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Foundation for Indian Scientific Heritage®,Suratkal

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12 Layers of DNA(reproduced from)
Lee Carroll
It was about four years ago when Kryon told me that I would channel the purpose
and details of each of the 12 interdimensional layers of DNA, and that it would
be given over a period of time. This was something I was prepared and ready for,
but then he told me that to enhance each layer, I would be given the Hebrew phr
ases that would best describe them. I was nervous about that and told Kryon I co
uldn't really do that since I don't even speak the language. Kryon then told me
that each layer had "The Name of God" in Hebrew and that these names were alread
y prepared, and I could have them in advance. I liked that, since I don't speak
Hebrew and have no insights as to any Hebrew meanings. However, it was not as si
mple as "go find the list." (It never is... sigh.)
DNA has never had these esoteric interpretations before. In addition, they corre
spond with some Lemurian names (a language not in existence anymore), and they r
elate strongly to numerology and the energies of numbers. Numerology is a very o
ld science. The spiritual study of numbers goes way back in history and there's
evidence of numerology in most all-sacred scriptures of the world. For more info
rmation about the history of numerology, please see [numerology history].
These things are extremely esoteric, and very controversial because of this. One
person's revelation about all this DNA information is another person's foolishn
ess. As it should be, spiritual perceptions are personal. The things that cannot
be proven in empirical ways are proven only through the intuition and discernme
nt of those doing the viewing. Many will find treasures in what others feel is a
hocus pocus junk heap of meaningless information. That's why I have always said
that if it's junk to you, then you should not spend another moment here. Let th
is be instead for those who wish to discern the truth and are willing to let a h
igher spiritual connection work with them on it. This is not a doctrine that we
wish anyone to believe who isn't ready to do so.
My "spiritual mother" is the teacher, Barbra. This is Barbra Dillenger, who live
s in Del Mar, California, and was supportive in helping this non-believing engin
eer get a grip on his spiritual gifts. Barbra was the one who encouraged me when
I wondered what kind of a track I was on, and if any of it was real or not. Ind
eed, history has shown that the Kryon work is valid and needed to be done, and I
attribute this in part to a few very pivotal moments when I could have gone eit
her way, but where Barbra showed me the wisdom I needed to hear.
Kryon told me to, "Go to Barbra," regarding the missing pieces I would need for
the DNA channelling to come. When I scheduled a meeting with her, she was puzzle
d for a moment, since she didn't feel that she had anything I needed. She then r
emembered that she had an old, obscure book, out of print, called, The 72 Divine
Names (Of The Myriad Expressions Of The Living God) by Dr. J. J. Hurtak. The 72
names of God were originally decoded from letters found in a biblical passage d
escribing Moses' miraculous parting of the Red Sea. They have become a very prof
ound study within the Kabbalah studies. They are also named in a very popular bo
ok by Yehudah Berg. But I liked the listing in the Hurtak book that Barbra had.
Hurtak is the author of the very famous metaphysical book The Keys of Enoch, and
is a very respected scientist and spiritual historian. I wondered what the book
would tell me. I quickly found out, since the book was really big, and was a be
autiful exposure of the 72 names of God, as presented in history, and given agai
n by J.J. Hurtak.
I took the book in my hands and asked Kryon, "What now?"
Kryon said, "Twelve of the 72 names are the names of DNA layersà learn them." Natu
rally, I asked, "Which ones?" With this, I only got that nice, warm Kryon smile
energy that I always get, when Kryon won't answer a direct question at that mome
nt. I understood it. I would have to just "know" it when I saw it. Again, for th
ose of you who don't know my work that well, this is often the way Spirit works.
We are expected to do the intuitive work with our own spiritual gifts, so that
what we develop turns about to be something we did instead of having it handed t
o us on a plate. It's part of "self empowerment" that Kryon teaches all the time
The first task was to cull out the 12 names from the 72. I did it intuitively, r
eading each name and sensing the energy around it. This was the first time I eve
r had to try to sense the energy of words I could not pronounce but could see on
the page. Kryon was with me here, and I carefully wrote down the 12 names, but
nothing else.
I had my 12 Hebrew names, but I was not happy. First, it seemed like cheating th
at I would have these Hebrew names in advance of a channelling. I didn't know wh
at names went with what layers, but still, I had them in advance of something th
at in the past has always been "at the moment" and impromptu, as the channelling
process naturally is. Later, I also realized that since I don't speak Hebrew, n
ot only would I need the names in advance, but I would need coaching to help my
English mouth pronounce Hebrew names.
I spoke to Kryon... I do that a bunch... but I had a very important question: "A
re these names really needed? It would be so much easier not to have them involv
ed. After all, who really will relate to this? It's the information about each l
ayer that's important, not the Hebrew name. It could easily be presented without
the Hebrew and nobody would care." It just seemed to me that to add that extra
to it... and something I had in advance... would not be required.
This is when Kryon told me that these "core language" names [as he calls Hebrew]
were important to the process. DNA is filled with divinity, he has said, but wh
at really got my attention is when the scientist Gregg Braden came along. He pro
foundly confirmed the connection for me in his book, The God Code. Here, Gregg u
sed a process called Gematria to translate chemistry into Hebrew characters usin
