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Virtue Ethics

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Slote M 1996 Agent based virtue ethics. In: French P A, Uehling
T E Jr, Wettstein H K (eds.) Midwest Studies in Philosophy
XX. Moral Concepts. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre
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Slote M 1998a The justice of caring. Social Philosophy and Policy
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Slote M 1998b Nietzsche and virtue ethics. International Studies
in Philosophy XXX: 237
Solomon D 1988 Internal objections to virtue ethics. In: French
P A, Uehling T E Jr, Wettstein H K (eds.) Midwest Studies in
Philosophy XIII. Ethical Theory: Character and Virtue. Uni-
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Solomon R C 1998 The virtues of a passionate life: Erotic love
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Figure 1
Statman D (ed.) 1997 Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edin- Lateral view of the left hemisphere of a monkey brain.
burgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK Two of the main sulci have been opened to show the
Swanton C 1995 Profiles of the Virtues. Pacific Philosophical buried areas: the intraparietal sulcus (IPs) and the
Quarterly 76: 4772 lateral sulcus (Ls, which separates the parietal lobe
Swanton C 1997 The supposed tension between strength and from the temporal lobe). The other main sulci are the
gentleness conceptions of the virtues. Australasian Journal of central sulcus (Cs) which separates the parietal lobe
Philosophy 75: 497510 from the frontal lobe, the arcuate sulcus (As) and the
Swanton C 1998 Outline of a Nietzschean virtue ethics. principal sulcus (Ps) within the frontal lobe, and the
International Studies in Philosophy XXX: 2938
superior temporal sulcus (STs) within the temporal
Trianosky G V y 1990 What is Virtue Ethics All About?
American Philosophical Quarterly 27: 33544 lobe. The anterior part of the parietal lobe, which
Watson G 1990 On the primacy of character. In: Flanagan O, includes somatosensory areas SI and SII (in the upper
Rorty A (eds.) Identity Character and Morality: Essays in bank of the lateral sulcus), is not concerned with
Moral Psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA pp. 44569 visuomotor transformation. The posterior part of the
parietal lobe includes areas 7 and 5 on the cortical
C. Swanton surface, and the intraparietal areas (medial, lateral,
ventral, anterior intraparietal areas, respectively). The
motor strip of the frontal lobe includes the primary
motor cortex (MI, the command area), and the dorsal
and ventral premotor cortex (PMd, PMv, respectively).

Vision for Action: Neural Mechanisms ively, the posterior parietal lobe (the dorsal pathway)
and the inferotemporal cortex (the ventral pathway).
Sensory input received by the visual receptors from an Although the two pathways are densely intercon-
object in space results in a complex pattern of nected with each other, they are now viewed as
excitation from which object properties relevant to relatively independent functional entities.
different functions have to be extracted. This selection The dorsal pathway, which will be under scrutiny in
is the basis for a specific mechanism called visuomotor this article, was once considered as a space channel.
transformation, the shaping of the motor effectors Indeed, its experimental destruction in the monkey
into configurations precisely adapted to capturing, produced spatial disorientation of the animal. Later
manipulating, using, and transforming visual objects. on, a more complete description of the anatomical
In primates, the remarkable evolution of the hand into organization of the posterior parietal cortex, which is
a grasping apparatus represents an ultimate acqui- outlined in Fig. 1, led to a new conception of its
sition for skilled interaction with objects and use of functional role. First, a number a specialized areas,
tools. This article will focus on anatomical and many of them located in the intraparietal sulcus (e.g.,
functional analysis of neural mechanisms involved in LIP, MIP, AIP), were added to the classical cyto-
visuomotor transformation. architectonic areas (e.g., areas 7 and 5). Second, these
Beginning in the 1970s, the anatomical description newly described areas were found to be connected with
of cortical visual pathways in the monkey has led to motor regions of the frontal cortex. These connections
the formulation of the two visual systems model appear to be selectively organized: parietal area MIP is
(Ungerleider and Mishkin 1982). According to this preferentially connected with the upper part of the
model, the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe premotor cortex (PMd in Fig. 1), whereas AIP is
projects along two main streams that reach, respect- preferentially connected with its lower part (PMv).

