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Hi There!

Thanks for downloading the Personal Branding Roadmap.

My plan with this eBook is not to give you every single, li;le thing
you need to build a successful personal brand - a lot of it youll
need to gure out as you go along hence the personal thing!

However, aCer focusing on building my own personal brand online

over the last 6-years, there have been many things that Ive seen
that work - and many that dont.

Its my intenHon to steer you in the right direcHon, so that you can
avoid some of the piIalls I didnt, enjoy some of the early
successes that I didnt (as I made plenty of mistakes along the
way!) and ulHmately build a personal brand you can be proud of.

The focus Ive had on building my personal brand has helped launch a speaking career for me. Its also
landed me a tradiHonal publishing deal, as well as helped me sell tens of thousands of books; as well as
enabled me to be discovered and featured by huge press outlets such as Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc.,
Forbes, Business Insider, The Hungton Post and many, many more.

What Would You Do Dierently If You Could Start All Over Again..?
Nowadays, I get asked this quesHon a lot. My answer is always the same.

Id have started building my personal brand way earlier than I actually did. Its created more opportuniHes
for me, opened more doors for me as a business owner and inspired me to help other brand based
business owners to take everything they do to the next level as inuencers, thought leaders and game-

So, if this guide serves you in any way to do the same, Ive succeeded in my reason to create it in the rst
place - aCer all, the world needs YOU, what you have to share and the dierence you can make.

Bestselling Author of Virtual Freedom
Founder of
10 Easy Steps to BREATHING
New Life
Into Your Brand and Beyond
Before you promote your personal brand to the world, you need to know yourself and what
sets you apart from everyone else in your niche, or industry.

Take the Hme to ask yourself what your passions and talents are.

What would you like your purpose to be.

What can you oer your audience, that nobody else can. Tell them about you, your history and
how you will serve them, as a follower of yours.

Thisll dene your style, your vibe - what youre all about - itll also help you craC and shape
your overall focus, as a brand building entrepreneur.


Preparing a markeHng strategy without truly understanding your customers can be like taking
o on a journey without a compass.

Understanding and dening who your avatar, your perfect customer is will be paramount to
the overall success of your business, in the long run.

By idenHfying their pain points and what is meaningful to them, you can also determine how
you can serve them be;er and how to posiHon yourself in your industry.
Remember, helping someone solve that one big, hairy problem theyre experiencing can be all
it takes for them to fall in love with you, and become a raving fan for life. Take that
responsibility on board - run with it, and enjoy pu^ng together the soluHons that your
audience will clamour over each other for.

You want to become somebodys favorite.

If you know who youre helping; who youre wriHng, recording or creaHng content for, itll
make everything else so much easier.


Your personal brand website plays a huge part in your branding strategy, as it acts like a central
hub for what you have to oer content, products, services, social media links, speaking
schedule, tesHmonials, etc.

Since your website is an extension of who you are, you will want to make sure that your
audiences rst impression of your site is a good one.

Details such as a well-designed logo, an awesome About Me page and a unique design
can make a world of dierence when convincing a casual visitor to become a loyal fan, and
ulHmately a paying customer.

So spend the Hme, and money (if needed) on this brand asset. Youll thank me for years to
come, trust me!

For me, goal se^ng is more than just declaring a target. It means creaHng an acHon plan to
turn big aspiraHons into real results. A simple way to get started with this is to use the SMART
system where your goals should be:

Specic Use the W quesHons to help you dene your goals such as asking who is
involved?, what do I need to accomplish?, why should I be focusing on this goal?.

Measurable - Set concrete parameters and a yardsHck in order to measure your
progress and stay on track.

Achievable Determine your level of commitment, your limitaHons, or distracHons and
what can be done to hit your targets and achieve those goals.

RealisFc While loCy and ambiHous goals are wonderful for long-term planning, they
can become inHmidaHng, so its important to keep goals a;ainable. I like to set myself
4-5 small win goals each month - this enables me to feel like Im achieving lots of things
in a short space of Hme - and guess what? I do!

Timely Establish a Hme frame for your targets and from there, break it down into short-
term, a;ainable goals which you can work toward on a regular basis.

Whatever goal se^ng model you decide to follow, its extremely important to have genuine
goals in place for the growth of your personal brand.


Now that you have decided what your personal brand is all about and who you want to help,
its Hme to start building your reputaHon and status.

One of the easiest ways to get started is through se>ng up your own blog.
Providing your audience with relevant, helpful and compelling content allows them to get to
know you be;er and builds your credibility.

A few other ways to deliver content to your audience are through podcasts and videos.

This allows you to make a very dierent personal connec?on with them, that reading a blog
post simply cant compare to. Theres something about holding somebodys gaze for 3-4
minutes on a YouTube video, or keeping them listening to a podcast episode for 30-45 minutes.

The ability to educate, connect with and inspire your audience (AKA. your exisHng and future
customers!) by supplying them with a consistent stream of high-quality content cannot be
discounted in this very online rich and savvy world that were now doing busy in.

Get acHve creaHng great content. Itll be the game-changer you need.