g the periodic table of elements. The surprise he received (and against all odds
of chance, in my opinion) was a code in DNA that actually spelled out a sacred
Hebrew name that means "The God Within," as the first chemical sequence of every
protein-encoded DNA segment of life. Now that's amazing! It was Kryon's wink th
at said, "See? The Hebrew is important in DNA."
So, there I was with 12 Hebrew Names. Then along comes Ilan. Ilan Cohen is my Is
raeli host. He has taken me and the Kryon team to Israel twice now, and Hebrew i
s his first language. Since he now lives in the U.S.A. (Sedona, Arizona), workin
g with Peggy Phoenix Dubro of the EMF Balancing Technique and married to her dau
ghter Shana, he was available to be my Hebrew speaking coach. It's Ilan's voice
you hear on the Website as you click the names to hear them. Those who speak Heb
rew will tell me that he wasn't very successful as a coach (OK, OK... so it soun
ds really bad, but I'm from Southern California), but at least I tried. The mean
ing of each Hebrew name was also channelled at the moment. In reviewing the mean
ings given by Hurtak, they are sometimes similar, and sometimes not. So it reall
y is specifically about DNA, and not about Hurtak's work.
Each time I would channel a new layer (or layers) of DNA, Kryon would tell me a
few weeks before which of the 12 I would be channelling. I would quickly call Il
an and he would teach me how to say them (whew!). So when you hear me in channel
, you know that I have already had the name to practice with, even without any o
f the other information, or in many cases without the number of the layer, eithe
r. When we got down to the last few names on the list, naturally I knew what was
left, but still didn't know the exact layersà numbers.
This proceeded for the last three years until we got to the final two layers, wh
ich were presented in Mt. Shasta in June 2006. What I didn't expect that day was
a full synopsis, complete with Lemurian translations, numerological assignments
, sub groupings and a revelation about a special spiritual code! (Read the trans
cript or listen to the channeling for more on that.)
Yes, it's going to be a book, and Ilan will supply the graphics, since he is the
artist who intuitively received the patterns that go with the names. I think hi
s Hebrew will help, too à not to mention that he was born in Israel.
So it is now complete, and I wish to give credit to Ilan Cohen, Barbra Dillenger
and J.J. Hurtak (who had no idea of his help). Sometimes Spirit uses many sourc
es that end up in a single project. This was the case this time, and I just want
ed you to know some of the profound help I received in this endeavor.
Blessings to you all,
Lee Carroll
The Twelve Layers of DNA: In the last years, Kryon has identified all the layers
of the interdimensional 12-layer DNA matrix. In every case, these are recorded
in various channeling which are now referenced on each layer's page (below). Man
y have asked for a summary of this study, and so here it is!
Hebrew Spelling and Meanings of the DNA Layer Names
Ilan Dubro-Cohen & Levia Valero
From Kryon Book 10: According to Kryon, the literal meaning of the Hebrew names
is not essential for understanding the names of the DNA layers, and in some case
s the Hebrew meanings are different. Kryon presents these Hebrew words as "sacre
d names" of the layers of the DNA, and explains their meaning in the context of
sacredness. Kryon refers to the Hebrew language as being the... "current core sp
iritual language of the earth" and "each name is meant to be heard as a spoken p
hrase, strung together for the full meaning in Hebrew." According to Kryon, the
meaning of the spoken Hebrew word lies in its energy, and therefore these Hebrew
names should be spoken or heard as intended in Hebrew. Sound files are included
in each layer below.
Guided by this approach, the spelling chosen for the Hebrew names is as close as
possible to the phonetic pronunciation of the Hebrew words, with the intent to
maintain the energy that these words carry when spoken. There are several ways o
f rendering Hebrew vowels and consonants into Latin letters. As a result of Jews
originating from all over the world, the individual's native tongue exerts cons
iderable influence on the spelling and pronunciation of the Hebrew words. In the
process of transliterating Hebrew words into the English alphabet, some form of
compromise was required. We did not go into an academic discussion on the subje
ct and kept the explanations regarding the pronunciation as simple as possible f
or the reader. The main guideline we followed was to reflect the pronunciation o
f these names in English rather then having them written "correctly" grammatical
ly. For those of you who wish to expand your knowledge of the Hebrew language an
d its various pronunciation styles, you will find numerous books on the subject
and various resources on the Internet.
The following is a simple guide for the pronunciation of the Hebrew DNA names. L
etters that are not listed are pronounced approximately the same as in English.
Also included is the very basic information of the function of the layers, as Kr
yon gave them over four years
This layer represents the biological Double Helix. It is the Master biological r
ecord of this life time. It is a "one" in numerology and therefore has an energy
meaning of "New Beginnings." It is the 4-D and also multiple-D instruction set
for the other 11 layers. Three percent of the instructions in this "Human Genome
" are for the protein encoding layers. The rest is a massive interaction with th
e remaining interdimensional layers of DNA.
All the layers are "names of God" in Hebrew... and some were also givin in Lemur
Layer One is part of the first three, which are the "GROUNDING LAYERS"
e as in met.
r - Pronounced as something between the English r and the guttural French r.
Accent first syllable.
e as in met.
tz - Like ts in cats. Pronounced like a strong "tz" or "ts," as one sound.
ch = (guttural) A sound produced through the use of throat and back of the palat
e, much like in the pronunciation of Bach in Johann Sebastian Bach or the Jewish
holiday Hanukah (this ch sound is not in standard English).
a as in bard
Accent second syllable.