Vision for Action: Neural Mechanisms

Both PMd and PMv project to the motor cortex itself, prior to the occurrence of an eye movement. This
where the commands to the relevant muscles are remapping of the representation of space in the
generated. Thus, the dorsal pathway, whereby visual parietal cortex accounts for perceptual stability of
information is transferred from the primary visual the visual scene during eye movements. In addition, the
cortex to the premotor and motor cortex, can better be existence of this mechanism demonstrates that signals
conceived as a pathway specialized for visuomotor related to the intended eye position are available to the
transformation. motor cortex. In area VIP, neuron discharges testify to
a different form of remapping. Their receptive fields
remain in the same spatial position irrespective of eye
1. A Mechanism for Reaching Objects in Visual position in the orbit. In this case, therefore, the
Extrapersonal Space receptive fields appear to be anchored, not to the eye,
but to the head, i.e., the receptive fields move across
Reaching for a visual object requires that the set of the retina when the eyes move (Duhamel et al.
coordinates in which the object-oriented movement is 1997).
computed must have its origin on the agents body Eye and head position signals, however, should not
(egocentric coordinates). This constraint stems from be sufficient in themselves for generating a directional
the fact that object position in space must be recon- signal for guiding the arm. Besides the position of the
structed by adding signals from eye, head, and body stimulus on the retina and the position of the eye in the
positions for the arm to be ultimately directed at the orbit, the position of the arm with respect to the body
proper location. Determining object position in space must also be available to the arm motor command.
by computing its retinal position alone would be This function is achieved by neurons presenting
inappropriate, because this locus in space would receptive fields in two sensory modalities. Neurons in
correspond to different retinal positions according to area MIP, for example, respond to both a localized
respective eye, head, and body positions (Jeannerod visual stimulus and a cutaneous stimulation applied to
1988). The following paragraphs describe some of the one of their hands. These bimodal neurons are strongly
mechanisms which have been identified in recent activated when the monkey reaches with that hand to
experiments in monkeys and which could account for the visual target within their receptive field (see
transforming retinal (eye centered) coordinates into Andersen et al. 1997, Colby 1998).
(body centered) egocentric coordinates. These mech- Neurons located in motor areas outside the parietal
anisms are primarily located in the intraparietal sulcus. cortex also present bimodal activation. Graziano and
An influential hypothesis proposes that the basic his colleagues found bimodal neurons in the ventral
information about where to reach for an object is the premotor cortex: these neurons, which in addition
motor command sent to the eyes to move in its encode the direction of arm movements, have tactile
direction (the eye position signal). Neurons in area 7a receptive fields and visual receptive fields that extend
have been shown to encode visual stimuli for a specific from the tactile area into adjacent space. For those
position of the eye in the orbit, i.e., they fire prefer- neurons which have their tactile receptive field on the
entially when the object stimulates a given location on arm, the visual receptive field moves when the arm is
the retina (the neurons receptive field), and when the displaced (Graziano et al. 1994). These visual receptive
gaze is fixating in that direction (Andersen and fields anchored to the arm encode visual stimulus
Mountcastle 1983). These neurons would provide a location in body (arm) coordinates and thus may
representation of visual space that could subsequently provide a solution for directional coding of reaching.
be projected to the premotor cortex for guiding the In what way does this premotor mechanism relate to
arm reach. This mechanism is apparently compatible parietal mechanisms? What is the role of connections
with the organization of visuomotor behavior: the between parietal areas and the premotor cortex? These
gaze systematically moves first to the location of the points remain unclear. It is likely that, instead of a
desired stimulus, followed by the arm movement single directional signal used for all purposes, multiple
within about 150 ms. A closer look, however, shows transformations and multiple spatial maps are gener-
that, because the motor command to the arm muscles ated and adapted to each purpose: guiding the eye,
anticipates arm displacement by about the same guiding the arm, stabilizing the visual world, etc.
amount, the motor commands to the eye and to the Data from single cell recordings are supported by
arm are in fact more or less synchronous (Biguer et al. experimental data in human studies which clearly
1982). Duhamel and his colleagues found the solution point to the parietal lobe as the site of visuomotor
to that enigma. They discovered in area LIP neurons transformation for reaching. Although human data
which fire in response to a stimulus briefly presented, are less direct than monkey data, they provide deeper
not within their receptive field, but within the area of insight into the function due to the unique human
space where their receptive field will project after an ability to execute tasks without having to learn them.
eye movement is made. This effect begins some 80 ms Functions like visually guided reaching can be
before the eye movement starts (Duhamel et al. 1992). examined in more naturalistic situations. Observation
The retinal position of receptive fields is thus modified of patients with focal posterior parietal lesions in one

