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Porosity equilibrium, strain hardening, and intrinsic micromechanical

model of poromechanics

Alexander H.-D. Cheng

University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, USA

Younane N. Abousleiman
The PoroMechanics Institute, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the role of porosity and an intrinsic micromechanical model in the Biot
theory of poroelasticity. Particularly, when the change of porosity is treated as a variable, as it can be of the same
magnitude as the strain, it needs to satisfy the porosity equilibrium equation established from the variational
principle of minimum energy. The porosity equilibrium condition automatically introduces a geometric nonlin-
earity with all linear material properties. The resultant is a universal strain hardening law in the small strain

1 INTRODUCTION Another controversy of the Biot theory is the role of

porosity. Porosity is considered as a material constant
The poroelasticity theory that describes the mechan- in Biot theory. However, we can imagine the following
ical behavior of fluid infiltrated porous solid was situation: given a granular material made of stacking
established by Biot (1941). This widely accepted of rigid solid grains. When such a material is sub-
theory was originally a phenomenological theory. Cor- jected to compression, it is clear that the deformation
responding to the solid stresses and strains in the of the frame is entirely contributed by the reduction
elasticity theory, these definitions were interpreted on of pore space. If the strain (the percentage deforma-
the porous frame, and not on the phase materials. A tion of the frame) is considered a variable, why isnt
fluid pressure p and a variation of fluid content were porosity?
then introduced to accommodate the fluid component. In the following, we shall answer these questions by
By generalizing the Hookes law, constitutive equa- presenting a physically-based micromechanical the-
tions were constructed for these apparent stresses and ory constructed on the minimum energy principle and
strains. For linear and isotropic poroelastic materials, the mass conservation law of solid and fluid phases
four bulk material constants were found, as compared (Lopatnikov and Cheng, 2002). The theory allows the
to two for elasticity. isolation of volumetric deformation into three basic
This macroscopic theory was later modified to a modes: that of the solid phase, that of porosity, and the
microscopic theory that distinguished the solid and solid-porosity interaction due to inhomogeneity and
fluid phases, the pore space, and the stresses and strains anisotropy in the microscale. Also, we shall explore
corresponding to these phases (Biot, 1955; Biot and the implication of the porosity equilibrium equation,
Willis, 1957). The constitutive laws and the associated which is a result of treating porosity as a variable. We
material constants, however, were constructed based demonstrate that even if all the phase materials are
on the effective stresses concept, a vestige of Terza- linear, the resultant poroelasticity theory is nonlinear.
ghis effective stress. For example, one version of the This geometric nonlinear theory leads to a universal
micromechanical theory (Rice and Cleary, 1976) gave strain hardening law that is independent of the mate-
six material constants, the drained bulk modulus K, rial and the porosity structure. The isolation of the
two apparent bulk moduli Ks and Ks , the fluid bulk deformation mechanisms then allows the identifica-
modulus Kf , the shear modulus G, and the porosity 0 . tion of the structural nonlinearity due to the change of
We notice that K, Ks and Ks are apparent constants as porosity structure. The last part of nonlinearity is the
their relations to the stiffness of the solid phase, the material nonlinearity, which will manifest itself only if
pore space, and the interaction of the phases are not the deformation is large and a large part of pore space
clear and not known. has collapsed.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Laboratory data involving soft sediment cores where ijs and sij are respectively called the external
retrieved from offshore are used to test the present stresses and external strains. Comparing the defini-
theory. tions of (1) and (2) to (3) and (4), we notice that they
differ in the integration over the internal surface !i .
To construct micromechanics based on the physi-
2 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AVERAGING cal laws tied to the intrinsic properties of the phase
materials, volume averaging is needed. On the other
To construct the constitutive law for a porous material hand, for purposes of engineering application, stresses
with random structure, it is important to recognize two and strains are better observed as external surface
types of averaging processes: the volume averaging averaged quantities. The difference in these defini-
and the external surface averaging. tions must be reconciled. For the strains, it is easy to
It is well known from composite (inhomogeneous) show (Lopatnikov and Cheng, 2002) that the integra-
material theory (Nemat-Nasser and Hori, 1999) that tion over the internal surface produces the change of
stresses and strains need to be volume averaged pore space, which produces the following relation for
over the inhomogeneous medium contained in the the volumetric strain
REV (representative elementary volume). For porous
media, the averaging needs to be conducted separately
for the solid and the fluid phase. For the solid stresses
and strains, the averaging is performed as follows:
where  is the change in porosity, and the volumetric
strains are defined as  s =  sij and s = sij Similarly
we can construct the following relation for the fluid
internal and external strains (Lopatnikov and Cheng,