Layer Two is what Kryon calls "The life-lesson layer." This is the 4D relationsh
ip to the interdimensional layer 8, (which is the Akashic record of our lifetime
s on earth.) Layer 2 plus layer 8 equal the number 10. This is a "one" in numero
logy and represents "New Beginnings" just like layer one does.
Layer Two is part of the first three, which are the "GROUNDING LAYERS"
o as in core
r - Pronounced as something between the English r and the guttural French r.
a as in bard
Accent second syllable.
e as in met
r - Pronounced as something between the English r and the guttural French r.
Accent first syllable.
phi like feel
o as in core
Accent second syllable.

Layer Three is "The Ascension Layer." However it is only the one which "points"
to the interdimensional layers that really provide ascension status. The number
three is a "catalyst" in numerology and it works with DNA layer number 6, the Pr
ayer and Communications layer. This creates a 9 (3+6), which means "completion"
in numerology. It also somehow is affiliated with the Pineal gland, according to
Layer Three is part of the first three, which are the "GROUNDING LAYERS"
e as in met
tz - Is like ts in cats. Pronounced like a strong "tz" or "ts," as one sound.
a as in bard
ch = (guttural) A sound produced through the use of throat and back of the palat
e, much like in the pronunciation of Bach in Johann Sebastian Bach or the Jewish
holiday Hanukah (this ch sound is not in standard English).
Accent first syllable.
e as in met
r - Pronounced as something between the English r and the guttural French r.
Accent third syllable.
e as in met
li like lee
a as in bard
hu like hoo
Accent third syllable.