Vision for Action: Neural Mechanisms

hemisphere show deep alterations of reaching move- or to the inspection of the object. Most importantly,
ments, usually limited to the hand contralateral to the neuron activity was not influenced by changing the
lesion: kinematics are altered, and large reaching position of the object in space, which suggests that
errors are observed. This misreaching is more marked they were related to distal hand and finger movements
in the condition where the visual target is presented (for which spatial position is irrelevant) rather than to
outside the fixation point and increases when the proximal (reaching) movements of the arm (Sakata et
target distance from the fixation point increases (e.g., al. 1995). Finally, a distinct population of neurons
Milner et al. 1999). These clinical findings are cor- sensitive to the 3-D orientation of the longitudinal axis
roborated by brain imaging studies (based on changes of visual stimuli was found in the caudal part of the
in localized cerebral blood flow) in normal subjects intraparietal sulcus. It is therefore likely that these
during pointing at visual targets. The activated area, in neurons process the 3-D characteristics of the object
the parietal lobe contralateral to the pointing hand, and that the output of this processing is sent to AIP.
corresponds closely to the location of lesions that Transient inactivation of the AIP region, by locally
produce misreaching (Faillenot et al. 1997). Finally, injecting a GABA agonist (muscimol), produces a
the involvement of the posterior parietal cortex in subtle change in the performance of visually guided
visuomotor control is confirmed by transcranial movements during grasping. Lack of preshaping and
magnetic stimulation (TMS). This technique allows grasping errors are observed in tasks requiring a
the application, via magnetic induction, of very brief precision grip. In addition, there is a clear-cut dis-
single shocks to a given cortical zone. When TMS was sociation of the muscimol effects on grasping, which is
applied to posterior parietal cortex shortly after onset altered, and reaching, which is preserved. These results
of a reaching movement directed to a visual target, it (Gallese et al. 1994) support the view that these parietal
prevented online corrections needed to reach the neurons play a specific role in the visual guidance of
target. TMS only affected the arm contralateral to the grasping.
stimulated cortex, which excludes the possibility that In humans, clinical observations also stress the role
the stimulation perturbed visual processing of target of the posterior parietal cortex as a structure con-
location: only the adaptation of the motor command trolling the visuomotor action of grasping. During
to the visual position of the target was perturbed prehension of objects, parietal lesioned patients show
(Desmurget et al. 1999). little or no preshaping with their contralateral hand;
they tend to open their finger grip too wide with
respect to object size and to close it only when their
2. The Case of Hand and Finger Moements fingers come into contact with the object; the
opposition axis (the axis which passes through the two
Grasping is often the ultimate achievement of opposing fingertips and the center of gravity of the
reaching. For this reason, the two functions can hardly object) is improperly oriented, which results in mis-
be dissociated. Grasping, however, relies on a quite placement of fingertips on the object surface
different system than reaching: it involves distal (Jeannerod et al. 1994). In normal subjects, the above
segments, multiple degrees of freedom, and a high brain imaging study (Faillenot et al. 1997) revealed an
degree of reliance on tactile function. It is an ensemble area specifically involved in grasping, at the ventral
of visuomotor transformations which preshape the extremity of the intraparietal sulcus, also including
hand while it is transported to the object location. part of the somatosensory area S II. It is likely that this
Preshaping deals with object features which are not cortical zone includes the human homologue of the
relevant to reaching, like object size, shape, or orien- monkey AIP area.
tation (Jeannerod et al. 1995). An intriguing question thus remains to be discussed:
Indeed, anatomical data suggest that the cortical in which system of coordinates are finger movements
pathway connecting posterior parietal and premotor during grasping coded? The main aspect of grasping,
finger areas and controlling grasping is separate from grip formation, has been described using parameters
the pathway controlling reaching. Hand movement- such as grip size, orientation of opposition axis,
related neurons were disclosed by Sakata and his number of fingers involved, etc., which, arguably,
colleagues (1995) in a small zone within the anterior should not depend on the object position in space.
part of intraparietal sulcus, corresponding to an area This is also the case for another aspect of grasping, the
(AIP) closely connected with the ventral part of the encoding of grasp and lift forces: these parameters
premotor cortex (PMv in Fig. 1). Neurons from AIP depend on visual cues for object weight, for which
were recorded in monkeys trained to manipulate object location is irrelevant. There are limits to this
various types of objects, which elicited from the animal reasoning, however. Reaching and grasping cannot be
different motor configurations of the hand: most of considered in isolation, as they represent two aspects
them were selective for grasping objects of a given of the same action, reaching to grasp an object. The
shape. Task-related neurons were classified as motor need for coordination between these two aspects
dominant or visual dominant according to whether becomes apparent when measuring the orientation of
their discharge related more to the action of grasping the opposition axis during grasping. The position of

