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1.1 Background of Study

In recent years, English is a foreign language in Indonesia. English has
important role as communication language that is used in many sector of life,
such as politic, science, technology, and many other. In Indonesia, English
formally has been taught from Elementary school to University. Based on the
1994 curriculum, English is taught as local content subject at Elementary
school to serve the need of the local community. Kasihani (2005) adds
that:learning English is not something new for elementary school students in
Indonesia. More than ten years, there is a policy about the possibility to include
English in the curriculum as local content subject.
Teaching English for foreign language has four language skills that must
be mastered such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Because students
at Elementary school learn English for the first time, so they just learn the
simple language aspect, especially Vocabulary. For the Elementary school,
vocabulary is basic knowledge to learn more about English. Zimmerman (1997)
states that:for young learners, vocabulary is central to language and words are
the critical importance to language learning. It cannot be separated from the
other language elements in teaching learning process because it influences the
students ability in learning English. Therefore, to support the fourth language
skills are needed vocabulary mastery.
Vocabulary is one important language aspect besides grammar and
pronunciation in teaching English. Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) say
that:vocabulary is the foundation to build languages, which plays a
fundamental role in communication. We need to have enough vocabulary, in
other to communicate with other people, especially foreigner.
Teaching vocabulary for students of Elementary school is not same with
teaching for students of junior or senior high school because they have different

motivation and characteristic. According to Scoot (1990: 2-4), there are some
general characteristic of the children in that group (1) They are competent user
of mother tongue, (2) They can tell the difference between fact and fiction, (3)
They love to play and learn best when they enjoy themselves seriously and like
to think that what they are doing in real work., (4) They are enthusiastic and
positive thinking, (5) They rely on the spoken as well as the physical words to
convey and understanding meaning, (6) They are able to work with others and
learn from others, (7) Their own understanding comes trough eyes, hands and
ears, (8) They have very short attention and concentration. The students of
Elementary school are different from junior and senior high school, so the way
of teaching must different too. When the teacher cannot teach the students
properly, they may not pay attention, concentration, and enthusiastic in English
learning process. According to Harris (1969:345), there are several methods in
English learning process. They are (1) giving total physical activity (example
games and Total Physical Response activities), (2) providing hands on activities
(example to learn words, sentences, and practice meaningful language), (3)
internalizing concept through visual aids (example video, picture, tapes, music,
flash card, and puppet toys), and (4) explaining things with nonverbal language
(facial features, gestures).
Based on the result of researchers pre-observation in the fourth grade
students at SDN 1 Dangintukadaya, the researcher found most of the students
get much difficulty to learn English, especially to vocabulary mastery. It was
proved by the result of the students pre-test. The mean of the students English
test score was 54.2. Meanwhile, the Minimum Mastery Criterion or Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) was 65.0. The result shows that the students
achievement was very low. Besides, it was supported by the result of interview
of English teacher. She said that the students difficulties are caused from
feebleness of the students vocabulary. Also, the students had difficulty in
understanding the teacher explanation. In addition, the students tend to be bored
quickly and not pay attention in English learning process.

From the situation above, we know that the teacher is still having less
creativity when teaching English. The teacher did not use game in English
learning process. The teacher also did not use appropriate media and method in
teaching English. However, media is very important to help the students to
understand the teacher explanation easily. The use of media appropriately can
increase the interest and achievement of the students.
Based on the problems above, the researcher proposed learning media that
is flashcards to solve the students achievement and more interest in learning
English. Scott and Ytreberg (1990: 5) define that: words are not enough. Most
activities for the younger learner should include movement and involve the
sense. The teacher will need to have plenty of abject and flashcards.
Flashcards may help the student to understand the teacher explanation easily
and can improve the students vocabulary mastery. Moreover, flashcards can be
used as instrument to play game. So, the students can be more interested and
enthusiastic in English learning process by using flashcard. This statement is
supported by Haycraft (1978: 102) and Cross (1991: 120). They say that:There
are some advantages of using flashcards in language teaching. They are namely:
1) Flashcards can be used for consolidating vocabulary; 2) Flashcards are
motivating and eye-catching; 3) Flashcards are effective that can be used for
any level students; 4) Flashcards can be taken almost everywhere and studied
when area has free moment; 5) Flashcards can be arranged to create logical
grouping of the target words; 6) Flashcards are cost effective/inexpensive; 7)
Flashcards provide visual link between L1 and the target language; and 8)
Flashcards also can be used for practicing structure and word order or for a
variety of games.
Based on all the explanation above, the researcher tries to apply
Flashcards as Media at Elementary school students to improve students
vocabulary mastery and to solve the problem in teaching English. So, the
researcher wants to make classroom action research by proposing a title


