappears.
add 1-3/8 inches and 15-15/32 inches. Not (Confusion would be reduced if the names
easy! Multiplication is even harder. were swappedkilograms for force and
The most difficult conceptual problem Newtons for mass.)
faced by a person schooled in the English SOME EQUIVALENTS: For those
system concerns the difference between wanting to better understand topics in
mass and force. The gram or kilogram is not general physics, it is suggested that a book
a measure of force or weight. It is a measure meant for the high school student be
of mass! Force is measured in Newtons (N). purchased. Costs are low and the level of
(In heat measurements, using volumes of sophistication is limited.
water instead of mass avoids confusion.)
The formula F=ma says that force equals g = 9.8 m/sec2 = 32.144 ft/sec2.
mass times acceleration. In weighing an 1 meter = 1.094 yards
object, a=g is the acceleration of gravity, 1 kilometer = 0.6214 mile
equal to 9.8 meters per second per second. 1 liter = 2.113 pints
Mass is in grams or in kilograms. A one 1 kilograme = 2.205 pounds
kilogram block of metal is stored in a safe 5 degrees C = 9 degrees F
place and can be used as a basic measure. It 1 kilo-calorie = 3.968 Btu
will actually weigh a little differently on 1 gram-calorie = 3.087 ft-lbs
various places on the earth which means that 1 horsepower = 550 ft-lbs/sec
its physical existence becomes the basis for 1 watt-sec =1 joule
fundamental measurements. This standard 1 slug = 1.459 Kge
block weighs about 2.203 pounds on earth. Note: Kge is defined only here.
What is the weight of a one-kilogram
mass? In F=mg find, F= 1.0 Kg times g Page 62
which is the acceleration on earth of 9.8
meters per second per second.. Thus

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