where ijs and sij are respectively the stress and strain
tensor of the solid phase, sijs and  sij are the averaged
stress and strain tensors, uis is the displacement vector,
tis = ijs nsj is the surface traction, nsi is the components For the stresses, it is easy to show that due to the
of unit outward normal, s is the volume of solid equilibrium of fluid pressure in the REV under static
phase, and !s is the surface of the solid phase. These condition, the internal and external stresses are the
averaged stresses and strains will be referred to as same, and no conversion is needed. Equations (5) and
internal stresses (sijs ) and internal strains (sij ). (6) are the key to the construction of true microme-
We notice that in the second part of the above equa- chanics theory that relate the material phase properties
tions, the divergence theorem was applied to convert to the apparent properties of the composite frame.
volume integrals to surface integrals. In the compos-
ite material theory, this allows the conversion from
the less manageable internal volume averaging to the 3 LINEAR MATERIAL CONSTANTS
more manageable external surface averaging. For the
case of porous medium, however, the surface of solid The use of internal strains allows us to construct
phase !s contains two parts: a part s exposed to the constitutive relations based on the intrinsic material
exterior of the REV, and a part !i contained inside the properties. We can introduce quadratic energy func-
REV, facing the internal pores. The internal surface !i tional based on the internal quantities and seek the
is still not observable for practical purposes. variation around an equilibrium point. This proce-
For engineering purposes, stresses are defined as dure produces four volumetric deformation material
the average force over the small area that it applies. constants: Ks , K , K , and Kf . From the constitutive
Similarly, strains are based on the observation of the relation
displacements of the external surface of the frame,
because displacements on the internal surface of the
pores are not observable. These bring the following
definitions We can identify Kf as the bulk modulus of the fluid.
We also find the constitutive relation

where ps = ijs /3 is the solid average compressive

stress. Under the condition of no change in porosity,

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materials such as high porosity sandstones, the porous
material is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic
Ks at the micro-scale or at the grain level, such as high
porosity sandstones. In that case, K = 0 and there is
a reduction of one material constant.
Although the above constitutive laws bring out the
intrinsic material coefficients, the constitutive rela-
tions are built on the non-observable internal strains.
These need to be converted to the external strains for
practical applications. With such conversion, we will
then obtain the apparent coefficients, or the effec-
K tive stress coefficients. For example, we can construct
the relation for the external strain:


is the total mean compressive stress. We hence iden-

tify the drained bulk modulus K as the following
Figure 1. Three fundamental volumetric deformation combination of the intrinsic coefficients
modes and the associated bulk moduli.

we can identify Ks as the intrinsic bulk modulus of the

solid phase. K is a coupling term between the solid
and the porosity change. Later, with the introduction and the Biot effective stress coefficient as
of the porosity equilibrium equation, we can identify
K as the bulk modulus for the porosity change.
In Figure 1, we illustrate the three fundamental
deformation modes of porous materials with the bulk
moduli associated with them, using the granular mate-
rial as an example. The first figure assumes that the In the special case of microhomogeneity and
solid grains are microscopically homogeneous and microisotropy, K = 0 and (11) reduces to
isotropic. When such a material is exposed to an equi-
librated fluid pressure field, each grain deforms in
a self-similar fashion with the same proportion. It is
clear that there is no porosity change and this defor-
mation mode is associated with the intrinsic solid
bulk modulus Ks . The second figure assumes that The above relation becomes clearer if we express it in
each solid grain is non-deformable. With an externally terms of compressibility, that is, the inverse of bulk
applied contacting stress, the particles rearrange their modulus,
positions causing the porosity to change.
This isolates the bulk modulus of porosity as K .
The third figure assumes that each solid particle
is incompressible but deformable. The particles are
microscopically inhomogeneous and/or anisotropic.
We then see that the frame compressibility C is made of
When this material is subjected to an equilibrated fluid
a part of solid compressibility Cs and a part of porosity
pressure field, the particles will have non-selfsimilar
compressibility C .
shape changes causing the change of pore space and
We also notice that under the same assumption (12)
the rearrangement of particles.This solidpore coupling
deformation mode is characterized by K .
For the stability of the material, it can be shown that
the following constraint exists Ks K > K2 . In the con-
ceptual model proposed by Nur and Byerlee (1971) for