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the researcher
formulates the research question as follows: Could the implementation of
flashcards improve students vocabulary mastery in the fourth grade students at
SDN 1 Dangintukadaya in academic year of 2015/2016?

1.3 The Aim of the Research

Based on the statement of the problem above, the aim of the research is to
find out whether flashcards can improve students vocabulary mastery in the
fourth grade students at SDN 1 Dangintukadaya in academic year of

1.4 The Scope of the Study

Based on the background of study above, the scope of this research will
be focused on improving the students vocabulary mastery in the fourth grade
students at SDN 1 Dangintukadaya in academic year of 2015/2016 by using

1.5 The Significance of the Research

The result of the research will give beneficial for students and English
teachers of SDN 1 Dangintukadaya and the other researcher.
a. For the English teachers
The result of this research is expected to be able to enrich the teachers
knowledge in term of teaching English vocabulary and to solve the
students difficulties in teaching vocabulary. The English teachers
teach material easily by using flashcard.

b. For the students

This research is expected to be able to improve the students
vocabulary mastery in the fourth grade at Elementary school. This
research is also expected to be able to increase the interest,
enthusiastic and achievement of the students.

c. For other researchers
This study is expected to be used by other researchers as a reference or
source in conducting further study relating in implementation of

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1.6.1 Conceptual definition
a. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the foundation to build languages, which plays a
fundamental role in communication. We need to have enough
vocabulary, in other to communicate with other people, especially
foreigner (Hatch and Brown, 1995: 1).
b. Flashcards
Flashcards are a piece of cardboard about 18 X 6 inches on which
appears a word, a sentence or a simple outline drawing. The lettering
should be large, net and clear so that it can be seen from the rear of the
room. Capital letters are preferred. Print should be used since it is easy
to read at a distance (Nasr, 1972:119).
1.6.2 Operational definition
a. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of language aspects that will be focused to be
learned by the students in fourth grade at SDN 1 Dangintukadaya.
b. Flashcards
Flashcards are media that is used to improve students vocabulary in
fourth grade at SDN 1 Dangintukadaya.

2.1 Vocabulary
2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary
Hornby (1995: 131) says that vocabulary can be defined as the total number of
words in a language and vocabulary as a list words with their meanings. As Hatch and
Brown (1995: 1) argue that the term of vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a

particular language or words that individual speakers of language might use.
Vocabulary is also defined as the words the teacher teaches in the foreign language.
According to Hocket (in Celce-Murcia and Mc Intosh, 1978: 129), vocabulary
is the easiest aspect at a second language to learn and it hardly requires formal
attention in the classroom.
According to Manser (1995: 461), vocabulary is defined as the total number of
words in language, words known by person or used in a particular book, subject, or
list of words with their meanings. Burns (1975: 295) explains that vocabulary is the
stocks of words used by person, class or profession.
From all definitions above, the researcher concludes that vocabulary is the list
of word in a language with meaning and definition and it is very important to develop
students ability in learning speaking, listening, reading and writing as the
fundamental in learning language and to apply in their life with meaningful.