While were on the subject of consistency, its important to note that the online business
landscape is constantly shiCing and changing. Because of this, consistency (across all aspects of
your online acHviHes) is highly valued, especially when building a personal brand online.

The consistency you want to adapt to goes way beyond just your blog posts and podcast
episodes. Think about maintaining good relaHonships. Its the P2P (People-to-People)
relaHonship building philosophy that Ive been an advocate of for years and years, that has
enabled me and my own personal brand to remain front of mind, relevant and strong enough
to ward o compeHtors and anyone else trying to copy my ideas and overall branding vibe.

Consistency also extends to the look, tone and feel of your brand. Keep the design elements
you use to build your brand uniformed across all plaIorms to help create a signature look.

Delivering valuable content should be the main focus as you build your brand online. Without
great content, nothing else ma;ers. Once your audience can see that youre out to help them,
they will begin to trust you and your brand.

One of the fastest ways to build trust is to oer an insanely valuable piece of content as an
incenHve, to have your visitors signup for your email list.

The key word here is value.

Oering your audience weak material for the sake of having an opt in doesnt only damage
your brand, but it also destroys the relaHonship with a possible customer before it starts.

Find out one big problem that your audience members, followers, customers, fans (whatever
you wanna call em!) are experiencing on a regular basis, and as an overall issue and then
provide a solu?on to that problem.

Maybe its en eBook, like this one. Maybe its a video course or an audio download. Perhaps
its a high quality infographic, or a checklist. Whatever it is, put Hme, energy and real eort
behind it to the point where you could easily charge for it - then give it away for free.

Well, for the price of an email address!

It should come as no surprise that social media plays a huge part when building your brand.

This doesnt mean that you have to start planning posts for every social media plaIorm under
the sun, but it does mean you have to start looking into where you are able to engage with
your audience best. This needs to be a combinaHon of:

a) where your audience is hanging out, and

b) where YOU want to hang out with them!

Once you have decided on which plaIorms work best for you, its Hme to maintain a strong
online presence on them. This allows you to connect with your audience in real-Hme and in a
much more authenHc way.

For me, I do this through three main plaIorms - and Ill tell you why I picked the ones I have,
too, so you can get into my head a li;le!

TwiLer - Its short, sharp, to the point and very, very public. Its super mobile and
literally everyone that I converse with on the plaIorm is either a prospect customer, exisHng
customer, or a respected peer. Follow me if youre not already!

Facebook - Like it, or not, its the 800-pound silver back gorilla of social media. Pre;y much
everyone youll be conversing with online, as part of your brand building will be using
Facebook. It also has an excellent adverHsing plaIorm built-in, which is second to none for
retargeHng website visitors and much more.
Periscope - Twi;ers live video applicaHon allows me to jump on whenever I want and
broadcast to thousands of followers via video, helping me get in front of new prospects,
converse with exisHng customers and even have a good old-fashioned rant and rave if I fancy
doing so! Its not for anyone, but for anyone building a personal brand - its a must in my book!

Snapchat - Once associated with just teenage girls snapping their lives away, this social media
plaIorm has grown-up recently and is quickly becoming a powerhouse. Short burst live video
and images that all disappear within 24-hours, as well as the ability to snap people directly in
both formats creates a plaIorm where transparency is king. I use this app to show people what
my everyday work life looks like. The behind the scenes stu. People love the ability to look
inside. Check it out and be sure to add me: chrisducker

Important Online Branding Note:

If youve decided to skip other plaIorms, its always handy to secure your username to make
sure you have it available just in case you might want to use it in the future.


Building a strong and strategic network of peers and mentors can help give you the guidance
and moHvaHon you need to help grow your brand. Its important to note that as you build
these connecHons with your network, its all about
mutually supporHng each other and helping each other grow.

Rela?onships should be treasured. Not used.

Establishing connecHons with industry inuencers can help promote your brand and build
credibility. The key to ge^ng noHced is by being genuine and sincere when interacHng with
One of the most important aspects of building your brand is being yourself.

Nobody can duplicate you!

Think about it logically When you build a business around you, your brand, your personality,
what you stand for, your vision, your focus on the people you want to help and serve - when
you do all this - and add a slice of the real you in there nobody can copy you.

Your business ul?mately becomes compe?tor proof!

Not only does it become more fun when you embody the real YOU into your brand, but your
audience will pick up on your sincerity and pay more a;enHon - theyll fall in love with you.

Ive been blessed to grow a community of highly mo?vated entrepreneurs that do all of this
and more every day.

Theyre my Youpreneurs! And I freakin love em.

Theyre coaches, bloggers, experts, podcasters, speakers, authors all business owners that
have decided to build the Business of You with a focus on helping and inspiring people
through their own personal brands.

Theyre game-changers. Life-changers. And Im proud to call them my inner circle.

And you can be one, too!

The Entrepreneurial Community

Where Nobody Gets Left Behind!
Become part of the Youpreneur Community today
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Get your quesHons answered, ideas brainstormed and accountability
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For more content related to building a business

from your brand visit the blog and podcast:

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