These two layers together (4 and 5) are your interdimensional Akash, or your rec
ord of who you are in the Universe, and where you have been. It's also your name
on the crystal in the "cave of Creation." Together these layers equal the numbe
r nine... again, meaning completion.
Layer Four is part of the second three layers, which are the "HUMAN DIVINITY GRO

u like in tool
rim like reem
r - Pronounced as something between the English r and the guttural French r.
Accent second syllable.
e as in met
u like in tool
mim like meem

These two layers together (4 and 5) are your interdimensional Akash, or your rec
ord of who you are in the Universe, and where you have been. It's also your name
on the crystal in the "cave of Creation." Together these layers equal the numbe
r nine... again, meaning completion.
Layer Five is part of the second three layers, which are the "HUMAN DIVINITY GRO
UP" [4-5-6]
A like ah
e as in met
Accent first syllable.
tz - Is like ts in cats. Pronounced like a strong "tz" or "ts," as one sound.
A like ah
do as in doe
Nai like in night
Accent third syllable.

Layer Six is the "Higher-Self" layer. It is Prayer and Communication layer, crit
ical to everything divine. It is the conduit... the pipeline. It works best with
layer 3 (the ascension layer). Numerologically a six means "Communication, Bala
nce, and Harmony."
Layer Six is part of the second three layers, which are the "HUMAN DIVINITY GROU
eh - e as in met
yeh - e as in met
A - as in ah
she - e as in met
r - pronounced as something between the English r and the gutteral French r.
Accent second syllable
eh - e as in met
yeh - e as in met

Layer Seven is one of three Lemurian layers. It is also part of an important pai
r... 7 and 8. These are "The Lemurian Pair Layers." This is one of the two given
to us by the Pleiadians as a divine complement to the Earth's normal DNA progre
ssion. It's Lemurian name, Hoa, Yawee, Maru, is the description of the intuitive
interdimensional sense that Lemurians had, and also means "Revealed Divinity."
Layer Seven is part of the third group of three layers, which are the "LEMURIAN
GROUP" (7-8-9)
ka - as in bard
du - like do in "to do"
mah - like in Ma
Accent second syllable
E - e as in met
lo - o like in Lord
him - like in him
Accent third syllable
Layer Eight is one of three Lemurian layers. It is also part of an important pai
r... 7 and 8. These are "The Lemurian Pair Layers." This is one of the two given
to us by the Pleiadians as a divine complement to the Earth's normal DNA progre
ssion. It's Lemurian name, Akee, Yawee, Fractua (sometimes Fractus), means Recor
d of the Masters, and has the energy of "Wisdom and Responsibility." This layer
IS the MASTER AKASHIC RECORD of your lifetimes on earth. It has more meanings th
an any layer.
Layer Eight is part of the third group of three layers, which are the "LEMURIAN
GROUP" (7-8-9)
r - pronounced as something between the English r and the guttural French r.
o - as in core
ch - (guttural) A sound produced throught the use of throat and back of the pala
te, much like in the pronunciation of Bach or the Jewish holiday Hanukah (this c
h sound is not in standard English).
e - as in met
Accent second syllable
Layer Nine is the "healing layer, also Lemurian, but very Human (not Pleiadeian)
. It is the one that is responsible for miraculous healing, and is the antenna o
f DNA in an interdimensional way, that "talks" to layer one and provides a 4D re
sponse to the Human body (healing). It is also represented by the Violet Flame,
of St. Germain. Some call it "Intelligent Human Cell activation." It "listens" f
or harmony, according to Kryon, to activate healing.
Layer Nine is part of the third group of three layers, which are the "LEMURIAN G
ROUP" (7-8-9)