2.1.2 Kinds of Vocabulary

There are many classifications made by the experts in language area about the
kinds of vocabulary. Haycraft (1978: 44) gives a distinction between active
vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary is the words that the students
can understand, pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.
Passive vocabulary is words that the students recognize and understand when they
occur in context, but which learners cannot produce correctly themselves.
Added by Harmer (1991: 159), active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that
students have been taught or learnt and which the students will recognize when they
meet them but which they will probably not be able to produce. It means that active
vocabulary is productive learning referring to speaking and writing, while passive
vocabulary is receptive learning referring to reading and listening.
Nation (1990: 5) mentions two kinds of vocabulary learning. They are
receptive learning and productive learning. The explanation is follows:
a. Receptive learning

Receptive learning is the ability to recognize a word and recall its meaning
when it is met. Similarly explained by Hatch and Brown in Haycraft (1994) that
receptive vocabulary is words that the learners recognize and understand when they
occur in context, but which cannot produce correctly. The words can be found in
reading context but they are not used in speaking and reading.
b. Productive learning
Productive learning involves what is needed for receptive learning plus the
ability to speak or write at the appropriate time. Haycraft (1994) adds that productive
vocabulary is the words that the learners understand, can pronounce correctly, and use
constructively in speaking and writing. It involves what is needed for receptive
vocabulary supported by the ability to speak or to write the appropriate time.
Thus, productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the
learners can produce the words to express their thought or idea to others. In other
words, receptive learning is the process of learning vocabulary through listening and
reading, while production learning is the process of learning vocabulary not only
through listening and reading, but also writing.
By mastering both receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary, it can
cover the whole range of language skills. Considering the productive learning and the
quality development of the learning vocabulary are important; an intensity of practice
in using vocabulary in speaking and writing is useful activity. If the receptive learning
is important and the quality of vocabulary is the main goal, the techniques that give
familiarity to target words are required.
2.1.3 Teaching Vocabulary The Important of Vocabulary in Language Teaching
Vocabulary is very important for second language learners. They should have a
good idea of how to expand their vocabulary so that they can improve their interest in
learning the language. Therefore language teachers should posses considerable
knowledge on how to manage an interesting classroom so that the learners can gain a
great success in their vocabulary learning.

Teaching vocabulary plays an important role in language acquisition because
the mastery of vocabulary will help students to master the fourth language skills such
as speaking, listening, writing, and reading. The vocabulary will make the students
practice life and will strengthen belief that English can be used to express the same
ideas or feeling they express in their native language (Finochiaro, 1974:38).
Furthermore, in teaching vocabulary the teacher can introduce the list of
vocabulary that is taken from the book. The teacher uses and adds other vocabulary
which is relevant to the students. Teacher needs a good knowledge on their teaching
materials. When they have to teach the students about vocabulary, teachers should
know the general knowledge of vocabulary, words and also the meaning. The words
or vocabulary can be spoken and written. Wallace (1982:207) explains that teaching
vocabulary should consider these following factors:
1) Aims
The aim of teaching vocabulary is to make the teacher easy to formulate the
materials, which will be taught to the students.
2) Quantity
The teacher has to decide the number of vocabulary items to be learned. The
learners will get confuse or discouraged if they get many new words. Therefore, the
teacher should select new words, which can easy to understand by the learners.

3) Need
In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really needed by the
students in communication.
4) Frequent exposure and repetition
Frequent exposure and repetition here means that the teacher should give much
practice on repetition so that the students master the target words well. They also give
opportunity to the students to use words in writing or speaking.
5) Meaningful presentation
In teaching vocabulary the teacher should present target words in such a way that
the meaning of the target words are perfectly clear and unambiguous.

6) Situation and presentation
The teachers tell the students that they have to use the words appropriately. The
use of words depends on the situation in which they are used and depends on the
person to whom they are speaking.
From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the teachers must know
the different kinds of vocabulary. In addition, understanding the above factors is very
important for the teacher before teaching vocabulary to elementary school. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary

