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Chain- Checking out a book

Student: Alex K. Date: 11/28/16

Objective Reinforcement
Objective: Alex will be able to check out a book Type: Food game
independently at the library.
Schedule of delivery: For each correct step
completed, Alex will receive a star on a sheet.
Functional Routine: During time in the library After 10 stars are collected, she will be able to play
the food game for 5 minutes.
Program Steps Error Correction
Use backward chaining to check out a book Stop: No, thats not how we ___.
1. Find book, pull book off shelf, bring to front desk, ask
to checkout book. Back-step: Provide previous level of support
2. Find book, pull book off shelf, bring to front desk, necessary for correct response.
(ask to checkout book independently).

3. Find book, pull book off shelf, (bring to front desk,
ask to checkout book independently.)
Prompt: Alex, (insert step direction here).
4. Find book, (pull book off shelf, bring to front desk,
ask to checkout book independently).
5. (Find book, pull book off shelf, bring to front desk,
ask to checkout book independently)

Select one:
Discrete Forward Backward Total Task
Skill Chain Chain

Location/Setting Criteria for Moving to Next Step
School library Can complete step as written with 100% accuracy
across 3 consecutive trials.
Materials Needed Prompt Strategy
1. Model
Library 2. Verbal
Books 3. Independent
Student ID # Select one:
Reinforcement Chart Most-to-least Time Delay

Instruction Generalization
Instruction/Cue: Alex, checkout a book. Stimulus Factors: Community libraries

Naturally occurring cue for the behavior: Response Factors: Independently check out a book
Being in the library
Student Response/Behavior Special Considerations
Alex may need support in finding a book or topic
Alex will check out a book independently following she is interested in.
steps modeled and practiced.

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