Vision for Action: Neural Mechanisms

the fingertips on the object surface should only be visual array that is not the target for the movement is
determined by object shape and 3-D characteristics in ignored.
order to achieve a stable grasp. Paulignan et al. (1997),
however, using upright cylinders as targets (e.g., See also: Attention and Action; Eye Movements
objects affording multiple possible positions for the and Perception; Motion Perception Models; Object
fingertips) showed that orientation of the opposition Recognition: Theories; Perception and Action; Per-
axis changed as a function of the cylinder position in ceptual Organization
the workspace. This result indicates that the action of
grasping must encode not only finger movements but
also movements of the proximal joints: due to bio- Bibliography
mechanical limitations of the arm, the configuration of Andersen R A, Mountcastle V B 1983 The influence of the angle
the upper limb cannot be the same for grasping the of gaze upon the excitability of light-sensitive neurons of the
same object at two different locations. posterior parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 3: 53248
Even though reaching and grasping cannot be Andersen R A, Snyder L H, Bradley D C, Jing Xing 1997
considered as functionally independent (in spite of Multimodal representation of space in the posterior parietal
segregation of their anatomical pathways), they pro- cortex and its use in planning movements. Annual Reiew of
cess different types of information and operate at Neuroscience 20: 30330
Biguer B, Jeannerod M, Prablanc C 1982 The coordination of
different rates. Experiments using visual perturba-
eye, head and arm movements during reaching at a single
tions synchronized with movement onset clearly visual target. Experimental Brain Research 46: 3014
demonstrate this difference (Paulignan et al. 1991a, Colby C L 1998 Action-related spatial reference frames in cortex.
1991b). If, for example, the target object to be reached Neuron 20: 1524
by the subject jumps (by means of an optical device) by Desmurget M, Epstein C M, Turner R S, Prablanc C, Alexander
10 degrees to the right as the subject starts reaching in G E, Grafton S T 1999 Role of the posterior parietal cortex in
its direction, a corrective movement is produced so updating reaching movements to a visual target. Nature
that the new target is adequately reached: the first Neuroscience 2: 5637
kinematic evidence for correction occurs around Duhamel J R, Bremmer F, BenHamed S, Graf W 1997 Spatial
invariance of visual receptive fields in parietal cortex neurons.
100 ms following the perturbation. If, in another
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experiment, the object keeps the same location, but Duhamel J R, Colby C L, Goldberg M E 1992 The updating of
changes size (e.g., increases) as the subject starts to the representation of visual space in parietal cortex by
move, it takes at least 300 ms for the finger grip to intended eye movements. Science 255: 902