The technique of teaching vocabulary refers to the way of teaching vocabulary
that teachers use to deliver material to the students. It has important role, especially
on vocabulary learning. The success of teaching and learning process depends on not
only the teachers' and students' competences but also the technique of teaching,
especially in this case is the technique of teaching vocabulary.
Not all techniques are helpful for the students. In this case, the teachers have
responsible to choose and select the appropriate technique, so that the technique can
be applied to a certain situation and circumstance in the teaching and learning
process. The technique that teachers use must be as effective as possible to reach the
students vocabulary learning and achievement.
Nation (1990: 3) proposes four ways in vocabulary teaching, namely: (1) the
material of vocabulary is necessary to pay attention; (2) Words are dealt with as they
happen to occur. It means that if there is unknown word appears in reading passage,
the teacher should give some attention to it at the moment it causes a problem; (3)
Vocabulary is taught in connection with other language activities, for example.
Reading; (4) Time is spent either in class or out of school on the study of vocabulary
without an immediate connection with some other language activities.
Cross (1995: 5) presents two main ways in introducing new words, namely
showing meaning in some ways and using language that students already know in
order to make clear the meaning of the new lexical item. While Celce and Murcia
(1991: 298-300) mentions two techniques of teaching vocabulary. The technique of

teaching vocabulary involves unplanned vocabulary teaching and planned vocabulary
teaching. Unplanned vocabulary teaching is extemporaneous teaching of vocabulary
items that come up without planning in the course of lesson, while planned
vocabulary teaching is the teaching where the teacher goes into the classroom with an
item or a set of vocabulary items that the teacher has decided beforehand.

2.2 Flashcards
2.2.1 Definition of Flashcards
Flashcards are a piece of cardboard about 18 X 6 inches on which appears a word,
a sentence or a simple outline drawing. The lettering should be large, net and clear so
that it can be seen from the rear of the room. Capital letters are preferred. Print should
be used since it is easy to read at a distance (Nasr, 1972:119).
A flashcard is a little piece of paper. The size of a business card, which has on one
side a new word in a language youre learning, and on the other side a word in your
mother tongue (http// ,10
December 2009).
A flashcards are the cards on which words and or picture and painted or drawn
(Insaniyah, 2003:19).
According to Suyanto, flashcards is the cards that usually use thin paper and stiff
(2008:109). Flashcards show picture or words. Usually flashcards include of group
with kind or classes.
From many definitions above about flashcard; the researcher can conclude that:
1. Flashcard is one of the media educations.
2. Flashcard is a little piece of paper
3. Flashcard is the cards on which words and or picture and printed or drawn.
4. Flashcard is one of the best tools for memorizing information

2.2.2 Types of Flashcards

Flashcard can be divided into several types by Scott (1990:109-111), they are:
1. Picture Card

Picture cards are useful for the teaching English (Nasr, 1972: 67). These picture
cards can be drawings or cut outs from magazines or perhaps photos. It is easiest to
sort these picture cards according to size really big ones for class work, and smaller
ones for individual or group work. These can be used in many ways; just a few would
1. Picture card match up
2. Picture card treasure hunt
3. Picture and word match up
4. Picture card snap games
5. Picture cards can be used as part of a communication aid
6. Picture flashcards designed to:
a. Encourage young learner to say that word
b. Identify pictures with certain starting sounds
c. Encourage young learner to discuss what is shown in the picture
If we want free black and white line drawing picture cards of objects and actions
you should visit the do to learn web site. They have lots of picture card sections
1) Self-help e.g. bathroom and personal care, dressing and undressing etc.
2) Activities e.g. Sit, work, eat, sleep....
3) Home and school e.g. home, school, food
4) Social e.g. behavior, emotions
5) Miscellaneous e.g. weather, safety signs, summer, holiday
There are many ways that you can make your own picture cards. Young learners
always find colorful images far more interesting than black and white. Here are ways
that use to make picture card (
picture_cards.htm, 20 May 2010):
1. Cut out pictures from
a. Old catalogues
b. Magazines
c. Old children's books
d. Poster boards

2. Draw simple pictures, maybe your child could help you draw some or color in the
ones you have drawn.
3. Use your computer to create picture cards
In your word processing or publishing package
Create a text box
Add a border
Put a picture box inside
Copy and paste these several times
Add different pictures to each picture box
Print out and cut out your picture cards
Create new picture cards by changing the pictures
4. Use the clipart section of this site. I have set up the clipart so it can be printed out
straight from the browser and be cut up to make picture cards.