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The above can further be written into the well known 4 POROSITY EQUILIBRIUM EQUATION
relation (Biot and Willis, 1957)
Another important consequence of introducing poros-
ity of a variable is that its variation needs to satisfy the
minimum energy state. This brings out the porosity
equilibrium equation
We notice that (16) is valid only under the special
assumption K = 0.
Other non-intrinsic micromechanics coefficients
such as Ks and Ks of Rice and Cleary (1976) can be
identified as
We notice that this equation is nonlinear. Hence
the poroelasticity theory with small deformation and
quadratic energy density functional for linear phase
materials is nonlinear! It becomes linear only if we
force linearize the above equation by dropping the
nonlinear terms. When this is done, (20) becomes

The direct meanings of Ks and Ks are not clear, unless

the special assumption of K = 0 is applied.
In that case, It has been demonstrated in Lopatnikov and Cheng
(2002) that the resulting linear model is fully consistent
with the Biot model. In the present paper, we shall
In the previous micromechanics theory, the consis- investigate the nonlinear model.
tency of the measured Ks and Ks values serves as
the indication of the validity of the microisotropy and
microhomogeneity assumption. The ability to check 5 GEOMETRIC NONLINEARITY
such assumption might be limited as laboratory tests
often contain errors, and different tests may not be Based on micromechanics, we can identify three
able to be conducted on the same sample. The firm sources of nonlinearity. First, there is the geomet-
conclusion of the consistency or inconsistency of the ric nonlinearity by considering  as a variable,
measured Ks and Ks values may be difficult. as indicated in the porosity equilibrium equation
In the current theory, the role of K is isolated, (20). Second, there is structural nonlinearity which
which may allow a direct identification of the microho- is related to the pore structure and can be charac-
mogeneity and microisotropy effect. Such a laboratory terized by a porosity dependent bulk modulus for
test has not been designed. It seems that a key to such porosity, K = K (). Third, there can be mate-
measurement will be the measurement of 0 prior rial nonlinearity associated with the solid phase, thus
to the test and  during the test. The fluid inter- Ks = Ks (s ).
nal/external strain relation (6) and the fluid equation To examine geometric nonlinearity, we write
of state can be utilized to acquire such information. = 0 +  and eliminate ps and  s among (8), (10)
The microhomogeneity and microisotropy assump- and (20) to obtain the relation between the applied
tion is an important assumption that can bring sim- external stresses and the porosity change. Simplifying
plification to the model. For isotropic material, we for small deformation, this relation can be expressed as
have already shown that there is a reduction of one
material parameter. For anisotropic porous materials,
it has been demonstrated (Cheng, 1997) that if the
anisotropy is derived from structural origin only, that
is, it is derived from the aligned pores, fissures, or
grain shapes, and not from the material itself (as the
material anisotropy axes are likely to be randomly
distributed), then a significant simplification of the The left side of the equation shows an effective stress
micromechanical model results. Particularly, it can be with an effective stress coefficient in front of p f. The
shown that the six Biot effective stress coefficient ij right side shows an apparent modulus and a cubic
are fully defined by the elastic moduli of the frame equation in . We can gain more insight into (22)
(anisotropic) and only one extra modulus, Ks . This fact by making the microhomogeneity and microisotropy
has made the study of anisotropic poroelastic prob- assumption and set K = 0. In this case, (22) reduces to
lems easier (Abousleiman, et al., 1996; Abousleiman
and Cui, 1998).

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
(KS  0 K  02 K) Pf P   Pf (N/m2)
P (N/m2)
KS  K  0 K
5106 5106

