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Group 1 Introduce Sort 13

Group 1

Materials Multiple copies of sort 13 with headings, magnetic

letters/boards, word works notebooks, glue stick
Discuss homophones (words spelled differently that mean the
same thing) main - important and mane hair on lion or
horses head/neck; tale and tail
In this sort you will be identifying the short A and long A sound
Sound Sort
o Say bl a ck. Is this a short a or long a sound?
o Say r ai n. Is this a short a or long a sound?
o Ask students to help sort words (short a and long a)
black, rain, flash, frame, chain, place, camp, train, blame
Pattern Sort
o What do you notice about the words in the long a column?
Could we put any of these words together? How?
Two ways to make the long vowel (say its name)
magic e and ai
Split long a column (ex. CVCe space and CVVC
Keep an eye out for 2 oddballs these words have
CVC and CVVC patterns, but they do not have the
expected sounds (said and want).
Best friend club has to have sound and has
to spell with the pattern
Graph Words
o Ai and magic e words - Brain, mane, main, space, chain,
Draw e small and draw an arrow to the a
Ai underline and arrow to the a
Copy sort in word works notebooks

Additional practice with magnetic letters Group 1

Practice building additional words: lamp, braid, blame, faint,
crane, main
o Short a vs. long a
If long a magic e or ai?
Group 2 Introduce Sort 17
Group 2

Materials Multiple copies of sort 17 with headings, dry erase board

and marker, word works notebooks, glue stick
o Write on white board bred and bread (food that is eaten)
o Which looks right?
Lets look at the examples head and dream
o You will notice that they both have the ea spelling
pattern, but one word (head) has a short e sound, and the
other word (dream) has a long e sound
o Ea can have either the short e or long e sound
o It is likely that you have seen many of these words before,
listen to the word in your head before you sort it
Pattern Sort Short e (CVC) Short e (CVVC) Long e (CVVC-ee)
Long e (CVVC-ea)
o Show categories to students and sort one word into each
category as a group Note there are no odballs
o Have students complete the sort independently and check
their work
Graph Words
o Breath, sweet, beach, head
Copy sort in word works notebooks

Word Works Week 4

Group 3 Sort 25 (Week 4 Monday)
Group 3
Materials Multiple copies of sort 25 with headings, dry erase board
and marker, word works notebooks, glue stick
Discuss homophones Many homophones in this sort
o Pare, pair, pear
o Stare, stair
o Bare, bear
o Fare, fair
o Hare, hair
These words have the Bossy r sound
First sort words by sounds words that sound like are in the
middle and words that sound like air in the middle
Sort by spelling pattern show categories and oddballs
o Have students complete the sort independently and check
their work
o Ask if they notice any pattern in the oddballs pear, bear,
and wear have ear pattern but have long a sound, not a
long e sound
Graph Words
o Dark, stare use in sentence, pair use in sentence
Copy sort in word works notebooks

Week 4 Tuesday
Group 1 Sort 13 Assessment
Materials WTW book, paper, pencils, folders, pens

Standards L.2.3 Use knowledge of language and its

conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Lesson objective Students will demonstrate their knowledge of
spelling patterns that make the short A and long A sounds.
Provide objective Today in small group we will be assessing
your knowledge of spelling patterns that make the short A and
long A sounds. Pay close attention to the sound and if the words
look like they are spelled correctly.
o Set up private offices (folders), and make sure each
student has a pencil. Have students split their paper into 3
sections (with an additional space for oddballs) labeled
CVC, CVCe, and CVVC. I will read the words, students will
sort them into the proper category and spell them. Words
(some words from sort, some additional words): lamp,
paste, claim, said (oddball from sort), braid, paste, waste,
paint, rain, glad I will also write words on dry erase
o Sentence
o Collect pencils and folders
o Hand out pens students check their work
o Instruct students to re-write any words that they misspell
o Dismiss students for choice reading

Week 4 - Wednesday
Group 2 Sort 17 Assessment
Materials WTW book, paper, pencils, folders, pens

Standards L.2.3 Use knowledge of language and its

conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Lesson objective Students will demonstrate their knowledge of
the short E (CVC and CVVC) and the long E (CVVC).
Provide objective - Today in small group we will be assessing
your knowledge of spelling patterns that make the short E and
long E sounds. Pay close attention to the sound and if the words
look like they are spelled correctly.
o Set up private offices (folders), and make sure each
student has a pencil. Have students split their paper into 4
sections labeled short e CVC, short e CVVC, long e
CVVC ee, and long e CVVC ea (MODEL). I will read the
words, students will sort them into the proper category
and spell them. Words (some words from sort, some
additional words): when, dead, trees, seat, greet, breeze,
health, leak I will also write words on a dry erase board
o Sentence
o Collect pencils and folders
o Hand out pens students check their work
o Instruct students to re-write any words that they misspell
o Dismiss students for choice reading

Week 4 Thursday
Group 3 Sort 25 Assessment
Materials WTW book, paper, pencils, folders, pens

Standards L.2.3 Use knowledge of language and its

conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Lesson objective Students will demonstrate their knowledge of
the ar, are, and air (bossy r spellings)
Provide objective - Today in small group we will be assessing
your knowledge of spelling patterns that make the bossy r sound
ar, are, and air. Pay close attention to the sound and if the
words look like they are spelled correctly.
o Set up private offices (folders), and make sure each
student has a pencil. Have students split their paper into 3
sections with additional space for oddballs. I will read the
words, and students will sort them into the proper
category and spell them. Words (some words from sort,
some additional words): scar, dark, glare, rare, spare,
dark, square, pair (homophone use in sentence) I will
also write words on a dry erase board
o Sentence
o Collect pencils and folders
o Hand out pens students check their work
o Instruct students to re-write any words that they misspell
o Dismiss students for choice reading

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