2. Card Games
A card game is any game using playing cards as the primary things with which the
game is played, be they traditional or game specific
(, 20 May 2010). Almost all card games can
be made into language card game and while we want to concentrate on games where
some sort of language interaction is taking place, we can also play card game simply
for relaxation. A simple snap game using picture cards is one of kind of card game. To
play this game are follow:
a. Mix the sets of cards
b. Divide between the players
c. Each player places a card down in turn and says what is shown on the picture
e.g. cat
d. If the pictures match, the first player to shout snap gets the pile of cards put
down so far.
e. The winner is the last player to still have cards
Puzzle card is also one of game that can use in teaching learning process after
using of flashcard.

3. Word/Sentence cards

Word cards are useful for displays and for work on the flannel graph. Sentence
cards should only be used for young learners and only with sentences which are use a
lot of. Young learners can simply write the question on one side and the answer on the
opposite side and test themselves repeatedly (
Study methods/a/flashcards.htm, 20 May 2010).
Word/sentence card usually consist of two sides, on the front of card appears the
word entry plus whatever supplementary information is needed, on the back appear a
concise definition and an illustration of the word use. In the using word card and
sentence card the young learners can match a word with the definition in the other
sentence cards. By this manner the student can more interest to learning English.
Sometimes the word/ sentence on the cards are commands. And the young
learners are used to giving and obeying these commands orally and they are learning
to recognize them as whole (Lee, 90). The command on the cards such as: Open the
door, Sing a song, Stand up, clean the blackboard etc. By using this word/ sentence
card, we can make a simple game. The teacher or student holds up a card, waits until
several students have put their hands up, and say name of someone. Someone who
called off name performs the action required and scores a point for his team. If he
performs the wrong action, he has not read card successfully, and there will be others
eager to show that they have. Somebody in another team is given a chance.
According to Gelfgren (2012), the media that are needed to make flashcard such
Internet access, address:, and printer
A4 paper in different colors
Laminating machine
Laminating pockets
Lubber bands
Magnetic paper or tape

2.2.3 The procedure of Using Flashcard

The procedures of the use flashcards are bellow
1. Sit comfortably facing your students.
2. Arrange the flash cards in the order you would like to present them.
3. Starting with the first flash card, hold it up so your students can clearly see the
front. Keep the back of the flash card toward you so your child cannot see it.
4. Shows the flash card front to your students that consist of picture and said in
English and asked the students to repeat after several time to make sure that
they could say it in a correct pronunciation.
5. Give question to them by showing flashcards one by one randomly, if your
students give a correct answer, place the correctly answered flash card in a
pile on your left.
6. If your students give an incorrect response or no response, tell him the correct
answer, and place these flash cards in a pile on your right side.
7. After you have finished showing your students all of the flash cards, you may
continue your flash card teaching session by using the stack of incorrectly
answered cards. Continue in the same manner, placing correctly answered
flash cards on the left and incorrectly answered flash cards on the right.
8. Once your students have mastered the full set of flash cards, practice them
periodically to ensure your child remembers them.

From the explanations about the procedure of using flashcards above, the
researcher conclude that the step in using flashcards in English learning process are
show of flashcards, sounds, repetition and practice. The procedure of using flashcards
is simple, so the students or parents can practice it in their home to improve their

2.2.4 The Function of Flashcards

The use of flashcards in the English teaching learning process used to help the
teacher: (Kasihani and Suyanto, 2008:109)
1. To be familiar and stable with singular and plural concept
2. To be familiar and stable with numbers

3. To be familiar and stable with a few and a lot of concept
4. To get the students attention using extract pictures with appropriate
(Vocabulary and Color)
5. To give variation in the teaching learning process.
Flashcards are so useful to help the teacher in the English learning process. The
teacher is easier to explain of material and give example clearly. Because the students
can see a picture that appropriate with the theme so the students are easier to receive
the explanation of teacher. Beside that the teacher can improve the students
achievement in vocabulary.