adjust to the changing object size. This sharp contrast Faillenot I, Toni I, Decety J, Gre! goire M C, Jeannerod M 1997
between the timing of the two types of corrections Visual pathways for object-oriented action and object rec-
accounts for the functional differences between the ognition. Functional anatomy with PET. Cerebral Cortex 7:
two components of the action. Although fast execution 7785
during reaching has an obvious adaptive value (e.g., Gallese V, Murata A, Kaseda M, Niki N, Sakata H 1994 Deficit
of hand preshaping after muscimol injection in monkey
for localizing and catching moving targets), this is not
parietal cortex. Neuroreport 5: 15259
the case for grasping, the function of which is to Graziano M S A, Yap G S, Gross C G 1994 Coding of visual
prepare fine manipulation of the object once it has space by premotor neurons. Science 266: 10546
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Goal-Directed Moements. Oxford University Press, Oxford,
3. Conclusion Jeannerod M, Arbib M A, Rizzolatti G, Sakata H 1995 Grasping
Posterior parietal cortex thus appears as a critical zone objects. The cortical mechanisms of visuomotor transform-
for organizing object-oriented action, whether move- ation. Trends in Neuroscience 18: 31420
Jeannerod M, Decety J, Michel F 1994 Impairment of grasping
ments are executed by the proximal or the distal
movements following a bilateral posterior parietal lesion.
channels. The specialization of the dorsal visual path- Neuropsychologia 32: 36980
way for visuomotor transformation is complementary Milner A D, Paulignan Y, Dijkerman H. C, Michel F, Jeannerod
with that of other brain regions, mostly located within M 1999 A paradoxical improvement of misreaching in optic
the ventral pathway, and specialized for object identifi- ataxia. New evidence for two separate neural systems for
cation and recognition. This suggests the existence of a visual localization. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B
dual mode of processing for object properties like 266: 22259
spatial location, orientation, shape, or size. Perception Paulignan Y, Frak V G, Toni I, Jeannerod M 1997 Influence of
requires that object properties are processed within object position and size on human prehension movements.
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an allocentric frame of reference, that is, independent
Paulignan Y, Jeannerod M, MacKenzie C, Marteniuk R 1991a
from the perceiver and where the relationships be- Selective perturbation of visual input during prehension
tween objects within the visual array are preserved. movements. I. The effects of changing object size. Experi-
Action, by contrast, as has been shown in this article, mental Brain Research 87: 40720
requires that information is processed within an ego- Paulignan Y, MacKenzie C, Marteniuk R, Jeannerod M 1991b
centric frame of reference where everything in the Selective perturbation of visual input during prehension

