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What is ELPAC?

ELPAC stands for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California.
ELPAC will replace CELDT and act as its successor. It is aligned with the 2012
California ELD standards and is intended to be more effective and in-line with the
current systems of identification, support, and reclassification of non-English
language speakers. The test will have two purposes, for initial identification as well
as for annual summative assessment, similar to the CELDT. It measures students in
the same four domains, reading, writing, speaking, and listening, but will now
measure students on four performance levels instead of five. The grade spans for
which they examine student data and performance have also been adjusted and
there are now seven spans. The idea is that it provides more choice in supporting
students and reflects more accurate and current data by which to support students
as well. There is also the possibility of allowing students to use computer-based
testing, rather than simply paper and pencil. Student abilities are measured by
completing various tasks in each domain and then they are assessed based on their
performance and there performance now has additional descriptors by which to
better assess student abilities in various ways (e.g. emerging, expanding, bridging
which each detailed across three modes of communication: collaborative,
interpretive, and productive.)

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