 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
0. 02 0.04 0. 06 0.08 0. 1
Figure 3. Effective stress versus external strain strain
Figure 2. Effective stress versus porosity change strain hardening. (Solid line: nonlinear; dash line: linear)
hardening with porosity compaction. (Solid line: nonlinear;
dash line: linear) where and K are defined as (13) and (15). The above
relations show that the solid external strain is con-
trolled by the Biot effective stress with the coefficient
Here we observe that the effective stress is simply the
, and the drained bulk modulus K.
Terzaghi effective stress. This is consistent with earlier
In Figure 3, the effective stress and strain relation is
findings that the porosity deformation is characterized
presented in solid line for the nonlinear behavior, and
by Terzaghi effective stress (Carroll, 1979). The above
in dash line for the linearized case. We observe that
relation also brings out the significance of the bulk
the deformation is basically elastic up to s = 0.05.
modulus of porosity K .
After that, a strain hardening behavior is found.
To examine the nonlinear behavior, we use the
material of a coarse sand with K = 2.1 108 N/m2
Ks = Ks = 1.1 1010 N/m2 , and 0 = 0.48. Based
on (11), (17), and (18), this is converted to
Ks = 1.1 1010 N/m2 , K = 4.2 108 N/m2 , and
For structural nonlinearity, we assume that K is a func-
K = 0. In Figure 2, we plot the effective stress as
tion of the pore structure and it stiffens as the pore
shown on the left side of (18) versus the porosity
space is consolidated. As  is not a quantity eas-
change as the solid line. Also plotted is the linear
ily measurable in the laboratory, we shall simplify the
behavior in dashed line. From the figure we clearly
model using the external strain, with the exponential
observe a strain hardening behavior. In other words, as
the material becomes more and more compacted due
to the applied compressive stress, the tangent modulus
of the material increases.
The above result is given in porosity change, which
is a quantity not measurable under normal circum- where K0 is the initial value and a is a structural con-
stances. For application purposes, the constitutive laws stant. The constitutive relation is then (24) or (25) with
need to be expressed in terms of external stresses and K defined as
strains. This is accomplished by further introducing
(5) in the above relations. The algebraic expression is
complex, but it can be approximated by the following
The entire model can be simplified by assuming
K = 0 and Ks  K , thus

where the effective stress coefficient and the

drained bulk modulus K have been defined in (11)
and (12). Particularly, for the microhomogeneity and where
microisotropy case, (24) simplifies to

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Sample 5 Resin Treated Sample (corrected for system elasticity)
Strains during Triaxial Loading 3000 psi confining pressure


y = 125,137x + 197

stress (psi)

E Interval
2000 Axial Strain
Sample Dimensions
Lateral Strain
Linear (E Interval) Length 2.200 inches
1000 Diameter 1.470 inches

-0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
strain (in/in)

Figure 5. Loading program for a resin treated sample.

test data 3000 psi

confining pressure (psi)

geometric nonlinearity

2500 geometric and structural






0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045
volumetric strain

Figure 4. Soft sediment sample before and after loading.

Figure 6. Stressstrain curve for the 3000 psi confining
pressure case.
This is again an exponential model with the exponen-
tial power derived from both the geometric and the
structural nonlinearity. in the axial direction. The axial and radial strains were
For the material nonlinearity, we shall assume that in measured. The loadings went through multiple loading
the small deformation range, most of the deformation and unloading cycles until the sample failed. Figure 5
and nonlinearity are derived from porosity and not the shows a typical loading program and Figure 4 shows
solid grain; hence and the solid material remains in the the sediment sample before loading and after failure.
linear range during the deformation. The first part of the loading program involving all
around confining pressure is used to test the present
theory. In Figures 6 and 7, the stressstrain data are pre-
7 LABORATORY TEST sented as confining pressure P versus volumetric strain
s in symbols for two treated samples with confining
Laboratory tests were conducted in the rock mechan- pressure up to 3000 psi and 5000 psi, respectively. We
ics laboratory of the Poromechanics Institute at the clearly observe a strain-hardening behavior. First the
University of Oklahoma. Although these tests were geometric nonlinear model (25) with the exponential
not specifically conducted for the validation of the power of 3 is used to fit the data (short dash line in Fig-
present theory, we nevertheless could use the result ures 6 and 7). We observe that this exponential power is
for the purpose. not sufficient to cover the nonlinearity of the test data,
The materials tested were soft sediment rocks indicating the presence of structural nonlinearity.
retrieved offshore. The cores were either untreated, Next, we use the combined geometric and struc-
or treated with resin to increase cohesion. The cores tural nonlinear model (28). The two sets of test data
sizes were roughly 2.2 inches long and 1.5 inches are fitted as follows: for 3000 psi case, K0 = 41000 psi
in diameter (see Figure 4). Different samples were and b = 17; for the 5000 psi case, K0 = 52700 psi and
loaded by all-confining pressure to 1000, 3000, and b = 17. We notice that the match is quite good. Par-
5000 psi. The pore pressure was drained during the ticularly surprising is that the exponential powers for
tests. An additional uniaxial stress was then applied the two test samples are highly consistent. We realize

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
test data 5000 psi
5000 geometric nonlinearity Mr. John Brumley at the PoroMechanics Institute
confining pressure (psi)

geometric and structural

conducted and documented the experiments. His assis-
tance is appreciated.


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Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

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