Vision for Action: Neural Mechanisms

movements. II. The effect of changing object position. When different levels are distinguished in more
Experimental Brain Research 83: 50212 recent theories, great care is taken to avoid the
Sakata H, Taira M, Murata A, Mine S 1995 Neural mechanisms assumption of strict sequential processing. However,
of visual guidance of hand action in the parietal cortex of the
the issue of where early vision ends, where high-level
monkey. Cerebral Cortex 5: 42938
Ungerleider L, Mishkin M 1982 Two cortical visual systems. In: vision starts, and how to demarcate the two has
Ingle D J, Goodale M A, Mansfield R J W (eds.) Analysis of remained important in current theorizing. Pylyshyn
Visual Behaior. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 54986 (1999) has proposed the notion of cognitive impene-
trability as the major criterion for separating early (or
M. Jeannerod low-level) vision from later (or higher-level) vision.
Early visual processes run autonomously; they cannot
be influenced by what we know about the world or
expect in a specific situation. Most aspects of visual
processing which seem cognitive (e.g., recovering
unique 3-D percepts from ambiguous 2-D inputs) are
Vision, High-level Theory of attributed to embodied natural constraints derived
from principles of optics and projective geometry,
The concept of high-level vision is used to denote internal to the visual mechanisms themselves. Only
aspects of vision that are influenced by information effects of object-specific beliefs on earlier visual pro-
stored in memory such as an objects identity, its cessing would count as cognitive penetration. A large
name, or the context in which it belongs. It is usually number of so-called top-down effects of higher-level
distinguished from low-level visual processing, which processes on early vision are then explained as effects
is driven primarily by the visual input. High-level of attention (preceding early vision) or as post-
vision involves functions such as object recognition, perceptual effects on the decision stage based on the per-
face perception, mental imagery, picture naming, ceptual output. For example, perceptual learning,
visual categorization, or scene perception. perceptual expertise and effects of categorization on
discrimination might be attributed to learning to focus
attention to the important features or attributes of a
1. Background stimulus. Semantic effects of the context of the whole
scene (e.g., a kitchen) on the identification of the
In hierarchical models of vision (e.g., Marr 1982, see objects embedded within the scene (e.g., bread) have
also Marr, Daid (194580)), higher levels of visual been shown to result from response bias rather than
processing operate on the building blocks delivered by from genuine perceptual effects (e.g., Henderson and
more primitive visual mechanisms. In Marrs ap- Hollingworth 1999).
proach to perception, each stage has its own algo- Implicit in Pylyshyns (1999) effort to delineate early
rithms and its own format of representing processing vision from cognitive influences is his beliefperhaps
output. The primal sketch represents the basic features shared by many vision scientiststhat real scientific
and their spatial relations (low-level vision) and the progress is possible only in early vision. Arguably,
2,5-D sketch represents surfaces and shapes from the however, in recent years considerable progress has
observers viewpoint (intermediate-level vision). been made in the area of high-level vision as well (e.g.,
Recognition, that is, matching of object descriptions Edelman 1999, Ullman 1996). Most of this progress
stored in visual memory with visual input, Marr has been made in object recognition, and, thus, this
believed only possible when the full 3-D structure of topic will be covered predominantly (see also Binocular
an object and its components is represented in a so- Space Perception Models).
called 3-D object model (high-level vision).
Marrs approach has been highly influential as a
framework to integrate disparate work on the pro- 2. Object Recognition
cessing of, among others, luminance, texture, shad-
ing, color, stereo, or motion (see Palmer 1999).
2.1 Biederman (1987)
However, his assumption of strictly bottom-up pro-
cessing in sequential stages has gradually lost attrac- Object recognition concerns the identification of an
tion. One reason for this theoretical evolution has object as a specific entity (i.e., semantic recognition) or
been the increased popularity in the 1980s of so-called the ability to tell that one has seen the object before
interactive activation models in which different levels (i.e., episodic recognition). Interest in object recog-
of processing interact with one another (see also nition is at least partly caused by the development of a
Connectionist Approaches; Artificial Neural Networks: new theory of human object recognition by Biederman
Neurocomputation): Partial outputs from lower-level (1987). Building on Marrs recognition ideas, where
processes initiate higher-level processes and the out- perceptually derived 3-D volumetric descriptions are
puts of higher-level processes feed back into the lower- matched to those stored in memory, Biederman in
level processes. addition incorporated Gestalt principles of perceptual


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International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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