e - as in met
ch - (guttural) A sound produced through the use of throat and back of the palat
e, much like in the pronunciation of Bach in Johann Sebastian Bach or the Jewish
Hanukah (this ch sound is not in standard English).
i - like in be
a - as in bard
e - as in met
Accent third syllable
Layer Ten is also called "The Divine Source of Existence" by Kryon. The ten redu
ces to a one in numerology, again indicating the energy of "new beginnings." It
is the first of the divine, "God layers" that represent the "call to understandi
ng your divinity." The God layers are "action layers" because they facilitate th
e divine within, thereby facilitating enlightenment and remembrance of who you a
Layer Ten is part of the forth group of three layers, which are the "GOD GROUP"

va - as in vamoose
yik - as in yield
r - pronounced as something between the English r and the guttural French r
a - as in arc
Accent second syllable.
Layer Eleven is not about goddess energy or even about female energy. The Hebrew
name has no feminine connotation in that language. Instead, Kryon indicates tha
t this "Wisdom of the Divine Feminine" is the energy of pure compassion, and is
what is missing in the duality balance of the earth at this moment. Perhaps the
prophet Micha was wise in this area? It is the layer that became enhanced with t
he Venus Transit of 2005, and it is the true secret of peace on earth. Human Bei
ngs with this layer enhanced are balanced with the masculine and feminine dualit
y energy. It is one of the "God Layers" which is being enhanced in these times,
in preparation for 2012. You can see the struggle all over earth, with those who
wish to conquer (the masculine-heavy old energy) and those who wish to balance
and compromise (the new balance). This truly is one of the main layers that is c
hanging the most, and will be the one that is most obvious in the personalties o
f the new leaders of this planet. Watch for a more balanced leadership all over
the earth. (Lee notes: Please God... let it be soon!)
Layer Eleven is part of the forth group of three layers, which are the "GOD GROU
P" (10-11-12))
ch = (guttural) A sound produced through the use of throat and back of the palat
e, much like the pronunciation of Bach in Johann Sebastian Bach or the Jewish ho
liday Hanukah (this ch sound is not in standard English).
o as in core
mah as in manifest
mi as in middle
ch = (guttural) A sound produced through the use of throat and back of the palat
e, much like the pronunciation of Bach in Johann Sebastian Bach or the Jewish ho
liday Hanukah (this ch sound is not in standard English).
a as in arc
hal as in al
li like lay
lu as in loo
The channelling that has the presentation of this layer is called:
"Shasta DNA 2006," given at the annual Mt. Shasta Summer Light conference, and y
ou can HEAR it here
if you have a fast Internet connection (MP3 file).
Free audio of DNA Mt. Shasta Channelling 2006
Layer Twelve is very simple. It's the God layer, the most divine, and truly the
layer which is "The God Within." There are many divine layers, but this one is 1
2... the last and highest in vibration of all of them. What does it do? Kryon sa
ys, "Don't look for these layers to do anything, any more than your home does so
mething. It provides you with peace, shelter, and a feeling of being home. Let t
he God layer be home for all of you."
Layer Twleve is part of the forth group of three layers, which are the "GOD GROU
P" (10-11-12))
e as in met
Sha as in sharp
dai as in dye
My Comment:
Spiritual Traditions across the globe have the discipline of counting the beads
telling the holy names of God. These names do have their impact on all layers of
the individual being. The Vedic Mantras are series of frequencies in Sanskrit l
anguage which do not have problems related to arbitrary phonetic articulations.
I mean, letters and syllables of Sanskrit are perfectly true to natural physiolo
gical efforts conveyed by and through the script.
A life of 100years, the normal life-span of a human being as stated in the Vedic
Mantras consists of 36000 days and 36000 nights, 360 being the unit of 1 year.
1000 names - which affect 72000(36000on the left and 36000 on the right of the s
pinal cord) psychic naadis in the human body - are part of the daily routine cha
nts in the traditional homes in India. This and many other simple (to those who
know Sanskrit) practices ensure longevity, health and happiness. Listening to th
ese names by itself activate the naadis and energize them. is a website maintained by a senior scientist retired from TIF
R. Those of you who would like to get free downloads of audio files of chants ma
y try.(This website is under maintenance)

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