2.3 The Use of Flashcards in Teaching Vocabulary

2.3.1 The Role of Flashcards in Teaching Vocabulary
Flashcards are particularly useful for drilling grammar item for cueing different
sentence or practicing vocabulary (Harmer, 2001: 134). Flashcards are always an easy
way to get some of those vocabulary words stuck inside your head, where they need
to be when the big test rolls around (
Make_Flashcards.htm, 20May 2010).
Based on the statements above shown that the using flashcards in English learning
process are more effective and practical way of memorizing to accomplices new
vocabulary. By using flashcards is suitable for the beginner in English. By the
implementation this method gives emphasis on pronunciation of the utterance of
words. Beside that in the English learning process the students can be more active and
not only passive.

2.3.2 The Way to Make Flashcard Vocabulary

There is way to make a flash card vocabulary
1. Assemble your materials. There's nothing worse than starting a project
without everything you need.
2. On the front of the flash card: Write a vocabulary word, and only the word,
neatly on the front of a 3 x 5 card in pencil. Center the word both horizontally

and vertically, and be sure to keep the front of the card free from extra
markings, smudges or doodles.
3. On the upper left corner of the back of the flashcards, write definition for the
word in the upper left corner. Make sure you write the definition in your own
words. This is a key. If you write a dictionary definition, you will be less
likely to remember what the word means.
4. On the upper right corner of the back of the flashcards, write the part of
speech in the upper right corner of the info side. Make sure you understand
what the part of speech means before writing it down. When you make
another flashcard with another part of speech, you'll use a different color.
Make all the nouns yellow, all the verbs blue, etc.
5. On the lower left corner of the back of the flashcards, use the vocabulary word
in a sentence the student will remember. Make the sentence steamy, hilarious,
or creative in some other way.
6. On the lower right corner of the back of the flashcards, draw a small
picture/graphic to go with the vocabulary word. It doesn't have to be artistic
just something that reminds you of the definition. For the word "pompous," or
"conceited", maybe you'd draw a stick person with his nose in the air. You
remember pictures much better than a word, which is the reason you can't
write anything on the front of the card besides the vocabulary word you'd
remember the design and associate it with the definition instead of associating
the word with the definition.
7. Repeat this process for every one of your vocabulary words, until you have a
deck of flashcards.
From the explanations above, the researcher can conclude or give briefly
explanation about the way to make flashcards vocabulary.
a. Prepare the material
b. Write a word vocabulary on the front of the flashcards
c. Write a definition of a word on the upper left corner of the back of the
d. Used a word vocabulary in a sentence as a example on the left corner of the

e. Draw a small picture and color that suitable with the vocabulary word on the
lower right corner of the back of flashcards.
f. Flashcards are already to use.


3.1 Design of the Study

This study will be designed in form of an action based research. It will consist of
four basics of spiral steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The action
research model will adopt from Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988) stated that an action
research is a cycle process of planning, action, observation, and reflection.
Classroom-based Action Research Cycle

Planning Revised Next Cycle

Preliminary Action
Evaluation Observation/


The cyclic process above can be explained as follow:

1. Planning
Planning refers to determine the steps of the action and instruments used for
collecting data.
2. Action
Action refers to the action of the researchers teaching and learning process in
the classroom. In this process the researcher arranged the classroom by using
teaching scenario.

3. Observation
Observation refers to the researchers activities in observing the classroom
situation which emphasis on the students responses during the teaching and
learning process. In this process, the researcher used researchers diaries to
record the observation.
4. Reflection
Reflection refers to diagnose the causes of the unsuccessfulness of the action
given. In this process, the researcher gave solution from the problem that has
found and also analyzed the information based on the result of the observation
in order to decide whether the action would be continued or stopped.

3.2 Setting of the Study

This study will take place at SDN 1 Dangintukadaya in academic year 2016/2017.
Researcher has done pre-observation on 11 July 2016. Researcher has met with the
English teacher who has teached in fourth grade. With first interview, researcher has
found that the problem in study English. Researcher will start research after
examination of proposal in seminar.

3.3 Subject and Object of the Study

Subject in this study is the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Dangintukadaya. The
number of students are 23 students consist of 11 male students and 12 female
students. The reasons for selecting subject in this class is the average score of
students in English still under KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal), at the point, it is
necessary for the improvement efforts to increase the students achievement.

Object of this classroom action research is the form of an flashcards media, which
is expected to attract the attention of students in learning so that they more motivated
to increase their achievement in vocabulary.

3.4 Instrumentation of Data Collection

The instruments that will be used for collecting the data are as follows:
1. Interview Guide
Interview will be used to teacher and the students to get information about the
problem that faced by teacher and students in English class at SDN 1
Dangintukadaya, especially fourth grade students.
2. Questionnaire
The questionnaire will be divided into two; preliminary questionnaire and
questionnaire on post-test 1 and 2. The preliminary questionnaire will be use
to know the students problem in English. The questionnaire on post-test 1 and
2 will be used the impact of the implementation of flashcards media.
3. Tests
The tests will be divided into two kinds of test. They are pre-test and post-test.
The pre-test will be used to know about students achievement in mastering
vocabulary before treatment given. Thus, the post-test 1 will be conducted at
the end of each cycle. The purpose will used to check the students whether or
not the treatment will be able to improve the students in vocabulary.
Meanwhile, the post test 2 will be conducted if the treatment is not significant
yet in post test 1. By conducting the post-test, the students vocabulary will be
4. Researchers Diary
Researchers diary will be used recorded the activity that happen during
teaching learning process in classroom. It will consider of teachers activities,
students activities, classroom situation and students responses toward
flashcards will be applied in teaching learning process in the classroom.

3.5 Research Procedures

The procedures of this research will consist of two cycles. There will be four steps
in each cycle namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. There are
procedures in conducting the cycling process as follows:
a. Planning
There were some preparations that will be done in this step, such as:
1. Preparing the lesson plan.
2. Preparing and selecting the materials.
3. Designing teaching media such as flashcards for teaching the students.
4. Preparing the instruments for collecting data (question for interview, tests,
questionnaire and researchers diary)
b. Action
In this step, the researcher will implementation flashcards as media to teach the
students in the classroom based on the lesson plan. In this stage, some activities will
be done in each cycle. These activities will be pre activity, whilst activity and post
activity. The lists of the activity in each step will be explained as follows:
a. Pre-activity
Greeting the students
Checking the students attendance
Asking the students to pray before start the lesson
Asking about the previous lesson from teacher in school.
b. Whilst Activity
Giving the apperception which can guide the students to the main
Giving the students direction what will they learn in the lesson and giving
purpose of the lesson
Asking the students about the vocabulary that relation with theme
Teaching vocabulary by ostensive means
Asking the students some questions orally and students have to answer
orally about the theme
c. Post Activity
Asking whether the students whether have any questions about the text.
Closing the lesson by saying Good bye.
c. Observation
Observation is one of the instruments used in collecting the data. As a scientific
method, observation can be systematically used to serve and note the phenomena

investigated like students feeling thinking and something they do in teaching learning
process. The researcher plans this observation flexible and open to record the
d. Reflection
In this step, the researcher will find the problem as well as the solution for the
problem. Furthermore, the researcher will decide whether the action will be continued
or not. It is also the process of comparing the result of pre-test and post-test, the
researcher can see whether the student will reach the target score or not. Reflection
will be served as feedback to improve the next action with the next cycle.

3.6 Techniques of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step of the study is analyzing the data. There are
two ways to analyze the data, they are:
1. Descriptive technique
A descriptive technique is used to know the students behavior during the teaching
learning process. In descriptive technique the researcher will analyze the observation
sheet which has been made by her partner. Descriptive analysis consists of mean,
median, and mode.
2. Statistical Technique
A statistical technique is used to know is there any influence to the students
vocabulary or no from the result of pretest and posttest. This research is calculated by
t-test analysis. Statistical analysis consists of range, standard deviation, and variance.


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